Volume XXI, Issue II | www.thejewishvoice.org Serving Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts
25 Tevet 5775 | January 16, 2015
Winter conditions can’t stop the Rhode Island Jewish community BY HILLARY SCHULMAN hschulman@jewishallianceri.org
Yehuda Yaakov makes a point during his speech Jan. 11.
Consul General rallies the Rhode Island crowd BY FRAN OSTENDORF fostendorf@jewishallianceri.org PROVIDENCE – Israel is a diverse country and that must be a focus for the country’s long-term success. That’s what Yehuda Yaakov, the Israeli Consul General to New England, reminded more than 200 people Jan. 11 at the Dwares JCC.
“Our civilians are Muslim, Christian, Jews, Druze and a whole host of others in our multicultural mosaic,” he said. Twenty percent of the Israeli population is not Jewish, according to Yaakov. In fact, 20 percent of the students at Technion University are Israeli-Arab and 35 percent of students at Haifa University CONSUL GENERAL | 14
With winter seeming to begin later than ever, the Jewish community in Rhode Island “bundled” together to help those in need on Super Sunday, Jan. 11. Rhode Islanders answered the call to help ensure a strong Jewish future. More than 60 volunteers gathered to raise $97,108, propelling the 2015 Annual Campaign past the $2.5 million mark. The volunteers thanked donors for their past support and were able to reach out, engage and bring many more people into the giving community. In the spirit of a new year, the community was reminded to give back, thus creating a communal atmosphere. The day began with a busy
Cara Mitnick makes some phone calls. morning. Many of the volunteers represented many of the agencies and synagogues in the community. Babysitting was available all day and children’s activities kept families busy. Continuing an annual tradition, religious school and Jewish day
school students brought in decorated tzedakah boxes fi lled with coins. The Cohen School from Torat Yisrael in East Greenwich won the contest with a beautiful box and a total of $72. The SUPER SUNDAY | 15
Rhode Island faith leaders call for renewed commitment to fight poverty BY MARTY COOPER mcooper@jewishallianceri.org PROVIDENCE – On Jan. 7, leaders representing virtually every faith in Rhode Island marched from Gloria Dei Lutheran Church on Frances Street to the State House. The uphill march, to the beat of
drums in cold weather, was meant to symbolize the day-today struggle to get by. At the State House, the sound of four shofars called the faith community and Rhode Island’s elected officials to work together to reduce poverty. Blowing the Shofars were: Rabbi Alan Flam of the Swearer Center
for Public Service, Brown University; Rabbi Wayne Franklin of Temple Emanu-El; Rabbi Aaron Philmus of Temple Torat Yisrael; and Abigail Sherwood, a member of Temple Beth-El. This was the seventh year that a vigil has been held at the start of a legislative session. Much has been done to help Rhode
Islanders living at or below the safety net. Yet, organizers of the vigil, the Rhode Island Interfaith Coalition to Reduce Poverty, said there is still much more that has to be done and implored legislators to renew the state’s commitment to fighting poverty in Rhode Island.
More than 200 members of the Rhode Island Interfaith Coalition and its supporters turned out to issue a prayer for legislators that asked for leaders to govern with wisdom and compassion, as they make decisions in the new year, and to remember those most VIGIL | 2