Blaize Dance & Fitness August 2016

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August 2016

Cover Photo by Jordan Matter Photography

Creative Director: Media Cre8tors

Photographer: Ravimi Photography

Model: Carolina Gutierrez

Shoe Designer: Shola Designs

MUA: Glam Jackie

Stylist: Sophia Rodriguez

Words from the Editor

Back to school, Bhangra Dance, and the Beginning of Fall

It’s back to school and parents, kids, teachers and college students are preparing for a successful school year. Education should be an enlightening experience and students should walk away not only with knowledge (theoretical, practical ) , but also understanding (being aware of the feelings of others around themtolerance and forgiveness). One of my favorite books is All I Re A lly Need to K N ow I l e ARN ed IN K IN de Rg AR te N (author Robert Fulghum) because kids learn life skills in addition to academic skills. For example, one of the tools taught to kids is “Play fair”. Which tells us to be considerate to the feelings of others. Since the world is on edge at the moment, we can only hope that our educational institutions will take note and teach skills beyond textbooks and equip students with social tools as well.

We love sharing unique dance stories with you and Bhangra d ance with Nikita Bokil does just that by taking you on a journey into India’s traditional dances. Our exclusive interview with photographer, Jordan Matter, will make you view dancers in a whole new light. For those who love to exercise in water, Aquaphysical is the latest in aquatic fitness. We are thrilled to feature Dance It Out (DIO) with Michele Jones and Billy Blanks Jr. (son of Billy Blanks, the creator of Tae Bo) as they take dance fitness to the next level.

Don’t forget to honor our American workers on Labor Day (September 5th), and take part in International Literacy Day (September 8th). Check out our fall tips in our Beauty and Fashion section ; particularly our wedding treats from MarkaDecor Premium Handmade Wedding Accessories and Gifts. Fall begins (September 22nd), make sure that your pantry is up to date with the latest fall fruits and veggies. Keep turning the pages and see what else we have in stored for you!

Cheers to your health,

Constance Blaize-Shorter, EIC

Real Stories…

SMILE because you can! Despite the mistakes you have made, you’re still standing. Yesterday is gone and you have been blessed with the present. Look back no more but look around at all you have right now. Stay faithful and impose your will on making today great. Smile because the haters will disappear when they know you can’t be defeated. You are a gladiator (in a suit sometimes) and you will fight until you accomplish your victory. Smile because it’s contagious. Someone needs that smile to lift them back up on their feet. Donate your smile to the world around you and watch it flourish with positive

energy. Smile because it’s healthy. It also reduces stress and frown wrinkles. Smile because you can! #dailymotivation

Duane is an exercise enthusiast who loves working out at CrossFit Tampa Bay. He encourages all of us through his posts on Facebook filled with daily fitness motivations and food prep images that provides encouragement to all who are seeking a lifestyle change.



Constance Blaize-Shorter


Constance Blaize-Shorter

Joseph W. Shorter III


Joseph W. Shorter III


Constance Blaize-Shorter

Joseph W. Shorter III

Jovette Muniz

Dr. Lawanda Ford-Johnson


Melina Pagoulatos


Laura H. Shorter

Vanessa Shorter

Launchland Samuel

Sylvia Omard Esquire

Ann Thomas

Janet Samuel

Alexis Trujillo


Jordan Matter Photography

Cover Model-Emi Elkins

Hair and make up- Model

Clothes - Model

Shoes- Capezio

Special Thanks

Lacey B. Smith - E.O.F. 2016

Glam Squad and Photographers for The Fashion Movement and Haute Accesories

Model - Hana Young

Styled by - Melizza Williams

Jewelry - Naje Designs (Nancy Ranalli)

Bag - Shola Designs

Dress - Cerulean Blu

Hair - Tanisha Leach

M/U - Carissa A Mosley

Photographer- Nathaniel Duncan

Duane Hogg-Real Stories

Feature Transformation

Jessica Marcia Clemmon-Lasting Transformation

Feature Dance

Nikit Bokil- CMU Bhangra

Billy Blanks Jr and Michele Jones - Dance it Out

Fitness Legends - Alberto “Beto” Pérez


Photo Acknowledgments

Jim McCulloch of

Mindy Kerr

Jordan Matter of

Bhangra Blowout 23 and Courtesy images

Nathanial Duncan-Photographer

Dance It Out with Michele

Dance fitness format goes global

I first met Michele Jones about three years ago at a dance fitness certification class. Right away, I saw that she was a very talented instructor. It was this last winter that Michele introduced myself and others to a new format from Southern California called Dance It Out (DIO). Created by Billy Blanks Jr., DIO is a total body, dance fitness workout that combines dance styles from all over the world ranging from Bollywood to hip-hop and puts them in a high energy calorie torching workout. I had never done DIO before, and was immediately attracted to the music and choreography which was easy to learn.

The day I took Dance It Out it had an African flavor to it which I loved. The steps were easy to learn and had me sweating up a storm in no time. From an instructor standpoint DIO offers eight different teaching methods along with the different styles of dance. This results in more diversity and creates a broader audience. Billy Blanks Jr. brings the heart and soul of dance and fitness to the community resulting in a cardio dance workout that has a positive impact for his students. One of the best parts about DIO is that you forget you are working out because you are too busy grooving it out.

Michele found DIO through social media as she entered a contest to win a free DIO certification. She had previously seen it on the popular TV show Shark Tank and was interested in learning about the program with the creator Blanks Jr. Michele won the contest and the rest is history. Bringing a wealth of knowledge to DIO, Michele holds fitness certifications from The Aerobic

and Fitness Association of America (AFAA), and The American Council on Exercise (ACE). She’s certified to teach several dance fitness formats including Dance It Out, Fierce Funk, Zumba, Zumba Toning, Aqua Zumba Zumba Sentao. Michele comes from a dance background and started her own dance company right out of high school called Body Motion Dance where she taught ages five to adults. In 2011 she founded her current dance fitness company, Dance Me Fit, which includes a very popular after school kids program that is currently 100 kids and growing. Michele has collaborated with Blanks Jr. on several projects and helped grow the DIO program in the San Diego area.

Michele is very passionate about anything she teaches and loves to share dance fitness with those in the community. She currently teaches in the San Diego area at the following locations: Being Fit Gym, Qualcomm, Sony and Poway Unified School, and Carmel Mountain library.

Currently, Dance It Out classes can be found at Blanks Studios in Sherman Oaks California and across the United States. DIO classes are now global in Japan, Mexico, and Germany, just to name a few. Dance It Out has been featured on The Dr. Oz show due to its calorie burning cardio fun. If you are in the LA area definitely take a DIO class at Blanks Studios. For those of you in the San Diego area, Michele’s class schedule is listed on

Wendy Foreman Jewelry Design

Interview with Michele

As an instructor what is the most challenging thing you face when teaching?

Michele: Choosing my playlist and routines as there are many different styles to teach. I get really excited to bring so many fun things to class. What is your advice to any new dance fitness instructors?

Michele: My advice is to stay curious and to find ways to educate yourself in many different styles of dance. If you teach dance fitness, find out the history behind different styles, take classes from other instructors, and most importantly find a mentor to help you start your journey. Practice everything you have learned and seek out opportunities to co-teach with other experienced instructors.

What fitness certifications would you recommend to a new instructor?

Michele: Obtain a fitness certification in ACE, AFFA, or National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

You can view the class schedule for Blanks Studio at Learn more about Dance It Out® and view videos at: and

Edits Vanessa Shorter

Destination Vegas

Anthony C Mills , Tampa, Florida

For more attractions in Vegas:

i9 Coaching Dad

My wife and I decided to enroll our two kids Blaize and Laura Ann in soccer this past summer. Watching them bounce around the house with a seemingly unlimited amount of energy just made it a necessity for our own sanity! Like many parents, we think our kids have a particular talent that is special so, we figured; “Let’s see what they are made of”. Then we thought, wait, let’s ease them into it. So, we decided to pick a league that focused on the kids having fun but still being competitive. Enter i9, their mission said it all, “Helping kids succeed in life through sports.”

