The anchor december 2012

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We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. Hebrews 6:19 - 20 NIV

Church of Our Lord Newsletter December 2012 Editor: Lynne Damant email:

Producer: Richard Montgomery email:

try. Like seeing the mighty engines fire up and shoot the rocket up, up, up into the sky. It was something totally new for them and the world. So is it for us as we think back in our hearts to the time before Christ’s birth. Joseph by Mike Damant and Mary begin their weary journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, the Magi move slowly across the deserts following their revelation. The shepherds and those who heard and received the prophecies were, in a way, like those spectators at the first launch – like us – filled with excitement and maybe a bit apprehensive – would it Sunday December 2 was the First Sunday in Advent. At work? Is this really He? Church of Our Lord we had a wonderful service of Advent Lessons and Carols. Led by Sheila Sim, the music group and the large choir of adults and children strengthened our We know the answers, but as Christ blazed across Israel, singing of the beloved and stirring Advent hymns and bringing light and redemption to those who believed Him and received His message, so there were those who, like songs. Jack Mirtle’s trumpet was celebratory and joyous. the sceptics watching the fading trail of the first rocket and mocking, “We knew it was a flash in the pan, just a three As I listened to the words and music, excitement and antic- day wonder!”, watched Jesus and mocked Him and killed ipation began to steal over me. I thought of those first be- Him. But then He rose again and like a fiery jet trail His lievers so long ago – not yet known as Christian – Israelites word spread right across the world proving them wrong! who had waited so many aeons for the birth of the one who would fulfill the prophecies and free the nation from Today, we see the world turned away from Him. Christians its years of suppression and slavery. are persecuted across the world – some to suffering and death, and here in the Western World we see materialism Those who correctly read the birth and life of Christ and erected as the new idol. But we are full of excitement and believed in Him were, in a way, like the spectators at the anticipation because we know what is coming. We know launch of the first space rockets. Excited, hoping to see and believe in the truth of those long ago events, and we something new and wonderful, not fully understanding glory in the knowledge that one of these days the second what was to happen. Watching with bated breath as the stage of the rocket will ignite and a blaze of divine light massive contrivance was slowly wheeled to its launch pad. will, in an instant, flash across the world. Those who don’t Waiting to rejoice in success – hoping there would be no believe, who don’t know the story will be saying “What’s failure. I remembered the amazement with which we happening!” while we raise our hands on high and shout watched the tiny glowing dot of the first Russian satellite “Glory to God in the Highest, Welcome Jesus, Lord God containing the little dog “Laika” inch across the South Afri- Almighty!” can night sky, scarcely able to believe that a living creature was there! Listening to the wonderful words of promise and the worshipful music I was excited. Inside I kept saying, So, in a way, must it have been for those early believers as “Let it happen, Lord, let it happen.” they saw and heard about Jesus’ birth, baptism and minis-



rafters as if to say ‘I am here getting you ready for tomorrow.’” The team also gave talks on Stewardship and Tithing, on Spiritual Warfare, and Conflict Resolution. And at the conclusion Glen wrote: “Thank you, Thank you, for praying for the team. We are back in Juba preparing to fly to Uganda tomorrow. Your prayers sustained us in Aweil. We have all been healthy thanks to your prayers. The conference was well received. The team is tired but joyful and thankful for your partnership in the work of the Kingdom. You all are so important to us. Blessings to all of you, The SOMA team.

BISHOP TREVOR WALTERS MINISTERING IN SOUTH SUDAN Bishop Trevor Walters, the Anglican Network in Canada’s (ANiC) suffragan bishop for western Canada, and our bishop, departed on October 30 with three others on a mission trip to South Sudan with SOMA USA (Sharing of Ministries Abroad). The team was invited by Bishop Abraham of Aweil Diocese (one of the largest in Sudan) in the Episcopal Church of the Sudan to lead a clergy conference and preach in local churches. The team also hoped to show by their presence that the people there are not forgotten; that we support our Christian brothers and sisters in Sudan and South Sudan. Bishop Trevor asked for our prayers before he left on October 30 as they would be travelling in a country still beset by violence. Christians in both Sudan and South Sudan continue to suffer much persecution and hardship.

