May 2017

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JUST ME MAGAZINE You don't have to be a celebrity to be a star.

Y HAPPER'S H MOT AY from Dus ladies

MAY 2017 $5.00

THE B-SIDE PRO-fessionly Black

abulo The f hicks r CEO C g a Mothe n i t be s. abou sines s u k b l a a T g unnin and r

DR. CURT Life Is Supposed To Feel Good

STAR OF THE MONTH Witherspoon Law Group

THE JOURNEY Tavares Bethel

Third Eye Photography by Coy

03 The B-Side 07 Star of the Month 10 #YouAreYourOwnSoulution 12 He Said, She Said with Wanda 13 Fine The Way I Am 15 Mompreneurs

. Kristen

Bernard Creamer Jr

PRO-fessionally Black . . . “If you’re Black and you’re not thinking Black at this late day, then I’m sorry for you.” – El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X) Afro-Centered “Centered or focused on Africa or African peoples, especially in relation to historical or cultural influence.” Pro-Black ” . .having a sense of pride for the black race and having the desire to help the race succeed even though society tries to hold it back . .” Nothing about being centered in Blackness or being pro- Black people indicates an inclination towards being anti- anyone else. As a matter of fact, other races aren’t even considered in the equation. It’s unfortunate, but the individuals who consider themselves Afro-Centered or Pro-Black are relegated to the fringes of this society as some sort of ancient anomalies, antiquated and outdated. The individuals who consider themselves Afro-Centered or Pro-Black are ostracized and alienated by the very Black people to whom they dedicate much of their time, energy, and thoughts. They are often cast as angry, weird, or crazy. They are constantly ignored, debased, or discredited by other Blacks more centered in what presents itself as the dominant culture. The Afro-Centered individual is the minority among his/her own. They are often the loner, alone, or in the company of very few. This isn’t commentary on the nature of African people. It’s commentary on the nature of the effects of America/Western society on African people. The entire world has accepted the general fallacy that “Black is bad”, including many Black people. The dominant default presents Black as inferior to all else, while White rules the top. For too many African-descended, this is a mindset that had to be programmed into us over the course of centuries, through the most oppressive, subjugating, savage, brutal, sinister, and covert methods and messaging. It doesn’t necessarily manifest in us consciously, its more involuntary and subconscious in nature. The centuries of brainwashing for us manifest in our day to day “normalized” activities. It’s in our communication with the world and one another, it’s in our thoughts, actions and inactions, it’s in our routines, rituals, and assimilation-fueled traditions/customs. Over time, our Black has become so diluted by White society, that many of us no longer know what it looks like or what it feels like to be Black. Reality is, most of us have never experienced life in an environment that nurtures the Black mind or spirit. It’s too cumbersome, painful, or arduous. It’s worlds easier to simply gravitate towards and assimilate with what presents itself as the dominant way. It’s a day to day, minute by minute pressure applied to us to accept what’s prominent and prevailing. To love and embrace it, even though it makes us sick. In the desert that is this oppressive society, their ice has become colder to many of us, an oasis for us. The illusion is comforting while the reality is crippling. Their languages, their customs, their clothes, their cultures, their foods, their entertainment, their heroes, their politics, their schools, their rules. Our existence is so saturated with White that our Black presents itself as an irritating itch. It’s a chore to claim, retain, and maintain one’s self in a society that dictates conformity as normalcy. In 2016, being Black and centered in that Blackness is going against the grain, it’s a strain. Its far less strenuous to simply pledge allegiance to the flag of Americanization and to ignore all that “Black stuff” from those “angry” Blacks calling for us to nationalize, begging us to simply open our eyes. Sleep is better. Our families socialize us to embrace and celebrate White religions and traditions. Our schools “educate” us to conform with this system and to seek the “American dream”, work for others ’til retirement, nothing about Black betterment. Pressure from peers, our environments, and media mediums train us to consume to our own detriment while simultaneously enriching others who produce, production rooted in past exploitation that saw us working as peons. We volunteer to fight in wars where White reinforces White through the killings of other Blacks. We participate in elections and a political process as people programmed to purge our power to politicians who pander to us periodically in order to garner our votes, votes dissolved through electoral colleges and superior delegates. All of these things simply evidence that Black has lost faith in Black. Black is no longer credible, and those relative few voices calling for Black to reach within are simply cast out. A brighter future.


