Volume XXI, Issue XXIV | www.thejewishvoice.org Serving Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts
13 Tevet 5776 | December 25, 2015
JTA’s 2015 news quiz: The ultimate test of Jewish and Israeli knowledge BY URIEL HEILMAN JTA – Bernie Sanders, Jenna Jameson, criminal rabbis: How much do you know about the Jews and their goings-on in 2015? JTA has the answer for you, in exchange for your answer to these 20 questions taken from our coverage of the Jewish and Israeli news of the year. 1. Which U.S. Jewish religious denomination made which landmark decision this year? a. The Reconstructionist movement allowed intermarried Jews to be ordained as rabbis. b. T he Renewa l move ment said it would rename itself in the wake of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s 2014 death.
c. T h e C o n s e r v a t i v e movement allowed so-called patrilineal Jews to read from the Torah. d. The Satmar rebbe in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, said followers should not sport hipster-style beards. 2. Which celebrity-in-Israel news did NOT happen this year? a. Reality TV star Kim Kardashian and husband rapper Kanye West baptized their daughter in Jerusalem’s Old City. b. While atop a camel during his Israel visit, Patriots wide receiver Julian Edelman said, “Riding these horses here in Israel is a little different.” c. On a visit to Tel Aviv, QUIZ | 23
Super Sunday co-chairs Mindy Stone and Doug Simon.
A SUPER SUNDAY FOR RHODE ISLAND Successful day for the Jewish community BY HILLARY SCHULMAN hschulman@jewishallianceri.org
Hanukkah contest winners
(Left to right) Shmuel Rosenthal, Shlomo Lapin, Leah Twersky, Rivka Binjaminson and Yael Bulley (not pictured, Eve Weiner). For more on the contest, see page 4.
Rhode Islanders answered the call on Super Sunday, Dec. 13, to help ensure a strong future for the Jewish community in Rhode Island. Volunteers gathered on Sunday, as well as at follow-up phone-a-thons, to raise $94,547, putting the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island’s 2016 Annual Campaign total at almost $2.4 million.
The volunteers thanked donors for their past support and were able to reach out, engage and bring many more people into the giving community. In the spirit of a new year, Rhode Islanders were reminded to give back, thus creating a shared philanthropic atmosphere. Super Sunday volunteers representing many of the agencies and synagogues in Rhode Island participated in
an agency and synagoguewide competition to win money for board development, education and training. Jewish Family Service won the competition, bringing 10 people from the agency to support the community. The other winners of the various contests during Super Sunday were Sally Rotenberg and Sara Goodwin, both closing the most gifts during the day. SUPER SUNDAY | 16
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