Mom to Mom - February 2013

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letter from the editor 4 family health CHD awareness 6 flu outbreak 18

miracle for blake 7 mom you should know 8 ask the mom stricter gun laws 10

fashion rules 12 fit & active running for love 13

breaking bread valentine’s dinner 14

extra mile fitness 17 fun & games

date night diva 19 albano’s pizza party 30

inching around toddler world

play dough, sugar cookie dough, and a glue stick 20

community calendar 22

Front Cover Photo by: Kristelyn Grace Photography

OUR TEAM Matt Scearce – Designer/Layout Eva Williams - Sales Priscilla Metros - Sales Mindy Gear – Contributing Writer Frances Brar – Contributing Writer Megan Ciszewski – Contributing Writer Brooke Recktenwall – Contributing Writer Beth Whitaker – Contributing Writer Emma Kester – Contributing Writer Nichole Odijk DeMario – Contributing Writer Donna Eckelbarger – Contributing Writer Amber Neace – Contributing Writer

Table of Contents Photo By: Balee images Advertising & Submissions: Mom to Mom, NWI LLC 2612 Portage Mall Portage, IN 46368 • (219) 973-5138 Managing Editor / Publisher: Stephanie Vega Edwards Sales / Publisher: Roly Martinez 773-416-0665 •

Mom to Mom, NWI is a monthly publication by Mom to Mom, NWI LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. All photographs and articles submitted become the sole property of Mom to Mom, NWI. 3

letter from the editor by: stephanie vega edwards

a growing family new moms may have, as well as seek out advice from our readers who may want to weigh in on some of the hot topics.

As I look at this picture of our family from November – laughing and playing around at the park – it’s hard to believe that we were on the cusp of some life changing news. You see, a couple of weeks after this picture was taken, we found out that our family of four was going to become a family of five. That’s right - this momma of two girls is expecting a baby in July! First, we told our families, and then some close friends, but it was our little girls that my husband and I were most anxious to tell. How would they react? What would they say? We wanted to let the girls know when I was out of the first trimester, but I was so sick, it was hard to keep a secret. My oldest was really concerned and kept asking a ton of questions. My youngest dubbed me the “throw-up machine” and just didn’t understand what was going on with me. So we told them, and as expected, the questions came a mile a minute: Are we having a baby brother or a baby sister? Is there really a baby in your belly? When is the baby going to be here? It was exciting to share this moment with our girls and just talk about this great change that was going to affect our whole family.

I also want to invite our readers to be part of my journey. As most expectant mothers can, I’m sure, agree, pregnancy has its ups and downs. I have already been through a TON of those downs – with the awful morning sickness and everything else that comes with the first trimester – and now I’m ready for those ups! And I think the way to get them is by getting off the couch and get moving! When I got pregnant, I was about 30 pounds heavier than I was the first time around, and if history repeats itself, a 50 pound weight gain is NOT in the cards for me. I know they say you’re not supposed to worry about the weight gain, but when you’re overweight, it’s something that can’t be ignored. So, with that said, it’s my goal to eat better and do something I never did before while pregnant – WORKOUT! Now, don’t get me wrong; I’m not signing on to do two hours at the gym five days a week; I’d like to just get moving. This is where our readers come into play! I’m looking to find some buddies (pregnant or not) to get moving with me. I’m thinking walking in the mall during the cold months and then taking it outdoors once it gets nice. Let’s face it: working out is always more fun when you have someone to do it with, and for me, I need that accountability – knowing I need to meet someone will get me off the couch and on the path to a healthy, active pregnancy.

And now that I’ve shared the news with my family, it seemed only fair to share the news with my second family – my Mom to Mom, NWI family! The readers of this magazine have given me the strength, confidence, and drive to put out quality work every month – and now that I’m expecting a child - that will not change. If anything, I’m thinking it’s going to help provide even more content for the magazine and perhaps take things in a different direction. I mean, it’s been nearly four years since I’ve been pregnant, so I’m pretty much in the same boat with all the first time mommas! I find myself constantly asking questions, seeking advice, and reading my mothering bible (What to Expect When You’re Expecting). So with this pregnancy, I plan to tackle some questions and concerns

OK – so who’s with me? If you’d like to get up and move with me, drop me an email, Let’s get a Mom to Mom, NWI walking group together and let’s get healthy! I can’t wait to hear from you! 4 5

By: Nichole Odijk DeMario At a time of year when matters of the heart take center stage, Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week (February 7th through February 14th) focuses on the “broken” ones. According to the Congenital Heart Public Health Consortium, congenital heart defects or CHDs are the most common birth defects, occurring in almost one percent of births. Most causes of CHDs are unknown, with fifteen to twenty percent caused by known genetic conditions. Patricia Klosterman of Crown Point, and Charisse Webber of Schererville, bonded over their two children - each born with different congenital heart defects.

months, but our life has been able to restart,” she says. “Knock on wood we’re on an uphill road to recovery. It seemed like every time something would block the path. All in all he’s a tough little boy.”

Mended Little Hearts, a non-profit organization for heart patients and their families, details several organizations report that a CHD may have no signs or symptoms. Some symptoms include: Heart murmur Rapid breathing Bluish coloring of tongue, lips, skin and/or fingernail beds Fatigue, more than normal fatigue or tiredness Poor feeding Poor weight gain

With her husband by her side, Webber plans to explain to Gage his condition (when Any concerns, symptoms, etcetera he is old enough to should be discussed further with a understand) and will physician. do so as honestly as possible – no sugarcoating the truth. “It’s tough to see how frustrated Gage can get when he can’t keep up with other children his age or his ‘mother hen’ big sister,” she explains. “It makes you realize how fragile like is and you want to the most of it. That’s why we do our best to keep life as normal as possible.”

Klosterman’s daughter Ashley was born three years ago with an undetected defect. Throughout her pregnancy, Klosterman had several tests to determine whether or not Ashley had any heart related issues. At the time nothing appeared abnormal. Within one hour of birth, a nurse recognized something was amiss. Additional tests were ordered and soon thereafter, Ashley was being transported to a Chicago-based hospital. Klosterman says her daughter’s condition could have gone undetected in utero for a variety of reasons – and is just grateful warning signs were present at the hospital so soon after she gave birth. “I don’t want to think about it, but it could have been much worse,” she says. Four cardiac catheterizations and two open heart surgeries later, Klosterman says Ashley’s demeanor remains laid back. “She’s a trooper,” Klosterman says. “She’s proud to show off her scar. I know it won’t be that way forever. I’ll take it for now.”

A recent piece of legislature does have Klosterman and Webber both relaxing a bit more these days. In June 2011, Indiana began requiring the pulse oximetry test to newborn screenings. The test determines the level of oxygen in the blood, which can detect CHDs. As of January 1, 2012 all birthing facilities in Indiana will be required to perform the test regardless of gestational age or NICU status. “More babies can be saved,” Klosterman says. “I don’t want any child to go home from the hospital undetected.”

Klosterman is looking forward to signing Ashley up for preschool this fall and finding an art class for her little painter, but these actions come with hesitation. “I have been more protective of both of my children,” Klosterman explains. “Hopefully the further we get away from the surgery the more lax I’ll become.”

