Blaize Dance and Fitness June 2017

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BLAIZE Dance & Fitness


June 2017

Dr. Laura Miranda Take it Outside!

Summer Fruits KESFit® Kamila’s Unique Style of Fitness Fashion Exclusive The Kukua Collection by Li Li ’s Creation Women in Business Mompreneur

Colette Glover-Hannah

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Photography by: Mariano Paul



40 Dr. Laura Miranda Take it Outside! 20

Game Changer


Fitness Legends

70 108

Desmond Richardson

Judi & Jazzercise Summer Fruits They’re good for you!

5 Star Dance Studios The I’s have it! Exclusive 88 Fashion The Kukua Collection by Li Li’s Creation


Women in Business Features Colette Glover-HannahMompreneur KESFit®

107 Kamila’s Unique Style of Fitness


Photography by: Sergei Zubkov


Photographer Robert Prazy

Photographer Pti Images

Photography by: JMacPhotography

Photography by: Mariano Paul

Photography by: JMacPhotography

Photography by: Robert Prazy


Photography -Shannon Cordero


Editor’s Words of Encouragement I see you! “Being fit is not a destination, it is a way of life.” -Anonymous

I see you getting up at 5:00 a.m. to get your workout in before the kids awaken. I’ve noticed you eating more veggies and fruits instead of Doritos and ice cream. I applaud you for drinking eight cups of water even though you really wanted that iced tea. I applaud you for passing up that Orange Chicken at Cheesecake Factory and opting for the Chicken and Mushroom Lettuce Wraps instead. I know that was tough. Orange Chicken is my favorite too! I love that you stuck to your Sunday food prep. It makes a difference... doesn’t it? Hey, you lost five pounds? I noticed. Well congratulations. Yup, those jeans are a little less tight on your hips. Look at you master those Kipping Pull-Ups in Crossfit. I remember when you were struggling with that move. Way to go Bro on those deadlifts. Sis, you lost how many pounds by walking every day? That is amazing! Let me just say, since you’ve been lifting weights your arms look nice and cut. I told you that lifting, eating smaller meals that include lean proteins and healthy fats would do the trick. I love it that you are doing the Fartlek training, this will help increase your endurance and fitness as a dancer. I love hearing you affirm yourself every day as you glance in the mirror. Loving your body will encourage you to take care of it. No body shaming allowed! Are you now a certified personal trainer at 50 years old? Girl, go head with your bad self. You’re letting women know that being fit and changing your profession can begin at any age. If no one else has told you, I want you to know that “I see the effort that you are making to be fit and healthy and I am so proud of your accomplishments.” Keep it up!” Cheers to your health! Constance, EIC




DESTINATION ROME ITALY BARCELONA LONDON Photography by Joel Camacho and Faye Jacobs

At the time of Sagrada Familia’s death only one tower was completed. When asked when it will be finished. He said; “My client is in no hurry. God has all the time in the world.” Architect: Gaudi Barcelona

Contributors EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Constance Blaize-Shorter FOUNDERS

Mariano Paul - Mariano Photography BlaizeDance, Inc. Photo Team International Joel Camacho- On Location Rome Italy/ Valencia and and Barcelona Spain

Constance Blaize-Shorter

Faye Jacobs- On Location Rome Italy/ Valencia and and Barcelona Spain

Joseph W. Shorter III


GRAPHIC DESIGNER Joseph W. Shorter III CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Vanessa Shorter Alexis Trujillo Laura H. Shorter Launchland Samuel Janet Samuel

Aderon Mothersill of KESFIT Photographer’s Christopher Banks and Bryan Noynosoudachanh Fashion Designer Malacia Anderson of Li Li’s Creations Roosevelt, New York Colette Glover-Hannah CEO of

Sylvia O’Mard, Esq. AMB. Rupert J. Blaize CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Constance Blaize-Shorter Jovette Muniz Dr. Lawanda Ford Johnson BlaizeDance, Inc. Team BASICS Hari Care Education Depaetment ON THE COVER Dr. Laura Miranda DPT, MSPT Hair and Makeup by Dr. Laura Miranda Photography by Marko Jokic of www.

Special Thanks Photographers Marko Jokic of New York


Wavebreak Media via Yayimages International

We are seeking the following individuals to join our team. Freelance Writers, Editors, Journalist and Bloggers (bloggers must have social media platform) in the following areas: Dance, Dance Fitness, Beauty and Fashion (designers, makeup artist, hair stylist, image consultants), destinations, nutrition, and network and mobile technology. Send your resume and portfolio (paper or digitally) to Title your email (Open Team Position).

Photographer: Aderon Mothersill


CalAtlantic Homes 24


Game Changer Desmond Richardson Classical, Modern and Contemporary Originally from Laurelton, New York, Desmond Richardson is the first Black American Principal dancer of American Ballet Theater. He is the Co-Founder and Co-Director at Complexions Contemporary Ballet that combines original music rooted in classical dance and innovative choreography. Making several appearances on Broadway, Richardson received a Tony Award Nomination for his role in Broadway musical Fosse He has also appeared on Broadway in the musical The Look of Love: The Songs of Burt Bacharach and Movin' Out. Desmond's talent was first recognized as a student at New York High School for the Performing Arts. During that time, he received a merit scholarship from the Alvin Ailey American Dance Center (1983-1986) and the International Akademie des Tanzes in Kรถln, Germany (19841985). He is also a recipient of a Presidential Scholar Award for the Arts (1986). Joining Alvin Ailey in 1987, Richardson was a principal dancer for seven years. When he departed from Ailey he traveled to Germany where he performed with Ballet Frankfurt. Desmond has performed as the guest artist for world-renowned companies including the Swedish Opera Ballet, the Washington Ballet, Teatro at La Scala, and the San Francisco Ballet.

ed the lead role in the company's world premiere production of Othello. This talented choreographer/dancer has worked in television, film, and video in the United States and abroad allowing him to perform with musical artists Michael Jackson (30th-anniversary celebration at Madison Square Garden),Prince, Aretha Franklin, and Madonna. In addition, he was a featured guest artist at the 71st Academy Awards live television presentation and invited by Debbie Allen to star in a principal for the dance/theatrical presentation, Soul Possessed (which had its world premiere at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in 1999.) If that's not enough, Richardson was featured in Patrick Swayze's film, One Last Dance, the Oscar-winning film version of Chicago and choreographed for So You Think You Can Dance in 2008.

In 1997, he joined the American Ballet Theatre and land-

Source: BlaizeDance, Inc. 2017, Photographer: Ann Marsden and Bio information - Complexions Contemporary Ballet articles, and various dance commentaries/editorials.


