June 20, 2014

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Volume XX, Issue XXXIII  |  www.thejewishvoice.org Serving Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts

22 Sivan 5774 | June 20, 2014


Matan Graff

Le’hitraot, Rhode Island! Since September 2012, I have had the privilege and honor to serve as the Jewish Alliance’s community shaliach (emissary) here in the Jewish community of greater Rhode Island. Leaving my home in Israel, my family and friends, was not an easy thing to do. Not every day do you pack your life into a suitcase and few boxes and fly 6,000 miles away. However, all my worries faded the minute I arrived in the community. I MATAN | 16

Sharon Gaines and Jeffrey Savit


Alan Litwin with his children David and Madison


Sharon Gaines welcomed the crowd June 16 to the third annual meeting of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island

by taking a moment to recognize the plight of the three kidnapped teenagers in Israel. At the entrance to the Dwares JCC Social Hall was a table with iPads so that the audience could sign a virtual message to

the families of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel from the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA). “We hope this will offer some comfort that we are supporting these efforts,” Gaines said.

As a prelude to the annual awards presentation, members of Pastrami on RI blended their voices for “The Star Spangled Banner” and “Hatikvah” as well as “Bilvavi.” Pastrami on ALLIANCE | 17

Summer sun and pool safety tips BY IRINA MISSIURO imissiuro@jewishallianceri.org Ah, summer! The beach, the sun, the water! Yes, these all sound wonderful if you are a child. For adults, outdoorsy fun can lead to comforting crying kids … and that’s the best-case scenario. Precisely because lying by the pool or swimming in the ocean are such enjoyable activities, adults tend to dismiss thoughts of possible disasters or unfortunate outcomes.

If you are a parent, however, you know that you can never fully relax – your job is to ensure that your child is safe at all times. Concerned more about your family’s well-being than about being perceived as a pest by your children? Read on.

“Here comes the sun…”

Can you, too, say, “It’s all right”? Maybe after checking out our tips, you’ll feel more confident regarding your ability to wage a battle against

those damaging UVA and UVB rays. If your kids start complaining about your constant reapplying of sunscreen, do you have a snappy response? Warning: It can’t be “because I said so!” Try to fi nd a really wrinkly person and tell your child that this is how he will look soon if he keeps resisting sunscreen. If your kids are old enough, explain the dangers of skin cancer, cataracts and skin damage. Want to sound SAFETY | 18

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June 20, 2014 by Jewish Rhode Island - Issuu