14th Biennial
May 31, June 1 & June 2, 2011
Saskatchewan Oil & Ga s shOwGUiDE
Trickle down Southeastern Saskatchewan oil boom helping build sustainable local communities
Hometown champion Ron Carson, chairman of the 2011 Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show, takes on big rivals in oilfield and pipeline construction
Published by the publisher of
See inside fo r show floor p lan and exhibito r listings
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editor’s note
WelcoMe MessAges
11 sAskAtcheWAn bY the nuMbers
editoriAl director Stephen Marsters smarsters@junewarren-nickles.com
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FEATURES 12 trickle doWn
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southeastern saskatchewan oil boom helping build sustainable local communities
18 hoMetoWn chAMPion
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industrial growth drives tight housing market in southeastern saskatchewan bY JACQUELINE LOUIE
28 cAPAcitY builders
new saskatchewan Energy training institute will help answer skilled worker shortage bY JACQUELINE LOUIE
33 neXt WAve
MArketing MarkEting & tradEshoW coordinator MarkEting dEsignEr
ron carson, chairman of the 2011 saskatchewan oil & gas show, takes on big rivals in oilfield and pipeline construction
technology needed to drive heavy oil growth, says energy minister bY ELSIE ROSS
36 sAskAtcheWAn’s oilPAtch in Pictures
SHOW INFORMATION 39 Floor PlAns 47 schedule oF events 51 eXhibitor listings Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
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leading the way
Welcome to the 14th Biennial Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show at Weyburn. One needed only to witness the drilling rigs, massive fracturing spreads and the new pumpjacks that dotted the prairie this winter to recognize that the Saskatchewan oilpatch is enjoying a major resurgence. Last year, 2,730 oil wells were drilled in the province, with a record 1,530 being horizontal wells. Industry invested around $3.3 billion on exploration and development, helping make Saskatchewan the fastest growing province in the country. This year, expect much of the same. Driving this growth has been the tight oil play in southeastern Saskatchewan. Technological wizards using a combination of long horizontal wells and multistage fracturing have opened up the Bakken and Three Forks formations, pumping up production from the two horizons to over 60,000 barrels per day. With thousands of wells still to be drilled in the play, operators are now piloting enhanced recovery technologies to drain more from the resource. Many of these technologies will be on display at the Weyburn Exhibition Grounds the first two days of June, which will be once again overflowing with the state-of-the-art equipment driving the oil and gas renaissance. Industry seminars will run throughout the event, giving attendees the scoop on the companies and processes being used to unlock the massive tight oil resource underlying the province. But the physical signs of success are only part of the story. There’s also been a change in attitude in Saskatchewan’s oilpatch. Once Alberta’s poor cousin, the province is now leading the way in the rebirth of western Canada’s conventional oil industry. The Bakken has acted as a living laboratory where engineers, geologists and geophysicists have worked at perfecting the tools needed to piece together the tight oil puzzle. The know-how gained in southeastern Saskatchewan has fuelled future exploration and development in other plays in the province, including the Lower Shaunavon in the southwestern quadrant and the Viking Play at Dodsland. It has also spilled across into Alberta, breathing new life into tired legacy fields like the Pembina Cardium and even the historic Turner Valley play. The Saskatchewan government deserves as much credit as industry for the upswing. The Ministry of Energy and Resources has cut red tape, reducing the time it takes to get wells drilled and on stream in the province while still maintaining environmental and community standards. It has also developed and maintained a royalty structure that encourages investment. Using this formula of technological advance and a friendly regulatory environment, the province is now looking to lay the groundwork to turn the 21 billion barrels of heavy oil resource in the Lloydminster/Kindersley area into more reserves. It’s likely more than 4,000 visitors will pass through the gates of the exhibition grounds this year to view iron on display. They should all be proud of what Saskatchewan’s oil and gas industry has accomplished early in this new century. And they should also take some satisfaction in knowing it marks a new beginning for a mature region that’s been producing for over 60 years. Enjoy the show. Darrell Stonehouse dstonehouse@junewarren-nickles.com
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
Le t t ers
Welcome from ‌
Premier of Saskatchewan
On behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan, I am pleased to welcome you to the city of
Brad Wall
Weyburn for the 2011 Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show. Our people, expertise and innovation give Saskatchewan a significant advantage over others in this ever more competitive and dynamic sector. Saskatchewan’s oil and gas industry is an integral component of our province’s diverse economy. The amount of activity and enthusiasm in the industry continues to be robust province-wide. Looking to the future, we are confident that Saskatchewan will remain well-positioned for further growth, exploration and development. I am privileged to have the opportunity to speak to all of you at this event and offer gratitude for the hard work that you do. This show provides an excellent opportunity for representatives from the service and supply sector of the industry to display the latest technology and equipment available, as well as gain knowledge and network through major industry seminars. I offer my special thanks to the 2011 Weyburn Oil Show Board and all of the sponsors that make this important biennial event possible. Once again, welcome to all attendees, and best wishes for a rewarding show. Brad Wall Premier of Saskatchewan
s a s k a t c h ew a n o i l & g a s s h o w 2 0 1 1
Welcome from … As Saskatchewan’s Minister of Energy and Resources, I am very pleased to welcome everyone attending the 2011 Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show and to serve as the show’s honourary chairman. Over the past 26 years, this biennial event has grown in size and stature and is now recognized as one of the oil and gas industry’s top marketplaces. The 14th edition of this show promises to be very exciting, with the latest equipment and technology on display, along with industry best practices and leading-edge innovation. The Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show also shines a spotlight on the number 1 industry in our province. The oil and gas industry is a major reason why Saskatchewan is now considered an energy powerhouse. The industry is responsible for billions of dollars of investment in our economy and more than 29,000 direct and indirect jobs. Just consider what we have to offer here. Saskatchewan has over 40 billion barrels of conventional oil in place and exciting potential in the Bakken formation, heavy oil, oilsands and shale gas. Our province is also on the leading edge of research into enhanced oil recovery and CO2 capture and storage.
Saskatchewan Minister of Energy and resources Bill Boyd
Enjoy the show, connect with new and old friends and discover a province that’s full of energy opportunity. Bill Boyd Minister of Energy and Resources
On behalf of the constituents of Weyburn-Big Muddy, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 14th Biennial Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show. The oil and gas industry was a major reason Saskatchewan led Canada in so many economic indicators in 2010 and why we are poised to lead the nation again in 2011. This year’s show provides a venue to see the opportunities and innovations that will keep this industry a strong and important part of our local and provincial economy. Our resource sector is an important contributor to the economic growth we continue to see in our province, and the 2011 show will showcase our local success on the North American stage. Again, on behalf of the people of Weyburn-Big Muddy, I wish to extend my congratulations to the Weyburn Oil Show Board and volunteers, and to those who will be recognized for their outstanding contributions in the oilpatch. Dustin Duncan, MLA Weyburn-Big Muddy
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2,770 185 3,075
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PHOTO: BRIAN ZINCHUK, the pipeline news
s a s k a t c h ew a n o i l & g a s s h o w 2 0 1 1
Southeastern Saskatchewan oil boom helping build sustainable local communities By Mike Byfield
combination of high world oil prices and a technological revolution allowing tight oil to be produced in vast quantities has set off a classic oil boom across southeastern Saskatchewan. Over 2,000 wells have been drilled in to the Bakken tight oil formation, driving production up to 60,000 barrels per day in 2010. Thousands more are planned, and enhanced oil recovery schemes using water or gas floods promise even more growth going forward. The boom is having a major impact on the communities and people who live in the region. New jobs are being created, new businesses are being formed and new investment is revitalizing local communities. Development of the Bakken/Three Forks tight oil play has turned southeastern Saskatchewan into a job-generating machine, says Claire Robson, economic development officer for the Estevan & District Board of Tourism, Trade & Commerce. “About 2,200 jobs were created here last year, one-third of the employment gains for the entire province,” says Robson. “More than 800 local job notices are posted on saskjobs.ca. That’s remarkable for a city of about 12,000. And there’s more work available here, maybe a few hundred jobs, where employers haven’t posted want ads.” With the growth in jobs, lots of new workers are finding employment in southeastern Saskatchewan. Oil and construction booms can be dangerous for incoming young workers, points out Bob Ross, manager of Enform Saskatchewan.
s a s k a t c h ew a n o i l & g a s s h o w 2 0 1 1
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
With bakken production climbing to almost 60,000 barrels per day in 2010, storage facilities are filling up in southeastern saskatchewan.
“Fortunately, thorough training can keep green hands safe while they gain experience,” he says. Enform is an industry-wide health and safety association that offers training and safety services throughout Canada and abroad. Its Saskatchewan initiative, launched two years ago, is supported by the six major oil and gas trade associations as well several provincial government departments and agencies. The organization also provides customized training for its industry partners. “We are the central conduit that works with the associations to enhance the health and safety of workers,” says Ross. “Since we opened our Regina campus, the number of students taking Enform courses throughout the province has risen from 11,000 per year to 16,000,” he adds. “People appreciate the opportunity to get specialized training near home.” s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
The Regina facility is designed around videoconferencing, with state-of-the-art links to Enform facilities in Calgary and Nisku as well as regional training college locations around Saskatchewan. Students at Enform’s campus experience virtually live teaching through sophisticated cameras and large-screen monitors. “As Enform’s footprint in the province expands, more students are finding the services they need, right here in Saskatchewan,” Ross says. The boom has also caused a lot of jockeying amongst service and supply companies looking to grow or consolidate services in the area, says David Hammermeister, regional oilfield services leader for Meyers Norris Penny (MNP) in southern Saskatchewan. Service and supply companies from outside the area are also coming, looking to establish a foothold in the region. “We’re starting to see a few corporate acquisition offers that are just too good to turn down. There’s a lot of outside money coming into the area,” reports Hammermeister. “Business evaluations vary from transaction to transaction. In
my 18 years here, though, I’ve never before seen so many businesses changing hands.” Calgary-headquartered MNP is an accounting and business consulting firm with more than 50 offices across the country, including Estevan and Weyburn. The outside interest is welcomed, as southeastern Saskatchewan has its share of oilfield entrepreneurs who are reaching retirement age, but had not previously been offered a reasonable price for their operations, adds Hammermeister. “That’s changing,” he says. “The tirekicking offers of two years ago are being eclipsed by new players. Cash flow multiples are getting pretty fair in some cases, 3.5-4.5 times earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. Those multiples are even more attractive because cash flows have been getting larger in the past year or so.” Some corporate consolidation is occurring within the energy services sector by “big dogs that are new to the neighbourhood,” the MNP partner adds. “Albertans were bringing in equipment but couldn’t put it to work despite cutting rates because they didn’t have people here. That may have
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
forced outside companies to buy local companies to get a real foothold here.” For example, Clean Harbors, Inc. of Massachusetts acquired hydrovac specialist Badger Daylighting Ltd. in January. Gibson Energy ULC bought Johnstone Tank Trucking Ltd. last year. Johnstone, based in Frobisher, primarily transports crude oil and operates a well service business out of southeastern Saskatchewan and Manitoba with over 50 units. Between June and January, CanElson Drilling Inc. of Calgary surged from four rigs to 16 in southeastern Saskatchewan due to its acquisitions of Totem Drilling Ltd. and Eagle Drilling Services Ltd. However, not all of the new investors want to consolidate operations. “A financial purchaser from down East just took over a local trucking firm but left the current management in place. Given the oil price and activity levels, their goal was to place capital in this area,” Hammermeister says. Yet despite the outside interest, local companies continue enjoying the boom. “We were busy in 2010 and this year looks great,” says John Kmita, who was
named Southeast Oilman of the Year at the 2009 Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show. His company runs four service rigs, two currently working for Cenovus Energy Inc. and two with Crescent Point Energy Corp. A relatively late spring breakup before road bans came down has allowed a longer winter drilling season, adding to workloads. The oil boom, however, is beginning to stress both community and industry infrastructure. Local roads have been the first to feel the heat. “Paved roads have been pretty good around here this winter, but the municipalities are always struggling to maintain their secondary roads, especially in the Bakken area where a lot of oil is moving by truck,” says Kmita. Southeastern Saskatchewan’s oil production has outstripped pipeline capacity in the region. In response, Canadian National Railway Company (CN) and Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. (CP) have begun using their rail networks to deliver crude. Both railways have pursued the concept of a pipeline on rails in recent years. The primary target is bitumen and other oilsands
new pipeline construction is needed to keep bakken crude flowing to markets.
products in need of transportation to West Coast ports and Asian markets. However, commercial service has now been rolled out for conventional crude from the Bakken play. This winter, CN was filling 250-300 Bakken rail cars a month. On a weekly basis, CP has been running 80-car unit trains out of the U.S. Bakken and the company expects that volume to ramp up in future. Rail enthusiasts concede that trains cannot compete with already-built oil pipelines in terms of shipping cost. A truck journey is typically needed to bring crude from wellhead to steel, and transferring oil from truck to train also eats up time and money. CN requires 45 minutes to load a single 550-barrel tank car, but the company is preparing technology that will slash that time in half. Rail is stronger on the downstream end. CN points out that its tracks lie within 80 kilometres of five million barrels a s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
right now, oil from southeastern saskatchewan is being shipped by rail. cn reports shipping around 250-300 cars per month.
day of refining capacity. Its network of nearly 21,000 miles of track reaches port facilities and refineries on North America’s three coasts (Pacific, Gulf and Atlantic). James Cairns, CN’s vice-president of petroleum and chemicals, says rail offers unrivalled downstream reach and flexibility to shippers and buyers, bringing new markets within reach. However, pipeline operators are moving to shut their railway rivals’ window of opportunity as quickly as possible. In February, Enbridge Inc. announced that it is proceeding with a $560-million expansion of its Canadian and American Bakken pipelines, adding 145,000 barrels per day of new capacity. “Based on current activity and growth plans, we anticipate that additional pipeline capacity beyond this initial Bakken expansion program will soon be required by producers,” says Steve Wuori, president of Enbridge’s liquids pipelines business. In February, Enbridge said that shippers had signed contracts for about twothirds of the proposed expansion. The crude will move to Enbridge’s mainline system at Cromer, Man. About 25,000 barrels per day of new capacity is scheduled to come on stream later this year and s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
the remainder by late 2012. In the United States, TransCanada Corporation is also moving aggressively to expand its Bakken pipeline capacity. Oil cash is fuelling a building boom in the region, says the trade board’s Claire Robson. “Estevan issued 72 building permits in 2000, 112 permits for construction worth $44 million in 2009 and 164 permits with a value over $50 million in 2010,” the economic development officer reports. “Looking at the region, major projects that have been proposed, planned or are underway have a total value of $2.2 billion. Estevan has 750 businesses in the city, and I think they’re all busy! When you contact an owner, you find that very often you’re talking to someone on a cellphone who’s lifting lumber or performing some other work in the field, not sitting in an office.” Aside from driving growth in local businesses, oil cash is also helping build local community services, including a new arena in Estevan, and helping improve the quality of life. “Besides providing jobs, energy companies are very supportive of community causes like Spectra Place, and that’s appreciated,” Robson says. The new arena features an NHL regulation ice surface with seating capacity of over 2,600 for ice surface events and 4,000 for other events. The facility has been integrated with an existing leisure and aquatic centre. Canadian rockers Kim Mitchell and Tom Cochrane were signed for Spectra’s opening festivities in April.
“We couldn’t book acts like that before because there just wasn’t anywhere big enough,” Robson suggests. “Maybe we’ll be able to host the Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show here from time to time now that we have this great facility.” The Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show is also feeling the effects of the boom. The show is organized by the Weyburn Oil Show Board, a committee whose members are appointed by the City of Weyburn. The show board includes also four members from Estevan, Weyburn’s historic rival and the regional headquarters of the patch. Tanya Hulbert, the board’s sole employee, works with more than 100 volunteers from the community how handle everything from cleaning, security and a myriad of other essential. With the boom, this year’s show is expected to be a good one. “In terms of exhibitors, we’ve been sold out since last November and the wait list stands at 181,” says Hulbert. “We have 130 outdoor and 185 indoor display spaces, with three-quarters of them going to returning exhibitors.” The 2009 oil show drew 4,000 people, including visitors from the United States and overseas. Farmers and other landowners stream down the aisles, getting a look at the people and equipment that operate in their neighbourhoods. “It’s a tremendous amount of work for volunteers,” Hulbert comments, “but it all comes together well.” ●
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Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
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cHAMPion ron carson, chairman of the 2011 saskatchewan oil & gas show, takes on big rivals in oilfield and pipeline construction
carson Energy services at work for Enbridge last summer.
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
ith the arrival of new players, competition is intensifying in southeastern Saskatchewan’s pipeline and oilfield construction sector. Flint Energy Services Ltd., a giant Calgary firm with more than 60 locations from the Arctic to Texas, is now ramping up in Weyburn. Greg Cousins Construction Ltd., a local firm out of Carnduff, was recently acquired by Calgary-based Site Energy Services Ltd.,
and says it now has the financial strength to handle virtually any regional project other than big inch transmission pipelines. Ron Carson, founder and chief executive officer of Carson Energy Services Ltd., says the arrival of large players in the area will increase competitiveness in the market. “Half a dozen out-of-province outfits have arrived here in the last little while,” says Carson. “They’ll get in our way, but we’ll give them a hard time, too.” Carson handles pipeline and facility construction, fabrication, site preparation and other oilfield tasks. Based in Lampman (where he grew up), the company has nine full-service locations in the province plus another in Manitoba and two in Alberta. Its payroll ranges from 900 to 1,300, depending on the roster of current contracts. “Energy-related activity around here is now bigger than the original oil boom in this area back in the 1950s,” the veteran oilman comments. “How long will the good times last? That’s the big question. We still don’t know the decline rates and producing life of heavily fracked horizontal oil wells in tight formations like the Bakken.”
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
By Mike Byfield
P rofi l e
PHOTO: brian zinchuk, the pipeline news
s a s k a t c h ew a n o i l & g a s s h o w 2 0 1 1
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
carson Energy services and other local pipeliners find themselves in competition with larger firms as the oil boom in the region builds.
Carson’s father farmed and worked at Dome Petroleum Limited’s Steelman facility, the first gas plant in southeastern Saskatchewan. Carson himself became a welder after completing Grade 12, earned his pressure ticket and qualified as an instrument mechanic. Taking an
unexpected turn, the entrepreneurially minded tradesman jumped into oil-related construction. After six years in partnership with Stan Fleck, Carson went solo. “That was 1974. The same year, the provincial government did a number on the oil and gas royalties with Bill 42,” he notes. “Times were bad but I kept two crews going, running one myself.” The company expanded on the strength of its employees and a gutsy willingness to keep buying heavy equipment despite the ever-present risk of a downturn in field activity. Another large boost came from CO2-enhanced oil recovery, which Carson regards as a key skill set for his team. “It’s not the easiest stuff to manage, it’s very corrosive when the gas comes into contact with water. You must know the right materials to use in the right applications,” he says. “In the early 1980s, we built an experimental CO2 plant at Midale for Shell. And we were involved since day one of Encana’s carbon dioxide injection project in the Weyburn field which launched in 2000.” Cenovus Energy now operates the Weyburn CO2 project. And Apache Canada
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Ltd. is preparing to build its own enhanced oil recovery project using CO2. “If more CO2 can be found, other producers would want to do the same,” Carson says. Fortunately, southeastern Saskatchewan’s boom doesn’t depend on more CO2 at this point. The region’s biggest break to date has evolved from horizontal drilling mated to multiple-stage hydraulic fracturing. The technological combination was pioneered in the Bakken formation of Saskatchewan and neighbouring swaths of the United States. By cracking open rock, these fracs can unleash both oil and gas from tight formations that lack natural permeability. Over the past couple of years, the frac-driven boom has spread from Saskatchewan to southwestern Manitoba, where Carson recently opened a new branch. Looking back, Carson says his biggest strategic error was not establishing an operation in North Dakota two or three years ago, before business takeover values escalated. Now it may be too late. “Whenever I expand into a new area, I buy out an existing operator with good
“Flint was in southeastern Saskatchewan before, they left in the 1990s and now they’re back. We’ve been here the entire time.” — ron carson, Founder and chief Executive officer, carson Energy Services Ltd.
personnel and an established customer base,” he explains. “If you just bull your way in with a brand new operation, you have to steal employees and cut prices so no one makes any money. No one makes any money. I’ve never done that.” Bringing his guys home in good condition has long been a personal passion for Carson, whose company once achieved four million work hours without a lost-time accident. “We’re now averaging 1.6 recordable incidents per year, and so far it’s always been a relatively minor injury like a broken
ankle. We have a light duty program in place for injured workers. I also have a safety coordinator in every operating area, which I believe is essential for creating an effective safety culture. No matter how good a supervisor or employee is in other respects, anyone will be let go at our shop if he doesn’t adopt a safety-conscious attitude,” he explains. Carson acknowledges the strengths of his new rivals in his home region. The Cousins/Site initiative is backed by SCF Partners, a powerful energy services investment firm based in Houston and Calgary. Site Energy got started last year through the acquisition and amalgamation of Tri-City Contracting Ltd. and Timberline Industries Inc., both of northeastern Alberta. Flint ranks as a truly global industrial maintenance services firm, with large contracts in the oilsands. “An organization like Flint does well in a huge arena like Fort McMurray [Alta.],” Carson comments. “Can we take them on here? In a heartbeat! Flint was in southeastern Saskatchewan before, they left in the 1990s and now they’re back. We’ve been here the entire time.” ●
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• Versatile – can be pumped as a linear gel, foamed with N2, or emulsified with CO2 • Robust viscosity with clean, consistent break profile • Easy, on-the-fly changes can be made to accommodate varying water chemistries • Incredible proppant-carrying capabilities, even at low rates
PHOTO: BRIAN ZINCHUK, the pipeline news
eco n omy
AT THE INN Industrial growth drives tight housing market in southeastern Saskatchewan By Jacqueline Louie
squeaky-tight rental housing supply is pinching Weyburn, Estevan and other communities in southeastern Saskatchewan as industrial operations ramp up across the region. “With the oilfield, coal mining, power plants and agriculture, we’ve got a very strong economy right now,” says Michel Cyrenne, executive director of the Estevan & District Board of Tourism, Trade & Commerce. “Some businesses are looking to expand their staff, but many of them have had difficulties doing so because of the housing situation. A number of employers have had to either purchase apartments or multi-housing units to try to accommodate their staff. So it has been a little bit difficult, especially in the last two years, in terms of trying to attract labour.”
