Ambassadors for Christ 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, Matthew 2:1-11
January 4, 2015
Our theme this year is: Ambassadors for Christ. Today we remember Epiphany. What does that mean and how do they connect? Something to do with the wise men, who; “When they say the star, they were overjoyed...they saw the child...and they bowed down and worshipped him.� (Matthew 2:10) Epiphany means manifestation or revelation. God has been communicating, revealing manifesting himself trough many different means, through his creation to his messengers. From a star in the sky to shepherds and wise men, prophets and apostles, God reveals His Will, His Word, His Way. The wise men show where we have to start if we want to be ambassadors. Two things: see and worship. Let me shift gears to another but related question: what is the purpose of our Embassies in countries all over the world? Have you ever needed to make use of the Canadian Embassy while travelling? The Embassy is of course there to represent citizens in a foreign country. One Summer one of our children lost their passport while traveling in Greece. Discovered this at the airport, it meant missing their flight. The airline kindly arranged for them to catch the same flight the next day, but this only gave 24 hours to get a new passport. It was our Embassy who gave great support and worked around the clock to enable this to happen. We received a telephone call in the middle of the night to give identity verification as well as give names of others who might do the same. One of our friends in England was very helpful, describing them as not to tall and not too short, hair colour as not too dark but not too light, not to old and not to young. With that endorsement it is a wonder, but the passport was issued in time. The Embassy is the home of the Ambassador. What is their role? They are to represent the interests of their country.
Who are we? Who are we in relationship to this world where we God’s heavenly kingdom world? Once we were aliens/ foreigners to God’s household/ nation and at home in the world (Ephesians 1). But in Christ we have been rescued and transferred from the kingdom of darkness, into the kingdom of the beloved son (Colossians 1:13). Citizens of Heaven:”You are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household.” (Ephesians 1:19) Now we are citizens of heaven -- a chosen people,a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God (1 Peter 2:9). Foreigners in the World: “I urge you as aliens and strangers in the world.”(1 Peter 2:11) It is now this world that is foreign territory. The Prince of this world is Satan who has set up his headquarters here. So we were once at home in the world but foreigners to God. Once we make the transfer, we become foreigners or aliens in the world, but citizens of God’s kingdom and members of His household. Ambassadors “We are Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. “ (2 Corinthians 5:20) The Church is like the Embassy, who represent heavens citizens here on earth. We are Christ’s Ambassadors, representatives here in this world. Herod wanted the wise men to be his representatives and report to him. But his motives were suspect and self-serving. God wanted them to be his amabassadors. At Church of Our Lord, we have a very distinctive position in our Community. We are known as a heritage site, a beautiful church, and now have a very active Community Ministry Centre which sees many people coming through our door every week. We are an Embassy. Who is the ambassador/are the ambassadors? Every one of us is called to be an Ambassador for Christ and His
Church. What does this mean? If we wear a Canadian flag or emblem in a foreign country, our behaviour will reflect on how we are perceived. All of us bear the name of Christ - we are Christ’s one’s. We have been marked with a sign - baptism, and a seal, the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13). So in the same way, our lives need to reflect the values, character and very nature of God himself. We are also his spokespersons, who are there to speak up in the name of the King whom me represent, the instruments through whom God makes his appeal. Jesus puts it like this: You are the salt of the earth...You are the light of the world...let your light shine before men , that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven (Matthew 5: 13,16). What is salt used for? Spicing up food. in the old days before refrigeration, it was used to preserve the food. It can help as a disinfectant for healing. And why does one feel thirsty after eating peanuts or pizza? The salt creates a thirst. But too much salt/ potassium can be unhealthy. Our role as salty Christians is too do all of those. To spice up and draw out the flavour of people’s lives. To preserve the standards, values and qualities of God in our society and relationships. And it needs to be in balance, enough to create a thirst and make people want more, but not too much, which has an adverse reaction. If we are salty, we’ll be a beacon of light in our community. And the light has similar characteristics it reveals God’s truth on the one hand, and the dirt or sin on the other. It warms, gives direction, and the sun provides vitamin D for health. How salty is COOL? We have a rich heritage of faithfully proclaiming the truth of the Gospel. As a church we are generally known to be warm and friendly. We have a generous response to those in need through our many missions. In our worship services we reflect a reality and authenticity and don’t seek to put on a false piety and puffed up airs. “We are Christ’s ambassadors, as though Christ were making his appeal through us...on Christ’s behalf.”
