Nui Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

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If you still think coconut oil is bad, try ours!

Aren’t all saturated fats bad for us? Coconut oil was perceived to be high in cholesterol-raising saturated fat that increases the risk of heart diseases. Intensive researches have proven that NOT all saturated fat are harmful. Unlike long chain fatty acid in animal saturated fat, the medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) in NUI virgin coconut oil can be easily digested, raises your metabolism and boosts immune system. It is first cold-pressed, unrefined, unbleached and not deodorised, thus provides excellent source of MCFA and potent healing properties; whilst retaining its delightful flavour and aroma.

When do you need NUI virgin coconut oil?

• Lack of energy • Too much weight • High cholesterol • Eczema • Dry skin • Hypothyroid • Weak immune system

• Candida • Cancer metastasis • Irritable bowel • Lupus & rheumatoid arthritis • Osteoporosis • Kidney & bladder infections • Diabetes • Premature aging & wrinkle • Viral, bacterial, fungal, yeast & parasite infections

(such as measles, chicken pox, hepatitis, AIDS, herpes, ringworm, athlete foot, thrush, influenza, food poisoning etc)




virgin coconut oil

NUI virgin coconut oil: • DOES NOT increase your bad cholesterol level • DOES NOT promote blood clot formation • DOES NOT cause heart diseases • DOES NOT cause weight problems NOT all coconut oil are the same! Commercial coconut oil is produced from copra (dried coconut meat), and are mostly refined, bleached and deodorised. They are heated, used chemical solvents to remove contaminants (like mould, fungus etc.) and are usually hydrogenated. These refining processes destroyed the oil’s original structure and their beneficial properties. They may contain harmful trans-fat which not only increase bad cholesterol level in our body but also turn good cholesterol to bad.

NUI’s differences! • 100% CERTIFIED ORGANIC (OHGA, AUSTRALIA), GMO FREE Coconuts from unpolluted South Pacific Islands • CERTIFIED FAIR TRADE Improves the standard of living of the farming community • FIRST COLD PRESSED, UNREFINED Preserves the best nutrients and potency • RICHEST SOURCE OF LAURIC ACID (48%) Main component of mother's milk. Anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial. • 100% FREE OF TRANS-FATTY ACIDS • FROM FRESH ORGANIC COCONUTS (NOT COPRA) • UNBLEACHED, NOT DEODORISED, NON HYDROGENATED • DELIGHTFUL COCONUT FLAVOUR AND AROMA

‘why not?’™ HOTLINE: 03-7804 9626


Infants (0-12 months): 1/4 teaspoon, twice daily. Can be added into milk or baby food. Children (1-3 years): 1 teaspoon. Twice daily, after meal. Children (4-12 years): 2 teaspoons. Twice daily, after meal. Adult: 1-2 tablespoons. Twice daily, after meal.

Ideal for cooking and baking as it does not oxidise during cooking (up to 180˚C), unlike most other vegetable oils (including sunflower oil, safflower oil and olive oil). You can still enjoy the healing properties of NUI virgin coconut oil in your cooked/baked food.


Best to be kept at room temperature, away from heat or direct sunlight. Does not require refrigeration. Coconut oil is least susceptible to oxidation among all oils. NUI virgin coconut oil will naturally become cloudy below 24˚C and solid below 18˚C. It is not sign of deterioration of quality. Once open, use within 3 months.

• Relief for skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. NOTE: Coconut oil provides moisturising effect for dry eczema, while EPO provides GLA for healing of wet eczema. • After sun relief: Add in 1 drop of IDEALIST™ lavender essential oil for better soothing effect.


NUI virgin coconut oil


Q: Why NUI virgin coconut oil is more costly than coconut oil from other countries?

NUI virgin coconut oil is produced from coconuts sourced from certified organic plantation on Fiji Island which is highly isolated and free from contamination, producing authentic coconut oil which you can tell by its taste and healing properties. NUI virgin coconut oil is processed and packed at certified organic factory. NUI promotes FAIR TRADE practices which aim to improve farmers’ welfare and standard of living.

Q: Aren’t all coconuts naturally organic?

No. It is argued that all coconuts are grown organically but this is a big misconception. In many places, there is cross-cultivation of cocoa trees and other crops which are planted in the same area, and are often contaminated with pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals. The independent organic certification covers the growing, harvesting and production of the oil. If the coconut is organic in its growing states but has gone through commercial oil processing method, the oils produced are no longer qualify as organic.

Q: If I am already taking other cold-pressed oil (flaxseed oil/ EPO/ wheatgerm oil), do I need to take coconut oil? Will it cause over dosage? Different oils provide different healing properties to our body. According to Recommended Nutrient Intake for Malaysia, the desirable fat intake would range from minimum 20% to 35% of total energy intake per day. Generally, for a 2000kcal diet, the fat required per day is about 3 to 5 tablespoons. This should be sourced from various unrefined, unbleached and preferably cold-pressed organic oil as it does not put extra burden to our liver in fat metabolism. Fat is an essential nutrient as it provides essential fatty acids for optimum bodily function as well as absorption of fat soluble nutrients such as vitamin A, D, E and K. It is good to take a wide variety of organic cold-pressed oils and use them in your recipes for variation.

Q: Is NUI virgin coconut oil suitable for infant and children?

Yes. NUI virgin coconut oil is excellent for infant and children. NUI virgin coconut oil contains high lauric acid (best known as the main component of mother's milk) that helps to build up immune system. Lauric acid is anti-viral, anti-bacteria and anti-fungal which protects infant and children from common childhood infections and illnesses. NUI virgin coconut oil is also recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers to build up immune system and to increase the lauric acid in their breast milk.

Q: Why NUI virgin coconut oil is colourless and clear? Has it gone through refining or bleaching processes?

Commercial coconut oil is produced from copra (dried coconut meat), which is commonly contaminated by mould, aflatoxin, flies and unpleasant odour. Due to these contaminants, the pressed oil needs to be refined, bleached and deodorised (RBD) using high heat and chemical solvents. This oil has also undergone hydrogenation process to lengthen its shelf life. Coconut oil produced by these commercial processes would have lost its healing properties. This RBD oil is usually yellowish in colour. NUI virgin coconut oil is produced using mechanical press method without high heat and solvents. Oil produced from fresh coconut milk is often colourless, and can be differentiated by its pleasant taste and fragrance. NUI virgin coconut oil has retained the original healing properties of virgin coconut oil.

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