Just Jordan April 2017

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Issue #

JUST Jordan


Introduction Hello everyone and welcome to my Easter edition of “Just Jordan”. by Jordan Fernando Firstly I’d like to wish my strong inspirational Mum get well wishes. Sadly she’s been in hospital having an operation, so Get Well Soon Mum, I love you! Again am elated with the response about my “JUST Jordan” group and newsletter, so thank you all from the bottom of my heart! I’ve continued with a similar layout however this month is all about one of my favourite times of the year….Easter. The main cover photo is of my 2 pet dogs Angus and Bruno who always manage to make me laugh on a daily basis and I love them dearly. As always please do keep your feedback and messages coming,

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it’s a pleasure hearing from each and everyone of you! I hope that you will tell all your friends & family about “JUST Jordan”. You will find information on my “JUST Jordan” Facebook/Twitter page and how to contact me details are also enclosed. As always I look forward to your feedback, submissions and questions for my May edition.

Jordan Fernando xx



Easter Art Corner

SAM Radio Interview

“JUST Jordan” Easter Poet

“ “JUST Jordan” Birthday Surprise



Issue #

stressed just keep it low key for now. Talk with your children about their feelings and how you can help them to have the best day with everyone. Like me your child may need regular quiet breaks during the day, as just being out of the usual routine can be very difficult for them, so bear that in mind for any parties.

No matter what age I am I will always love Easter, its a fun day for me and my family and a bit of a tradition now which am glad we've kept as it’s definately one I'll keep going when I'm a Mum. From as young as I can remember I loved to have an egg hunt with my Sister Aaron but I'd usually race to fill my basket as am just too darn competitive!

Not sure if she just let me win most of the time but regardless, that time spent with my family is precious to me and am thankful to Mum for never giving it up. When I was really young I initially found it quite stressful as I felt pressured into finding these eggs that I had no idea where they were, be aware of this however if it's your childs first Easter as we all react differently. Having large groups of family around can often be very overwhelming too so if you think your child may get a bit

Maybe having a special hunt for your child by themselves to start with so they don't have the competition side of it or maybe they just want to watch and receive a few eggs instead. Have fun, and as long as your child is having fun, that's all that matters, as at the end of the day your there for them and not yourselves right? Your child also may have different ideas of what they want to wear, so just go with it, crikey I've turned up to parties in red wellies, pink dress and Mario t-shirt…. so don't be too concerned about those kids all dressed up in

their beautiful Easter outfits, hair done, looking so nice. If your child’s happy then you'll be happy! Am not a parent but my Mum has always done the very best for me. As a parent you will always be enough for them. There are those that pass judgement on both the autistic child and the parent, and probably will continue to do so, as they don't walk in our shoes. I am pretty sure there are a lot of mums (probably dad's too) that don't take time for themselves and can be overwhelmed. Maybe it means that you realize what is truly important. It's not your appearance and how pretty your family 'looks' to others. It's how you parent your children. It's how you react to a crisis. Experiencing any holiday with a child on the spectrum often presents challenges, and there are many holiday traditions that most “typical” families probably take for granted. Getting your child’s photo taken with the

Easter Bunny is one of those traditions and was something I


point blank refused as a child as they scared the hell out of me! You will of course have crowds and loud noises to contend with too. Some organisations or events may have (or you could suggest implementing) a ‘special needs’ time into their programme.

Of course, there is always room for a little bit of Easter in the Fernando's basket each year – that is something we can ALL agree on here and enjoy together! HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!



Kids Zone by Jordan Fernando

More in the Kids Zone next month!

Please do feel free to comment on my JUST Jordan Facebook page or twitter account. https://www.facebook.com/groups/213071952427706/ @JustJordan2016




Our regular JUST Jordan poem submitted by Autist Kerry McGinn 19, Stevenston, North Ayrshire.

Easter Poem When we think about Easter The usual things stick in our mind still Like rabbits, painted Easter eggs Hot crossed buns and springtime daffodils There are also the traditional egg hunts How exciting to find the first one And then to try and find the others But in the end a one or two is better than none Now that’s what most people think about That’s what usually rattles about in their brains But no, Easter tells about how Jesus died on the cross And of course how he came back again Of course Easter is also about New beginnings and new life Especially at the height of spring When little lambs and chicks are rife So I hope you all enjoy your Easter For the time of lent is through And for some who have a sweet tooth, I know you won’t Eat too much chocolate...or will you?