Not a Whiter one. Many of our children have simply opted to disengage, disconnect, disassociate, and to express their disenchantment with what exist as Black life through displacing those that reflect their appearance, suicide via homicide, fueled by genocide, while the elders run and hide. Generations of Black before them have dropped the ball, many times kicking it out of bounds. Where were the programs and jobs to defray what exist as war zones? Where were the schools owned by us to teach us about us? Where was the community to serve and protect children, allowing them safe spaces to grow? Where were the activists to protect the minds of our young, gorging themselves on toxic media daily that convinces them it’s cool as hell to be and act dumb as hell? What happened is that this society eliminated any semblance of what we had in regards to all of these things and then “gifted” us elections, laws, and policies that we accepted as being “for us”, when in reality, they were all more of the same, being done “to us”. We bought-in, we relaxed, we accepted compromises and concessions, we mistook stagnation for progression. What’s happening with our children is teaching us a very valuable lesson and many of us are heeding. I must acknowledge our gradual growth. Evolution always wins. Being Pro-Black is not only natural, it’s necessary. How can you be Black and not Pro-Black? How can you be Black and not seek to operate in the interests of your own people? How can you be Black and not value your own culture and customs, as varied and rich as they are? How can you be Black and not want your children taught to love themselves as Black? How can you be Black and gleefully continue to spend your money in a manner that enriches others while keeping your people impoverished? How can you be Black and still spend inordinate amounts of time and energy on programs, politics, policies, and entities that have historically worked against us? How can you be Black and not understand the need for us all to operate in the interests of Black people in a unified and organized manner with love as propulsion? We have more than enough within our ranks to be great, yet we have to get to a place where we ALL believe it. Yes, there is that table that consist of the race that is human, but it isn’t necessarily a good look for us to be sitting at that table if we are, as a collective, still eating off the plates of others, while at the same time, allowing ourselves to be fed crumbs by those same others. Being Afro-Centered suggest only that you derive your power from within yourself as a Black individual. Your thoughts and your actions are driven by what already lies within you innately, inherently, by birth. Pro-Blackness involves you thinking and acting in a manner that is “for” you and yours, not necessarily to the detriment or destruction of anyone else. All other groups are “centered” and “for” themselves and are faring well doing so. Who/What convinced us that it was weird, crazy, or angry to be passionate about who we are and our own survival? Just something to ponder. is mens/womens t-shirts and hoodies . .








Life Is Supposed to Feel Good Life is supposed to feel good, right? Did you know that? Do you believe that? Many of us really think that there is great rewards in suffering. Many believe that there’s pain that simply comes along in life to all of us at some point. I agree wholeheartedly, but I don’t agree that life is NOT supposed to feel good more times than not. My experiences, my teachings, my learning and therefore my beliefs, have caused me to know that we were all birthed into this world with absolute immeasurable brilliancy and determination. Each time we forget that or doubt our abilities, we insult the Creative Intelligence. Many of our teachers, parents, friends and family thoroughly reinforce the false notion that one is not supposed to feel good-not really. Mainstream media supports this farce, as well. What they don’t get is that feeling good has all to do with the inside stuff we’re already equipped with. Thoughts! Yep! You’ve read correctly! Thoughts! We’ve all been taught to either think “inside the box” or be considered an outcast. Think “inside the box” or be labeled a trouble-maker, weirdo or misfit. Think “inside the box” or you lack self-control. Thoughts always lead to feelings. Other’s thoughts about their lives can cause most of us not to feel good about our own lives. The egoist we call parents, teachers, friends, family or government officials are mostly blind to our purposeful existence. The great power and energy of love and creativity is apparent in the mere fact of our existence. Love always involve freedom, especially freedom of expression. Only the blind egoist would define reality in its own terms and, therefore, its own limitations and experiences upon the rest of us. Thoughts always lead to consciousness or lack therefore. Unconsciousness is still a form of consciousness. This holiday season, try taking time out to consider your own life experiences and then ask yourself, “Is life supposed to feel good?” Are you still convinced that consciousness is not dependent on physical matters? Feeling good is a matter of the creation. Regardless of what happens, we can feel good anytime we want with practice. For the next 30 days, every morning, try these: *Breathe in, breathe out (continuous deep breaths) *Allow *Deliberately create good feeling thought in your mind * Deliberately create good feeling action that directly correspond to the good feeling thought, in your mind *Maintain that feeling for 15 minutes We are all required to do things differently than we have in the past. This day you have been reminded of the Power of Universal Law. Choose to use the Law of Attraction, Law of Deliberate Creation and the Law of Allowing. This day, let your good feelings be your guide. You’ll be glad you did. Life is supposed to be good. Sometimes, we come together in ways we don’t understand. Love & Light, P.S. Be easy but eager. You are meant to satisfy your dreams while feeling good doing so. Life Is Supposed to Feel Good Dr. Curt is a Spiritual-Psycho Counselor who specializes in Taylor-made, personalized Personal Development coaching, counseling and consulting programs for individuals from all walks of life ranging from Juvenile Delinquents to Business Executives to the Creative’s to Celebrities. Dr. Curt lives, laughs, and loves in Atlanta, GA USA “I show people how to coach, consult & counsel themselves toward #Greatness thru a co-created Personal Development Program they can use for years to come. – #TheIAMProject”