Photographer: Ann Marsden


Photographer: Hasenonkel

Memorial Day

Women in Business Colette Glover-Hannah, Mompreneur Talking 3P’s



We’ve featured CEO, Colette Glover Hannah in our August 2015 Back to School issue docs/blaizedancefitmagaugust2015 where she discussed how Hannah’s Shoebox was born. We are pleased to have her back in our Anniversary Edition to discuss her new book, Mompreneur: Managing Partnerships, Parenthood and Presentations. Being that I am a Mompreneur I am excited about this book and really glad that I am able to share it with all of our readers. In addition to Colette’s book, we get to see where what Hannah’s Shoebox is up to and where they are headed. BDF: What inspired your new book? Colette: Mompreneur: Managing Partnerships, Parenthood and Presentations is a collaboration of stories by women throughout the United States who are moms and entrepreneurs. It’s a “Chicken Soup for the Soul” approach to how we juggle being moms and business owners. We share our peaks and valleys in both arenas and attempt to inspire others who may be interested in this pathway to success. BDF: What was one of your biggest obstacles to starting your own business? Colette: The biggest obstacle for me was actually staying open soon after I launched. About one year after starting my online store, Hannah’s Shoebox and had invested a significant amount of money into the business, my husband was diagnosed with cancer. He had to have surgery and then had major complications from the surgery. Eventually, he was unable to work and I was faced with a major decision on what to do with this new business. Should I continue to pursue my dream or get a job with consistent income (remember that startups don’t generally make money in the first few years). After long deliberation and lots of prayer and meditation, I decided to follow my dream of building this unique shoe store. BDF:What challenges do you still face being a Mompreneur? Colette: Time management is certainly one of the largest challenges. I still struggle with scheduling conflicts that take me away from my family or my business. Another challenge is finding time for myself to recharge my own battery so I can be my best self for my business and family. Being a mom and entrepreneur is very demanding on all fronts, so I sometimes just grab a few hours a month to be still and just do absolutely nothing but enjoy quiet time and the nothingness of the period. Another challenge is


being fully present where I am so that I give my undivided attention to either work or family. BDF: What is your relationship with the women who you co-authored the book with? Colette: Interestingly, I had not met any of the women in person. One of the co-authors had been my ‘accountability partner’ for nearly two years, but we had never met in person. We were all invited to participate in the collaborative project and are now connected forever in print. These women are phenomenal business role models who are maintaining families at the same time. While many of our stories are similar in terms of our challenges, our paths are very different. BDF: What is the big difference between moms who work 9-5 outside the home and moms who have their own business? Colette: Because I have worked in both worlds I can tell you that the struggles are very similar. We are both challenged to be present at our children’s events and meet all their needs. We want to be there when they’re sick or when they have an event at school. For many in the workforce, it’s not easy to just take the day off to be available for the children. Owning my business allows for more flexibility to attend functions or be present for my children without guilt and/or permission from another person. BDF: How is this book helpful to married or single women without children? Colette: The book gives insight to what mothers who are business owners endure. It’s the story of women who are trying to have it all in every aspect, as well as a look at the path we took toward success in our fulfilling our dreams. BDF: Since you have a teenage daughter, what do you hope she learns from your book? Colette: I want my daughter to realize that all things are possible and the limitations we have are the ones we place on ourselves. By reading the stories of these women who are examples of risk takers, I hope that she and other teen girls will see themselves and have the faith to pursue all of their dreams. The beautiful part of this journey is my daughter, my inspiration for launching Hannah’s Shoebox. She remembers when we were just having conversations about building a shoe store. Then she witnessed me doing the research and

building the foundation for the store. Afterwards she joined me in the inventory selection (she’s the one who opened the dialogue with the National Sales Rep for Ralph Lauren) and now assists me with vendor fairs and other aspects of the business.

courage our girls to always be bold and to walk tall in their shoes. We remind them that they have larger feet because they have more ground to cover. My advice to the girls who want to be an entrepreneur is 1) find a business mentor, 2) do the research and 3) build the business.

BDF: Partnerships, parenthoods and presentations are the three P’s in your book. Would you give us an example of how you’ve balanced these three in your life?

BDF: Give us some mom-tips on refueling.

Colette: Let me say that I do not have balance in my life. I don’t subscribe to the possibility of having all things equal. I do the best I can with what I have and I pray for peace and harmony in my daily decisions. Partnerships may be personal or professional and they both are equally important. As an entrepreneur, we all want someone who is our rock along this journey. The person who supports us in our success and gives us their shoulder when times are challenging. The professional side to partnerships is making sure that you are always, always on the same path toward success. Parenthood addresses our role and desire to be the best mothers that we have the skillset to be. In the book, I mention that there are days when you really will not know where the business requirements begin and the parental duties for that day end. You only hope that they don’t interfere with each other or cancel the other out. Presentations applies to the constant work mode of Mompreneurs. This too applies to the presentations we produce and deliver for work purposes, as well as the presentation of our living space and other aspects of our lives. BDF: What’s new with Hannah’s Shoebox? Colette: Hannah’s Shoebox is growing and reaching new customers and expanding our reach throughout the country. We are carrying some great and trusted brands in our online store like Madeline and Nicole. I am very grateful for the support that the store has received from customers. I must add that the thing that still gives me the greatest joy is when I receive messages from parents who are elated to shop from Hannah’s Shoebox because we provide them with the styles of shoes they want in the sizes they need.

Colette: A life coach taught me that I can’t give from my cup when it’s empty. She provided a visual and it has really stuck with me. Someone else encouraged me to clear a day on my calendar and do absolutely nothing. I have shared this suggestion with other women and they have anxiety about the thought of doing nothing. However, after doing this “nothing” I have learned that it recharges me. I may read an entire book (it can’t be related to business) or simply ride to the beach in my car on a beautiful day and listen to my iPod with the sunroof open. I encourage everyone to find time to just appreciate yourself. Reflect on the positives things that you have in your life and imagine all its possibilities. Do whatever makes you calm and gives you peace--for an entire day. By Constance Blaize-Shorter Edits, J.Samuel Colette Glover-Hannah is married and the mother of two adult sons and a teenage daughter. She is the co-author of “Mompreneur: Managing Partnerships, Parenthood and Presentations,” and the Founder and CEO of Hannah’s Shoebox, an online store that sells shoes to tween girls in women’s sizes. The book is available at Hannah’s Shoebox is online at Follow us on social media for deals and updates at Instagram/tweenshoes

BDF: Your Facebook page has slogans that encourage young women to be confidant and shoot for their goals, among other things. What is your message to young girls who want be entrepreneurs?

Snapchat/tweenshoes Complimentary images by Hannah’s Shoebox

Colette: We use social media as a vehicle to help build self-esteem and confidence in all who wear our shoes. We try to en-



The Juilliard School

Dance, Drama, and Music 35

Copyright © 2017 Hint Inc. All rights reserved. JMac-Photography



Fitness Legends Judi Sheppard Misset Founder of Jazzercise



Combining Dance and Fitness The combination of dance fitness has proven to be a fun effective way of shedding pounds and staying in shape. Salsa, Nia, Belly Dance, HipHop, and Zumba continue to keep this form of exercise in high demand. In 1969, the physical fitness industry was introduced to Jazzercise. When Judi Sheppard Missett realized that women were not really coming to her dance classes to learn technique, but wanted to lose weight instead, she literally began turning up the music and sped up the pace of her routines. Shortly thereafter, she created a fun high-energy class that became so popular, she began to teach other instructors her choreography to expand the classes.

Judi with her daughter and granddaughters.


The Birth of Jazzercise The training of additional instructors to teach the routines to lead to a franchise deal. Judi now had a new class to offer called Jazzercise! Jazzercise combines dance, strength, and resistance training with modern music for a fun, full-body workout. In support of her new venture, Judi's family moved from Ann Arbor, Michigan to Carlsbad, California where she taught classes in local recreational centers. Jazzercise quickly took off in San Diego and she had to train new instructors herself. Many of her initial instructors were in military families, so as they moved around the country, and the world, new populations were continually introduced to the program.


The Franchise and Hollywood Judi could train franchisees from a distance by initially using VHS videos. Soon after she began to sell the franchise rights for Jazzercise studios across the country. Jazzercise became so popular that it caught the attention of Director, Ron Howard. In the movie adaptation of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the Grinch's schedule blocked an hour for Jazzercise. Also, in the episode of Taxi entitled "Louie Goes Too Far", Andy Kaufman (playing Vic Ferrari) suggests to Christopher Lloyd (playing Jim) that if he wanted to meet beautiful women, he should take Jazzercise. Other Hollywood mentions: In the Glee episode "Bad Reputation", a tape is found of Sue Sylvester Jazzercising to Olivia Newton-John's "Physical". In the following season's episode "Sexy", Holly Holliday is shown teaching a Jazzercise class in which Will Schuester participates. Even Jon Stewart of The daily Show, go in on the action on October 9, 2012, episode when he references Jazzercise in his opening monolog.


