2013 G l o b a l A n n ua l R e p o rt
ORBIS takes flight with the Flying Eye Hospital carrying out a training program in Panama.
ORBIS expands our surgical scope beyond the Flying Eye Hospital to include training programs in biomedical engineering, nursing and community eye care.
ORBIS establishes our first program office in Ethiopia and in subsequent years, similar offices are established in Bangladesh, China, India, South Africa and Vietnam.
In collaboration with the World Health Organization, ORBIS becomes a founding member of the “VISION2020: The Right to Sight” initiative.
ORBIS launches CyberSight ®, linking expert volunteer ophthalmic professionals with eye doctors around the world via the internet.
ORBIS celebrates our 30th anniversary year.
It Began With a Vision 4 Making Vision a Reality 6 Our Vision for Results
FLYING EYE HOSPITAL A Vision for a Flying Eye Hospital 10 Vision for a Brother and Sister
HOSPITAL-BASED PROGRAMS Empowering a Hospital’s Vision
Long-term Country PROGRAMS
A Vision for Country Presence
Ethiopia: A Historic Flagship for Country Presence
Vision for a Baby
Her Vision for Independence
His Vision for the Future
TELEMEDICINE CYBER-SIGHT ® A Vision for Telemedicine
Cyber-Sight’s Vision in Romania
Fellowships The Vision to Invest in New Leaders
VOLUNTEER FACULTY A Vision Shared 26 A Vision for the Future
Financials 30 Volunteers and Special Thanks
Donors 37 Global Ambassadors 44 Global Corporate Sponsors
Global Leadership 46 Worldwide Offices 49
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Scan your QR reader to watch a video about Samuel and his sister Ester, and read their story on page 12.
DEAR FRIENDS, In 2012, we celebrated ORBIS’s 30th Anniversary year and we are excited to share our 30-year journey with you through this special edition of the ORBIS Annual Report. Over the years, ORBIS has reached millions of people around the world by training local medical professionals to provide quality eye care in their own communities. Through capacity building and working together with local partners, ORBIS continues to work to leave a sustainable legacy of vision around the world. In our 30-year history, ORBIS and partners have trained over 325,000 doctors, nurses and other eye care workers globally. We could not have done this without your unwavering support. In 2012 alone, over 20,000 doctors, nurses and other eye care professionals were trained, and over 4.5 million medical and optical treatments were provided to adults and children.
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Yet there is still so much more we can accomplish. We at ORBIS dream of a future without avoidable blindness and we know that together we can make this vision a reality. We hope that this report provides you with a glimpse of our work over the past 30 years and a look at our future as we continue to work toward fulfilling our vision.
Jenny Hourihan President and CEO
Photo: ORBIS
ďżź Robert F. Walters, FRCS, FRCS(Ed), FRCOphth, DO Consultant Ophthalmologist Chairman of the ORBIS International Board of Trustees
IT BEGAN WITH A VISION The story of ORBIS began with the realization that there was an urgent need for quality eye care in many parts of the world. Our founders saw that people around the world were unable to access quality eye care in their communities and for many, this was leading to unnecessary blindness. ORBIS’s founders had a vision to end avoidable blindness by providing training to doctors around the globe. They observed that the high costs prevented many eye care pro-
fessionals from participating in overseas training programs. The solution was a mobile teaching hospital, the ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital, which first took to the skies in 1982.
Photo: ORBIS
ORBIS’s first Flying Eye Hospital was a DC-8 aircraft. The idea for ORBIS was the result of a unique and lasting alliance forged between leaders in the medical and aviation industries.
Photo: ORBIS
285 million people in the world are visually impaired
246 million 39 million
80 PERCENT of all visual impairment can be avoided or cured
Photos: ORBIS (Top), Geoff Oliver Bugbee (Middle and Bottom)
MAKING VISION A REALITY ORBIS works in partnership with local hospitals and institutions in every country where we work. ORBIS partners with these organizations to engage in program development, research and advocacy for blindness prevention.
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Patients arrive for screening at ORBIS’s Partner Kitwe Eye Hospital in Kitwe, Zambia.
Photo: Raul Vasquez
Photo: Abir Abdullah
ORBIS collaborates with partner institutions around the world: Deep Eye Care Foundation Hospital, Rangpur, Bangladesh (Top Left), Hospital Number 1, Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia (Top Right) and University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria (Bottom Right). Photo: Clare Louis Thomas
Our work focuses on bringing quality eye care to communities by building the capacity of our local partners to develop adequate infrastructure, trained staff and ultimately sustainable eye care services.
hospital-based programs, fellowships and Cyber-Sight®, ORBIS’s telehealth initiative. Together with our partners and by using these tools, we have helped save the sight of millions.
Over the last 30 years, ORBIS’s work has expanded from the Flying Eye Hospital into long-term country programs,
1. Afghanistan
25. El Salvador
49. Lithuania
73. Serbia and Montenegro
2. Albania
26. Ethiopia
50. Malawi
74. Singapore
3. Armenia
27. France
51. Malaysia
75. South Africa
4. Bahrain
28. Germany
52. Mali
76. Spain
5. Bangladesh
29. Ghana
53. Malta
77. Sri Lanka
6. Bolivia
30. Greece
54. Mexico
78. Sudan
7. Bosnia and Herzegovina
31. Grenada
55. Mongolia
79. Swaziland
8. Botswana
32. Guatemala
56. Morocco
80. Syria
9. Brazil
33. Guinea
57. Myanmar
81. Tanzania
10. Bulgaria
34. Guyana
58. Nepal
82. Thailand
11. Burkina Faso
35. Haiti
59. Nicaragua
83. Trinidad and Tobago
12. Cambodia
36. Honduras
60. Niger
84. Tunisia
13. Cameroon
37. India
61. Nigeria
85. Turkey
14. Chile
38. Indonesia
62. Pakistan
86. Uganda
15. China
39. Iraq
63. Panama
87. United Arab Emirates
16. Colombia
40. Ivory Coast
64. Papua New Guinea
88. United Kingdom
17. Costa Rica
41. Jamaica
65. Paraguay
89. Uruguay
18. Croatia
42. Jordan
66. Peru
90. Uzbekistan
19. Cuba
43. Kazakhstan
67. Philippines
91. Vietnam
20. Cyprus
44. Kenya
68. Puerto Rico
92. Zambia
21. Dominica
45. Kyrgyzstan
69. Romania
22. Dominican Republic
46. Laos
70. Russia
23. Ecuador
47. Latvia
71. Saint Lucia
24. Egypt
48. Libya
72. Senegal
20,832 4.53 MILLION 55,549 Medical Professionals Trained*
Medical and Optical Treatments** (Adults and Children)
Eye Surgeries/ Lasers Performed (Adults and Children)
325,000 23.3 MILLION 925,000 Medical Professionals Trained*
Medical and Optical Treatments** (Adults and Children)
Eye Surgeries/ Lasers Performed (Adults and Children)
* Includes doctors, nurses, biomedical engineers and other eye care professionals ** Includes individual patient treatments and mass distributions of Zithromax 速 treatments in Ethiopia
Flying Eye Hospital
A VISION FOR A FLYING EYE HOSPITAL ORBIS operates the Flying Eye Hospital (FEH), a fully equipped mobile teaching hospital. On the outside, the plane is like most other aircraft. Inside, it is like no other – it hosts an ophthalmic hospital and teaching facility right on board. The ORBIS vision began in 1982 when the original ORBIS FEH, a DC-8, first took to the skies. As ORBIS programs expanded in scope, it became clear that a newer, larger aircraft was needed to replace the DC-8. The current FEH is a DC-10 and has more than twice the interior space of the original plane, allowing for additional training capability with a larger classroom and operating room. The current plane has a fully equipped operating theater to carry out ophthalmic surgery, a laser/examination room, a recovery room and a 48-seat classroom that allows doctors to gather for lectures and discussions. Cameras throughout the plane make it possible to broadcast live surgical procedures performed in the operating room to trainees in the classroom and beyond.
Photo: Paul McKelvey
The ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital is a fully equipped mobile teaching hospital.
