There are 38,000 homeless Veterans in the United States. 17 Veterans commit Suicide every day, many with homelessness a contributing factor. The words Veteran and Homeless should not be used in the same sentence…

Veterans Matter is a national (501c3 non-profit). Our mission is to house as many homeless veterans as possible, as quickly as possible. We know that the best way to help homeless Veterans is to provide them with stable housing and a path to address mental health, unemployment, substance use and PTSD.
Our model is built for speed and success! We collaborate with VA Supported Housing programs where the Veteran Family is allocated a subsidized Housing Voucher and wraparound support services. Veterans Matter supplies the de posit and first months’ rent that enables veterans to move into approved hous ing. The VA provides its full range of services healthcare, mental health, drug counselling, job placement, and others to ensure the successful integration back into society.
Veterans Matter has helped over 6500 Veterans gain access to affordable hous ing. This program has a 90% success rate after one year. We have the capabil ity to help every Veteran that is approved by the VA if we can raise the money needed. It is an average of $1,100 per veteran to pay their deposit and their portion of the first months’ rent to move in with a Housing Voucher. The faster we raise $38 million dollars the faster we can solve this problem.

17 Veterans suicide each day
CEO Veterans Matter Board member and Fundraising Chair