1 minute read
Requirements: Header with the writer’s full name, division, full school name- A Title for you article- 300-400 words- A photo related to Key Club or the events/topics described in your article
Has your club participated in any holiday-related volunteer events? If so, describe your experience.
Reflecting on the events of 2022, what are you grateful for having done in regard to your Key Club experience?
How was your Key Club Experience and what is Key Club to you?
What important skills have key club helped you develop thus far?
If you attended a club social, describe your experience!
Write about an event that either formed or strengthened your bonds with other members, relating your story to one of Key Club’s core values (leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness).
Write about your favorite service event so far this year. Why was it so memorable/enjoyable to you?
What are you looking forward to the most about Key Club this school year?
Describe your club’s first meeting after coming back from break.
Out of all the organizations your high school may offer, why did you choose Key Club?
Looking back on 2022, what was your most memorable moment of service?
How are you/your club planning to start the new year?
What are your Key Club’s New Year’s resolutions?
What activities does your club have planned for the summer?
Be specific.
How does your club plan to promote volunteering over the summer?
New officers- What are you most excited about, and what are your service goals for this year?
Returning officers- Describe highlights from the ‘21-‘22 year and what you can improve on for the new year.