The Flying Eye Hospital Itinerary 2012
Iloilo, Philippines
Guangzhou, China
Surabaya, Indonesia
San Salvador, El Salvador
Da Nang, Vietnam
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Lanzhou, China
Ndola, Zambia
A Vision for a New Plane In 2010, a vision for a new plane began with the donation of an MD-10 cargo aircraft from FedEx. After nearly two decades of excellent service, ORBIS’s current DC-10 aircraft will be retired at the end of this year.
An exterior view of the MD-10 and DC-10 in Victorville, CA, in February 2013. The MD-10 is currently undergoing its transformation into the next-generation Flying Eye Hospital. Photo: Paul McKelvey
The new Flying Eye Hospital employs one-of-a-kind design and technology. The next-generation Flying Eye Hospital will depart on its first ORBIS program in 2014 and with the Flying Eye Hospital at its heart, ORBIS will continue to train doctors across the globe and play a part in providing sight to millions.
AIRCRAFT (1982–1994)
Photo: Paul McKelvey
MD-10 AIRCRAFT (2014)
Flying Eye Hospital
BROTHER AND SISTER In August 2012, the ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital traveled to San Salvador, El Salvador, for a program to provide specialized training to Salvadoran ophthalmologists and eye care professionals. There, the ORBIS team met two very special patients. Siblings Ester and Samuel were both born with congenital cataracts. “Congenital” means that there is a gene in the family whereby a condition like cataract can persist through generations. “We chose to operate on these two children because we felt that we could change the life of the entire family. Not just one particular individual – but an entire family,” said Dr. Adolfo Guemes, a longtime ORBIS volunteer pediatric specialist from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“When congenital cataracts are detected in young children, it is important to act as fast as possible, as it is a time when their eyes are at a critical stage of development,” said Dr. Guemes. “In cases like this, you simply change the entire lives of these children because otherwise, they could go blind.” Dr. Guemes conducted the operation with Dr. Loly Ramirez Chica, a pediatric ophthalmologist at Benjamin Bloom National Children’s Hospital in San Salvador. “It’s not only valuable to see up close what the doctor is doing, but it also
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Ester and Samuel Garcia, a brother and sister with congenital cataracts, received surgery during ORBIS’s Flying Eye Hospital program in El Salvador.
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Photos: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Samuel (above) and Ester (left) smile aboard the ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital.
“We chose to operate on these two children because we felt that we could change the life of the entire family. Not just one particular individual — but an entire family.” — Dr . Adolfo Guemes
provides the access to ask questions about why he is doing certain things. The last time I had this kind of experience was during my residency, 19 years ago, so this kind of experience doesn’t happen every day,” said Dr. Ramirez Chica.
Both Ester’s and Samuel’s successful surgeries happened on the same day – back to back on the ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital. “With treatment of these kids, in time, the entire family can have a normal life and the children can study and live like any other children their age.” said Dr. Guemes.
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Gondar University Hospital is a longtime ORBIS partner and an important eye care facility for the Amhara region of Ethiopia.
Throughout the year within partner hospitals, ORBIS conducts programs to help local eye care professionals enhance their skills and upgrade their local hospital environments to provide quality eye care services to their communities. These trainings, which work within the existing infrastructure and with the existing equipment at the local level, provide customized continuing medical education opportunities to ensure that trainees are receiving the skills that can be used in their day-to-day environment and applied in the local context. Hospital-based programs (HBPs) last between one and three weeks and are designed to address a specific clinical training need identified by our local partners at a local hospital. During these programs, ORBIS Volunteer Faculty are deployed to work within our partner institutions to transfer knowledge and skills within the local hospital.
Building Eye Care Capacity in Gondar, Ethiopia In October 2012, ORBIS conducted a hospital-based program in Gondar, Ethiopia, with our longtime partner Gondar University Hospital. This hospital is the only tertiary eye care center in the Amhara region. “The Amhara region is the second-largest in terms of geography or population in Ethiopia. It has a huge population, so it’s a center where a lot of zones can come to Gondar for referral treatment and management,” said Dr. Alemayhu Sisay, Country Director of ORBIS’s office in Ethiopia. “It is an eye care center that provides training for cataract surgeons, ophthalmologists and optometrists. So it has huge implications for not only the Amhara region but for Ethiopia as a whole.”
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Dr. Donny Suh, ORBIS Volunteer Faculty member, shared skills with local doctors and residents at Gondar University Eye Hospital during a 2012 hospital-based program.
These trainings, which work within the existing infr astructure and with the existing equipment at the local level , provide customized continuing medical education opportunities to ensure that trainees are receiving the skills that can be used in their dayto-day environment and applied in the local context.
For this reason, in 2012, following a successful Flying Eye Hospital program in Addis Ababa, ORBIS held a pediatric eye care-focused HBP in Gondar. “In Gondar, we have been working since 2004. The first project was to develop comprehensive eye care services within Gondar,” said Dr. Sisay. “We now have a very big building with all the necessary infrastructure and equipment. Now our objective is to develop a tertiary eye care center more focused on pediatric ophthalmology. And the main objective of this project is to contribute to the reduction of avoidable blindness, particularly in children.” Dr. Donny Suh, longtime ORBIS Volunteer Faculty member and pediatric specialist, worked with local physicians at Gondar University Hospital to build up their skills in pediatric care. “These trainees in Ethiopia would have access to videos and the internet and they can watch some of these cases, but it doesn’t compare to us working together in a very close, hands-on setting.”
“We are working in their local environment, with their local nurses and local instruments. This is a more familiar environment for the trainees,” said Dr. Suh. “During HBPs we want to train the local doctors to take care of the patients after we leave.” Dr. Suh had the opportunity to mentor and work with doctors such as Dr. Mulusew Asferaw, head of the pediatric unit at Gondar University Hospital. “Hands-on training is really very important. It is special in that it is not theoretical. I can observe, I can assist and I can also do some of the steps,” said Dr. Asferaw.
WATCH VIDEOS Scan with your QR reader to watch videos about this program.
Photo: ORBIS
Photo: ORBIS
Long-term Country PROGRAMS
Photo: ORBIS
ORBIS country programs are designed to respond to national and community eye health needs to provide lasting solutions to improve eye care in these countries. ORBIS has country programs in Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia, India, Vietnam and South Africa. ORBIS also has long-term projects in Nepal, Peru and Zambia. These projects focus on improving the quality and accessibility of eye care to the local community.
Photo: Raul Vasquez
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
ORBIS opened our first program office in Ethiopia to implement long-term blindness prevention initiatives.
ORBIS opened offices in China and Bangladesh.
ORBIS opened an office in India.
ORBIS opened an office in Vietnam.
ORBIS opened an office in South Africa.
Long-term Country PROGRAMS
A HISTORIC FLAGSHIP FOR COUNTRY PRESENCE After many years of operating short-term programs on the Flying Eye Hospital and in local hospitals, ORBIS recognized the need to have a more dedicated presence in areas with critical eye health needs. This vision came to life in 1998, when ORBIS opened its first country office in Ethiopia. Over the last 14 years, ORBIS has worked vigorously to improve eye care in Ethiopia through advocacy, building the capacity of local institutions,
and trachoma prevention and treatment. One area of great progress has been the development of additional human resources to provide eye care. The following illustration demonstrates the dramatic and tangible impact that sustained efforts over time can create in eye health.
Select Indicators Showcasing ORBIS’s Work in Ethiopia
2005 2013 76 120
3 48 0 123
Photo: ORBIS
Photo: ORBIS
After treatment for ROP, Thinh is a happy, healthy baby boy and his mother envisions a bright future for her son.
Long-term Country PROGRAMS
VISION FOR A BABY Tran Thi Mi Ni, a young mother from Hue, Vietnam, gave birth to her first child and named him Thinh. Thinh was born prematurely and was also diagnosed with Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP), one of the leading causes of blindness in infants. ROP is a potentially blinding eye disease that occurs as a result of premature birth when the retina has insufficient time to develop. Careful management of premature babies in the nursery, early screening and timely treatment can prevent ROP.
“I thought I would have to see Thinh spending his life [using] a stick. I cannot find any suitable way to show my gratitude to Dr. Quan, to the nurses who cared for my little angel for months and to the hospital that supported me so much during this time. The hospital saved his sight,” said his mother.