Webber’s son Gage was born July 2011 and joins an older sister. Gage’s condition although different from Ashley’s was also undetected. “It was a complete shock. There was fear of the unknown,” Webber Klosterman and Webber are also joining together in the hopes of says. He underwent his first open heart surgery at twelve weeks old. providing support to other families whose children have CHDs. Their Gage had a complication during surgery that paralyzed his vocal support group is in its early stages, but both are eager to begin chord. He now must use a nasogastric intubation for feeding, until helping others. For more information, you can email Klosterman at his working vocal chord compensates. Despite the complications or Webber at and struggles, Webber says life is looking up. “It has taken 18


A Miracle for Blake by: Frances A. Brar

When you think of the date February 14th, you tend to think of hearts and flowers. For most, the date and Valentine’s Day, go hand in hand, but for others that date means something much different. That’s because February 14th is National Donor Day, and there are currently over 100,000 people in this country waiting to receive an organ transplant to help improve their quality of life. On the top of the list is 9 year old Blake Roger Loudenber of Griffith. “When his mom was five months pregnant, the ultrasound showed that his kidneys weren’t working and were full of cysts,” said Kelly Ray, Blake’s aunt. “They could tell that his kidneys weren’t producing any urine at that time.” He was born on April 22, 2003 at The University of Chicago with polycystic kidney disease. This disease causes both kidneys to stop working. He was the youngest baby ever to be put on dialysis, and was put on the kidney transplant list as well. “At two years old he received his first kidney transplant, but shortly after, he became very ill, and we almost lost him again,” Ray explained. “Since his body rejected the kidney, he was put back on the donor list for the second time.” And that donor list is where he’s been - for nearly eight years and counting. “Out of his almost ten years of life, he has only gone about four months of it without being on dialysis,” Ray shared. “Life, as he knows it, is being on dialysis every single night for 11 hours; hooked-up to a machine and having a tube coming out of his belly. He doesn’t know any different.” Blake likes to have fun just like anyone other boy his age - playing baseball in the summer and indoor soccer at the local YMCA. He also loves playing with his best friend and cousin Miley. He dreams of becoming a professional athlete or a doctor, but his Aunt says the dreams may be difficult if he doesn’t receive a transplant soon. “Blake is only 44 inches tall due to his kidneys not working - it has caused him not to grow,” Ray said. “If he doesn’t receive a transplant very soon, his growth plates will close and he will never grow. He will remain 44 inches tall forever.” So Blake’s family is trying to spread the word about his condition while bringing awareness to becoming a kidney donor. They’ve created a float called Miracle for Blake, and attend various parades throughout the year in hopes of reaching out to someone who can make a difference for Blake, or others who are also in desperate need of an organ transplant. “We have been doing them for more than a year now with Blake in attendance at each one,” proudly said Ray. “I think it gives Blake hope that everything will be ok when he sees how many people really support and care about him. The support we have gotten from the parades is amazing. And you would never know, maybe one day someone will remember the information that we passed out and become a kidney donor for someone, even if it isn’t Blake.” If you want to keep up with Blake, and find out what’s next for this amazing little boy, be sure to “Like” the Facebook page You can also follow his happenings on Twitter@miracleforblake, or check out their website, If you are interested in donating blood, and are type “O,” please call the Kidney Transplant Program at The University of Chicago (773)702-1000. 7

mom you Deanna Gallardo 8

ou should know By: Stephanie Vega Edwards

February is American Heart Month – an important time of year that raises awareness to a deadly disease. Did you know that heart disease, including stroke, is the leading cause of death for women in the United States? Often times, women ignore symptoms because they are so busy running their household. But as mother of two, Deanna Gallardo tells us, it’s something women should take notice of.

It’s her studio and her family that keep Gallardo going strong, and she says it’s the battles she has overcome that continue to help her living a heart-healthy life. “It has made me more aware of my body and has made me listen to my body,” she says. “When I’m tired, I go home and take a nap in the middle of the day. I stop whatever I’m doing and go take a nap. If I’m hungry, I make sure I don’t get dehydrated. I try to sleep well, and of course, just live a clean lifestyle.”

“I was feeling tired a lot, lethargic, short of breath, and I knew those were some of the symptoms of a leaky heart valve,” she says. “I knew I had a degenerative heart valve that was getting worse and worse – it’s been like that for about 10 years, but now I realized it was time to see the doctor again.”

Gallardo teaches about 16 hours of dance a week, so she’s always moving, and she believes keeping buys and staying active is key. “You have to take the time to take care of yourself because, like I always say - you can’t fill up anyone else cup when your cup is empty. You have to take care of your health because we are important parts of our families; we have important jobs to do as women, as mothers, career women, business women, and if we’re running ourselves ragged, then we are no good to anybody.”

Gallardo has had heart problems since she was about 17 years old, having heart arrhythmias like her mother did. So when she went to see her doctor, they ran tests and gave her the news she knew was inevitable – it was time to get that heart valve repaired.

She has made this point known several times, including in 2010 when she was chosen to be a speaker at a local Go Red for Women breakfast. “I basically gave the same message – talked about the importance of looking for warning signs,” she explains. “If you have shortness of breath, a pain in your shoulder, nausea you can’t tell where it’s coming from, go get it checked out and make sure you aren’t having a heart attack! Women have symptoms that are very different than men’s, so it’s important not to dismiss symptoms. We have to stop putting ourselves last!”

“I went to the Cleveland Clinic in 2009 and had heart repair surgery,” she explains. “It went great! Within 5 weeks, I was able to walk – I even out-walked my husband when we went to Disney World!” And with a rather quick recovery, it was back to business as usual for this working mom. Gallardo is the owner of Mirror Image Dance Academy in Valparaiso, a dance studio she’s owned for 12 years. She takes a tremendous amount of pride in what she does and feels blessed for what she’s been able to accomplish in a little over a decade. “What I’m most proud of is the fact that I’ve grown a large Christian based dance studio with three levels of praise dance,” she says. “It’s just really incredible when I think about it because when I first started, I had four people in the class. Now I have more than 35 kids in the praise program.”

Gallardo has been married for 23 years to her husband Dave, and they have two children together, Kami in 9th grade, and Jordan in 11th grade. If you want to learn more about fighting heart disease, go to the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women page, 9

Stricter Gun Contro l Laws?

On December 14, 2012 the world was shocked as a gunman entered an elementary school in Connecticut and began shooting staff and students. The horrific scenes of the tragedy that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary is something we won’t soon forget. The lives of 20 innocent children were taken that morning, and even though it’s been over a month since this has happened, the images are still fresh in our minds. The shooting at Sandy Hook has brought to the forefront the discussion of gun control and gun violence. In fact, on January 15th, New York became the first state to tighten gun laws – voting to bolster the state’s ban on assault weapons and highcapacity magazines. Then the next day, President Obama talked about his proposal for gun control which calls for universal background checks on all gun buyers and a renewal of the assault weapons ban. With so many people weighing in on this topic around the country, we decided to ask our Facebook fans this question: Do you think stricter gun control laws will help keep our children safer at school? Here’s what some of them said: Elizabeth L., “Not at all! This was a sick individual committing an evil act with a tool - laws don’t stop things like this. Raising our children to respect other lives and property, know right from wrong, and take responsibility for their actions would go a long way to heal our broken society. As a parent, I’m appalled by how many people I see - except teachers, babysitters, etc. blowing a gasket if they try to teach morals (in the philosophical sense) or discipline bad behavior. We have created a society of entitled, victim thinking youth who do not see or accept consequences for their actions. My heart still breaks for those families, but more government control will do nothing to honor or respect all of those lives lost.”