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Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
Workers put the final touches on the atco lodge at Estevan.
“Some businesses are looking to expand their staff, but many of them have had difficulties doing so because of the housing situation.” — Michel cyrenne, Executive Director, Estevan & District Board of tourism, trade & commerce
In the Estevan area, the main housing challenge revolves around rental accommodations. Most people who move to a new community prefer to rent initially rather than buy, but the city’s rental vacancy rate is hovering barely above zero. Although no substantial rental property development has occurred for many years, a 32-unit apartment building is currently under construction. “For people in a position to purchase a home, it’s not so much of an issue,” says Cyrenne, noting that Estevan has a solid stock of houses for sale. s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
But because the area has seen strong economic activity in the past four years, housing prices have increased by approximately 25-35 per cent. With prices for single-family homes averaging $272,091, residential real estate values in Estevan are now equivalent to much larger urban centres such as Saskatoon. But, while housing prices are higher than they’ve been in the past, the trade and commerce director notes, “relative to the rest of the country, they’re still pretty reasonable.” Local governments have been working hard to try to address the situation.
The City of Estevan, Rural Municipality of Estevan, Estevan & District Board of Tourism, Trade & Commerce, and the Saskatchewan South East Enterprise Region have come together to form a housing committee to collectively address the region’s housing shortage. The committee is working on a housing needs assessment to identify such things as how many housing units will be necessary and what types of units are needed. “We are trying to address it with more of a long-term outlook,” Cyrenne says. “We want to ensure we are preparing for five,
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, The PiPeline neWs
10 and 15 years down the road, and we are trying to make sure we are doing this in a sustainable manner that can accommodate growth over the coming years.” One developer, who recently purchased a 120-acre parcel of land, plans to build a variety of housing types and styles. For its part, the city plans to develop 24 residential lots this year. In terms of multi-family housing— including condominiums, row housing and duplexes—Estevan has seen a tremendous number of starts in the past couple of years. “We’ve been leading the province in housing starts by quite a bit, in almost every category over the last couple of years,” Cyrenne says. To accommodate its growing population, the city will expand the municipa l water system by installing a new lift station. With housing in short supply, oilfield camps are popping up in the area. Among
the service providers that are operating camps in southeastern Saskatchewan is ATCO Structures & Logistics, a Calgarybased firm that opened the 200-bed ATCO Lodge Estevan last spring. “This community is very small. There are not enough rooms in the area to supply the demand,” says Vitaly Galiulin, ATCO Structures & Logistics’ senior manager of camp services. Even when the company was researching the possibility of opening a facility in Estevan, ATCO couldn’t find rooms for its business development people to stay in. “It was obvious there are not enough accommodations in the area. That’s why we thought we would open up a lodge here,” Galiulin says. “Overall, we are pretty pleased with the occupancy levels. And it sounds like the next two to three years at least are going to be really busy.”
With rooms in short supply, the atco lodge houses workers in the region on temporary assignment.
wEyBURN “The housing situation in Weyburn is like it is in a lot of smaller cities in Saskatchewan. There’s not enough rental in particular,” says Doug Rogers, co-owner of Reginabased Terra Developments Inc., which does land and residential development in Weyburn. “The hotels and motels are always full, and every rental is full with waiting lists. And with oil prices above $100, I’m thinking the demand on housing is going to grow.” It’s been tough to attract people willing to build in the smaller centres such s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
as Weyburn, says Rogers. One difficulty is a shortage of skilled sub-trades. Terra Developments gets around this shortage by assembling factory-built modular homes on site. Modular construction helps to keep prices affordable. “It’s also a little quicker,” Rogers notes. “We can turn them over in six to eight months versus 12-14 months.” Terra Developments is now putting up 32 units in Weyburn, consisting of four buildings of eight units each, slated for completion by July. Most of these apartments will be targeted for rentals, and Terra Developments is selling them to investors. Some companies in Weyburn have purchased units for their employees “because otherwise they would have nowhere to live when they get there,” Rogers says. “These rentals would not have happened without the help of the City of Weyburn,” the entrepreneur adds. “They bent over backwards to assist us with what we needed, to help us get this going. They really stuck their hand out and said,
‘How can we help you?’ They have been extremely supportive. That’s important, and that will cause us to continue to work within the city of Weyburn.” For example, the city has waived property taxes on new development for four years as long as the new units remain as rentals. When Terra’s current development project is finished in early July, Rogers plans to look for more land in Weyburn. The company already has enough acreage to build another 32 units, and hopes to start construction this fall. Weyburn has experienced an 18.3 per cent increase in population over the last five years, from 9,962 in 2006 to the current 11,782. The largest increase was from 2009 to 2010, when its population rose by 14.5 per cent. People are moving in from British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario. Many are originally from Saskatchewan, returning home to take advantage of the blazing economy. There are also immigrants from overseas.
For one-bedroom apartments, the vacancy rate is 0.5 per cent; for twobedrooms, 0.3 per cent; and for threebedrooms, it’s zero, for an overall vacancy rate of 0.5 per cent, according to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. “It’s not impossible to get an apartment, but it takes a little more work than it would have taken five years ago,” says Weyburn Chamber of Commerce general manager Jeff Richards. At the same time as availability has gone down, home prices have gone up. “Even though we have had recordsetting construction over the last three or four years, because our population is growing in excess of 14 per cent over last year that has put increased demand on housing availability,” Richards says. “The average home price in Weyburn is $250,000. Globally speaking, housing is still somewhat affordable in Weyburn, but it has increased from what it was five years ago.” In 2005, the city sold 10 residential lots, versus 61 sold in 2010. Richards expects that trend will continue.
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“We are trying to address it with more of a long-term outlook. We want to ensure we are preparing for five, 10 and 15 years down the road….” — Michel cyrenne, Executive Director, Estevan & District Board of tourism, trade & commerce
“So it’s not like our population is growing and we’re not building new properties. We are, but there is a bit of a lag time,” he says. More than 60 new apartment units will be built in Weyburn this year. The city administration plans on keeping developers supplied with both residential and commercial lots, focusing particularly on affordable ownership and rentals. It has established a housing advisory committee to develop a current and future needs assessment. Bob Smith, City of Weyburn manager, describes the committee as a sounding
board to help civic officials cooperate with developers. “We want to make it easy for them. We are addressing the housing issues that are all over, especially in southeast Saskatchewan,” Smith says. “There are just not enough contractors and developers around to get the work done. Our goal is making sure we have a solid platform in place so that people can come and invest here.” Span West Farms Ltd., a Prince Albert– based construction and development company that builds apartment-style
condominiums throughout Saskatchewan, has found the multi-family market in both Weyburn and Estevan to be “really good. “The demand for the condos has been very strong,” says Span West Farms manager Joe Remai. “The City of Weyburn and the City of Estevan have been really good to work with.” Span West Farms completed its first building in Weyburn in December 2004, and is now working on building four new multifamily structures. All of its developments feature 22-24 homes, situated in three storeys on top of a parkade. Last fall, Span West Farms completed its third 24-home building project in Estevan, and Remai expects the company will probably return to Estevan to build another one this fall. “We seem to have a lot of local people that are buying—a little older clientele,” he says. In his view, housing demand in southeastern Saskatchewan will likely stay strong for at least the next five years. “We’re playing catch-up to the amount of people that have moved into the area,” Remai says. ●
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capacity b
new saskatchewan Energy training institute will help solve skilled worker shortage By Jacqueline Louie Photos courtesy of SETI
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
he tight oil boom in southeastern Saskatchewan has strained an already under-supplied labour pool in the province, resulting in shortages of skilled workers. Efforts to counter this worker shortage are now underway. Construction is underway in Estevan on the Saskatchewan Energy Training Institute (SETI), a $14.2-million campus being built to provide industry with a new supply of well-qualified workers. “We have ‘black box’ labs with attached classrooms that are equipped for students in full working gear—there is nothing quite like it in North America,” says Trent Jordens, an oilman who helped win federal and provincial funding for the new facility. Jordens was SETI’s business development vice-president before he signed on as a working partner with Openfield Energy Ltd., a junior producer. The new facility, scheduled for completion next fall, is a business division of Weyburn-headquartered Southeast Regional College, which operates multiple campuses across the region. SETI will replace the Energy Training Institute (ETI), located at a high school in Estevan. “ETI could not offer much more than one-day training courses like H2S [Alive®] and First Aid,” Jordens says. “SETI offers a lot more. These labs can be very quickly fitted for different technologies. For instance, they have the connections and venting required for welding. The floor space has a flexible design that can easily be
y builders
configured for, say, power engineering or instrumentation training, with the appropriate valves and fittings as well. And students who are practicing high-angle rescue can move from the lab to the classroom and back again without changing their gear.” ETI, now two decades old, provides safety and skills training for workers in the petroleum and mining sectors. Annual enrollment has mushroomed from a few hundred students to 5,000 students a year. “The southeast corner of Saskatchewan is a hotbed of activity for the oil and gas industry because of all the companies that are moving down here. And the province as a whole is booming,” says Keith Madu, a SETI director. Craig Brown, president and chief executive officer of Southeast Regional College, says planning and implementing a more robust version of ETI has taken five years. In 2009, the college won $14.2 million in funding from Canada’s Economic Action Plan, the Federal Knowledge Infrastructure Program and the Province of Saskatchewan. The City of Estevan provided land, valued at $1.7 million, located in the new Glen Peterson Industrial Park. Like Edmonton and Calgary, Weyburn and Estevan have long been rivals of about the same size. Their growth remains strikingly parallel, each keeping pace with the other. Both of these booming cities, with populations in the range of 12,000-13,000, were eager
to be SETI’s home and each offered serviced land for the institute. How did Estevan win this prize? “Estevan calls itself the Energy City, and a lot of the industry work is being done in that area,” Brown explains. With a potential capacity to serve 12,000-14,000 students per year, SETI will provide specialized training, skills development and academic credit programs to meet the needs of a variety of industry sectors, including oil and gas, trades, mining, manufacturing and alternative energies. The training facility will also serve as a resource to other private trainers, universities and colleges, offering a variety of services including research, lab work and hands-on field training to industry clients. SETI will be housed in an independent, 44,000-square-foot campus with 12 classrooms fitted with the latest technology for on-site and distance learning, plus a resource room, meeting room, corporate boardroom, two large training labs for research and analysis, and a large industrial shop for hands-on training. The college is also hoping to obtain an on-site service rig for the facility. An amphitheatre-shaped lecture theatre, situated on the main floor, features removable glass doors and movable furniture. Combined with the foyer area, this space will be large enough to host a mini trade show or other events requiring a larger space. The building will also include food services and student lounge areas. s a s k a t c h ew a n o i l & g a s s h o w 2 0 1 1
a new worker receives h2s alive® training. sEti will deliver basic training as well as more advanced skills.
SETI will provide industry-standard programs like WHMIS, Blowout Prevention, Fall Prevention, H2S Alive®, First Aid, Confined Space, Petroleum Safety and much more. Southeast Regional College is already one of the largest brokers for Enform, the petroleum sector’s safety training organization, and the college is in the process of developing new programs. “We hope that Enform will broker from us for delivery of these new programs to their clients elsewhere,” Brown says. Jamie Hilts, the college’s vice-president of academics, says the new institute’s goal is developing an ample skilled-labour pool. “If we can do more of our training within the province, if we can train people locally, we should be able to retain people locally,” he comments. “It also means that people won’t have to leave the region [for training elsewhere] at a time and cost expense.” Hilts notes that the largest industrial lab will be able to run two courses simultaneously by cordoning off areas. In addition, with portable equipment that includes a fall arrest training unit, a confined space unit and rig rescue, SETI will be able to take many of its programs to job sites, in addition to offering programs at its Estevan facility.
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The new institute will offer six to eight new full-time credit programs, including Power Engineering Technician, Electrician, Office Education with Oil & Gas Specialization, Oil & Gas Rig Worker, Oil & Gas Field Operations, Energy Asset Management and Canadian Association of Petroleum Production Accounting. SETI is in discussions with another post-secondary institution for the delivery of an instrumentation engineering technology program in a year-and-a-half to two years from now. And it’s working with the University of Regina toward a business administration certificate program oriented toward the energy sector, as well as a leadership and managerial skills certificate program. Other program possibilities include bio energy, wind and solar technology, geothermal technician, asset and business management, and environmental conservation and reclamation programs that could be delivered as early as 2012. Jason Johnston, the college’s business development vice-president, says, “The goal is to be flexible and adaptive to taking training to potential stakeholder groups within the region and beyond.” He’d also like to strengthen partnerships with aboriginal stakeholders in order to provide portable training.
“We truly believe that our First Nations and Metis communities play a part in the success of the Southeast Regional College and the Saskatchewan Energy Training Institute,” Johnston states. “The new facility is providing not only an infrastructure facility for us, but it’s also here for the community,” Madu says. “If companies need to host a meeting, they can come to our facility and have a professional boardroom at their disposal.” “Already, people have been asking to rent space for their events,” Brown adds. SETI recently launched a $3.5-million capital campaign to cover equipment, furnishings and similar items. A corporate donor can secure the option of seeing its name applied to meeting rooms and boardroom, along with priority access to that space for its own use. The college is hoping that a big donor will step forward to cover the full costs of keeping its instrumentation lab wellequipped over the next 10 years. “We see this not just as fundraising but as a business proposition, as a partnership that will help them promote their company in the southern part of the province where major oil and gas development is taking place,” Brown says. “Companies are already coming to us wanting to contribute.” ●
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next wave technology needed to drive heavy oil growth, says energy minister By Elsie ross
ith light tight oil production taking off in the south, the Saskatchewan government is looking to improve recovery rates for its massive heavy oil resources, says the province’s energy minister. “I believe that our future must lie further with technology advancements that will help us unlock the oil reserves in our province,” Bill Boyd said in a luncheon speech to the World Heavy Oil Congress meeting in Edmonton in late March. The investments the province has seen to date in crude oil production, especially in heavy oil production, are in no small part due to developments in technology, he noted. Industry has identified more than 45.6 billion barrels of conventional oil in place in Saskatchewan but only about six billion barrels, or 13 per cent, are considered recoverable at this time, the conference heard. More than half of Saskatchewan’s conventional oil is found in heavy oil reservoirs, where recovery rates are less than 10 per cent. That’s something that needs to be addressed, said Boyd.
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In the Lloydminster/Kindersley area in western Saskatchewan, there are an estimated 21 billion barrels of oil in place and production is about 74 million barrels annually (more than 200,000 barrels per day), Dustin Duncan, Saskatchewan environment minister, said in another session. Saskatchewan’s Petroleum Technology Research Centre and heavy oil producers are working to increase those rates. The government also wants to work with industry to recover as much of that heavy oil in place as possible through the application of new and emerging technologies, and is looking at ways of assisting industry. “There may be some things that we can do to help as a government, perhaps through taxation,” he said. “We are certainly prepared to take a look at all of those kinds of things.” In southeastern Saskatchewan, technology is playing a huge role in increased oil activity, the conference heard. With employment of improved horizontal drilling and multistage hydraulic fracturing, Bakken production
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has increased to about 60,000 barrels per day from about 750 barrels a day in 2004. The government wants to make sure that same type of technology is employed in other parts of the province, such as the Shaunavon medium heavy oil play in southwestern Saskatchewan and the rejuvenated Birdbear in western Saskatchewan, said the minister. The Saskatchewan government is also interested in talking to the players with respect to increasing upgrading capacity in the province. “Obviously, there is a need for that because we have very significant heavy oil assets in Saskatchewan,” said Boyd. The province currently has 140,000 barrels per day of upgrading capacity, mainly at the Husky Energy Inc. upgrader at Lloydminster and the Consumers’ Co-operative Refineries Ltd. upgrader in Regina. In his speech to the conference, the minister emphasized his province’s commitment to making sure that Saskatchewan “gets it right” in terms of creating a good investment climate and promised that it will be doing everything it can to continue to do that. “What you can expect in Saskatchewan, and can continue to expect in Saskatchewan, is a stable fiscal regime and a stable royalty regime,” said Boyd. The government realizes that companies make investment decisions based on the royalty regime and projected future prices. “I don’t think it’s a good thing for governments to come in partway through those investments and make changes that impact the bottom line,” he said. “When it comes to royalties, we are going to be stable in the future.” As a result of that fiscal and royalty stability,
Saskatchewan has seen an industry that is growing dramatically, said Boyd, noting that his department is receiving 35 horizontal drilling applications a day. “Industry has a lot of confidence in what is happening in Saskatchewan right now, and we will certainly make sure we do everything we can to encourage that development.” Industry continues to grow in Saskatchewan and the sector now represents 60.3 per cent of Saskatchewan’s gross domestic product, he said. The minister acknowledged there are some challenges such as roads and pipelines but the government is doing what it can and the Saskatchewan budget, which comes down March 23, will include significant spending on infrastructure. The government also wants to make sure drilling applications are turned around as quickly as possible. “We want to make sure that we have the ability in Saskatchewan to accept investment as quickly as possible and to see companies grow and succeed in our province as they have in the last number of years,” he said. “We are a province that is open for business.” Over the past couple of years, the government has made significant legislative and regulatory changes, said Duncan. In May 2010, the legislature passed legislation to regulate greenhouse gases and is now working on developing the regulations in consultation with stakeholders. The legislation targets large emitters, including three or four heavy oil facilities, that produce more than 50,000 tonnes per year of greenhouse gas emissions. Similar to Alberta, they will pay into a carbon technology fund. Operations emitting less than 50,000 tonnes per year of greenhouse gas will be subject to a more performance-based regulatory system that involves negotiations with the government, he said. “We are working to encourage investment in lowcarbon technology.” Under its Environmental Management Protection Act, the government is also moving to a results-based regulatory framework with the regulations still under development. Rather than a prescriptive approach,
“We are a province that is open for business.” — Dustin Duncan, Saskatchewan Environment Minister
it will be one of collaboration between governments and industry in which the government will specify the outcomes from the environment department’s perspective, including human health and conservation of natural resources. Under the new system, the government will be moving away from a permit process to more of a consultation process with industry. “We believe this will not only save time, but [will] also allow industry to know what is expected of them through its environmental framework,” said Duncan.
At the same time, there will be an enhanced ability of the ministries to monitor and audit industry to ensure it is in compliance. At the heart of Saskatchewan’s resultsbased regulatory system is the province’s Environmental Code, he said. It will have clearly defined outcomes for environmental objectives and describe specific methods of how industry can achieve while providing for approvals of alternative methods using new technologies. The new code is being developed with 19 participants that include
representatives of industry, non-government groups and First Nations. The first chapter of the code, which is expected to include 20-24 chapters, should be completed within the next eight to 12 months, he said. The code will include everything from greenhouse gas emissions and air quality to municipal waste disposal. Duncan told the conference he believes the new regulatory system will help facilitate new technology by focusing more on the outcome, providing industry with more flexibility in its choice of technology. ●
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In the field
◗ 1 Independent Well Servicing Ltd. driller Clayton Enns looks up at the derrick of Rig 4. ◗ 2 Brylee Van De Sype gets a sleigh ride in front of the family’s trucks before the snow melts. She was almost two at the time.
◗ 3 August Grulich, left, and Levi Bobyk, right, adjust the cable while lowering the conductor pipe. Rat hole rig operator Corey Simon observes from the cab. ◗ 4 Kelly Lafrentz checks valves before hitting the road. ◗ 5 Sheri Seret of Hot Tools, Lloydminster, installs MLT torque rings into pipes at the L & C Trucking yard in Estevan, Dec. 12, 2009. It was an incredibly cold day that morning.
All photos by Brian Zinchuk, The Pipeline News
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s a s k a t c h e w a n sce n es
In the shop ◗ 1 Salim Kadiwala, senior process engineer, and Chris Pelletier, project manager for HTC Purenergy of Regina, work on plans for a large carbon capture project in Italy. In the window, you can see the International Test Centre for CO2 Capture on the University of Regina campus.