Unlike previous babies, Thinh was diagnosed by Dr. Duong Anh Quan right in the obstetric department where he was born. More than a year ago, families would have to travel over 600 miles for treatment. Through ORBIS training, Dr. Quan and the pediatric team at ORBIS’s partner, Hue Central Eye Hospital, are now able to save the sight of other children with ROP.
ROP treatment is now more accessible for families living in the central region of Vietnam and Hue Central Eye Hospital will continue to save the sight of other infants like Thinh.
Long-term Country PROGRAMS
HER VISION FOR INDEPENDENCE Hemeshwory Bewa lives in rural Bangladesh. Her husband died, leaving her alone to take care of her two daughters. She was farming a small plot of land to survive, but she had to sell all of her land and her home to support a daughter’s wedding expenses. She moved in with her daughter’s in-laws and to support herself, she began to work as a maid.
Unfortunately, she started having blurry vision and she could not do her work properly. For this reason, she was unable to support herself and began to beg on the street. One day, she heard that there was a screening event nearby where doctors were providing eye examinations. She went hoping to receive help. Hemeshwory was diagnosed with cataract, which is the leading cause of blindness worldwide.
Today, Hemeshwory is working again and she lives on her own. Photo: ORBIS
The doctor suggested she visit ORBIS’s partner Thakurgaon Swasthoseba Hospital, where low-income patients receive a full/partial discount on eye care services through an ORBIS-supported project. The program is part of a larger ORBIS project to contribute to the prevention of blindness by establishing treatment services for the rural people of Bangladesh through staff training and community outreach. Based on her financial status, the doctor recommended that she receive surgery without cost. Today, Hemeshwory is working again and she lives on her own.
Long-term Country PROGRAMS
HIS VISION FOR THE FUTURE Lazarus lives with his family in a rural part of Luapula Province, Zambia. In school, his teacher noticed that he always sat in front of the class near to the blackboard and although he tried very hard in lessons, his reading was slow and he was falling behind.
Photo: ORBIS
Photo: ORBIS
Photo: ORBIS
One year later, Lazarus enjoys riding his bike and is thriving in school.
His teacher noted a “white dot” on his left pupil and she suspected that he had a vision issue. She alerted his parents of her suspicions and they took him to a nearby community clinic for an eye test. From there Lazarus was referred to Mansa General Hospital, the largest hospital in his province and the only hospital with an ophthalmologist. Lazarus had a cataract and they told his family that he would have to travel to the recently opened ORBIS-supported Pediatric Eye Care Center at Kitwe Central Hospital to receive the care he required. Just months before, this hospital had limited facilities to help children who needed
eye surgery. Fortunately for Lazarus, ORBIS recently had provided state-of-the-art equipment and refurbished the children’s ward and is also providing ongoing training for the pediatric eye care team. He was met by Dr. Chileshe Mboni – Kitwe’s pediatric ophthalmologist, who is being extensively trained by ORBIS. Dr. Mboni successfully removed the cataract and after a few days Lazarus’s sight was already greatly improved. A year later, his teachers report that he is more talkative and confident. He enjoys riding his bike and going fishing at the lake with his family. He now looks to a future full of potential.
A VISION FOR TELEMEDICINE In 2003, ORBIS officially launched Cyber-Sight®, a telemedicine initiative focused on providing ophthalmologists in developing countries the opportunity to connect with expert mentors using the internet. The stimulus for Cyber-Sight was a vision for adding continuity to successful but time-limited ORBIS hospital-based programs. “A 1998 hospital-based progr am in Cuba convinced me of the need for something more than a one-week volunteer faculty/ partner contact. Cyber-Sight extends the impact and expands the reach of ORBIS progr ams.” — Dr . Eugene Helveston Photo: ORBIS
Dr. Helveston subsequently initiated the program, encompassing not only e-consultation for patient care, but also online ophthalmic education, teaching and clinical care resources for eye care professionals in developing coun-
tries. The creation of these extensive online resources has resulted in over 8,000 completed patient consultations and the enhancement of ophthalmic education of hundreds of physicians and ophthalmic care providers around the world.
IN 2012 Patients Managed by Cyber-Sight
1,541 E-Learning courses completed
New E-Learning participants enrolled
CYBER-SIGHT’S VISION IN ROMANIA Doctors Daniela Cioplean and Luminata Teodorecu first learned about ORBIS while in medical school when the Flying Eye Hospital visited Romania in 1992. In 2000, after completing an ophthalmology residency and starting their own private practice, they heard about the development of the Cyber-Sight program and wanted to join.
“Without Cyber-Sight, in this moment, I would be a different doctor and the life of my patients would be different.” — Dr . Cioplean
“With great difficulty, we managed to open the first private pediatric ophthalmology clinic, although we did not have the opportunity of a fellowship and we had no government support. Other than two weeks of training in strabismus in Romania and a few books, we had no other means of training and information,” said Dr. Teodorecu. Over the last 12 years, they have sent more than 400 econsultation requests, establishing the leading pediatric ophthalmology clinic in Romania, teaching students and serving as mentors to multiple trainees in their own country. “We feel our professional progress was huge, mostly because of the Cyber-Sight program. A difficult case is a challenge for any doctor and a second opinion from an experienced specialist cannot be replaced with anything else. This kind of information is not always available in books,”
said Dr. Teodorecu. “On the other side, to prepare such a case is a stimulus to improve my knowledge, to update my professional skills. This program helps me a lot in diagnosis and treatment. It was like the mentor was in the consulting room and told me what to do.” “Cyber-Sight helped me and my colleagues to complete my training and to improve my skills in pediatric ophthalmology. In my country there are no possibilities to be trained in a subspecialty,” said Dr. Cioplean. “In the last few years I became involved in the young doctors’ education, I trained seven doctors in surgery and I provided many courses for residents and general ophthalmologists to improve the general level of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus assistance,” said Dr. Cioplean.
THE VISION TO INVEST IN NEW LEADERS Through ORBIS-supported fellowships, talented eye care professionals from developing countries are given the opportunity to undertake advanced study with some of the world’s most renowned experts at leading eye care institutions. Training is matched to the particular strengths of the fellows and the needs of their community. Upon completion of a fellowship, the trainee returns home to put newly acquired expertise into practice. Dr. Rozalina Loebis is an ophthalmologist from Surabaya, Indonesia. In 2012, she completed a fellowship in pediatric ophthalmology in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the Moran Eye Center with ORBIS Volunteer Faculty member Dr. Robert Hoffman. After undertaking trainings in the 2012 Surabaya ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital and Hospital-Based Program, ORBIS provided Dr. Loebis with the opportunity to complete this three-month fellowship.
In Her WORDS Working as a hands-on trainee on an ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital program in my hometown of Surabaya, Indonesia, changed my entire perspective and now I can say without a doubt that for me it was a life-changing experience. My tremendous experiences working with ORBIS Volunteer Faculty have proven to be mindopening into how interesting pediatric ophthalmology can be. Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Dr. Rozalina Loebis participated in ORBIS’s 2012 Flying Eye Hospital Program in Surabaya, Indonesia.
I have become even more passionate about this subspecialty, bearing in mind that most serious pediatric eye disorders can
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Dr. Rozalina Loebis looks forward to working to increase access to pediatric eye care in her community.
be prevented or avoided. But when they do occur, and often in spite of attempts at treatment or when left untreated – as is usually the case in most developing countries, like Indonesia – they can tragically result in a lifetime of blindness. This led me to my personal goal of saving Indonesian children’s eyes. I want to save their sight and have always hoped that one day, I could further my study in one of my mentors’ hospitals to advance my knowledge and skills to be able to help the children in Indonesia. I learned how to treat the patients as well as observe several varieties of surgical procedures. I also learned how well Dr. Hoffman provides explanations to the parents and I think this is the most important aspect of pediatric care, since children cannot make decisions for themselves. As a pediatric ophthalmologist, we have to explain the procedures to parents, so they can make the right decisions about their child’s eye health.
