Falcon Feature May Newsletter

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END OF 23' END OF 23'




Volume 5 | Issue 1

Jersey Village High School

Region 12 Division 3N

Table Of Key Club Editor's Note + Game Calendar Upcoming Event Banquet Article Prompts Contents 3 4 5 6 7 9
HOTO Governor's Project Kiwani Endorsements Officer Contact District Contact Socials 10 11 14 15 17 19

I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and World; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club aims to cooperate with school principals and teachers to provide high school students with invaluable experience in living and working together and to prepare them for useful citizenship. Our members develop initiative and leadership skills by serving their schools and communities.

Build character with Key Club through service and leadership.

Leadership » Leadership is grounded in humility and service to others. A true leader listens, recognizes, and empowers.

Character building » Character is built by everyday acts of kindness, integrity and teamwork to grow stronger relationships and communities.

Caring » Compassion for others is a cornerstone of the Key Club experience, inspiring action and service to one’s community.

Inclusiveness » We welcome people of all backgrounds and ethnicities to join in serving and making a positive difference in our world.

3 |Key Club

Editor'sNoteHello Key Clubbers!

As we reach the end of the year, we want to As we reach the end of the year, we want to congratulate everyone for making it through the congratulate everyone for making it through the 2022-2023 school year! We appreciate everyone that 2022-2023 school year! We appreciate everyone that has volunteered over the year and helped the has volunteered over the year and helped the community. We want to congratulate our new and community. We want to congratulate our new and current officers and wish to cooperate together and current officers and wish to cooperate together and make the new school year even better than make the new school year even better than ppreviously! reviously!

We want to congratulate all of our seniors that are We want to congratulate all of our seniors that are graduating as well as our 7 seniors on our board. We graduating as well as our 7 seniors on our board. We saw many Key Clubbers wear our stoles and show it saw many Key Clubbers wear our stoles and show it off during graduation. off during graduation.

As we approach the summer, we are now slowly As we approach the summer, we are now slowly transitioning to our new officer board of the year. Key transitioning to our new officer board of the year. Key Club still happens in the summer, so you guys can Club still happens in the summer, so you guys can earn your hours early when you still have time before earn your hours early when you still have time before school starts. We wish you guys the best of 2023's school starts. We wish you guys the best of 2023's ssummer! ummer!


I can be long or short, real or make believe, and I can be long or short, real or make believe, and can change over time, yet no two of me are can change over time, yet no two of me are exactly the same. What am I? exactly the same. What am I?


4 |Editor's Note + Game
calendar JJune une May MayMay May June June 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 29 5 | Calendar

upcoming event

June 13 - July 10

June 13 - July 10

Joint event with STUCO Joint event with STUCO

frazier elementary Fr a z i e r B o o k S o r t i n g
6 | Upcoming Event

Banquet Officer Board!

7 | Banquet
8 | Banquet


Requirements: Header with the writer’s full name, division, full school name- A Title for you article- 300-400 words- A photo related to Key Club or the events/topics described in your article

Has your club participated in any holiday-related volunteer events? If so, describe your experience.

Reflecting on the events of 2022, what are you grateful for having done in regard to your Key Club experience?

How was your Key Club Experience and what is Key Club to you?

What important skills have key club helped you develop thus far?

If you attended a club social, describe your experience!

Write about an event that either formed or strengthened your bonds with other members, relating your story to one of Key Club’s core values (leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness).

Write about your favorite service event so far this year. Why was it so memorable/enjoyable to you?

What are you looking forward to the most about Key Club this school year?

Describe your club’s first meeting after coming back from break.

Out of all the organizations your high school may offer, why did you choose Key Club?

Looking back on 2022, what was your most memorable moment of service?

How are you/your club planning to start the new year?

What are your Key Club’s New Year’s resolutions?

What activities does your club have planned for the summer?

Be specific.

How does your club plan to promote volunteering over the summer?

New officers- What are you most excited about, and what are your service goals for this year?

Returning officers- Describe highlights from the ‘21-‘22 year and what you can improve on for the new year.