Angela C., “While I agree with the proposed gun control laws calling for universal background checks, unfortunately I don’t think it’s going to make much of a difference at our schools. Like anything else that’s made illegal, people will find a way to get their hands on it.” Theresa V., “I think stricter gun laws are very much needed, but I think having an armed officer at our schools would make me feel the safest.” Jillian B., “I know this sounds cliché but guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” Amanda E., “No, I don’t think so. Gun laws are followed by good law abiding citizens. Do people think that others who break laws will suddenly follow it?” Lia H., “No it won’t. It’s illegal to murder and yet one still took place. All this will do is make the criminals more powerful than the law abiding citizens. It’s scary to think what will be next.” Jennifer H., “No they will not. Look at the strict gun control laws in Chicago – does it stop crime – not at all! There are lower crime rates in areas that have the highest amount of concealed carry permit holders. Criminals don’t care about laws. You don’t hear about law abiding citizens that stop mass shootings from happening. I think we need to bring God back to school, discipline back into homes, and teach our children respect. We need more coverage for mental health!” Jennifer D., “No. Criminals don’t obey the law so why hurt the ones that do?” Leann D., “I don’t believe it will make a difference. No matter what, we always have to watch our back and be alert.” 10

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Maternal Material Girls Second Place: Pickles and Ice Pickles and Ice Cream is actually a small chain of stores located in seven states, though ours isn’t among them. I like this site for its total offerings. From swimwear to skincare - designer lines to diaper bags - this site has a lot offer an expectant mother. I found their selections of dresses to be the most eyecatching and unique among the other sites. A special shout out to the pajamas section on this website. The mom and baby matching pajamas for the hospital are a must-have!

As I set off to compose this article, it was my intention to feature a local boutique that specializes in fashion for expectant mothers. But lo and behold: there isn’t one store from the Illiana to the Michiana borders that exists for this demographic! Of course, our Targets and Old Navy’s have a specialized (and affordable, I might add!) collections for the preggies. There’s also the Motherhood franchise in both the Outlet and Westfield Shoppingtown. However, you - our readers - know of all those sources too. Monthly, it’s my goal to provide new and different fashion ideas and destinations. And, in honor of Stephanie, the magazine’s fearless leader who is due in July, I couldn’t scrap the idea. I shifted my focus from local to convenient.

Third Place: Due Due Maternity is simply a fun online destination for prenatal needs. The site has care products for your entire pregnancy journey, beginning with journals and DVD’s all the way to post-natal belly bands and compression wraps. I found this site most useful for the buying the basics of maternity fashions. We should all keep this site in mind as a source for gifts too – be sure to check out the Dad section!

Knowing that more than $32.5 billion was spent online just this past holiday season, it was clear that we are spending more and more time on the Internet. Especially when morning sickness has you bed-bound, or juggling multiple kids with a huge baby bump in a crowded mall parking lot with a diaper bag, and car seats, and strollers, and… YIKES! Free shipping sounds so great - doesn’t it? Here are my top three online sources for fun and fearless momto-be fashions…

Honorable Mention: 2 Let’s face it: pregnancy does a number on our bodies. Sometimes there’s nothing we can do but laugh it off and make light of the fact that we cannot control half of what goes on while our babies take up residency inside the womb. 2Chix does a fantastic job celebrating – and poking fun – the topic of pregnancy. Their quirky tees were my favorite during pregnancy and they’re just too cute not to share.

First Place: PinkBlush In a word: Awesome! Without a doubt, PinkBlush has scored a homerun in designing clothes to compliment the pregnant woman. The fit and cut of the fashions is flattering, the colors are pretty, and the prices are range to fit an array of budgets. With summertime parties just a few months away, visit this site to shop their maxi dress collection.

Do you have a suggestion for an upcoming fashion article? We’d love to hear from you!! Send us a message to momtomomnwi@ and put the words Fashion Idea in the subject. 12

Running for Love It’s great because not only do we have memories to share with each other but with our kids, who were rooting us along the route. It feels great to show our kids that mom and dad can have their own special thing – and be healthy and active at the same time!

My husband and I met twenty years ago when we were both in the ninth grade. Nine years of dating, eleven years of marriage, and two kids later we are left without anything to talk about! Admit it - we have all noticed that older, married couples enjoying their early bird specials in complete silence at the local diner. So what happens when you and your sweetheart have run out of things to talk about? My husband and I started running together.

Now, I am not claiming that because my husband and I share a common interest our marriage is perfect - we still have to work at keeping our marriage happy. However, we have found a great way to keep our minds and bodies healthy, and the bonus is that we bond in the process. I know so many couples that set up a weekly or monthly “date night”, which is so fantastic. The only downside (from a trainers perspective) is that generally these “date nights” are focused on dining out or other sedentary activities. I think if you can get out and be active together it will heighten your alone time! I know of a married couple with four kids that enjoy a jog together for their “date night”. I also have a friend that spends her Friday evenings playing tennis doubles with her hubby. Heck, even President and Mrs. Obama take the time to exercise together each morning.

We found a fun, active hobby that we both are interested in, and literally ran with it! We started running together for fun, and then signed up for some races. First a 5K, then a 10K, and before we knew it we, we were training for our first half marathon. After each race, we’d talk about how we did, what we needed to work on, and what we could do next. It became a wonderful experience for not only our bodies and mind, but for our souls! We take such pride in each other’s running accomplishments - our accomplishments have been such a team effort. Now, we have made it a tradition to do annual local races together like the Shamrock Shuffle and Turkey Trot. But perhaps what has become our best tradition (because we get to involved our kids) is the Disney Marathon. Our family gets to make a vacation out of it, and the hubby and I get to look forward to our big outing together – the 26.2 miles around Disney! In January, we hit the pavement together at the Disney marathon, and it was such a great feeling finishing it together.

Whether it is running, tennis, golf, or even just going to the gym together these are great opportunities to get active and bond. So this February, find something active to do with your Valentine. You might need to try a few different activities to find the right fit for the both of you. I promise that your health and the health of your marriage will benefit from it! 13

breaking bread By: Mindy Gear

It’s Valentine’s Day - the season for love and chocolate! I remember a time when Valentine’s Day meant fancy restaurants, beautiful flowers, and delicious candy maybe even some new jewelry! In the past few years, our Valentine’s Day celebrations have transformed into something less wow – after all, dinner reservations and late nights aren’t exactly a high priority when you have kids. But, it is still important to find time for each other - I just think our idea of romance changes as our lives progress. If you are thinking about a nice romantic meal at home this year (with or without the kids), let me make a few suggestions. When my daughter was younger, we often made homemade pizza and pressed the dough into a heart-shape. We would make several smaller ones and add our favorite toppings. Then we’d have a tossed salad and maybe a pan of brownies or rice krispie treats cut with a heart shaped cookie cutter. For this Valentine’s Day, we are each picking a favorite food for dinner. Our menu will consist of roasted jalapeño crab cakes, spicy sausage and spinach stuffed shells, tossed salad, chocolate covered strawberries and molten lava cake. I am in love just thinking about it! And the best party - you can make this meal a day in advance. No huge mess to clean up that night.

Roasted Jalapeño Crab Cakes

This recipe is a great change-up to traditional crab cakes. Roasting jalapeños can be done either on the grill or in the oven. Grill: place on grill rack and turn as each side is blackened. Oven: broil 15 minutes (or until pepper is black) turn and broil additional 5-10. Place pepper in container or baggie for a few minutes to loosen skin. Remove skin and seeds, and then chop. ½ small onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, minced ½ tsp cayenne ½ tsp black pepper ½ tsp old bay seasoning 1 tsp salt Cook the above ingredients in 1 tablespoon of butter for 3 to 4 minutes. Let cool before mixing into remaining ingredients. 1 pound crab meat 1 roasted jalapeño, chopped 1 egg lightly beaten ¼ cup mayonnaise Juice of ½ lemon 8-10 Ritz crackers crushed 14

Mix all ingredients together. Using 1 cup crab mixture, shape into patties (approx. 2” thick). Refrigerate about 30 minutes or overnight. When you are ready to cook, dredge both sides in panko, bread crumbs or flour. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in large skillet over medium high heat and cook 5 minutes on each side. Cook until golden brown. Place in oven on 350 while cooking remaining cakes.

the sausage to the filling or sauce.