I would like to develop a strabismus and pediatric ophthalmology curriculum with the goal of training and inspiring the junior ophthalmologists, as they pursue clinical and basic research in pediatric eye services, along with developing a strabismus and pediatric ophthalmology fellowship at the University of Airlangga in Surabaya. This will help my institution provide more opportunities for local ophthalmologists to gain skills and knowledge in this subspecialty, and to enable the hospital to deliver services in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus throughout Indonesia, especially to those in underserved regions.
A VISION SHARED Empowering ophthalmic communities through the sharing of knowledge and skill For 30 years, the keystone of ORBIS work has been to teach and train eye health professionals to prevent and treat avoidable blindness. As our programming has evolved over the last three decades, so has the breadth and depth of our Volunteer Faculty cadre. Whether on board the Flying Eye Hospital, in a local hospital setting or through our telemedicine initiative, Cyber-Sight, our Volunteer Faculty equip and inspire our partners to transform their beneficiaries’ lives. ORBIS is proud to continue to leverage the expertise and generosity of our collective Volunteer Faculty past and present.
Photos: ORBIS
Our dedicated pool of medical professionals is a comprehensive and diverse pool of experts that now includes every subspecialty of ophthalmology, nursing, anesthesiology, biomedical engineering and ophthalmic imaging from 29 countries around the globe.
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
were deployed from over 20 countries In 2012
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Clare Louise Thomas
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Patient Theresa Mulenga looks out of a window of the ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital during a program in Zambia in 2012.
A VISION FOR THE FUTURE As we look to the future, ORBIS’s vision is clear. We envision a future in which communities around the world have sustainable eye care infrastructure and trained staff. As leaders in global eye health, we see the opportunity to realize a better future for those who suffer needlessly from blindness.
Visit www.orbis.org to learn how you can join us on this journey.
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
2012 FINANCE REPORT In 2012, ORBIS’s global view of its financial performance, including all five affiliates, shows that over $133.9M was generated in revenue and support. Overall, the group finished the year with a net excess of $9.3M and total net assets of $61.5M. Most importantly, 90 percent or $111.6M of our total expenditures were invested in executing our projects in blindness prevention training, screening, treatments and surgeries. Seven percent ($9.3M) was spent in fundraising and 3 percent ($3.7M) was spent in management and general expenses. ORBIS entered 2013 financially well positioned to support its global operations and grow to best serve the goal of reducing the effects of blindness worldwide.
Dennis McIntosh Chief Financial Officer
Peter Hickson Chairman, Audit & Finance Committee
Sources of revenue
Individuals Bequests Major Donors
12% 30% 4%
Government Events
ORBIS WORLDWIDE FINANCIALS Global View of ORBIS International AND Affiliates Period ending December 31, 2012 (USD, in 000’S) ORBIS and Affiliates* International
Revenue Excess and Support Expenses (Deficit) Net Assets $
Europe, Middle East & Africa
52,336 5,360
789 657 132 1,266
987 869 118
1,570 1,500 70
1,887 1,945 (58) 1,581
*Audited financial statements are available separately for ORBIS International and Affiliates by contacting the ORBIS Finance Department, 520 Eighth Avenue, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018, USA.
$111.6 M $9.3 M $3.7 M 3%
Program Services Fundraising Management & General
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Dr. Brian Leonard from Ottawa, Canada, conducts a lecture for local doctors and other eye care professionals aboard the Flying Eye Hospital in Zambia in 2012.
Volunteer Faculty We are profoundly grateful to our dedicated global cadre of volunteer medical professionals who donate their time and talent to serve as our teachers and trainers aboard the Flying Eye Hospital and in every country in which ORBIS works. The following individuals dedicated their time and expertise to program activities from January 1 to December 31, 2012. Argentina
Ms. Donna Punch
Dr. Tse Ng
Dr. Adolfo Guemes
Dr. Stephen Brodovsky
Dr. Arif Samad
Dr. Chun-yu Wong
Dr. Karim Damji
Dr. Martin ten Hove
Mr. Leo de Kryger
Dr. James Whelan
Dr. Vernon Moo
Dr. Peter Kertes
Ms. Fiona O’Sullivan
Mr. Patrick Lamy
Dr. Ruchi Goel
Ms. Toni Pilcher
Mrs. Alice Lee
Dr. Ernesto Otero
Dr. Parikshit Gogate
Ms. Helen Scott
Dr. Brian Leonard
Dr. Sonia Yuen
Dr. Christopher Lyons Ms. Leslie MacKeen
Dr. K. Naresh Babu
Dr. Shoba Katumala HONG KONG
Dr. Flora Lau Dr. Christopher Leung
Dr. Himanshu Matalia
Mr. Donal Brosnahan Ms. Mairead English Mr. Tony McAleer ISRAEL
Dr. Itay Ben-Zion Dr. Benjamin Shalev ITALY
Dr. Giovanni Giordano Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Mrs. Peng Peng Chuah
Dr. Lawrence Azavedo from the United Kingdom aboard the Flying Eye Hospital during a program in El Salvador in 2012.
Ms. Angela James
Dr. Bazil Ateleanu
Dr. Robert Braunstein
Dr. Timothy McCulley
Dr. Lawrence Azavedo
Ms. Sandra Burnett
Dr. Monte Mills
Mr. Larry Benjamin
Dr. Jeffrey Caspar
Ms. Karyn Morelli
Mr. David Brazier
Dr. Mark Cepela
Mrs. Carrie Muntz
Dr. David Celaschi
Dr. Kakarla V. Chalam
Dr. Daniel Neely
Professor Ngai Hang Victor Chong
Dr. R. V. Paul Chan
Dr. Scott Olitsky
Dr. Michael Chiang
Dr. Edward O’Malley
Mr. John Cooper
Dr. Elethia Dean
Dr. Luz Perez-Schwartz
Ms. Pauline Dabydeen
Dr. Monte Del Monte
Mr. Quang Pham
Dr. Ian Fleming
Dr. Hardeep Dhindsa
Mrs. Mary Louise Garnham
Dr. Michael Espiritu
Dr. Sasapin Grace Prakalapakorn
Dr. Gemmy Cheung
Mr. Mohamad Jabir
Dr. J. Christian Fleming
Mr. Alex Puente
Dr. Shamira Perera
Mr. David Laws
Dr. Douglas Fredrick
Dr. Elisabeth Raab
Maria Rosa Cueva PHILIPPINES
Dr. Manolito Reyes SAUDI ARABIA
Dr. Jonathan Song
Dr. Jonathan Lord
Mr. Robyn Frick
Ms. Ellen Redenbo
Professor Janet Marsden
Dr. Karl Golnik
Dr. Christopher Riemann
Mrs. Pamela Bailey
Mrs. Margaret Middleton
Dr. Clio Armitage Harper, III
Dr. Sarwat Salim
Ms. Yvonne Needham
Dr. Roger Harrie
Dr. Thomas Samuelson
Miss Maria Papadopoulos
Dr. Andrew Harrison
Dr. Natalio Schwartz
Dr. Nicholas Parry
Dr. Douglas Holsclaw
Dr. Gaurav Shah
Ms. Angela Purcell
Dr. Gene Howard
Dr. Scott Stenquist
Dr. Manish Raval
Dr. Thomas Johnson
Dr. Donny Suh
Dr. Sukumar Sudheer
Dr. Bradley Katz
Dr. Michael Taravella
Dr. Paul Youngs
Dr. Tae Kim
Mr. Ngoc Trinh
Dr. Karanjit Kooner
Dr. Michael Vrabec
Dr. Bernd Kutzscher
Dr. Xiangwei Zhang
Ms. Jinsook Yoo TAIWAN ROC
Dr. Joa-Jing Fu Dr. Ray Tsai UNITED KINGDOM
Mrs. Ann Marie Ablett Miss Gillian Adams Dr. Isabel Aguilera Mr. George Appasamy
Dr. Balamurali Ambati Dr. Bradley Black Dr. James Brandt
Dr. Thomas Lee Dr. James Lehmann Dr. Mark Mannis
Dr. Luu Tong
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
ORBIS Volunteer Pilots: (Left to right) Mark Vaughan, Carl Hakenen and William Wilson after landing ORBIS’s Flying Eye Hospital into Zambia for a program. Volunteer Pilots have been a critical part of ORBIS’s Flying Eye Hospital programs since 1982.
