February 5, 2016

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Volume XXII, Issue III  |  www.thejewishvoice.org Serving Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts

26 Shevat 5776 | February 5, 2016


A gift to enhance the community that embraced them BY FRAN OSTENDORF fostendorf@jewishallianceri.org The Eides family has a special feeling for the Providence Jewish community. After all, this is the community that welcomed Mira and Alex and their children with open arms in the ear-

ly 1970s, when they came here from the former Soviet Union, among the earliest families to move to Rhode Island during that period of emigration. Now, the family is giving back with a gift to the Jewish Alliance’s Dwares JCC. And in GIFT | 6


Natan Sharansky and Michael Douglas discuss their “Jewish Journeys” at an event on Jan. 28 at Brown University.

An activist and an actor find common ground in their Judaism BY FRAN OSTENDORF fostendorf@jewishallianceri.org


The Eides family, left to right, Alex, Mira, Susan and Michael.

PROVIDENCE – Natan Sharansky and Michael Douglas brought stories of their Jewish journeys to Brown University

the evening of Jan. 28. Speaking before a packed auditorium at the Salomon Center for Teaching, the renowned Russian activist, who now heads the Jewish Agency for Israel, and the

award-winning American actor shared common experiences from widely divergent backgrounds. The program, designed to JOURNEY | 10

Western Wall prayer fight ends with historic compromise BY BEN SALES TEL AVIV (JTA) – On Jan. 31 Israel’s government approved a compromise to expand the non-Orthodox Jewish prayer section of the Western Wall, putting to rest the decades-long fight between Women of the Wall and Israel’s haredi Orthodox religious establishment. The deal achieves what had been an elusive goal: an interdenominational consensus on Judaism’s holiest site with official recognition. The non-Orthodox prayer section at the wall will become much larger and more accessible. But haredi control of the Orthodox section

will also be solidified, though non-Orthodox leaders have long protested that monopoly. The deal, a copy of which JTA obtained ahead of the Cabinet vote, still contains a few unknowns. It is unclear how long construction will take. It does not say whether clear signage will direct visitors to the nonOrthodox section. Nor does it say exactly when Women of the Wall, an embattled women’s prayer group, will move its monthly services from the Orthodox Jewish main prayer section to the non-Orthodox one. Still, the Conservative and Reform move-

ments can declare victory. The size of the non-Orthodox section of the Western Wall will double to nearly 10,000 square feet – half the size of the Orthodox main section just to its north. A committee of non-Orthodox leaders and government officials will manage the non-Orthodox section. And a single entrance will lead to both sections. The Western Wall’s haredi Orthodox management, called the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, also safeguarded its interests. Non-Orthodox leaders had campaigned for a WESTERN WALL | 10

Women of the Wall celebrate as prayer fight ends.

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