2013 Profiler Media Guide

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Profiler showcases the companies who comprise the oil and gas industry while exploring current issues and trends through in-depth editorial coverage. Pro filer is an advertorial-based magazine that focuses on topical oilpatch events, issues and technologies. Each issue has a specific subject matter and

provides editorial coverage packaged together with corporate profiles. Each corporate profile includes a comprehensive full-page

article opposite a full-page, four-colour advertisement focusing on the company's initiatives pertinent to the theme at hand .

projilermagazine.ca Profilermagazine.ca offers full digital editions of current and some past issues, as well as a searchable online archive.

Maximize your opportunity to connect directly with potential customers through online advertising

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Digital advertising on profilermagazine.ca is part of the JWN 12-Pack. Advertising on the JWN 12-Pack puts you not only in front of Profiler's qualified readership, but also in front of the nearly two million unique visitors to our 12-Pack of web sites each year.

Advertising with the JWN 12-Pack of web sites follows these sizes: ad IYIM Leaderboard Skyscraper Big Box



728 pixels 160 pixels 300 pixels

90 pixels 600 pixels 250 pixels


See the 2013 JWN Online Media Guide for more information on website ad specifications, Flash ad instructions and how to submit ads.

Contact your sales representative lor more information, or check out the 2013 JWN Online Media Guide.

Sou.e.: 600II1.

An , lVlits


A powerful tool for advertisers to reach AN EXCLUSIVE AND HIGHLY QUALIFIED GROUP OF READERS through JWN's established network of industry contacts.

February Issue

August Issue

Service and Supp1y: The shale gas and tight

OiIsands: Tracking thermal oilsands producers in the Athabasca, Cold Lake and Peace River bitumen plays.

oil rush is revolutionizing the service and supply sector as companies retool to meet producer demands for pad drilling,

horizontal wells and multistage fracturing applications. PLUS: A look ahead at drilling, completions, transportation, and oilfield construction in 2013 and beyondwhe re the action is, and where itwill be in the futu re DISTRIBUTION: Atotal of 7,000 copies of this issue will be dist ri buted to the combined readership of our publications, including the Daily Oil Bulletin, Oil & Gas Inquirer, Oilweek and New TechllologyMagazille.

PLUS: A reviewoltechnological adapta tions designed to increase production, reduce costs and mitigate environmental concerns DISTRIBUTION : Atotal 01 7,000 copies 01 this issue will be distributed to the combined readership 01 our publications, including the Daily Oil Blllletin, Oilsallds Review, Oilweekand New Technology Magazine.

December Issue

June Issue

Processing, Transportation and Marketing: Examining the natural

State of the Industry: Areview of the exploration and development of conventional and tight light oil, unconventional gas, heavy oil and natural gas liquids.

gas liquids and oil midstream and downstream infrastructure marketplace, where the growth will come from in the future .

DISTRIBUTION : Atotal of 7,000 copies 01 this issue will be distribu ted to the combined reade rship 01 our publications, including the Daily Oil Bulletin, Oilweek and New Technology Magazille.

PLUS: A reviewol new pipelines planned or unde r construction

A An additional 1,000 copies olthis issue will be available ' " lor distribution byJuneWarren-Nicklo"s EnergyGroup at the 2013 Gas and Oil Expo in Calgary, Alta.

Key Dates for Advertising in Profiler

DISTRIBUTION : Atotal of 7,000 copies 01 this issue will be distributed to the combined readership 01 our publications, including the Daily Oil BIII/etin, Oi/week and New Technology Magazine.


Focused distribution in British Columbia

A Bonus digital distribution to 1,000 oil ..., and gas stakeholders in tho United States



Ad Malerial Due

• Distribution .

February Issue

December 19,2012


February 1, 2013


June Issue

April 17, 2013

April 19, 2013

June 1, 2013


August Issue

June 19, 2013

June 21, 2013

August 1, 2013


December Issue

October 16, 2013

October 18, 2013

December 1, 2013


Magazine Ads

Pf", • • in, kIIIo ",,,,,e.. coloo •. CI ", . II. !..... m,<II ,n"" 011 ml l... i, 1dOl di lt wl l be _ . d.1 so "'" com. COV"' !>O'~"'" .ro OOII-C ' 000111"" . RII ••• n. <1;'0 S'ple_ I, 2012, 1<>< OIl" " I'iog in 2013.




Corporate proJile (double-page spread)

$ 4,750

CASH DISCOUNTS 15% of gross billing allowed on standard ad pricing, advertorials and guaranteed position cha rges to recognized agencies only.

Outside back couer


Inside front couer


Cash discount: 3% of the net.

Inside back couer


Cash discount date: 15 days after date of invoice.

Available Ad Sizes Corporate profiles consist of:

Single-page profile


Full page ad (sizing also applies to cover positions) trim: S"K 1O. 75" bleed: 8.5"~ 11.25" live: 7.S"K 10.25"

SUBMITTING YOUR AD JuneWarren-Nickle's Energy Group uses Ad Desk to meetthe needs of an increasing number of advertisers who prefer to conducttheir business online. Witll the click of a mouse, advertisers can upload, proof and approve ads on this easy-to-use website designed specifically for advertisers. Visit addesk.;unewarren-nickles.com and log in to find full advertising file specifications or to upload your ad or ad material. To receive your log-in information or for assistance with file delivery, please contact the Ad Traffic Coordinator at 780.944.9333 (toll free 1.800.563.2946) or atc@junewarren-nickles.com.

OESIGN SERVICES Advertising design and proofing services are complimentary up to 3.5 hours, witll revisions limited to two per advertising order. All additional design and proofing time is charged at a rate of $125 per hour. If stock photography is required/requested to complete an ad, the client may be invoiced for the purchase price of the required image. Please note: Our Display Advertising Guidelines are available for download at junewarren-nickles.com/displayads.

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energy group

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JuneWarren-Nickle's Energy Group is Canada's oldest and most recognized energy information provider. Known for our authoritative print and online publications, data sets, maps, charts, directories and events, we are the Canadian leader in oil and gas, and construction publishing. Our commitment to our readers alld advertisers remaills steadfast: To be the most trusted source of energy illfonnatiol1 in Canada.

jun~warren-nickles.com Edmonton


22G-930314Avenue NW

2nd FIr~16 55 Avenue NE Cafgary, AB T2E 6Y4 let 403209.3500 I fex: olO3.245.S666 toll free: 1.800.391.2446

Ednlonlon. AB TSE 5W8 ' let 780.944.9333 I fax: 780.944.$00 toll free: 1.800.563.2946 ·

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