Big Expansion and Family Legacy Since it’s conception in 1969, the company continued to expand and has over 8,300 franchises worldwide in 32 countries, has 35,000 classes per week, and a clothing line (Jazzercise Apparel- https:// With headquarters in Carlsbad, California, Judi’s daughter, Shanna Missett Nelson, serves as the company’s president. Judi and her daughter both teach at the headquarters in Carlsbad. Judi and her former TV news reporter husband, Jack Missett have been married for approximately 50 years now and live in their Vista neighborhood. Their home sits on 1 acre, with 5,103 square feet of house, including 4 bedrooms, 6.5 baths, a sauna, dance studio, 3-car garage, and dog chambers.

Sources: Various publications, Wikipedia, SanDiegoNews, and Jazzercise website information. Images from Google Images, Jazzercise Facebook page, and Convention at the La Quinta Resort/courtesy of Jazzercise.


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Photographer: Marko Jokic


Dr. Laura Miranda Take it outside!

“I always say that by trade, I am a physical therapist, a trainer, an educator, and motivator. But by mission, I coach people in the pursuit of becoming the best possible version of themselves.�


Most of us who are engaged in fitness are looking

for ways to reach that next level in our workout. Treadmills, elliptical, spinning class, Zumba, Body Pump, and INSANITY are all great tools to helping us lose weight and maintain a substantial level of fitness. If I told you there was a different approach to working out, would you be interested? What if I offered you a program that helped you eat cleaner, not as a fad, but as a way to fuel your body while exercising and post exercise would you listen? Well, I think that I have just what the doctor ordered. Dr. Laura Miranda, physical therapist, trainer, educator and motivator has the fitness prescription that l believe will change your thinking about how you exercise and the best way to incorporate a healthy diet. “I always say that by trade, I am a physical therapist, a trainer, an educator, and motivator. But by mission, I coach people in the pursuit of becoming the best possible version of themselves.�

Photographer: Mariano Paul

Photographer: Mariko Jokic

Being of strong mind and body Dr. Laura, were you into fitness as a child?

Dr. Laura: As a child, I played every sport that I could get my hands on. I wasn’t allowed to play inside, so you could always find me outdoors climbing, jumping, and setting up games that involved being physical. In my family, we didn’t eat out, weren’t allowed to drink soda, and never had sugary snacks or cereal in the house. Because of this foundation, as I got older I continued to do everything that would enhance my performance in sports, eating poor quality food never aligned with that.

A lot of our youth and millenniums struggle with obesity and poor food choices. What is your take on this?

Dr. Laura: There are many factors that go into obesity and poor food choices. I feel that a lot of this begins at home. I work with overweight adults who do not have control over their own eating and exercise habits, and therefore they have children who experience the same issues. Parents are in charge of buying the right food and supplying the right tools and attitude around healthy eating and exercise. Therefore, if parents want their children to grow up with a healthy lifestyle, they must also make sure they are working on this for themselves. Teaching them from a young age that soda, sugary snacks, and that eating out is only for special occasions, is a great start. Limiting TV and electronic time, being active with the kids can make a huge difference in how they use their free time.

What is your message to young people, specifically girls, regarding body image?

Dr. Laura: Body image strongly influenced by how the parents view their own body. The casual language spoken about your body seeps into the subconscious of children as early as they can comprehend language. “I’m so fat. I can’t eat that I’m on a diet. I hate my thighs.” So my message on body image is first directed towards adults. We must be aware that children are always listening. How the parent feels about their body is typically how the child will feel about theirs. My message to young girls is to understand that your value in this world is more than how you look. Your worth is not measured by what is on the outside. What is important is not how much you weigh on a scale or what your face looks like. Your most important attributes are your strength, power, mind, your effort, and drive. Focus on growing those parts of yourself, and you will make the biggest impact on the world.

Since we know that healthy lifestyles start at a young age, how does the PURSUIT Training Method help young people?

Dr. Laura: PURSUIT shows young people that the games you play, the exploration of your world that you do as a child, doesn’t have to end just because you “grow up.” We don’t “exercise” as children; we play, jump, climb, and learn through movement. Adults have invented this place called ‘the gym” in an attempt to mimic the most natural form of movement we did as kids. As adults, we spend all day indoors in cramped spaces, but think dragging ourselves back into the four walls of a gym to move our bodies makes the most sense? It’s no wonder most of America is obese! That’s why PURSUIT redefines and reframes what exercise can be, or “should” be.

Fitness Background, collaboration, advice What inspired you to create the PURSUIT Training Method?

Dr. Laura: The influence for the creation of PURSUIT was a combination of my athletic background and the endless desire to recreate that experience in my adult “non-sport-playing” life. The lens through which I see "movement" is that of an expression of human performance in its most RAW form. I was forced to dig deep into my training in kinesiology, exercise science and strength and conditioning, and apply constant reinvention and innovation to everyday parts of the cityscape. You must use a different lens in order to see the fitness potential in obstacles that are all around. The result? A crosswalk can double as an agility ladder; fences and scaffolding make perfect pull-up bars and jungle gyms; benches and curbs offer a stable platform for explosive strength moves and plyometric. As it turns out, the potential is everywhere; you just have to know “how” to look for it.

What are your fitness certifications?

Dr. Laura: Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science, Masters of Science in Physical Therapy, and a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Certified Personal Trainer, ACE, Fitness Nutrition Coach, NESTA.

Why Physical therapy as a profession?

Dr. Laura: I suffered a devastating knee injury playing sports in high school, requiring surgery and about a year’s worth of physical therapy. My therapists were all badass women who were strong, extremely intelligent, and because of their work, helped get me back on the field in fighting shape. This was my exposure to the world of strength and conditioning, and I fell in love! I knew almost instantly that I wanted to make Physical Therapy my career.

Do you think that being a Physical Therapist has helped you be a better fitness professional?

Dr. Laura: I have studied human movement and performance


for 10 years; 4 in undergrad, 3 in my Master's program, and 3 in my doctorate program. The typical personal trainer takes a weekend course or an at-home study program to get certified. My in-depth knowledge and daily clinical experience help me understand the body from a unique perspective. Optimizing human performance must be a 360-degree approach; I take this knowledge into every session, squat, and client to help them achieve the greatest results in the shortest amount of time.

What should a person who is new to exercise look for in a fitness program?

Dr. Laura: It’s important to realize that “going to the gym” is just one method of being active. You must find the thing that you LOVE (or strongly like) and look forward to doing, or it will not stick. Next, you have to sweat, challenge your body, and eventually lift weights. Lastly, get really good at the basics first, then get fancy. Work on consistency first, 3-5 days a week, then start to increase the duration of each workout. Once you have mastered those two for a few months, then begin to refine the more complicated variables like heart rate, weights, rep ranges and so forth.

If I am already into fitness but want to take my ‘game’ higher, what would you suggest?

Dr. Laura: Hire a knowledgeable coach. There are many free, low cost, and high cost coaches out there. The important piece is to open your mind to new techniques and methodologies and apply slight tweaks to increase performance across the board. Additionally, coaches hold you accountable, push you past what you thought you could do, and help crush any self-limiting beliefs.

What’s your advice to people who are new to fitness or are returning after a sabbatical?

Dr. Laura: Accept where you are currently and start there. The biggest mistake that people make is going back in at the same pace where they left off, and being upset by the fact that they don’t measure up to their old selves. Ramp back up slowly, be grateful each day for what your body can do, and track your progress. You will see changes faster on paper than your mind will allow you to see.