So, we enrolled both of them in a sport because Laura Ann rightly feels that she can do anything her brother can do! The franchise seemed a bit new so there was a bit of an organizational problem but nothing too much to overcome. After meeting my son’s coach, (who looked to be in his early twenties or late teens),and getting through one practice-I noticed that he didn’t have much of a connection with the kids on the team. Through team sports with kids, I’ve learned that they often feed off of the coaches energy, and this coach’s lack of experience

was shining through. Which was too bad because Connie and I really wanted the experience to be energetic and exciting for Blaize. We missed the first game of the season; however, after our first practice and game, I’d Immediately remembered that when we were registering the kids that the registration form had box for volunteer coaches. I thought then that I was too busy at work to be able to make that type of commitment, but our first experience changed all of that and I felt compelled to get involved. I should make the point, that it wasn’t just Connie and I who were a bit disappointed by the coach’s performance, the other parents were also visibly bothered. Before I realized it, I was acting like a coach, encouraging the kids to run and have fun. So, that evening we called the director of the i9 Sports franchise and notified them that I wanted to be an

official coach for Blaize’s team.

The very next game, I made it known to the coach, other staff members and the parents that I was officially “Assistant” coach for the team. I wanted to make my presence known immediately. Hence, I was filled with energy and offered a lot of encouragement during the game. The kids really responded to that. We didn’t win the next game but, they all played better and had a lot more fun (the parents too). I ran up and down the field as much as the kids-encouraging them to run and kick the ball. There was sweat and smiles all around! It was really hard to tell who was the “Head Coach”, and who was the “Assistant” by that time. I felt as if I had become the father

of every child on the field and it was awesome to make a special connection with each of the kids on the team. I felt proud as I handed out the final season team participation medals to each child and I made sure that I told them something special before giving them their trophy. Blaize (my son) did great! He was one of the fastest and strongest kids of all the teams that played. He wasn’t the best player, however, as this was his first attempt at soccer, but it was clear he is a natural athlete. In one game I encouraged him to use his strength to get to the ball and he did. Unfortunately, it resulted in a kid on the opposing team getting tossed to the ground. Blaize felt awful and so did I . The referee didn’t penalize him because it wasn’t on purpose (he just didn’t know his own strength) and that caused him to “hold back” through the rest of the season.

We never won a game, but the kids played competitively during all the remaining games. Most importantly, they had a ton of fun! I have to say that the most gratifying thing was how the parents responded to me. Even the “Head” coach started to show more enthusi asm. Hopefully he will take it with him to the next team he coaches. Will I coach again? Not sure. While I enjoyed pitching in, I missed my daughter’s games because we were practicing while her team was playing their game. Nev ertheless, I will be ready to step in whenever there is a need.

Aquaphysical® gets physical

Bringing core strength to a new level

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to do burpees on water? That’s right-I said on water. Now you can with Aqua Physical the hot new water workout taking London and the UK storm. Water exercise has been around for years and offers many health benefits including increased cardio endurance, low impact movement, muscle strengthening, and increased range of motion and flexibility.

Aquaphysical challenges the body by taking some of the most popular exercises such as, (mountain climbers, planks,

squats, and crunches), all executed on water. How is that possible? You see Aqua physical uses an Aquabase® which is basically a floating floor that looks like a thick yoga mat. Participants treat it just like it’s a floor. Just imagine how amazing it must feel to do your favorite moves on water that you’ve done on land!

Just standing on the Aquabase itself is exercise because it requires extreme amounts of core strength and balance. The main muscles utilized are the abdominals, hip and pelvic muscles, as well as lower back muscles. Having strong abs

is essential to having a health body- as it improves balance, coordination, and everyday movement.

Aqua Physical offers a class called Floatfit® HIT (say that five times fast). FloatfitHIT is a 30 minute boot camp style class. This class works the entire body and is low impact. All exercises can be modified. As for attire, students wear leggings, workout tops, and no shoes are worn while exercising. Bikini’s are not recommended because this workout is intense and involves bouncing. As an instructor and water exercise fan, I can’t wait to try this and maybe even get certified to teach this exciting format. Like many formats, Aquaphysical offers a one day instructor training that teaches how to safely and effectively instruct Aquaphysical.

Personally, I’ve not had the opportunity to try this format as it is still exclusive to the UK. However, I will definitely try it this fall when it comes to the states. I would challenge you to do the same as it looks like fun!

Edits, L. Samuel and BlaizeDance, Inc. (Eds.)

For more information on Aquaphysical® visit Aquaphysical “A brand new way of exercising”/25 Mereside, Portland, Dorset, DT3 6EJ/

+44 (0)7976 743 350/

Sources: Aquaphysical® and Floatfit® HIT. Images from photos/479812355525917/ by Google images 2016. Looking forward Mel’s on location follow up in the near future.


Alberto "Beto" Pérez

Beto showing that everyone can Zumba.

Do you Zumba? If you have never taken a Zumba class, don’t worry, the world will fill you in. Visit any social media platform and you will find Zumba’s trademark images, classes and instructions. It is one of the most sought-after, internationally known group dance fitness classes because the music and technique is simple and easy to follow. The creator of Zumba is Alberto "Beto" Pérez, a Colombian dancer and choreographer who turned his passions into a multibillion dollar business with the help of his business partners, Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion.

Alberto "Beto" Pérez, born in 1970, is a Colombian dancer and choreographer who created the fitness program Zumba in the 1990’s. Zumba involves dance and aerobic elements with accompanying music that is mainly Latin. The class also incorporates various genres of music and associated martial arts moves, squats, lunges and other aerobic techniques. Pérez was raised in Cali, Colombia by a single mother and was working three jobs by age 14 to support his family. His passion was dancing, but he could not afford dance lessons. After he won a national lambada contest in Colombia, he was accepted to one of Colombia’s best academies to study dance while he taught step aerobics in return.

The Cali Colombia Boy Goes to Miami

In search of the American dream Pérez moved to Miami, Florida in 1999. Besides teaching aerobics classes, he tried to promote his own fitness and dance routines, accompanied by music, in various venues with limited success - until preparation for a 2003 infomercial. With financial and technical assistance from businessmen, Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion, workshops resulted that were based on Zumba routines. Businessmen Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion Initially distributed as DVD’s, his routines gained momentum that resulted in an international following.

Fiesta Buena - Dj Mam's Feat Luis Guisao & Soldat Jahman & Special Guest Beto Perez

“You’re at the gym with 50 women and you’re the only man inside? You will be the king! All the women love you because you have the personality to go in this class, and you make a lot of friends, and you will see how the concept changes. Because it’s a typical macho, no? ‘Oh no, I don’t do this. I don’t shake my booty.’ But, all the women love when the men move in the class.”

Birth of Zumba the Business

In 2006, Pérez established Zumba Fitness LLC. An organization that sells Zumba videos and products and also charges licensing fees to its network of instructors (ZIN™ – Zumba Instructors' Network). Zumba Fitness employs more than 200 employees. Reportedly, some 14 million people in more than 160,000 locations in 185 countries are Zumba practitioners. They dance and sing to fun music mainly provided by the company.

Zumba Fitness has also released its own fashion line of Zumbawear. The company manufactures Zumbawear for agespecific groups, including seniors, mothers and children. Besides the general Zumba Fitness brand, fashion lines include styles for Zumba Toning, Aqua Zumba, Zumba Sentao, Zumba Gold, Zumba Gold-Toning, Zumba Kids and Zumba Kids Jr and the newly created Zumba Step. Its instruction programs are popular in community centers, youth activity centers, tourist venues, schools and retirement communities, among other venues.

Zumba Music and Celebrities

Through his Zumba Fitness routines, Pérez promotes Latin music and musical artists which contributes to their success. An Associated Press article states that the Zumba movement has created an international fanbase for Latin music, citing acts like Pitbull and Don Omar. Pitbull, Wyclef Jean and other stars have taken part in Zumba Fitness conventions. Other Zumba fans include Jennifer Lopez and Shakira.

