We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. Hebrews 6:19 - 20 NIV
Church of Our Lord Newsletter June2013 Editor: Lynne Damant email: fmdamant@shaw.ca
Producer: Richard Montgomery email: office@churchofourlord.org
K=11 L=12
N=14 O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26 THEN… HARD WORK
8+1+18+4 + 23+15+18+11
= 98 percent
= 96 percent
= 100 percent
12+15+22+5 + 15+6 + 7+15+4
= 101 percent
THEREFORE ONE CAN CONCLUDE WITH MATHMATICAL CERTAINTY THAT WHILE HARD WORK AND KNOWLEDGE WILL GET YOU CLOSE, AND ATTITUDE WILL GET YOU THERE, IT’S THE LOVE OF GOD THAT WILL PUT YOU OVER THE TOP! ________________________________________ Were the sky of parchment made, A quill each reed, each twig and blade, Could we with ink the oceans fill, Were every man a scribe of skill, The marvellous story, Of God’s great glory Would still remain untold; For He, most high The earth and sky Created alone of old. -from the Jewish poem, Hadamut, in the Aramaic language, composed in the year 1096, by Rabbi Mayer, son of Isaac Nehorai,who was a cantor in the city of Worms, Germany.
SIX BIBLICAL REASONS WHY ISRAEL IS THE MOST UNIQUE NATION ON EARTH 1, Israel the Only Nation promised National Redemption: “And who is like your people Israel, the one nation on the earth whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people, to make for Himself a name - and to do for Yourself great and awesome deeds for Your land – before Your people whom You redeemed for Yourself from Egypt the nations and their gods. For You have made Your people Israel Your very own people forever; and You LORD have become their God.” 2 Samuel 7:23, 24
2, Israel the Only Nation promised Everlasting Salvation: “But Israel shall be saved by the Lord with an everlasting salvation;” Isaiah 45:17
3, Israel Only Nation continually threatened for extinction by other Nations “Behold Your enemies make a tumult; and those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against your people, and consulted together against your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more.” Psalm 83:2-4
4, Israel the Only Nation that promises to be a Blessing to the other Nations “I will make you a great nation, I will bless you, and make your name great and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Genesis 12:2, 3 5, All the nations will come against Israel’s National Capital – Jerusalem “And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.” Zechariah 12:3
6, Israel is the Only Nation that promises to bring Peace to all the Nations, “For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end.” Isaiah 9: 6, 7a Sources: Text, Jerusalem Vistas – Israel Vision; Photographs, http://www.freeisraelphotos.com/
LETTERS FROM NATASHA Editor’s Note: In 1996 Jack and Joan Krayenhoff lived in Russia for four months. They were invited by friends who had been working there with YWAM and started a church that mostly attracted university students, who needed instruction in Bible and New Testament theology. Natasha Bondarencko was one of Jack’s students all those years ago. At the end of October last year, out of the blue, Jack received an e-mail from Natasha which said:
As regards my spiritual life – I looked for same Church but didn’t find. 10 years I wasn’t member any Church. But I was relation with God and read the Bible every day. I visited the Churches but after my Church all Churches were not for my heart. I was very disappoint. First I was very angry to God and only now I understand how that circumstances help me grow up. My relation with God became deeper. Now I really know that God hold my hand and never let it out… He didn’t let me go to the unbeliever world and do something wrong… And of course help the studies the grace about you taught! I remember one important thing – God did on the cross all for me, and else Rom. 8:31-39. Now I became the member one Church (it’s a big Church) Jack do you remember Olga Zelikova? She was in your class too. I told her that I found you and she say you hello. I think we both stay live in Russia from our Church. She married 10 years ago and last year she was born a babe Georgiy. I’m not married. You and Joan can pray for me if you’d like. I want married and pray of it a long time but nothing work. Natasha’s Christmas 2012 Greeting to the Krayenhoffs: I wish congratulate you and your wife with Marry Christmas! So good that baby was born for us!!! I wish you a lot of time to serve Him hear on the earth. I'm so happy that know you and glad every time when got mail from you. God bless you plenty.
