Issue #
JUST Jordan
Introduction Hello everyone and welcome to my June edition of “Just by Jordan Fernando Jordan”. I’m delighted to announce that my Sister Aaron successfully completed her Extended Education passing all her exams and now ready to take on College. Way to go Sis! Again am elated with the response about my “JUST Jordan” group and newsletter, so thank you all from the bottom of my heart! The main cover photo was taken during my Sisters award ceremony recently where we all celebrated her
achievements. Am so very proud of her. As always please do keep your feedback and messages coming, it’s a pleasure hearing from each and everyone of you! I hope that you will tell all your friends & family about “JUST Jordan”. You will find information on my “JUST Jordan” Facebook/Twitter page and how to contact me details are also enclosed. As always I look forward to your feedback, submissions and questions for my July edition.
Jordan Fernando xx
Art Corner
Page 2
Game Review by Autist, Aidan MacDonald
“JUST Jordan” Guest Poet
“Success for Aaron”
Issue #
Did I ever mention just how very proud of my Sister I truly am? Along with my family I recently attended an awards ceremony at Pryde the Playz, where we had the opportunity to celebrate Aaron’s achievements. Some lovely speeches were given before the ceremony where many wonderful
things were shared about Aaron’s accomplishments.
As many of you know my Sister was affected really badly at school over the years with bullying and it was decided some time ago that she would study better outwith the school building. Since studying at home with private tutors provided by North Ayrshire, Aaron has gone from strength to strength passing all her exams with flying colours. I firmly believe that as we are now into the year 2017, bullying should be a thing of
the past, something we remember from the early years, not now!
I too was bullied at school and it broke my heart to see my little sister Aaron suffer at the hands of bullies. Nobody should have to go through that in this day and age. So why is it still going on? When will it end? I’ve watched my parents make the endless trips to the School office to complain, make those endless phone calls to the headteacher to complain, called the police, but it was never enough. An anti-bullying policy should
be the net that holds together all of the procedures and practices relating to anti-bullying whilst in school. So why isn't it working? A culture that encourages respect, values opinions, celebrates difference and promotes positive relationships will make it difficult for bullying behaviour to flourish or be tolerated. When it comes to dealing with bullying there isn’t always one ‘right’ answer. Telling someone or getting someone else involved can
often help you to feel better – even if it doesn’t make the bullying stop. But what works for someone else won’t always work for you. You will know what feels right for you and your situation, but you don’t have to limit yourself to trying just one thing; you might need to try a couple of different options to find one that works for you. Most important thing we learnt was to tell an adult, your parents. If you're being bullied, it can be difficult to know what to do or where to turn but definately don't bottle it up. Keep a diary of what happens. Stay safe online. Bullying should never be acceptable and should not be a normal part of growing up....crikey life is hard enough without having to put up with being bullied too! If you see it happening Stop It!
certificates, she was just beaming with happiness and that’s what truly mattered right at that moment in time.
So as I sat thinking of what Aaron and I went through at school at the hands of bullies, it was her turn to step forward and receive her award. But you know what, right at that exact moment I was no longer angry but elated, excited and happy at how we’d both come through the other side. Yes we’ve had really tough times but with the help and support we’ve been lucky enough to get it’s made us both stronger, wiser, confident and ready to take on whatever life throws our way now. We all clapped and cheered as Aaron accepted her award, we watched with pride and the odd tear in our eye, but they were tears of joy nothing else.
As Aaron walked backed towards us clutching her
https://www.facebook.com/ prydetheplayz/
https://www.teensupportnet work.org/resources-inscotland http://www.autism.org.uk/a bout/ineducation/bullying.aspx
Oh and am not finished………..she’s only gone and Skydived from 10,000ft to raise funds for one of our favourite charities too!
Way to go Sis…Way to go!
JUST Jordan shortlisted for Inspirational Volunteer Award
Yep that’s right, I was shortlisted for a prestigious Autism Professionals Award and even reached the Grand Final. As many of you know by now I've been raising awareness and fundraising for The National Autistic Society since the age of four. I currently volunteer with the charity's One Stop Shop in Ayrshire, on health radio station 3TFM, and with autistic children and teenagers. In addition, I run an autism information Facebook page and produce a free monthly newsletter called "JUST Jordan", which provides information on what it is like to grow up with autism. I was honoured to have been shortlisted for the Inspirational Volunteer award at this year's Autism Professionals Awards. Raising awareness of autism is my passion and to have my volunteering efforts formally recognised by the charity was overwhelming. The annual Autism Professionals Awards, were launched in 2013 to recognise and promote good autism practice and inspire others to improve their own work.