Zumba Fitness has released a series of music albums including Zumba Fitness Dance Party with music for Zumba classes worldwide. Pérez has collaborated with the Colombian Latin star Mara (full name Mara Prada). Together, Pérez and Prada have a hit song called Crazy Love. Prada, J. Perry, and Dahrio Wonder were named Zumba Fitness Emerging Artists. A similar collaboration has developed with the well-established Brazilian star Claudia Leitte particularly after the adaptation of Largadinho to Zumba moves. An English translation was also included as Lazy Groove. Leitte has become the international ambassador to Zumba Fitness. Pérez was also featured as a special guest in Fiesta Buena, a hit by DJ Mam's that also featured Luis Gui-

sao and Soldat Jahman. The single topped the charts in France and Belgium following DJ Mam's international hit Zumba He Zumba Ha.

Introductions by, CB Shorter BlaizeDance, Inc. & Trujillo, Alexis (Eds.).

Sources: "Beto Perez." Wikipedia: The Free Last modified was last modified on 1 June 2016, at 22:35. "Zumba." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. This page was last modified on 20 July 2016, at 20:31.

Follow Alberto "Beto" Pérez on,, and zumbabeto. Disc-Fiesta Buena/DJ Mam's feat. Luis Guisao and Soldat Jahman with and special guest Beto Perez)-DJ Mam's album/Fiesta Buena. Sources Wikipedia and Images from Google Images and Alberto "Beto" Pérez-Facebook.

A Lasting Transformation

“Watching Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead on a snowy weekend changed my life.”

I became interested in Jessica’s story simply because of her Facebook testimony about losing weight. She did not just go on a diet, she went a step further and made a lifestyle change. Like a lot of women, Jessica has tried several weight loss programs. However, she had to find the right exercise regimen and nutrition that was tailored for her body. So, let’s listen as Jessica graciously shares her transformation with us.

So what was your “aha moment” Jessica?

I was sitting in my house on a snowy weekend in January. Whenever my boyfriend was not at my place, just sitting around was my routine. I told myself I was relaxing from a long work week but, I was actually hiding. I hated going out and hated people from my past, who knew me when I was younger and thinner, looking at me. I hated the way my body looked. Although I was not pleased with my figure, no one would have guessed that I was feeling this way. I was always happy! I was happy because a lot of things in my life was finally coming together. So, back to the story, that weekend I watched a show on Netflix called, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. I became so intrigued that I watched it over and over again for the rest of the day. The next morning, I woke up early, went to the store, and purchased everything Joe Cross said I needed. I thought to myself, I am not happy with what I see in the mirror because I ate my way here. So, why not eat my way back to the person I want to be.

Jessica, it seems like Joe’s diet suggestions seemed suitable for you.

I have tried almost every diet known to mankind and nothing worked for me because I made poor choices when it came to eating. Food has always been a source of emotional comfort. It didn’t matter if I was sad, angry or happy, I used food as an escape.

Were you into sports or fitness as a child?

I used to run track, play softball, and I loved both sports. I was very active, but one day something changed all of that. One day I realized that I wasn’t having fun participating in these sports anymore. It became a chore, like going to the gym. Don’t get me wrong, after getting on a treadmill or elliptical at the gym, I felt amazing. However, it was literally a workout to get me to the gym in the first place (laughing). For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why I just did not have the motivation to go. I know you love meat, but did you indulge in junk food?

Oh my gosh! I loved junk food. I loved all of gummy candies, cakes; and of course you cannot eat cake without ice cream. I actually still love it, but now I eat all foods in moderation. I buy delicious treats that are

“My skin is my best asset.” -Jessica

healthier for me. Some people would be amazed at all the wonderful treats that can be made with avocado and cashews. It’s possible to eat healthy foods that taste so good that you never feel as if you are depriving yourself. Did family or friends make eating healthy difficult for you?

Actually, my circle of friends are very supportive. They sent me vegan magazines, tagged me on Facebook with healthy articles, sent me gift cards to purchase healthier foods, and invited me to restaurants that served more nutritious meals. Without encouragement from my boyfriend and friends, my health would not have improved and I would not feel as wonderful as I do today.

I read that Doctor Oz gave you life changing advice. What was it?

In my head, Dr. Oz is my Primary care physician. He has a wealth of information and I’ve learned so much from his show. When I was on his show, we discussed bloating, inflammation, and eating foods that didn’t cause these symptoms. Although I listened to all the information that was bestowed on me (including some things he confirmed regarding my health), I chose not to listen to his advice that day. Nevertheless, I’m now taking his recommendations and will follow through on what I’ve learned.

Do you have any children?

Yes I do, but my children are older and independent. I never used having children as an excuse when I was unhealthy and overweight. In fact, having a family should be enough incentive to live a healthful life to ensure that you will be around to engage in their lives fully.

A lot of women try to get back to their post pregnancy bodies after giving birth. Did you go through that as well?

It’s funny, reflecting on my weight and my life, I never lived a healthy lifestyle until now. I grew up on southern cooking and fast food, just like my peers. As a young mother, I didn’t shop at stores that catered to healthy living. I brought what was easily affordable. Unfortunately, kale was not on the menu and I don’t remember hearing about kale when I was younger. That’s something that I believe should be changed in homes. In my opinion, nutrition classes that are taught in public schools today needs to be revised with the current updated information that is available to us now. We are still pushing white rice and bread in the schools. The lunches are terrible! How do we expect children to learn while eating unhealthy? I appreciate the improvements Mrs. Obama has so passionately implemented within the public school system.

Do you prep your meals?

I believe 95% of my success is attributed to being prepared. Prepping my meals is essential to having a great day versus a not so great day. A not so great day means I’ll probably consume something that is not good for my health. By constantly preparing clean foods for unexpected emotional events during the workweek (traffic jams, long meetings), I’ve secured great eating habits.

What do you typically eat for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner?

I wake up and have a glass of kale juice mix with, lemon, cucumber, celery and a green apple. Then in two hour increments, I have the following; a handful of almonds and water, then another juice mix with grapefruit, orange and lemon juice (which I call my vitamin C mix), and for my snack, carrots or cucumbers with Hummus. In between, I have more water. Continuing with two hour increments, I add a whole grain such a Quinoa with spinach or roasted veggies like, red and yellow peppers, squash and garlic sprinkled with olive oil and more water for my beverage. Instead of snacking, I’ll consume water throughout the day to keep me hydrated and filled. Two hours later, prior to bedtime and dinner, I indulge in another kale juice mix. To end the night, green tea and a piece of fruit or raw veggie. I used to skip a lot of meals, now I have to force myself to eat and drink every two hours. However, I make an effort to stay on schedule because eating this way satisfies my hunger. I still struggle with drinking water, but I am a work in progress.

Do you have any cheat days?

I have cheat moments. I try to stay away from a full day of cheating. Again, consistency is the key to success. I may indulge in a very small piece of cake. I don’t suggest that you do this, but it totally works for me!

What type of exercises do you do?

Yoga and cardio in the gym. Low impact exercise works best for me.

As we know, when it comes to exercising, we all start strong, but life sometimes gets in the way. What is your motivation for exercising?

The mirror is my motivation. Like many people, I can think of a million reasons why I don’t have time to exercise. Nevertheless, when I do, I love it. Being persistent pays off. When I’m getting dressed in front of the mirror I can see the work

I put in. I am overjoyed with my results and it makes me feel wonderful. This keeps me moving forward.

What person(s) do you most admire or maybe model yourself after when it comes to obtaining fitness and nutritional goals?

Chef Ahki (a vegan chef in Atlanta, GA), I’ve learned so much from her Facebook page. She often post recipes that I’ve tried and loved. Manko Fit is a trainer on east coast. She is a fitness guru who motivates me to get physically fit. I often repost from these two ladies. Their work is amazing.

As women, we talk so much about the areas of our bodies that we don’t like. What are your best assets?

My best asset is my skin. No matter how large I’ve been in the past, my skin seems to never lose its elasticity and for that I am fortunate. I know you never really hear people refer to their skin as their finest asset, but I truly love the skin I am in.

Okay, I struggle with my inner thighs and abdomen. What areas do you struggle with?