Hi Jack, my name is Natasha Bondarencko. You was my teacher in the Christian shcool in Rrasnodar. I hope you still remember me. I found your e-mail and desided to write you the letter. How do you do? God bless you. N Jack almost deleted her message thinking it was junk mail, but remembered the Cyrillic script and realised it was her name. He responded, “You must be a lady of about 40 years old now, and I am an old man of 85! However, I am quite healthy, and so is Joan, my wife. We are quite busy in our church, with an outreach to old people who are Brief extracts from Natasha’s e-mail in March lonely, and also we run several home Bible stud- 2013: ies.” He asked Natasha, “What gave you the idea Thank you for your last letter. God really renew my to find my email address?” She replied: mind through your letters. Your words help me remember simple things that very important in the I found my old note book that I use to use. There Christianity. I liked you wrote that much peace of your were a lot of old adresses and only one e-mail - life is aware of Jesus’ faithfulness. I found in my life a yours. I wasn't sure if it will work. I was very happy big part occupying the feelings. These don’t help me when you answer me for my letter because it oppor- to fellow to Jesus but back to front. I know that my tunity to tell you thank you for your service in Rrasno- feeling comes from the circumstances of my life not dar. I often remember all teachers hwo were in Rras- from the Word of God. Sometimes I can stay in the nodar. Now it help me to go to God. You tauthg us the God’s Word but sometimes I can’t. Even if I trying grace from Romans. It is wonder but I only now un- very much. It depended how heavy the circumstance derstand that you did for me. Yes, now I'm 43. I will came or it depended how much I wish something… send you my photo. The time that we don't see I was graduated from For example God didn’t give me a husband and chilUniversity department of management of psychology. dren and this fact make me very sad. And I feel pain Now I live with my mom. She is 73 and I took her from every time when I think about that. I don’t see inside Armavir to Krasnodar because she is unhealthy she me a gift from God to be along and the Word of God has a problem with her memory. She couldn't take saying that “there is not good for the person to be care for herself now...Jack say hellow for you wife along”. Some persons who have their families telling Joan I remember for her and her dinner! It was tasty! “you have to wait” or “if God didn’t give you must to be Sorry for my English I hope you will understand the along”… So easy say like that when you have husletter. bands and children. But their words don’t comfort me. I know when He tell to me it bring the peace or joy From Natasha’s e-mail of November 17, 2012: and hope. There are lying outside the church a lot of
the men who like me but I know this way not for me. I want really believes man from God. In the Church that I visit no man my age they already married. But I’m still waiting…..When I came to Jesus I was 23 now I’m 43… Of course if take this fact it very difficult to believe that He is love me. But I know He is although I don’t feel easy. Once I choose the way and I only trying to be faithful.
wisdom of God in this letters. In the same way you help me to confirming in the God’s Word. I like that God gave me a friend like you. Who loves God has a big experience of the walking with Him. I can see with my own eyes the miracle of God that He never allow even one His child to be lost. I can see through this experience His love to me. I can see that He is really alive and His eyes every time watching at me and He never let me go.
Jack mailed a copy of Andrew Murray’s “Abide in Christ” to Natasha to encourage her in her Editor: Christian walk. Her joy on receiving it towards the God works in mysterious ways, transcending end of April is evident even in her limited English: time and distance, race and language, to achieve I have got a book that you sent me three weeks ago. His ends. I think this is one small example of His And tried to translat it. But with every next chapter my Grace. interest grew up faster then I can translat. And I found in interned the Russian version of "Abide in Christ". I'm really was impression!!! This is like a bomb that blew up!
and a little later: Jack I very grateful you for a book that you sent me. I think when I finished read it I’m going start read it again and again. In feel like all peaces [pieces] in my mind begin together in the one picture. Use to I feel so bad myself and thought that a Christian life is very heavy and sed [sad] I thought that God doesn’t have a business of my life. I only every time guessed that something wrong with my ideas. A book helped me to see that was wrong. Now I understand that God working with me and the thought that Jesus needing me same like me need Him. It is making me crazy and lucky! I can see the goal – to abide in Christ.