9 | Article Prompts
10 | HOTO


EEducatio ducatio

daily lives, encompassing various daily lives, encompassing various subjects that contribute to personal subjects that contribute to personal and collective improvement, as well and collective improvement, as well as long-term progress. It is crucial as long-term progress. It is crucial for the success and sustainability of for the success and sustainability of organizations like Key Club, organizations like Key Club, fostering growth through fostering growth through knowledge sharing and inspiring knowledge sharing and inspiring others. Education fosters unity and others. Education fosters unity and represents the foundation for our represents the foundation for our future development. The Governor's future development. The Governor's Project, "Uplift through Education," Project, "Uplift through Education," aims to cultivate servant leaders aims to cultivate servant leaders within the district who can make a within the district who can make a difference in underprivileged difference in underprivileged communities through community- communities through communitydriven initiatives focused on driven initiatives focused on education, research, and financial education, research, and financial literacy. This project also literacy. This project also emphasizes the unity of the district emphasizes the unity of the district as a team, working together to as a team, working together to support individuals worldwide who support individuals worldwide who lack access to similar resources and lack access to similar resources and educational opportunities. By educational opportunities. By elevating education, we can uplift elevating education, we can uplift students, peers, and adults, creating students, peers, and adults, creating a positive ripple effect from one a positive ripple effect from one person to another. person to another.

According ed by the According ed by the United Nations, over 35% of children United Nations, over 35% of children and adolescents around the world do and adolescents around the world do not have access to educational not have access to educational resources. Compounding these resources. Compounding these inequities has created a digital divide inequities has created a digital divide which continues to grow, and which continues to grow, and individuals can face considerable individuals can face considerable barriers in the future without equal barriers in the future without equal access - over two thirds of the access - over two thirds of the percentage studied faces inaccessible percentage studied faces inaccessible technology usage within their home as technology usage within their home as well. The importance of uplifting others well. The importance of uplifting others through education is to provide them through education is to provide them with the opportunity to gain experiences with the opportunity to gain experiences and carry on the knowledge they obtain and carry on the knowledge they obtain for their future endeavors. Many for their future endeavors. Many individuals around the world do not individuals around the world do not have access to different school-based have access to different school-based resources because of differing resources because of differing ccircumstances. ircumstances.

11 | Governor's Project


Educational workshop program (In- Educational workshop program (Inperson and Zoom) person and Zoom)

New topics will be provided monthly New topics will be provided monthly ranging from mathematics to literature ranging from mathematics to literature

Write and deliver words of kindness and Write and deliver words of kindness and encouragement to students, teachers, and advisors encouragement to students, teachers, and advisors

Tutoring sessions with students

Tutoring sessions with students

Create Care Kits for students and teachers

Create Care Kits for students and teachers

School supply drive and fundraiser

School supply drive and fundraiser

Collaborate with Schoolhouse Collaborate with Schoolhouse Book drive Book drive

12 | Governor's Project

Erika's Lighthouse is a Erika's Lighthouse is a nnon-profit on-profit organization that organization that advocates for good advocates for good mental health, mental health, especially for especially for teenagers. The teenagers. The organization also organization also provides resources to provides resources to kkickstart ickstart conversations around conversations around mental health. mental health.

Schoolhouse was Schoolhouse was established by Sal established by Sal Khan, the founder of Khan, the founder of Khan Academy. It is Khan Academy. It is an organization that an organization that provides free online provides free online tutoring to students tutoring to students across the world. across the world.


UNICEF and Key

Key Club


have been partners have been partners for years. To support for years. To support UNICEF's mission this UNICEF's mission this year, we have a new year, we have a new project - Start Strong: project - Start Strong: Zambia. This project Zambia. This project raises funds to build raises funds to build schools and purchase schools and purchase educational materials educational materials for children in for children in ZZambia. ambia.

The Thirst Project is an The Thirst Project is an oorganization rganization dedicated to dedicated to providing fresh, clean providing fresh, clean water to people in water to people in need across the world. need across the world.

