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ALLISON BRUCE is a “intentional” jewelry artist and awardwinning writer. As founder of Flourish Integral Health, her mission is to help people feel cared for, empowered, and elevated. She is also a columnist for Energy Magazine. Bruce says it was “a time of despair followed by the pursuit of joy” that led her to develop her creative abilities and redirect from a successful path in corporate real estate management solutions to a career in the healing arts. An entrepreneur at heart, her first company was a line of children’s clothing with a celebrity sighting on The Oprah Winfrey Show
She says it was a recurring cycle of an autoimmune disorder starting in her late teens that led her to holistic health care. In addition to offering distance energy work, today she creates gemstone jewelry—a love that developed while studying Architectural Engineering at the University of Colorado, Boulder. “The purpose of Flourish jewelry is to aid your awareness and personal power,” she explains. Necklaces and bracelets include an intentional name, and most a mantra. Before mailing an order, Allison blesses it with energy healing techniques and sends blessings to the receiver. The energy held in the jewelry supports the person to move forward by filling their space with the vitality of wholeness.
During the pandemic, Allison wrote a healing book—part memoir but mostly perspective—that received a 2023 Gold Nautilus Award. The mission of Nautilus is to “celebrate and honor books that support conscious living, green values, wellness, social change, social justice, and spiritual growth.” Notable past winners include Deepak Chopra, Thich Nhat Hanh, Marianne Williamson, Caroline Myss, Gregg Braden, Eckhart Tolle, His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, and Andrew Weil.
Flourish, A 365-Day Guided Path Towards Love: How to Experience More Joy, Live with More Intention, and Be True to Yourself is a life changing formula of holistic self-care perspectives, tools, and practices to help you get from where you are to where you want to be. Over the course of a year, you learn many things including how to awaken to your joy, determine what is truly important to you, and set intentions and work towards them daily. The journey unfolds in a magical forest to harness the power of your creativity.
You can find Allison at flourishintegralhealth.com and on Instagram at @flourishintegralhealth. Here is what is trending in this intuitive North Shore resident’s universe:
I’m consistently reading for “Soulful Reads,” my what-to-read column featured in Energy Magazine. Each column features three books, usually two newer releases and a classic. I recently finished The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin. If you are working on a creative endeavor, I highly recommend this book for encouragement of your art, or craft, and comfort in your authentic self-expression. Currently, I’m reading the classic Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain. I am finding the writing wonderfully validating and empowering. Next in my queue is Michael A. Singer’s newest book Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament. I’m hoping to gain more insight to reach my highest creative potential.
One of the first things I read each morning is the DailyOM. The messages are pertinent and uplifting. On Instagram, for work inspiration I follow publishers, personal growth authors and advocates, people that talk about joy, and jewelry designers. Substack (The Present is my Substack) is new for me and motivating. In general, social media ungrounds me so I limit my time. I attribute taking a year-long respite from social media to being able to write my first book.
Whenever I hear a song that “sparks joy” I add it to my eclectic Spotify playlist, titled “Healing.” This is a powerful go-to playlist for my morning yoga practice. The combination of asana and heartfelt music is guaranteed to raise my vibration. While writing, I play Spotify’s classical suggestions. I enjoy listening to “On Being” by Krista Tippett while walking. Her conversations are alive and invigorating.