Standing...just standing
Jack and the home group he and Joan are part of (“Monday at Mary’s”) told Natasha that they were specifically praying for at least one other Christian to join her. They were most encouraged by the appearance of Olga in answer to their prayers. Here is part of Natasha’s latest e-mail of April 2nd: Jack I hurry to say you Olga and me decided to have meeting a once of week. We have done that for a three time. After these meeting I feel myself better. We don’t do something special just pry, sing the song for God and speak that God did for us on the last week. This is a little strange in my eyes because in our home group only two people her and me. But Olga like me feeling such big encouragement when we see each other. ….. Jack we think in our meetings not enough study the Bible. Can you tell us how you do this in your home group? We don’t remember how do it right. …. Say hello my brothers and sisters in the Christ in your home group. Thank you for attention and prayers. Especially say hello for your wife Joan. God bless you. I like reading your letter too because I finding a lot of
while thinking this a woman gave a cheery
against an office wall was a man, no longer young standing...waiting...hoping for some passer by to offer him a coin or two for coffee and perhaps...no lunch would take much more ‘morning’ and continued on her way she passed his way again drew near...because something in his eyes as though in heart and mind thoughts had turned to Jesus she stopped beside the man they shared a simple smile “I’m just about to lunch will you join me there?” - Agnes Duke
Ten Things Church Members Desire in a Pastor by Thom S. Rainer, Christian Post Guest Columnist, January 18, 2013
(Dr. Thom Rainer is president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention) Many of my articles come from the perspective of pastors. That will not change in the future. I am an advocate of pastors and I desire God's best for them. I have no plans to change my advocacy role. As a change of pace, however, I recently asked a few hundred laypersons to write down what they desired of a pastor. Their responses were openended, and there was no limitation on the number of items they could list. Though my approach was not scientific, these laypersons did represent over sixty churches. Here are their top ten responses in order of frequency. Since many of them gave one or more sentences as a response, I can provide a representative comment by each of the responses. Love of congregation. "If we know that our pastor loves us, everything else falls in place. If he doesn't, nothing else matters." Effective preaching. "I don't have any expectation that my preacher be one of the best in the world, I just want to know that he has spent time in the Word each week to teach us effectively and consistently." Strong character. "No pastor is perfect, but I do want a pastor whose character is above reproach on moral, family, and financial issues." Work ethic. "I don't want either a workaholic pastor or a lazy pastor. Unfortunately, our last two pastors have been obviously lazy." Casts a vision. "Our church has so much possibility; I want to hear what we will do to make a difference in our community and the world." Demonstrates healthy leadership. "Most of the pastors in my church have demonstrated a good balance; they have been strong leaders but not dictators." Joyous. "Our current pastor is a man of joy. His joy and enthusiasm are contagious. I love him for that!" Does not yield to critics. "I know that every pastor serving today has his critics. And I know it's tough to deal with them. I just want these pastors to know that we supporters are in the majority. Please don't let the minority critics dictate how you lead and serve." Transparent. "Every pastor that I have had has been open and transparent about the church and the direction we are headed. It sure has made our church healthier." Models evangelism. "Our pastor is passionate about sharing the gospel. His heart and attitude are contagious." Dr Rainer asked readers of Christian Post, “What do you think about this list? What would you add from the perspective of either a pastor or a layperson?� Note from the Editor: This is shared with us by Rev. Ron! I would be interested in knowing what you, dear readers, think about this list! If you would like to share with your fellow readers what you, from your perspective, would add or change, drop me a line either to my email, fmdamant@shaw.ca, or leave it in my mailbox in The Link! Surprise me! Lynne D.
Spurgeon, Edwards, Finney, and Billy Graham. All preached and taught thousands of people on a regular basis. With the Holy Spirit’s energy going full blast!
by Bishop Robert Badham
The theme of Pentecost, believe it or not, is communication. As you study Pentecost, the truth emerges that God gave the gift of tongues to the apostles for one purpose, to communicate. Preaching is the method of communication. It is the theme of Pentecost as witnessed by Peter under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The apostles had a problem because people had come from many different nations. When you read the long list, you realize that a language barrier existed. God wanted each to hear the message in his own language. To achieve this He gave the apostles the gift of tongues.
