OnlyWire Review – How To Get Social Bookmark Backlinks For Your Blog Posts.

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OnlyWire Review Justin Temple

Hey it’s Justin, in this “Onlywire Review” we are going to be sharing how you can get social media backlinks for your blog posts. If you haven’t heard of OnlyWire before it is one of the most commonly refereed to tools online. If someone has a blog they probably use OnlyWire for auto content syndication. How can OnlyWire help you with your content and ranking goals? Let’s go over the key benefits plus functions of this tool and see if it’s the right tool for your online business in this OnlyWire Review.

What is OnlyWire? This tool is a set and forget content syndication platform. What it does is it sends your RSS Feed content out to a variety of social media sites. That means each blog post you write and publish will be submitted to 35 social networks. I personally have it set to 26 networks. This gives you up to 35 powerful high pr backlinks from social media networks. That is a great start to getting ranked in the search engines but might not be enough for a majority of keywords worth the effort. So how can you get more quality backlinks from Onlywire?

Rss Freeds With an OnlyWire account you can add 3 Feeds. If you have the maximum package you can add unlimited feeds. But the cool part is that if you add your blog post feed, Youtube feed and Facebook page feed… By updating your sites your updates will be shared to all of OnlyWires social networks. So that means if you do a blog post, turn it into a video and post it on Facebook. All 3 of those platforms will get backlinks and they all connect to your content if you set up your posts the proper way with your link.

That means: 35 backlinks to your blog 35 backlinks to your Youtube video 35 backlinks to your Fan Page update. This is all done on complete autopilot within your back office. Just do it one time and forget it.

Benefits of OnlyWire

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
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