F E A T U R E FALCON region 12 division 3nvolume 4 | issue 3 August edition jersey village high school
Table Of Contents 04 reminders 05 freshman orientation 03 editors note + puzzle 07 project cure 1
08 promotions 10 kiwanis family 13 officer board 17 socials 15 district board 2
hey key clubbers! as our second week of school passes, we hope and promise to bring fun events for the school year! remember to take breaks and not stress out too much for school... or remember to not procrastinate LOL. wishing the best for this school year woohoo! from your lovely editors teehee august 2022 3
When is the first meeting? Events! Socials! Salutations! Our first meeting will be on September 14th. Be sure to make it there to see our upcoming announcements and this years tshirt design! We have our very first social on the 16th of September from 3:45pm to 5:30pm at Gong Cha. Hope to see you there! We have an event coming soon on September 24th at Typhoon Texas. The Oktober Fest! Prepare to have a blast! Reminder that new upcoming events will be posted on our Facebook. 4
F R E S H M A N O R I E N T A T O I N F R E S H M A N O R I E N T A T O I N 5 008/18 8/18
freshmen orientationfreshmen orientation Hey Key Clubbers and Clubbettes, this year we had an famazing reshman orientation:D! Thanks to our awesome officers who took the time to set up before the event. Our booth was such a hit, we enjoyed seeing all the frising alcons signup. We had a total of 70 freshman signup!! 6
7 008/09 8/09
Thirstproject.org The Children's Miracle
Thirst Project has made a bold commitment to people in country. Network's Mission is to hospital Children’s Hospitals
Thechildrensmiracle.org 8
Miracle Network
and other
increase funds and awareness for your local children's
provide access to safe, clean drinking water to all
The March of Dime's vision believes that every baby deserves the best possible start Unfortunately, not all babies get one. We are changing that. Themarchofdimes org UNICEF advocates for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential UNICEF.org
promotionspromotions 9
KK Kids is an international Kstudent-led ids is an international student-led organization providing members owith rganization providing members with opportunities to perform service, build ocharacter pportunities to perform service, build character and develop aleadership nd develop leadership KKiwaniskids.org iwaniskids.org
kiwanis familyfamily K-Kids K-Kids BClub uilders Club
The Builders Club empowers youth as Tthey he Builders Club empowers youth as they navigate this in-between stage of nlife. avigate this in-between stage of life. Members develop self-awareness as Mthey embers develop self-awareness as they discover their passion to serve, their desire dto iscover their passion to serve, their desire to lead, and their ability to engage land ead, and their ability to engage and collaborate with cothers. ollaborate with others. BBuildersclub.org uildersclub.org
Key Club is an international, Kstudent-led ey Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members owith rganization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build ocharacter pportunities to provide service, build character and develop aleadership. nd develop leadership. KKeyclub.org eyclub.org
CRI is dedicated to being the leading Cglobal RI is dedicated to being the leading global community-service organization on college cand ommunity-service organization on college and university campuses that enriches the uworld niversity campuses that enriches the world one member, one child and one community at oa ne member, one child and one community at a ttime. ime. CCirclek.org irclek.org
kiwanis familykiwanis family Key KClub ey Club Circle K CInternational ircle K International 11
Aktion Club is the only service club for Aadults ktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities. Club members wbecome ith disabilities. Club members become competent, capable, caring leaders through cthe ompetent, capable, caring leaders through the vehicle of vservice ehicle of service AAktionclub.org ktionclub.org Kiwanis is a global organization of Kvolunteers iwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one dchild edicated to improving the world one child and one community at a atime. nd one community at a time. KKiwanis.org iwanis.org kiwanis familykiwanis family Aktion AClub ktion Club Kiwanis Kiwanis 12
Trang Phan ngkphan1212@gma Jeeyaben Bhakra jeeyabhakta07@gmail.com Aliyana Martinez aliyanamartinez01@gmail.com Jacqueline Tran Jackietran373@gmail.com OO FF FF II CC EE RR Jay Rawal jayrawal99@gmail.com Vivian Vu vivianviavu@gmail.com Catherine Van catherinevan724@gmail.co Nguyen Tran nguyentrantimothy@gmail.com Chris Gonzalez chrisgonzalez2105@gmail.com Br braden.cole.p 13
nh Luong emilyluong2005@gmail.com Elisabeth Ma elisabethma04@gmail.com Henry Pham henrypham1005@gmail.com Joshua Kofler king93@protonmail.com Meagan Tran meagtran14@gmail.com Bryan Canales bryan.canales11@yahoo.com Maitram Hoang maihxg@gmail.com Chelsea Dinh chelseaxdinh@gmail.com aden Pena pena@gmail.com CC OO NN TT AA CC TT SSn il.com 14
15 District Governor Johnathan Perez governor@tokeyclub.com District Secretary Dylan Dam secretary@tokeyclub.com District Treasurer Emily Zhang treasurer@tokeyclub.com District Editor Bethany Tran editor@tokeyclub.com
District Contacts Convention Liaison Lendel Andal cl@tokeyclub.com Tech Producer Minori Kikuchi techpro@tokeyclub.com Lieutenant LGovenor ieutenant Govenor Eloisa EAvila loisa Avila IItg3w@tokeyclub.com tg3w@tokeyclub.com Regional RAdvisor egional Advisor Lexi LDurbin exi Durbin rregion12@tokeyclub.com egion12@tokeyclub.com
Keep In KTouch! eep In Touch! Jersey Village Key JClub ersey Village Key Club @jerseyvillagekeyclub @jerseyvillagekeyclub @jvhskey @jvhskey text @jvhskeycl to t81010 ext @jvhskeycl to 81010 jjvhskeyclub.mobirises vhskeyclub.mobirises iite.com te.com T O Website: https://tokeyclub.com Key Club International Website: https://www.keyclub.org 17