Acts 2:14-42 is the sermon Peter gave on the day of Pentecost. It is the first Christian sermon ever preached! It sets a pattern of preaching, apostolic preaching, that carries down for preaching today. Peter preached such a convincing sermon that the Holy Spirit was able to reach all the various groups that had assembled for the Feast of Pentecost in Jerusalem to honour God.
Returning to the day of Pentecost we find that Peter was not the same old Peter of yesterday. This was a new Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit. His speech was eloquent because the Holy Spirit was speaking though him and when the Holy Spirit speaks, then look out, because it is powerful and demanding. When Jesus preached and taught He used the language of the common people, Aramaic, and Peter probably did the same. This gathering at Pentecost was huge, estimated to be about two million persons and Peter would have put himself in the most crowded part of the throng.
We read in Acts 2 that the disciples had come together to celebrate the Feast of Weeks. They were religious Jews worshipping in the temple, and keeping the Feast days. Suddenly something amazing happened – a strong gale force all around them – and then the disciples began to speak in different tongues. This was God’s way of getting the message to all the people. Peter seized that opportunity and preached eloquently with the force of the Holy Spirit guiding him.
We note that Peter began from a point at the beginning of the Creation story and worked his way through to the crucifixion of Jesus and His resurrection, the only way to convince the gathering. Backed by the eleven, Peter spoke out with bold urgency: “Fellow Jews, all of you who are visiting Jerusalem, listen carefully ..... These people aren’t drunk as some of you suspect. They haven’t had time to get drunk …..” Then Peter spoke about the prophet Joel and what God would do for His people and for every kind of There have been many great preachers throughout people: “And whoever calls out for help to God, will be history and all preached the same theme, Jesus saved.” Christ the Son of God, crucified, resurrected and opening the door to a relationship with God. There was a great preacher named George Whitefield. He was a masterful man of God and a powerful preacher Peter then quoted from Psalm 16, noting that King with a voice that could be heard for over 5 miles. He David, a righteous man with a personal relationship preached in Bristol, England to 20,000 people on a with God, spoke of God not abandoning him to death. regular basis, and in Glasgow, Scotland, to 50,000 He reasoned that because David died, the psalm people, without any preparation, without publicity, must have been speaking about one of his descendsave by word of mouth that people came to hear him. ants. Since Jesus was the only one who conquered Then there was George Muller who regularly death he must be the promised Messiah whom David preached to thousands of people each Sunday and foresaw. Peter sums it up, “All Israel, then, know this: often during the week as well. There were Moody, There’s no longer room for doubt—God made him
Master and Messiah, this Jesus whom you killed on a cross.” Peter’s preaching was so dynamic that those who were listening asked, “What can we do - what is the solution?”
Peter’s answer was this, “Change your life style. Turn to God and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, so your sins are forgiven. Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is targeted to you and your children, but also to all who are far away— whomever, in fact, our master God invites.” Three thousand were so convinced by Peter that they were baptized and committed to change their life style and follow Jesus.
Later, Peter and John were on their way to worship in the Temple. As they approached, sitting near one of the gates was a cripple begging for alms. Seeing Peter and John he asked for money to buy food. Peter said, “I don’t have a nickel to my name, but what I do have, I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!” He pulled him up by the right hand. In an instant his feet and ankles became firm. He jumped to his feet and walked. He went into the Temple with Peter and John, ecstatic, full of joy and thanksgiving. People came from all over the Temple to see what was happening. Peter immediately began to preach to the crowd. “Men of Israel don’t be surprised at what just happened, we did not make this man walk, it was the power of the Holy Spirit bestowed upon us by Jesus Christ whom you crucified. But God had other plans for Jesus because He raised Him from the dead and we are witnesses to this remarkable happening.” Peter testified powerfully and frequently in this vein to the power of the Holy Spirit through Jesus, and called people to repent and turn to Jesus.