Photographer: Mariano Paul


Safe tips, athletes, outdoors Do you work with athletes?

Dr. Laura: I work with mostly former athletes. They have all, for the most part, played sports as a kid, and therefore are drawn to, and fully embrace the outdoor group training.

What professional athlete or dancer would you like to work with?

Dr. Laura: Misty Copeland and Serena Williams. These two women are fierce, strong, and bold. Being a strong woman is about asking for what you deserve, fighting for what you want, and being unapologetic about your success. Serena and Misty embody and personify each of these traits.

After years of dancing, my knees have taken a toll. I have some arthritis in my knees. What is the best and safest way for me to work out?

Dr. Laura: Proper mechanics are crucial to both staving off further injury, as well as aggravating current pain processes. Next, exercise choice is very important. If the form of the exercise is correct, on squats for example, perhaps this is not the most optimal choice for your body. Lastly, arthritic knees (and all knees really) require extra attention to optimal flexibility at the hips, knees, and ankles. So engaging in a daily flexibility routine in addition to strength training will prolong the life of the knees!

Taking my kids to the park and working out while they play is convenient for me. Other than it being convenient, what are the benefits to hitting the streets for a workout?

Dr. Laura: PURSUIT is progressive body weight training in/on/ around non-traditional structures. It mimics athletic based training because we are challenging the body through unpredictable situations, and across multiple planes of motion. You can crawl, climb, and traverse obstacles of ever changing heights, depths, shapes, and sizes. Compare that kind of movement-demand to what you find in a typical gym setting - linear and predictable movement that occurs with traditional weight lifting and machine-based work. You are outdoors, you have more freedom, you have a chance to get creative with your workout, and you get to combine family time, exercise time, and you get to model excellent behavior for your kids!

What are some of the obstacles to working outdoors?

Dr. Laura: Some roadblocks would be weather and knowledge of what exercises you can actually do outdoors beyond the basic pushups, squats, and lunges. In my opinion, if people can learn how to use machines and perform exercises in the gym, they can certainly learn what to do with very little equipment when outdoors.


Photographer: Mariano Paul


Photographer: Mariano Paul

Talking Nutrition We’ve been taught and it has been proven that losing weight and building muscles really depend on the food we eat. You know, 80 percent diet, 20 percent exercise? What is your take on this tagline?

Dr. Laura: My answer to this is…it all depends. It depends on where you are starting, your history with dieting, and the amount of muscle mass you already have, your age, hormones, and so many more factors. Yet the “80% diet and 20% exercise” statement is a little misleading; the

truth is that we should all aim for a balanced healthy diet and solid consistent exercise program if you want real and lasting results. The best advice I can give to people in this area is to keep as many variables the same for as long as you can and change one thing at a time. People tend to get bored very quickly, and frustrated with the lack of instant results. The truth is, your program should be boring; boring and consistent. It’s the only way to see what is working, and what isn’t. We are our own best science experiment.

How should we eat to fuel our bodies before and after a workout?

Dr. Laura: The research is pretty clear, a balance of carb and protein is the best way to prep and then recover from a workout. Each person will have to play around with the timing and source of those macronutrients in order to find the right combination for their individual body.

What type of exercise should women 40 plus do since our metabolism has changed? Dr. Laura: Loss of muscle mass plays a large role in the decline of the metabolic rate as we age. I recommend consistent weight training with a combination of progressive body weight training three times a week to build muscle and to prevent any further loss of lean muscle mass.

Some people tend to shy away from meal replacements. Is this a healthy way to maintain good eating habits?

Dr. Laura: Like anything else, meal replacement shakes have their place. Real food is always preferred, but when you are in a pinch and you would otherwise eat less than optimal food, a meal replacement is a great way to go. The main issue is always in the quality of the shake. The best sellers on the market taste the best, but they are mostly sugar bombs pumped with chemicals and preservatives. As always, you must read the labels to look for a clean product with no added sugars, chemicals or other processed carbs. I recommend Previnex Nourify.

What part does vitamins play in the recovery and nutrition? Do you believe in multivitamins?

Dr. Laura: I do! Even when you are eating the best you can possibly eat, you are more than likely still missing out on certain essential vitamins. A good quality multivitamin will pick up the slack for any void left in your diet. I recommend the Previnex Multivitamin.

Photographer: Mariano Paul

Your books and videos What inspired you to write this book? Did you make any rookie mistakes in the beginning?

ing to one to two a week.

What do you like about being you?

Dr. Laura: Before coming up with the formula that was successful, I spent years struggling and making every mistake in the book within my group fitness business. I wanted to create a free resource and share what I have learned with other trainers so that they can break away from their own struggles of working in a gym trading hours for dollars. See Dr. Laura’s book: “The 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Starting an Outdoor Fitness Business”

Dr. Laura: My humor. I can’t be serious for more than three minutes at a time.

You have several videos via your Facebook and YouTube. Where else can we watch?

I believe that if we expand the idea that fitness is everywhere and anywhere you want it to be, give people to tools to understand HOW to do that, and to make it fun as hell, we just might lower the barrier to entry, and increase participation in this whole "wellness" thing. In return, we might just become a healthier, happier, and fitter world.

Dr. Laura: Weekly I stream short and intense group workouts on a platform called Forte. You can sweat along with me live and on demand on any device, from anywhere around the world. Globally, people are catching on and doing my workouts and seeing incredible total body transformations. You can grab 30 days free access on me- www. I have many videos on for fitness professionals and

Any new books or video projects in the works besides your video blogs?

My newest book is free and it’s called “43 Simple Strategies to Getting and Staying Motivated” http://drlauramiranda. com/43-mindset-motivation-strategies.

I also created a free three-part video series for trainers: “37 Unique Body Weight Exercises for your Outdoor Fitness Business”

Let’s just talk...about you! Where were you born and how many siblings do you have?

Dr. Laura: Queens, NY. Two sisters both are avid exercisers.

What do you like to do when you are not helping others with fitness and nutrition?

Dr. Laura: Ride my bike, hike, and walk my dog named Wolf.

What is your favorite ‘not so healthy’ go to meal?

Dr. Laura: Buffalo wings and French fries! I have one to two cheat meals a week. They are planned, and I enjoy every last bite!

What is your guilty pleasure beverage?

Dr. Laura: Beer! Blue Moon to be exact. I try to limit drink-

What’s next for Dr. Laura and PURSUIT?

Dr. Laura: My vision is to expand the idea of what "fitness" actually means to the average person. Most people are limited by what they have available to them, and what they understand their options to be. My complete vision is this: I’m setting out to change the way fitness is done on a global level.

Maybe it's so basic, it's revolutionary. Dr. Laura Miranda DPT, MSPT is a doctor of physical therapy and NYC fitness trainer/motivator/educator by trade. But by mission, she coaches people in the pursuit of becoming the best possible version of themselves. Follow her on and https://

Photographer: Mariano Paul

Shop Now Click here

Ballerina: Zhanna Gubanova Choreography by Alisa Aslanova Videographer: Alisa Aslanova Photography by Ballet Maniacs and Alisa Aslanova

Jordan Matter



Photographer:Volodymyr Melnyk

Healthy Baking

Using Lower Calorie Ingredients

The kids are home for the summer and you have more time to bake cookies, cakes, pies and pastries. If you’re not careful, white flour, oil, and butter (hard to digest ingredients) will add extra pounds to your waistline. So how do we lower the fat and carb content without compromising taste? We do this by choosing lower calorie ingredients, that will make your baked goodies taste scrumptious! Here is a list of a few items to use the next time you are baking.