I struggle with under my arms. No matter what I do, this area I am not satisfied with yet. I also hate arm related exercise (laughing). I try to do things that aren’t so painful to

work on that area, but those things usually have minimum impact. Painfully, I’ve learned that cutting corners does not pay.

Jessica, you would not have been successful with your transformation if it was not for patience, perseverance, and practical goals. Give us some advice regarding staying focused and committed to a fitness plan?

The most important element to remaining consistent is to surround yourself with encouraging people and positive environments that promotes your overall wellness. I believe that is very important. Equally as important, is to always be prepared. Prepping meals and having gym clothing readily available creates successful moments which leads to great accomplishments.

When you look in the mirror and you compare your body from a year ago to now, what do you say to yourself?

Wow! Look at the work you have put in. I am proud of myself because getting to this point required unconditional self love. Loving myself helped me focus on the caring for my overall wellness (mind, body and spirit). Fundamentally, a lot of reflection and forgiveness had to take place for this to occur. Forgiving oneself is something that many struggle to do and may not even know how to start this process.

Do you have any additional fitness goals that you’ve set for yourself?

Jessica: I want to remain consistent and continue to grow in my Yoga process.

Hope you will come back and share your new transformation with us!

Jessica: I sure will. For me, this has become a lifelong journey and each step is a celebration.

Vanessa Shorter and Samuel, L. Eds.

Jessica Marcia Clemmons received her Masters in Public Administration at Walden University and studied Clinical/Community Psychology at Springfield College. This mother and human servant is an Investigator for Child Abuse and Neglect in NJ.. She loves to read in her spare time and has found that her greatest asset is comforting others and helping them resolve various issues in their lives. “ I take pride in being an inspiration and motivator as I help people accomplish their goals. I truly believe this is my purpose in life. “

Courtesy Images - Jessica Marcia Clemmons. Public links to videos, Facebook page and personal bios for Joe Cross, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, Chef Ahki , and Manko Fit.

Destinations Vancouver British Columbia, Canada

Photo by Jordan Matter Photography

Dancers Among Us

Getting to know Jordan Matter

Part I

Cover Model , Emi Elkins
Photo by Jordan Matter Photography

Jordan and his children, son Hudson 10 and daughter Salish 6

Jordan Matter’s book, Dancers Among Us: A Celebration of Joy in the Everyday, is on The New York Times- Best Sellers Book list. His book has been described as; “Breathtaking photos to free your imagination.”- Diane Sawyer, ABC World News quoted. We are blessed to have this exclusive interview with him that speaks about his journey to his dream career in photography, his family and his new book, (not yet released), Dancers After Dark. He has a message for us all about taking risk and allowing life to lead you where it wants you to go.

BDF: Jordan, thank you for displaying your images in our magazine. One of my favorite photos is at Jacobs Pillow with Michaela DePrince. It captures moves that are simple yet powerful, against a background that is so serene. What is the inspiration for this photo and how was it working with Michaela?

Jordan: She is phenomenal. Michaela is a really nice individual to shoot. The shoot was very improvisational, and what I mean by that is there was not dog in the scene. I actually saw a car going by with a dog in it and chased the car down the road! We had already had a back pack and some books handy and previously discussed the whole hitch hiking scenario. One of the things about this photos is that it has not

been digitally altered. The dog lifted his head straight up in the shot, Michaela jumped in the air, and the moment was captured. All improvised.

BDF: The other image that evokes fond memories, for me, of being a young dancer in New York is of the model, Kaela, on the subway platform En pointe while doing an exaggerated attitude. What inspired this piece?

Jordan: I like to mix the city with the urban influences by inserting the he beauty of a dancer to scenarios such as, walking across the street, catching the subway. The point of images like this is that it resonates with people’s everyday lives. Every day rarely feels beautiful, and images like this makes people feel good.

BDF: When did you discover your love for taking pictures?

Jordan: I have a specific moment about that. Many years ago on the mountain top of Acadia National Park, I was with my then girlfriend, who is now my wife. I took a photo of the landscape. Although I was excited about it, I did not know how to take a landscape photo (laugh). My desire to learn how to do that correctly was an “aha moment.”

BDF: So when did your career start?

Jordan: Becoming a photographer was my New Year’s resolution and I stared taking pictures after January of 2000. At the time, I was an actor and a waiter. I started taking stock of my situation and decided to do things that really made me happy. Making photography a career was one of these things.

What do you love about your job?

Jordan: I love the fact that it changes every day, and I love the collaborating with the dancers.

Nicole Chaplin

BDF: What photographers inspire you to do the things that you do?

Jordan: Oh…my biggest inspiration is Henri Cartier-Bresson. He’s a street photographer who captures everyday moments that are joyful and interesting. I just love his work.

BDF: Jordan, I am curious as to why you chose to focus so much on dance images.

Jordan: I got the idea by watching my son play. He had this ability to create beauty via his imagination. Every moment I look at him was a beautiful moment. This is what dancers do. Every motion is a beautiful moment.

BDF: Tell us the inspiration behind your book, Dancers Among Us: A Celebration of Joy in the Everyday, which happened to be on the New York Times Best Seller list.

Jordan: Pretty much what I just told you about my son. He inspired it all. I never photographed dancers prior to the book. So, yeah my son is the entire reason behind that process.

BDF: The cover photo reminds me of the iconic images of Gene Kelly and Singin’ in the Rain. Why did you choose this image for the book?

Jordan: That image was very popular online. It went viral and led to everything that happened. It was recognizable. It makes an everyday moment more beautiful than it would normally be.

BDF: What I admire about you is your hands on attitude. You literally jump or dive into your work (laugh). How do you think your physical involvement has helped your subjects?

Jordan: I am very enthusiastic about what I do. When collaborating with dancers, they feel my excitement and it fuels them. Since most dancers are told what to do, shoots like this gives them a chance to collaborate and be a part of the

Photo by Jordan Matter Photography
Model, Asshleigh, Los Angeles

final product. Our equal involvement helps the overall look of the picture.

BDF: Are you a dancer? Any dancers in your family?

Jordan: There are no dancers in my family. Acting is my thing and I’ve done some Broadway, television and regional theater.

BDF: Do you have famous dance companies request that you photograph them in NYC or elsewhere?

Jordan: Yes, a lot of these companies have inspired my love for shooting dancers. Like Ailey’s, Paul Taylor and Houston Ballet. Houston Ballet asked me to do a shoot in Paris.

BDF: What dancer would you like to photograph?

Jordan: Misty Copeland and Mikhail Baryshnikov.

BDF: Is there a celebrity that you would like to photograph?

Jordan: No, not really. I don’t work that way. There are a lot of people that I admire in the industry. However, I just go with what my vision is at the moment.

BDF: In my opinion, dancers are really hard to shoot in motion. Your images are extremely clean and precise. Without giving away your secrets, how do you take such perfect motion shots?

Jordan: Well, it has to do with light to speed (type of strobe light) and their motion. Having a good camera that can do that is key.

BDF: I see that you also offer workshops. What’s your mission with these workshops?

Jordan: I try to get people to see things in a different way. Most workshops focus mostly on the technical side. But I focus on how the photographer is seeing the world. I talk about spontaneity in great detail. Then, we go out and shoot. Who attends your workshops?

The people who attend the workshops are professionals and students.

BDF: What is your advice for photographers in respects to building a unique brand and knowing

Jordan: Well, there are two things. You need to shoot what you know and what gets you excited. Good locations and things you are familiar with are also very important. I broke that rule in the beginning. I now appreciate everyday life and I use dancers to relay that message. Second, you must spend much time thinking of unique ways to express yourself. Say it in a way that no one else has seen it before. Social media was not as prominent, when Dancers

the craft?

Among Us (DAU) came out. So, I believe that DAU brought a certain amount of popularity to photographing dancers. Now, social media is saturated with a lot of images similar to mine. Also, you need to understand why you are shooting a particular subject to have others be able to understand you work.

BDF: Will you be doing a calendar for 2017?

Jordan: No.

BDF: What should we be looking for in terms of future proj -


Jordan: You should be on the lookout for another book Tiny Dancers Among us! The book will be released fall of 2017

BDF: Again, thank you for sitting down and sharing your story with us. You have been covered in many magazines and we are honored that you accepted to be featured in ours.