Volunteer PILOTS The work of the ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital would not be possible without the volunteer pilots and flight engineers who join us from FedEx and United Airlines and receive complimentary training from FedEx.
Captain Jim Bevier Vancleave, MS
Captain Peter Doran Collierville, TN
Captain David Hulbert Memphis, TN
Captain Bob Rutherford Cordova, TN
Captain Hal Biestek Tucson, AZ
Captain Gary Dyson Eads, TN
Captain Ron Jones Collierville, TN
Captain Mark Vaughan La Mirada, CA
Captain David Blizzard Collierville, TN
Captain Lew Flowers Fort Worth, TX
Captain Scott Maw Germantown, TN
Captain William Wilson Thousand Oaks, CA
Captain Michael Christiansen Collierville, TN
Captain Carl Hakenen Fairfield, CA
Captain Gordon Platt Collierville, TN
Captain Terry Zubrod Collierville, TN
Captain Stephen Dee Cordova, TN
Captain Samuel Hezlep Germantown, TN
Captain Richard Rouse Germantown, TN
Special thanks
We would like to offer special thanks to our volunteers who kindly gave up their personal time to help at Oshkosh Air Venture 2012. We could not have done it without each of you. Your support and commitment was invaluable in making ORBIS’s presence at the airshow a success.
Mr. Dan Abraham
Ms. Kathy Ilyin
Mr. Ed Sawyer
Mr. Kevin Ackroyd
Dr. Sarah Jacobs
Dr. Emile Sharifi
Mr. Philippe Audibert
Mr. Muhammad Javed
Ms. Sandya Singh
Mr. Michael Bagraims
Mr. Jordan Jiang
Mr. Robert Slett
Mr. Daniel Baron
Dr. Varajini Joganathan
Mr. Jason Smith
Mr. Pascal Barthares
Mr. Richard Jorgenson
Mr. Jack Springer
Mr. Victor Bassly
Dr. Rustum Karanjia
Mr. Scott Sweda
Dr. Julia Baxter
Mr. Richard Kusmierz
Dr. Hoi Yau Tang
Ms. Pam Bennett
Ms. Loretta Lam
Mr. Charles Thompson
Mr. Fred Bruch
Dr. Wai Ching Lam
Dr. Chris Tinley
Mr. Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Dr. Christine Larsen
Dr. Melissa Tong
Dr. Heather Burnett
Dr. Francis Law
Mr. Randy Tsang
Mr. Paul Buron
Ms. Theresa Lee
Mr. Rafal Urbankiewicz
Mr. Zia Carrim
Dr. Richard Lee
Mr. Raul Vasquez
Dr. Sarah Chamney
Ms. Chiat Lisa
Dr. Michael Chen
Dr. Yao Liu
Mr. Jim Wang and Ms. Corrina Chan
Ms. Sherine Chen
Mr. Peter Looker
Ms. Hengmin Wang
Ms. Tina Chow
Mr. Mark Maio
Mr. Brian Ward
Hong Kong Ophthalmological Society (HKOS)
Dr. Adam Chun
Mr. John Mashino
Mr. Joe Wilson
JWT Taiwan
Mr. Rob Coretz
Mr. Fred Maupertuis
Ms. Payee Yan
Leo Burnett Limited
Ms. Sarah McKeever
Mr. Kelvin Young
Mr. Paul McKelvey
Mr. Kenneth Youngstein
Dr. Mario del Cid
Ms. Christine McMenemy
Mr. Yuanyue
Mr. Tom Deosaran
Mr. Massoud Mestchian
Mr. Abraham Yuen
Ogilvy & Mather Advertising
Dr. Diana Dudek
Mr. Edward Moradians
Dr. Leonard Yuen
Omni Air International
Mr. Andre Edwards
Ms. Laura Murchie
Mr. Zhangli
Oryx Rotana - Doha
Dr. Daniel Etya’ale
Ms. Deborah Nebert
Qatar Airways
Dr. Robert E. Feinfield
Ms. Olivia Nguyen
Abu Dhabi Airport Services (ADAS)
Mr. Tom Ferguson
Mr. Jin Ou
Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC)
Qatar Civil Aviation Authority
Mr. David Gantner
Mr. Ray Para
Mr. George Garcia
Dr. Akil Pascal
Mr. Jim Gorman
Mr. Kresho Petrovich
ACS International School Doha, Qatar
Mr. Du Haitao
Dr. Laura Phan
Al Bateen Executive Airport
Mr. Tom Heath
Mr. Ying Renjie
The Boeing Company
Ms. Lei loc Heng May
Captain James Rosater
Bosma Enterprises
Dr. Nashila Hirji
Mrs. Jean Rosater
Bruno Design
Mr. Bill Cusato Mr. Eric Dawson
ACA Advanced Computer Art
Chocolate Rain™ & Prudence Mak Clifford Chance LLP Close Air Support DDB Taiwan Group Doha International Airport Grayling Momentum Grey Advertising Hong Kong Limited Hill+Knowlton Strategies, Doha
Qatar Aviation Services (QAS) Qatar Ministry of Interior Rotana Hotel Management Corporation SciCan Canada Shanghai EC+ Communications Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Local doctors and eye care professionals from Menelik II Referral Hospital in Ethiopia assist hands-on with ORBIS Volunteer Faculty member Dr Benjamin Shalev.
Robert Wood Johnson 1962 Charitable Trust
Mr. Dato’ Kulasegaran Sabaratnam
The Saint Paul Foundation
$1,000,000 +
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Knight Jr.
The Spiritus Gladius Foundation
Vos Sports, Inc.
Mrs. Billie Mullen
Transworld Management Ltd.
OMEGA SA $100,000–$999,999
Lavelle Fund for the Blind, Inc. Stavros Niarchos Foundation Izumi Foundation The Skirball Foundation $50,000–$99,999
Henry E. Niles Foundation, Inc. Allene Reuss Memorial Trust
The Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Paolo Fresco GE Foundation International Lease Finance Corporation The Honorable Dr. Vivienne Poy $10,000+
Allergan Foundation 2012 CASH DONORS $1,000,000+
U.S. Agency for International Development, including ASHA
Anonymous Canada Chinese Computer Association Charitable Foundation The Chatlos Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Rank Cogdell
Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Vrabec
Mr. Ron Wainshal
B.M.I. Rupp Foundation
Ms. Diana Wheeler
Ms. Maria Barros
The Willow Springs Foundation
The Louis and Chermaine Bell Charitable Fund
Anonymous The George W. Bauer Family Foundation The Robert J. Bauer Family Foundation
Mr. Patrick A. Cosgrove Dr. Aron Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gural Mr. George Lee
Donner Canadian Foundation
Dr. Brian Leonard and Mrs. Patricia Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Lund
Mr. R. James Macaleer Trustee Mr. Kevin G. McAllister
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Mr. Jack McHale
Mr. Timothy O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMullen
Mr. Adrian Paull
George and Valerie Delacorte Fund Government of Canada
The New York Community Trust
Mr. Michael K. Chase Mr. George F. Clements Jr. Corroon Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Daniel Larry Feinberg Family Foundation
Mr. David P. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Buck
Mr. Clifford Chance
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Chandler
The Boeing Company
Ms. Lois Brounell
Ms. Valerie Fayard
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Huddart
Allergan Inc.
Edith C. Blum Foundation, Inc.
FedEx Canada
Sun Life Financial
William L. Price Charitable Foundation
Tsunami Foundation
Hope for Poor Children Foundation
United Way of the Mid South
Market Scope, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Quartner
Rolls-Royce North America
The Roth Family Charitable Foundation
Ronald J. Rubin and Company
Ms. Aleah Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. John Hoke FedEx Ground Ms. Gwen M. Houston Mr. and Mrs. John B. Jamieson Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Kauser Mr. and Mrs. Murray S. Kilgour Mr. Gordon Lau Mr. Joseph L. M. Leung Mr. Patrick M. McNally Phoenix Geophysics Limited The Poon Family Psychists, Inc.