A Special Birthday Message to Our Beautiful Daughter. By Suzanne & Kes Fernando



On Thursday, April 6th you will celebrate your 20th birthday Jordan. It wasn’t always plain sailing though and you've had good days, bad days and days we've all tried to forget. We've watched you struggle over the years but never giving up.

We've watched you try and work out the world around you, and it was hard watching you struggle at times. But as much as it hurt we were always so very proud of you, proud of the fact that you never gave up, no matter how hard life got for you.

You never gave up!! No parent could ever ask for anymore than that Jordan. xxx You have grown into an exceptional and successful young woman and we simply know that you'll continue to soar. Many moons ago someone once said to us, "oh she's just off in her own little world"..... But, you never did darling as you looked at us, grasped our hand and took us on that journey with you and it's been beautiful.



Review Time By Autist Aidan MacDonald

March 3rd has come and gone, and as such, most Nintendo fans have the Nintendo Switch and most likely a copy of the long-awaited The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to go with it. For a game that’s been in development for so long, Nintendo have truly paid off with their innovative development skills, bringing to life a Hyrule that’s unlike anything fans have seen in the Zelda franchise before. The gameplay is rich (albeit the controls will take getting used to, new features mean new actions for certain buttons, Y is now the Attack button instead of B, for example), the soundtrack is beautiful, and I was gripped from the moment I started questing until defeating my last enemy. A solid 5/5 for easily a well-deserved swansong for the Wii U and a gamechanging launch must-buy for any Switch owner. Gotcha, this was an April Fool’s joke (this month’s newsletter came out on April 1st, someone had to do this), and I only got to play Breath of the Wild on the Switch for about 5 minutes in a gaming café in Glasgow (it’s called “MegaBytes”, they’ve got amazing service, too, check it out!). Instead, I’m waiting until Skyrim comes out for the Switch before getting one for myself, and because all Zelda games are generally great, I’m going to go indepth about what is easily a strong contender for the prestigious title of “Most underrated Zelda game ever”:


A basic backstory for WWHD - Nintendo were busy experimenting different Zelda games in HD to find a perfect fit for Breath of the Wild, and despite the game ultimately being a cross of Twilight Princess’s realism and Skyward Sword’s bright cel-shading, they were so impressed with how a certain Nintendo GameCube title looked with better graphics that a while later, a full HD remake of it for Wii U was sitting on shelves. A few months after release, I choose it as my very first Wii U game. Probably one of my best gaming-related decisions of all time, because it was my first time playing Wind Waker for real, and it was worth every minute playing. From the moment you boot the game to hear the drumbeat of the title theme as the game’s loading from the Wii U Home Menu right up until the closing moments of the game where Link and Tetra set off for new adventures, it’s a Zelda title that truly stands out as one of Nintendo’s finest, even if it doesn’t get as much credit as the likes of Ocarina of Time or A Link to the Past. Let’s start off with the gameplay. The few minutes I played of Breath of the Wild involved me dying a couple of times before I realised that certain actions are assigned to new buttons. In Wind Waker HD, however, veteran Zelda fans should feel at ease knowing that the controls are more or less the same as most Zelda games on both 3DS and Wii U, so if you’ve played through Ocarina of Time 3D, Majora’s Mask 3D, A Link Between Worlds or Twilight Princess HD, you can rest easy knowing that if you ever decide to pick up Wind Waker HD someday, the controls are the same and you can get stuck in right away. The combat system is similar to Twilight Princess, though obviously with some differences to better suit Wind Waker’s unique style. One thing, however – to better reinforce the sailing mechanic of the game (Wind Waker’s equivalent to OOT/MM/TP/BOTW’s horseback gameplay), Link can only swim for so long before losing a heart, but that won’t be a problem in this game, as swimming between islands would take far longer than sailing and Link’s cannons are stored on his boat, which would make sea combat a tad tricky. The game’s exploration is also very rewarding. On top of the numerous islands that Link will come across on his adventures, there are also enemy outposts dotted throughout the Great Sea, some of them with cannons of their own! I mentioned sea combat earlier because it can become quite important throughout the game if Link’s trying to rack up as many rupees (the main currency of the series) as he can (especially when it comes to sidequests, buying certain useful items and even for the main story itself!), as these outposts can hold various