Another instance of preaching follows. Philip was instructed to go to a certain place on the highway and wait. A chariot came by carrying an Ethiopian envoy who was reading from the Scriptures. He had been worshipping at Jerusalem. Philip was invited into the chariot and he asked what the Ethiopian was reading. He replied that he was reading from Isaiah. Philip asked him if he understood and the reply was, “How can I understand unless someone interprets it for me?” Philip seized upon this opportunity to preach and began to instruct the Ethiopian in the story of God’s plan from the beginning through to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, and how the Holy Spirit worked through the disciples at Pentecost and in eve-
ryone who believes in Jesus. Philip’s divinely inspired preaching was so convincing that it led to the immediate conversion and baptism of the Ethiopian – and the Holy Spirit was so manifested in him that he began to teach of Jesus in his homeland and thus began a Christian ministry in Ethiopia!
In all these stories one fact is dominant – Peter, John and Philip all referred to Jesus the Christ – He was their main theme. Whenever they preached they spoke of Jesus who could change lives and enable new beginnings. That is what the church is all about – that is what preaching is all about – Jesus Christ. That is what our music is all about – Jesus Christ. That is what our daily living is all about – Jesus Christ. Without Jesus there is no new beginning, but with Jesus – He makes all things new. (ACTS quotations from The Message Bible)
You may have noticed the library at Church of Our Lord. On the other hand you may not have.
It is that rather small dark room off the entrance lobby to the hall. I have to say that it is a bit of a “non-entity” at the moment, and has been for a while. I’ll explain.
A while back Lynne and I volunteered to take over the library from beautiful Beth – now beautiful Mrs. Montgomery – Hurrah!! Beth had so many duties that trying to keep on top of the library was just too much for one person. When we volunteered for the job neither Lynne nor I really comprehended what was involved – we soon found out!
After the large shelving unit was removed from the room (thanks to some elves from “The Table” and Mike Morres) we could at last actually get into the room and look around. What we found was amazing. Not actually a library but an archaeological site! There is stuff in there beyond belief, some that has nothing
to do with books at all. And the books too: I am sure that somewhere in there are probably some originals of the volumes of the Old Testament. I won’t be surprised if, when we start digging through everything and winnowing out the redundant stuff we find the mummified remains of some ancient parishioner who disappeared suddenly years ago, lying entombed in ancient books and pamphlets with a yellowed book on Moses clutched in a skeletal claw!
also hope to rotate the library content so that it does not become stale and dated.
The imagination runs away with me. Back to the library. The sad truth is that the clean-up process is going to be a big project. A lot of weeding out needs to be done. There are things in there which either don’t belong in a library or are redundant – many tape recordings and brochures, pamphlets and so on. Also Lynne and I have really not had the time to give to the job because of other commitments, but now with Summer around the corner we will be able to buckle down. The Church has allocated us space in the basement for storage and we will go through everything sorting out what needs to go to recycling, what to archives and what to the sale room. We will then sort and organise what is left into an easily accessible form and Voila!! The library will be reborn.
We will probably continue the present system of borrowing whereby parishioners can take out a book or books, and write their name, phone number and date along with the name of the book in the Register Book. I would like to note here that Rev. Rod placed a copy of Michael Green’s book, “Adventure of Faith” in the library, but it has been ‘borrowed’ and there is no record of who has it! If you have it, and haven’t finished reading it, please enter the details mentioned above I can imagine the scene when the news breaks. A in the register book. If you have finished with it, couple of long standing parishioners chatting … “Well please bring it back to the library. Thanks! my dear, what do you think of them finding poor old Mr. Snodgrass lying in the library like that? “Yes, I know my dear, and his poor wife just sitting at home waiting while the soup got cold.” “Mmn, and nothing So we hope that you will see signs of activity in the heard of him for all those years and him lying there all library during July and August and that in the Fall we stiff and cold.” … “I know, my dear, but you know I’ve will have a new, slimmed down, and accessible library felt for a long time that there seemed to be a rather – and be sure there are no long lost parishioners stashed away behind the books and shelves! unpleasant smell in there.”