Some initial setbacks required immediate prayer - Air Uganda’s refused to allow the team to fly because of a lack of visas – miraculously visas were processed in four hours versus the usual 48 hours to process! Because of the visa delay, the team missed their UN flight to the Diocese of Aweil and were told they would have to pay full fares again - miraculously at the UN facility in Entebbe the Lord put them in touch with a lady who was determined to get their flights changed at no extra cost! The extra day in Uganda was further manifestation of God’s grace because the cooler temperature there was so welcomed by the team who had been finding it very hot! Finally they arrived in Juba, and on the next day, Sunday, Bishop Trevor preached at the 7.45am service in the Cathedral. And then on to Aweil. Glen Petta, one of the team, wrote in an email message: “The people of Aweil are so wonderful. All of the priests work without any salary or compensation. The people of Aweil had suffered attacks by the people of Dafur in Northern Sudan about 20 miles from Aweil. After one of the talks we did on forgiveness, one of the priests shared, "through this teaching my heart was changed to the people of Dafur - I have to love them."

Welcome Parade as Bishop Trevor Arrives

When we discover that we are loved with an eternal love, with a love beyond all time and space, which goes even beyond death, then everything begins to change, all becomes possible, all can be accepted and loved. . . When human beings discover that they are truly loved by God and that they can live in relationship with him, a change takes place within them. They are no longer disheartened by their limits and handicaps.

A teaching on the Holy Spirit brought this charming anecdote from Glen Petta: “The night before we gave the talk on the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit, I looked up as we finished the day and there was a Dove sitting on the rafters in the middle of the room just watching. I never saw it fly in since there was a roof. I watched it walk on the

Jean Vanier in Man and Woman He Made Them Anglican Book Centre 1985


Silent night! Holy night! All is calm, all is bright. Yonder the Virgin-Mother and Child, Holy Infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace.


What will we remember this year of Do you think that this familiar carol is a true description of 2012? Was it any more chaotic than that night? others? How does this relate to Je-Joseph frantically running around trying to find a sus' promise that His advent offers place to stay light, peace, government, truth, justice and all the other life qualities -The mass of humanity crowding into Bethlehem we long for? -An exhausted Mary delivering her precious baby in a stinky stable It has certainly been a momentous year in the life of COOL -Herod in his insecure jealousy trying to track and CTK. The merge brought lots of meetings and deliberadown his perceived competition with murderous tions, changes and adaptations. For some it was all a little intentions overwhelming, but thankfully most saw the benefits and big picture. I feel truly blessed to have been involved in Was this really a peaceful, silent night? The circumstances this process and to now be part of this wonderful new re- would not seem to be so. What made it holy, calm, bright newed Church of Our Lord. October 7 saw the culmination and peaceful, was the Incarnation, the coming of God into of all the deliberations in a glorious Thanksgiving and Com- this fallen sinful world in human form. That is what missioning Service. This celebration continued when this brought the stillness. That is what made the difference. November some of us attended our first Synod as full members of the Anglican Network in Canada. And the same is true for us. We may not see all the changes the circumstances we hope for - a new job, a financial In the world it has been pretty much the same as previous bailout, banks giving us a break, or politicians actually anyears - more upheaval and uncertainty. The US kept us swering questions. We may feel under pressure from all viewing the seemingly endless presidential election. On sides. But God’s promise is that we can know his peace in the one hand, Canada seems to have weathered the eco- the midst of the upheaval, order in the midst of the disornomic storm fairly well, while on the other, more people der, rule in the midst of the unruliness, holiness in the struggle to make ends meet. Living Edge and Sanctuary are midst of the distractions, stillness in the midst of the examples of the need right here in Victoria. They also offer storm, good news in the midst of the bad. What makes the us the opportunity to serve and bless others. We saw de- difference? It is God, Emanuel coming into our lives and struction from mother nature, most recently by Hurricane being with us. It is Jesus, our Saviour who is Christ the Sandy. Israel is under siege, Islamic fundamentalism inflicts Lord. So in the midst of uncertainty, We have this hope as terror with its intention of world dominance. The Christian an anchor for the soul, firm and secure (Hebrews 6:19). Church is increasingly under attack yet continues to pro- Wouldn’t that be a good name for a magazine?! claim the Gospel and grow, especially in the “Global South” countries. It is just as well our hope is not dependent on human beings, or we would be in trouble. Rather, This Christmas we celebrate the coming of Jesus into the world, the light shining in the darkness, the King who rules we can be part of the solution. in the hearts of those who receive Him, but whose full reign over the created order is still to come. This is what Our Lord Jesus warned us of these kinds of upheavals. makes our day and night silent, holy, calm, bright, peaceThey are like birth pains, and as the contractions increase ful, and full of hope. in intensity and frequency they signify the coming birth. We are looking forward to the birthing of a new earth and heaven with the return of Jesus Christ. All the shaking and Lynne and I wish you a blessed and hope-filled Christmas shuddering is a wake-up call and warning to repent, turn and New Year. Rod and follow Christ, and re-evaluate our priorities.