treasures to help Link survive throughout the game. Bottles are also a returning mainstay for Wind Waker, so if you happen to be running low on health, ensure you have some red potion or fairies to back you up in a pinch! Much like every other Zelda remake Nintendo’s released since 2011, the soundtrack’s stayed mainly the same as it was in the original GameCube release. However, that said, the music has had a touch up so while it’s mainly the same, it still sounds fresh and brand-new. Doesn’t hurt that it’s one of the best Zelda soundtracks in the franchise’s 31-year-long history, and you’ve probably not got a heart or soul if the accompanying music for the last 30 minutes doesn’t make you cry at all. As for the story, same as most Zeldas, it follows the general “Link starts out with barely any items, Ganon kidnaps Zelda, find the Master Sword and defeat him” formula that’s been standard since A Link to the Past. What sets Wind Waker apart from other Zelda games, however, is the setting. Without giving too much spoilers away, the previously-mentioned exploration of the Great Sea ties into the story quite well, as Link’s primarily zipping around the ocean collecting certain plot-related items. The cast only makes the game even better (with the exception of at least one notable character), with this game’s Link having a family involved with the story, along with Zelda having a colourful cast of companions who serve an overall important role to some of the game’s main events. As with all Zelda games, it’s not just the main plot that makes up the entire game, but the sidequests are also part of the fun. Wind Waker features, among other things, solving a thief mystery, auctions, discovering new locations and items, and a dungeon that involves taking on multiple waves of enemies one after another and surviving as best as you can. These sidequests serve as an expansion to Majora Mask’s concept of sidequests being just as important as the main story and executes it well. Conclusion: This was the first Wii U game I ever bought, and I could’ve easily waited until Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors, or if I was patient enough to wait for so long, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, were all released. But this game tided me over throughout most of 2014 as the rest of these games were released, and even though I may not use my Wii U as often as I used to, if I ever boot it up, Wind Waker’s downloaded onto the hard drive, ready for me to return to the Great Sea at any time if I so choose. 5/5 (P.S., this was yet another April Fool’s joke, I’m really reviewing Mario 64 today, also on my hard drive, and it gets 5/5 purely because it’s Mario 64 and thus doesn’t need much explaining by this point.)




SAM (Scottish Autistic Media) is a radio station in Edinburgh, Scotland for adults who are on the Autistic Spectrum.

SAM RADIO is a community internet radio station that caters for adults who have been diagnosed with Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome. The station will be the first of its kind in Scotland. Recently our Newsletter Reviewer and fellow Autist, Mr Aidan MacDonald took part in an interview on behalf of JUST Jordan. I would like to persoanlly thank Aidan for giving a great interview over at SAM Radio you definately were a natural. SAM RADIO are looking for volunteers to assist with the day to day running of this busy, active local community radio based in Edinburgh. They are looking for trainee presenters. The purpose of SAM RADIO© is two-fold. Managed by Paul Ross and his family, Paul holds a degree in Sound engineering and who himself has a diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome. They air a variety of music and provide listeners with a platform where they can represent themselves. At the same time offer volunteers the


opportunity to learn how to produce shows and operate broadcast/recording equipment helped by support workers. SAM Radio invite a variety of guests from local interested organisations and professional bodies to share practical knowledge and experience with adults on the Autistic Spectrum and their carers/family members.

Please email if interested info@samradio.org and check out the new Facebook group page https://www.facebook.com/groups/444844892381066/ Listen in online and on your smart phone via TuneIn website and TuneIn app. http://tunein.com/radio/SAMRADIO-s264588/

Please do keep your requests coming in and I’ll do my best to feature them in next months edition of JUST Jordan. To submit your entries please send to : Jfernando_1997@hotmail.co.uk suzfernando@yahoo.co.uk




Dear Jordan…… Ask me anything and I’ll be as frank with my views as Coleen is on Loose Women!! I can be your straightest-talking agony aunt, giving advice on relationships, bullying, early diagnosis and any life problems you may have…..xx

Huge thanks to everyone who submitted questions for “Dear Jordan”

“Dear Jordan: Could a difficult pregnancy or birth have been a cause of my Son's Aspergers? You are probably best placed to talk to your GP in relation to this question. From the National Autistic Society’s point of view, the causes of autism are still being investigated. Many experts believe that there are many factors that can cause autism. This is the National Autistic Society’s position statement in relation to what causes autism which you may find helpfulhttp://www.autism.org.uk/get-involved/media-centre/positionstatements/causes.aspx You may wish to explore local supports as a parent and you can find more information on local parents support groups on the link below or at your local carer’s centre. http://www.autism.org.uk/services/local.aspx The National Autistic Society also run a parent to parent telephone support line which may be helpful to you. The line is supported by trained parents from around the country and you do not need to talk to someone local to you if you do not want to. The telephone number to contact is 0808 800 4106 (Free from landlines and most mobiles: 3, O2, Orange, T-mobile, Virgin and Vodafone). Hope this helps ! Love Jordan xxx



“Dear Jordan: Can Asperger's Syndrome occur with another disorder?