DONORS CONTINUED Anna and Harry Borun Foundation
Ms. Roberta Duffy
Mr. William L. Hintermister
Mr. William Schmitz
Mr. and Mrs. Jules W. Dupuy
Mr. Ronald Segall
William J. Brown Trust
Ms. Lois W. Dyk
Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Hobbs
Ms. Chan Pik Shan
Samuel C. Cantor Charitable Trust
Mr. Gerald Edwards
Mr. A. W. Hope
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ehrlich
Mr. Bryan E. Hubbell
Mrs. Virginia M. Elmore
Mr. Lawrence Hui
Mr. Joseph E. Fata
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron W. Hyde
Mr. Paul Rumyee
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smart Mr. and Mrs. James Stenson Stutzman Family Foundation Mr. James S. Takamiya
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clifton Bruton
Mrs. Rebecca Faulconer
The Doehring Foundation
Cardinal Health Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Jeffrey Wilson
Mr. John W. Carpenter Jr.
Ms. Eleanora M. Worth
Mrs. Leslie Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fink
Mr. Shahin Yaqub
Mrs. Bobbie Chan
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Finn
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos & May Chan
Ms. Mary M. Fleishhacker
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Etzkorn A. L. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Adair
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Flowers
Mr. Collin T. C. Chan
Ms. Judy M. Judd
Mr. and Mrs. Veena Ahluwalia
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fortin
Ms. Norah Chan
K & B Services
AIG Matching Grants Program
Mr. Edward J. Frey Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Chappelle
Ms. Bak Yee Kam
Mr. Murray Fynaardt
Mr. and Mrs. John Karels
Mr. James A. Girling Mr. and Mrs. Seth Glickenhaus
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Karpinski
Mr. and Mrs. John Glover
Kate Ryan, Inc.
Mr. Robert B. Gordon
Ms. Marilyn R. Katzman
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Gray
Mr. Fuat J. Kavak
Mr. Albert R. Green Mr. Adam Grosser
Louis & Clara Kennedy Family Foundation
Mr. Michael Hagan
Ms. Shirley D. Kerr
Mr. Victor Hanna
Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Ketelsen
Mr. Earle A. Hapke Jr.
Mrs. Marlo B. Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Harbeck
Ms. Loretta Lam
Mr. Dennis M. Harn
Mr. Stanley Lang
Ms. Bonnie N. Harold
Mr. Tak Lon Lau
Ms. K. C. Pullman Harrison
Mr. Chi Hung Law
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hartmann
Ms. Lydia Lee
Mr. Robert W. Hayes
Ms. Margaret Chui-Han Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Herr
Mr. Samuel Lee
Mrs. Ann G. Hill
Mr. David H. Lehman
Ms. Sara S. Hill
Ms. Ellen Leung
The Hillcrest Foundation
Ms. Pansy Leung
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Appleton Atlantic (HS) Financial Corporation
Ms. Michele Cheah
Mr. Au Lee and Mrs. Eva Au
Ruth and Ezra Chesky Foundation Trust
Ms. Yveline Audemars
Ms. Vivian Cheuk
Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Audibert
Mr. Allan Cheung
Mr. James P. Barrett, Trustee
Ms. Pauline Chin
Mrs. Joan L. Baxter
Ms. Anita Choi
Mr. Carl Bedford
Mr. Tsui Choi-Lung
Mr. Fred M. Bering
Ms. Swati Chowdhury
Mr. Peter I. Bermas
Ms. Teresa Chui
Ms. Mira Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Roland & Marie Bertin
Mr. Dominic Court
Bijan Air, Inc.
Mr. James J. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. John Bischoff
Ms. Ana M. De Leon
Mr. Michael K. Blackwell
Mr. Robert P. De Vecchi
Mr. Vinod Bojedla
Mr. Vishal Dhulia
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bolster Jr.
Mr. George David Dolch III
Mr. Paul Boltwood
Mr. and Mrs. S. James Schill
Mr. Richard T. Crawford
Doyle Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. Peter R. Ducharme
FedEx Freight
IBM Employee Services Center Ms. Kathleen M. Ilyin Mr. Klaus Jacobi Mr. Numair Jan
A mother and child in Bonke, Ethiopia, where ORBIS works with partners to support trachoma prevention and treatment.
Photo: Mel Maclaine
DONORS CONTINUED Mr. James M. Shaw and Miss Phyllis L. Levitin
Ms. Elinor L. Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. David Liefer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mackman
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Magne
Ms. Jessica Y. K. Ma
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Matwey
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Motschwiller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mudd Dr. Alma Murphy and Mr. Richard W. Sercer
Mr. John F. Mueller
Ms. Jana Lo
Mr. Johan Mamesah
Ms. Shirley K. Lo
Marjorie and Richard McGahren Foundation
Mrs. Sally Man and Mr. Kwok Lau Man
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meadows
The Murray Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Mitch Meany and Ms. Karen E. Woodward
Mr. Mohan Nair
Mr. William Lo Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Luce
Mr. and Mrs. Terence F. Markey
Ms. Elaine Lui
Ms. Janet A. Martin
Mr. Vance G. Lundell
Mr. Tim Mason
Mr. Terry L. Lutz
Mrs. Emanuela Massarotti
Ms. Lucia Lu
MedOne Surgical, Inc.
Naperville Noon Lions Foundation
Mr. John Mettler
National Philanthropic Trust
Mr. Richard Meurer
Mr. George S. Newell
Mr. Scott A. Millikan
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Berlina De la Cruz was selected as a teaching case for cataract surgery during ORBIS’s Flying Eye Hospital program in Iloilo, Philippines, in 2012.
Ms. Karan Ng
Ms. Rhonda Ramparas
Mr. David R. Nichols
Mr. Matthew Ressegieu
Mr. Jeffrey D. Norris
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Rickard
Dr. Oroma B. Nwanodi Oakville International Business and Education Group Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry S. Riso
Mr. Miguel Oliveira
Rosen Family Foundation
Mr. Peder Olsen and Dr. Fatima Sehba
Mrs. Arthur Ross
Mr. Daniel Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rowell
Olympia Charitable Foundation
Alice Rudy & Alice Ramsey Foundation
Omega Group
James and Jacki Rupert
Capt. and Mrs. David T. Ormesher
Ms. Kathleen Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Pacholek
Mr. Rob Schneiderman
Ms. Connie Pang Ms. Sau Ling Pao Mr. Christos Papadimitriou Mr. and Mrs. Bryne J. Parker Ms. Mona Patel Mr. Shantilal Patel Mr. Ronald N. Paul Mr. William R. Payden Mr. Jonathan D. Pejka Mr. and Mrs. Hyde C. Perce Ms. Lynne Phillips Ms. Foong Ngor Phong Mr. Joseph F. Pirola Jr. Mr. Gunnary Plake Mr. Mark F. Polanis Mr. Norman Hong Po Poon
Mr. Daniel H. Robins
Mr. Robert Ross
Mr. and Mrs. S. James Schill Mrs. Susan Schulman, Trustee Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schwinn Mr. Arthur Seredian Mr. William L. Shanks Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shapiro
St. Mildred’s-Lightbourn School
Mr. Gordon A. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stauffer
Ms. Sylvia Whiteside
Mr. John D. Stenson Ms. Patricia Stephan Mr. Ronald Stern and Ms. Elisse Walter Dr. Pavur R. Sundaresan Mr. Richard F. Swenson Mr. Chun L. Tam Ms. Jackie Tam Ms. Teresa Tang Mr. and Mrs. Abbas Tehrani Tonglen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Travnicek Yim Y. Tsang Ms. Alice Tull Ucruising Vacations United Way of Greater Toronto
Mrs. Janet Sheppard Sharp Base Shipping
Valco Instruments Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shulman
Vancouver International Buddhist Progress Society
Mr. and Ms. James A. Smith Mr. John W. Smith Mr. Michael F. Smith Sophrona Solutions, Inc. Ms. Mary B. Sorensen
Mr. W. Craig Willan, P.E. Ms. Kate E. Williamson Ms. Alison H. Wintman Dr. Agnes M. F. Wong Ms. Ann Wong Ms. Miranda Wong Mr. James T. M. Yang Mr. Englok Yap Ms. Annabella Yau Ms. Peg Yorkin Miss Amy Yu Ms. Maggie S. Yuen Ms. Quan Zhou
Mr. David S. Tsai
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vacheron
Mrs. Marjorie E. Smalley
Mr. Clifford A. White
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Veber Mr. Ramakanta Velagala Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vieth W. J. Lehrke Co.