Jordan: Oh, sure. Thank you for asking for me.

Photo by Jordan Matter Photography
Photo by Jordan Matter Photography

Cherry Juice Power

Cherries are a good source of vitamins A and C. Vitamin C is necessary for the collagen formation of bones, blood, muscle and blood vessels and helps the body absorb iron. The fruit also contains beta carotene and provides low amounts of vitamin K, vitamin B6 and vitamin A.

There are many different types of cherries:

Balaton: This is a deep burgundy sweet-tart

Bing: The leader in sweet cherries

Lambert: A small, heart-shaped red cherry similar in taste and texture to the Bing.

Maraschino: This is not a type of cherry , but cherries that are soaked in brine (a chemical that bleaches the cherry.)

Morello: This tart cherry is sometimes eaten fresh when fully ripe, but is usually used in cooking.

Rainier: The Rainier, a sweet cherry with yellow or pinkish skin. It’s milder and sweeter than Bing.

Royal Ann: Another light-skinned variety, and is often canned and made into maraschino cherries.

Sour cherries (pie cherries): Most commercially grown sour varieties—such as Montmorency, the best-known type—are canned or frozen for use as pie fillings or sauces.

Combats arthritis pains and inflammation

Research shows that the antioxidants in tart cherry juice can reduce pain and inflammation from osteoarthritis. A 2012 study by Macrothink Institute tm, showed that drinking cherry juice twice daily for 21 days reduced pain felt by individuals with osteoarthritis.

After blood test of theses test subjects, the data showed that they suffered less from inflammation.

It's a metabolism regulator and fights Fat

Through some animal testing, tart cherries can help adjust your body’s metabolism and decrease belly fat. One study has found that flavonoid - cherries’ red color, act against the development of obesity inflammation and abdominal fat, and lowers the risk of metabolic syndrome.

Blocks cancer from growing

In a 2003, study documented on states that pitted cherry juice reduced the growth of cancer cells, unlike NSAID sulindac(a common preventative anti-inflammatory treatment for colon tumors).

Will boosts your immune system

Just like all fruits and veggies, cherries are filled with powerful antioxidant and anti-viral power. Flavonoids, a type of antioxidant in cherry juice, are made by plants to ward off infection. These chemicals has a significant impact on the immune system per research.

Tip: Did you know that cherry juice may help recovery post-exercise?

Since cherry is naturally high in potassium it conducts electrical impulses throughout the body. This mineral helps to maintain blood pressure, hydration, muscle recovery, nerve impulses, digestion, heart rate, and pH balance As stated in the article 7 Ways Cherry Juice Benefits You.

Sources:Berkeley Wellness University of California, by June 12, 2015, by Berkley Wellness.7 Ways Cherry Juice Benefits You ,Written by Cara J. Stevens

Medically Reviewed by Peggy Pletcher, MS, RD, LD, CDE on April 22, 2015 What Nutritional Value Do Cherries Have? by KIMBERLY A. LAUX Last Updated: Mar 11, 2014. Photography- Yay Images. Recipes: c.1997, M.S. Milliken & S. Feniger, all rights reserved CATEGORIES: Cherry Simmer Middle Eastern

Edits, BlaizeDance, Inc.

Exclusive Book Release

In the picture, you can feel the adrenalin rush and excitement of the moment.


Photo by Jordan Matter Photography

More about the book and Jordan Matter Part II

BDF: What’s the inspiration behind Dancers After Dark?

The main motivation is to take risk through life without knowing what the results are going to be. As you know, taking these pictures is illegal and we didn’t have a plan on what kind of poses we would shoot or where we would shoot. We allowed serendipity to guide us through everything. Think about the life of a dancer. They put everything out there at great risk to achieve things that seem unachievable. Looking at them we can see endless commitment chiseled in their bodies. We see passion etched in their arms, backs, and legs. So, the simple message of DAD is to pursue your passions with equal intensity.

Photo by Jordan Matter Photography

BDF: Being naked is still considered taboo for many people. Do you anticipate any push back on your book?

Yes, I do (laughing). We have already experienced some push back, but I’m not at liberty to say who it is. Let’s just say that we were scheduled to do a spread on the book in a major magazine, however, it was pulled as some of their advertisers were not in favor of my images. It’s interesting to me because the nudity is subtle, almost non-existent. The images generate feelings of inspiration. My kids came to the shoot and they are six and ten. They offered their opinions and had no issues with what they saw on set. Nevertheless, DAD will generate some controversy.

Photo by Jordan Matter Photography

BDF: Did you put out a casting call for dance models? Or are these models you’ve worked with before?

Both. Initially, I reached out to dancers that I’ve worked with previously. Even though I was pressed for time, I opened the call to anyone who was interested. Because this shoot involves a level of intimacy and vulnerability, my invitation was not too aggressive, because I didn’t want folks to feel uncomfortable. Luckily, people on social media reached out to me from places like Europe and North America. Prior to the evening of the shoot 300 dancers committed to the projectthis was the biggest group of dancers I’ve ever shot. That night, it was interesting to watch individuals who never met before literally pressed up against each other with no issues. They were incredibly supportive of one another.

Photo by Jordan Matter Photography

BDF:What images in the book are your favorite?

That’s a tough question. I love all of them. Although, there was a photo taken at Lincoln Center that serves as turning point for me because it’s the first photo that went public. In the picture, you can feel the adrenalin rush and excitement of the moment. This is just what the book needed as it encourages all to be daring, take more risk. So, the first image in the book was extremely risky and the last photo with 25 dancers was the most difficult to shoot as that area was constantly patrolled by the police. I felt fearless and incidentally, that last photo is the best.

Photo by Jordan Matter Photography

BDF: How many photos in the book are never before seen images?

There are 75 photos in the book no one has seen.

BDF: My favorites Dancers After Dark image on your site is of a male dancer doing a one-handed hand stand on the middle line in the street! How many takes for that shot? Since this is all illegal, it had to be done very quickly. He rehearsed all the scenes fully clothed. When it was time to take the picture, he whipped off his clothes, posed and I caught it in one shot. The ironic part is that as soon as he removed his clothes, the bicyclist drove by and became a part of the photograph.

Photo by Jordan Matter Photography

BDF: What are your tips for taking tasteful, artistic nudes?

I would say have a reason for why you are taking it and make sure you are saying something. It’s gratuitous nudity when there is no motivation behind the nudity. Also, showing less is more. Subtle suggestions of nudity are much more interesting than full nudity.

BDF: What do you want readers to take away after viewing this book?

Whatever dream or aspirations they have in their lives that they are afraid to try- they should go for it!

BDF: Your next project, Tiny Dancers Among Us-when will that be out?

I’m still in the process of discovering this.

BDF: What do you want audiences to take away from this book?

I want them to see childhood through the eyes of someone who has children. Also a glimpse of me remembering my own adolescence. The book is a bit nostalgic.

BDF: Any hopes of doing more with Uncovered? I think the world needs a “photo-mentary (documentary)” that highlights various body images to combat this social media epidemic of ‘body-shaming.”

I agree with you. My book, Uncovered, begins to tackle this issue. My message to social media is, here’s a woman’s body and she should be free to love her body type. However, the media at large rarely shows varying body types. I’m working on a project that focuses on the cyberbullying issue since my children are approaching that age. Haven’t figured out how to access that subject visually because it’s

beyond body image. It’s about being gay, straight, anything that’s outside of the norm is subject to cyberbullying. It’s sad because bullying discourages children from using their own voices. They’re afraid that what they say will be teased online. This mockery can inhibit them from discovering who they are and deter them from going after their dreams. My son is 10 and my daughter is 6 and I see subtle hints of them wanting to ‘fit in’ even at this young age. Sadly, this gets more dramatic as they mature.

Jordan Matter lives in New York with his loving wife and two children. His new book, Dancers After Dark, will be out October 2016. In the meantime, view some of his Dancers After Dark images online as well as other discussions about the book.


Edits, Alexis Trujillo and Blaize-Shorter, C (Eds.)