Yes some people may be diagnosed with other conditions alongside Asperger’s syndrome. People with Asperger’s syndrome have the same health needs as everyone else and therefore can experience ill health in the same way. There are so many conditions that people may be diagnosed with but here is a list of some of the more common conditions ADHD, hearing impairment, Down’s syndrome, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Epilepsy, Fragile X, Hyperlexia, Learning disability or visual impairment amongst other conditions. These are not the only conditions that someone that can be diagnosed with alongside autism. If you have concerns about this, then you should talk to your GP in the first instance or the health professional that you are currently involved with such as a psychologist, community mental health nurse or occupational therapist. Hope this helps ! Love Jordan xxx “Dear Jordan: What is the difference between High Functioning Autism and Asperger's Syndrome?

People often refer to high functioning autism as Asperger’s syndrome. This is what the National Autistic Society says about Asperger’s syndrome“Autism is a spectrum condition. All autistic people share certain difficulties, but being autistic will affect them in different ways. Some people with Asperger syndrome also have mental health issues or other conditions, meaning people need different levels and types of support. People with Asperger syndrome are of average or above average intelligence. They do not usually have the learning disabilities that many autistic people have, but they may have specific learning difficulties. They have fewer problems with speech but may still have difficulties with understanding and processing language.” “People with Asperger’ syndrome normally would be assessed as having persistent difficulties with social communication and social interaction and restricted patterns of behaviours, activities since early childhood to the extent that they impair everyday functioning” Becoming more independent is a process and your parents expectations are perhaps different to yours and it is helpful to understand what the barriers are for all of you. Perhaps a family member can help you to have this conversation with your parents? You can find more information on growing up and becoming and adult with autism on the National Autistic Society websitehttp://www.autism.org.uk/about/adult-life.aspx Hope this helps ! Love Jordan xxx

. POLL: What would you like to read about in “JUST Jordan”? Let us know by contacting us via email: jfernando_1997@hotmail.co.uk or suzfernando@yahoo.co.uk

HOW TO SUBMIT AN ARTICLE. If you would like to submit an article, picture, ask a question or offer support in next month’s newsletter please contact me via email: jfernando_1997@hotmail.co.uk or suzfernando@yahoo.co.uk



What’s On in Ayrshire

Help us celebrate JUST Jordan owner Jordan Fernando’s 20th birthday! Simply post a lovely “Happy Birthday” message on her timeline on April 6th. Thanks Everyone xx Event page (Fb): https://www.facebook.com/groups/213071952427706/

Autism Awareness Day at Culzean Castle and Country Park Saturday, April 8 at 2 PM - 4 PM KA19 8LE Maybole https://www.facebook.com/events/405097306520834/


PBW Event Hosted by Premier British Wrestling Saturday, April 8 at 7 PM - 10 PM Stirling Street, ML6 0 Airdrie, North Lanarkshire https://www.facebook.com/events/1185764751476816/

Edinburgh Comic Con 2017 April 15 – April 16 Apr 15 at 10 AM to Apr 16 at 5 PM 150 Morrison Street, EH3 8EE Edinburgh, United Kingdom https://www.facebook.com/events/1058046620954124/

Positive Pathways Scotland Training Sessions in Ayrshire The National Autistic Society will be running their popular Autism Seminars again in March and April - details to follow, but here is an alternative for those of you who are not in-touch with our One Stop Shop. Here are FREE Positive Behaviour Support Training Sessions for Family Carers of Young People with Autism. These are Positive Pathways Scotland (PPS) Training sessions in Ayr, Irvine and Cumnock for parents/carers of young autists between the age 5-18yrs, with emotional and behavioural challenges. Please note that their website states the incorrect dates for the training sessions. Please see the attached poster for details and contact PPS to confirm the dates and other details. Please use the details below to contact Positive Pathways Scotland for further information. Tel: 01417 796365 Email: pps@trfs.org.uk Web: www.positivepathways.scot Positive Pathways Scotland (Fb): https://www.facebook.com/positivepathwaysscotland/