◗ 2 Third-year machinist apprentice Chad Peet prepares the CNC lathe to cut a thread on a sub. ◗ 3 Kramer Ltd. field mechanic Peter Lylyk gets close and personal with a Caterpillar 583 sideboom in Lynco Construction’s workshop. Lylyk has been with Kramer for 35 years. Here he’s installing a positive air shutoff on a recent acquisition. ◗ 4 Codie Rouse, left, and his brother Dustin, respectively handle the hands-on and administrative work for Rouse Industries Inc.
◗ 5 Pressure welder Marcel Baht gets ready to weld the inside of a gas dome at Coulter & McGillicky Sales & Service Ltd., in Estevan.
s a s k a t c h ew a n o i l & g a s s h o w 2 0 1 1
FlOOR Plan
Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show Weyburn Exhibition grounds 14th Biennial May 31st, June 1st and June 2nd, 2011
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PAGE 40 523
PAGE 40 518
201-292 PAGE 42
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39 40 41
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W 19
515 514 BOOTH #
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
sas k at c h e w an oil & g as s h o w 2 0 1 1 425
000 527
Borets Weatherford Canada Ltd
000 528
Bobcat of Regina
000 529
Swayze Concrete Ltd
000 520
Warner Truck Industries
000 526
Oil Spill Contingency Groups #4 & #5
000 519
000 518
000 524
CanElson Drilling Inc
000 525
South Sask Rathole Ltd
000 450
Sanjel Corporation
000 464
Clean Harbors
000 463
Demby Trailer Ltd
000 461
Equal Transport
000 448
SMS Equipment
000 435
000 460
Moose Mountain Mud
000 447
000 434
000 459
Lufkin Industries Canada Ltd
000 446
000 433
Firemaster Oilfield Services Inc
NOV Fluid Control, Brandt Product Sales
Site Energy Services
Maxim Truck & Trailer
000 462
Canadian Advanced ESP Inc
000 449
Jensen's Welding
000 436
Carson Energy Services Ltd
Kal Tire
000 458
Essential Coil & Stimulation Services
000 445
Fiberspar LinePipe Canada Ltd
000 432
TS&M Supply
Cobra Industries Ltd
Sun Country Well Servicing
000 430
Eagle Oilfield Services Ltd
000 457
Baker Hughes Canada Company
000 444
000 456
KRJ Custom Fabricating Ltd
000 442
Flint Energy Services Ltd
000 429
000 454
NOTE: Advertisers are indicated in yellow.
000 455
426 000
000 440
000 453
452 000
Norberts Manufacturing Ltd
439 000
Trican Well Service
000 427
Peak Energy Services
000 441
3twenty Solutions
000 428
Custom Truck Sales Inc
Redhead Equipment Ltd
Weatherford Canada Partnership
Prairie Western Reclamation & Const Inc
000 443
Champion Technologies Ltd
000 431
Panther Drilling Corporation
Estevan Plastic Products Ltd
Rearden Well Servicing
Tremcar West Inc
Wil-Tech Industries Ltd
Cara Dawn Transport Ltd/ K & D Truck
000 521
Matrix Solutions Inc
000 522
Grit Industries Inc
000 523
Circle D Transport
000 451
Waterflood Service & Sales Ltd
Ar-Tech Coating Ltd
Saskatchewan Energy Training Institute
Precision Rentals
000 512
A R Williams Materials Handling Ltd
Frontier Peterbilt Sales Ltd
Safe-Tee Management
Winacott Equipment Group
Jackal Enterprises
ASL Industrial No Flame Heaters Ltd
000 513
Halliburton Group Canada
Edmonton Trailer Sales & Leasing Ltd
000 437
000 514
HSE Integrated Ltd
Brock White Construction Materials
Astro Boiler
000 438
000 515
000 516
000 517
Milligan Bio-Tech Inc
Apex Advanced Solutions Inc
Calfrac Well Services Ltd
Rebel Metal Fabricators Ltd
Haztech Fire And Safety Services Inc
Questor Technology Inc
Sterling Truck & Trailer Sales Ltd
Spearing Services LP
Jerry Mainil Ltd
Kramer Ltd
Horizon Enterprises Inc
Advance Engineered Products Group
ctor L
r Ven
dt Tra
4 Sta Ltd
O HAZC nmental o Envir es Ltd r e S vic
Danco Equipment Inc.
NOTE: Advertisers are indicated in yellow.
Stewart Steel Inc
Minard's Leisure World
Fast Trucking Service Ltd
Cathedral Energy Services Ltd
Weyburn Credit Union
Tundra Boiler & Instrumentation Ltd
BFI Canada Inc
24-7 Enterprises Ltd
Big Eagle Services
Stream-Flo Industries Ltd
sas k at c h e w an oil & g as s h o w 2 0 1 1
sas k at c h e w an o i l & g as s h o w 2 0 1 1
Three Star Environmental Corp
Clean Harbors
Microhard Systems Inc
Optimum Oilfield Instrumentation Ltd
KTI Limited
Strad Energy Services
Mobile Data Technologies
Frontier Power Products
Saskatchewan TA Structures/ Pioneer Tri-Cell Ministry of Professional Riggn' Inn Concrete Ltd Services Group Labour Relations Wellsites & Workplace
Extreme Telematics Corp
Comtech Industrial Communication Electric Technologies (Weyburn) Ltd Ltd
Superior Safety Inc
MCI Solutions Vanko Cara Dawn Analytics Ltd Transport Ltd / K & D Truck
Northern Steel
284 Enbridge Pipelines (Saskatchewan) Inc
DT Planetaries Polycore Inc Tubular Linings
Drill-Tek MWD Services Ltd
Plains Saskatchewan Tarco Systems Rice Environmental Safety Council Inc Engineering & Inc Operating Ltd
Norris Production Solutions
Titan Logix Corp
United Centrifuge Ltd
Panama Enterprises (1990) Inc
Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy & Resources
Saskatchewan Energy Training Institute
Virtus Group LLP
John Brooks Company Limited
RockOil Synergies Inc
Nalco Canada Energy Services
Cummins Western Canada
Custom Truck Sales Inc
Trilogy Oilfield Bar Ltd Engineering
Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd
Petroleum Technology Research Centre (PTRC)
Guardian CE Franklin Ltd Chemicals Inc
Nilex Inc
Silver Fox Cameron Completion Valves & Measurement Services Inc
NOTE: Advertisers are indicated in yellow.
Hawkeye Industries Inc
Winkler Structures
Impact Oilfield Management Team Inc
DPS Microbial Tam Solutions International Oil Services Ltd
Acutec Systems Ltd
Gerald Des Roches Agency Inc
Maxxam Analytics Inc
Aerotech Herman Nelson International Inc
Palko Environmental Ltd
Wood Group ESP (Canada) Ltd
Superior Propane
Millennium Directional Service Ltd
Cenovus Energy Inc
Courage Oilfield Services
Colored Shale Envirotec Product Inc Services Inc
Energy Auctions Inc
Apache Canada Ltd
ITT Water & Wastewater Saskatoon
ATCO Structures & Logistics Ltd
Pipetech Corporation Ltd
King's Energy Services Ltd
Apex Distribution Inc
Newalta Corporation
Guest Controls (2001) Ltd
PinAcle Stainless Steel Inc
Hot Tools
Almita Piling Inc
TransGas Limited
Plainsman Mfg. Inc
Frontier Inspection/ Flint Tubular
HYTORC Sales & Service
Fort Garry Industries Ltd
DSG Canada
Goodon Industries Ltd
6 NOTE: Advertisers are indicated in yellow.
Forsyth Plastics
Propak Energy Services Ltd
Spartan Controls Ltd
Raydan Manufacturing Inc
Dayzon Energy Your Link Inc Solutions
Prairie Mobile Industrial Western Communications Communication Gauge & Systems Ltd Instruments Ltd
D & D Oilfield Midwest Rentals Corp Surveys Inc
Baker Hughes Canada Company
86 Impreglon Coatings
Site Energy Services
ALS MRC Midfield Environmental
Western Oilfield Specialties Corp
Bay Industrial Contain Enviro Services Instruments Ltd Limited
JuneWarren-Nickle's Energy Group
Zedi Inc
Marksmen Vegetation Management Inc
Danatec Educational Services Ltd
MODUS Modular Structures
ASCO Numatics
Kilowatts Design Company Inc
Evergreen Solutions
Summit Liability Solutions Inc
DSI Dalco Services Inc.
Tranter Heat Exchangers Canada Inc
Flexpipe Systems
I-Dent Group Inc
Grit Industries Safe-Tee Inc Management
Hanover Door Techmation Electric & Systems Controls Ltd
Tartan Controls Inc
AOG International
Tri-Alta Oilfield Industries Ltd
Simark Controls Ltd
GFI Systems Inc
Balon Corporation
Schlumberger Canada Ltd
Envirotrap Systems
Sur-Flo Meters & Controls Ltd
sas k atc h e w an o i l & g as s h o w 2 0 1 1
Serving Saskatchewan Clean Harbors, the leading provider of energy, industrial and environmental services to the oil and gas industry. • Vacuum and hydro-excavation services • Transport production services • Downhole production services • Directional boring • Seismic drilling, line clearing and surveying • High pressure waterjetting • Chemical cleaning and decontamination • Decoking/pigging services • Catalyst handling • Dredging and dewatering • Hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal • Drill site bin services • Lodging services Saskatchewan •
Arcola 306.461.6186 • Regina 306.546.3322
Macklin 306.753.2335 • Neilburg 306.823.3413 • Kindersley 306.463.6233 Swift Current 306.741.4268 •
schEdulE oF EvEnts
Tuesday, May 31, 2011 Golfing for Exhibitors and Guests
Corporate Sponsors Platinum
7:00 p.m. Steak and Lobster Dinner
Wednesday, June 1, 2011 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Show hours 11:30 a.m. Awards Luncheon Guest Speaker – Premier Brad Wall Sponsored by Grimes Sales and Service Co. Ltd. 2011 Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Recognition Awards – Presented by the Board of Governors 3:00 p.m. PSAC Presentation – Community Partners Program Launch and Press Conference 7:00 p.m. Pit Roast Beef Dinner 8:30 p.m. Opening Ceremonies, followed by the Southeastern Saskatchewan Oilman of the Year awards presented by Minister of Energy and Resources, Bill Boyd
Thursday, June 2, 2011 7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. PSAC Barnstorming Breakfast 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Show hours 12:00 p.m. Luncheon with Keynote Speaker – Scott Saxberg, President and Chief Executive Officer – Crescent Point Energy Corp. Sponsored by Crescent Point Energy Corp.
2:00 p.m. Saskatchewan Common Ground Alliance (SCGA) Presentation: “Improving Damage Prevention”
Bronze 2:30 p.m. Southeast Saskatchewan Airshed Association (SESAA) Presentation: “The Value of an Airshed Management Process to Airshed Stakeholders”
S s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
s a s k a t c h e w a n sce n es
Laying pipe
1 ◗ 1 A sideboom operator watches while welders work in the shack he has just lowered. ◗ 2 Teamster Gord Jenkins of Nanaimo, B.C., drives a bus on the main gang crew. He’s been pipelining for about 18 years. ◗ 3 Welder John Bouchard, left, and his counterpart perform the hot pass welds on the Waschuk main gang. They are using automated welders, mounted on a ring that goes around the pipe.
2 All photos by Brian Zinchuk, The Pipeline News
s a s k a t c h ew a n o i l & g a s s h o w 2 0 1 1
s a s k a t c h e w a n sce n es
On the drilling rig
◗ 1 Working on the floor of Aaron Well Servicing Ltd.’s new Rig 4, Travis Roberts, left, runs tongs along while Troy Munson grabs a cleaning rag. Rig 4 went to work in mid-December, joining a Saskatchewan service rig fleet that has been running hard.
◗ 2 Mike Phillips, personnel development coordinator with Halliburton, explains the process of the frac underway near Estevan. ◗ 3 Derrickman Shane Spencer, of Precision Drilling Rig 409, secures the derrick after it is raised into position. ◗ 4 Rig Manager Nick Dietze, who looks after Mayco Rig 4, records the lengths of tubing used as it is measured.
s a s k a t c h ew a n o i l & g a s s h o w 2 0 1 1
Locations Throughout Western Canada
NEW PRODUCT Soil Cementing Access Access Mats Mats •• Rig Rig Mats Mats •• Crane Crane Mats Mats ATV ATV Mats Mats & & Bridges Bridges •• Portable Portable Bridges Bridges www.NortherNMat.ca
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, the pipeline news
liSTingS A R WilliAmS mAteRiAlS HAndlinG ltd 505 Park St regina Sk S4n 5B2 PHONE: (306) 721-4608 FAX: (306) 721-2944 EMAIL: rcoffin@arwilliams.com WEBSITE: www.arwilliams.com BOOTH: 411 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Materialhandling equipment – clark, Sellick, Daewoo, nissan forklifts, hiab cranes, JLG, Gradall, Skytrac and lull telehandlers. new and used parts and service for all makes of forklifts on site. Service anywhere in Saskatchewan, alberta and Manitoba. Electric, propane, diesel or natural gas certified forklift operator training. PowerBoss scrubbers and sweepers. operator safety training for all mobile-powered equipment. Forklifts skid steers, telehandlers and aerial platform units. CONTACT: rick coffin
A S l induStRiAl nO FlAme HeAteRS ltd rr 1 cherhill aB t0E 0J0 PHONE: (780) 785-2859 FAX: (780) 785-2894 EMAIL: noflame@mcsnet.ca WEBSITE: www.aslheaters.ca BOOTH: 523 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Manufacturer of no-flame heaters. CONTACT: Lance Meier
Acutec SyStemS ltd Po Box 533 Lampman Sk S0c 1n0 PHONE: (306) 487-2536 FAX: (306) 487-2776 EMAIL: dtfreeden@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.acutec-ltd.com BOOTH: 261, 262 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Serving the oil and gas industry in southeast Saskatchewan, acutec’s full line of instrumentation includes tank gauging systems, satellite communication systems, flow meters and autodial alarm systems. our product line includes proven technology from Barnett Engineering, Foxboro and Siemens/Milltronics. CONTACT: Duane Freeden
AdvAnce enGineeRed PROductS GROuP 615 71 ave SE calgary aB t2h 0S7 PHONE: (403) 255-5578 FAX: (403) 255-5854 EMAIL: klee@aepl.ca WEBSITE: www.advanceengineeredproducts.com BOOTH: 614, 615 PRODUCT/SERVICE: tank trucks and trailers, liquid and dry bulk, aircraft refuelers, vacuum systems, stainless steel equipment, a-train stabilizers and iSo containers. CONTACT: kimberly Lee
AeROtecH HeRmAn nelSOn inteRnAtiOnAl inc 100 Eagle Dr Winnipeg MB r2r 1V5 PHONE: (204) 633-1999 FAX: (204) 694-1612 EMAIL: robin@hermannelson.com WEBSITE: www.hermannelson.com BOOTH: 228, 229 PRODUCT/SERVICE: aerotech herman nelson – the Golden Standard for Portable heat. the “original” herman nelson is now easier to operate and safer. now having cSa and uL certification, we can offer the heater to the commercial market. We offer solutions for all applications, including portable flameless heat from 100k to 1.2M Btu. CONTACT: robin Frend
AGi-enviROtAnk Po Box 879 Biggar Sk S0k 0M0 PHONE: (306) 948-5262 FAX: (306) 948-5263 EMAIL: jwappel@envirotank.com WEBSITE: www.envirotank.com BOOTH: 288 PRODUCT/SERVICE: 30-barrel and up double-walled, heated gas well G55 storage; 200-barrel and up wellsite storage; double-wall in-ground storage; and double-wall diesel/gas/methanol storage. CONTACT: Justin Wappel
AlmitA PilinG inc rr 4 Site 1 Box 8 Ponoka aB t4J 1r4 PHONE: (403) 783-5800 FAX: (780) 433-9452 EMAIL: kathy.morrow@almita.com WEBSITE: www.almita.com BOOTH: 90 CONTACT: kathy Morrow
AlS enviROnmentAl 819 58 St E Saskatoon Sk S7k 6X5 PHONE: (306) 668-8370 FAX: (306) 668-8383 EMAIL: nick.pidskalny@alsglobal.com WEBSITE: www.alsglobal.com BOOTH: 85 PRODUCT/SERVICE: aLS Environmental provides high-quality and dependable analytical testing data to assist consulting and engineering firms, industry and government agencies around the world in making informed decisions for environmental projects. the comprehensive range of environmental testing and technical support services is complemented by a solid commitment to quality and customer service. CONTACT: adam McMurtry
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
Stop By Our Booth #20 & #21 For
a Shuswap House Boating Vacation!
OFFICES CARLYLE 306.453.2525
ESTEVAN 306.634.2654
LLOYDMINSTER 780.875.6685
SWIFT CURRENT 306.773.8260
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, the pipeline news
N AmSOil
APAcHe cAnAdA ltd
AR-tecH cOAtinG ltd
amsoil Direct Jobbers regina Sk PHONE: (306) 584-0250 FAX: (306) 584-0250 EMAIL: derek@itstheoil.com BOOTH: 258 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Premium full synthetic extended drain oils, greases, fuel treatment and filtration products for all personal and industrial applications. including synthetic biodegradable hydraulic oil, bypass filtration systems, synthetic polymeric 5% moly off-road grease. all amsoil products extensively field tested over the last 39 years to ensure they perform in even extreme applications. CONTACT: Derek and Erin Beahm
1000-700 9 ave SW calgary aB t2P 3V4 PHONE: (403) 261-1397 FAX: (403) 458-2902 BOOTH: 16 CONTACT: Jessica Wilkinson
6415 Wild rose Dr taber aB t1G 1Z4 PHONE: (403) 223-4016 FAX: (403) 223-4059 EMAIL: artech@telusplanet.net WEBSITE: www.artechcoating.com BOOTH: 450 CONTACT: Brian hansen
AOG inteRnAtiOnAl 5210 50 St Leduc aB t9E 6Z6 PHONE: (780) 980-0731 FAX: (780) 986-2224 EMAIL: aog@aoginternational.com WEBSITE: www.aoginternational.com BOOTH: 46 PRODUCT/SERVICE: one-stop freight logistics company, 911 timesensitive freight needs, available 24/7/365 and 207 agents worldwide. offices in canada and uSa. Project logistics, service and drilling rig moves. Specialize in oversize, heavyweight air freight, ocean containers, break bulk, air charters and hot shots. CONTACT: christina, amanda
APex AdvAnced SOlutiOnS inc 4926 89 St nW Edmonton aB t6E 5k1 PHONE: (780) 462-8271 FAX: (780) 466-8887 EMAIL: info@apex-advanced.com WEBSITE: www.apex-advanced.com BOOTH: 516, 517 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Pc pump service and supply, coiled rod sales and service, and automation solutions for artificial lift systems. CONTACT: richard hogman
APex diStRibutiOn inc 40B 18 St nE Weyburn Sk PHONE: (306) 842-5081 FAX: (306) 842-5309 EMAIL: Larry.Paterson@apexdistribution.com WEBSITE: www.apexdistribution.com BOOTH: 53, 54 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Sucker rods and accessories, viking pumps, pipe valves and fittings, drilling and service rig supplies, progressive cavity pumps, secondary containment systems, and meter and instrumentation repair. kimray distributor, Guiberson products and oil country tubular goods. CONTACT: Larry Paterson
AScO numAticS Po Box 160 Brantford on n3t 5M8 PHONE: (519) 758-2700 FAX: (519) 758-5540 EMAIL: asconumatics@emerson.com WEBSITE: www.asconumatics.ca BOOTH: 71 PRODUCT/SERVICE: aSco numatics is a leading canadian manufacturer of solenoid valves, pneumatics and motion control products, and other quality precision products for the automation of equipment and the control of air, liquids and gases in a wide array of commercial and industrial applications. CONTACT: Peter Sikora
AStRO bOileR Po Box 250 tilley aB t0J 3k0 PHONE: (403) 377-2391 FAX: (403) 377-2263 EMAIL: astro@eidnet.org BOOTH: 501 CONTACT: Syl tateson
AtcO StRuctuReS & lOGiSticS ltd 5115 crowchild tr SW calgary aB t3E 1t9 PHONE: (403) 292-7600 FAX: (403) 292-7603 EMAIL: Ericka.Belleth@atcosl.com WEBSITE: www.atcosl.com BOOTH: 13, 14 CONTACT: Ericka Belleth
bAkeR HuGHeS cAnAdA cOmPAny Po Box 685 Estevan Sk S4a 2a6 PHONE: (306) 861-6364 FAX: (306) 636-1650 EMAIL: cal.lacoste@bakerhughes.com WEBSITE: www.bakerhughes.com BOOTH: 80, 81, 82, 457 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Measure and compare and you’ll find that Baker hughes delivers unmatched design, service and support to help you meet your production performance objectives. CONTACT: calvin Lacoste
bAlOn cORPORAtiOn 47 Sunset rd SW Medicine hat aB t1B 4t4 PHONE: (403) 548-5288 FAX: (403) 203-0773 EMAIL: jcompton@balon.com WEBSITE: www.balon.com BOOTH: 42 CONTACT: John compton
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
Serving The Saskatchewan Oil Industry Office: 738-6th St. EStEvan, Sk Estevan 24 Hour Service
Ph: (306) 634-7361 or (306) 634-3411 fax (306) 634-6694
Oil Well Drilling - Mud Rotary Drilling Bits Ray Frehlick Res. - (306) 634-2107 Cellular - (306) 421-0222 Darwin Frehlick Cellular - (306) 421-0491 Chuck Haines Office - (403) 237-7323 Cellular - (403) 860-4660
Prairie Petro-Chem Ltd. “We Never Mistreat Oil”
Oil & Gas Treating Compounds
Office: 738-6th St. EStEvan, Sk
weybuRn (306) 861-1903
Estevan 24 Hour Service
Ph: (306) 634-7362 or (306) 634-6694 fax (306) 634-6694
OILFIELD SPECIALTY SERVICES & RENTALS Cold Pipe Cutting & Beveling Preheat & Post Weld Heat Treating Hydraulic Torquing & Stud Tensioning Portable Machining, Milling, Flange Facing Hot Taps, Cold Taps, Pipe Coring Hydrotesting & Isolations
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, the pipeline news
Prairie Mud Service
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, the pipeline news
bAR enGineeRinG 6004 50 ave Lloydminster aB t9V 2t9 PHONE: (780) 875-1683 FAX: (780) 875-2728 EMAIL: ron.plett@bareng.ca WEBSITE: www.bareng.ca BOOTH: 201 PRODUCT/SERVICE: oilfield engineering: wellsites, flow line gathering systems, pipelines, solution and flare gas capture, process and treating facilities, and electrical and instrumentation. Service rigs and cranes: design and recertifications (Level iV). CONTACT: ron Plett, trent nelson
bAy induStRiAl inStRumentS limited 947, 105-150 crowfoot cres nW calgary aB t3G 3t2 PHONE: (403) 208-7500 FAX: (403) 285-5256 EMAIL: ed@bayindustrial.com WEBSITE: www.bayindustrial.com BOOTH: 22 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Bay industrial instruments Limited has been supplying instrumentation, mechanical specialties and control products to the industry since 1994. heat transfer is our focus. any type of heat exchanger, from electric immersion heaters to hairpin and double pipe. our inventory includes all components around this equipment. control valves, regulators, safety relief valves, separators, steam specialties, electric and non-electric condensate pump packages. We provide equipment for all heating and cooling needs.