Courtesy images Jordan Matter photography, NY

Follow Jordan @

Photo by Jordan Matter Photography

Back to School Book Review

Returning to school is extremely exciting for parents, children and teachers. Naturally, parents want the best learning experience for their kids and teachers want to ensure success for every student in the classroom. So what kind of tools do young people really need? According to Minister, Robert Fulghum, what is taught to kids in kindergarten can go a long way even into adulthood in terms of producing a well rounded individual. Read the following synopsis and then the 16 things Robert learned in kindergarten and see if these tools helped shaped the person your are today.


is a book of short essays by American minister and author Robert Fulghum. It was first published in 1986. The title of the book is taken from the first essay in the volume, in which Fulghum lists lessons normally learned in American kindergarten classrooms and explains how the world would be improved if adults adhered to the same basic rules as children, i.e. sharing, being kind to one another, cleaning up after themselves, and living "a balanced life" of work, play, and learning.

Things Robert learned in kindergarten:

1. Share everything.

2. Play fair.

3. Don't hit people.

4. Put things back where you found them.


6. Don't take things that aren't yours.

7. Say you're SORRY when you HURT somebody.

8. Wash your hands before you eat.

9. Flush.

10. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.

11. Live a balanced life - learn some and drink some and draw some and paint some and sing and dance and play and work everyday some.

12. Take a nap every afternoon.

13. When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.

14. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.

15. Goldfish and hamster and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die. So do we.

16. And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK.”

Sources: and Facebook page for book. Forward paragraph and edits by BlaizeDance, Inc.2016 Photographer:dotshock and Yayimages. Follow this book on Facebook.


Blaize Dance School Alexus Morris

Where are they now?

We are so pleased to be highlighting this bubbly young lady for this month’s Where are they now? Alexus Morris is her name and she came to Blaize Dance School (BDS), Temple Terrace, FL at the tender age of four. She was a part of the Jazz/Ballet Combo program. Let’s see what this bubbly young lady has been up to!

Alexus all grown up.

BDF: Alexus, what do you remember about taking classes at BDS?

Alexus: I remember dancing, doing recitals, getting along with people and making friends.

BDF: What I remember most about you was how shy you were. But, as soon as the music came on, you lit up like a firecracker!

Alexus: (Smiling, laughing)

BDF: What did you like about the classes?

Alexus: Just dancing and practicing when I got home.

BDF: Do you remember being on stage and wearing the costumes in the dance productions?

Alexus: Yes! I wore tutus and leotards. I remember get-

ting flowers at the end of the recital.

BDF: When you started dance classes at BDS, you were only four. How old are you now and are you still dancing?

Alexus: I am 13 and I dance occasionally at church but not professionally.

BDF: What about dancing do you like?

Alexus: I like the movements, the creativity, and just how passionate people are about it.

BDF: What is your favorite style of dance?

Alexus: Hip Hop and ballet.

BDF: Are there any celebrity dancers that you admire?

Alexus: Beyoncé.

Alexus back stage waiting to perform

She helped Blaize Dance sell a lot of shirts with that adorable face!

Happy Birthday to this rising star.

BDF: What do you like about them?

Alexus: How she moves! She is so fierce and confident. Even if she makes a mistake she gets right back up and moves on.

BDF: What other activates do you enjoy doing?

Alexus: I do sports, soccer and singing.

BDF: What career will you pursue after high school?

Alexus: Hopefully a veterinarian or get a career started as a singer.

BDF: Do you think it’s important to exercise and eat right Alexus?

Alexus: Yes.

BDF: Alexus, a lot of girls your age seem to follow what’s happening on social media platforms. What is your advice to your peers about being true to themselves and embracing their uniqueness?

Alexus: Just don’t follow the crowd. Basically, following the crowd gets you in trouble. Just be yourself because if someone doesn’t like you for who you are they aren’t really your friend.

BDF: Was this interview fun for you-going down memory lane?

Alexus: Yes.

BDF: Thanks so much for sharing this time with us!

Alexus: Thank you!

Alexus lives in Florida with her family. She has a bright future as a veterinarian or a singer. Alexus’ mom, Lakayla, was a very active “Dance Mom” at Blaize Dance School. Hats off to her for raising such a bright young star! Courtesy Images from Lakayla Morris Howard and BlaizeDance, Inc. 2016

Do you want to share your Blaize Dance School story with us? Send an email to and title your email “Where are they now?”

Glenda Dexter, Sales Executive

I am pleased to announce my affiliation with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Properties Group, formerly Prudential Tropical Realty. The company’s new name offers you the confidence you need when buying or selling a home.

As a Sales Executive with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Properties Group I can offer you the best of both worlds: the strength and name recognition of a powerful new network-recognized as the No. 1 company in Barron’s annual ranking of the world’s 100 most respected companies-along with the personal attention and expertise of a locally owned and operated company. We offer a full menu of services and take great pride in our ability to facilitate every aspect of your transaction. I look forward to finding solutions to all of your residential and/or commercial real estate needs.


With Nikita Bokil


It’s magical, energetic, playful and fluid. It’s called Bhangra ([bahnggruh]. It’s a celebratory Indian traditional dance that has one of the most selective and exclusive competitions globally in places such as, Miami, London, San Francisco, and the UK. We have the pleasure of speaking with a bhangra competitor, Nikita Bokil, who gives us a glimpse into the world of a bhangra dancer.


How would you explain Bhangra Dance?

Nikita: Bhangra is a style of traditional folk dance that originates from the Northern part of India, Punjab. It originally began as a way to celebrate the harvest season, but now it has evolved to being a way of celebrating a variety of occasions or festivals. Recently, bhangra has become very popular worldwide and has made its way into the Western world with a twist, embracing influences from dance styles such as hip-hop or R&B and music styles such, as pop or rap.

When most people want to “bhangra”, the easiest way is to put your hands up in the air, bounce your shoulders to the beat, and hop around to the high energy drum (called a dhol). Of course, there are ways to become a more intricate and graceful dancer, and most of the moves evolve from a series of 10 base steps. People’s love for it worldwide and passion for becoming better dancers has led the collegiate community to come together in the form of an international circuit of competitions, where teams come to compete with each other for trophies and prize money.

When did you first learn this style of dance?

Nikita: I first learned it in my freshman year at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). The bhangra team performed at our orientation and everyone wanted to try out. I remember that over 100 people auditioned my year and only 30 people got on the team, lucky me!

What do you like about bhangra?

Nikita: It’s so much fun! The best part about bhangra is that you’re always in a group (it’s hard for others to resist joining you), and whether

you’re dancing on stage or at home, you’re always having a good time because you’re with your friends. It’s also a great way to stay fit!

Have you seen the movie, Slumdog Millionaire?

Nikita: Yes I have, I remember when it first came out everyone was talking about it and I had to see it. It made its way to becoming very popular in the Western world for showcasing life in the slums and aspects of Indian culture.

I believe that this really brought Indian dancing to the forefront and made Bollywood dancing popular. Would you agree?

Nikita: The movie’s songs definitely became popular and were even remixed by Western singers like (Jai Ho by the Pussycat Dolls), however, I don’t remember that it was necessarily a large influence on bringing Indian dancing to

the spotlight. I think that Bollywood dancing has become popular in a more organic way, with more and more people learning about it through various films, fitness classes such as Zumba, and the general rising population of Indians in America.

What is the difference between Bhangra and Bollywood dance?

Nikita: Good question! Think of Bollywood as the type of dancing you see in musicals, usually dramatic, tells a story, and the music can contain a variety of instruments and tempos. Bollywood is like the hip-hop of Indian dance. On the other hand, bhangra is much more defined, in that it is a variety of the 10 base steps, the music uses similar instruments such as a dhol (drum) and chimta (bells), and the singers generally sounds the same with loud voices that make you want to dance. Bhangra can be part of a Bollywood dance routine, so think of it as a specific style and Bollywood as

After research I discovered many other dances such as, Kathak, Kuchipudi, and Mohiniattyam. Are you familiar with these dances?

So give me an example of how Bhangra is different than these dances.