Spicy Sausage and Spinach Stuffed Shells

Mix above together and stuff shells.

I love making stuffed shells. Most of the time I follow whatever recipe is on the box when I buy them because I can walk around the grocery store buying the rest of the ingredients. They are easy to make in advance. A whole package of jumbo shells will make about 35. Once you stuff them, freeze half and you will have another fuss free dinner for later! 1 box jumbo shells or manicotti cooked according to package 1 pound spicy Italian sausage, cooked and crumbled (optional). You may add

Filling: 16 oz. ricotta cheese 8 oz. mascarpone cheese 10 oz. frozen chopped spinach 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese ½ cup finely grated parmesan cheese ½ tsp each, salt and pepper 1 egg 1 tsp lemon zest

Sauce: 5 cloves of garlic, minced 1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes 1 tsp crushed dried basil 1/3 cup olive oil ½-1 tsp sea salt 28 oz. & 14 oz. can crushed red tomatoes Put sauce ingredients (minus tomatoes) in cold saucepan. Stir while you heat the saucepan over medium high heat. Sauté no longer than 1 minute - you only want the garlic to become fragrant, not brown. Immediately add tomatoes and stir together. Simmer a few minutes, then remove from heat. Taste to make sure you don’t need to add additional salt or other seasoning. 15

Oil a 9x13 baking dish (may need additional small baking dish for extra shells - - it makes lots). Spread about 1 tablespoon lemon zest over bottom of baking dish. Pour 1/3 sauce in bottom of pan and arrange filled shells in pan. Pour remaining sauce over shells and sprinkle with additional shredded mozzarella and parmesan cheeses. Cover with foil and refrigerate until ready to use (within 24 hours). Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until heated thoroughly; remove foil and bake additional 10 minutes.

Individual Molten Chocolate Lava Cake

Now, this recipe is straight from the Ghiradelli website. It is perfection in a little chocolate cake, with a gooey center. Their website is and I want to make everything in the recipe section! These cakes were very easy to make. You will need: 6 ounces – 60% cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Bars ¼ cup heavy cream 1 stick unsalted butter (8 tbsp) 2 eggs 2 egg yolks 1/3 cup sugar ½ tsp vanilla ¼ cup CAKE flour

Grease/spray six – 4 oz. ramekins or custard cups. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In double boiler or microwave safe bowl, melt 2 ounces chopped chocolate and cream. Refrigerate for 2 hours and then form into 6 balls; refrigerate until needed. Cake: Melt 4 ounces of chocolate and butter in double boiler or microwave; whisking gently to blend. Set aside to cool. Meanwhile mix eggs, yolks, sugar and vanilla with electric mixer for 5 minutes until mixture is thick and light. Fold in chocolate mixture and flour into egg mixture until just combined. Spoon cake batter into ramekins. Place 1 chocolate ball in the middle of each ramekin. Bake 15 minutes or until cake is firm to the touch. Let it sit out of the oven for about 5 minutes. Run a small sharp knife around to loosen cake. Place plate on top, invert and remove ramekin. Garnish with whipped cream and berries.

H ave A Great Valentines Day!! 16

An Athlete’s Paradise

By: Nichole Odijk DeMario After nearly a decade of waiting for the best timing, Todd and Heather Henderlong opened their dream business, Extra Mile Fitness Company. The multisport specialty store, located in Valparaiso, provides novice to expert athletes with the products they need for running, triathlon and other endurance sports. The Henderlongs have decades of athletic experience between them. As their passion for running grew over the years, so did their desire to provide more resources and options to the Northwest Indiana running community. “Running is a vortex that sucks you in deeper and deeper,” Todd says. “You can run anytime, anywhere. It’s a relatively easy, inexpensive sport. It gives you the most bang for your buck, and as with many endurance sports, it leads you on a path of self discovery, physical fitness, and higher self esteem.” After countless hours of research, trips to athletic stores throughout the country, and the consultation of a former physical therapist/athletic store owner, the Henderlongs were ready to open for business in August last year. “We did not go into this blindly,” Heather says. The owners say their store caters to all fitness levels focusing on providing customers with the best, newest products for the best value. Their number one goal is promoting the sport of running. They strive to become a hub for running information.

Field (USATF) certified coaches. Participants will receive an evaluation to determine their ability as well as get them fitted for the proper running shoes if need be. Todd emphasizes during the training program participants will receive the guidance and attention needed so running becomes something that can be enjoyed for a lifetime. “When I first started running I weighed over 200 pounds and smoked. Now, twenty years later I own a race timing business (T&H Timing), a running store, and have run more marathons than I care to count,” Todd says. He says he shares this fact to emphasize everyone has to start somewhere. “If someone thinks, ‘I wish I could do that’ we will help them even if they don’t buy a single product from us. If they have the will we’ll find the way,” he says. “You don’t have to go out and win a race. You have to ask yourself, ‘Did I achieve my goal?’ It’s just you against the clock,” he explains. Extra Mile Fitness has selected 14 races, primarily in Porter County, to become qualifiers for its championship race toward the end of the year. Extra Mile Fitness is located at 1330 E. Lincolnway in Valparaiso. Connect with them by phone at 219.286.3606 or online on their Facebook page or their website,

Since opening its doors last summer, they have received accolades from national product representatives to Olympic athletes. They have staffed themselves with individuals who are equally passionate about running. In January of this year, they began offering free running training programs. The Henderlongs are both Level 1 USA Track and 17

family health

By: Sheila Pochron

Flu Outbreak 2013

If you have been watching health reports on the news, you already know that the country is on high alert when it comes to the wide spread influenza virus, better known as the flu. But what many may not realize is that the strand of flu going around is not what most people think of when they think of this illness. Most people associate the flu with vomiting and diarrhea. The influenza virus that is hitting so strong this season is the fever, cough, congestion, body aches, and sore throat. This virus is being spread through droplets when someone who is infected either coughs or sneezes.

The best way to avoid the spread of influenza is to be vaccinated. You may still get a slight case of the flu even if you are vaccinated, but the symptoms will be not as severe. The flu shot is approved for children over the age of 6 months and is recommended for people with chronic illnesses. The flu shot works by producing antibodies in your system two weeks after being vaccinated. People who have chronic illnesses such as diabetes, lung disease, asthma or anyone pregnant should be considered high risk and should be vaccinated. Since the flu virus changes from year to year, you should be vaccinated yearly. Although there has been a shortage of flu vaccines there are still places locally that are offering the vaccines. Signs and Symptoms: Symptoms usually last from 4-7 days but may persist up till 2 weeks Lack of energy Body aches Sore throat Fever Dizziness Cough Runny nose Respiratory symptoms

Types of Vaccines: The flu vaccine is either given in the form of a shot or a nasal spray. The shot is an inactivated form of the flu virus that is approved for those over the age of 6 months. Common side effects include redness or soreness around the site or mild flu symptoms. The nasal spray is a weakened form of the flu virus that is given as a mist sprayed into the nose. This form of the vaccine is approved for healthy people between the age of 2 and 49 and excludes pregnant women. Common side effects of this vaccine include runny nose, fever, and wheezing. Prevention: While you can’t always avoid coming in contact with people that are infected with the flu, there are a few that can be done to keep yourself healthy. Hand washing is the most effective way to prevent the spread of germs or carry a bottle of hand sanitizer for those times where hand washing is not available. Teach your children to cough into their sleeves instead of their hands to decrease the germs that come in contact with their hands. Keep your children home from school if they are showing symptoms of the flu so that they are not spreading to their classmates, kids with fevers should not return to school until their fever has been gone for 24 hours. Avoid sharing any utensils or drinking out of the same cups as someone else. Teaching your kids to avoid touching their mouths and eyes will also help to decrease the spread of germs. If you have not received your vaccination it is not too late. Flu season may spread into May so it is better to be vaccinated. To locate a site near you that is giving the vaccination (besides your doctor’s office) you can go to and use their flu vaccine finder.