We understand systems. contact Bay industrial for all of your heat transfer needs. We provide “thermal solutions” by offering the correct aPi heat exchanger (Basco shell & tube, Schmidt-Bretten plate and frame or airtech air-cooled) for your application. CONTACT: Ed Verwaayen
bFi cAnAdA inc Po Box 10 Gladmar Sk S0c 1a0 PHONE: (306) 969-4427 FAX: (306) 969-4329 EMAIL: gmachon@wsii.ca WEBSITE: www.bficanada.com BOOTH: 623 PRODUCT/SERVICE: the BFi gap landfill provides non-hazardous solid waste disposal for generators of contaminated soils generated in the upstream oil and gas industry in southeast Saskatchewan. CONTACT: Glenn Pettersen
biG eAGle SeRviceS 224 20 ave SE Weyburn Sk S4h 3J9 PHONE: (306) 848-0055 FAX: (306) 848-0066 EMAIL: droy@bigeagle.ca WEBSITE: www.bigeagle.ca BOOTH: 624, 625 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Big Eagle Services is a leading energy services company offering equipment and manpower in the areas of nitrogen and coil-tubing services, water and vacuum services, hydro excavation services, waste management and fluid management, as well as emergency response. CONTACT: Darby roy
bObcAt OF ReGinA
bRAndt tRActOR ltd
hwy 1 E regina Sk PHONE: (306) 347-7600 FAX: (306) 347-8998 EMAIL: r.stooshnoff@bobcatofregina.com WEBSITE: www.bobcatofregina.com BOOTH: 534 PRODUCT/SERVICE: our fullservice dealership offers new and used sales, compact equipment service, construction equipment rental options and parts, making us your one-stop bobcat centre. call 888-724-3217, email or stop by our dealership. CONTACT: ryan Stooshnoff
Po Box 3856 Stn Main regina Sk S4P 3r8 PHONE: (306) 791-7777 FAX: (306) 791-0220 EMAIL: klakeman@brandttractor.com WEBSITE: www.brandttractor.com BOOTH: 616, 617 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Selling John Deere industrial products in Sk, Mn, aB and Bc. Selling backhoes, excavators, dozers, graders, wheel loaders, skid steer loaders, mini excavators, forklifts and forestry equipment. Sales, parts, service, rentals. CONTACT: kevin Lakeman
bORetS WeAtHeRFORd cAnAdA ltd
1305 Pettigrew ave E regina Sk S4n 5W1 PHONE: (306) 721-9333 FAX: (306) 242-7113 EMAIL: thassen@brockwhite.com WEBSITE: www.brockwhite.com BOOTH: 507 CONTACT: todd hassen
PHONE: (780) 955-4795 EMAIL: clayton.bara@borets.com BOOTH: 533 CONTACT: clayton Bara
bROck WHite cOnStRuctiOn mAteRiAlS
cAlFRAc Well SeRviceS ltd 411 8 ave SW calgary aB t2P 1E3 PHONE: (403) 234-6647 FAX: (403) 508-1545 EMAIL: jtsuji@calfrac.com WEBSITE: www.calfrac.com BOOTH: 509 CONTACT: Jackie tsuji
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
cAmeROn vAlveS & meASuRement
7944 10 St nE calgary aB t2E 8W1 PHONE: (403) 290-0001 FAX: (403) 290-1526 EMAIL: david.senyk@c-a-m.com WEBSITE: www.c-a-m.com BOOTH: 245 CONTACT: David Senyk
cAnAdiAn AdvAnced eSP inc
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, the pipeline news
5307 72a ave nW Edmonton aB t6B 2J1 PHONE: (780) 469-0770 FAX: (780) 450-4592 EMAIL: sales@cai-esp.com BOOTH: 462 PRODUCT/SERVICE: canadian advanced ESP inc. is a manufacturing, engineering and service solution company providing electric submersible and surface horizontal pumping systems to the global oil and gas industry. these pumping systems, coupled with our innovative surface equipment, including our VFGs and our new advanced control technology (act) VFDs, provides state of the art technology to the oil and gas industry. CONTACT: karry Biette
cAnelSOn dRillinG inc Po Box 312 carlyle Sk S0c 0r0 PHONE: (306) 453-2506 FAX: (306) 453-2508 WEBSITE: www.canelsondrilling.com BOOTH: 530, 531
cARA dAWn tRAnSPORt ltd / k & d tRuck Po Box 1905 regina Sk S4P 3E1 PHONE: (306) 721-8888 FAX: (306) 721-5118 EMAIL: caradawntransport@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.caradawntransport.com BOOTH: 254, 405 PRODUCT/SERVICE: For-hire carrier operations in canada and the uSa. Winch trucks, scissor neck, trombones and lowbed service up to 13 axle. Yard rent storage in regina, Sk. CONTACT: Dave Wellings
Saskatchewan is full of energy opportunity. We have over 40 billion barrels of conventional oil in place and exciting potential in the Bakken Formation, heavy oil, oil sands and shale gas. We’re also on the leading edge of research into enhanced oil recovery, and carbon dioxide capture and storage. Come see what we have to offer, and explore your next opportunity with us. To learn more visit us at www.er.gov.sk.ca
Visit us at Booth 263.
2932 SK Oil&Gas Guide Ad v2.indd 1 s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
11-03-10 4:23 PM
cARSOn eneRGy SeRviceS ltd Po Box 160 Lampman Sk S0c 1n0 PHONE: (306) 487-2281 FAX: (306) 487-3235 EMAIL: carson@carsonenergyservices.com WEBSITE: www.carsonenergyservices.com BOOTH: 407, 408, 409, 410 PRODUCT/SERVICE: carson Energy Services (cES) provides clients in the Prairie provinces with a full line of oilfield services. the company’s 36-year history of excellence and safety has made it one of the most respected competitors in the energy services industry. cES is proud of its commitment to quality, the industry, its employees, its clients and its communities. CONTACT: ron carson
cAtHedRAl eneRGy SeRviceS ltd 1700-715 5 ave SW calgary aB t2P 2X6 PHONE: (403) 265-2560 FAX: (403) 262-4682 EMAIL: ddiachok@cathedralenergyservices.com WEBSITE: www.cathedralenergyservices.com BOOTH: 618, 619 CONTACT: David Diachok
ce FRAnklin ltd 306 kensington ave Estevan Sk S4a 2a6 PHONE: (306) 634-2622 FAX: (306) 634-5994 EMAIL: mheitkoetter@cEFranklin.com WEBSITE: www.cefranklin.com BOOTH: 267, 268, 269, 292 PRODUCT/SERVICE: cE Franklin is a full line oilfield supply store providing the goods and related services for the exploration, production, transportation and upstream processing of crude oil and natural gas. CONTACT: Martin heitkoetter
cenOvuS eneRGy inc
cHAmPiOn tecHnOlOGieS ltd
Po Box 460 Weyburn Sk S4h 2k3 PHONE: (306) 456-4114 FAX: (306) 456-4141 EMAIL: twila.walkeden@cenovus.com WEBSITE: www.cenovus.com BOOTH: 232, 233 PRODUCT/SERVICE: cenovus Energy is a canadian oil company. We’re committed to applying fresh, progressive thinking to safely and responsibly unlock energy resources the world needs. our operations include oilsands projects in northern alberta, which use specialized methods to drill and pump the oil to the surface, as well as natural gas and oil production across alberta and southern Saskatchewan. CONTACT: twila Walkeden
Po Box 1398 Estevan Sk S4a 2k9 PHONE: (306) 634-7627 EMAIL: kelly.orsted@champ-tech.com WEBSITE: www.champ-tech.com BOOTH: 443, 444 PRODUCT/SERVICE: champion technologies offers a complete line of oilfield production chemicals and related application technology. CONTACT: kelly orsted
ciRcle d tRAnSPORt TOLL FREE: (877) 223-7773 FAX: (306) 842-3730 EMAIL: dversteeg@circledtransport.com BOOTH: 529 CONTACT: Dwight Versteeg
cleAn HARbORS Po Box 441 Estevan Sk S4a 2a4 PHONE: (306) 461-6186 FAX: (306) 753-2962 EMAIL: cairns.dallas@cleanharbors.ca BOOTH: 215, 471 CONTACT: Dallas cairns
Pipeline failure statistics prove corrosion as the industry’s leading cause of pipeline failures.
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
cObRA induStRieS ltd Site 710 comp 17 rr 7 Saskatoon Sk S7k 1n2 PHONE: (306) 493-3238 FAX: (306) 493-2481 EMAIL: cobra@yourlink.ca BOOTH: 419 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Manufacturer of 400-barrel storage tanks. CONTACT: Dean Esau
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, the pipeline news
cOmtecH cOmmunicAtiOn tecHnOlOGieS ltd 1120 East ave Weyburn Sk S4h 3E4 PHONE: (306) 842-3066 FAX: (306) 842-0048 EMAIL: sarah.power@comtech.ca WEBSITE: www.comtech.ca BOOTH: 253 CONTACT: Sarah Power
cOlORed SHAle PROduct inc
cOntAin enviRO SeRviceS ltd
1164 normandy Dr Moose Jaw Sk S6h 7c6 PHONE: (306) 693-8800 FAX: (306) 693-8836 EMAIL: denise.therrien@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.coloredshale.com BOOTH: 222 PRODUCT/SERVICE: colored Shale is able to provide a red aggregate for roads leading to and around oil sites. CONTACT: Denise therrien
Po Box 269 cold Lake aB t9M 1P1 PHONE: (780) 639-6654 FAX: (780) 639-3775 EMAIL: leanne@contain.ca WEBSITE: www.contain.ca BOOTH: 23, 24 PRODUCT/SERVICE: contain Enviro Services provides secondary containment and prefabricated liners for the oil and liquid fertilizer industries. We offer supply and installation or supply only for our clients who prefer to do the installation themselves. We are located in cold Lake and Grande Prairie and have several distribution centres. CONTACT: Blair Gibson
TCA provides engineered steel containment solutions for the Western Canadian Oil and Gas Industry ENGINEERED CONTAINMENT ADVANTAGES • Professionally Installed • Cost Effective • Minimal Maintenance • Completely Reusable • Expandable WALL HEIGHTS INCLUDE • 12"
• 25"
• 45"
• 57"
• 33"
• Coming Soon 66" Custom site designs available
For a dealer in your area
• Crossover Steps Available for all Wall Heights
Check Out the New 6 Bolt System! Visit Us Outside at the Saskatchewan Oil Show - Booth #449
www.thecontainmentanswer.com New Branch in Carlyle, SK | Ph: 306-575-8111 6404 – 53 Street, Taber, AB T1G 2A2 | Ph: 403.223.1113 | Fax: 403-223-6312
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
cOuRAGe OilField SeRviceS
cuStOm tRuck SAleS inc
PHONE: (306) 483-2130 FAX: (306) 483-2132 EMAIL: amanda@courageoilfield.com BOOTH: 219 CONTACT: amanda Fitzpatrick
520 Park St regina Sk S4n 0t6 PHONE: (306) 569-9021 FAX: (306) 569-2144 EMAIL: lenny.janz@customtruck.ca BOOTH: 291, 413, 414 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Supplier of parts, service, sales and leasing for kenworth trucks. new truck sales from light-duty class 7 to heavy-duty class 8. trucks custom designed for tank, vacuum, pickers or oilfield beds, as well as oilfield specialty trucks. Parts and service support for heavy-duty trucks, transmissions, rear carriers, cat, cummins and Detroit Diesel engines. CONTACT: Lenny Janz
cumminS WeSteRn cAnAdA 110 kress St regina Sk S4P 2Z5 PHONE: (306) 721-9710 FAX: (306) 721-2962 EMAIL: dan.g.sebastian@cummins.com WEBSITE: www.westerncanada.cummins.com BOOTH: 265, 266 PRODUCT/SERVICE: complete line for all applications-automotive, rV, natural gas, industrial, construction. argriculture, marine, generator sets. Genuine cummins parts and service. CONTACT: Dan Sebastian
d & d OilField RentAlS cORP 1632 1 ave nE Weyburn Sk S4h 3E8 PHONE: (306) 842-0659 FAX: (306) 457-2746 EMAIL: weyburn@ddoil.net WEBSITE: www.ddoil.net BOOTH: 61 PRODUCT/SERVICE: oilfield rental equipment from drilling rigs to service rigs needs. CONTACT: Leon Gilbertson
dAnAtec educAtiOnAl SeRviceS ltd
dAncO equiPment inc
201-11450 29 St SE calgary aB t2Z 3V5 TOLL FREE: (800) 465-3366 FAX: (403) 232-6952 EMAIL: info@danatec.com WEBSITE: www.danatec.com BOOTH: 96 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Danatec is canada’s leading provider of nationally recognized and innovative compliance solutions. We provide essential tools and training for tDG, WhMiS, and general workplace safety. our products and services include: regulations, handbooks, self-teaching training programs, instructor packages, videos, posters and cDs, DVDs, online training and custom-designed training programs. CONTACT: Warren Bailey
1155 Mackay St regina Sk S4n 4X9 PHONE: (306) 721-9575 FAX: (306) 721-2214 EMAIL: rsaxby@comtruck.ca WEBSITE: www.commercialtruckequipment.ca BOOTH: 606 PRODUCT/SERVICE: truckmounted cranes and equipment, winches, gravel boxes, hydraulic systems, drive-line parts and service, power take-offs, splitter boxes, hook lifts, towing equipment, lube and service bodies, digger derricks, aerial devices, sales, service and installations. rentals and leasing. CONTACT: ron Saxby
dAyzOn eneRGy SOlutiOnS 1700 Varsity Estates Dr nW calgary aB t3B 2W9 PHONE: (403) 797-0356 EMAIL: dan@dayzon.ca BOOTH: 8 CONTACT: Dan Vass
Don’t compromise the integrity of your pipeline operation. Flexpipe Systems is the market leader in continuous, composite pipeline technology. Our patented, spoolable, corrosion-less system reduces the threat of pipeline failures due to corrosion and eliminates expensive chemical inhibitor programs. With over 32 million feet in service, you can trust Flexpipe Systems’ pipeline solutions to mitigate your corrosion concerns and reduce pipeline integrity costs.
Visit Flexpipe Systems at indoor booth #3 to learn why we’re the global leader in delivering innovative pipeline solutions. Go to getscanlife.com from your mobile brower to scan this code and find out more about Flexpipe Systems, or visit:
It Pays to be Flexible.
