Volume XIX, Issue XVIII | thejewishvoice.org serving Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts
21 heshvan 5774 | October 25, 2013
Daylight saving time ends Nov. 3
Zelniker Conference, deborah Grayson Riegel at the alliance JCC ‘Strategic Storytelling to Engage and Inspire’ By arTHur c. norman anorman@jewishallianceri.org
source, but Jewish educators often fi nd it challenging to tell stories strategically and, PROVIDENCE – Communica- therefore, effectively. Some tions expert Deborah Grayson educators struggle with how Riegle will share her innova- to cull the key points and how tive strategies for engaging to incorporate inspiration and communication with her pre- action. Riegel will guide parsentation, “Strategic Story- ticipating teachers and printelling to Engage and Inspire,” cipals to advance their enthuat the annual siasm for and Joseph & commitment Leba Zelniker to education, Con ference. learn the key This year’s elements of program, prean effective sented by the story, disEduc at iona l cover how to Services Delink stories partment of to their orgathe Jewish nization’s valAlliance of ues, mission Greater Rhode and vision, Island, brings and fi nd out outst a nd i ng how to design Jewish edu- Deborah Grayson Riegel and deliver cators to the their stories community and is scheduled using five key steps that yield for Sunday, Oct. 27, from 8:30 results. a.m. to noon at the Alliance A communication and beJCC. havior expert who helps corStorytelling is a rich part porations, Jewish organizaof our Jewish tradition and tions and individuals achieve an adaptable, universal, eco- personal, interpersonal and nomical and educational rezelniKer | 20
gunTHer neZHOda
lIVING ON The edGe Brandeis: Economic instability has risen dramatically in the Greater Rhode Island Jewish community By Kara marziali Many of our Rhode Island friends and neighbors and, yes, even some in our families, live on the edge: On the edge between economic security and uncertainty – on the edge between hope and despair. Aware that there are problems in our community, The Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island, with the support of Alan Hassenfeld, commissioned Brandeis University’s Steinhardt Social Research Institute to examine the economic status of Greater Rhode Island’s Jewish community. The fi ndings of lead researchers Fern Chertok
and Daniel Parmer have been reported in “Living on the Edge: Economic Insecurity among Jewish Households in Greater Rhode Island.” Rhode Island families, including Jewish households, were especially hard hit by the recent economic downturn and there is little indication of improving conditions on the horizon. With fi xed incomes, few employment opportunities and the rising cost of living, many fi nd themselves caught in the clutches of economic vulnerability. The research shows that two percent of Jewish households in the Alliance service area fall below the federal poverty guidelines. Another 18 Brandeis | 18
Jewish alliance Family Room Parenting Center opens Comic writer Dan Zevin greets guests By arTHur c. norman anorman@jewishallianceri.org PROVIDENCE – On Tuesday, October 8, about 50 people attended the opening and dedication of the new Alliance Family Room Parenting Center at the Alliance JCC. Comic writer and performer Dan Zevin greeted guests and signed copies of his book “Dan Gets a Mini-Van (Life at the intersection of Dude and Dad).” Michelle Cicchitelli, Director of Jewish Life, welcomed the enthusiastic and appreciative gathering. Cicchitelli explained that this Ella, left, Yaakov, Julian, Ezra and Avi are enjoying the new Family Resource Parenting Center after school.
arTHur c. nOrman
parenTing | 17