Treatment: Most people do not need to seek doctor’s care for influenza. Those who have medical conditions that place them at high risk should follow up with their family doctor. Fevers should be treated with Tylenol and Motrin to control the fevers - by alternating the two you will help to keep the fever to a manageable degree. Lots of fluids to keep hydrated and rest as much as possible is vital. Cough drops and chloraseptic sprays will help with any sore throat symptoms. Doctors may prescribe Tamiflu to those who test positive for influenza A. It is important to remember that Tamiflu is to be given within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms and will not cure the symptoms but will decrease the duration of the symptoms. 18

Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to do something romantic with your hubby. For some of us moms, we are looking forward and to getting a break from making dinner y enjo to t rs simply wan going out on a night on the town. Othe with the hustle and the comforts of home, without dealing you fit into, here are bustle of the crowds. Whichever category antic ways to spend a couple of ideas of fun, exciting and rom this day of love. Out on the town: on date night. I thought My hubby and I enjoy dinner and a movie t and put it in his lunch it would be cute to make my own ticke www.printwithmypic. box for date night. I went to this website, ie ticket with pictures com and was able to make my own mov ue, and the best part – of us! It’s something different and uniq and’s lunch box - so it’s FREE!! I placed the ticket in my husb have something to look I knew he would be sure to get it, and h more memorable and forward to. Tickets make things so muc exciting! - and what to wear?! Now, to work on finding a place to eat maybe some boots For a date like this, jeans, a cute top and ted to go somewhere would work - dressy but comfy. I wan food is expensive and filling for dinner because movie theatre khouse- because they not very healthy. I chose Longhorn Stea g, delicious, and they fillin have a steak dinner for two. It’s so e right in front of you make their own homemade steak sauc se isn’t your preferred - mouthwatering. If Longhorn Steakhou your meal since it’s choice, I do suggest a steak house for eat on a regular basis! hearty meal – and not something must At home date: “King of Queens” – it My husband and I love the show So, I decided to plan reminds us SO much of our marriage! e and have a “King of a date night where we hang out at hom ething fun for dinner, Queens” marathon. I wanted to do som fun and very romantic. so I decided to do fondue – it’s super dish. For dessert, I bought steak and chicken for our main with fruit and pound we are going to have chocolate fondue date - we can stay cake. And perhaps the best part of this I bought a bottle of in our pajamas! To complete this date ts because we nigh my favorite wine. I enjoy at home date ate evening, just can enjoy our home and have an intim the two of us! 19

Play dough, Sugar Cookie Dough, & a glue stick. When we think of ways we teach our children about sharing, caring, and love, we know it all starts with a hug and a kiss. Showing our kids affection teaches them not only how to be loving and kind, but it also shows them how great love is. But there are so many ways to teach our children these characteristic traits. I very often spend my mornings in my toddler classroom on the floor, watching my students discover and interact with one another. Children are spontaneous learners - all we need to do is provide the age-appropriate materials and the children will do the rest! So how do we do this? It’s simple – crafting! We’ve all fallen in love with Pinterest and have found how fun and exciting it is to create new things out of things we already have. To do the crafts I’m going to share with you the reader, it will take a trip to your cupboard and craft box to find what you’ll need. With these materials, you can provide you’re tot the tools they need to those to learn about sharing, caring, and love using play dough, sugar cookie dough, and a glue stick. The fun is unlimited and the learning is endless - let’s learn together so we can enjoy discovery with our children! Play dough, whether bought or made, is a renewable resource with endless possibilities; such as, learning colors, cookie cutter letters, numbers, and shapes, and, my favorite, scents. Make the recipe below in different scents, invite your child’s friends over, and watch the fun begin. Sharing is never easy, but, with a careful eye, taking turns can be as simple as a place mat, a rolling pin, and a popsicle stick for each child. Roll the dough, take a piece, and then pass the dough so each child can take a pinch.

3. Continue kneading until color is blended. 4. Store in air tight bag or container in the refrigerator. Sugar Cookie Fun Sugar cookie dough bought or homemade is equally as fun, and the best part is you can eat the final product. Color the sugar cookie dough with food coloring, and flavor with extract. Have the aprons, rolling pin, letters, and shape cookie cutters available. Dust the counter with flour and then the two of you are ready to cut out letters and bake special Valentine cookies for friends. Spread with red or pink frosting and sprinkle with sugar crystals and candy confetti. Then, put each inside cellophane bags tied with curling ribbon and give as Valentine gifts - tender loving care never tasted so sweet from a child! Get to Gluing! The glue stick is the best invention next to the twistable crayon. Show your child how to care for another person by giving a homemade Valentine. Provide several trays filled with bits of ribbon, confetti, and pictures of your child, along with crayons and heart shaped pink, white, and red construction paper. Let your child create their own Valentines – the sillier the better! Learning can be fun using everyday tools found in your busy box. With a bit of planning, a mind for learning, and a bit of playfulness in your heart, you can make the most out of learning to share, care, and love with your child while playing with play dough, cookie dough, and a glue stick.

Kool-Aid Dough 2 1/2 cups flour 1/2 cup salt 2 (4 g) packages unsweetened Kool-Aid powdered drink mix 2 cups boiling water 3 tablespoons oil Directions: 1. Mix flour, salt, Kool-Aid until blended. 2. Add oil to boiling water, mix with spoon until cool enough to knead.


Dunes Learning Center

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Family & Kid Events:

Library Events (Lake County) *Deep River Waterpark Ice Skating* February 3rd through February 24th (Every Sunday, Cedar Lake *Mother Goose on the Loose (birth to 23 months) Thursday, Friday and Saturday) -Thanks to refrigeration under the Ice Plaza, this winter you’ll be able to skate Deep River Waterpark - weather permitting of course. General admission for children and seniors are $4, and $5 for adults. Deep River Waterpark is located at 9001 E US Hwy 30 in Crown Point.

Adult Events:

*Encores: Vegas Baby!* February 8th – Call for times

-Go all in for an evening of casino games, live entertainment, silent suction, and wining and dining. This event is located at the Chicago Street Theatre, located at 154 W. Chicago Street in Valparaiso. Admission into this night of fun is $25 in advance, $30 at the door. For more information, call (219) 464-1636.

*Classic Hollywood Romance* February 14th from 5:00pm-8:00pm

-Come out for a Valentine’s Date Night of Classic Hollywood Romance. The Hobart High School is hosting a romantic evening of dinner and a movie. The meal starts at 5:30pm and will be an Italian cuisine. Then at 6:30pm, the featured film, “You’ve Got Mail” will begin. And parents you’re in luck – if you can’t find a sitter, the school will be offering childcare for children 2 years and up. Tickets for the event are $40 a couple and this includes childcare. You can purchase tickets at any Hobart school. The deadline is February 8th. For more information, contact Laura at (219) 942-7263 ext. 8662.

