Glenshee Krummholz - Proposed Planting Booklet

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Glenshee Krummholz Project - Planting Plan

Enclosures 1 & 3

1. 647-652m. N facing. Burn. 4% slope. 0.4ha 3. 657-660m. N facing. Burn. 2% slope. 0.6ha

Betula Pubescens

Pinus Sylvestris

Sorbus Aucuparia

Natural Heath understorey

Section A 1:500

Enclosure 2

2. 670-685m. E facing. Burn. 11% slope. 1.7ha

Juniperus communis ssp. communis

Betula nana

Natural Heath under-storey

Section B 1:500

Enclosure 4

4. 670-730m. E facing. Burn through part of site. 46% slope. 2.6ha

Betula Pubescens

Pinus Sylvestris

Sorbus Aucuparia

Juniperus communis ssp. communis

Enclosures 5 & 6

5. 645-665m. S facing. Burn through part Betula of site. 28% slope. 3.5ha. Pubescens 6. 630-720m. SE facing. Burn through part of site. 24% slope. 3ha.

Pinus Sylvestris

Sorbus Aucuparia

Populus Tremula

Enclosure 7

7. 705-795m. NE aspect. 31% Slope. 3.4 ha.

Betula nana

Juniperus Communis ssp. Alpina

Natural Heath understorey

Enclosures 8 & 13

8. 710-750m. E aspect. Burn. 13% slope. 1.7ha. 13. 695-710m. N aspect. 18% slope. 1.1ha.

Salix Lapponum

Salix Phylicifolia

Salix Myrsinifolia

Natural Heath understorey

Enclosure 9

9. 707-720m. E aspect. Burn. 18% slope. 0.8ha

Juniperus communis ssp. communis

Natural Heath understorey

Enclosure 10

10. 750-760m. N aspect. 4% slope. 4.1ha. Betula nana

Natural Heath understorey

Enclosure 11

11. 700-740m. N aspect. 18% slope. 1.7ha This enclosure is left to natural succession.

Enclosure 12

12. 677-704m. N aspect. Burn through part of the site. 23% slope. 3.1ha.

Betula Pubescens

Salix Lapponum

Natural Heath understorey

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