Greek Yogurt Unlike other dairy products, this creamy additive is high in protein and low in fat. Recipes that call for sour cream or oil can be made healthier with Greek yogurt. Adding plain full fat or 2% Greek yogurt in chocolate mousse, donut glaze, and chocolate chip cookies will add that rich thickness that makes these treats irresistible.

One cup of unsweetened applesauce is 100 calories compared to a cup of sugar that is 800 calories. Try adding it to pumpkin pie, blueberry muffins, and soft oatmeal cookies and enjoy.


To reduce your cravings, avoid shifts in your energy level and keep control your blood sugar. Use honey in Bundt cakes, scones, and brownies. Honey will add an ‘earthy’ flavor to these traditional treats.

Mashed Bananas

Instead of using oil and butter, add mashed banana as your main ingredient. The next time you’re baking add 1 cup of mashed bananas which is about 200 versus 1 cup of safflower oil that is approximately 1,920 calories. Sure, oils contain beneficial fatty acids and vitamin E but lack other nutrients such as potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin A, all found in bananas.

Coconut Flour

There are 455 calories in 1 cup of white sugar and only 120 calories in a cup of coconut flour. Coconut flour is also high fiber, proteins healthy fat and is also free from wheat. It is also gluten-free, low in sugar and easily digestible. Just remember, before preparing your biscuits, cobblers and shortbread cookies, adding extra moisture to your recipe is necessary because coconut flour is denser than wheat flours.


Sources: Docs Healthy Recipe, Cooking with coconut flour, banana, honey, unsweetened applesauce and Gree BlaizeDance, Inc. Images by MindyKerr Photography and Photographer:motorolka of Yay Images.

ek yogurt recipes sights, Google Nutritional Value Search, and calorie information provided by personal low-calorie recipes from


Summer Fruits

They’re good for you! This fuzzy brown fruit is packed with phytonutrients (substance found in some plants and beneficial to preventing various diseases), and is extremely versatile when it comes to recipes. You can add it to a smoothie or top your oatmeal with it to create a sweet and tangy combo.

Nutritional Value of Kiwi 1 Kiwi fruit, without skin (although the skin is edible and good source of vitamins and minerals!) Calories: 46 Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 11g / 4% DV Protein: 1g Fiber: 2g / 9% DV Vitamin K: 30.6mcg / 38% DV Vitamin C: 70.5mg / 117% DV


Photographer: rakratchada

We love strawberries because of it’s aroma, juicy texture, bold color, and sweetness. They are an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese, and also contain decent amounts of folate (B9) and potassium. They are also rich in antioxidants and plant compounds, and is good for blood sugar control and may have heart benefits. Like the kiwi, strawberries are versatile and can be enjoyed in warm (filling for crumb cake, pie fillings, caramelized strawberry sauce for waffles) or cold recipes, shakes, toppings for yogurts, and salads.

Nutritional Value of Strawberry Amount Per 1 medium (1-1/4" dia) (12 g) Calories 4 % Daily Value* Total Fat 0 g


Saturated fat 0 g 0% Polyunsaturated fat 0 g Monounsaturated fat 0 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 0 mg


Potassium 18 mg 0% Total Carbohydrate 0.9 g 0% Dietary fiber 0.2 g


Sugar 0.6 g Protein 0.1 g


Vitamin A: (30%) Vitamin C: (25%) Calcium: (2%) Iron: (4%)

Photographer :zhekos


Saturated with nutrients, watermelons are approximately 92 percent water and very refreshing! It has vitamins A, B6 and C, lots of lycopene (Lycopene is an inhibitor for various inflammatory processes and also works as an antioxidant to neutralize free radicals), antioxidants and amino acids and a small amount of potassium. It also has a very low sodium content and is only 40 calories per cup. Additionally, the watermelon contains choline, which helps keep chronic inflammation down, according to a 2006 article published in Shock medical journal.Watermelons can be used in just about any recipe you can think of like salads, shakes, juicing, grilled (kabob sticks), or cut in chunks and take it with you for snacking.

Nutritional Value of Watermelon Serving size: 2 cups diced (10 oz / 280 g) Calories: 80 (Calories from Fat 0) Amount per serving (and %DV*) *Percent Daily Values (%DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Total Fat: 0g (0%) Total Carbohydrate: 21g (7%) Dietary Fiber: 1g (4%) Sugars: 20g Cholesterol: 0mg (0%) Sodium: 0mg (0%) Potassium: 270mg (8%) Protein: 1g Vitamin A: (30%) Vitamin C: (25%) Calcium: (2%)

Photographer: Apolonia



Kiwi , Mango, and Grape Tart Preparation Makes 6 servings 20 minutes (Total prep time is 2 HR 2 MIN)

Ingredients 1 ¼ cups Original Bisquick™ mix ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup firm butter or margarine, softened ¼ cup apricot jam 2 cups mango sliced 2 cups seedless grape sliced 2 kiwi peeled and sliced 1 cup apple jelly (Whipped cream is optional)

Ingredients for crust Heat oven to 400ºF. Mix Bisquick and sugar in medium bowl. Add in butter, using pastry blender or crisscrossing 2 knives, until mixture looks like coarse cornmeal. Press mixture in bottom of Nonstick™ 4-Inch Tart/Quiche Pans in Gunmetal (Set of 6) Bake 9 to 12 minutes or until light brown. Cool 30 minutes. Remove from Tart/Quiche Pans Heat apricot jam to boiling; immediately pour over crust, spreading evenly. Arrange grapes, mango and kiwi on top. Heat apple jelly to boiling; brush or spoon carefully over fruit. Refrigerate at least 1 hour and serve with whipped cream. (Whipped cream is optional

Photographer: hongee


Strawberry Daquari

Ingredients 4 oz. light rum (alcohol freeuse pineapple, apple, lemon, or guava juice for a fruity taste) 1/2 cup. fresh strawberries 1/2 cup. frozen strawberries Juice of 1 lime 1 cup of ice sliced lime, for garnish (or other other citrus fruit like an orange or tangerine)

Preparation Makes 2 Servings 5-7 minutes In the blender, add rum, (or juices), fresh strawberries, frozen strawberries, lime juice, and ice and blend until smooth. Pour into 2 glasses. Garnish with lime slices or other citrus fruit. Photographer: Digifoodstock

Watermelon, Mint, and Pine Nut Salad Ingredients 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon red-wine vinegar 1/2 teaspoon table salt, or to taste 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 3 cups cubed (1/2 to 3/4 inch) seeded watermelon, drained (from a 2 1/2-lb piece, rind discarded) 6 cups baby arugula (6 oz) 1/4 cup pine nuts (1 oz) 1/3 cup crumbled feta or ricotta salata (1 1/2 oz) Coarsely ground black pepper to taste Fleur de sel to taste (optional)

Preparation Makes 4 servings 15 Minutes Whisk together lemon juice, vinegar, and salt in a large bowl, then add oil in a slow stream, whisking until emulsified. Add watermelon, mint, and pine nuts and toss to coat. You can also add cheese and pepper to this recipe.

Photographer: Apolonia

BEAUTY Photographer:Subbotina Anna


The Kukua Collection by Li Li's Creation

While watching The View live at Disney, I spotted Sherri Shepherd

wearing a dress with two of my favorite colors, (purple and orange). The patterns on the dress were interesting and mismatched, but totally matching. Know what mean? When one of the ladies on the panel asked her where she got her dress Sherri mentioned Li Li’s Creations. I jotted down the information because I wanted to do a story on this amazing designer. More importantly, I had to get one of her dresses! I searched for Malacia’s Etsy page and when I found it, it did not disappoint. I was pleased to see African and printed fabric put together so elegantly. Li Li’s Creations are classic, sophisticated, fun and versatile. They look very comfortable too. After a quick email, Malacia and I spoke like old friends and hope that this interview will give you a glimpse into the mind of this fashion genius.