Nikita: Bhangra is a high-energy dance that consists of bouncing your shoulders, jumps, and bhetkes (squats). When dancing on a team, there is also a large focus on intricate choreography, formations, and gimmicks. The classical styles mentioned above have completely different music, the movements are much stiffer, and there is more emphasis on emotion and telling a story (usually praising the gods).

Aesthetically, bhangra has beautiful colors! How much goes into the selection of the color and style of costumes?

Nikita: It’s always beautiful to watch a bhangra performance because of the costumes and colors! The general costume for guys is to wear a chaddar (cotton cloth tied around the waist), long shirt and tie a pagh (turban) on their head. For girls, it is a flowy pajama pant, long shirt, and chunni (cloth around the hair). Typically, a contrast of bright and dark colors is chosen for the dancers on stage, and then people are assigned colors based on their formations and positions.

There is a lot of line formations, jumps, turns, and skip-hops with

Nikita: Yes! I was actually a Bharatanatyam dancer before I became a bhangra dancer. The styles you mentioned are classical Indian dance, similar to ballet in American styles. I danced the classical style for 10 years before I joined the bhangra team in college. My classical training definitely helped me become a better dancer and made it much easier for me to learn bhangra dancing.


high knees. What are some of the steps called in Bhangra technique?

Nikita: As I mentioned before, Bhangra is made up of 10 base moves. Many of the moves are named after the traditional harvest or movement of animals in the Punjabi language. For example, one of the basic moves is called faslaan, which is a graceful step in swaying your arms, meant to resemble crops swaying in the wind. Another step is called morchaal, which translates to how the peacock walks. Single Punjab is the most common step in bhangra, which is the classic one of keeping your arms up in a V and bouncing your feet.

What type of music do you use in bhangra?

Nikita Bhangra music in the western world has evolved to include a mix of traditional Punjabi music and Western mainstream (EDM, pop music, rap, etc.). When our team selects the music for our set, we typically generate a list of traditional songs, and then we will mash them up with popular American songs that will hype up the crowd.

So how long have you been competing in bhangra dance competitions?

Nikita: I’ve been competing in dance competitions for three years now, and it has been an amazing part of my college journey. The people on the team have become my family,

and win or lose we have a good time practicing, pushing each other to become better dancers, and having fun on stage. What are the judges looking for in competitions?

Nikita: The judging criteria is based on a variety of categories, including the energy and stamina of dancers, stage presence, music mix, costumes, and of course, the overall level of dancers. Dancing is typically judged in three categories: formations, choreography, and synchronicity. The set should be creative, executed well with good transitions and form, and all dancers on stage should look uniform, highlighting the importance of winning as a team.

Has your dance troupe won any awards?

Nikita: Our team has won many awards, and this past year was actually the best we’ve ever had! We won 1st place at Bhangra Blowout 23, one of the largest and oldest competitions in the circuit, making us well-known throughout the world. Watch our winning performance.

Do you have any upcoming competitions?

Nikita: We typically spend the fall semester recruiting new dancers, having a two-week bhangra boot camp, choreographing and practicing the new set for the season, and performing on campus. Most competitions take place in the spring, and we usually perform at four or five that semester. A great thing about CMU is that we host our own bhangra competition called Bhangra in the Burgh, where we invite eight teams to compete and the CMU Bhangra team performs as an exhibition act.

What dancers inspire you?

Nikita: Being a collegiate dancer, my biggest bhangra dance inspirations have come from my very own team. We are constantly pushing each other to become better dancers, and this year we created mottos for the team to #breakthatbarrier and #murderthatdancefloor. Each year our team has become better, and it’s because we look up to the legacy CMU Bhangra dancers and strive to make them proud.

Nikita Bokil is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University. This Pittsburgh, PA native is currently a Technology Consulting Intern at PricewaterhouseCoopers and is a professional competitive Bhangra Dancer.

Sources: CMU Bhangra @ Bhangra Blowout 23 and Courtesy images- Nikita Bokil.

Sources: CMU Bhangra @ Bhangra Blowout 23 and Courtesy images- Nikita Bokil.

Dear Jovette

“Help me be debt free…”

A lot of people are afraid to tackle their finances when it comes to debt. Jovette will help you confront your debt! She and her husband, David, have completed classes at Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University (FPU), and have given back to their community by teaching others what they’ve learned. Get ready to take notes and send any additional questions about becoming debt free to blaizedance@

My Mantra

As the President of the Happy Club, Fitness Club, and the Breaking the Chains Club- I am on a mission to help and teach others to live a happy, healthy and debt free life. Unfortunately we are living in a world that has lost faith, hope and love. There are not too many people who actually believe this happy, healthy and debt free life can really exist and I am out to prove to the world that it can be done.

My Story

In the fall of 2010 we started our debt free journey by attending Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University (FPU) class and then started teaching the classes in 2013 and 2014. I have read the majority of Dave’s (and his associates) books and they are awesome. I would encourage everyone to attend a class and to read his books.

Your Questions- My Answers

Is taking out a second mortgage on my home a good way to pay off my debt? Am I putting myself in more debt if I do this?

This is NOT a good idea. You are correct by thinking that getting a second mortgage is only going to put you more into debt. You may want to ask yourself these questions: 1. Why do I need to take another mortgage out? 2. What can I do to fix this problem without getting further in the hole? I would recommend that you slow down and review your financial obstacles so that you can come to a reasonable solution that doesn’t cause you to go deeper in debt. We all have a tendency to panic when faced with fear, but never ever allow fear to drive you further into debt.

How do I save money on a very tight budget?

Excellent question! There are too many people who don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel so they figure “why bother?” ”I can’t save money that I don’t have”, then they throw up their hands and give up. We were in that same boat for about two years. There was no wiggle room and we couldn’t find an answer. We obviously needed to listen to Dave’s message, and in doing so, we realized that the answer is to create a budget. We asked ourselves these questions: 1.What are you spending your money on? 2. Is it really a necessity?

So, we got rid of our cable a few years ago because it wasn’t necessary to keep. We ended up totaling our new car (not on purpose people), naturally, there were no more payments. We looked for every way possible to cut expenses and this worked for us. But please remember the steps we followed are according to Dave Ramsey’s plan. For example, Step 1. Saving $1,000 first, Step 2. Is the Debt Snowball and Step 3. The 3-6 months’ savings of expenses. Please don’t do Step 3 if you have debt. Not paying your bills is not saving! Pay them first and then you can begin to save.

I have a 401k that I’m trying to hold on to. Is it wise to borrow money from it to pay off my debt? If the answer is

yes, how do I build up my plan again after I’ve borrowed the money?

I would never recommend going into debt to get out of debt. It’s like trying to scoop water out of your boat and you still have a hole on the bottom. I would recommend reading Dave’s book Total Money Makeover. This will help you understand more about borrowing against 401k.

Where can I find out how much debt I really have? Do I have to pay someone to get my credit score?

Some people are so far in debt that they really don’t know how much and to whom they owe money. This is not a good place to be! I’m assuming that you are talking about old and new debt? If so, request a free credit report from one of these agencies; Equifax, Experian, and Trans. They will have information on all the debt you owe. Tip: Ignoring debt doesn’t make it go away.

I lost my job. Can I negotiate with bill collectors to adjust my monthly payment?

Losing a job is heart breaking and when this happens I would recommend only focusing on what Dave Ramsey calls “The Four Walls” That is the only thing you need to be worried about. Put the bill collectors on the back burner. Most people start to freak out about the right now by saying; “But…but…but that’s going to mess up my credit report.” Yup, not being able to pay bills will do that, but you need to focus on paying your basic necessities, as Dave explains in The Four Walls.

NOTE: Please don’t starve yourself and your family to save your FICO score. Remember: Your current situation

NOTE: Please don’t starve yourself and your family to save your FICO score. Remember: Your current situation is temporary.

is temporary.

My child has a lot of debt. I can afford to bail her out, but I want her to learn a lesson from this experience. I want to loan her money and set a time for her to pay me back. How do that?

I’m sorry but I am not an enabler and I don’t believe in doing any coddling. I’m not the boss of anyone, but I if I was in your shoes I would make a stipulation on helping with the “bailout.” Does loaning money to someone, who seems to have a problem with budgeting money, really going to help? I see that child right back in trouble in three months or even maybe three weeks.