February 1st and 15th from 10:30am-11:00am and 11:30am-12:00pm *Toddler Time (2 and 3) February 14th and 28th from 10:30am-11:15am *Preschool Story Hour (4-5 years) February 5th and 19th from 10:30-11:30 and 1:00pm2:00pm *Reader Leader with Bailey and Piper the Therapy Dogs (K-6th grade) February 19th from 4:30pm-5:30pm *Lego Mania (K-6th grade) February 7th from 4:30pm-6:00pm *Carnivale Crafting (All Ages) February 9th from 10:00am-12:00pm -All members of the family are invited to join us for crafts and a treat inspired by Mardi Gras! Children must be accompanied by an adult. *History on Film (Adults) February 12th from 2:00pm-3:00pm -The tale of their epic feud is a staple of American folklore – but what really happened between the Hatfields and McCoys? Enjoy a slice of history: Hatfields & McCoys: An American Feud via the library’s big screen! *UnValentine’s Day Celebration (12-17 years) February 13th and 14th at 3:30pm -Celebrate romance – or not – with crafts and makeyour-own snacks, including chocolate plastic (you can eat!), broken hearted cookies, graffiti cards and more. *Who’s Sorry Now? Board Game Tournament (12-17) 22

February 21st from 3:00pm-5:00pm -Teen – are you smarter than a 5th grader? Play that game and others for an afternoon of fun! If you want, you can compete in tournaments for prizes in Sorry, Scrabble and more. Snacks, hot chocolate and other goodies, too! *Super Scrabble Saturday (K-6th grade) February 23rd from 10:00am-12:00pm -Children and families are invited to play Scrabble at the library! All supplies, and snack, will be provided. *Playdough Pizazz Family Fun! (All Ages) February 25th at 6:30pm -Kids of all ages will make and sculpt a variety of playdough, including some delicious ones to eat! *Fancy Nancy Party (K-5th grade) February 28th from 4:30pm-5:30pm -Children will enjoy games, stories, fanciful treats and more in this splendiferous program! Children can dress up in glamorous outfits as well!

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Central *Mother Goose on the Loose (birth to 23 months) February 5th and 19th from 10:00am-10:30am *Toddler Time (2 and 3) February 4th and 18th from 10:00am-10:40am *Preschool Story Hour (4-5 years) February 12th and 26th from 10:00am-11:00am *Celebrating African American History (K-6th


February 6th from 4:00pm-5:15pm -Children and their families are invited to watch the animated movie Duke Ellington and other stories to learn about African American History. *Valentine Party (K-5th grade) February 7th from 4:00pm-5:00pm -Children will enjoy hearing Valentine stories, playing games and making a craft. *Paper Crafts with Jane (Adult) February 7th from 1:00pm-2:30pm -Come and express your creative side as you learn techniques to make handmade greeting cards and more using designer papers, inks, markers and stamps. There is a $5 fee to cover materials due at the time of class. Please bring scissors and adhesive. *Happy Birthday Abe Lincoln! (K-5th grade) February 12th from 4:00pm-5:00pm -School-age children are invited to celebrate Abe Lincoln’s Birthday and learn more about this President. *Scrabble Fun (2nd – 5th grade) February 13th from 6:30pm-7:30pm -Children will meet to play a fun game of Scrabble. Family members are welcome to join in! *Laugh for the Health of it! (Adults) February 27th from 7:00pm-8:00pm -A certified laughter yoga instructor will lead an unique exercise routine where anyone can laugh unconditionally, without jokes or comedy, to oxygenate your body, reduce stress and change your mood. No mats or yoga postures needed.

3207 Cascade Dr., Suite G, Valparaiso Just off Silhavy Rd, 2 blocks north of Target 23

this program. *Splish Splash Bath Time! (3-5 years) February 19th from 6:30pm-7:30pm -This will be a story hour which will include stories, songs, activities, a craft and a film.

Griffith Branch Dyer-Schererville *Mother Goose on the Loose (birth to 23 months) February 11th, 12th, 18th, and 19th from 10:3oam11:00am *Toddler Time (2 and 3) February 13th, and 20th from 10:15am-10:55am, 11:15am-11:55am and 1:30-2:10pm *Preschool Story Hour (4-5 years) February 12th, 18th, and 19th from 1:30pm-2:30pm *Lego Club (K-6th grade) February 6th and 18th from 6:30pm-7:30pm *Power Paws for Kids (4-5 years and K-6th grade) February 9th from 10:00am-11:00am *Dynamite Duplo (2–5 years) February 7th from 10:30am-11:00am -This is a 30 minute program and includes simple building activities. *Family Valentine Story (3-7 years) February 14th from 6:30pm-7:30pm -Celebrate Valentine’s Day at the library with stories, songs, activities, a short film, and a craft. *Stamp Class (Adult) February 12th from 6:30pm-8:00pm -Spend an hour expressing your creativity with Melissa of Stampin’ Up. Participants will work on projects created with rubber stamps. There is a $5 fee to cover the cost of materials provided and is due at the time of the class. Please bring a glue stick. Registration required. *Family Scrabble Saturday (3rd grade and up) February 16th from 10:30am-11:30am -Families are invited to come with their children to enjoy a game of Scrabble at the library! Game boards and pieces will be provided. Registration is NOT required for

*Mother Goose on the Loose (birth to 23 months) February 13th and 27th from 10:30am-11:00am *Toddler Time (2 and 3) February 6th and 20th from 10:30am-11:15am *Preschool Story Hour (4-5 years) February 6th and 20th from 3:30pm-4:30pm *LEGO Mania (K-6th grade) February 18th from 1:00pm-2:00pm *Family Scrabble Night (All Ages) February 7th from 6:00pm-7:00pm *Thursday Threaders (Adult) February 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th from 10:30am12:30pm -Like to cross-stitch, knit, crochet, or do any other craft? Every Thursday, bring and work on your own project while enjoying the company of others. *Pancake Day (K-6th grade) February 12th from 3:30pm-4:30pm -Children will make a roll away pancake with props after hearing a story, participate in a pancake race, and eat silver dollar pancakes.

Highland Branch *Mother Goose on the Loose (birth to 23 months) February 6th and 20th from 10:30am-11:00am February 5th and 19th from 6:30pm-7:00pm *Tremendous 2’s and 3’s February 11th and 25th from 10:30am-11:15am *Fabulous 4’s, 5’s and 6’s February 13th and 27th from 10:30am-11:15am *Family Story Hour (3-7 years) February 12th and 26th from 6:30pm-7:30pm (all ages) *Family Craft Night (All Ages) February 7th from 6:30pm – 7:30pm *Stamp Camp (Adult) 24

February 20th from 6:30pm-8:00pm -With professional assistance, design and complete and complete customized greeting cards and more. There is a $5 fee to cover the cost of materials provided due at the time of the class. Please register.

Hobart Branch *Mother Goose on the Loose (birth to 23 months) February 6th, and 18th from 10:15am-10:45am *Toddler Time (2 and 3) February 14th, 20th and 28th from 10:15am11:00am February 11th and 25th from 11:15am-12:00pm February 12th and 26th from 6:30pm-7:15pm *Preschool Story Hour (4-5 years) February 12th and 26th from 1:30pm-2:30pm *LEGO Night (K-6th grade) February 5th from 6:00pm-7:30pm *Evening Movie: Happy Feet Two (All Ages) February 19th from 6:00pm-7:45pm -Families are invited to see this 100 minute long movie. Popcorn and lemonade will be served. Children are welcome to wear their pajamas and bring their stuffed animals and sleeping bags. *A School Age Chinese New Year’s Program (K-6th grade) February 7th from 6:00pm-7:00pm -Children will hear a Chinese New Year’s story, learn about the “Year of the Snake” and make a Chinese New Year’s craft. In celebration of the “Year of the Snake”, children are invited to wear the color red. They are also welcome to bring a poem to put on red paper (another tradition in the “Year of the Snake”). We will have snacks, including Chinese Fortune Cookies. *Love Stinks! (13-17 years) February 14th from 6:00pm-7:30pm -Hate all the lovey dovey stuff with Valentine’s Day? Come have fun at the Anti-Valentine’s party. Teens will make conversation hearts and cards, black duct tape roses and enjoy some games and food. *Simple, Easy, Cooking Class: Cupcakes

February 18th from 2:00pm-4:00pm and 6:00pm-8:00pm (Adults, Teens and ‘Tweens) -In this simple, easy, cooking class, we will be making lasagna cupcakes, strawberries and cream cupcakes, and Boston cream pie cupcakes. We will be taste testing the end product and recipes will be given out. Registration required. *Stamp Camp (Adults) February 21st from 6:30pm-8:00pm -Join Stampin’ Up consultant Tina Fish in making paper craft customized greeting cards. There is a $5 fee, due at the time of class, that covers the cost of card making supplies. Please bring a pair of scissors.