"There is more room on the outside of the box than in it.”

Fashion Exclusive

Model/Designer: Malacia Anderson

Photographer: Aderon Mothersill

How BASiC® Carbon Tea Tree System® and BOOST Treatment System Treats and Combats the plaguing issues of Lace front wigs, weaves, and extensions. BASiC®Hair Care, Department of Education Last Updated May 10, 2017 7:22PM ES How BASiC® Carbon Tea Tree System® and BOOST Treatment System Treats and Combats the plaguing issues of Lace front wigs, weaves, and extensions. BASiC®Hair Care, Department of Education Last Updated May 10, 2017 7:22PM EST Lace front wigs and hair extensions are an easy way to give your hair a break from everyday mechanical damage, or to give the wearer an immediate make over. Unfortunately, this quick fix from one hair care woe can create a nightmare for some people without proper care, or installation. There has been a recent out lash about the havoc that lace front wigs and weaves are having on many women’s hair and hairline. Most problems from lace front wigs and extensions come from wearing the wigs for too long without allowing air to the scalp, trapping sweat, dirt, and dead skin underneath the wig or weave; not shampooing regularly with the proper shampoos which can prevent bacteria, and fungus overgrowth that tend to grow in warm, dark, and moist places. Excessive use of hair glue or wig adhesives can also cause temporary to permanent hair loss around the hairline, follicle infection and severe breakage. These adverse side effects from lace front wig and weave wearers leave women feeling devastated with a sense of helplessness and insecurity about their hair. The good news is that BASiC® Hair Care products provide ways to combat the growing hair loss, scalp infections, and follicle damage associated with lace front wigs and hair extensions. BASiC®Hair Care combines two systems that are designed to TREAT and COMBAT unsightly scalp conditions, associated with the use of lace front wigs and extensions. BASiC®Carbon Tea Tree Systemic a shampoo and conditioning treatment designed to revitalize, rejuvenate, and relieve any irritated scalp condition. The Carbon Tea Tree System®DETOXIFIES the scalp with the use of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL which is known for its ability to immediately remove toxins from the body. This shampoo works wonders on removing bacteria, fungus, allergens, dandruff, and buildup from the hair and scalp. BASiC®Carbon Tea Tree Shampoo® is also very invigorating which stimulates the scalp with natural oils and extracts like tea tree oil, lemongrass, and lavender. The combination of these oils naturally stimulates healthy blood flow to the roots, and follicles of the hair shaft, which promotes healthy hair growth. This process alone combats the lack of oxygen and poor circulation associated with wearing lace front wigs or weaves. BASiC® Tea Tree Conditioner deeply moisturizes the hair and scalp by infusing a perfect blend of herbal oils, extracts, and emollients that naturally moisturize, stimulate, invigorate, detangle, and leave the hair and scalp supple and healthy. Tea Tree and lavender are natural antibacterial oils that will help to prevent the overgrowth of dandruff and bacteria.

For further treatment, in between shampoo services or to spot treat itchy irritated areas on the scalp, use BASiC®Carbon Tea Tree Pomade. The Carbon Tea Tree Pomade can be used to soothe and lubricate the scalp beneath the lace front wigs, or weaves. BASiC®BOOST Treatment System uses the natural power of the Quinoa grain to balance out the protein and moisture that is normally lost during mechanical damage or regular wear and tear on the hair. BOOST Conditioning Treatment immediately repairs damaged hair strands on contact, giving your lace front wigs and extensions a more natural and healthy look and feel. BASiC®BOOST Conditioning Treatment also prevents tangling and matting normally associated with wigs and weaves. BASiC®Carbon Tea Tree System® and BOOST Conditioning Treatment works wonders on all hair types, textures, and colors including commercial tresses. BASiC® is designed to improve damaged hair conditions and to make your in salon and home hair care regimen simple, yet highly effective. Total hair care is always imperative when wearing wigs or extensions, BASiC® Hair Care gives you complete hair care inside and out. Properly maintaining your lace front wigs and extensions is also important to keeping your investment looking its best. Healthy Hair is BASiC®, that is what we believe and that is what we produce! Connect with Us! Website: Email: Phone: 404.767.5991 Facebook @basichair Twitter @basichaircare


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Malacia talking fashion and passion

In your bio you talk about your love crochet. Did your mom or grandmother teach it to you prior to you learning the craft through 4-H? Malacia A: My aunt taught me how to crochet so I have been crocheting longer than I have been sewing. 4-H is where I learned how to sew under the tutelage of Sadie Taylor. Would you agree that crocheting and sewing is something that a lot of kids and millenniums do not know how to do? Malacia A: I would agree with that. Arts, crafts, and basic home economics have unfortunately been taken out of the schools. Do you have any workshops that introduces young people to sewing and crocheting? Malacia A: I currently do not have any workshops at this time, my hope is to eventually offer that in the future. I remember the first thing I sewed free hand was my baby-dolls dress. What was the first thing that you sewed or crocheted? Malacia A: The first thing that I crocheted was a scarf. The first thing that I sewed was a pair of baby blue Bermuda shorts. When did you decide to turn your passion into profit? Malacia A: I have been sewing as a personal seamstress for years but stopped because it was very taxing. I began my Etsy shop in 2013 as a birthday present to myself. It was a goal of mine for some time and finally, on August 6th I decided to stop thinking about it and just do it. I didn’t put any expectations on it but just wanted to share the styles that I personally love. What it's evolved to is something beyond my imagination and is a testament to how God can increase your gifts when you use them for him.

Photographer: Aderon Mothersill

Photographer: Aderon Mothersill

Photographer: Aderon Mothersill

Photographer: Aderon Mothersill

Model/Designer: Malacia Anderson

How did you come up with the company name? Malacia A: The company name was a brainstorm between me and one of my friends. I wanted something that would represent me. My nickname is Lisa so we decided on Li Li’s Creations because I am often called Li or Li Li for short. African print has been around for a long time. Were you worried that your designs would be considered “just another African attire clothing line?” Malacia A: I hadn’t considered that thought at all. I am a retro kind of girl I love the classic, elegant and feminine styles of times past. I made things that represented who I am and let the beauty of that take its course. You said that you use yarn instead of fabric in your designs. Tell us what that process entails? Malacia A: When I first began, my Etsy show it was with crochet clothing items, dresses, hats scarfs. I approached the concept of crochet the same way that I would sew fabric. In that way, I would crochet styles free hand without using a pattern. Now that I have evolved the brand into sewing my favorite is of course African Wax but I am not limited by that and may evolve it even more into other fabrics as well. What I really love about your pieces is the bold colors and prints. Where do you get the inspiration for designing such bold pieces? Malacia A: I love color and prints that speak to me. I pick prints that have life and character of their own. I keep the styles simple so that it does not hinder the beauty of the fabric in any way. Some of your items are mixed-matched in very clever ways. For example, two different patterns in one dress (top and bottom). In addition, you have identical patterns with a lighter pigment on the bottom than the top. Malacia A: Yes, I like to mix in a way that there is a synergy in the fabric that ties them both together. It just gives the design a unique and fluid detail that sets it apart.