Those who are interested in seeing what we do are invited to come to the RV between 7:30 and 10:00 pm Tuesday or Thursday. We also welcome donations. I can be reached at 250 384 7782, or Erick Hinton at 250 418 0065.Thank you and bless you in Christ's name.

STREET HOPE UPDATE by Barbara Stoeckel I asked Lynne if I might put an update about Street Hope Ministries in our new magazine so that those in our congregation who don’t know about it might get some idea of what it’s all about.


Street Hope Ministries was developed by Rick Sandburg under the umbrella of Anglican Church Army, now known An Update from Beth Nicholson as Threshold Ministries. When Rick left for another ministry, Street Hope was carried on by several experienced Hello dear Friends and Supporters of volunteers. Historically, the site for Street Hope has moved Karen Rempel, around Victoria in the past twenty six years and is now provided within an RV. Provisions consist of peach drink On Karen’s behalf, I send this note of (juice),soup and sandwiches, cookies, "shoeboxes" as donews to you. She would love to write a nated, blankets, socks and other clothing, and last but not personal note to you but as you can exleast, an encounter with Jesus. pect she has a lot on her plate with all the new beginnings since arriving at Black Forest Academy in Germany this past August. Erik Hinton (St Peter's Anglican, with others) drives, arranges storage, and maintains the RV. Tim and Michelle Hardy (St Philips Anglican) serve soup and sandwiches etc. A few details: Karen lives in a small town, Kandern, in a on Tuesday and maintain our data base and newsletter. very picturesque area of Germany. She shares a house David Kilshaw (COOL) and Lezlie Martinson (Gateway Bapwith three other single women who are also on staff at tist) serve soup and sandwiches on Thursdays. I serve on Black Forest. This helps to keep down her expenses AND it Thursdays but also maintain provisions, purchasing Cheez definitely serves to refine her ability to adjust to different Whiz, peanut butter, Nuttella, jam, hot chocolate mix and personalities and styles of living. Karen's work load is soup bases as needed. These items are also received as heavy: she teaches private piano students, as well as donations. I heat donated soups and make what else is some group piano classes. She has had very little spare needed as well and store donated bread (provided by Cobs time up to this point. As you can imagine this is all very via Saanich Baptist Church). challenging on top of the many adjustments and other responsibilities. Especially in the weeks leading up to Christmas, Karen's schedule becomes more demanding. Prayer We completed our first year with one-day-a-week intersupport would be appreciated. mittently in July and August and finished with a major house cleaning of the RV August 28. We started our se- She is looking forward to the Christmas break, which will cond year in September 2012 with a regular attendance of provide her with a chance to stop, recoup and catch her 40 to 50 people (homeless or marginalized) (teens and breath before plunging into another loaded semester. beyond) on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the vicinity of Pandora Ave and Vancouver St. Many of these now consider us "family." A special occasion of a tea was held Oc- Although she would love to hear from you, she can't retober 24, 2012 at St Philips Anglican church to welcome spond to all her notes and emails at this point. Please be Bruce Smith who is Ambassador at Large for Threshold patient, she will soon be sending out her own news notes. Ministries. Inclement weather and illnesses contributed to Karen could not enter into this ministry without your supa low attendance but those who came had a meaningful port; she is deeply appreciative of your partnership with her. With gratefulness for your love, friendship and suptime of fellowship. port.


He adds, “Another vital Brethren emphasis is the reliance on Scripture for all matters of faith and practice, which of course is also a basic tenet of ANiC. So I have come full circle: I am now an ordained Anglican minister - in order to function in an Anglican context.


But as a seminary-trained and ordained minister, does he not expect to preach more often?