by Sue Hiscocks
A near-death experience (n. d. e) out-of-the-body certainly shapes and alters our perception of what life and death are all about. A bestseller by Harvard M.D.E. Alexander, “Proof of Heaven – A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife” documents with some detail his discoveries and further spiritual experiences at www.eternea.org. I was a believer before my ‘accident’, which confirmed my faith and expanded my understanding of miracles, ‘soul-path’ and our One of the interesting parts of the present collection Creator’s infinite love, in a significant way. housed in the library is the large number of reference books. These do not really fit into a lending library for- Crossing Vancouver Island Highway in January ’78 on mat and we will be separating them out. Before send- foot, I was hit by a car I didn’t see coming. Apparently ing them to the sale room we will discuss with the a nurse stopped and they took me to Chemainus HosChurch leaders as to whether a separate space pital, where I was stabilised and transferred to Van(ideally a “reading room” – but realistically a book- couver General. case) – can be created where people can do research In the meantime, I found myself floating, being drawn without having to lug great tomes home. toward what seemed to be the Centre of Light and Love in the Universe. It felt totally wonderful, as if I were going home. (I saw no tunnel or figures.) Then I Our aim is to finish with a library of books which are received the message, “There’s something you have reasonably current, popular and Christian in their cen- to do, you’re going back!” I had no desire to return. I tral message which will appeal to parishioners. We heard voices and seemed to be pulled back down into
my body, with relatives sitting beside me at VGH.
tionships have settled down and they are able to worship together. They told me St. Peter’s is a fairly conComing to, after three days, the sense of light and servative ACC congregation. I was very admiring of love stayed in the back of my mind and helped me their brave witness. through what proved to be a lengthy recovery – my eyes were ‘re-arranged’, a broken leg, I had a concus- They came in to coffee in the hall with me, and we sion, and much later, I realised I had partial amnesia, enjoyed a time of conversation. I discovered that John with my former ‘photographic memory’ gone. Bos is a master craftsman in stained glass! He has a business in Williams Lake called BOS GLASSHowever, I found myself in situations where my long- WORKS, and has enjoyed being an artist and craftsterm memory could cope and bring light into environ- man of stained glass since 1966. He certainly enjoyed mental, political and healing challenges. The healing the fine windows in our church! I took a look at his of others often brings about healing in oneself. I often website and was swept into a world of channel that light and love with prayers and trust. The radiant and glowing colours like finest light and love are the same as the unconditional love jewels, details of holy scenes, shepwhich you see in children’s and dogs’ eyes. In es- herds, children, Christ, Mary, kings, sence it seems to be the ‘stuff of miracles’ – that trumpets, so alive that the figures alholds the universe together. most seemed to step out of my computer screen and into the room! What Skeptics and scientists may try to limit or analyse joy and creative fulfillment John Bos what only a believer knows. We all have destiny, must receive from this work. He has something unique to contribute. designed, crafted and installed his windows in churchWe are called to be His light to others, “that they may es around BC. Memorial windows as well. He loves to see your good works and give glory to your Father create stained glass pieces for homes too – he says it’s amazing how even the smallest piece of stained who is in Heaven.” Matthew 5:16 glass can add sparkle, light and colour to a home. He Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my designs elegant sidelights for the entrance, room dividers, a composition hanging in a window and stylish word, he will never see death.” John 8:51 Tiffany lamps. Log homes and timber frame houses provide a perfect setting for stained glass windows – the windows add sparkle.