The standard of nominations is always very high so I was delighted to have reached the finals and for impressing the judges and being shortlisted. Autism can have a profound effect on individuals and families but the right support from passionate and caring people and organisations can make all the difference. It’s important that we recognise the amazing people who provide this support so we can share best practice and inspire others.
Kids Zone by Jordan Fernando More in the Kids Zone next month!
Please do feel free to comment on my JUST Jordan Facebook page or twitter account. https://www.facebook.com/groups/213071952427706/ @JustJordan2016
Our regular JUST Jordan poem submitted by Guest Poet & Autist Peter Street, Manchester.
Howe Bridge (Atherton) Bandstand for Andy Bubble A stroll into woods on a path floodlit with buttercups and dandelions past a gang of nettles lolling about on the corner. A push through layers of tunes from last Summer’s brass bands clinging to your mind pulling you down into the woods deeper towards the young sycamores gathered around the wooden bandstand built by someone who thought his New Jerusalem is there among the trees.
Review Time Games Review by Autist Aidan MacDonald
Many games provide a lot of mileage these days as an incentive to keep playing them months on end after you're done with the main objectives. Pokémon OmegaRuby & AlphaSapphire are no exception. As someone who played the original Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald games using emulators endlessly while growing up, I got the updated editions as soon as I could, and they don't disappoint, even 3 years after they were originally announced. The basic story is about the same as the original games – you start as a beginning Pokémon Trainer who's just moved to Littleroot Town in the Hoenn region, a tropical setting not unlike two certain newer Pokémon games whose setting is 4 similar (though smaller) islands. After helping the resident Pokémon Professor (who, as always, is named after a tree) with a sticky situation, you begin your quest to collect the 8 gym badges of Hoenn (one of which is actually won from the player character's dad, a veteran Gym Leader who trains Normal-types), repeatedly foil the dangerous schemes of Team Magma and Team Aqua, and eventually challenge the Pokémon League. The story differs from the original games in numerous ways, however. A new sidestory opens up after becoming Champion (anyone who remembers my Sun/Moon review may remember me recommending that you stock up on Poké Balls towards the end, this time is no different), certain areas are completely redesigned (such as Mauville City, home to Gym #3), and Contests actually play a small role in the main story as opposed to simply being available in Ruby/Sapphire.
As far as gameplay goes, it's pretty much Pokémon X & Y with a lot of GBA-era goodness thrown into the mix. That means Mega Evolutions, unbreakable TMs (moves you can obtain in the overworld and teach your Pokémon, as opposed to levelling up), egg mechanics for competitive training (for battling players online), and interacting with your team to make them even better companions (Super Training + PSS + Pokémon-Amie). Speaking of the GBA-era, ORAS brings back certain features that haven't been seen much in recent games, such as Contests (which focus on style as opposed to battling) & Secret Bases (which are much more improved this time around). The musicians behind the original game also update the original Ruby/Sapphire soundtrack to keep up with fellow Nintendo 3DS games (a better job than a June 2011 3DS remake of a certain N64 game), also provides new addition music to help enhance the story (because what's a game without good music?) and the cries of certain old-school Pokémon are updated just as they were in X/Y. For anime fans, yes, this means that Pikachu actually gets its voice actor from the TV series! My only gripe with the audio in this game is that the developers still haven't brought back the “emergency”-style low health music from the Black/White days, but that's just me. Perhaps what is the best part of ORAS is the central theme to the Pokémon franchise – catching them! Once you catch Groudon or Kyogre (who are the starring Pokémon on the box art for these games), you're able to catch even more Pokémon than were offered in the original Ruby/Sapphire – for example, if you happen to go back to Route 101 near Littleroot, you may find the elusive Zorua from Black & White! And that's not even the best example – Route 111's desert area is where you can find the cute yet deadly Gible who eventually evolves into beloved Dragon/Ground-type Garchomp. This is all possible using the PokéNav+, an upgraded model of the navigation device players used in the original Ruby & Sapphire. Whereas that device had simple map features (and a call option added in Emerald), the Plus version basically gives ORAS the distinction of having the best bottom-screen features in the series. You can use it to search for rare & powerful Pokémon as well as check your Pokédex progress across certain areas of Hoenn (DexNav), access all the touch screen features of X & Y in one handy little section (PlayNav), get regular updates on Secret Bases & Mirage spots using the 3DS's StreetPass & Internet connectivity (BuzzNav) and find out where you are on the map (AreaNav). Compared to even Sun & Moon's touch screen functionality, ORAS is in a (Pokémon) league of its own (then again, nobody likes that Rotom, except for that one detective episode in the anime) That isn't to say that OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire isn't without faults, however. Certain GBA-era fan-favourite additions such as the Battle Frontier and Trainer Hill are absent (and are replaced by X/Y's Battle Maison, which, while it isn't completely terrible, is still one of X/Y's weaker features, so it does spoil the ORAS experience a bit), and the Safari Zone, known for having a unique catching style where you use rocks and bait to help catch Pokémon instead of battling with your team, is just another normal route now. In addition, the difficulty isn't as it was back