Lake Station Branch *’Tween Time (4th-7th grade) February 6th from 6:00pm-6:45pm *Family Nutrition Program (All Ages) February 8th from 11:00am-1:00pm -Belinda Stepnowski, Family Nutrition Advisor from Purdue Cooperative Extension Service will discuss a variety of food and nutrition topics to adults and children. She will show participants how to prepare quick, tasty, and healthy low-cost foods. *Snowman Craft (K-6th grade) February 13th from 6:00pm-6:45pm -Children will make a snowman craft and hear a story. *Family Story Time February 20th from 6:00pm-6:45pm

Munster Branch *Mother Goose on the Loose (birth to 23 months) February 13th and 27th from 10:3oam-11:00am 25

*Terrific 2’s & 3’s February 4th and 18th from 10:15am-11:00am and 11:15am12:00pm *Fantastic 4’s & 5’s February 12th and 26th from 10:30am-11:30am and 1:30pm-2:30pm *Lego Building (K-6th grade) February 14th from 3:00pm-7:00pm *Family Craft Night (K-6th grade) February 28th from 6:30pm-7:30pm

*Crafty Kids Club (K-6th grade) February 12th from 4:30pm-5:30pm *Family Story Time (All Ages) February 27th from 6:30pm-7:30pm *It’s Mardi Gras! (K-5th grade) February 7th from 4:30pm-5:30pm -Children will enjoy a Mardi Gras celebration featuring stories, games, music, a craft and a sweet Mardi Gras treat. Please register.

St. John Branch


*Mother Goose on the Loose (birth to 23 months) February 14th and 28th from 10:15am-10:45am *Toddler Time (2 and 3) February 5th and 19th from 10:15am-10:45am OR 11:15am11:45am *Preschool Story Hour (4, 5 and 6 years) February 12th and 26th from 10:30am-11:30am *Amazing LEGOs (K-6th grade) February 19th from 4:30pm-5:30pm

Library Events (Porter County) *Amelia Bedelia’s Mixed Up Party February 7th from 4:00pm-5:00pm -Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our favorite mixedup heroine in a wacky way with games, crafts, and more! Enter a mixed-up costume. *Toddler Time (2 and 3) February 8th and 15th from 10:15am-10:45am *Story Time (4 and 5) February 8th and 15th from 11:30am-12:00pm *Anti-Valentine’s Day Party for Teens 26

February 13th from 4:00pm-5:15pm -Let’s not celebrate Valentine’s Day this year – caution: may include crafts, snacks, and plenty of snark. *LEGO Club (K-6th grade) February 28th from 4:00pm-5:00pm

Kouts *Mother Goose on the Loose (birth to 23 months) February 5th and 12th from 11:0oam-11:30am *Toddler Time (2 and 3) February 5th and 12th from 10:15am-10:45am *Story Time (4 and 5) February 4th and 11th from 10:15am-10:45am and 1:00pm-1:30pm *Library Lego Land (K-6th grade) February 6th from 3:30pm-4:30pm *All Things Star Wars (K-6th grade) February 20th from 3:30pm-4:30pm -Calling all Star Wars fans: Use the force to make a Star Wars Craft, discuss favorite characters and munch on an out-of-this world tasty treat. $2 for supplies. *And the Winner is… (K-6th grade) February 22nd from 3:30pm-4:30pm -Tony’s, Oscar’s, Academy Awards, the list goes on for famous award shows! We have decided to host the first annual Library Award show. Come dressed in your best as we walk the red carpet, vote for our favorite books, and nosh on delicious yummies. Portage *Baby Time (Birth to 23 months) February 8th at 10:00am and February 21st at 9:00am *Lego Club (K-5th grade) February 9th from 10:30am-11:30am *Game Night (3rd to 6th grade) February 7th, 21st and 28th -Come out for a night of fun at the library! We have games to choose from like Yahtzee, Uno, and Sequence and Life. Feel free to bring a board game from home that you would like to share. Registration is requested but not required!

*Valentine Make and Take Craft (All Ages) February 14th from 4:00pm-8:00pm -Drop in any time and make a Valentine for your special someone. Free!!

South Haven *Mother Goose on the Loose (birth to 23 months) February 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd from 10:3oam11:00am *Toddler Time (2 and 3) February 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th from 10:15am10:45am *Preschool Story Time (4 and 5) February 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th from 11:00am11:30am

Valparaiso *Book Babies (newborn to 23 months) February 15th from 3:30pm-4:00pm February 25th from 9:30am-10:00am OR 10:45am11:15am *Tiny Tots (2 to 2½ years) February 8th, 15th and 22nd from 9:30am-10:15am OR 10:45am-11:30am *Preschool Story Hour (3½ to 5½ years) February 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th from 9:30am10:15am OR 10:45am-11:30am OR 1:00pm-1:45pm

Westchester Public Libraries Hageman

*Play Date (newborn to 12 months) February 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th at 10:30am *Tickle Tales (9-24 months) February 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26 from 10:00am10:30am *Stepping Stone (3 years) February 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th *Toddler Time (2–3 years) February 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th at 10:00am *Story Time (4-6years)

Thomas *I Can Do That!!! Art – Drop In February 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd from 10:00am1:00pm 27

*Wiggles & Giggles February 8th, 15th, and 22nd at 10:00am *Tickle Tales (9-24months) February 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th at 10:00am *Story Time (4-6 years) February 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th at 10:00am *Lego Club February 8th at 6:30pm *Clifford’s Birthday Party February 9th from 1:00pm-4:00pm

Library Events (La Porte County) Coolspring

*The Great Backyard Bird Count February 9th from 10:00am-12:00pm -The whole family can drop in and visit with our friends from the Audubon Society. You can participate in the 2013 Great Backyard Bird County, make a craft, drink some hot cider and eat a cookie. *Stories ‘Round the Fire February 12th and 26th at 5:00pm -Join us for Winter Reading for that good comeinto-the-warmth feeling. *HOT Movies and Popcorn February 22th at 6:00pm -Animated adventure with a brave, bowwielding princess! Free refreshments!

Fish Lake *Blizzard on Everest (8 years and up) February 21st at 5:30pm -Come and hear about the tragedy of the 1996 summit of Mt. Everest when eight members of the expedition died from exposure from presenter and Branch Manager Laurie Dittmar who was personally affected. She’ll talk about what it takes to climb Everest! Also, kids can make their own paracord bracelets.

Main *Baby Story time (newborn-24months) February 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th at 10:00am *Daytime Story time (2-5 years) February 8th, 15th and 22nd at 10:00am

*Nighttime Story time (newborn-5 years) February 25th at 6:30pm *A Novel Yarn (Adults) February 4th at 5:30pm -This gathering of primarily knitters and crocheters (though fans of any needlecrafts are welcome!) meet the first Monday of the month in the small meeting room to socialize, learn techniques, teach beginners, and enjoy time set aside to work on projects. Don’t know how to knit or crochet but would like to learn? Bring a pair of size 8 or 9 needles (if you want to knit) or a size H/8 hook (if you want to crochet), and a ball of yarn you like, and we will teach you!

