December 19, 2014

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Volume XX, Issue XLIV  | Serving Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts


27 Kislev 5775 | December 19, 2014

Rhode Island’s National Council of Jewish Women at a crossroads BY FRAN OSTENDORF The National Council of Jewish Women, a nationwide organization with a proud history of social action, advocacy, volunteerism and philanthropy, is at a crossroads in Rhode Island. On Dec. 11, the leadership of the Rhode Island Section mailed a letter to the membership asking them to vote on whether or not to end the group’s 106 years of advocacy for women, children and fami-

lies in Rhode Island. The letter reads, in part, “…we are saddened to inform you that at this time we do not

have members who are willing to assume the responsibility of leading this Rhode Island Section. Therefore, with deep

regret, the board has voted to disband the Rhode Island Section.” Nan Levine and Ellie Elbaum, co-presidents since 2008, say they can no longer lead the group. Elbaum and Levine say they want the community to know they are not happy about this outcome. Both women have been active members of NCJW for many, many years, serving in numerous capacities. “It was a tough call,” says Levine. NCJW | 17


Joshua Malina speaks to The Alliance crowd.


the myth, the mensch – and a great evening for all BY JENNIFER ZWIRN On Dec. 7, approximately 250 enthusiastic community members gathered at Temple Emanu-El to celebrate the success of the Jewish Alliance’s 2015 Annual Campaign. Susan and Ed Odessa and Judy and Mayer Levitt co-chaired the event. Judy Levitt announced she just happens to be a distant cousin of Joshua Malina, the evening’s keynote speaker. A Hollywood actor and passionate advocate for the Jewish

community, Malina shared his experiences on how to remain a mensch in Hollywood and entertained an admiring audience with stories about his Jewish upbringing, his career as an actor and the intersection of his personal and professional lives. His stories ranged from funny (he credits performing the Heimlich maneuver on Aaron Sorkin for kick-starting his acting career) to inspirational (he begins each day reciting the Modeh Ani with his family), and he addressed everything from his education at Westchester MALINA | 18


Winners of the Hanukkah Art and Writing Contest, left to right, Front, Rivkah Taitelbaum, Esther Taitelbaum, Yael Bulley; Back, Sarah Peckman, Alexander Orth. Not pictured Sarah Brosofsky. More on the contest and winners on page 3.

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