Legacy Gifts
Anonymous Estate of Ms. Gwen P. Benjamin Estate of Ms. Gloria Bernath Estate of Mr. John A. Bott Estate of Ms. Georgiana Bowman Estate of Mr. Pasquale Campana Estate of Ms. Margaret S. Crawford Estate of Mrs. Charlotte A. Koomjohn Estate of Miss Harriet MacGregor
Mr. Ronald M. Walker
Estate of Mrs. Vincenza Militano
Ms. J. P. Srinivasan
Mr. George M. Waller
Estate of Mrs. Theopa Sheen
Ms. Liang Wang
Mr. Michael D. Quinton
Mr. and Mrs. David R. St. Germain
Estate of Mr. Austin H. Woock
Ms. Rajeev D. Rajan
St. Irenaeus Church
Ms. Lillian D. Webb
Port Royal Mills Ltd
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Sosnick
Dr. and Mrs. Norberto E. Priu Mr. and Mrs. Oki Purwanto
Ms. Sou-Zu Wang
Photo: Geoff Oliver Bugbee
Postoperative care at ORBIS’s partner Da Nang Eye Hospital in Da Nang, Vietnam, in the Glaucoma Department.
ASIA $130,000+
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Bank of China Macau Branch and staff
China Wanxin Optical
Emperor Group Ho Man Fat Memorial Foundation
Ms. Jenny Lau
China Horizon Research Consultancy Group
Mr. Charley Chan
Mr. Jiang Yuheng
Mrs. Kwong Wai Fun Dara
Shanghai Royang Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Melco Group
Beijing British School
OneAsia Cloud Centre
Jebsen Group
China Baodao Optical
City Super Ltd
Optical 88 Ltd
Kee Wah Bakery
Liu Fu Chou
Sun Hung Kai Properties
Kuenflower Management Inc. (in honor of Kwong Hui May Kuen)
Cloudtain International Co., Ltd.
Ms. Yu Pik Shan
Collyer Logistics International Ltd
Taipei Financial Center Corp.
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
Mrs. Grace Tsao
Compass Visa
Good and Love Foundation Limited
Economic Digest
Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Limited $65,000-129,999
Asia MilesTM Banco Weng Hang, S.A.
Ms. Bernadette Woo Huey Fang
Mr. Fan Shu Kau
Hang Ngai Fur Company Limited Hasbro Far East Ltd
Macau Koi Kei Bakery
AXA Hong Kong
Manulife (International) Limited, Taiwan Branch
Tai Fung Bank Limited TAM’s Yuen Yee Charity Foundation Wistron Corporation $13,000-24,999
Dah Sing Bank
Kingsway Cars Limited
BB Group Company Limited
Dun & Bradstreet (HK) Ltd.
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited
Diocesan Boys’ School
Kwang Wei Coating Machine Co., Ltd.
Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao SAR
e-Zone, Hong Kong Economic Times Ltd
Lin, Chih Liang
Sing Pao Media Enterprises (Hong Kong) Limited
L’OCCITANE en Provence
Oriental Sunday & Sunday Kiss
Mr. Chan Yim Fong
Max Liu
Sunny Creations Ltd.
MSL China
Galaxy Entertainment Group
men’s uno
Aurora Zart
Mr. Jiang Nanchun
Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited
True Light Middle School of Hong Kong
Baleno Kingdom Limited
Mr. Gregory Dean Gibb Mr. Mason Lee China Daily Hong Kong Ltd. CHINA GOLF CHINA GYMNASTIC ASSOCIATION LTD. China Resources Vanguard (HK) Co Ltd Mr. Choy Kwok Ching COSMOPOLITAN Dah Chong Hong Holdings Ltd.
MGM MACAU Ming Tak Electrical Wiring Co. Ltd.
Hong Kong Daily News
Nameson Group
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
OKIA Optical Co., Ltd.
Hot Toys Limited
Inland Revenue Department Sports Association
Peter So Student Union
IT’S YS CO. LTD. Kao Song Xiuxia
REGAL PRINTING LTD. SCA Tissue Hong Kong Limited
Kiang Wu Hospital Charitable Association
Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund
Mr Tsui, Peter Wai Man Universe Watch Trading Co., Ltd. V. K. Hsu & Sons Foundation Limited Vitasoy International Holdings Ltd. Working House (Fine Collection Corporation) Welloyd Industries Company Ltd. Wynn Macau Mr. Wan Wai Yung, Alexander Yahoo! Hong Kong
United Kingdom Individual donors
Mr. Nigel Young
£5000 +
Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Rosey Hickson
Mr. Robert Walters
Mr. Anthony Fincham Mrs. Barbara Seymour Bhim Ruia Foundation The Bliss Family Charity
Charitable Trusts, Statutory Program Funders and Foundations
States of Guernsey Overseas Aid Commission
European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons
The Valentine Charitable Trust
Fondation L’Occitane
The Wilfred Harold Box Discretionary Trust
Lands’ End UK Ltd.
The Zochonis Charitable Trust
Jemma Kidd Make Up IKANO SA Inflight Productions
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Elaine Buck
£5,000 +
Corporate Partners
Island Getaways
Mr. Charles Hocking
The Carpenter Charitable Trust
ACS International Schools
Constance Green Foundation
Airport Operators Association
McPhillips (Wellington) Limited
Beatrice Laing Trust
The Edenbeg Charitable Trust
Bradford & Leeds Properties
Headley Trust
Southend Airport Company Ltd
Jersey Overseas Aid Commission
Corona Worldwide
The Good Gifts Catalogue
EON Productions
Simon Gibson Charitable Trust
Euromoney Institutional Investors plc
The William Allen Charitable Trust
Dr. Christine Tomkins Covent Garden Group Foundation Professor and Mrs. G K Wilcock Mr. Hugh Bourn Mr. Ivan Hatvany Mr. and Mrs. John and Pamela Dawswell Mrs. Melanie Richards
Gondar Ethiopia Eye Surgery Trust
UBM Aviation
Irish Aid: Civil Society Fund Corporations
South Africa Individual Supporters
Lar & Claire Bradshaw
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Cape Town (Office space)
Carl McCann
The Pediatric Cataract Initiative, sponsored by the Bausch + Lomb Early Vision Institute and Lions Clubs International Foundation
Bowman Gilfillan
GiftS in Kind
Icare Finland
AWAS Clifford Chance Etihad Airways Fitzwilliam Hotels Ryanair
Seeing is Believing, sponsored by Standard Chartered Bank
Ampleforth Group Ltd Irish Welcome Tours
Mrs. Paula Wilson
Verve Marketing
Mrs. Patricia Finlay
Smurfit Kappa Total Produce
United Kingdom
Mr. John Howitt
Mrs. Ann-Marie Ablett Sir Richard Branson
Mr. Brian Little
Ms. Sandra Ng
Mr. Sunil Ruia Mr. Domhnal Slattery Mr. Toby Young
Mr. Padraic Fallon
In 2012, ORBIS mourned the passing of Padraic Fallon, who was a supporter and ambassador of ORBIS’s mission to save sight worldwide. Photo: ORBIS
ORBIS Global Corporate Sponsors provide significant support to ORBIS with ongoing support including financial support for programs and general operating expenses, support for the Flying Eye Hospital, and generous in-kind gifts of goods and services.