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
Sales • Parts • Service REGINA 762 McDonald Street 306.525.0466 Toll Free 1.800.667.0466
Visit us at Booth 503 WEBSITE www.saskvolvo.com
SASKATOON 2326 Northridge Drive 306.242.7988 Toll Free 1.888. 242.7988
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, the pipeline news
demby tRAileR ltd
dPS micRObiAl SOlutiOnS
dSG cAnAdA
eAGle OilField SeRviceS ltd
Po Box 1145 Weyburn Sk S4h 2L5 PHONE: (306) 861-5655 FAX: (306) 842-2997 EMAIL: doug@dembytrailer.com WEBSITE: www.dembytrailer.com BOOTH: 463, 464 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Demby trailer offers a complete line of wellsite accommodations including skid shacks, wellsite trailers, office trailers and service-rig doghouses— spec models or custom builds. We also offer a full line of flatdeck and enclosed trailers. CONTACT: Doug Dembiczak
Po Box 116 Frobisher Sk S0c 0Y0 PHONE: (306) 486-2110 FAX: (306) 486-4975 EMAIL: maccuish@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.dpsmicrobial.com BOOTH: 230 CONTACT: kyla Maccuish
230 29 St E Saskatoon Sk S7L 6Y6 PHONE: (306) 242-7644 FAX: (306) 242-5457 EMAIL: mariannel@dieselservices.com WEBSITE: www.dieselservices.com BOOTH: 78, 91 PRODUCT/SERVICE: We will be exhibiting diesel fuel-injection pumps, injectors and turbocharger components; iPD engine parts for cat, cummins, Detroit, navistar, Waukesha; chevrolet, GM, Ford, Dodge performance products; diesel fuel additives; generators two to 2,000 kilowatts; and racor filtration systems. CONTACT: Marianne Loucks
Po Box 330 arcola Sk S0c 0G0 PHONE: (306) 575-7700 FAX: (306) 455-2250 EMAIL: m.doty@eagleoilfieldservices.com BOOTH: 465 CONTACT: Mark Doty
dFi 3403 74 ave nW Edmonton aB t6B 3B8 PHONE: (780) 466-5237 FAX: (780) 463-3613 EMAIL: patkinson@dfi.ca WEBSITE: www.dfi.ca BOOTH: 508 PRODUCT/SERVICE: DFi is an independent leader in western canada’s oilfield sector, with over 40 years’ experience specializing in steel pile supply, engineering, installation and transport. our new Weyburn branch also provides hydro-vac and trucking services for your next project. CONTACT: Peter atkinson
dRill-tek mWd SeRviceS ltd Po Box 3997 Stn Main Spruce Grove aB t7X 3B2 PHONE: (780) 410-0491 FAX: (780) 410-0493 EMAIL: richard.campbell@drilltekmwd.com WEBSITE: www.drilltekmwd.com BOOTH: 218 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Drill-tek MWD Services is a full service MWD provider. We specialize in equipment manufacturing, rentals, sales, operations, and training. Drill-tek employs highly qualified technicians and field personnel; constant upgrading, training, and education seminars allow our personnel to keep a pulse on advancing trends. upgrade to Drill-tek MWD now. CONTACT: richard campbell
dSi dAlcO SeRviceS inc PHONE: (403) 348-5554 FAX: (403) 348-5545 EMAIL: rdehooghe@dalco.ca BOOTH: 72 CONTACT: rebecca Dehooghe
edmOntOn tRAileR SAleS & leASinG ltd 26420 twp rd 531a acheson aB t7X 5a3 PHONE: (780) 962-8195 FAX: (780) 960-0679 EMAIL: brianh@edmontontrailer.ca WEBSITE: www.edmontontrailer.com BOOTH: 500 CONTACT: Bill Mitchell
dt PlAnetARieS inc 11550 154 St nW Edmonton aB t5M 3n8 PHONE: (780) 454-9922 FAX: (780) 454-0335 EMAIL: don@dthubs.com WEBSITE: www.dthubs.com BOOTH: 279 CONTACT: Don Grafton
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
enbRidGe PiPelineS (SASkAtcHeWAn) inc Po Box 1400 Estevan Sk S4a 2k9 PHONE: (306) 636-7273 FAX: (306) 636-7227 EMAIL: jeff.yanko@enbridge.com WEBSITE: www.enbridge.com BOOTH: 273 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Enbridge Pipelines (Saskatchewan) inc. and affiliated companies have provided southeastern Saskatchewan and southwestern Manitoba with crude oil and nGL transportation services since 1955. We operate approximately 2,200 km of pipeline and have storage capacity of 67,000 m3. current throughputs average approximately 25,000 m3 of crude oil and 425 m3/d of nGL. CONTACT: Jeff Yanko
eneRGy AuctiOnS inc 161 Woodburn cres okotoks aB t1S 1L4 PHONE: (403) 815-2016 EMAIL: marlonellerby@energyauctions.ca WEBSITE: www.energyauctions.ca BOOTH: 221 CONTACT: Marlon Ellerby
enviROtRAP SyStemS
5055 11 St nE calgary aB t2E 8n4 PHONE: (403) 516-8000 FAX: (403) 291-9408 EMAIL: lholloway@enform.ca WEBSITE: www.enform.ca BOOTH: 73 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Enform provides the essential training, certification, and safety services needed by the canadian petroleum industry. Enform’s portfolio of over 120 industry-leading courses cover safety, operations, technology and environmental management. Enform is now the petroleum safety association for Saskatchewan and has just opened an office in regina. For more information, visit www.enform.ca. CONTACT: Lois holloway
Box 340 alameda Sk S0c 0a0 PHONE: (306) 489-2250 FAX: (306) 489-2020 EMAIL: envirotrap@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.envirotrap.com BOOTH: 38 PRODUCT/SERVICE: the Envirotrap containment System is the most economical, user-friendly secondary containment system on the market. it has proven to be the best product in the field to contain leaks from wellheads, chemical pumps and chemical barrels. these units are being praised by oil companies and environmental agencies alike! CONTACT: ian k. thompson
enviROtec SeRviceS inc Po Box 25055 100 cory rd Saskatoon Sk S7k 8B7 PHONE: (306) 244-9500 FAX: (306) 244-9501 EMAIL: bdueck@envirotec.ca WEBSITE: www.envirotec.ca BOOTH: 223 CONTACT: Blair Dueck
equAl tRAnSPORt Po Box 576 carlyle Sk S0c 0r0 PHONE: (306) 453-4470 FAX: (306) 453-4404 EMAIL: sbourhis@mmmud.ca BOOTH: 461 CONTACT: Donnie Lesage
Serving the Saskatchewan, Manitoba & Alberta Oilfields • Pressure Welding – Stainless & Carbon • Fabrication – Custom Packaging • Quality Control & Weld Procedures • All General Welding • Rig Repairs – Casing Bowls • Industrial Insulation • Utilidor & Self-Framing Buildings • 3-D Drafting Services • ISN and ComplyWorks Certified
Phone: 306.634.5150
www.brentgedakwelding.com s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
eSSentiAl cOil & StimulAtiOn SeRviceS 1711 Dirkson Dr nE redcliff aB t0J 2P0 PHONE: (403) 580-8901 FAX: (403) 580-8906 EMAIL: dperkins@essentialcoil.com WEBSITE: www.essentialenergy.ca BOOTH: 458 CONTACT: Duane Perkins
eStevAn PlAStic PROductS ltd Po Box 950 Estevan Sk S4a 2a7 PHONE: (306) 634-6400 FAX: (306) 634-7828 EMAIL: eppl@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.estevanplastics.ca BOOTH: 402 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Fibreglass repair of steel tanks, tank skimmers, belt guards, insulated buildings, 400- and 500-barrel fibreglass tanks. 780-barrel tanks. CONTACT: Vernon McLean
eveRGReen enviRO cORP
extReme telemAticS cORP
FASt tRuckinG SeRvice ltd
Po Box 40 carlyle Sk S0c 0r0 PHONE: (306) 453-4475 FAX: (306) 453-4476 EMAIL: dean.ege@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.evergreenenviro.ca BOOTH: 214 PRODUCT/SERVICE: EverGreen Enviro corp. provides a wide variety of expertise in the upstream oil and gas industry. Projects include environmental protection plans, impact assessments, pre-disturbance assessments, vegetation and wildlife risk assessments, environmental audits, gas migration testing, electromagnetic surveying and reclamation plans for oil, emulsion, produced water spills, flare pits and abandoned wellsites. CONTACT: Dean hoffman
111-1144 29 ave nE calgary aB t2E 7P1 PHONE: (403) 290-6322 FAX: (403) 290-6301 EMAIL: info@etcorp.ca WEBSITE: www.etcorp.ca BOOTH: 249, 250 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Etc is a company that specializes in designing and building highly reliable, low-cost, low-power embedded controllers for the oil and gas industry. at Etc, there is an emphasis put on well thought-out designs that are reliable and flexible enough to be used for a variety of applications. CONTACT: Mark Scantlebury
Po Box 700 carnduff Sk S0c 0S0 PHONE: (306) 482-3244 FAX: (306) 482-3310 EMAIL: laurie@fasttruckingservice.com WEBSITE: www.fasttruckingservice.com BOOTH: 607, 608 PRODUCT/SERVICE: We specialize in moving drilling rigs and in oilfield hauling. We have 8x8-bed trucks with floater tires, picker trucks up to 50 tonnes, tri-axle winch tractors, and tri-16- and 24-wheel trailers. CONTACT: Laurie connelly
FiRemASteR OilField SeRviceS inc 1795 1 ave nE Weyburn Sk S4h 3E8 PHONE: (306) 842-4488 FAX: (306) 842-4487 EMAIL: doconnor@firemaster.ca WEBSITE: www.firemaster.ca BOOTH: 433 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Firemaster oilfield Services has over 25 years of service in the oil industry in western canada. Firemaster is a fully integrated safety service company specializing in critical sour drilling, completions and workovers, standby fire and shower services, emergency well control and oilfield fire monitoring for h2S and So2, mobile weather stations, patient transfer vehicles and industry training (confined space, confined space rescue, high-angle rescue, Petroleum industry training Service rig rescue, firefighting, full medical division, etc.). CONTACT: Dennis o’connor
FibeRSPAR linePiPe cAnAdA ltd 600-816 7 ave SW calgary aB t2P 1a1 PHONE: (403) 265-9900 FAX: (403) 266-7111 EMAIL: jburgoyne@fiberspar.com WEBSITE: www.fiberspar.com BOOTH: 445 PRODUCT/SERVICE: 2-inch to 6-inch flowlines for 750, 1000, 1500 and 2500 psi pressures. Lower installed costs due to spoolable technology. 100% corrosion-resistant pipe. CONTACT: Jaret Burgoyne
Looking Back... ST TRUC FA
1954 GMC
Looking Forward...
1966 International
2007 Kenworth
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
FlexPiPe SyStemS inc
Flint eneRGy SeRviceS ltd
4 StAR ventuReS ltd
3501 54 ave SE calgary aB t2c 0a9 PHONE: (403) 503-0548 FAX: (403) 503-0547 EMAIL: info@flexpipesystems.com WEBSITE: www.flexpipesystems.com BOOTH: 3 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Flexpipe Systems, a division of Shawcor Ltd., manufactures and sells a spoolable composite pipeline system used in gathering systems, water disposal, co2 injection pipelines and other applications where a corrosionresistant, high-pressure pipeline is required. Flexpipe Systems provides proven, innovative solutions, helping clients drive down costs and increase productivity. CONTACT: Geoff Maisey
Po Box 1731 Estevan Sk S4c 1c8 PHONE: (306) 634-6877 FAX: (306) 634-6879 EMAIL: gmitchell@flint-energy.com WEBSITE: www.flintenergy.com BOOTH: 442 PRODUCT/SERVICE: oil and gas service provider with over 60 locations in canada/uSa. construction, maintenance, mechanical, pipeline, logistics, electrical, instrumentation, fabrication of process equipment, tubular management, safety services, internal pipe coatings and many other services. Striving to become service provider and employer of choice in the industry. touGh and truStED. CONTACT: Glen Mitchell
Po Box 111 Sinclair MB r0M 2a0 PHONE: (204) 662-4479 FAX: (204) 662-4433 EMAIL: melforsyth@hotmail.ca BOOTH: 6 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Buildings – plastic. Spill containers – plastic. Fencing – well cattle guard. texas gates. CONTACT: Mel Forsyth
Po Box 193 Gull Lake Sk S0n 1a0 PHONE: (306) 672-3317 FAX: (306) 672-4429 EMAIL: 4starventures@sasktel.net BOOTH: 604 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Power tongs and pressure testing. CONTACT: tiffany Lloyd
FORt GARRy induStRieS ltd
Po Box 909 Estevan Sk S4a 2a7 PHONE: (306) 634-8085 FAX: (306) 634-8025 EMAIL: kevin@frontierinspection.com BOOTH: 9, 10 PRODUCT/SERVICE: indoor inspection plant, tubing inspection services, drill pipe inspection services, sucker rod inspection services, EZ Flow tubing liners, rod guide manufacturing and on-site rig floor tubing inspection. CONTACT: kevin Daae
A proud leader in the energy services industry for 37 years!
1523 ross ave E regina Sk S4n 7E5 PHONE: (306) 757-5606 FAX: (306) 781-7926 EMAIL: rkazakoff@fgiltd.ca WEBSITE: www.fgiltd.com BOOTH: 63 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Lode king picker specialized oilfield trailers. tridem tandem flats and steps. Midland belly and end dump configurations. Parts and service. See us at booth #63. CONTACT: richard kazakoff
FROntieR inSPectiOn/Flint tubulAR
• Alida • Virden • Regina • Carlyle • Calgary • Halbrite • Saskatoon • White City • Wainwright • Lloydminster • Emerald Park • Swift Current and our head office in • Lampman
(306) 487-2281 http://www.carsonenergyservices.com s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
FROntieR PeteRbilt SAleS ltd Po Box 1340 Estevan Sk S4a 2k9 PHONE: (306) 636-6320 FAX: (306) 636-6321 EMAIL: jmurie@frontierpeterbilt.com WEBSITE: www.frontierpeterbilt.com BOOTH: 422, 423, 424, 425 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Frontier Peterbilt Sales Ltd. specializes in Peterbilt sales, service and parts with dealerships in Estevan, regina, Saskatoon and Lloydminster. We are committed to serving customers in Saskatchewan and beyond, offering a complete line of new and used trucks and parts, and service support for all makes and models. CONTACT: John Murie
FROntieR POWeR PROductS PHONE: (204) 949-1526 FAX: (204) 949-1527 EMAIL: jleskovjan@frontierpower.com BOOTH: 259, 260 CONTACT: Joe Leskovjan
GeRAld deS ROcHeS AGency inc PHONE: (403) 250-9315 FAX: (403) 250-9316 EMAIL: gdagency@shaw.ca BOOTH: 272 CONTACT: Gerald Des roches
GFi SyStemS inc 401-4909 49 St red Deer aB t4n 1V1 PHONE: (403) 598-4678 EMAIL: jcrossman@gfisystems.ca WEBSITE: www.gfisystems.ca BOOTH: 32 CONTACT: Jeremy crossman
GOOdOn induStRieS ltd Po Box 777 Boissevain MB r0k 0E0 PHONE: (204) 534-2468 FAX: (204) 534-2267 EMAIL: goodon@goodon.com WEBSITE: www.goodon.com BOOTH: 76 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Quality postframe buildings for your farm, commercial and industrial needs. CONTACT: Ed Dyck, Brad Edwards
GRit induStRieS inc
GuARdiAn cHemicAlS inc
Po Box 10448 Lloydminster aB t9V 3a5 PHONE: (780) 875-5577 FAX: (780) 205-2869 EMAIL: gford@gritindustries.com WEBSITE: www.gritindustries.com BOOTH: 2, 528 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Grit industries and its divisions, a-Fire Burners and cold Weather technologies, provide numerous products and services to the petroleum industry. these include specialty steel design and fabrication, containment systems, various solids-handling devices and processes (from desanding tanks to transporting catalyst), burners and burner management systems, and indirect process heating. CONTACT: Gerald Ford
131 18 St nE Weyburn Sk S4h 2W3 PHONE: (306) 280-7373 EMAIL: dstubbs@guardianchem.ca WEBSITE: www.guardianchem.ca BOOTH: 270 CONTACT: Darren Stubbs
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Serving the Oil Patch for over 50 years.
GueSt cOntROlS (2001) ltd 5503 52 St Lloydminster aB t9V 0r7 PHONE: (780) 875-5822 FAX: (780) 875-5824 EMAIL: chad@guestcontrols.com WEBSITE: www.guestcontrols.com BOOTH: 55, 56 CONTACT: chad Guest, carey Black
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s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
Del equipment 1265 McDonald Street, Regina, SK S4N 4X5
Parts • Sales • Service - For Most Truck Equipment Over 60 years of service to the North American trucking industry.
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Dedicated to serving the safety training needs of the oil & gas industry For nearly 20 years, the Saskatchewan Energy Training Institute has provided industry-recognized safety and skills training to the oil & gas industry in southeast Saskatchewan and beyond. ENFORM certified courses Industry-recognized safety training Specialized driver evaluations/driver training Local instructors and training locations Conveniently scheduled courses Specialized equipment and simulators Certificate tracking for your organization Competitive pricing and great atmosphere
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Photo: Brian Zinchuk, the pipeline news
HAllibuRtOn GROuP cAnAdA
HAWkeye induStRieS inc
1600-645 7 ave SW calgary aB t2P 4G8 PHONE: (403) 260-8609 FAX: (403) 231-8580 EMAIL: teresa.demare@halliburton.com WEBSITE: www.halliburton.com BOOTH: 506, 512 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Providing products, services and integrated solutions for oil and gas exploration, development and production. capabilities range from initial evaluation of producing formation to drilling and completion production enhancement, and well maintenance for a single well or an entire field. halliburton will serve primarily the oilfield drilling and completions markets through well construction, formation evaluation, and production and completion products, both downhole and surface. CONTACT: teresa DeMare
4716 76 ave nW Edmonton aB t6B 0a5 PHONE: (780) 490-4295 FAX: (780) 490-4290 EMAIL: jeremy@hawk-eye.com WEBSITE: www.hawk-eye.com BOOTH: 246 PRODUCT/SERVICE: hawkeye industries inc. is an alberta-based manufacturer of oil and gas storage, production and distribution products. We specialize in tank gauging, tank venting, tubing drains, rod shears and pipeline products such as transition fittings, polyethylene fittings, casing speers and tracer wire. CONTACT: Jeremy Stasiuk
HAnOveR dOOR SyStemS 105 commerce Dr Steinbach MB r5G 1W6 PHONE: (204) 326-3667 FAX: (204) 326-5302 EMAIL: wtoews@hanoverdoors.com WEBSITE: www.hanoverdoors.com BOOTH: 45 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Supply and install heavy-duty weight counterbalanced doors for very large and high-cycle applications. also a supplier of insulated and polycarbonate doors. CONTACT: Walter toews
HAzcO enviROnmentAl SeRviceS ltd Box 93 Weyburn Sk S4h 2J9 PHONE: (306) 861-8294 FAX: (403) 301-2755 EMAIL: dbradley@hazco.com WEBSITE: www.hazco.com BOOTH: 605 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Waste management and tracking for hazardous waste streams, demolition, lease construction and reclamation, boneyard and site cleanups, and engineered landfill construction. CONTACT: Duane Bradley
HAztecH FiRe And SAFety SeRviceS inc 1139 Weaver St E regina Sk S4n 5Y2 PHONE: (306) 352-9114 FAX: (306) 721-2453 EMAIL: main@haztechsafety.com WEBSITE: www.haztechsafety.com BOOTH: 511 PRODUCT/SERVICE: on-site medical clinics (including nurse and physician services), construction safety officers, standby medical services (EMt including mobile treatment centre), Department of transportation drug and alcohol screening, and high-angle/confinedspace rescue services. CONTACT: Scott rodonets
HORizOn enteRPRiSeS inc 170-22555 twp rd 530 Sherwood Park aB t8a 4t7 PHONE: (780) 467-5149 FAX: (780) 467-6641 EMAIL: lbass@telusplanet.net WEBSITE: www.horizoncanada.net BOOTH: 603 PRODUCT/SERVICE: horizon Enterprises inc. has been delivering first-class mobile treatment centres and commercial slide-in’s to the oil and gas industry for 10 years, and we can custom fit a unit for your needs. CONTACT: Lindsay or karen Bass
HOt tOOlS 6014 52 ave Lloydminster aB t9V 2S8 PHONE: (780) 875-2468 FAX: (780) 875-2478 EMAIL: chris@2hottools.ca WEBSITE: www.2hottools.ca BOOTH: 57 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Drilling, refining, production products and services, and inspection services. CONTACT: chris Webb
HSe inteGRAted ltd 46 13 St Weyburn Sk S4h 1k8 PHONE: (306) 861-2406 EMAIL: ttollefson@hseintegrated.com WEBSITE: www.hseintegrated.com BOOTH: 513, 514 CONTACT: tyler tollefson
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
HytORc SAleS & SeRvice
i-dent GROuP inc
45 corriveau ave St albert aB t8n 5a3 PHONE: (780) 459-5004 FAX: (780) 459-8004 EMAIL: hytorc@telusplanet.net WEBSITE: www.hytorcwest.ca BOOTH: 50 PRODUCT/SERVICE: hytorc hydraulic torque Equipment and Bolting technologies: for over 35 years, we have been providing industrial bolting solutions for the oil and gas, pipeline, power generation, mining, pulp and paper, and manufacturing industries. Engineering that is dedicated to helping individual industry companies meet their bolting requirements is illustrative to what separates us from the competitors! CONTACT: ron Berge
2943 19 St nE calgary aB t2E 7a2 PHONE: (403) 275-1919 FAX: (403) 275-1888 EMAIL: theresan@i-dent.com WEBSITE: www.i-dent.com BOOTH: 36 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Battery/ plant signs, pipeline signs, posts and hardware, safety signs, wellsite signs, decals/labels, custom safety signs, WhMiS signage/tags, tDG placards, directional signs, traffic signs, vehicle decals, magnetic vehicle signs, site signs, safety award decals and much more! CONTACT: tanya Greffard
imPAct OilField mAnAGement teAm inc
induStRiAl cOmmunicAtiOn SyStemS ltd
Po Box 1180 carlyle Sk S0c 0r0 PHONE: (306) 453-6248 FAX: (306) 453-6276 EMAIL: gregg@impactoil.ca WEBSITE: www.impactoil.ca BOOTH: 271 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Providing professional and qualified supervision for production, construction and drilling to the oilfield industry— safely—for the past 15 years! CONTACT: Debbie Fischer
Po Box 700 Estevan Sk S4a 2a6 PHONE: (306) 634-3783 FAX: (306) 634-1233 EMAIL: industcomm@sasktel.net BOOTH: 27 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Wide area of two-way radio system repeater coverage. complete line of VhF and uhF radio products, call-out alarms, wireless cellular amps and handsfree kits. Serving the oilfield area for over 50 years. CONTACT: alan Dougherty
imPReGlOn cOAtinGS 5812 87 St nW Edmonton aB t6E 2Y4 PHONE: (780) 465-5050 FAX: (780) 466-4049 EMAIL: barry@impreglon.com WEBSITE: www.impreglon.com BOOTH: 83 CONTACT: Barry adam
Estevan, SK 306-636-6320 1-888-345-8070 Visit us at the Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show 2011 in Weyburn Booths 422, 423, 424 & 425 s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
induStRiAl electRic (WeybuRn) ltd 1120 East ave Weyburn Sk S4h 3E4 PHONE: (306) 842-7290 FAX: (306) 842-7277 EMAIL: geoff.white@industrialelectric.ca BOOTH: 252 CONTACT: Geoff White
itt WAteR & WASteWAteR SASkAtOOn 10-3111 Millar ave Saskatoon Sk S7k 6n3 PHONE: (306) 933-4849 FAX: (306) 931-0051 EMAIL: nabeegh.subhani@itt.com WEBSITE: www.ittwww.ca BOOTH: 17 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Flygt submersible pumps, thompson diesel pumps, Flygt diesel generators. Sales, Service, rentals.
