March 18, 2016

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Volume XXII, Issue VI  | Serving Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts

8 Adar II 5776 | March 18, 2016


Merrick Garland recalls roots in accepting Supreme Court nomination JTA – New U.S. Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland credited his Jewish grandparents, who he said fled to the United States from anti-Semitism in Russia, for putting him in position to be nominated. “My family deserves much of the credit for the path that led me here. My grandparents left the Pale of Settlement at the border of western Russia and Eastern Europe in the early 1900s, fleeing anti-Semitism and hoping to make a better life for their children in America,” he said, choking up March 16 in the White House Rose Garden as he accepted President Barack Obama’s nomination. Garland said his father, who ran an advertising business from the basement of his family home, impressed upon him the “importance of hard work and fair dealing.” He said his mother’s volunteer work taught him the value of community service. His father, Cyril, was born in Omaha, Nebraska, but hailed from a Latvian Jewish immigrant family. He died in 2000. Garland’s mother, Shirley, who is still living, formerly was the director of volunteer services at the Council for Jewish Elderly in Chicago. “For me there can be no higher public service than serving as a member of the U.S. Supreme Court,” said Garland, now the chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Dis-


Merrick Garland trict of Columbia. “This is the greatest honor of my life other than Lynn agreeing to marry me 28 years ago. It’s also the greatest gift I’ve ever received, except, and there’s another caveat, the birth of our daughters, Jessie and Becky.” Obama called for Garland to be confi rmed in a timely fashion, so he could sit with the court in the fall and fully participate in the court’s proceedings. He would fi ll the Supreme Court seat held by Antonin Scalia, who died last month. “I simply ask Republicans in the Senate to give him a fair hearing and then a vote up or down,” Obama said. “I have fulfi lled my constitutional duty. It is time for the Senate to do theirs.” The Senate will go on a twoweek recess at the end of the week. GARLAND | 6


During Purim Mitzvah Day March 13, community members came together to prepare 700 hamantashen to be delivered to all the nursing homes in R.I. with Jewish residents. At the Phyllis Siperstein Tamarisk Assisted Living Residence in Warwick, and at URI Hillel, bakers joined together to prepare trays of the Purim treats. Volunteers from Jewish Eldercare of R.I. will deliver the treat-filled bags in the days leading up to Purim. The gift delivery of the hamantashen is sponsored by the Women’s Association of the Jewish Seniors Agency.

5 things to watch for at the AIPAC confab BY RON KAMPEAS

WASHINGTON (JTA) – Here are five things to watch for at this year’s annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which is taking place here March 19-22: It’s Yoooooooooge. Organizers are expecting 18,000 activists, 3,000 more than last year, the largest number ever. So large that, for the fi rst time, plenary sessions are mov-

ing out of the Washington Convention Center to the Verizon Center, a sports arena a few blocks away. Factors fueling interest: The perception that the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel is making inroads; the unhappiness among AIPAC activists with the Iran nuclear deal; and the election season – the chance to see presidential candidates make their case to the pro-Israel

crowd. Forget the Kosher dinner statistics – AIPAC’s not even going to go there, serving no mass dinner this year. But for the fi rst time all food stands within the convention center are Kosher only.

What will Donald say?

Donald J. Trump, the Republican front-runner, will address the conference. His three rivals for the party’s presidential AIPAC | 7

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March 18, 2016 by Jewish Rhode Island - Issuu