Mr. Leo de Kryger
Dr. Jonathan Lord
Dr. Daniel Neely
Ophthalmologist Medical Director, Strategic Markets, Alcon Beijing, China
Biomedical Engineer University of Ottawa Eye Institute Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Anesthesiologist Moorfields Eye Hospital London, UK
Ophthalmologist Indiana University School of Medicine Indianapolis, Indiana
Dr. Ahmed Gomaa
Dr. Brian Leonard
Ophthalmologist Ex officio as ORBIS Medical Director of the Flying Eye Hospital London, United Kingdom
Committee Chair Ophthalmologist University of Ottawa Eye Institute Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ms. Jenny Hourihan
Dr. Alex Levin
Ex officio as ORBIS Chief Executive Officer New York, New York, USA
Pediatrician, Pediatric Ophthalmologist and Medical Geneticist The Wills Eye Institute Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Janet Marsden, RN
Professor of Ophthalmology and Emergency Care Faculty of Health, Psychology and Social Care Manchester Metropolitan University Manchester, United Kingdom
Dr. Rosalind Stevens
Ophthalmologist Dartmouth College Hanover, New Hampshire
Ms. Christine McMenemy
Healthcare Quality and Accreditation Consultant Ortmann Healthcare Consultants Columbia, South Carolina
GLOBAL LEADERSHIP ORBIS appreciates the following dedicated board members who generously gave their time and expertise to provide leadership and direction from January 1 to December 31, 2012:
International Board Members Albert L. Ueltschi
ORBIS mourns the passing of Emeritus Board Chairman Albert L. Ueltschi. Mr. Ueltschi was not only an icon in the aviation industry, but he was also devoted to treating preventable blindness in the developing world. His efforts significantly contributed to the restoration of sight for millions.
Mr. John J. McHale
Mr. Bruce N. Whitman
Director, MD-10 Project ORBIS International New York, New York
President and CEO FlightSafety International, Inc. Flushing, New York
Mr. Adrian J. Paull
Vice President Customer & Product Support Honeywell Aerospace Phoenix, Arizona
Photo: ORBIS Dato’ Kulasegaran Sabaratnam
Officers Ch a irm a n Mr. Robert F. Walters, FRCS, FRCS (Ed), FRCOphth, DO
Consultant Ophthalmologist Cardiff, United Kingdom V ic e Ch a irm an Mr. James R. Parker
Executive Vice President, Air Operations FedEx Express Memphis, Tennessee
C EO an d Pre sident Ms. Jenny Hourihan
New York, New York Board of Directors
Mr. Ted Hartley
CEO RKO Pictures Santa Monica, California
Greenwich, Connecticut
Chief Commercial Officer Embraer S.A. Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Brian C. Leonard
Tre a s u r e r Mr. Peter Hickson
Chairman Communisis PLC London, United Kingdom
Emeritus Chairman Vero Beach, Florida (Deceased October 18, 2012) Dr. Francis A. L’Esperance Jr.
New York, New York Mr. Fred W. Telling, Ph.D.
Port Orange, Florida
Greenwich, Connecticut
V ic e Ch a irm an Mr. John S. Slattery
General Counsel ORBIS International New York, New York
Mr. Albert L. Ueltschi
Mr. Desmond G. FitzGerald
Mr. Thomas S. Knight Jr.
S e cr e t a ry Ms. Diana Wheeler
Founder President Asean Association of Eye Hospitals Immediate Past President World Blind Union Asia Pacific Selangor, Malaysia
Emeritus Board Members
Professor of Ophthalmology University of Ottawa Eye Institute Ottawa, Canada Mr. Richard T. Lewis
Riverside, Connecticut Mr. Kevin G. McAllister
Vice President and General Manager Global Sales GE Aviation Cincinnati, Ohio
Pr esident Dr. Brian C. Leonard
Dr. Simon P. Holland
Professor of Ophthalmology University of Ottawa Eye Institute Secretary and D ir ector
Clinical Associate Professor University of British Columbia The Honourable Dr. Vivienne Poy
Chairwoman Lee Tak Wai Holdings Ltd.
Mr. J. Bruce Carr-Harris
Partner Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Tr easurer Mr. Peter Allen, FCA, FRAeS
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer BTI Systems
Mr. Doug Turnbull
Deputy Chairman TD Securities, Inc. Ex -Officio D ir ec to r Ms. Jenny Hourihan
President and CEO ORBIS International
ORBIS IRELAND C h a irma n Dr. Maurice Cox
Mr. John Crowe
Ms. Clare O’Dea
Mr. Lorcan Tiernan
CEO Centric Health
Senior Vice President Merrill Lynch International Bank Limited
Director Select Strategies
Partner, Head of Corporate Dillon Eustace
Mr. Mark Pollock
Mr. Ronan Traynor
Ms. Anne Marie Curran
Adventure Athlete, Professional Speaker and Author
Managing Director Verve Marketing
Dr. Ray Power
Mr. Michael Boyd
Chairman Landell Mills Ltd. Mr. Laurence Bradshaw
Company Director Mr. Donal Brosnahan
Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital and Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children
Managing Director Drury Communications Mr. Michael Holland
Chairman Ampleforth Group
Medical Director Centric Health Ms. Carina Ryan
Mr. Andrew Lowe
Company Director Element Pictures
Mr. Paul Dobey
Partner KPMG
Director, Aircraft Trading AWAS Mr. Raymond Sisson
Chief Financial Officer Airbus Financial Services
President and CEO AWAS
Tr e asu re r Mr. Peter Hickson
Council Ms. Diana Wheeler
Chairman Communisis PLC
General Counsel ORBIS International
President and Chief Executive Officer ORBIS International
Mr. Shuaib Chalklen
Ms. Lene Øverland
United Nations Special Rapporteur for Disability Cape Town, South Africa
CEO, ORBIS Africa Cape Town, South Africa
Mr. Trevor Lydon
ORBIS MACAU Officers C h a irma n Mr. Robert F. Walters, FRCS, FRCS (Ed), FRCOphth, DO
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Ms. Jenny Hourihan
Se cre t ary an d Exe cu t ive Dir e ctor Mr. Paul Forrest
Regional Director, Asia ORBIS International
ORBIS Africa C h a irm a n Mr. Robert F. Walters, FRCS, FRCS (Ed), FRCOphth, DO
Consultant Ophthalmologist Cardiff, United Kingdom
Directors Professor Anthony Murray
President of the South African Society of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology - University of Cape Town Cape Town, South Africa Professor Jeremy Sarkin
United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Associate Professor of Law University of the Western Cape Cape Town, South Africa
Ms. Rebecca Cronin Sir Michael Arthur
Retired UK Diplomat London, United Kingdom
Regional Director, ORBIS EMEA London, United Kingdom
Mr. Adrian J. Paull
Vice President: Customer & Product Support Honeywell Aerospace Arizona, USA
Superintendent Taipei Eye Center M a n a gi n g Dir e ct or Ms. Jenny Hourihan
Chief Executive Officer ORBIS International M a n a gi n g Dir e ct or Mr. Paul Forrest
Directors Mr. Ching-Tsai Chen
President Republic of China Eye Bank Foundation Ms. Diana M. H. Chen
Chairman Crowne Plaza Hotel Kaohsiung E-Da World
Regional Director, Asia ORBIS International
Dr. Min-Mu Hsu
Ms. Amy Ou
Ophthalmologist Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital
Executive Director IMEI Foundation Dr. Liang-Yen Wen
Dr. Ming-Liang Lee
President Emeritus and Professor Tzu Chi University
Ophthalmologist Chung-Shen Hospital Mr. Wen-Loong Huang
Dr. Jorn-Hon Liu
Chairman Department of Ophthalmology Cheng Hsin General Hospital
Director Life Eye Clinic
ORBIS UNITED KINGDOM Ch a irm a n Mr. Robert F. Walters, FRCS, FRCS (Ed), FRCOphth, DO
Consultant Ophthalmologist Cardiff Trustees Sir Michael Arthur
Retired UK Diplomat Mr. Larry Benjamin, FRCS (Ed), FRCOphth, DO
Consultant Ophthalmologist Stoke Mandeville Hospital Aylesbury
Mr. Michael Boyd
Dr. Maurice Cox
Chairman Landell Mills Ltd.
CEO Centric Health
Mr. Bruce Buck
Mr. Desmond G. FitzGerald
Founding Partner and Managing Director Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Greenwich, Connecticut
Major General Charles Vyvyan, CB CBE MA MSc
Mr. Peter Hickson
Retired British Army Commander
Chairman Communisis PLC
Mr. Nigel Young
Chief Executive Medical Defence Union
Chartered Accountant
Mr. Christopher (Kit) Braden
Chairman L’Occitane Limited
Ms. Mary Killen
Mr. Anthony Cowles
Ms. Melanie Richards
Airline Management
Partner KPMG
Dr. Christine Tomkins, FRCS, FRCOphth, FRCP
Journalist and Author
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