JAckAl enteRPRiSeS Po Box 87 Griffin Sk S0c 1G0 PHONE: (306) 861-9271 FAX: (306) 842-0934 EMAIL: j.piel@sasktel.net BOOTH: 522 CONTACT: Jim Piel
JenSen’S WeldinG
JeRRy mAinil ltd
7100 64 St taber aB t1G 2J1 PHONE: (403) 223-2544 FAX: (403) 223-8060 EMAIL: artech@telusplanet.net BOOTH: 449 PRODUCT/SERVICE: We can supply custom-built tanks singlewall from 20 barrel to 3000 barrel, double-wall from 20 barrel to 1000 barrel, a complete supply of accessories, sweet or sour, gauge systems, fire tubes, catalytic heaters, skimmers, heat coils, insulation, internal coating, painting, stainless internal piping, coned bottoms and sloped bottoms. CONTACT: Lorne Jensen
1530 new city Garden rd Weyburn Sk S4h 2L1 PHONE: (306) 842-5412 FAX: (306) 842-6560 EMAIL: djm@jmlc.ca WEBSITE: www.jerrymainilltd.com BOOTH: 600, 601 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Jerry Mainil Ltd. and its experienced staff have been serving the southeast Saskatchewan oilpatch since 1961. We specialize in oilfield construction including cat work, backhoes, reclamation, welding truck cranes, winch trucks, pipeline contracting, pipefitting crews, lease and roadwork, snow plowing and steamers. CONTACT: Dale Mainil
JOHn bROOkS cOmPAny limited
JuneWARRen-nickle’S eneRGy GROuP 200-816 55 ave nE calgary aB t2E 6Y4 PHONE: (403) 209-3583 FAX: (403) 245-8666 EMAIL: jdryden@junewarren-nickles.com WEBSITE: www.junewarren-nickles.com BOOTH: 20, 21 PRODUCT/SERVICE: the JuneWarren-nickle’s Energy Group is canada’s oldest and most recognized energy publishing house. Providing authoritative print and online publications, data sets, maps, charts and directories, we are the canadian leaders in oil and gas, construction and alternative energy publishing. CONTACT: Jeannine Dryden
2625 Meadowpine Blvd Mississauga on L5n 7k5 PHONE: (905) 624-4200 FAX: (905) 567-4230 EMAIL: staceyminkhorst@johnbrooks.ca WEBSITE: www.johnbrooks.ca BOOTH: 242 CONTACT: Stacey Minkhorst
FROM THE CROWN DOWN. Doghouse/Water Tanks, Combination Buildings, Pump House Buildings, Boiler Buildings, Substructures, Mud Tanks, Hydraulic Catwalks, Derricks, Drawworks, Flock Tanks, and more!
In-house engineering & drafting Quality assurance measures Recertification, inspections & repair services Customer satisfaction is our main priority. Contact us today!
Nisku, AB CAN 780.955.7610 info@doallmetal.com
Glenburn, ND USA 701.362.7419
www.doallmetal.com s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
kAl tiRe
25 3 St SE Weyburn Sk S4h 2B7 PHONE: (306) 842-6661 FAX: (306) 842-0055 EMAIL: dustin_stokes@kaltire.com WEBSITE: www.kaltire.com BOOTH: 466 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Stop by our outside booth to see us. We will have a variety of tires on display. tires to meet all your needs from personal to commercial use. We have a reliable 24-hour commercial service truck available, along with two other service trucks to meet all your service needs. CONTACT: Dustin Stokes
kilOWAttS deSiGn cOmPAny inc 90-2150 29 St nE calgary aB t1Y 7G4 PHONE: (403) 272-9404 FAX: (403) 272-9433 EMAIL: tgrimshire@kilowatts.com WEBSITE: www.kilowatts.com BOOTH: 98 PRODUCT/SERVICE: kilowatts Design has 28 years’ experience providing leading automation and electrical design, project management and implementation services. our measurement services group assists clients with analysis, procedures and recommendations to solve regulatory and material balance problems. Proven turnkey systems for truck/rail product loading add to our range of automation solutions. CONTACT: taryl Grimshire
kinG’S eneRGy SeRviceS ltd
kRAmeR ltd
277-28042 hwy 11 red Deer county aB t4S 2L4 PHONE: (403) 343-2822 FAX: (403) 347-1470 EMAIL: mlizee@kingsenergy.com WEBSITE: www.kingsenergy.com BOOTH: 12 PRODUCT/SERVICE: king’s Energy Services Ltd. maintains a commitment towards the highest quality of instrumentation, valve products and services. For over 30 years, king’s has specialized in providing services throughout western canada. With our extensive fleet of service vehicles, king’s can handle large or small projects quickly, efficiently, safely and economically. CONTACT: Mark Lizee
Po Box 707 Stn Main regina Sk S4P 3a8 PHONE: (306) 949-6269 FAX: (306) 949-6277 EMAIL: bms@kramer.ca WEBSITE: www.kramer.ca BOOTH: 602 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Saskatchewan’s cat dealer since 1944. Full line includes track-type tractors, excavators, backhoe loaders, skid steer loaders, generators and motor graders. Product support services include customer support agreements, custom track service, custom hydraulic service and SoS fluid analysis service. CONTACT: Becki Schultz
D W M n: a merging of diverse elements
FU.SION into a unified whole
SYSTEMS FUSION MWD Cathedral’s modular FUSION MWD System has taken the industry to a new level by offering leading edge components and capabilities into a single system providing communication, navigating target trajectory and accuracy. While data is being stored to memory, this system provides reliable performance in today’s aggressive drilling environment.
Drilling + Completions
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
kRJ cuStOm FAbRicAtinG ltd
kti limited
Po Box 657 Estevan Sk S4a 2a5 PHONE: (306) 634-9955 FAX: (306) 634-8876 EMAIL: krj.f@sasktel.net BOOTH: 415 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Specializing in custom-made aluminum and steel tool boxes, fuel tanks and cabinets of all sizes. Shearing and braking up to 10 foot x 1/4 inch plates. aluminum, steel or stainless steel repairs also available. computerized plasmacutter system for all your shape-, letter-, and sign-cutting needs. CONTACT: ken Mehler
60-4216 54 ave SE calgary aB t2c 2E3 PHONE: (403) 509-0151 FAX: (403) 509-0154 EMAIL: brightja@ktiltd.on.ca WEBSITE: www.ktiltd.on.ca BOOTH: 212 PRODUCT/SERVICE: kti Limited is an industry leader in the distribution of high-quality products and services to the canadian natural gas, oil and electric industries. our commitment is to bring unparalleled long-term sustainable value to our customers by providing innovative solutions through leading-edge technologies, competitive pricing and value-added services. kti Limited represents leading manufacturers including: r.W. Lyall (distribution system products), kWh Pipe (polyethylene pipe), rahn Plastics (polyethylene fittings), Mueller co. (pipeline products and tapping equipment), honeywell-Donkin rMG (regulators, oPcos, relief valves, prefabricated stations), Flowservenordstrom (iron & steel plug valves, PE valves), cameron (ball valves) and Sensus (gas & electric meters
and automated metering infrastructure, project management–installation and consulting). our experience and understanding of the industries provides the basis for our comprehensive, flexible and value-added solutions that improve your bottomline profitability. CONTACT: John Bright
mARkSmen veGetAtiOn mAnAGement inc
luFkin induStRieS cAnAdA ltd
mAtRix SOlutiOnS inc
1050-808 4 ave SW calgary aB t2P 3E8 PHONE: (403) 234-7692 FAX: (403) 265-6913 EMAIL: bmcknight@lufkin.com WEBSITE: www.lufkin.ca BOOTH: 459 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Lufkin industries has supplied pumping units in canada for over 60 years. Lufkin also provides technology to help producers design and optimize their pumping systems. CONTACT: Bill Mcknight
Po Box 3432 regina Sk S0G 3c0 PHONE: (306) 535-8008 FAX: (306) 731-2792 EMAIL: murray@marksmeninc.com BOOTH: 66 CONTACT: Murray Froehlich
Po Box 279 Weyburn Sk S4h 2k1 PHONE: (306) 842-3088 FAX: (306) 842-3356 EMAIL: chutt@matrix-solutions.com WEBSITE: www.matrix-solutions.com BOOTH: 527 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Matrix Solutions provides services in initial spill response, Phase i and ii site assessments, flare pit remediation, spill remediation, lease reclamation, pre-site assessments, real-time aerial photography utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles, electromagnetic surveys, groundwater investigations, design and operation of groundwater collection systems, and environmental impact statements. CONTACT: Jon hutt
Stewart Steel Inc. Industrial and Oilfield Fabrication Weyburn, Saskatchewan (306) 842-4411 or toll-free (866) 940-4411 Located in Weyburn, Stewart Steel is ideally positioned to serve drilling and well servicing companies in Southeast Saskatchewan from their 40,000 sq. ft. facility.
Rolling Stock
offering also includes an in-house design department (utilizing 3-D “Solidworks”) and a combination water-jet-plasma cutting table for precision parts production. A full-service paint facility rounds out their offering.
Whether your requirements are simple or complex, one-of-akind, multiples, or anything in-between, you can depend on Stewart Steel Inc. to deliver to your spec. When you’re working in S.E. Saskatchewan, put Stewart Steel to work for you!
- Dog Houses - Mud/Pump Trailers - Pipe Racks & Tubs
- Mud Tanks - Shale Tanks - Storage Tanks
Structural - Stands & Towers - Catwalks & Platforms - Ladders, Stairs & Rails
Check out our project galleries at... www.stewartsteel.com s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
microbial solutions
Photo: Brian Zinchuk, the pipeline news
control & eliminate paraffin, iron sulphides and asphaltenes in oilfield production and injection wells.
the environmentally friendly alternative.
Red Deer, AB
403.686.7020 306.486.2110
Calgary, AB
Frobisher, SK
CUSTOMS BROKERS Forwarders & Consultants Export/Import Specialists EDI Networking
International Package Express Service (IPX) North Portal (306) 927-2165 352-2662 244-4847 969-2126 694-4322
Nationwide Services Web Site: www.percydavis.com E-mail: info@percydavis.com
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
m-i SWAcO
475 henderson Dr regina Sk S4n 5W8 PHONE: (306) 721-9700 FAX: (306) 721-3993 EMAIL: djhall@maximinc.com WEBSITE: www.maximinc.com BOOTH: 467, 468, 469, 470 PRODUCT/SERVICE: international trucks: new and used trucks (over 300 units), arnes complete line of trailers, castleton steel grain trailers, tempke aluminum trailers, Eager Beaver trailers, Pintle trailer to 50 tonne, daily rental of tractors, vans and grain trailers, and parts and service for the above equipment. CONTACT: Jay hall
805 Government rd S Weyburn Sk S4h 2V1 PHONE: (306) 842-0307 FAX: (306) 842-1275 EMAIL: tgallant@miswaco.com BOOTH: 436 PRODUCT/SERVICE: complete line of solids control equipment, including shale shakers, along with drilling fluids and production chemicals. CONTACT: todd Gallant, Sam Bachorick
mAxxAm AnAlyticS inc 114-116 research Dr Saskatoon Sk S7n 3r3 PHONE: (306) 249-1014 FAX: (306) 249-1015 EMAIL: kmalanowich@maxxam.ca BOOTH: 287 CONTACT: karen Malanowich
mci SOlutiOnS
Regina ......................(306) Saskatoon ................(306) Regway ....................(306) Moose Jaw ..............(306)
mAxim tRuck & tRAileR
SS 2 Site 26 comp 2 Fort St John Bc V1J 4M7 PHONE: (250) 263-0977 FAX: (250) 263-0978 EMAIL: chris@mcisolutions.ca WEBSITE: www.mcisolutions.ca BOOTH: 255 CONTACT: chris kane
micROHARd SyStemS inc 150 country hills Landing nW calgary aB t3k 5P3 PHONE: (403) 606-1553 FAX: (403) 248-2762 EMAIL: snarvla@microhardcorp.com WEBSITE: www.microhardcorp.com BOOTH: 216 CONTACT: Samarth narvla
midWeSt SuRveyS inc 2827 Sunridge Blvd nE calgary aB t1Y 6G1 PHONE: (403) 244-7471 FAX: (403) 291-9471 EMAIL: cmccarthy@midwestsurveys.com WEBSITE: www.midwestsurveys.com BOOTH: 62 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Midwest Surveys is a professional landsurveying firm specializing in providing geomatics services to the oil
and gas industry. With offices in Saskatchewan, alberta and British columbia, Midwest’s services include land surveying, mapping, municipal, legal and pipeline right-of-way surveys, Saskatchewan/alberta 1 call line locating, GiS, GPS and pipeline construction and integrity surveys. CONTACT: Steve Drew
millennium diRectiOnAl SeRvice ltd Po Box 1570 carlyle Sk S0c 0r0 PHONE: (306) 453-2533 FAX: (306) 453-2534 EMAIL: autumn@millenniumdirectional.com WEBSITE: www.millenniumdirectional.com BOOTH: 239 CONTACT: Jared riddell
milliGAn biO-tecH inc Po Box 130 Foam Lake Sk S0a 1a0 PHONE: (306) 272-6284 FAX: (306) 272-6283 EMAIL: sclayton@milliganbiotech.ca WEBSITE: www.milliganbiotech.com BOOTH: 515 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Milligan Biotech inc., incorporated in 1996 and based in Foam Lake, Sk, is a company that is breaking through the barriers of value-added production in rural canada. using off-grade and heated canola to produce bio-diesel, diesel fuel conditioner, penetrating oil and road dust suppressant, Milligan Bio-tech is providing quality bio-diesel solutions. CONTACT: Simone clayton
minARd’S leiSuRe WORld Po Box 785 Weyburn Sk S4h 2k8 PHONE: (306) 842-3288 FAX: (306) 842-0707 EMAIL: gmlw@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.minardsleisureworld.com BOOTH: 620, 621, 622 PRODUCT/SERVICE: rental and sales of office trailers and roughnecks; service and parts for office trailers, roughnecks and rVs. CONTACT: Gene Minard
mObile dAtA tecHnOlOGieS 9, 101a-26230 twp rd 531a acheson aB t7X 5a4 PHONE: (780) 962-2825 FAX: (780) 962-2829 EMAIL: blair@mobiledatatech.ca WEBSITE: www.mobiledatatech.ca BOOTH: 247, 248 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Mobile Data technologies (MDt) is a high-growth technology company focused on bringing the most advanced and robust data-acquisition products to the oil and gas industry. Specializing in pressure trucks, n2 pumpers and hot oilers, MDt also has new products launching in 2011 for datavans and coiled tubing units, including a pipe-fatigue tracking module. CONTACT: Blair thornhill
mOduS mOdulAR StRuctuReS inc
Dewatering Power Rental Services
Pumps, Generators, Piping & Accessories Bay 10, 3111 Millar Ave. Saskatoon S7K 6N3 T. 306.933.4849 F. 306.931.0051
Po Box 730 Swift current Sk S9h 3W7 PHONE: (306) 770-3200 FAX: (306) 773-9005 EMAIL: tmacisaac@modusinc.ca WEBSITE: www.modusinc.ca BOOTH: 33 PRODUCT/SERVICE: MoDuS uses the latest advances to produce structures that deliver superior performance, durability, energy efficiency, and enhanced health and safety. our products can be tailored for relocatable and permanent modular construction, and utilized with traditional building methods to give unique architectural appeal or to match your existing structures. CONTACT: tanja Macisaac
mOOSe mOuntAin mud Po Box 32 carlyle Sk S0c 0r0 PHONE: (306) 453-4411 FAX: (306) 453-4404 EMAIL: sbourhis@mmmud.ca BOOTH: 460 CONTACT: Jason Waugh
Tremcar Aluminum TC-407 crude oil non-insulated trailer 38 000 L, Intraax suspension
Visit our new web site: WWW.TREMCAR.COM
2174 Airport Dr., Suite 103, Saskatoon, SK S7L 6M6 DARREN WILLIAMS V.P. Sales Tel.: 306-931-9777 / Fax: 306-931-9778 williamsd@tremcar.com
STEVE PAYIE S.W. Sales Representative Cell: 306-570-9190 payies@tremcar.com
TREMCAR WEST 5 – 22nd Avenue, P.O. Box 964, Weyburn, SK S4H 2L2 Tel.: 306-842-6100 / Fax: 306-842-6101 SUZANNA NOSTADT — V.P. Operations
790, Montrichard Avenue, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (Québec) J2X 5G4 Tel.: 450-347-7822 or 1-800-363-2158 Fax: 450-347-8372
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
mRc midField
ESTEVAN PLASTIC PRODUCTS LTD. Your One-Stop Shop for Fibreglass Tanks
500 Barrel: 1 piece Fibreglass Tank 15' diameter x 16' high 650 Barrel: 1 piece Fibreglass Tank 15' diameter x 20' high 780 Barrel: 1 piece Fibreglass Tank 15' diameter x 25' high 400 Barrel: 12' diameter x 20' high 500 Barrel: 12' diameter x 25' high 100 Barrel: Pop Tanks 10' diameter x 7' 6'' high with a 16'' pop valve in the deck
Also Manufacturers of: • Fibreglass Belt Guards • Internal Fibreglass of Steel Tanks
• Tank Skimmers • Insulated Wellhead Shelters
website: www.estevanplastics.ca
email: eppl@sasktel.net
Toll Free: 1-888-638-6433 or 1-306-634-6400 Plant: 1-306-388-2344 Fax: 1-306-634-7828
7072 112 ave SE calgary aB t2c 4Z1 PHONE: (403) 233-7166 FAX: (403) 262-1695 WEBSITE: www.mrcmidfield.com BOOTH: 86, 87, 88
nAlcO cAnAdA eneRGy SeRviceS 180-3553 31 St nW calgary aB t2L 2k7 PHONE: (403) 284-6275 FAX: (403) 282-2926 WEBSITE: www.nalco.com BOOTH: 241 CONTACT: Frank cosman
neWAltA cORPORAtiOn OilField SeRviceS Po Box 218 Weyburn Sk S4h 2J9 PHONE: (306) 458-2419 FAX: (306) 458-2774 EMAIL: dschmidt@newalta.com BOOTH: 60 PRODUCT/SERVICE: nEWaLta – better ways to manage waste. newalta realizes the value in waste through recovery of saleable products. through 41 integrated facilities, we deliver world-class solutions to producers. Waste collected, such as drilling wastes, well workover wastes, tank bottoms, spill material, frac fluid and sludges. CONTACT: Dale Schmidt
nilex inc YOUR PRESSURE CONNECTION WIL-TECH Industries Ltd. specializes in the supply of quality hydraulic products and services for oil field, mining, agriculture and industrial applications. Our technical expertise, custom design capabilities, vendor business partner networking enables rapid response and unique solutions to maximize customer productivity. ESTEVAN (306)634-6743 new REGINA branch (306)721-1559 www.WIL-TECH.ca
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
9304 39 ave nW Edmonton aB t6E 6L8 PHONE: (780) 463-9535 FAX: (780) 463-1773 EMAIL: sdusyk@nilex.com WEBSITE: www.nilex.com BOOTH: 289 PRODUCT/SERVICE: nilex civil Environmental Group products and technologies lessens environmental impact of construction projects by protecting surface and groundwater, and minimizing the need for natural aggregate and fill materials. applications: roads, mechanically stabilized earth, walls and slopes, erosion and sediment control, containment, drainage. CONTACT: cindy reekie
nORbeRt’S mAnuFActuRinG ltd Po Box 280 Glenboro MB r0k 0X0 PHONE: (204) 827-2015 FAX: (204) 827-2495 EMAIL: sales1@norberts.com WEBSITE: www.norberts.com BOOTH: 452 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Full line of flat deck, utility, enclosed, boiler and oilfield change trailers. CONTACT: norbert collet
nORRiS PROductiOn SOlutiOnS 9530 60 ave Edmonton aB t6E 0c1 PHONE: (780) 434-8566 FAX: (780) 435-2124 EMAIL: bparrott@aot.ab.ca BOOTH: 226, 227 CONTACT: Brittany Parrott
nORtHeRn Steel induStRieS Po Box 1718 tisdale Sk S0E 1a0 PHONE: (306) 873-1218 FAX: (306) 873-2252 EMAIL: dforsyth@westeel.com BOOTH: 217 CONTACT: Doug Forsyth
nOv FluidcOntROl, bRAndt PROduct SAleS 1600-540 5 ave SW calgary aB t2P 0M2 PHONE: (403) 303-3450 FAX: (403) 263-8488 WEBSITE: www.nov.com BOOTH: 420, 421 PRODUCT/SERVICE: noV Fluidcontrol’s focus is minimizing fluids use, reducing disposal costs and improving overall drilling and production performance. Services range from solids control and waste management to drilling and completion fluids. noV Portable Power is a provider of portable generators, temperature control equipment and diesel light towers. CONTACT: clyde Bonnell, Greg Ward
Oil SPill cOntinGency GROuPS #4 & #5
PAnAmA enteRPRiSeS (1990) inc
1733 Eaglesham ave Weyburn Sk S4h 2W8 PHONE: (306) 842-8151 FAX: (306) 842-8151 EMAIL: lmohl@accesscomm.ca WEBSITE: www.saskoilspill.com BOOTH: 526 PRODUCT/SERVICE: the oil Spill contingency is an oil spill co-op. there are 98 members from the Weyburn and Estevan areas. the oil spill co-op supplies training and field equipment for the first response to an oil spill in areas #4 & #5. CONTACT: Laurel Mohl
11850 149 St nW Edmonton aB t5V 1P2 PHONE: (780) 452-5757 FAX: (780) 452-5767 EMAIL: panamawindsocks@telus.net WEBSITE: www.panamawindsocks.ca BOOTH: 204 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Windsocks and frames, flags, Morgan chemical injectors (no-leak), atomizers, screw pump markers and more. CONTACT: angela Johnson
OPtimum OilField inStRumentAtiOn ltd Po Box 2231 kindersley Sk S0L 1S0 PHONE: (306) 463-3811 FAX: (306) 463-6032 EMAIL: oil.instruments@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.ooil.ca BOOTH: 213 PRODUCT/SERVICE: computer numerical control machine shop, research and development, design, products, leak detection, gland system, fluid sampler and pump jack engine (kohler). CONTACT: Mark thornton
PAlkO enviROnmentAl ltd Po Box 148 Midale Sk S0c 1S0 PHONE: (306) 458-2988 FAX: (306) 458-2721 EMAIL: jasonp@palko.com WEBSITE: www.palko.com BOOTH: 238 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Palko Environmental Ltd. provides waste management and resource recovery solutions to the oil and gas industry in western canada. Palko is committed to providing superior value and solutions to customers. this means reviewing all potential alternatives and then implementing waste, water and oil treatment, and solutions that are economically attractive, technically feasible and environmentally sound. CONTACT: Jason Peterson
PAntHeR dRillinG cORPORAtiOn Po Box 1479 Weyburn Sk S4h 3n8 PHONE: (306) 842-7370 FAX: (306) 842-7372 WEBSITE: www.pantherdrilling.ca BOOTH: 416 PRODUCT/SERVICE: 100% Saskatchewan-owned and operated drilling company based in southeast Saskatchewan. Panther Drilling presently operates three state-ofthe-art drilling rigs. CONTACT: Bernie Bjorndalen
Experience the difference. Responsive financial advisors helping to build stronger Oil and Gas businesses across the Prairies.