We all know by now the ministers of our amalgamated church, right? There are four: Rod and Ron, Neil and Peter. If you nodded your head at this point – I’m sorry, but this was a test, and you just flunked. There are five! You overlooked Richard Montgomery, that cheerful guy in the reception office to the left when you walk into the door. He’s the one who tells you what you need to know, or does the job you need done for the church. But your oversight is forgivable, because Richard does not look quite like a minister. First of all, you never see him wearing a clerical collar. (He does own one – I checked). Also he is so full of quips and puns that you wonder if there is enough ministerial gravitas there. (But it’s there – when needed. I found that out over the many years I’ve known him.)

His reply show he is serious about that statement of ‘a minister is a servant’: “I enjoy preaching, but in my past experience as a pastor I found that in doing it every week, I was in danger of losing the edge of the message. We need to keep it fresh. At present I see myself as the pickup guy around the church, to fill in gaps in various ministries. I enjoy the challenge of that.”

What does his regular work consist of? It consists of producing various publications, primarily the Sunday bulletins, and quite a few others beside about services the church provides. He also is the receptionist, meeting and greeting people, tour guide to visitors, booker of events. He takes care of physical problems arising in the buildings. And he is in charge of the Cridge Club, COOL’s outreach to lonely seniors in the community.

So what made him that way? For one thing, he is Irish – Northern Irish. On one hand, that makes for fun and a quick wit, but it’s not always easy to come up with a rapid repartee – or perhaps your reporter is a trifle sluggish (he’s a Dutch plodder).

How has the merging of the two churches affected his work? “Ooooooo…” he says, pursing his lips and pronouncing it as an owl would. And, in capital letters, “INCREASED IT SUBSTANTIALLY!”

But, more relevant to the absent clerical collar: he grew up among the Plymouth Brethren. Those were the people who around 1840 wanted to distance themselves from the view that the professional clergy was a superior, more gifted and qualified layer of the church than the laity, which depended on them for true insight and help in matters of faith. “The Brethren wanted to get back to the simplicity of the New Testament Church, and they laid strong emphasis on the priesthood of all believers”, says Richard. “That is also found in the 39 Articles of the Church of England, by the way. But the Brethren put that to work by not having paid clergy, but instead having all the work, preaching and pastoring included, done by the people of the congregation, according to their spiritual gifting. I still believe in that principle: we are all ministers, serving each other. ‘Minister’ means servant.”

Well, what can the rest of us do to make it easier for him? “The deadline for the bulletin is Thursday. But it seems we have to keep tweaking and adjusting info right up to publication time. If everybody would stick to that deadline – that would help a lot”. He adds, “Friday afternoon we could use some help with the bulletins, folding them and inserting other announcements.”

How is the merging process coming along, from where he sits? “It feels as if there are a lot of fragments floating around that need to be pulled together into some order. But we’re getting there, and each week I notice an improvement – we’re getting some track to run on. The people from both former churches are getting together, accommodating


each other and beginning to work together. For instance first began to attend in 1971, brought Claudia there in it’s already happening with the newsletter. Lynne Damant 1972, married there in 1973, ordained there in 1978, Recis now doing the editing, while I continue the producing.” tor of COOL from 1978 to 1993, and elected and consecrated Bishop within its walls in 1996. COOL has also been an integral part of the Diocesan Outreach Missionary work, He continues, “The merging is going better than we had both to the Island of Bequia, part of St. Vincent and the anticipated. Before it happened, there had been some re- Grenadines, in 1992, and now in Cuba since its inception in sistance in both congregations, but we felt the Holy Spirit 2003. wanted us to press on, and we have been confirmed in this by the results. However, the integration is still in progress, and there is further need for people to blend and take We cannot thank God enough, nor the people of this ownership of the process.” church enough, for all that has happened in our Christian walk because of the Lord’s Presence in all that happens at COOL. May the Lord bless each and every member of this A final word to our readers? great church as we enter into the wonderful Season of “I just became engaged to Elisabeth Taylor – but this one Christmas. May the Christ Child truly be born anew in our goes by ‘Beth’. In the New Year we will set a date for the hearts. wedding!”

