Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2019 Justin Wang
955850 Joel Collins + Studio 21
Week One
Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.
According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)
The diagram is a schemetic tool to represent relationships and prescribe performance in space. It is used to communicate ideas and concepts of a design specific to a temperal frame or time and a particular space or location. It is made to clearly demonstrate and visualise the form and structure of the parts in a space. On the other hand, signs and symbols are more like abstract representation of the qualities, functions and properties of a certain object. Their forms do not have a binding relationships with the content. Signs and symbols play a representional role for their dynamic objects while diagrams help to visualise relationship of forms in a space.
Week One
Precedent Analysis
Top Left: Modelling three spheres from the data given on the picture in plan view. Top Right: Modelling a 8m x 8m x 4m cube and ‘boolean difference’ the spheres out. Bottom Left: Projecting the curves on the curvature to create ribs.
Fig. 1 Saieh, Nico. 2012. Venice Blennale 2012: Radix / Ares Mateus. Archdaily.
When modelling this Pavilion, I first used ‘Picture’ command in rhino and put the instruction pictures in. I modelled the spheres and the cubic box. Then I used ‘Boolean difference’ tool to hollow out the volume to get the basic shape of the pavilion. To model the ribs on curvature, I used ‘ArrayPolar’ command to generate a cycle of 32 curves and project on to the curvature.
Week Two
Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discusses how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)
Herzberger suggests that it is important to create an effective structure or space of multiple uses. Extreme functionality constrains the design and makes it inflexible. The design should consider affordance or possibilities that people might use it for so that it leaves the design freedom to foster divergent use. The Radix Pavilion is a very good representation of this statement. The simple geometric shape of it leaves the people with freedom to use the structure as they please. The hollowed out spherical void under the cover of a massy solid creates soft thresholds. The varying heights and scales of the spherical space also creates varying sense of privacy and allows for divergent uses in the space.
Week Two
Radix Isometric I aim to clearly demostrate the form, geometry, material, function and context of the Radix pavilion. This isometric drawing is a north-east view of the structure. I chose this view because it is the best angle to show the structure, geometry and its context environment. The modelling process was as shown above including subtracting three spheres from a cube and projecting a cycle of lines onto the curvature to create ribs. The materiality is shown through the use of texture and colours to indicate the weathering steel on the outside and copper on the inside. Hidden lines are shown in white dotted lines to visualise hollow spaces. White lines are clearer to visualise in the contrast of the dark color on the outer surface. Through modelling, I gained an understanding of the how the circulation and threshold is formed by the structure design. The height, scale or geometry impacts the accessibility and intimacy of a space. They also allow divergent uses or affordance of the pavilion. The key concept of the precedent study is to gain an understanding of diagram, functionality, construction, circulation and threshold through 3D modelling. Also to practice the skills to better present the ideas and concepts using isometric diagrams. The thresholds are created softly by the outline of the cut-out spheres where different extents of threshold depend on the height and shadows. The pavilion itself also provides a threshold between the river and land. Circulations inform the design to utilise the space at the river bank to suggest people to walk through or sit by the water in the pavilion.
Week Two
The circulation diagram shows the movement of people through the Radix pavilion which is determined by the structure of the pavilion. This informs us the usage and functionality of the pavilion.
Soft thresholds are created by the inner domes. Different heights forms different extent of privacy and accessibility. The spherical cut-outs are shown to help understand the structure and suggest the void space.
Import instruction pictures into rhino using ‘Picture’ command and model the spheres from plan view according to the data given.
Model the basic cube shape
Use the ‘Boolean Difference’ tool to subtract the spherical shapes and result in the geometry of the pavilion.
Use ‘ArrayPolar’ command to create a circle of 32 curves(counted a quarter of sphere has 8 ribs). Then put them under the pavilion at the right location.
Appendix Process
Use ‘Project’ Command to project the curves onto the curvature. If the location of the curves are correct then the projected result should be correct.
Select and adjust an isometric view and make 2D. It is important to tick show hidden lines.
Export the make 2D into ai file at a scale of 1:50.
Adjust the line widths of the make2D in illustrator and fill gradient to show difference in materials. The hidden lines are shown in white doted lines to better visualise the geometry. Shadows are also traced over a render picture exported from rhino.
Make2D a worm sight view to better demostrate the inner structure. Adjust the linewids and gradients in illustrator.
Apply textures to better suggest the materiality of the pavilion and the context.
Analyse and create circulation paths to indicate the movement in space. Showing where the pavilion contacts with the ground also helps to visualise the circulation in the structure.
Using gradient to demonstrate the accessbility or the intimacy of the space. The darker the colour is, the less accessible it is. The closer to the center the lower the height is, therefore the more private or less accessible the space is.
Reference Image reference: Figure 1: Saieh, Nico. 2012. Venice Blennale 2012: Radix / Ares Mateus. Archdaily. https://www.archdaily. com/267567/venice-biennale-2012-radix-aires-mateus/bnl_aima_10
Research Reference: “Venice Biennale 2012: Radix/Aires Mateus,” David Basulto, Archdaily, August 28, 2012, “RADIX” BY AIRES MATEUS IN THE VENECE BIENNALE” Carmen Ruiz, Metalocus, October 10 2012 https://