What qualities do we need to be Ambassadors for Christ? See Epistle. Pro-Active v. 11, 20 “Since we know what it is to fear God, we try to persuade men....We implore you on Christ’s behalf. “ Words like persuade, appeal, compel implore show the active mission of seeking not only reach, but persuade people of importance, truth, and urgency of the Gospel message. This contracts with our often lethargic, passive, tolerant, don’t rock the boat or offend anyone view of our role as Christians today. Transparent v.11 “What we are is plain to you an opportunity to...answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in what is in the heart.” What we are, say and do should all line up. Transparency in our conscience, beliefs and actions contrast with those who are more concerned with appearance. In other words, our light and saltiness needs to be seen. Driven v. 14 “For Christ’s love compels us.” When we grasp the magnitude of Christ’s self-sacrificial love as demonstrated on the Cross, then our central focus shifts from living for ourselves, to living for Christ. The change is from self to Christ centered living. It becomes all consuming and compelling impacting every area of our life, rather than just something we fit into the God slot of our day or week. What compels us? Renewed v. 16,17 “So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view...Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! “ This impacts our very identity. We are no longer bound by our old nature, but are new creations in Christ. It also impacts our worldview. Instead of the focus being on outward appearance and worldly standards of success, we see people as God sees them. We see their heart, soul, spirit and as a new creation rather than the old nature. This is a challenge of grace - to see the best in people.
Reconciled v.18,19 “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” There is a summary of the Gospel right there. We are alienated/ separated from God in our sin. In Christ we are made righteous so that we can be reconciled with a righteous God. And then are sent out with the commission to be reconcilers. How effective are we in communicating this message clearly? At COOL how are we doing as an Embassy? We have become quite good at connecting with our community, by creating environments to welcome our neighbours e.g. through our multi services, open house events like the High and Strawberry Teas, and special events. We also continue to build on our Mission heritage e.g. through the CMC - Sanctuary, CC, HR, and LE at the Kings Road Gym, as well as international missions. While we are fairly clear in our proclamation of the Gospel in our church services, we are basically preaching to the choir/ converted. One of our weaknesses is being able to communicate clearly who we are and what we believe. This applies to our evangelism, and our promotion. JV is doing a great job with our website and fb, It is an ongoing leaning curve how to make use of social media, especially in promotion and interacting with a skeptical world. As individuals, how many feel confident enough to share their faith with others? We need everyone to be an ambassador to represent Christ, and COOL to anyone who walks through our many doors. So when we attend a function, whether it be a strawberry or high tea, a special Easter or Christmas service, or any one of the weekly activities, we are not there just to enjoy what is provided or even just serve tables such as at LE, CC or Sanctuary. We are on active duty In His Majesty’s Service (IHMS), as an Ambassador to represent our Lord the King himself and the Church of Our Lord.
As Ambassadors, we are to tell people who are outside of God’s circle, that He loves them and wants them to return, to be reconciled to himself. That is our ambassadorial role in a nutshell. Will you be an ambassador IHMS? In our preaching themes we hope to provide some equipping to know and share this message: We’ll start with the Creed, looking at what we believe and what is the message. During Lent we’ll follow up by how we should live, looking at the Ten Commandments - our relationship with God, one another, and our families. Following Easter we’ll be seeking to discover and exercise our gifts and ministries in the Holy Spirit. After the AGM, the newly elected PC will be meeting to explore how we can effectively mobilise our Church into this Ambassadorial role. One of the ways may include a renewed Alpha, still one of the best resources. And finally, on a personal note, I share one of my new year resolutions with you. As most of you know, I don’t like or believe in titles, which seem to contradict Jesus’ command. I balk at the description of a Bishop, as “Father in God.” However, I do believe that we have functions and ministries. The is only one Everlasting Father, but we can exercise ministries as spiritual fathers in Christ. Esther started calling me Abba, and now Maya does, so this is my name to our grandchildren, as Lynne is called Nana. The name has an intimate fatherly/grandfatherly quality. It is my desire to be Abba, a better father in God to my children and grandchildren, but also to you as our congregation, and to the pastors and leaders with whom I work alongside. What is your new year resolution? Can you ask the Lord to show you how you can become more and more a true ambassador for Christ.