In the wonderful and powerful Name of our Saviour, Emmanuel, +Charles and Claudia Dorrington

Dear Friends in Christ,

The Wedding Date - June 2nd 2013

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A LETTER FROM BISHOP CHARLES DORRINGTON Bishop Charles & Claudia Dorrington 70-7570 Tetayut Road, Saanichton V8M 2H4 - 250-652-8850 5 December, 2012

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To the Clergy and People of Church of Our Lord;

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Claudia and I want to thank-you very much for the very generous gift that we received when we were with you on November 25th on the Feast of Christ the King, and the 138th Anniversary of Church of Our Lord. The Church of Our Lord has been a central part of our life for so long. I

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Most if not all of us know that our church building stands here as the result of conflict between Edward Cridge, Dean of the local Church of England Cathedral—Christ Church, and George Hills, the Bishop. As in any dispute, each side has its own version of events and I am fully aware that the Christ Church Cathedral account differs from the Church of Our Lord account. The two men were different both in appearance and in how they adapted to the frontier. Hills was tall and aristocratic-looking while Cridge was short and stocky. Both were stubborn. Hills remained an Englishman all his life, returning to England after he retired as Bishop. Cridge put down deep roots here and remained the rest of his very long life on Vancouver Island. Cridge came to Victoria in 1855 as a Chaplain to the Hudson’s Bay Company and for some time was the only Protestant clergyman here. One of his reasons for leaving England was to distance himself from a schism in the Church of England that arose between those who favoured the High Church service with elaborate ritual and those who, like Cridge, favoured the simple Low Church evangelical service. What is not as well- known however is that the Bishop encountered opposition from another clergyman in the church just up the road from the Cathedral!

Shortly after the beginning of the gold rush of 1858, with the resulting increase of population, Victoria went from an outpost fort to a town literally overnight. The church built for Cridge by the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1856 which he named “Christ Church” could seat 400. With the rapid increase in population that came with the gold rush, the church could neither accommodate nor minister to everyone. Cridge wrote to England requesting two more clergymen but he got more than that. Miss Angela BurdettCoutts, a wealthy benefactress, offered to endow a Diocese in Victoria complete with a Bishop and a second prefabricated church made of iron to accommodate the overflow from Christ Church. The Bishop and the Iron Church (named Church of St. John the Divine) arrived from England in 1860.

DEAN CRIDGE HAD COMPANY! By David Vuckson At the request of a member of our congregation, I recently facilitated the visit of a small group of her friends to Church of Our Lord, introducing them to its history, the building itself, the special windows and some of the interesting interior furnishings, including a demonstration of the historic organ. To assist me and refresh my mind while preparing for this, I re-read the book, “Quiet Reformers, The Legacy of Early Victoria’s Bishop Edward and Mary Cridge,” by Ian Macdonald and Betty O’Keefe. I also read Stuart Underhill’s book, “The Iron Church 1860-1985, a history of St. John’s Church, Victoria, B.C.”, and “A Temple Not Made With Hands, A History of Christ Church Cathedral” by Sel Caradus. I came across some information which added to the story of Dean Cridge and I thought it might interest our people here at Church of Our Lord.

The original Christ Church, situated where the Law Courts are today, burned down in 1869. A new wooden cathedral replaced it on the same spot, opening in December 1872. At the evening service on the opening day, Archdeacon Wm. S. Reece preached a sermon in which he spoke at length about Ritualism in the services of the Church of England. This smacked of “High Church” protocols and triggered a public protest during the service from Dean Cridge who favoured “Low Church” practices. He was censured by the Bishop and this ignited a simmering dispute that eventually resulted in Cridge being called before an Ecclesiasti-


cal Court in 1874, the result of which was that his licence to preach was revoked and he was forbidden to enter the Cathedral. He soon affiliated with the recently formed Reformed Episcopal Church that broke away from the American Episcopal Church over the same issue of ritualism. A large majority of the Christ Church congregation left with Cridge and they built this building on land donated by Sir James Douglas. Church of Our Lord opened on January 16, 1876. It cost $12,000.00 to build and furnish.

INSIGHTS For the New Testament Christians, witness was not a sales pitch.