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PeAk eneRGy SeRviceS Po Box 332 Lampman Sk S0c 1n0 PHONE: (306) 487-3219 FAX: (306) 487-2425 EMAIL: lfleck@pesl.com WEBSITE: www.peak-energy.com BOOTH: 453, 454 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Peak Energy Services is a diversified energy services organization providing oilfield equipment and related services throughout western canada and the midwestern united States. Peak Energy provides a full range of drilling and production surface rentals, camps/catering and wellsites, wastewater treatment systems, slickline wireline services and fluids handling. CONTACT: Leanne Fleck
• Tandem, Tridem Quad Sour Sealed Units
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New, Used & Rebuilt Parts & Service for Heavy Trucks Surpassing all expectations of quality USED truck parts Distributor for PAI, NEW replacement parts for Mack, Cummins, IHC, Caterpillar, Detroit, Eaton and Rockwell Major rebuilder of transmissions & differentials Supply and install of complete NEW wet kits
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s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
PetROleum tecHnOlOGy ReSeARcH centRe (PtRc) 6 research Dr regina Sk S4S 7J7 PHONE: (306) 787-1113 FAX: (306) 798-4908 EMAIL: jolene.goulden@ptrc.ca WEBSITE: www.ptrc.ca BOOTH: 264 PRODUCT/SERVICE: the Ptrc conducts innovative research and development in these core areas: miscible/immiscible gas injection, enhanced waterflooding, (post) cold-flow, near-wellbore conformance control. Partners university of regina and Saskatchewan research council enable research continuum from fundamental to field pilot stage. associated expertise includes pipe flow technology, mobile pilot lab and intepretive petroleum/environmental analysis. CONTACT: Jolene Goulden
PinAcle StAinleSS Steel inc 9-3603 Millar ave Saskatoon Sk S7P 0B2 PHONE: (306) 382-2811 FAX: (306) 374-8937 EMAIL: sion@pinacle.ca BOOTH: 58, 59 PRODUCT/SERVICE: canada’s leading distributor of stainless, duplex, and specialty alloy steel pipe, tube, fittings, flanges, valves and fasteners. Warehouses located in Saskatoon, Edmonton, Montreal, toronto and Moncton. CONTACT: Scott ion
PiOneeR PROFeSSiOnAl SeRviceS GROuP 418B McDonald St regina Sk S4n 6E1 PHONE: (306) 737-8869 FAX: (306) 584-3066 EMAIL: pblenkhorn@pioneer-group.ca BOOTH: 210 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Land services (surface, mineral), environmental services (reclamation, remediation, spill response, permitting, planning, drilling waste), vegetation management (spraying, mulching, mowing), safety services (programs, emergency response planning, transportation). CONTACT: Paul Blenkhorn
PiPetecH cORPORAtiOn ltd 3311 114 ave SE calgary aB t2Z 3X2 PHONE: (403) 287-3558 FAX: (403) 243-6279 EMAIL: terry@pipetechcorp.com WEBSITE: www.pipetechcorp.com BOOTH: 15 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Pipetech helps companies maintain the integrity of their pipeline assets while optimizing flow rates. our technicians draw from multi-layered sources of technical knowledge and field expertise to help companies troubleshoot rigging problems, then choose and use the best products and methods for aggressive yet cost-effective maintenance and batch inhibition programs, ensuring the viability and reliability of the pipeline. CONTACT: terry Lotwin
PlAinS enviROnmentAl inc Po Box 519 Melville Sk S0a 2P0 PHONE: (306) 728-3636 FAX: (306) 728-3660 EMAIL: pein@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.plainsenvironmental.com BOOTH: 283 PRODUCT/SERVICE: oilfield, industrial, and naturally occurring radioactive material waste disposal, including contaminated soils and solids, liquids, sludge, contaminated waters, lubricants, solvents, drilling mud, servicing fluids and other industrial wastes. CONTACT: Wade hillier
PlAinSmAn mFG. inc 8305 Mcintyre rd nW Edmonton aB t6E 5J7 PHONE: (780) 496-9800 FAX: (780) 463-9800 EMAIL: dsegberg@plainsmanmfg.com WEBSITE: www.plainsmanmfg.com BOOTH: 51, 52 CONTACT: Dean Segberg
POlycORe tubulAR lininGS 1010 1 ave E Bow island aB t0k 0G0 PHONE: (403) 545-2935 FAX: (403) 545-2937 EMAIL: dcottrell@polycore.ca BOOTH: 278 CONTACT: Don cottrell
PRAiRie mObile cOmmunicAtiOnS 2622a Faithfull ave Saskatoon Sk S7k 5W3 PHONE: (306) 933-2667 FAX: (306) 933-2977 EMAIL: dfortosky@prairiemobile.com WEBSITE: www.prairiemobile.com BOOTH: 26 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Prairie Mobile communications is one of the largest wireless communications companies in western canada. We provide sales and service for GPS/ automatic vehicle location tracking/messaging/reporting solutions with remote intrinsically safe panic alarms, supervisory data and control acquisition, satellite, cellular and two-way radio systems including roiP (radio over internet protocol). CONTACT: cory Stinson
PRAiRie WeSteRn ReclAmAtiOn & cOnSt inc Po Box 27 Bienfait Sk S0c 0M0 PHONE: (306) 388-2652 FAX: (306) 388-2345 EMAIL: prairie.western@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.prairiewestern.com BOOTH: 455, 456 PRODUCT/SERVICE: PWr is a land reclamation and oilfield construction company that offers a complete line of environmental services, oilfield maintenance, gravel hauling, heavy equipment, grading, snow removal, mobile steam cleaning and many other products and services. CONTACT: kathy Gibson
PReciSiOn RentAlS Po Box 310 Estevan Sk S4a 2a4 PHONE: (306) 461-9107 FAX: (306) 634-6599 EMAIL: kgreening@precisiondrilling.com BOOTH: 451 PRODUCT/SERVICE: rentals on wellsite trailers and surface equipment (tanks, shale bins, flare tanks and frac manifolds). CONTACT: kim Greening
PROPAk eneRGy SeRviceS ltd 619 henderson Dr regina Sk S4n 6a8 PHONE: (306) 775-3223 FAX: (306) 775-3228 EMAIL: cvance@propakenergy.com WEBSITE: www.propakenergy.com BOOTH: 48, 49, 64, 65 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Propak Energy Services provides parts and service for natural gas compression and process equipment worldwide, specializing in engine, compressor, pump and power generation service, refrigeration, dehydration, plant startup, refurbishing, overhauls and revamps. We offer local service in SE Saskatchewan from our regional office in Weyburn. CONTACT: cal Vance
“Ryan’s project execution in the field is what makes the difference.”
queStOR tecHnOlOGy inc 420-1414 8 St SW calgary aB t2r 1J6 PHONE: (403) 539-4374 FAX: (403) 571-1539 EMAIL: rstagg@questortech.com WEBSITE: www.questortech.com BOOTH: 502 CONTACT: ritchie Stagg
Ryan Energy Technologies 2800, 500-4th Ave SW Calgary, AB T2P 2V6 PH: 403-269-5981
RAydAn mAnuFActuRinG inc 601 18 ave nisku aB t9E 7t7 TOLL FREE: (888) 472-9326 FAX: (780) 955-2386 EMAIL: gmcdonald@raydanmfg.com WEBSITE: www.raydanmfg.com BOOTH: 29, 30 PRODUCT/SERVICE: raydan’s rear air Link is the only air ride capable of providing the three most wanted benefits: high roll stability, smooth ride and low maintenance. raydan’s air Link for tandem steer is the only air ride walking beam suspension on the market today. it provides continuous equal-weight distribution, a smooth ride, and high roll stability. CONTACT: Gord McDonald
Hydro Excavation Daylighting Combo-vac Trucks Steam Units Free Standing Rod Rigs
www.courageoilfield.com Office: (306) 485-7770
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Does your oilfield waste go to a safe place?
Did you know that Plains Environmental is the first class 1A rated disposal facility in Saskatchewan and that our facility secures your waste from ground, water, as well as airborne contamination?
Did you know that our facility is the only one in Saskatchewan fully licensed to accept Upstream, Midstream, Downstream, norM and Industrial waste?
There is a safer way to dispose of your waste.
PLAINS ENVIRONMENTAL INC. For more information Phone (306) 728-3636 Or look us up on www.plainsenvironmental.com
Rebel metAl FAbRicAtORS ltd 7911 Edgar industrial Dr red Deer aB t4P 3r2 PHONE: (403) 314-2265 FAX: (403) 314-2249 EMAIL: dhirsekorn@mccoyglobal.com WEBSITE: www.mccoyglobal.com BOOTH: 510 PRODUCT/SERVICE: We manufacture several types of vacuum trucks for transporting dangerous goods, fluids, wastes, and solids; cleaning up spills; cleaning out tanks; and disposing of septic materials. all units, such as vacuum equipment, hydrovac units, combinations, trailer-mounted units and specialty equipment, are easy to use and powerful enough for the toughest jobs. CONTACT: Duane hirsekorn
RedHeAd equiPment ltd 705 henderson Dr regina Sk S4n 6a8 PHONE: (306) 721-2666 FAX: (306) 790-3466 EMAIL: may.fischer@redheadequipment.ca WEBSITE: www.redheadequipment.ca BOOTH: 400, 401 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Mack trucks, case construction equipment and Volvo construction equipment. CONTACT: May Fischer
Rice enGineeRinG & OPeRAtinG ltd
Come visit us at Booth #606! 1155 MacKay Street, Regina, SK S4N 4X9 (306) 721-9575 Fax: (306) 721-2214
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
9333 41 ave nW Edmonton aB t6E 6r5 PHONE: (780) 469-1356 FAX: (780) 469-2587 EMAIL: info@riceeng.com WEBSITE: www.riceeng.com BOOTH: 286 PRODUCT/SERVICE: rice Engineering will be featuring duoline technologies - internal lining systems for oilfield tubulars and Bowie Pumps of canada - the market leader in rotary pumps. CONTACT: Mike Posson, Mike kunyk
ROckOil SyneRGieS inc 3916 44 ave camrose aB t4h 3h2 TOLL FREE: (877) 678-2360 EMAIL: dwoods@rockoil.ca WEBSITE: www.rockoil.ca BOOTH: 240 PRODUCT/SERVICE: rockoil Synergies is a fully integrated oil and gas field service organization that provides expertise in wellsite operations and maintenance, automation technology services, and oil and gas production optimization. our integrity is built on delivering a complete, integrated solution from reservoir to tank. CONTACT: Derek Woods
SAFe-tee mAnAGement Po Box 209 oxbow Sk S0c 2B0 PHONE: (306) 483-2480 FAX: (306) 483-2145 EMAIL: s.galloway@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.safe-tee.com BOOTH: 1, 412 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Safetee Management (StM) is Saskatchewan’s most comprehensive occupational health and safety company. With total safety programming, industrial hearing testing, on-site safety supervision, first aid services, accident investigation, cPr/first aid, h2S, tDG, WhMiS, confined space and program audits, we have the experience and expertise to develop, implement and maintain your oh&S program. StM also has an extensive WcB claims management department to assist in return-to-work development and claims management. Mobile treatment units with EMts for fracs, drilling and high hazard work. CONTACT: Shirley Galloway
SAnJel cORPORAtiOn 200-505 2 St SW calgary aB t2P 1n8 PHONE: (403) 716-0396 FAX: (403) 716-4024 EMAIL: vallen@sanjel.com WEBSITE: www.sanjel.com BOOTH: 472 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Sanjel corporation is a canadian-based international oilfield service company with over two and a half decades of industry experience. as a major competitor in the global oil and gas market and the largest privately owned oilfield service company in canada, Sanjel offers five specialized
service lines in acidizing, cementing, coiled tubing, fracturing and nitrogen – each complete with our own broad range of specialized products and custom-designed and manufactured equipment. Driven by pride and recognized for performance, Sanjel transforms our industry-leading technology into customized solutions and superior job execution.
SASkAtcHeWAn eneRGy tRAininG inStitute 255 Spruce Dr Estevan Sk S4a 2V6 PHONE: (306) 634-4796 FAX: (306) 634-8060 WEBSITE: www.southeastcollege.org BOOTH: 203, 438 PRODUCT/SERVICE: through partnerships with various safety organizations and safety associations, the Saskatchewn Energy training institute (Est. 1990) delivers a variety of technical, environmental and safety-related courses and certifications for the energy and industry sectors of southeast Saskatchewan and beyond. Main campuses are located in assiniboia, Estevan, Moosomin and Weyburn. CONTACT: Dave harazny
SASkAtcHeWAn miniStRy OF eneRGy And ReSOuRceS 200-2103 11 ave regina Sk S4P 3Z8 PHONE: (306) 787-8360 FAX: (306) 787-2198 EMAIL: linda.ungar@gov.sk.ca WEBSITE: www.er.gov.sk.ca BOOTH: 263 PRODUCT/SERVICE: the Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and resources works to ensure full and sustainable development of the province’s rich oil and gas resources. the ministry supports business growth in the industry and promotes the province as a good place in which to live, work, invest and do business. CONTACT: Linda ungar
SASkAtcHeWAn miniStRy OF lAbOuR RelAtiOnS & WORkPlAce SAFety 400-1870 albert St regina Sk S4P 4W1 PHONE: (306) 787-4507 FAX: (306) 787-2208 EMAIL: ray.anthony@gov.sk.ca BOOTH: 209
SASkAtcHeWAn SAFety cOuncil 445 hoffer Dr regina Sk S4n 6E2 PHONE: (306) 757-3197 FAX: (306) 569-1907 EMAIL: doliver@sasksafety.org WEBSITE: www.sasksafety.org BOOTH: 284 PRODUCT/SERVICE: When experience matters, the Saskatchewan Safety council is there to provide the most current safety training in Saskatchewan. contact us today to see how we can help you with all of your safety training needs. CONTACT: Debbie oliver
SASktel 1825 Lorne St regina Sk S4P 3n1 PHONE: (306) 777-2522 FAX: (306) 777-2525 EMAIL: cameron.hutchings@sasktel.sk.ca WEBSITE: www.sasktel.com BOOTH: 93 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Sasktel is the leading full-service communications provider in Saskatchewan. Visit our booth and let our experts help you and your business grow. CONTACT: cameron hutchings
Manufacturer of: • Water storage tanks up to 12,000 imp. gal. • Water hauling tanks • Chemical tanks • Secondary containment basins • 100, 300, 500 & 1,000 gallon double wall tanks
7520 Yellowhead Trail, Edmonton, Alberta, T5B 1G3 Ph: (780) 474-7440 Fax: (780) 474-3454 Toll Free: 1-888-474-7441
Now Open in Grande Prairie www.norwescocanada.com Email: info@norwescocanada.com
ScHlumbeRGeR cAnAdA limited PHONE: (403) 509-4416 FAX: (403) 509-4021 EMAIL: lvogel@slb.com BOOTH: 40, 41 CONTACT: Lori Vogel
SilveR FOx cOmPletiOn SeRviceS inc 202-307 28042 hwy 11 red Deer aB t4S 2L4 PHONE: (403) 342-1640 FAX: (403) 342-1643 EMAIL: general@silverfoxcs.ca WEBSITE: www.silverfoxcs.ca BOOTH: 244 CONTACT: kelly kykkanen
Scott Anita Keith Dave
861-1001 861-7305 861-2243 452-8401
Ryan Chantal Brett Spare
458-7790 861-9796 891-6303 891-6966
• Fluid Levels • Dynamometers • Pressure Surveys • Foam Depressions • Equipment Sales Rentals & Repairs • Repairs done on all models including: Sonolog Echometer, DX etc. • Major parts & supplies in stock at all times P.O. Box 4, Midale SK., S0C 1S0 Phone: (306) 458-2367 or (306) 861-1001 Fax: (306) 458-2373 Email: 247enterprisesltd@sasktel.net
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
SimARk cOntROlS ltd
SPARtAn cOntROlS ltd
10509 46 St SE calgary aB t2c 5c2 PHONE: (403) 236-0580 FAX: (403) 279-6553 EMAIL: mark.wheeler@simark.com WEBSITE: www.simark.com BOOTH: 74 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Simark controls Ltd. is a service-oriented, “value added” distributing company specializing in the sales and service of high-quality instrumentation, automation and power products as follows: General Monitors gas and flame detectors, control Microsystems ScaDa, gas flow and automation products, aBB low voltage drives, Simark turbine flow meters and totalizers. CONTACT: Elias Panasuik
305 27 St SE calgary aB t2a 7V2 PHONE: (403) 207-0700 FAX: (403) 207-0842 EMAIL: info@spartancontrols.com WEBSITE: www.spartancontrols.com BOOTH: 77, 92 CONTACT: chad Vollman
Site eneRGy SeRviceS
xperts for Experts
Po Box 340 carnduff Sk S0c 0S0 PHONE: (306) 482-5107 FAX: (306) 482-5256 EMAIL: mwinter@siteenergy.com WEBSITE: www.siteenergy.com BOOTH: 84, 434, 435 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Site Energy Services has the expertise to complete a wide range of projects including pipelines in steel, fibreglass and polyethylene, pipeline, plant and facility construction, lease construction and reclamation services, directional drilling, trenching and ploughing for electrical and pipeline construction, large borrow pits, sumps, ditches and dugouts, power generation rentals and aggregate supply. CONTACT: Mike Winter
SmS equiPment 2351 albert St n regina Sk S4P 3c6 PHONE: (306) 359-3121 FAX: (306) 347-8581 EMAIL: dmckay@smsequip.com WEBSITE: www.smsequip.com BOOTH: 446, 447, 448 CONTACT: Darcy Mckay
Not too big, not too small – expert solutions just right for your business. Businesses come in all shapes and sizes. That’s why SaskTel offers complete communications solutions expertly tailored to fit the unique needs of your business. With the latest products and services, and the experts to help you get the most from them, SaskTel can help make any business thrive. Visit us at booth #93 in Crescent Point Place. sasktel.com | 1-800-SASKTEL
11STEL2010_SK Oil & Gas Show Print Ad Experts for Experts – SaskTel Business s a1/4 s kpage a t c vertical h E W a–n3.4375” o i l &x 4.625” g a s s h o W 2 0 11 Full colour May 20, 2011
SOutH SASk RAtHOle ltd Po Box 1052 Weyburn Sk S4h 2L3 PHONE: (306) 842-1868 FAX: (306) 842-2039 EMAIL: brucehodgkin@hotmail.com WEBSITE: www.southsaskrathole.ca BOOTH: 524, 525 CONTACT: Bruce hodgkin
SPeARinG SeRviceS lP PHONE: (306) 483-2848 FAX: (306) 483-2910 EMAIL: ssl.ken@sasktel.net BOOTH: 504, 505 CONTACT: ken Mcclement
SPectRum induStRiAl AutOmAticS ltd 5-6721 67 ave red Deer aB t4P 1k3 TOLL FREE: (877) 321-7732 FAX: (403) 314-9011 EMAIL: spectrum@theronmail.com WEBSITE: www.siautomatics.com BOOTH: 243 PRODUCT/SERVICE: allison transmission service, sales and parts specialists. CONTACT: Blair henry
SteRlinG tRuck & tRAileR SAleS ltd 762 McDonald St regina Sk S4n 7M7 PHONE: (306) 525-0466 FAX: (306) 352-7011 EMAIL: aaronb@saskvolvo.com WEBSITE: www.saskvolvo.com BOOTH: 503 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Full sales, service and parts for Volvo heavy trucks and GMc medium-duty trucks, as well as a custom line of highway and construction trailers. CONTACT: aaron Bartoshewski
StARS PHONE: (403) 516-3561 FAX: (403) 274-9569 EMAIL: dknapp@stars.ca BOOTH: 39 CONTACT: Dan knapp
SteWARt Steel inc airport Weyburn Sk PHONE: (306) 842-4411 FAX: (306) 848-3519 EMAIL: info@stewartsteel.com WEBSITE: www.stewartsteel.com BOOTH: 609 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Stewart Steel inc. is a 20,000-square-foot fullservice steel fabrication shop in Weyburn servicing the oil and heavy industrial sectors. our design-buildpaint-deliver capability is your assurance your requirements will be on site, on time.