then, thanks to the Exp. Share working as it did in X/Y, but at the very least, it does help with training lower-levelled teammates. I had one other personal frustration regarding when and where you can save, but that's for a specific moment in the game I won't spoil here (What I can say, however, is that this particular fight is among one of my favourite fights in the series, and the build-up is fantastic). Overall, OmegaRuby & AlphaSapphire takes a beloved entry of one of Nintendo's best experiences, and does a fantastic job with reintroducing it to new audiences by also including features they'll be well familiar with, and with so much content, there's absolutely no reason to not explore every inch of Hoenn and catch 'em all! Just one thing – get a garden peg when hatching eggs in the Battle Resort and have it pinch “Up” on the D-Pad. You'll thank me later, or maybe use a peg too strong your 3DS needs repairing. But hey, life hacks, am I right? 3.9/5. Or rather, 7.8/10. Forget the abundance of water, I miss the Battle Frontier.
(The entire Pokémon fandom's reaction to the announcement of ORAS in one picture. And now we wait for Diamond & Pearl to get a much-needed update.)
Well I couldn’t let the month of June pass me by without saying an enormous love filled Happy Birthday to the best Mum in the world and my best friend Kerry as they share the same birthday! Love you both very much xx
Dear Jordan…… Ask me anything and I’ll be as frank with my views as Coleen is on Loose Women!! I can be your straightesttalking agony aunt, giving advice on relationships, bullying, early diagnosis and any life problems you may have…..xx Huge thanks to everyone who submitted questions for “Dear Jordan”
“Dear Jordan: "As a young adult with autism I'd say I have some very valuable skills which can be applied in the workplace, however am really struggling to find employment. I seem to get tongue tied during the all important interviews and first impression stages. Do you have any advice on how to make interviews a bit easier for me?" There are a number of supports available to you and these supports may vary on where you live. If you live in Scotland, and are claiming employment benefits such as Job seekers allowance, Universal credit or employment support, then you can get support from the job centre. You should ask to see one of the disability employment advisors who can support you to access the right employment programme for you. In Scotland, Prospects employment support based in Glasgow run an employability programme for individuals between the age of 16-24 years old. You can find out more information about this programme by visiting this link – http://www.autism.org.uk/services/work/work-search/moving-forward.aspx
As part of this programme, they do mock interviews which allows you to practice your skills in a safe environment. You can also find more information relating to employment here – http://www.autism.org.uk/about/adult-life/work.aspx It is great that you are trying hard to improve your skills and it is about finding the right support for you. Hope this helps ! Love Jordan xxx
“Dear Jordan: "Hi I'm 21 and have Aspergers. Can you share details of any new clubs or groups in North or South Ayrshire please?" Hi there, everyone is so different and people like different things. So I will not list a range of groups here but what you might like to do is contact your local One stop shop in relation to information about groups that you may like. You can contact them at ayrshireoss@nas.org.uk If you like IT and computing the Caley centre in Stevenston in North Ayrshire run various groups that you may enjoy. They are not autism specific but I know other people that have accessed these clubs and have enjoyed them. This is just one idea but I am sure that the One Stop Shop will help you to think about what other groups are available within the area. Hope this helps ! Love Jordan xxx POLL: What would you like to read about in “JUST Jordan”? Let us know by contacting us via email: jfernando_1997@hotmail.co.uk or suzfernando@yahoo.co.uk
Please do keep your requests coming in and I’ll do my best to feature them in next months edition of JUST Jordan. To submit your entries please send to : Jfernando_1997@hotmail.co.uk suzfernando@yahoo.co.uk
HOW TO SUBMIT AN ARTICLE. If you would like to submit an article, picture, ask a question or offer support in next month’s newsletter please contact me via email: jfernando_1997@hotmail.co.uk or suzfernando@yahoo.co.uk
What’s On in Ayrshire
This FREE family event features pipe band competition, military attractions, kids fun dog show, fairground rides and so much more. A special flag-raising ceremony will also take place on the Low Green at 12.40pm, before the event gets underway.
