3 minute read
STOP and Find Calm: A Mindfulness Technique for Attorneys
As an attorney-turned-therapist, I understand the constant demands and pressure that come with working in the legal profession. Most of my therapy clients are attorneys or other professionals in high stress/high pressure jobs who come to me for help with problems caused by workplace stress and anxiety.
Of the people I treat, attorneys are the ones most often juggling multiple tasks, dealing with difficult clients, and facing high-stress situations. This can lead to
TLAP Services
l Confidential Services l 24-hour hotline and crisis counseling l Peer contact and support l Referral to resources including lawyer support groups l Stress management education feelings of overwhelming stress and anxiety, which can have a negative impact on mental and physical health. However, there is a simple and effective technique that can help attorneys manage stress and find calm during chaos: the STOP technique.
The STOP technique is a mindfulness practice that involves pausing, taking a breath, and bringing awareness to the present moment. It is based on research and is a simple yet powerful tool that can help attorneys manage stress and improve overall wellbeing. Here are the steps to practice it: l Custom CLE program l Confidentiality and immunity protections under Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 467 l Consultation and compliance services relating to TDRPC, Rule 803 “Reporting Professional Misconduct”
3 Mistakes Law Firms Make Dealing with Attorney Addiction
• Failing to have a plan
• Not offering help early on
• Not planning for a return
Read the full article online at www.law360.com/articles/1143110/3-mistakes-law-firmsmake-dealing-with-attorney-addiction
Ten Tips for Tipping the Balance
Daily positive reading. (Daily Word, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Courage to Change and many others).
Listen to Buddha and practice the presence
If you are depressed, you are living in the past
If you are anxious, you are living in the future with your fears
Live in the now and be happy where you are and who you are
Attitude of Gratitude
Develop boundaries, digitally detox and disconnect at a time certain. Spend time with family, friends, and your dog (or cat or goldfish).
Physical fitness activity, no matter how small.
Meditation and mindfulness. Breathe deeply. Go outside, experience nature, and relax for 5 to 10 minutes.
When angered by a client, opposing counsel, a judge, family, friends or others, remember the three C’s: I did not cause it; I cannot control it; I cannot cure it.
Read something besides the law: Action-packed fast read novels, books of inspiration, or anything that keeps your attention.
Let go and let _ (you fill in the blank).
BONUS TIP: Watch an action-packed movie with lots of mindless action. Not your cup of tea? Just go to the movies. You will not think about the law for the entire two hours and you will usually leave the movie relaxed, with a smile on your face.
S – Stop
The first step is to simply stop what you are doing. This could mean taking a moment to pause, stepping away from a situation, or even closing your eyes. It can be for just one minute.
T – Take a Breath
The next step is to take a deep breath, filling your lungs with air, and then slowly exhaling. Focusing on the breath will help calm the body and bring attention to the present moment.
O – Observe
The third step is to observe your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. Simply notice what is happening within your mind and body, but do not try to change anything.
P – Proceed
The final step is to proceed with the task at hand or to make a deliberate choice about how to respond to the situation. This step involves bringing awareness and intention to your actions, rather than reacting impulsively.
By incorporating this technique into daily routines, attorneys can cultivate mindfulness while at work, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. The STOP technique is a simple and accessible tool that can be practiced anywhere, at any time, and can have a profound impact on mental and physical health. So, the next time you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take a few moments to practice the STOP technique—it may just be the tool you need to find calm and approach your work with greater clarity and focus. HN Darrin Pfannenstiel is an attorney-turned-therapist and anxiety specialist in Dallas. He can be reached at darrin. personal@gmail.com.
Top Ten Inspirational Books
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide – Don Miguel Ruiz
Hope For the Flowers – Trina Paulus
The Giving Tree – Shel Silverstein
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – Richard Carlson
Courage to Change - Al-Anon Family Group
The Man in The Ditch – Mike Bassett
Same Kind of Different As Me – Denver Moore, Lynn Vincent, Ron Hall
Tattoos On the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion – Great Boyle
Way of The Peaceful Warrior – Dan Millman
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse – Charlie Mackery
Submitted by Al Ellis, Sommerman, McCaffity, Quesada & Geisler, L.L.P. Need Help?
Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program…………...(800) 343-8527
Alcoholics Anonymous…………………………...(214) 887-6699
Narcotics Anonymous…………………………….(972) 699-9306
Al Anon…………………………………………..…..(214) 363-0461
Mental Health Assoc…………………………….…(214) 828-4192
Crisis Hotline………………………………………..1-800-SUICIDE
Suicide Crisis Ctr SMU.…………………………...(214) 828-1000
Metrocare Services………………………………...(214) 743-1200
988 offers 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress. That could be:
Thoughts of suicide
Mental health or substance use crisis, or Any other kind of emotional distress
People can call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org for themselves or if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support.