On Pentecost Sunday I noticed that the couple sitting in the pew in front of me were newcomers. I introduced myself to them (Mike was on Sidesperson Duty) and discovered they are John and Norma Bos and were visiting from Williams Lake. They were enjoying Victoria for a few days and came to Church of Our Lord for their Sunday morning worship. They are long-standing members of St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Williams Lake, but in the last while have taken the rather courageous step of identifying themselves to their fellow parishioners as aligning with the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC). There isn’t an ANiC church in Williams Lake but after an initially rather strained reception following the news of their realignment, rela-
Bos Glassworks has shipped over 100 stained glass windows to Nagoya Japan, to be featured inside Canadian built log homes exported there. The windows feature a ruby red Canadian maple leaf in a background of frosted glass, set in a brass cameo and an oval frame, measuring 28” x 18”. I was delighted to think of such fine BC artistic products hanging in homes in Japan! This is a small summary of the extent of John and Norma’s glassworks business. Their creations are also sought out by hotels, pubs, and inns throughout BC. I am envious of this life work spent in fashioning such glorious creations. What Joy! And to know that it will glorify God and honour Him. Before we said goodbye to this vibrant and charming couple, John Bos dug into his pocket and pressed into my hand an exquisite scriptural fish made of fused glass to hang on a chain round my neck! Made by him of course. I’ve been thinking what an appropriate and lasting gift these would make when churches want to honour or thank any of their members for special service or duty. If you’d like to see more about Bos Glassworks and their special creations, this is their website address: www.bosglassworks.com
On May 18, 2013, a radiant and sparkling Lisa Ellis became Mrs. Terry Thomson in a beautiful wedding ceremony in Church of Our Lord. Here they stand outside the church receiving the good wishes and congratulations of their friends. THE ANCHOR rejoices with you, Lisa and Terry, and may your lives be blessed by God with joy, fun, adventure and fulfillment in your journey together
Church of Our Lord celebrated a second wedding ceremony on June 2, 2013, when Beth Taylor and Richard Montgomery were married during the 10am Holy Communion Service. In this beautiful photograph by Dick Faulks they are about to cut the Wedding Cake! THE ANCHOR wishes Beth and Richard a lifetime of happiness, delight and God’s rich blessings.
The Rt. Rev. Bishop Robert Badham celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his consecration as a bishop in the church of God on June 9, 2013. Bishop Rob received a special letter of congratulation from Leonard W. Riches, Presiding Bishop of The Reformed Episcopal Church, ACNA, in Pipersville, Pennsylvania. Bishop Riches wrote, “The bishops of the church took unanimous action to send their hearty congratulations to you as you mark this extraordinary milestone in your life of service to Christ and His church. …. Please know how deeply grateful we are to our Lord, and to yourself, for all that you have offered throughout these many years by way of godly example, sacrificial service, and effective leadership in ministering to the people of God and in building His kingdom. …. As you observe this anniversary occasion, please be assured of our heartfelt gratitude, esteem, and affection for you in the fellowship of the Lord Jesus Christ.” To which, THE ANCHOR adds its Most Sincere and Heartfelt Congratulations to dear Bishop Rob and his wife June, for their ministry here and their love for us. In Scripture the house, or dwelling, is presented as a means by which to make our fellowship with God assume a definite form. God also has a house; and the idea of dwelling in the house of our God is the richest thought that is given to us, to set forth the most intimate and tenderest fellowship with Him. . . To dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of our life, means: every morning, noon and night to be so clearly conscious of our fellowship with the Living God, that our thoughts go out to Him, that we hear the sound of His voice in our soul, that we are aware of His sacred presence round about us, that we experience His operations upon our heart and conscience, and shun everything we would not dare to do in His immediate presence. -Abraham Kuyper, To Be Near Unto God, pp. 40-41
Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cellphone?
What if we carried it in our purses or pockets? What if we flipped through it several times a day? What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
would not spare them the light. Is it any wonder that the priests realized that between this man and themselves there was no choice but that he or priestcraft should perish? Is it any wonder that the Roman soldiers, confronted and amazed by something soaring over their comprehension and threatening all their disciplines, should take refuge in wild laughter, and crown him with thorns and robe him in purple and make a mock Caesar of him? For to take him seriously was to enter upon a strange and alarming life, to abandon habits, to control instincts and impulses, to essay an incredible happiness... Is it any wonder that to this day this Galilean is too much for our small hearts? -H. G. Wells, The Outline of History [1920]
What if we used it to receive messages from the text? What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
Now, into the keeping of God I put
What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?
All doings of today.