Easter Nerf War at Culzean Thursday, April 6 at 11 AM - 3 PM Culzean Castle and Country Park KA19 8LE Maybole https://www.facebook.com/events/378566472536494/ Tuesday, April 4 at 10 AM - 5 PM Muirhead Activity Centre



52 Central Ave, KA10 7 Troon https://www.facebook.com/events/389360298105040/ Wednesday, April 5 at 10 AM - 5 PM St Joseph's Leisure Centre Grassyards Road, KA37SL Kilmarnock https://www.facebook.com/events/431541973852603/ Friday, April 14 at 10 AM - 5 PM The Zone, Dockhead street Saltcoats https://www.facebook.com/events/1515409438509292/ Hosted by Party Palz https://www.facebook.com/Party-Palz-118782234822074/

PUPPET FESTIVAL An original piece of theatre for young children and their families it features Theatre Fideri Fidera’s characteristic mix of physical theatre, comedy, music, song and audience involvements throughout. Oskar tells the tale of a little puppy who leaves his snowbound home in the mountains in search of a friendly animal to play with. Most of the animals outside are hibernating and the only ones Oskar meets are more interested in eating him than playing with him. Suitable for ages: 2-8 years. £6/£4, Family Ticket £18 (2 adults, 2 children) tel 01294 274059 Harbour Arts centre Irvine at 1pm Sunday 2nd April 2017

EASTER BUNNY’S EGGS-ELLENT ADVENTURE From the team behind Marty MacDonald’s Farm and Santa’s Christmas Cracker comes the most chocolatey Easter show ever! Who is behind the mysterious Easter Egg trail? Why are there strange noises coming from beneath the hills? And what is the truth behind the tale of the Easter Bunny? Join the hunt for the hidden chocolate factory in Easter Bunny’s Eggs-ellent Adventure and meet the Easter Bunny afterwards to receive a special Easter present! Songs include children’s favourites; ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’, ‘Wheels On The Bus’, ‘The Hokey Cokey’, ‘One Finger, One Thumb’, ‘If You’re Happy And You Know It’ and many more! * Easter Bunny’s Eggs-ellent Adventure is a 40min family show for Ages 2+ Tickets: £10.50 / £9.50 Under 12s / £36 Family of 4. Gaiety Theatre, Ayr 01292 288235 Tuesday 4th April 2017 at 2pm http://ayrgaiety.co.uk/

Easter Party with Mickey and Minnie Mouse Sunday, April 16 at 1 PM - 3:30 PM Pirate Pete's The Pavilion; The Esplanade; Low Green, KA7 1EQ Ayr



EASTER EGGHEAD CARTOONS AND CARICATURES Pop along to The Harbour Arts Centre for some Easter Egghead Cartoons. Turn your favourite Cartoon character or person into a truly awesome Easter Egghead. This fun Workshop hosted by Cartoon and Caricature Artist, Neil Smith will allow your kids to create a fun picture or even an Egghead Mask! Please note that participants should bring lunch, water and plenty of snacks. Mon (Ages 5 – 7) Tue (Ages 7 – 11) Costs: £10. Harbour Arts Centre, Irvine 01294 274059 Monday 10th & Tuesday 11th April 2017 11am - 4pm

EASTER EVENT Celebrate Easter with an egg’citing, Hac Egg hunt, followed by lots of Easter themed crafty fun! Ages 5 – 12. Free Entry Harbour Arts Centre, Irvine 01294 274059 Thursday 13th April 2017 10am - 11.30am

EASTER WEEKEND AT HEADS OF AYR FARM PARK Heads of Ayr Farm Park, Alloway, Ayr Come to Heads of Ayr Farm Park this Easter weekend for some Egg-citing extras for all ages. More details visit the website. www.headsofayrfarmpark.co.uk Friday 14th - Monday 17th April 2017 10am - 5pm

Irvine Judo club Irvine Judo club for past and present members of Irvine and surrounding judo clubs. The club meets every mondays and wednesday at 6.30 pm in the Parterre Hall 6.30 till 7.30 for over 7 years of age7.30 till 9.00 for adults https://www.facebook.com/Irvine-Judo-club-178335222180931/

Copyright of Jordan Fernando Jfernando_1997@hotmail.co.uk suzfernando@yahoo.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/groups/213071952427706/ @JustJordan2016 https://issuu.com/justjordan19 Disclaimer: All articles and information in this newsletter are of the writers own personal experiences and opinions.




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