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Frequently Asked Quesons

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An-Bark Collars

An-Bark Collars

1. What is a JVA Pet electric fence?

A JVA Pet electric fence is basically a psychological fear barrier that works on the principle of giving your pet a short, sharp, safe jolt that is sufficiently unpleasant to discourage it from touching the wire again.

2. Is it safe for my pet or child to touch?

The answer is yes.

The JVA Pet electric fence energizer is a low powered, solid state, electronic device that discharges a very short duration pulse of energy down the fence line every second.

The short duration, low energy pulse, coupled with a one second interval between pulses, is what makes the unit safe. Although it is safe we would not recommend placing the system where small children are likely to make contact with it.

3. Is it cruel?

While the Pet electric fence does give your pet a memorable jolt, it is far less cruel than a whipping and does not cause any lasting injuries such as can be caused by barbed wire.

The SPCA has made extensive use of electric fences for animal control.

4. How legal is the system?

The JVA Pet energizer range is a certified legal energizer which complies with the internationally accepted safety standards stipulated in SANS 60335 – 76. However, the fence should be erected within your property and have warning signs displayed.

5. Can I run my pet control fence along my veranda or boundary wall?

The difficulty here is being able to get a good earth return so as to complete the electric fence circuit. Concrete paving is not a good conductor, so the fence will not work effectively if all the wires are live. A live/earth wiring configuration will be needed in poor earthing conditions.

(See page 3)

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