Photographer: Aderon Mothersill

We are still living in a low-rider, mid-drift fashion world. What made you go with primarily high-waist fashion? Malacia A: High waist fashion for me is just flattering to the body shape. I feel it is bit more forgiving in nature and can just accentuate a woman's waistline in a feminine way. Hard not to notice Sherri Shepherd from The View on your Etsy page. How did she discover you? I love her! What was it designing for her? Malacia A: Sherrie found me on her own which is what makes it more amazing for me. Sherrie has a great eye and knows her body type very well. Because of that her selection of bright colors and the vintage shape dresses that I offer are perfect for her awesome personality. Have you dressed any other celebrities? Malacia A: I have dressed a few. Most notably Yvette Nicole Brown – “The Odd Couple”, Tina Lifford – “Queen Sugar”, and Felicia Leatherwood – Celebrity Hair Stylist. In Sherri’s case, the colors and designs that you’ve chosen for her match her bubbly personality. Are you able to capture a client’s style via their personality? Malacia A: Overall my client base is very organic. I have fun bubbly personality and God seems to send customers to me that are the same as me. The goal of the Li Li’s Creations is to embody the beauty that exists inside of us as women. I try to captivate that in the design and how I model them. I believe that is ultimately what draws women to my work. Since your designs are made to order, are the clothes one of a kind pieces? Malacia A: Yes, once an item has been sold out it is generally not repeated. The dresses are limited and unique. I like to create a specialness to each piece so that each Li Li Girl knows that she will be unique and special whenever she is wearing one of my designs. I like that your dresses and skirts are form fitting in the right places, but have that poodle skirt flare. Why the poodle skirt homage? Malacia A: I just love, love, love vintage skirts. The 50’s and 60’s were just the best era to me and so I embody that aesthetic into my designs. Femininity



Aderon Mothersill

Photographer: Aderon Mothersill


is something that needs to be more on the forefront I believe. You have casual wear as well. Any plans to add your prints to dance or fitness clothes in the future? Malacia A: I hope to in the future to incorporate some activewear into my designs. It’s something that I have researched. Your motto: “There is more room on the outside of the box than in it.” We can see it in your designs for sure, but how do you apply this motto to your life? Malacia A: In my everyday life, I stay transparent and true to myself as an individual. We live in a world where being different and unique from others seems to be frowned upon. There is only one me and I believe by honoring God, walking in what he has given me will always keep me grounded and outside of the box. Where do you see Li Li’s Creations in two to three years? Malacia A: I see Li Li’s Creations expanding to be offered on a small scale in boutiques, as well as an increase in size. I would like to offer the ability to have events and workshops that will help others to walk in their gifts. By Constance Blaize-Shorter, EIC Edits, V. Hardy Malacia Anderson lives in Roosevelt Long Island with her family. I am currently excited to work on my spring Collection – The Kukua Collection which means grown in Swahili. When I am not designing, I am looking for other avenues to be able to meet and interact with my customers through vending. Being a full-time entrepreneur helps you to appreciate the small luxuries in life. Follow Malacia on Estsy and Facebook/ link social media Photography by Aderon Mothersill www.instagram. com/aderonmothersill/

Photographer: Aderon Mothersill

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PHOTOGRAPHY BY: Christopher Banks and Bryan Noynosoudachanh.

Kamila and KESFitÂŽ A unique style of dance fitness


hen our journalist, Mel P. first told us about Kamila Szczepaniak, we became intrigued with her last name. Being an international magazine, we love to share articles about individuals with culturally diverse backgrounds. As a fitness professional, the knowledge gained through certifications is key to ensuring the safety and health of students. However, the flow and the very essence of the class comes from the instructor’s personal background. Growing up in Poland with a history of the Polish-party atmosphere, and genre of music such as Punk-Folk and Polish Rap Hiphop definitely gives Kamila a fresh perspective on blending music and creating unique choreography.

BDF: Who were your mentors in the dance and fitness world?

BDF: Kamila, did you grow up in Poland? Kamila: Yes. I moved to the USA in 2002. BDF: When was the last time you visited your country? Kamila: It will be three years this September. BDF: What is the dance and fitness scene like in Poland? Kamila: I had a pleasure participating and teaching in Poland during one of my visits there. It was amazing to see a lot of similarities to what I was used to in the USA, as well as good old Polish-Party like atmosphere. Best of both worlds! BDF: Where you an active child? Kamila: Yes. Very much so. I climbed trees, played in tree houses and other constructions. I usually outside playing with the neighborhood kids, especially boys. I liked all the boyish activities. My body was always full of bruises, scrapes, and scars that I have till today. Good memories. BDF: When did you discover your love for dance fitness? Kamila: I discovered it back in 2010 when I first tried Zumba®. I didn’t want to miss a class or miss a beat. BDF: Do you have a dance background? Kamila: No. Not at all. I loved the arts and participate in lots of schools plays and dances. Anything artistic really. Singing, dancing and painting as well.

Kamila: For many years I observed my favorite instructors, learning their routines, and taking notes on ways to grow in the community. I learned a lot by supporting any the events that they were involved in. Finally, when I met Andre Banks last year I really began to understand the meaning of mentorship. It's a journey alongside an experienced individual who shares their knowledge and experience. It's a leader-pursuer relationship based mutually on trust and respect. He provided guidance in teaching group fitness formats (strength based: total body, boot camp, HIIT and so forth) as well as a hands-on contribution to KES Fit. Moreover, Andre helped me grow personally. He helped me get out my comfort zone, be more assertive, confident, and I gained an understanding of my worth. I believed in myself and see my potential. Andre and I are still working together in group fitness and personal development. I feel so blessed for my journey! I can’t wait to pay it forward soon. BDF: What fitness certifications do you have? Kamila: Certified Group Fitness, Zumba®, Aqua Zumba®, Fierce FUNk® and almost Pilates and Fitness Nutrition. BDF: What class do you like to teach best? Kamila: Teaching fitness classes is a part-time activity for me so truthfully I enjoy teaching any format. I love going to the fitness studio knowing that it will be a great time. It's my job to make it a great time for everyone taking my class. BDF: While instructing, what makes your method of teaching unique? Kamila: I was told that I connect with my students individually. I do look into a person’s eyes (to find her/him in the mirror – if that’s where we’re facing), give thumbs up or just smile. I never use the microphone because I’m loud, sarcastic and silly. I want my participants to be that way too, and eventually, they all are. My students don’t mind me being silly.

BDF: How do you think that you being from Poland affects the way that you teach? Kamila: Hospitality is the main part of the Polish culture. Polish-party is a feast and I think this comes out in my classes. It’s loud and lively - the louder and livelier the better. I also bring the original sounds of Polish Folk music into my classes as well. My choreography incorporates a variety of movements that my students are already familiar with. BDF: Are most of your students female?

your class? Kamila: There are so many reasons, but most of them just want to be active and sweat. I think they just want to be free and get crazy with a capital C! I also have few students who were getting back into the fitness lifestyle. Then there are others who are seeking any kind of movement after battling cancer or other horrible diseases like MS. After hearing stories like that I really just want to see them again and again, to make sure they’re doing well. BDF: What made you start your own business?

Kamila: Yes, However, I do have few male participants as well.

Kamila: Creativity. The ability to create and be free with my own brand.

BDF: What are women looking for when they come to

BDF: How did you come up with your business name,


BDF: Where do you see KESFit® in about two years?

Kamila: KES are my initials and then added Fit because I was already teaching fitness classes and considered myself fit.

Kamila: I live in a moment so I hope there will be many opportunities for KES Fitness to grow and give back. I would like to create my own community of students, participants, and families. Perhaps, partner with other instructors so they can have a chance to grow and express themselves. I want to pay it forward and be an inspiration to others.

BDF: What is the motto for your business? Kamila: Wellness is happiness. We are making happiness our daily goal. BDF: I heard that you were the first to bring dance and fitness to the mall. How is that going? Kamila: I work at Nordstrom Arden Fair in Sacramento, CA. When the Women’s Active Department moved to a larger floor I simply commented; “There’s lots of room to dance.” Someone said the store offered fitness classes and Zumba® to their customers in the past. I simply offered to do it myself. The store manager, Christen Brand agreed. Since December 2016, I’ve been offering free Zumba® classes once a month, on Sunday mornings. I absolutely love it! I mainly advertise through social media and word of mouth and I'm happy to see all who can make it. I met a lot of new people. Some of them are my new regulars.