They simply shared, each in his own way, what they had received. Theirs was not a formally

Most accounts of this issue place great emphasis on Cridge’s initial outburst (which was then followed by very public accounts of it in the local newspapers) and on the perceived embarrassment of the Bishop which led to their estrangement. But there was another church issue as well that involved more than just Cridge. In January 1874 Bishop Hills moved to establish a Diocesan Synod. Cridge was opposed to this and questioned the Bishop’s right to call a Synod. He was joined in this opinion by the Rev. Percival Jenns of St. John’s Church (the Iron Church) who felt that a Synod did not foster brotherly love and unity between the clergy and laity. It took many years before Jenns would both acknowledge the Synod and send delegates to it from St. John’s. Rev. Jenns’ opposition to the Synod, however, was not as openly dramatic as was Cridge’s and did not result in a stand-off with the Bishop. At times too, Jenns resisted the Bishop’s authority but he did it without being publicly defiant. Cridge and Jenns were two among many clergy of that period who felt allegiance only to the Archbishop of Canterbury. At this time, although British Columbia had recently joined Canada (1871), it still lived as a farflung outpost of the British Empire in splendid isolation from the rest of Canada thousands of miles to the east. This was more than a decade before the completion of the transcontinental railway and it is easy to understand the feeling of allegiance to Canterbury at a time when the Anglican Church of Canada did not yet exist.

prepared, carefully worked-out presentation with a gimmick to manipulate conversation, and a “closer” for an on-the-spot decision . . . but the spontaneous, irrepressible, effervescent enthusiasm of those who had met the most fascinating Person who ever lived.

The gospel is not theology. It’s a Person. Theology doesn’t save. Jesus Christ saves. The firstcentury disciples were totally involved with a Person. They were followers of Jesus. They were learners of Jesus. They were committed to Jesus. They were filled with Jesus.

They had encountered Jesus Christ and it simply could not be concealed. They witnessed not because they had to, but because they could not help it.

Their school of witnessing was the school of the Spirit where they learned continuously. Authentic Christian witness is born of the Spirit.

A brief update: The Reformed Episcopal denomination has always had its largest base of congregations in the southern United States while there are only approximately six in all of Canada. In July 2012, Church of Our Lord voted in favour of a merger with the congregation of Christ the King Anglican Church of the Anglican Network in Canada (ANIC) —a growing conservative, Bible-based movement—that currently has some 67 congregations across Canada.

Madison Avenue, with all its sophisticated know-how, can’t improve on the strategy. Nothing is more convincing than the simple, unembellished word of a satisfied customer. Richard Halverson


Cathie Wilson: Where do I begin? It was at a Sunday morning service, a Scripture from Isaiah 58 was read, and then Pastor Bob Palm was introduced. Bob spoke of the work and meals he had been serving weekly to 350 people in downtown Victoria. They had lost their facility and he decided to come alongside our church and take part in its new ministry in the Quadra community started by our Pastor Neil van Heerden. I realised this was going to be quite a project! Later in the service we sang the song, “Here I Am, Lord” and I felt deeply in my heart that I was being called to help in this worthwhile ministry. I remembered when we had moved to the Quadra Street area we talked about expanding our ministry in this area. It seemed that this was exactly what we had prayed for, and the Lord was now revealing His plan.

THE LIVING EDGE MINISTRY (Editor’s Note: I asked Robbie May , Cathie Wilson and Kay Eggert to each share a few lines with us telling how God is blessing “The Living Edge” ministry. Here are their thoughts.)

