Hub Of Human Connection

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Hub Of Human Connection Dear, Immi, In May 2012, when the Listening Chair was unleashed into the world, Miriam Mason and I were brainstorming song ideas together. We began to discuss how you are a connector for a million different people, and how there are a million different possibilities of friendship and love that can come from that. It’s like you are this hub that people stream through, meet, twist and interact. We decided to make a video for the Listening Chair sharing these thoughts. A few weeks later, after you sent me the message saying the video lifted your spirits, I decided I wanted to gather other people’s stories of how they have connected with others because of you. I wanted to make you a book that you could go to whenever you needed your spirits lifted. So I sent out Tweets, messages on Facebook, a post on iBabble and e-mails, asking people to answer a set of questions. I got wonderful responses from people all over the world. The connections range from online friends around the world, work opportunities, artistic collaborations, to growing closer to loved ones, support through hard times, travel, new experiences, deep friendships, and love. Along with responses to the questions, I also got people sharing ideas and offering to help with the book. Jennifer White-Torres, you may remember her from the image she took for Lifeline (Heapsong1) offered to help with the design of the book. I’m so thankful she did. I couldn’t have put this book together without her help. We all truly love you Immi, and are so thankful for the love and friendship you have brought to each of our lives. I hope you enjoy the book and all the beautiful stories that all began because of you! Love, Sarah Mabe and all the Immi fans around the world!

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