Rolling Prairie *Meet Siberian Huskies! February 16th at 10:00am -Hear the real-life story of Balto, Togo and other daring dogs who braved an Alaskan winter to bring medicine to the people of Nome. Then meet dogsledder Danette Clayton and her two friendly Siberian huskies to learn more about dog sledding and the dogs – and people – who love it. Dog petting welcomed at this event! 28


• Amarillo Roadhouse –Kids eat free on Tuesday at the location in Schererville. •Bob Evans – Kids eat free on Tuesday nights with the purchase of an adult entrée at Merrillville, Chesterton and Valparaiso locations. • Boston’s Gourmet Pizza – Kids eat free on Sundays with the purchase of an adult entrée at the Schererville location. • Buffalo Wild Wings – On Wednesday, kids 12 and under eat for $ .99 from the kid’s menu at Buffalo Wild Wings in Valparaiso and Merrillville. • Denny’s – Kids can eat free at Denny’s on Tuesday and Saturday night from 4pm to 10pm. For every one regularly priced adult entrée purchased, two free kid’s meals are given. That means a family with four children can eat for the price of just two adult entrees. The deal is limited to children 10 and under and is available

at the Merrillville, Hebron, Portage and Michigan City location. • Fazoli’s – On Tuesdays, kids 12 and under eat for $.99 from 5pm to 8pm at the Valparaiso location. • Golden Corral – All day, every day, kids 3 and under eat FREE from the buffet with the purchase of an adult meal (limit 2) at the Merrillville location. Kids ages 4-7 are $2.99, 8-10 are $4.99, and 11 and 12 year olds are $5.99. A drink is included in the price. • Goodfellas Bar and Grill, Cedar Lake – Kids get a free meal when an adult entrée is purchased. The daily special is not included in this deal. Quaker Steak and Lube – On Wednesday’s, the Portage location offers a $3.99 kids meal, all day long. This includes a drink. • Pops Italian Beef, Dyer – On Tuesday’s, kids get a $.99 kids meal with the purchase of a value meal.

• Reuben’s Mexican Grill – Sunday is Family Day! Kids 10 and under eat free with the purchase of an adult entrée. Dine in only. • Shenanigan’s Pub and Eatery – Kids eat free on Wednesday’s and Sundays with the purchase of an adult entrée. Shenanigan’s is located on Route 20 in Portage. • Texas Roadhouse – On Monday nights, the Dyer location has $.99 kids meals, with the purchase of an adult entrée. There is a limit of 2 kids meals per family. Andy Armadillo, the mascot, can also be found on these nights, walking around the restaurant and playing with the kids! ***Do you have an event you want to share with us? Just send an email to Stephanie@momtomomnwi. com. The deadline for your entry is due by the 15th. 29

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One of the most popular foods to have at a birthday party is pizza. Kids love it, parents love it - it’s always a hit! Usually, pizza is just a part of your birthday celebration, but what if you had a party centered around it? Well, now you can! Albano’s Villa, located at 6492 Johnson Road, Laporte offers up pizza parties where kids can “Make Your Own Pizza”. Before we talk about the party, let’s learn a little bit about how Albano’s came to be.

History: Albano’s Villa in Laporte opened their doors in 1957 when two brothers decided to make their dream a reality by turning the family home into a restaurant while their mother was out of town. Who would have guessed that 56 years later their spontaneous leap into the world of pizza would have expanded into three locations that are still family owned and operated. The story of how Albano’s came to be a household name is really nothing more than the story of a family. When Rosalie Albano, the mother of original owners Jim and Russell Albano, came home to find her home torn apart she was less than thrilled. After she got over the shock of her house being turned upside down, she stood by her boys and began doing most of the cooking for the restaurant. Instant success only pushed the family to work harder and do what they could to improve. After adding on to the one-time family home, Albano’s Villa was moved to a new location to better serve their customers, and even offered delivery which was not something that was common back then. Being the best is what they strive for. Using recipes and techniques that have been handed down through the years - and only fresh ingredients - it is quality you won’t find at a lot of places.

thing for the kids to see! Upon entering, you’re welcomed by a hostess who sets you up to color and create a chef’s hat. Once they finish, they get in line and take turns washing their hands – after all, who wants dirty hands touching pizza toppings! Next, it’s a trip to the computer to learn how to place an order. Then, the kids are off to the kitchen where they get a ball of dough and learn how to make the base of the pizza. The kids flatten out the dough with all their might, and then the staff rolls out the dough the rest of the way with a machine. The flattened dough is placed on a plate so the kids can take it to the next station – TOPPINGS!! There, after a member of the staff assists with the sauce and cheese, the kids get to put whatever toppings they want. Finally, their pizza gets put in the oven, and when it comes out, the kids finally get to taste test their work.

“Make Your Own Pizza” Party The “Make Your Own Pizza” party is a favorite amongst kids of all ages – that’s because Albano’s let’s kids play with their food! For them, pizza is art, so they give kids the blank canvas they need to make their own culinary masterpiece. So how does it work? Well, before you even walk through the doors, you’ll notice the outdoor Albano’s sign has been changed to say “Happy Birthday” to your child – an exciting

So, with the entertainment and food covered all you have to do is supply the cake and enjoy the party. What more could a mom ask for? The “Make Your Own Pizza” party, which takes place at the location on 6492 Johnson Road, is only $4.50 per child. For more information on Albano’s Villa visit their website or call any of their 3 locations.

Now, parents – here’s the best part for you! While the staff helps the kids make their pizza, you get to sit back and relax in the banquet hall that holds up to 4o people (or you can go back there yourself and take pictures!) Then while your kiddos are enjoying their little pizzas, the adult guests get to enjoy their own delicious pizza – might a recommend their Taco Pizza – YUM! 30

February is American Heart Month, and unfortunately, most of us know someone who has high cholesterol, hypertension (elevated blood pressure), is overweight, or has diabetes. Any of these conditions can lead to heart disease or stroke. Heart disease, including stroke, is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States.

Prevent Heart Disease by following a heart-­‐healthy lifestyle.

5 ways to help protect your heart:

1) Don’t smoke or use tobacco-­‐ Smoking or using tobacco is one of the most significant risk factors for developing heart disease. Quitting now dramatically drops your risk of heart disease within just one year. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for free counseling and talk to your doctor about ways to quit smoking. 2) Get regular exercise-­‐ 30 minutes of daily, physical activity not only reduces the risk of developing heart disease, it also helps to control your weight and stress levels, which will also reduce your chances of developing conditions that put a strain on your heart. 3) Maintain a healthy weight-­‐ It is a good idea to talk to your doctor about your body mass index and also your waist circumference because elevations in both these areas can lead to heart disease. Excess weight can also lead to Type II Diabetes (body produces insulin, but not enough for body mass). 4) Eat a Heart Healthy Diet-­‐ A diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products can help keep your heart healthy. For more information on ways to eat heart healthy, visit and talk to your doctor about a specific diet plan. 5) Get regular health screenings-­‐ Regular screenings can tell you what actions you may need to take to keep your heart healthy. Adults should have their blood pressure checked at least once a year, along with having a cholesterol screening. Since diabetes is a risk factor for developing heart disease, adults should consider being screened for diabetes. Testing may be done more frequently if you have any risk factors for heart disease. Contact NorthShore Health Centers today at (219) 763-8112 to schedule your heart health screening.

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Official Healthwise Enrollment Site! 32

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