Robbie May: How is God blessing this ministry called “Living Edge”? I could mention the abundance of food that comes week by week….tons, in fact….enough to feed hundreds of people at our weekly service and dinner and, to provide at least 1000 people each with a bag of groceries. I could tell of the dramatic answer to prayer as we received tables and a van which were needed to facilitate this ministry. I could mention the helpers, not only from Church of Our Lord but from other church ministries who are volunteering to set up tables, “The Living Edge” is the new name for the Quadra Street welcome guests at the door, or serve meals. Ministry and it is a huge but a wonderful and productive endeavour. Many have stepped forward to help from both within and outside our Church of Our Lord congregation in But, I want to tell you how God is moving the hearts of the many needed tasks. We are blessed to have Pastor those who are coming week by week to The Living Edge. Bob and his team who are committed and able to put toMany of our guests come from the Quadra area, although gether fabulous meals for 200 or more guests each week. some travel by bus and walk from further away in order to Over the past month and a half we have experienced be there around 4.15 pm. For some, church has been part blessing after blessing, and prayers have been answered. of their distant background and for others religion has not For example, we desperately needed 30 tables at the start been part of their experience. Several weeks ago Pastor of this project, and we had only 8 available in the gym. Neil shared the parable of the Prodigal Son. The room, While we were considering what to do, 40 new tables filled with 250 people, unusually silent as he told of the were generously supplied and arrived in plenty of time for son’s Journey and his return to a joyful, forgiving father. the first meal. He related that to our Heavenly Father who accepts us as we are, loves us and welcomes us back, no matter where we have been or what we have done. Neil then prayed, The Living Edge also distributes food at the Blanshard inviting those present to pray in their hearts, if they would Community Centre on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday like to invite Jesus into their lives. As I stood against the mornings. I am overwhelmed and amazed at the amount wall, ready to serve dinner, I heard many voices, softly and of food that arrives weekly from Sysco, Costco, Cob’s Bakloudly, repeating his prayer. Their hearts had been ery and elsewhere. As many as 200-300 people arrive each touched by the Holy Spirit! As a result of these weekly enday; they come not only for the available food, but often counters with Christ, many are requesting teaching or a for prayer. The surroundings at the Community Centre and Bible study as they want to know more. at the Sunday dinner are always extremely busy, but the atmosphere is always joyful and surprisingly peaceful as Running alongside this service and dinner is a similar pro- we join in fellowship. What I see as we move forward with gramme for the children. Anywhere from 14 to 20 children this project is that God’s hand is at work. gather to do crafts, enjoy a meal, and learn more about Jesus. Many are now asking for prayer and what a blessing that is. God is certainly present!!!!!


Kay Eggert: Lynne has asked me to write a few words on how God is blessing The Living Edge ministry. God’s blessing is evident in the great amount of food that is donated and distributed to the people in the Quadra area. God is also blessing the work of Pastors Neil and Bob along with numerous volunteers as we offer a Sunday afternoon service followed by a full course hot meal.

Pastor Bob has made many contacts with places like Cob’s Bread and Thrifty’s who donate the large amounts of food. The food is then bagged and distributed on Tuesday and Thursday by a team of volunteers from Living Edge, people from the community, and others. We have fun chatting, laughing and praying while filling the bags. Before the bags are distributed Bob stands outside with the people who have lined up and in his booming voice gives thanks for the food and asks a blessing on each family represented. This is a special moment as the presence and provision of God is acknowledged by numerous loud “Amens.”

Can you imagine the excitement on one Thursday morning when about nine tons of food was donated? Only days before several of us had prayed for a van to make pick-up f donations easier. God not only provided the food but a ¾ ton Dodge van. It does feel like Manna from heaven and the means to handle it.

Sunday afternoon service and meals are equally amazing. Bob and the food prep team begin on Saturday to prepare a delicious hot meal for 250-300 people all from donated food. The gym is readied, the people settle down as music is played, and this is followed by Neil giving a short message. What a blessing to see people respond. One gentleman told me that his health is improving since he has been coming. His doctor was so impressed he asked what he was doing to account for the change. Yes, God is indeed blessing many who come each week for groceries and for the Sunday service and dinner. It is also a blessing to work as a volunteer with The Living Edge ministry.


GOD IS THE CENTRE What is the shortest chapter in the Bible? What is the longest chapter in the Bible? What chapter is the centre of the Bible?

Psalm 117 Psalm 119 Psalm 118

Before Psalm 118, there are 594 chapters After Psalm 118, there are 594 chapters Add these numbers up, and you get 1188 What is the centre verse in the bible? Psalm 118:8 Does this verse say something significant about God’s perfect will for our lives? The next time someone says they would like to find God’s perfect will for their lives and they want to be in the centre of His will, just send them to the Centre of His Word! Psalm 118:8 (NKJV) “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." Now isn’t that odd how this has worked out or was God in the Centre of it?

been loudspeakers and the hymns were taped. One Wednesday morning was so special I wrote about it in the newsletter I was editing for St. Matthias Church at the time. It started with that hymn that has been described as, “the Marseillaise of the Reformation”, Luther’s battle call in the crisis of his struggle against the Roman Catholic Church, “A Safe Stronghold is Our God.” That worldfamous chorale tune pealed out its stirring lines to the skies. Then came, “Onward, Christian Soldiers”, the amazingly popular processional written by an amazingly energetic Victoria cleric, Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould. He wrote this hymn for a Whit Monday schools festival and he wrote it, it is said, in less than fifteen minutes!