StRAd eneRGy SeRviceS 600-441 5 ave SW calgary aB t2P 2V1 PHONE: (403) 742-6900 FAX: (403) 742-6901 EMAIL: wlong@stradenergy.com WEBSITE: www.stradenergy.com BOOTH: 207 PRODUCT/SERVICE: our mechanical service team is ready to assist our customers in equipment maintenance and in solving any mechanical problem. We service pumps, compressors, power systems, all makes of engines, electric drives and pump jacks. Strad is iSnetworld-compliant and Behavioral Based Safety (BBS)-compliant. CONTACT: Wayne Long
StReAm-FlO induStRieS ltd 217 3 St Estevan Sk S4a 0n6 PHONE: (306) 634-4719 FAX: (306) 634-3287 EMAIL: dfelgate@streamflo.com WEBSITE: www.streamflo.com BOOTH: 613 PRODUCT/SERVICE: a privately owned and operated canadian company since 1962, Stream-Flo is a leader in the design, development, manufacturing, sales and service of wellhead and christmas tree equipment, emergency shutdown valves and pipeline check valve equipment. all products are manufactured to aPi 6a & 6D specifications and aPi Q1 and iSo 9001 quality programs. CONTACT: Dale Felgate
Summit liAbility SOlutiOnS inc 907B railway ave Weyburn Sk S4h 0B2 PHONE: (306) 842-5420 FAX: (403) 802-3669 EMAIL: tpeck@summitls.ca WEBSITE: www.summitls.ca BOOTH: 69, 70 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Drilling waste management, reclamation and remediation, pre-drilling and pre-acquisition, and summit earth. CONTACT: taylor Peck
Sun cOuntRy Well SeRvicinG Po Box 1656 Estevan Sk S4a 1c2 PHONE: (306) 421-3904 FAX: (306) 634-1200 EMAIL: bbennett@suncountrywellservicing.ca WEBSITE: www.suncountrywellservicing.ca BOOTH: outdoor Show ring CONTACT: Brad Bennett
SuPeRiOR PROPAne 401-140 Bannatyne ave Winnipeg MB r3B 3c5 PHONE: (204) 924-5719 FAX: (204) 924-5718 EMAIL: plummerd@superiorpropane.com BOOTH: 234, 235 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Propane supply and service for all your oilfield requirements. Genset rentals at competitive rates. Superior’s fully trained and licenced service technicians can repair and maintain oilfiled burners and equipment. CONTACT: Myles kachmarski
Natural Gas & Diesel, engines, Generators and hydraulic Pump Skids We Service What We Sell For over 50 YearS.
edmonton, alberta t5l 2r8 t: (780) 484-6213 F: (780) 732-0400 888-887-0008
Delta, B.c. v3M 5S2 t: (604) 525-8529 F: (604) 525-0974 877-438-6560
SuPeRiOR SAFety inc 417 Maxwell cres regina Sk S4n 5X9 PHONE: (306) 525-9505 FAX: (306) 525-4272 EMAIL: mike.melnyk@superiorsafety.ca WEBSITE: www.superiorsafety.ca BOOTH: 257 PRODUCT/SERVICE: We at Superior Safety believe that a total commitment to safety is an integral link in the chain to success. together, by offering you qualified products and services, we can help strengthen that link in your organization. CONTACT: Mike Melnyk
Calgary, AB 1 403 267 6737
Medicine Hat, AB 1 877 548 2700
Weyburn, SK 1 306 577 3324
Lloydminster, AB 1 888 875 5171
Swift Current, SK 1 306 750 1675
info@ddoil.net www.ddoil.net
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
SuR-FlO meteRS & cOntROlS ltd
Slick Drill Collar & Heavy Weight Pipe Rental Weekly & monthly packages available
Call: 306.421.0235 or 306.421.6374
4520 50 ave SE calgary aB t2B 3r4 PHONE: (403) 207-9715 FAX: (403) 207-9440 EMAIL: cundliffer@sur-flo.net WEBSITE: www.sur-flo.net BOOTH: 37 PRODUCT/SERVICE: control valves, liquid turbine meters, gas meter runs and tescom regulators. CONTACT: rick cundliffe
SWAyze cOncRete ltd Po Box 563 Weyburn Sk S4h 2k7 PHONE: (306) 842-6558 FAX: (306) 842-0414 EMAIL: rdswayze@swayzecon.com BOOTH: 535 CONTACT: ryan Swayze
tA StRuctuReS 675 old town rd Sicamous Bc PHONE: (250) 836-3028 FAX: (250) 836-3038 EMAIL: buddy@twinanchors.com WEBSITE: www.tastructures.com BOOTH: 211 CONTACT: Buddy rich
tAm inteRnAtiOnAl Oil SeRviceS ltd 170 Valley Point S. 22555 TWP RD 530 Sherwood Park, AB T8A 4T7
1.877.467.5149 • www.horizoncanada.net MEDICAL
· Mobile Treatment Centre (MTC) · fits all full size pick-up trucks · complies with CMVSS · reinforced fibreglass construction · insulated
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901 Victoria ave Estevan Sk S4a 2a5 PHONE: (306) 634-0027 FAX: (306) 634-0037 EMAIL: ray.vlielander@tam-estevan.com WEBSITE: www.tamintl.com BOOTH: 231 PRODUCT/SERVICE: tam international provides inflatable and swellable packer products and services to the oil and gas industry. Special focus multistage, open-hole sand fraccing can be run on coil or conventional tubing. CONTACT: ray Vlielander
tARcO SyStemS inc 3004 ogden rd SE calgary aB t2G 4n5 PHONE: (403) 265-0955 FAX: (403) 265-0966 EMAIL: ryan.jutte@tarco.com WEBSITE: www.tarco.com BOOTH: 285 CONTACT: ryan Jutte
tARtAn cOntROlS inc 220-1201 5 St SW calgary aB t2r 0Y6 PHONE: (403) 710-2968 FAX: (403) 262-1493 EMAIL: tartan02@telus.net BOOTH: 4, 5 PRODUCT/SERVICE: tartan controls inc. designs, manufacturs and supplies downhole drilling motors for all types of drilling applications. CONTACT: Scott McGillivray
tecHmAtiOn electRic & cOntROlS ltd 6, Bay 3 hwy 39 E Estevan Sk S4a 2h7 PHONE: (306) 634-5664 FAX: (306) 634-4398 EMAIL: ckaiser@techmationelectric.com WEBSITE: www.techmationelectric.com BOOTH: 43, 44 PRODUCT/SERVICE: techmation Electric & controls is a privately owned canadian company providing complete electrical and instrumentation services to all facets of the commercial, heavy industrial, and oil and gas sectors. Please contact us to learn more about our full range of services and how we can offer full value to your company. CONTACT: Blaire Velichko
3tWenty SOlutiOnS Saskatoon Sk PHONE: (306) 717-6360 FAX: (855) 893-6380 EMAIL: info@3twenty.ca WEBSITE: www.3twenty.ca BOOTH: 441 PRODUCT/SERVICE: 3twenty Solutions builds worker accommodations, workspaces and specialty storage solutions for the mining, oil/gas, construction and industrial markets. 3twenty’s products, built out of shipping containers, are durable, transportable and stackable. 3twenty has several relocatable camp designs that can accommodate work forces from a small crew to hundreds of people. CONTACT: Bryan Mccrea
tHRee StAR enviROnmentAl cORP PHONE: (306) 443-2429 FAX: (306) 443-2453 EMAIL: dean.threestarenviro@sasktel.net BOOTH: 214 CONTACT: Dean hoffman
tRAnSGAS limited 700-1777 Victoria ave regina Sk S4t 7G5 PHONE: (306) 777-9147 FAX: (306) 569-9444 EMAIL: lshoemaker@saskenergy.com WEBSITE: www.transgas.sk.ca BOOTH: 11 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Public awareness steps taken during the life cycle of a pipeline, public consultation, landowner awareness, pipeline construction, pipeline safety, damage prevention and emergency preparedness. CONTACT: Layne Shoemaker
tRAnteR HeAt excHAnGeRS cAnAdA inc 4080 78 ave nW Edmonton aB t6B 3M8 TOLL FREE: (888) 465-1965 EMAIL: servicecanada@tranter.com WEBSITE: www.tranter.com BOOTH: 34 PRODUCT/SERVICE: tranter is a global heat transfer company based in Edmonton, aB, to service all of western canada. tranter services all heat exchangers, no matter what type or manufacturer. Backed by 50 years of experience, tranter’s knowledgeable staff offer you exceptional system performance analysis, applications assistance and service, on-site or in our shop. CONTACT: Brian Dyck
tRemcAR WeSt inc Po Box 964 Weyburn Sk S4h 2L2 PHONE: (306) 842-6100 FAX: (306) 842-6101 EMAIL: nostadts@tremcar.com WEBSITE: www.tremcar.com BOOTH: 403, 404 PRODUCT/SERVICE: tanker trailer repair shop, testing B620 PiVk and Saskatchewan government insurance inspections. Parts sales and trailer sales, hose testings, tagging, and certification and steaming. CONTACT: Suzanna nostadt
tRi-AltA OilField induStRieS ltd 9759 51 ave nW Edmonton aB t6E 4W8 PHONE: (780) 440-4022 FAX: (780) 463-5597 EMAIL: john@tri-alta.com WEBSITE: www.tri-alta.com BOOTH: 67, 68 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Production equipment locations: redwater, Edmonton and calgary in alberta; Swift current and Estevan in Saskatchewan. Electrical submersible pumps, spooler trucks, service personal testing, designs, surface equipment and cable. Edmonton centre has complete line of rod pumps, barrels, plungers, balls and seats, polish rods and liners, shear couplings, rod couplings, tubing drains, tubing couplings, pup joints and aPi replacement parts. CONTACT: John Weeks
tRicAn Well SeRvice ltd 2900-645 7 ave SW calgary aB t2P 4G8 PHONE: (403) 266-0202 FAX: (403) 237-7716 EMAIL: sales@trican.ca WEBSITE: www.trican.ca BOOTH: 439, 440 PRODUCT/SERVICE: headquartered in calgary, aB, trican provides a comprehensive array of specialized products, equipment and services that are utilized during the entire life cycle of oil and gas wells. Services include deepcoiled tubing, nitrogen fracturing, cementing, acidizing, intermediatedepth coil tubing, Polybore, jet pumping and industrial services. CONTACT: Dave charlton
83 Helping Build Your Dreams Across Southern Saskatchewan
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Hwy 318 North Carnduff, SK Ph: 306-482-3617 Fax: 306-482-3350
tRi-cell cOncRete ltd Po Box 248 Estevan Sk S4a 2a3 PHONE: (306) 634-7002 BOOTH: 208 CONTACT: curtis Dunford
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
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s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
TEL : 403.239.3477 FAX : 403.241.0148
Po Box 862 Weyburn Sk S4h 2L1 PHONE: (306) 842-3322 FAX: (306) 842-2821 EMAIL: maximoil@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.trilogyrentals.ca BOOTH: 202 PRODUCT/SERVICE: oilfield toolrental business, power swivels, mud motors, fishing services, handling equipment, drill collars, rS100s, as well as competent, experienced tool hands. CONTACT: Greg Fortune
tS&m SuPPly 1003 railway ave Weyburn Sk S4h 2V5 PHONE: (306) 842-4604 FAX: (306) 842-0535 EMAIL: pete.anderson@nov.com WEBSITE: www.tsmsupply.com BOOTH: 430, 431, 432 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Petroleum and industrial supplies: pipe, valves, fittings, specialities, centron Fibreglass line pipe and downhole tubing, sucker rods, bottomhole pumps, meter and treater parts, repair meters, pumps and valves, fire extinguishers and safety supplies. CONTACT: Pete anderson
tundRA bOileR & inStRumentAtiOn ltd 7523 Flint rd SE calgary aB t2h 1G3 PHONE: (403) 255-5222 FAX: (403) 253-4448 EMAIL: kendraa@tundrasolutions.ca WEBSITE: www.tundrasolutions.ca BOOTH: 611 PRODUCT/SERVICE: tundra Boiler & instrumentation is a dynamic and progressive industrial instrumentation supplier for the western canadian industry. We pride ourselves in outstanding customer service that will make your instrument selection process truly second to none. We look forward to seeing you! CONTACT: kendra abrahamson
24-7 enteRPRiSeS (Hei-bRO-tecH) Po Box 4 Midale Sk S0c 1S0 PHONE: (306) 458-2367 FAX: (306) 458-2373 EMAIL: 247enterprisesltd@sasktel.net BOOTH: 612 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Fluid levels, dynamometers, pressure surveys and foam depressions. Fluid level and deadweight equipment, sales, rentals and repairs. hei-Bro-tech custom-built gas guns. CONTACT: Scott Brown
united centRiFuGe ltd Po Box 1266 Weyburn Sk S4h 2L5 PHONE: (306) 842-2378 FAX: (306) 842-2403 EMAIL: unitedcentrifuge@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.unitedcentrifuge.ca BOOTH: 224, 225 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Suppliers of centrifuges, premix tanks, E-Z Load system, polymer injection tanks, shale bins and rig matting. Provide on-site supervision as well as prewell or pre-project planning for solid control and processing for all types of drilling projects, underbalanced drilling and mining projects. CONTACT: twyla Molnar
vAnkO AnAlyticS ltd 4408 51 ave nW Edmonton aB t6B 2W2 PHONE: (780) 436-0281 FAX: (780) 436-0283 EMAIL: chrisk@vanko.net WEBSITE: www.vanko.net BOOTH: 256 CONTACT: chris kozak
viRtuS GROuP llP 200-2208 Scarth St regina Sk S4P 2J6 PHONE: (306) 522-6500 FAX: (306) 522-6222 EMAIL: jrieger@virtusgroup.ca BOOTH: 290 PRODUCT/SERVICE: oil and gas industry services. assurance and audit. corporate and personal tax. tax planning. Succession planning and business advisory. CONTACT: Jerry rieger
WARneR tRuck induStRieS PHONE: (306) 359-5482 FAX: (306) 359-3453 EMAIL: mikepostma@warnerindustries.ca BOOTH: 532 CONTACT: Mike Postma
WAteRFlOOd SeRvice & SAleS ltd Po Box 1490 Estevan Sk S4a 2L7 PHONE: (306) 634-7212 FAX: (306) 634-7887 EMAIL: dave@waterflood.com WEBSITE: www.waterflood.com BOOTH: 437 PRODUCT/SERVICE: new product: aLX pump jacks. Gardner Denver: production, well service, drilling pumps. rotary screw compressor, turnkey skids, vapour-recovery compressors, water injection and disposal systems, rental pumps. Parts and expendables for all brands of pumps. Service trucks and machine shops in Estevan, taber, Edmonton and Lloydminster. autocaD, engineered design and fabrication centre in Estevan. CONTACT: Dave heier
WeAtHeRFORd cAnAdA PARtneRSHiP 1200-333 5 ave SW calgary aB t2P 3B6 PHONE: (403) 693-7577 FAX: (403) 693-7720 EMAIL: kim.fitzmaurice@weatherford.com WEBSITE: www.weatherford.com BOOTH: 426, 427, 428, 429 PRODUCT/SERVICE: one of the largest global providers, Weatherford helps build innovative mechanical solutions, technology applications, and services for drilling and production in all sectors of the oil and gas industry. Weatherford operates in more than 100 countries and employs more than 52,000 people worldwide. CONTACT: kim Fitzmaurice
WeSteRn GAuGe & inStRumentS PHONE: (403) 236-4888 FAX: (403) 236-7629 EMAIL: ghafichuk@wgiltd.com BOOTH: 28 CONTACT: Gerry hafichuk
WeSteRn OilField SPeciAltieS cORP 7108 56 ave nW Edmonton aB t6B 1E4 PHONE: (780) 437-7733 FAX: (780) 437-7792 EMAIL: g_ewanchew@wos.ab.ca WEBSITE: www.westernoilfieldspecialties.com BOOTH: 18, 19 PRODUCT/SERVICE: See the Dci Shock absorber for sucker rod pumping wells. improves efficiency of the lifting system. canadian representative for Pcc Pollution control products for environmental containment, Browning on-off tools and Skinner Brothers wellhead and production equipment. Featuring odessa Separator inc., downhole sandscreens and gas separators. CONTACT: Geoff Ewanchew
WeybuRn cRedit uniOn Po Box 1117 Weyburn Sk S4h 2L3 PHONE: (306) 842-9511 FAX: (306) 842-2135 EMAIL: mel.hoffman@weyburn.cu.sk.ca WEBSITE: www.weyburncu.ca BOOTH: 610 PRODUCT/SERVICE: complete oilfield financial services. Financing for exploration or investment in wells and production, equipment, expansion or new ventures. Deposit services. Group rrSPs. CONTACT: Mel hoffman
This is what we do.
Better than anyone else! Phone: (403) 279-6615 Fax: (403) 236-4249 Toll free: (800) 708-7453 CompassBending.com Additional Services: • Insulation, taping and coating, including YJ bends • 3D and 5D bends • 10” and 12” bends
Experience, Quality & Service. 7320 30 Street S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2C 1W2
Wil-tecH induStRieS ltd Po Box 1147 Estevan Sk S4a 2h7 PHONE: (306) 634-6743 FAX: (306) 634-5871 WEBSITE: www.wil-tech.ca BOOTH: 417, 418 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Wil-tech is a supplier of hydraulics and industrial products to the oilfield service industry. offering design, fabrication and repair of hydraulic systems. With in-shop or mobile repairs and testing of pumps, motors, cylinders, valves and hoses. Wil-tech is the only provider of perforating and wireline products in southeast Saskatchewan. CONTACT: Jim Wilson
Visit Brad Bennett and the rig and crew from
Sun Country rig 7 at the
outdoor Show ring
s a s k at c h E W a n o i l & g a s s h o W 2 0 11
WinAcOtt equiPment GROuP
1522 ross ave E regina Sk S4n 7a3 PHONE: (306) 525-2777 FAX: (306) 525-9971 EMAIL: a.basler@winacott.ca WEBSITE: www.winacott.ca BOOTH: 518, 519, 520, 521 PRODUCT/SERVICE: We sell Western Star trucks and hyundai construction equipment as well as cancade and Doepker trailers. We service all types of trucks and trailers and have a complete parts department. CONTACT: al Basler
WinkleR StRuctuReS Po Box 88 Birsay Sk S0L 0G0 PHONE: (306) 573-2121 FAX: (306) 573-2120 EMAIL: nbs@sasktel.net WEBSITE: www.winklercanvasbldg.com BOOTH: 205 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Winkler Structures has the solution for all of your building needs. all buildings are steel-framed structures clad with a
coated woven membrane. Winkler Structures can be used for both permanent and temporary applications. Widths available: 12 feet to 130 feet. all lengths available. CONTACT: curtiss knight
WOOd GROuP eSP (cAnAdA) ltd 300-1015 4 St SW calgary aB t2r 1J4 PHONE: (403) 263-7166 FAX: (403) 263-7211 EMAIL: tessa.doolan@woodgroup.com WEBSITE: www.woodgroup-esp.com BOOTH: 236, 237 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Wood Group ESP is one of the western world’s largest electric submersible pump manufacturers and service companies, and offers a comprehensive range of electric submersible and surface pumping solutions to the worldwide oil production industry. We have full-service locations throughout western canada, including Weyburn, Sk; Leduc, aB; and Brooks, aB.
4 Power Tong Trucks • Full line of certified equipment ranging from 2 3/8” – 13 3/8” • Windcatt computer torque monitoring system • Hydraulic back-up tongs • Thread cleaning
yOuR link inc
zedi inc
204 cardinal cres Saskatoon Sk S7L 6h8 PHONE: (306) 657-3121 FAX: (306) 657-3121 EMAIL: dan.hallden@yourlinkinc.net WEBSITE: www.yourlink.ca BOOTH: 7 PRODUCT/SERVICE: rural highspeed internet, private network solutions, web hosting/design, redundant broadband solutions, tower installation/maintenance and remote server/backup co-location. CONTACT: Quinton Eon
902 11 ave SW calgary aB t2r 0E7 PHONE: (403) 444-1037 FAX: (403) 444-1101 EMAIL: chelsey.truss@zedi.ca WEBSITE: www.zedi.ca BOOTH: 47 PRODUCT/SERVICE: Zedi specializes in production operations management creating operational efficiencies for oil and gas producers. With production surveillance, well lifecycle optimization, and data management and reporting, Zedi can help you manage your operations from wellhead to wealth. Visit our booth to view the latest in hardware and web-based applications. CONTACT: chelsey truss
4 Pressure Testing Trucks • Pressure testing on well control equipment up to 21,000 kpa • Leak off tests • Packer inflation on downhole tools
6 Combo Units • These six versatile units are equipped with both power tongs and pressure testing capabilities, with the convenience of one compact truck • Pumping capabilities to 35,000 kpa
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