Are You a Virtuous Vegan? Many people think all vegans were health-conscious people before they even began their journey, but that’s not always the case. Question is, though: what type of vegan are you? (NB: Definitions whole-heartedly tongue-in-cheek…)
Virtuous Vegan (aka WFPB Vegan) Nothing passes your lips that hasn’t been lovingly prepared in your own kitchen from the freshest of local seasonal ingredients. Unsurpassable when it comes to food prep skills, virtuous vegans derive the most pleasure from knowing they’re nourishing their body and mind with every healthy bite. Granted, this has made them a little bit of a food snob. Tip: Live a little every now and again and treat the family to that raved over vegan burger. Moderation works both ways, you know…
Dirty Vegan (aka Junk Food Vegan) A super fan of vegan chefs who keep it “real”, you went vegan for the animals, not your own health. Agog at WFPB vegans’ dedication to wellbeing, and in disbelief that anyone would willingly put that much time into cooking (though you’ll happily watch the YouTube videos), you still want to be chowing down on tasty fries and a juicy-yetmeat-free burger or some sort of – erm – greasy goodness. Not for you the effort of a cauliflower rice gastronomic endeavour. Tip: In addition to adding a bit of lettuce and avocado to your preferred quick-and-satisfying meals, it wouldn’t hurt to cook from scratch upon occasion. Or go halfway and perhaps invest in an air-fryer…
Starved Vegan (aka Vegan for weight loss) The one who didn’t get the memo that veganism in not about shedding pounds or denying oneself any sensory pleasure at all, the starved vegan took the macrobiotic movement beyond a physical health reset and became a culinary ascetic fearful of all fats. Recognisable by iron-deficient dark circles under their eyes and a rather gaunt silhouette, their alternative versions are the raw foodist and the fruitarian. Tip: Come into the 21st century way of thinking when it comes to food. A “moment on the lips” is not a lifetime on the hips, but rather an actual life: take pleasure in what you consume and you’ll positively thrive. Life is too short not to seek enjoyment, and plant-based options are too delectable to go on like you have been… | Just Natural Health & Beauty