Here’s what I need you to do…

1. Require her to attend a Dave Ramsey’s FPU class. (Yes, you can pay the class fee for her.) If her schedule is a problem then she could do a home kit. 2. Require them to show you their budget for at least 3-6 months to make sure they have every dollar accounted for. 3. Do a surprise check up, periodically, for about a year. Loaning money doesn’t solve the real issue. The REAL issue is that your daughter is not budgeting her money.

Can you give me about five steps to becoming debt free?

1. Believe you can be debt free. If you don’t even believe it then don’t do it. Stay in debt.

2. Do a budget. Know where your money is going. Go to and start today.

3. Sit down and see all that you owe but don’t start stressing out. Knowing what your plan of attack is will help you see the light.

4. Follow Dave Ramsey Baby Steps.

5. Be patient. Be discipline. We have all heard the cliché “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

BlaizeDance, Inc. & Shorter, Vanessa (Eds.)

Sources: Full of Life full of life Jovette Muniz, Dave Ramsey Peace University, Video links YouTube (

Top Dance Schools in California, Colorado, and


5 Star/2014 Best in Business Award and LA's Hot List

Blackbird Dance Company

305 N Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, California 90036

Phone (323) 466-1307

5 stars

San Diego Danceworks 2653 Ariane Dr. San Diego, CA 92117

Phone (858) 272-7456

5 stars

iDanceAcademy 111 W 7th St Suite 1018

Los Angeles, CA 90014


Phone (323) 393-3875


330 Alabama Street, Suite H Redlands, CA 92373 (909) 335-5959

5 stars Steppin Stone Incorporated 123 Main Street, Suite 200 Moreno Valley, CA 94103 Phone (909) 717-8663 or (909-71-STONE (78663)


5 stars (2016 Winners of Best Dance Studio/Voters of Denver A-List

Artistic Fusion Dance Academy 12421 Washington Street

Thornton, CO 80241

Phone (720) 929-1820

5 stars

Latisha Hardy Dance & Company Ltd.

1795 Jet Stream Dr. Suite 106

Colorado Springs, CO

Phone 801-499-7879

5 stars (2016 Winners of Best Dance Studio/Voters of Denver

Sweatshop Dance

937 Santa Fe Dr. Denver, CO 80204

Phone 720-746-9489

4.8 stars

Colorado School of Dance

10510 S Progress Way

Parker, CO 80134

Phone (303) 841-7233

5 stars

Kemper Dance Academy

3958 N Academy Blvd, Suite106

Colorado Springs, CO 80917


5 stars

Act III Dance Center

21 N Plains Industrial Rd, Suite F

Wallingford, CT 06492

Phone (203) 680-8745

5 stars

New England Ballet Company

130 Elm Street

Bridgeport, CT, 06604 (203) 345-4194

5 stars

Gloria Jean’s Studio of Dance (Two locations)

336 Washington Ave

North Haven, CT 06473

Phone (203) 239-5486

574 Campbell Ave

West Haven, CT 06516

Phone (203) 933-2333

4.8 Stars


1 Factory Square, Suite 202

37 West Center Street

Southington, CT 06489

Phone 860-628-4433

5 stars

Westbrook Dance Academy 110B Boston Post Rd

Westbrook, CT 06498

Phone (860) 664-4308

Sources: Sources for Top Dance Schools in California, Colorado, and Connecticut "Yelp is the best way to find great local businesses." Images FtLaudGirl and FotoCD

Destination Russia

Travle with Stephanie Bromfield on Instagram

Thanks to Stephanie Bromfield, dancer and member of Blaize International Dance Ensemble (B.I.D.E), for sharing her images with us while on location in Russia. These eclectic images with vibrant colors really allows us to experience the beauty of this country through the lens.

Constance, EIC

seventoinette: this has red herring and reminds me of sushi

seventoinette: I would have done more if I wasn't afraid of Russian police. LoL

seventoinette: Beautiful church in St. Petersburg, Russia

seventoinette: Because....

seventoinette: Lunch: soup, salad, cabbage pie, blueberry pie and tea


It's all about the ACCESSORIES...

HAUTE returns for its signature 6th season.

“Want to update your wardrobe in a minute?” “Add a cool, new piece of accessory”

HAUTE, spotlights the contributions accessory designers make to the fashion industry; featuring the unique and creative works of independent and emerging accessory designers.

The main runway event will be held on Saturday September 10th 2016 in Tampa Florida. The preceding days will feature an Opening Night Style Mixer, Accessory Designers Exhibit and a Little Black Dress Fashion Party.

Boutique owners and buyers may be eligible to receive a complimentary pass to attend the event. Please submit your request to by September 1st.

Press/Media must submit an application for their requests for 1 pass per media outlet to

Photographers must submit an application for their requests for 1 pass per company to

Limited Exhibitor/Vendor space available, please email


Opening Night Style Mixer

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Sponsors, Media Reporters, Bloggers, Photographers, Designers, Models & You. Learn more about the event and our fabulous designers. Meet our Models. Network with invited Media & Sponsors.

*Complimentary Appetizers

*Cash Bar

*Photo Ops.


Time: 6:00 - 9:30 P.M.

Venue: Le Meridian Hotel

Florida Avenue, Tampa Florida 33602

DAY 2 -

Designers Exhibit

Thursday, September 8, 2016

We are celebrating 6 fabulous years of showcasing accessories on the runway.

Experience the exquisite designs by our Designers in a museum setting while enjoying cocktails and hors d’ oeuvres on us.


Time: 6 - 9:30 P.M.

Venue: Kelly Reeds Boutique

2107 West Kennedy Boulevard

Tampa, Florida 33606

DAY 3 -

Little Black Dress & Black Tie Party

Friday, September 9, 2016

Lets see you ladies accessorize the famous Little Black Dress (LBD). Join us for a fun evening with our models, Designers and other attendees.

Have your photos taken on the red carpet, show off your LBD accessorized.

Model - Hana Young

Styled by - Melizza Williams

Jewelry - Naje Designs (Nancy Ranalli)

Bag - Shola Designs

Dress - Cerulean Blu

Hair - Tanisha Leach

M/U - Carissa A Mosley

Photographer Nathaniel Duncan

Get your accessories from the our participating Designers in HAUTE Accessories Week.

Gents, for you...and a little black tie or bowtie will do!

*Complimentary Appetizers

*Live DJ

COVER - $15.00 Advanced Purchase


Time: 8 P.M. - Midnite.

Venue: TBA

DAY 4 - Main Event

Designers Runway Presentation & Designers Boutique

Saturday, September 10, 2016

See Designers exclusive accessory collections for the first time on the runway. Designers will also display items for sale within our Designers Boutique. Enjoy viewing Designers signature pieces within our Museum setting. All Designers runway collections are available for sale after the show.



- Erika Williner Designs

- Tenique Designs

- Prestigious Pieces

- Poison Jam

- Myrabella

- Malchijah

- SHOLA Designs

- Scorpio Lamonte

- UNIQUE Artisan Jewelry

- Dee Jewels

- KellyReeds featuring Pourchet Handbags


- JGomez Fine Art

- Awakened Art

Gen. Adm.

$30.00 Advanced

Preferred Seating (front row) -

$50.00 Advanced


Time: 6:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M.

Venue: The Galleria

3720 Spectrum Boulevard, Tampa Florida 33612

6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.

*Designers Museum & Boutique Models

*Live entertainment - Saxophonist Dell O Barnes

*Shopping in Designers and Exhibitors Boutique.

8:00 P.M -

*Designers Runway Presentation.

Follow our activities on Facebook:


Cerulean Blu Boutique

Victoria Richards Chocolate



Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Saturday, September 10, 2016 at 11:00 PM

Top Couture Sunglasses Online

Images, wavebreakmedia (Yayimages), Gucci, Kreweduoptic (online and facebook), Juicy Couture, Ray-Ban, and Morganthal Frederics (online and facebook)

Photo by Jordan Matter Photography
Model, Kaeli, New York City, NY

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