Doon The Toon Sun, 11th June, 2017 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm After the 10K ‘Roon The Toon’ morning event, there will be a host of activities in the Kilmarnock town centre run by Vibrant Communities. Activities will include:Climbing Tower Obstacle Relay – every child who completes the relay will receive a medal Boxing – Northwest Amateur Boxing Club Weightlifting – Shortlees Weightlifting Club Street Golf Face Painting Balloon Modelling Circus Skills
Equal Futures kenny@equalfutures.org.uk http://www.equalfutures.org.uk/index_htm_files/ef__spring_newsletter_2017.pdf
Public meeting looking for volunteers to help promote cycling. Wednesday, June 7 at 7 PM - 9 PM Dirrans Pavilion Dirrans Terrace, KA13 7 Kilwinning https://www.facebook.com/events/123084181601627
Tough Mudder Scotland 2017 Public · Hosted by Tough Mudder UK June 17 – June 18 Jun 17 at 8 AM to Jun 18 at 8 PM Drumlanrig Castle Drumlanrig Castle, DG3 4AQ Thornhill, Dumfries and Galloway https://www.facebook.com/events/1035419253208083
Family Fun Day and Information Event Public · Hosted by Housing Services, North Ayrshire Council Saturday, June 24 at 11 AM - 3 PM St Matthew's Academy Jacks Road, KA21 5NT Saltcoats https://www.facebook.com/events/226727094497320/
Come and meet: Micahel Foale CBE Former NASA Astronaut! During this free event there will be a presentation from the NASA crew followed by a question and answer session. Confirm your attendance via the link below. For further information contact events@ayrshire.ac.uk Tickets are FREE and will go fast!
Ayrshire Lego and Games Meet Event for Ayrshire Home Educators Friday, June 9 at 11 AM - 1 PM The Centre 7 Standalane, Stewarton., KA3 5 Stewarton https://www.facebook.com/events/122472024995852/
Autism Carers Group 10.30am - 12pm Wednesday 28th June 2017 Killie Browser, Kilmarnock Station Railway Heritage Trust, Kilmarnock Railway Station, Station Brae, Kilmarnock KA1 2AF This is an informal, informative and welcoming group for carers of autistic individuals, where we can offer you advice, information and support. For example, we can provide you with information about local services, how you can access them, and much more!!! We hope to see you there!!! For further information please contact our team using the contact details below. Tel: 01290 553431 Email: ayrshire.oss@nas.org.uk
http://delicast.com/radio/3TFM IF THIS DOESNT WORK TRY THIS LINK http://streaming01.zfast.co.uk:2199/start/tfm0
Access Film Club - Spaceship Tuesday, June 13 at 6 PM - 7:30 PM GFT 12 Rose Street, G3 6RB Glasgow, United Kingdom Tickets Available glasgowfilm.org https://www.facebook.com/events/108102086452433/
Copyright of Jordan Fernando Jfernando_1997@hotmail.co.uk suzfernando@yahoo.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/groups/213071952427706/ @JustJordan2016 https://issuu.com/justjordan19 Disclaimer: All articles and information in this newsletter are of the writers own personal experiences and opinions.