What if we used it when we travelled?
All disappointments,
What if we used it in case of emergency?
This is something to make you go ….Hmm … “Where is my Bible?
forgotten things,
Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill. Makes you stop and think, “Where are my priorities?
COMFORT FOR THE HEART He was too great for his disciples. And in view of what he plainly said, is it any wonder that all who were rich and prosperous felt a horror of strange things, a swimming of their world at his teaching? Perhaps the priests and the rich men understood him better than his followers. He was dragging out all the little private reservations they had made from social service into the light of a universal religious life. He was like some terrible moral huntsman digging mankind out of the snug burrows in which they had lived hitherto. In the white blaze of this kingdom of his there was to be no property, no privilege, no pride and precedence; no motive indeed and no reward but love. Is it any wonder that men were dazzled and blinded and cried out against him? Even his disciples cried out when he
negligences. All gladness and beauty, love, delight, achievement. All that people have done for me, All that I have done for them, my work and my prayers.
And I commit all the people whom I love to his shepherding, to his healing and restoring, to his calling and making; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Margaret Cropper, 1886-1980 The Oxford Book of Prayer, OUP 1985, p.103
THE ANGLICAN CALENDAR Here are some of the saints we commemorate in the Anglican Prayer Book Calendar in July and August: July 2
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth
August 10
Lawrence, Archdeacon of Rome, Martyr 258
Lawrence of Rome (c. 225 – 258) (Latin: Laurentius, meaning "laurelled") one of the seven deacons of ancient Rome who were martyred during the persecution of Valerian in 258 was the first to be taken. He was burned over a slow fire, suffering for four days, the prefect hoping to extort the vast treasure which he believed the Christians to have concealed. His symbol is the gridiron. He was buried in the Via Tiburtina in the cemetery of Cyriaca, where Constantine the Great is said built a church in honour of the martyr, which pope Damascus rebuilt or repaired.
After the angel Gabriel had announced to Mary that she was to become the mother of Our Lord, Mary went from Galilee to Judea to visit her kinswoman Elizabeth, soon to be the mother of John the Baptist. This visit is recorded in Luke 1:39-56. We http://www.ccel.org/ccel/wace/biodict.html? are told that even John the Baptist, still term=Laurentius%20%2836%29 unborn, leaped for joy in his mother's womb. Thus we are shown, side by side, the two women, one seemingly too old to have a child, but destined to bear the last prophet of the Old Covenant, of the age that was passing away; and the other woman, seemingly not ready to have a child, but destined to bear the One Who was Himself the beginning of the New CoveHow can we know that what nant, the age that would not pass away. is Jesus has shown us of God w http://satucket.com/lectionary/Visitation.htm the truth; or how do we kno when we look into the face of o Jesus that we are looking int July 25 St. James the Apostle, Martyr 44 is r the face of God? The answe a so plain and simple that it is can James was the son of Zebedee and Samarvel how intelligent men lome, brother of Saint John the Apostle, . manage to miss it as they do and may have been Jesus’ cousin.It ne Look at what Christ has do seems he was a disciple of John the r for the soul of man: that is you Baptist. He was a fisherman.. He left everything when Christ called him to be answer. Christianity is just tha fisher of men. He was present during Christ - nothing more and no most of the recorded miracles of Christ. He ing less. It is a way of life, and preached in Samaria, Judea, and Spain. He was the He is that way. It is the truth first Apostle to be martyred, being stabbed with a about human destiny, and He sword by King Herod Agrippa in 44 at Jerusalem. Legend says his body was taken by angels, and is that truth. sailed in a rudderless, unattended boat to Spain ist [1933) R. J. Campbell, The Call of Chr where a massive rock closed around it. The pilgrimage to his relics in Compostela became such a popular devotion that the symbols of pilgrims have become his emblems, and he became patron of pilgrims. His work in Spain, and the housing of his relics there, led to his patronage of the country and all things Spanish; for centuries, the Spanish army rode to battle with the resounding cry of “Santiago!” (“Saint James!”). http://saints.sqpn.com/ saint-james-the-greater/