For this first issue of a brand new newsletter burgeoning from both our former two, The Grapevine and The King’s News, I thought I should write a few words. Richard Montgomery and I, with the blessing of our Co-Rectors, agreed to try a joint venture – me to “gather the stuff” and act as editor, and he to receive the “stuff” and make of it a pleasing whole, that is, act as producer. We hope to have it appear every two months. I believe it will have a print run for those who don’t have The half hour was all magnificent. There was that most electronic devices and it will appear electronically in pdf wonderful of morning hymns, “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God format. Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.” It floated out over downtown Victoria and my heart wanted to shout with joy! That other well-loved morning hymn, As to the name! THE ANCHOR. Richard and I tossed around “Christ whose glory fills the skies”, just one of the 6,500 some suggestions with the help of a few others, and then hymns written by Charles Wesley, was equally stirring. The Pastor Rod suggested we give a couple of choices to parish last was, “Joyful, joyful, we adore thee”. The tune is Beecouncil and have them make the decision. While Revs. Rod thoven’s from his Ode to Joy in the Ninth Symphony, but and Ron were away in Ottawa attending the Synod, Rev. the text was written by an American, the Reverend Henry Peter Umland preached a very fine sermon on chapter 6 of Van Dyke, who became famous as one of America’s great Hebrews. When he got to verses 19 and 20 in the chapter, preachers. I like the sound of him. True Christianity, he “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and says, is following Jesus. Jesus had two sides to His nature, secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, the physical and the spiritual. With the physical, He had to where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our be- support His widowed mother and at least five younger half.” (Hebrews 6:19,20 NIV), Rev. Peter explained that the brother s and sisters; on the spiritual, He lived in constant anchor was regarded as a symbol of safety from ancient companionship with His Father and on terms of selftimes because of the important part navigation played. forgetting service with His fellows. This sets the pattern for The anchor became a very early Christian symbol and was all who have to work: they must work, but also live in comfound in the catacombs. It brings together the cross and panionship with the Carpenter of Nazareth, absorb His the importance the sea and fishing occupied in peoples’ sacrificial spirit and make life an offering of love to Him. lives. Rev. Peter painted the beautiful picture of us being anchored by an invisible line reaching up to God in the innermost heaven. I sat thinking about this, and it came to I was attracted to this historic and charming-looking me that perhaps, yes, The ANCHOR might be a good name Church of Our Lord all those years ago, and thought what a for our newsletter! Dorothy Jones’ poetry on the back special and glorious Christian outreach they were carrying page reinforces what a beautiful symbol this is for Chris- out each Wednesday morning. The hymns floating out tians, ancient and modern. over downtown Victoria must surely have stirred hearts and consciences? Little did I think 20 years ago, that Mike and I would become part of Church of Our Lord! But here I have to write about one more thing. During the ‘nineties we are, about to celebrate our first Christmas with these my office was on the corner of Blanshard and Fairfield warm and hospitable and inviting people who have made Road and from our house on Beechwood Avenue I would us feel so welcome! I hope that we will have a long and walk to it each morning. On Wednesday mornings I was sweet history together. I say Thank You, God, for leading especially blessed. For a half hour, the most wonderful us to this place! hymns would float out over the surroundings from the bell tower of Church of Our Lord! I thought there were actual with love, Lynne. bell ringers in the tower, but I suppose there must have


Trial and Discovery The ocean seems endless, Beyond its horizons lie adventures untold, Wonders unimagined, Dangers unforeseen. My craft is so tiny in this vast expanse. I feel quite lost despite the charts in the cabin below, But for some reason I want to feel I can do without. Besides, how can I be sure of the Cartographer, Never having met Him face to face. In the back of my mind though, I can hear Him whisper, “Remember, I’ve already laid out the groundwork, You’ve studied the charts before, You’ve learned to use all the tools. Go below and lay off a course; Where ever you go I’ll follow, And I’ll be there when you arrive.” A flashing light on the island, put there for all to see. Set high on a rocky outcrop it stands secure, no matter what the weather may bring. The Power Source is infallible, the Keeper endlessly patient and ever watchful. He gives me the ocean to explore, and distant lands to discover. Why I keep ignoring its brilliance is beyond reason, Why He persists in His task is a mystery. I suppose that is what Grace is all about. The Light of Love always shining, offering me safe passage to secure anchorage. “Lord, teach me to depend more and more on your word, And to anchor my hope securely on your promise.” Dorothy Jones May 1991


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