E R I K A ’ S L I G H T H O U S E E R I K A ’ S L I G H T H O U S E S C H O O L H O U S E S C H O O L H O U S E T H I R S T P R O J E C T T H I R S T P R O J E C T U N I C E F U N I C E F
13 | Kiwani Endorsements

Key Club International has a member benefit partnership with Key Club International has a member benefit partnership with Collegewise. This means that Collegewise supports Key Club Collegewise. This means that Collegewise supports Key Club International and offers members resources for navigating the International and offers members resources for navigating the college application process, all to your benefit. Collegewise college application process, all to your benefit. Collegewise also offers Key Club members exclusive webinars also offers Key Club members exclusive webinars and resources, so take advantage of this and resources, so take advantage of this ppartnership! artnership!

The Global Leadership The Global Leadership Certificate is a program to Certificate is a program to help Key Club members gain help Key Club members gain the skills they need to the skills they need to improve the world. Through improve the world. Through 39 self-paced courses 39 self-paced courses ranging from topics like ranging from topics like strategic vs. tactical strategic vs. tactical leadership to self- leadership to selfawareness, members will awareness, members will learn how to be change learn how to be change makers and will stand out as makers and will stand out as college applicants. college applicants.


The Youth Opportunities The Youth Opportunities Fund is a Kiwanis grant Key Fund is a Kiwanis grant Key Clubs can apply for to help Clubs can apply for to help kickstart their service kickstart their service project. The grant ranges project. The grant ranges from $250 to $2000, and from $250 to $2000, and there are two application there are two application cycles: one due October 15th cycles: one due October 15th and one due March 1st. There and one due March 1st. There are many resources to help are many resources to help clubs fill out the grant, such clubs fill out the grant, such as budget templates and as budget templates and community needs community needs aassessments. ssessments.

P R E S I D E N T P R E S I D E N T Nguyen Tran nguyentrantimothy@gmail.com Catherine Van catherinevan724@gmail.com V I C E P R E S I D E N T V I C E P R E S I D E N T Bryan Canales bryan.canales11@yahoo.com Henry Pham henrypham1005@gmail.com S E C R E T A R Y S E C R E T A R Y Abigail Ma abigailjma06@gmail.com Trang Phan trangkphan212@gmail.com Madison Tran madisontran0204@gmail.com W E B M A S T E R W E B M A S T E R T R E A S U R E R T R E A S U R E R Jacob Buono buonojacob@gmail.com Sophia Duty sophiaduty1@gmail.com 15 | Officer Contact
Joshua Kofler jookofler@gmail.com Yisell Garcia yisellgarcia915@gmail.com B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S Faith Nguyen faithxnguyen@yahoo.com Hayley Nguyen henrypham1005@gmail.com H I S T O R I A N H I S T O R I A N Anna Nguyen annanguyen1262007@gmail.com Braden Pena braden.cole.pena@gmai..com E D I T O R E D I T O R Danielle Lee daniellelee9230@gmail.com Maitram Hoang maihxg@gmail.com S O C I A L C O O R D I N A T O R S O C I A L C O O R D I N A T O R Kiet Vo kietvo422@gmail.com 16 | Officer Contact
ISTRICT Nidhi Rao nidhiraokc@gmail.com
Lee vivianlee.kci@gmail.com
Rana riaranakci@gmail.com GGOVERNOR OVERNOR
ISTRICT SSECRETARY ECRETARY Emily Seo emilyseokc@gmail.com
CCONVENTION ONVENTION Caysey Tran cayseytrankci@gmail.com LLIAISON IAISON TTECH ECH PPRODUCER RODUCER Sanjana Kavula sanjana.kavula@gmail.com L I E U T E N A N T G O V E R N O R L I E U T E N A N T G O V E R N O R Eloisa Avila Eloisa Avila lltg3n@tokeyclub.com tg3n@tokeyclub.com R E G I O N A L A D V I S O R R E G I O N A L A D V I S O R William "Buck" Lally William "Buck" Lally rregion12@tokeyclub.com egion12@tokeyclub.com 18 | District Contact
Keep In Touch! Keep In Touch! Jersey Village Key Club Jersey Village Key Club @jerseyvillagekeyclub @jerseyvillagekeyclub @jvhskey @jvhskey text @jvhskeycl to 81010 text @jvhskeycl to 81010 jjvhskeyclub.mobirises vhskeyclub.mobirises iite.com te.com T-O Website: https://tokeyclub.com Key Club International Website: https://www.keyclub.org

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