BDF: Are you working on anything new for your classes? Kamila: Yes. Constantly. I’m finalizing my Pilates certification so that’s another format I will offer. BDF: If you were not teaching dance and fitness, what else would you be doing? Kamila: Teaching dance and fitness is still a part-time role. KES Fitness is a result of my healthy lifestyle choices. Aside from working in business development doing retail, fitness is part of my social life, adds balance and allows me to be an entrepreneur. BDF: What would you like to say to ladies out there about their bodies and building self-confidence? Kamila: I am with you ladies! I am building my confidence and learning to love my body every day. Don’t assume that

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if someone “looks better” they have high self-confidence. I always compared myself to others and was never happy with the way I looked. I started doing positive self-talk with myself. I understood that the voice inside my head is not the voice I hear when I speak positively to myself. I like hearing myself speak out loud much better! Speaking positively to myself and hearing it has more impact! I understood that I was given my (this) body for a reason and I need to use it with love. In order to use it in love, I need to take care of it. My body is a powerhouse. Believe it!

One-On-One With Mel Kamila is a Fitness Professional with a mission to help other women feel great about themselves. Our journalist Mel, had a heartwarming conversation with her during their interview. When Mel speaks about Kamila, you hear in her voice that she fully supports KES Fitness and all that Kamila strives to do.

Meeting Kamila I first met Kamila Emilia, Founder of KESFit® just over a year ago she had just moved to Sacramento from Virginia. I was immediately taken with the abundance of energy that she has and her relentless determination to pursue her dream. Like many of us in the fitness industry, Kamila was introduced initially to Zumba®. At the time she was going through some challenges. She was surprised at how much she fell in love with fitness, so much so that she became a certified Zumba® Instructor.

First class that she taught She told me that she was very nervous when she taught her first Zumba class and had used half of the songs from a Zumba training DVD and the other half she got from her instructor. Kamila said at the end of her class a student came up to her and said; "Second half was better and more fun." Kamila says that this was the best feedback she could receive as it encouraged her to be free and be true to herself as an instructor.

What makes her unique? Kamila has a unique style of her own and embraces her Polish upbringing and culture, which she incorporates into her fitness classes. She’s not afraid to try new things like adding a Polish Jig in class, which her students love.

Her vision and challenges Mel: What is the vision you have for KESFit®?

Kamila: I wanted a website and it was suggested by a good friend that I look for domains. Luckily, all the social media platforms had KES Fitness available and the next step was to build my brand and community. My brand allows people to come together in a safe environment, express themselves without being judged for their stories, struggles, and different backgrounds. This environment gives you a chance to be silly, even if you're older, and let go of your everyday burdens. My business is a resulted from my own passions, dreams and personal development. After spirituality, health, and family, fitness has always been one of my strongest values. Through KESFit, there will be a place to dance, exercise and be together. Like a family.

Mel: What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced on your journey? Kamila: Dealing with competition within the fitness field is hard. Expressing who you are and having others around you like what you do is even harder. Letting go of other people’s opinions and judgments can be difficult. Therefore, I decided to refresh and start over by coming to California almost two years ago. Now that was a hardship in its own category! The move forced me to go through serious personal growth and transformation that forced me to put KES Fitness to the side, as I thought that to myself; “That was just a playful episode of in my life.” Ultimately, I knew KESFit was a part of me and that I would continue doing whatever was needed to keep growing into the person I was meant to be. By me growing, KES Fit would grow too.

Mel: When we first met, the thing that struck me the most about you was your relentless pursuit of your dreams even in the hard times. What advice do you have for others about staying focused and going after their dreams? Kamila: Thank you, Mel. Just trust that it will all work out! You and everyone is made for greatness and that greatness will surface. Be patient and kind with yourself. No one lives your life for you but you. Just keep pushing forward and take each day as a part of your purpose and an opportunity for growth. Have no expectations but of yourself! By BlaizeDance, Inc. Team and Mel P. Edits, BlaizeDance, Inc. Team

5 Star Dance Studios The I’s have it! We searched far and wide to find you the top dance schools in these I states. When you visit one of these dance schools, tell them that BDFmagazine sent you. Idaho Ballet Idaho 501 S 8th St Ste A Boise, ID 83702 Phone number (208) 343-0556 Footnotes Dance & Fitness 731 Warner Ave

Lewiston, ID 83501

Rockie Mountain Dance Academy

Phone number (208) 305-6088

2328 N 1000th W Rexburg, ID 83440 Phone number (208) 716-0041


American Rhythm Center 410 S Michigan Ave

Idaho Rhythm School of Music and Dance

Fl 3

204 Holly St

b/t Van Buren St & Congress Pky

Nampa, ID 83651 Phone number (208) 461-9763 Ballet Coeur d’Alene 501 E Lakeside Dr Coeur D Alene, ID 83814 Phone number (208) 209-4169

Chicago, IL 60605 Phone number (312) 922-1272

Soham Dance Space 922 N Damen Ave Chicago, IL 60622 b/t Walton St & Iowa St

West Town, Ukrainian Village

1269 Husky Trl

Phone number (708) 253-3572

Warsaw, IN 46582

Phone number (574) 267-7055

Beyond The Stars Performing Arts Acade- h t t p : / / w w w. c o l l i e r d a n c e . c o m / m o m my my-me-registration/ 327 75th St Willowbrook, IL 60527

Dance Refinery

Phone number (630) 568-3610

8335 Shelby St

Indianapolis, IN 46227 Phone number (317) 653-3163

Sammy Dyer School of the Theatre 513 W. 72nd Street, Chicago, IL sammydyerschoolofthetheatre@yahoo. Soham Dance Space com 922 N Damen Ave Phone number: 773-651-3210 Chicago, IL 60622

b/t Walton St & Iowa St West Town, Ukrainian Village

Hubbard Street Dance Chicago 1147 W. Jackson Blvd.

Phone number (708) 253-3572

Chicago, IL 60607 Phone number 312-850-9744 Intrigue Dance and Performing Arts Center 1937 S. Archer, Chicago, IL 60616 Phone number 312-765-6755

Indiana Debra Collier’s School of Dance

The Fort Wayne Ballroom Company 1559 W Dupont Rd Fort Wayne, IN 46825 Phone number (260) 437-6825 http://www.fortwayneballroomcompany. com Stage Door Dance Academy 4041 Industrial Blvd Indianapolis, IN 46254 Phone number (317) 299-8349


Beach Front Dance School

The Dance Academy of Cedar Rapids

427 S Lake St, Gary, IN 46403

​4820 Armar Drive SE

Phone number: (219) 938-0366

Cedar Rapids, IA 52403

Phone number: 319-373-8484 Tina’s Dance Studio & Tumbling Center

Iowa National Dance Academy   313 Scott Ct, Iowa City, IA 52245 Phone number: (319) 351-7593

563-285-2222 2100 E. LeClaire Rd. Eldridge, Iowa Phone number: 563-285-2222 2100

University of Iowa Youth Ballet and Community Dance School

Dance Vision Dance Studio & Ballet Academy Office

W106 Halsey Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242 Iowa City, IA 52242 Phone number: 319-335-2193

5860 Merle Hay Rd P.O. Box 679 Johnston, IA 50131 Phone number: 515-270-8299

Sources: Five star ratings researched via Yelp and Top 10 Dance Studios in these cities. Courtesy Images by yay Images, Photographers, Dessie,:Elwynn,:Elnur,:Vanell, and, Alex L. Edits by BlaizeDance, Inc.2017


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