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Let's Talk Woman to Woman Saturdays at 11am

Mother's Makeover Who said that you can’t dress fabulously at any age?! As women get older many women may have a hard time keeping up with the fashion trends. Once you reach a certain time in your life, many may lose the desire to dress trendy and fashionable, but when you look good you feel good! Spring is finally here, now being a great time to spruce up your wardrobe, and put the scarves and boots away! We have put together some looks that can be worn for a Saturday out with the girls; after work meetings or Sunday brunch.

Women In Their 50s

Women In Their 40s

Women In Their 30s

One thing for sure, you can be fabulous at any age! Wishing you a wonderful Mother’s Day! - Brittany & Adrienne


Happy Mother's Day Mompreneurs

Yachica Gonzalez Talent Acquisition Manager for Pentaho/ Hitachi N.A. and the Co-CEO of Global Media Marketing & Entertainment Management Firm I specialize in Talent Acquisition and management in two industries, Information Technology and the Entertainment field. I've worked with large companies i.e. Walt Disney, Google, Yahoo, Amazon and with Nationally recognized and signed artists. I am also a soon to be divorced single mother of 3 children. My son Robert is 19 and my two daughters Aamora (11) and Aayden (7). My journey to get to this point was more like a never-ending marathon. LOL. I was a teen mother at 17 and had a difficult marriage for 10 years that resulted in health issues and mental abuse. I reluctantly walked away over 3 years ago, and my life took off! I lost 130lbs, moved to Florida and God has elevated me because for the first time in my life I invested in ME!

Kendra Sikes Personal & Business Development Strategist, Minister, Wife and Mother of Five I wear a lot of hats, but I actually enjoy every bit of it, even though sometimes it can get rough. But, when I look at those little faces, it motivates me to push harder. With my kids aging from 12-3, and me being only 29, I have to work extra hard to keep myself and mind focused on why I do what I do, and the WHY is why I feel I owe it to my kids to be successful and leave a spiritual and inheritance. I come from a family where poverty and lack were the norms, and I knew I was going to break that generational curse from my family. So each day I am determined to wake up, work on my business and strategize. I wouldn't say it is hard to be a business owner and have kids, but I will say it's a challenge, and as long as you stay in prayer and are goal driven, it will make each day easier. I want to be an example of a mother who dominates, and that is exactly what I plan to do. CEO Chick Moms Rock!

Jennifer Enders Lifestyle and Leadership Coach John Maxwell Team & Coach and Regional Director CEO Chick Network

Running a business and a family isn’t easy but it’s a life I love. As a mother of four I have enjoyed having my own business for over 15 years. Being an entrepreneur gives me the flexibility to work my business around my family schedule. I have the blessing of being an example to my children that you can help others through business and financially contribute to the family. I have found that I am a better mom when I’m working vs. staying at home solely with my kids. I thrive in the marketplace and have found walking out my calling in business gives me great fulfillment and purpose. Every week brings something new when it comes to a growing family and the glamor of social media often times doesn’t tell the real story of being a mompreneur. While impacting lives through my business can be exhilarating, it is also very hard work. There are many late nights and weeks where I may miss the mark in being super mom for being a super entrepreneur. Adversely, there are definitely times my family’s needs override my ability to be all-in for my business. I’ve found that there is no perfect balance, but it’s much like the wings of a plane coming in for a landing. To land smoothly, there is a teeter totter effect in the wings to create balance in the Windstream and in the end land safely. If a plane stayed perfectly level across the wings and didn’t modify or course correct in the wind, a crash landing would indeed occur. This picture is such a great model and reveals there is no perfect balance but more of a back and forth in life and entrepreneurship. Your ability to course correct and become comfortable with the balancing act is key to success. It is possible to create a life you love as a mompreneur and fulfill your responsibilities to your family and your business. This is something I teach clients as well as the women in our CEO Chick Network, where we create an environment for female CEO’s to connect, collaborate and dominate. You can learn more at

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