JKZ Design Vol. 1

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JKZ jkz.design_vol.1 academic portfolio of John K. Zacherle [2000-2005] Contents: 04-05 06-07 08-09 10-11 12-15 16-17 18-45

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Formal Studies Design Build Groen-Hoek Boat House Museum of Modern Art Courtyard Market Temporary Ferry Terminal Chicago Dwellings

Formal Studies 2nd Year Foundation Studio Fall 2001

Line Study: A

Line Study: B


Fold/Curve Studies

Design/Build Studio Giles County, VA 2002 - 2003 [3rd Year Studio]

Under the quidance of Professor Steve Thompson & Professor Hunter Pitman, 3rd-Year Undergraduate Studio designed & constructed a single family residence in Giles County, Va. The project is sited on a south face sloped in the Southwest Virginia Valley. The the centray two storey structure (containing kitchen, living room, untilityroom & children’s bedroom) is based on 9-square plan, wth a stair at its center. The Master Suite is a single-storey linear pavilion, seperated & sited at a 15 degrees from the main building. Both structures are built on concrete foundations w/ Rammed Earth as the primary load bearing walls. The timber frame roof over hangs the walls a minium of 4 feet to protected the rammed earth from rain. A austom designed frame-work of site fabricated wood mullions, hardey panels & insulated glass windows inclose the openings between the rammed earth walls.


Groen-Hoek Boat House Brooklyn, NY Fall 2003 [4th Year Studio] A single plane folds, dividing and creating spaces as it weaves itself towards and into the water. Its bold turns on the exterior occur at the scale of the city, while inside the more subtle turns of walls and their interactions with columns turn at the scale of the humans. This folded form challenges notions of boundary, blurring inside to outside and one function to the next, giving rise to the ideas of separation and observation. The Functions within the building - cafe, kayak building, boat launch, storage, etc. - are arranged by the folded plane that allows one to observe activities in the other functions while being separated by the form. From the cafe one can observe the water, boat launch, and skyline of the city, all while comfortably sipping a latte. From the entrance level. visitors are invited to be a part of the boat construction via windows that over look the making of kayaks without being subjected to the noise and sawdust of construction. outside the boathouse opportunities for other athletic facilities exist, ranging from fields for soccer and football, tennis and basketball courts, and swimming pools and a generous plaza that can be used for kayak instruction or boat shows. These facilities allow members of the community to participate in the general activities at the center. Through this, they are invited to learn more about and become involved in the sport of kayaking and the art of boat construction.

boat construciton offices restrooms / lockers entry bridge cafe bar kayak gear shop cafe lounge cafe glass wall cafe storage

North/South Section @ Entry, Boat Storage & Cafe

08.09 View from Lounge 11




Upper Level

View from Boat Launch


05 03 04




Entry Level


Section @ Boat Launch



Lower Level

Section @ Boat Launch

Program 01.Entry 02. Lobby 03. Kayak Shop 04. Locker Rooms 05. Observation Deck 06. Boat Construction

07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12.

Boat Wash Boat Launch Offices Cafe Bar Cafe Lounge Kayak Storage

Modern Art Museum Richmond, VA Spring 2004 [4th Year Studio] To bring new life former turbine facility in Richmond, Va, the abandoned structure is reimagined as a museum to house national and local works of modern art. The update to the building will maintain the look of the original exterior. The only visible adition from outside will be minimal concrete plane that extends from the brick enclosure, creating a sign and entry to the building. As the concrete plane enters the existing building it forms the floor within the museum. As one moves through the building the plane folds vertically and horizontally creating walls, stairs & floors, form a multi-level collection of gallerys. The space between the folds of the walls and floors remain open and allows for views of the existing structural walls of turbine facility, a visual reminder of Richmond’s past heritage that lead the way for todays contemporary art and architecture. Obove the galleries the new ceiling also acts as a series of skylights, provide diffused indirect light into the space below.

Third Level



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Second Level

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Ground Level


Program 01. Entry 02. Gallery 03. Theater 04. Projection Room 05. Workshop 06. Cafe 07. Restroom


Lower Level 07

06 04


02 03 02

02 04



Courtyard Market Boston, MA Spring 2004 [4th Year Studio]

01 Volume

04 Split

02 Courtyard

05 Extended

03 Elevated

06 Tube

A tube turns, rotating around a courtyard market and lifts over a forest of columns to provide a covered entrance place. A maple tree stands in the center of the plaza, showcasing the building’s origins. The building serves as a link between the adjacent Christoper Columbus Park to the east and Quincy Market to the west. It Also functions according to the city’s master plan, as both a food court and an open green space, for millions of people to pass through each year.


At the center of the building is an outdoor courtyard market space. It is lines with twenty four double sided market canopies. These wooden screens can be closed to filter light through the courtyard or lifted to shade vendors and display hanging goods. Their versatility creates a spatail dynamic in the courtyard. The doors lining the courtyard can also be opened in good weather, merging the interior and exterior into one space, wrapped by a shell of wood.







08 02

03 Plan 01. Entrance 02. Courtyard 03. Market Stands 04. Exterior Market 05. Interior Market 06. Cafe 07. Cafe Seating 08. Restrooms 09. Loading Dock 10. Storage 11. Auditorium 12. Classrooms 13. Conference Room 14. Marche Kitchen 15. Offices 16. Lounge


07 04 [section a-a]

08 06 10


[section b-b]


Inside the tube, glulam post and beams allow for an open plan, with market stands and cafe tables nestled between. The glass lined courtyard allows for a connection with the outdoors. The market tables of routed & stacked birch plywood intertwine to create an intimate market setting, where guests can mingle with vendors and each other. The food court has tables along the glass lined edge, as well as tucked into layerd reclaimed wood pods. An auditorium lecture space flanks the stairs leading to the classrooms and offices. The tube finished with a lounge overlooking the park and harbor.


Wood has a memory of it’s former shape. once cut, it’s natural tendency is to warp and twist to return to that shape. The building’s skin exploits these properties of wood that are usually considered undesirable and elevates them to an aesthetic. The facade system is composed of 3/4” by 4” planks of cedar bolted to brackets, and attached to a steel frame. The brackets, water jet cut out of 1/8” steel and bent on a brake, vary between zero, thirty, and sixty degrees and guide the plands into a pattern of twists. With the aid of a steam tank for the more extreme bends, the system is easily assembled on site like the hull of a ship. The wood’s changing skin is a contrast to the stability of the engineered glu-lam posts and beams of the interior structure. The skin peels up in desired regions, filtering indirect light during the day and lighting up the facade at night to attract patrons to the market.

Temporary Ferry Terminal Norfolk, VA Spring 2005 [5th Year Studio]


02 03

05 01 Site 01. Elizabeth River 02. Building Entry 03. Security Check 04. Nauticus Museum 05. Tickecting 06. Ferry Dock


W E L C OM E site :



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While the existing ferry terminal is under construction a temporary structure is required to provied ticketing and security facilities for ferries docking in Norfolk, Va. The proposed structure is assembly with modular units, prefabicated off site for budget and speed of construction. Adjustable footings allow easy leveling along the varying heights of the site’s concrete surface.



SERVICE WALL Ticketing Booth Section

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Typical Section


08 Modular Assembly 01. Recycled Aluminum Frame 02. Glass Window Panel 03. Translucent Glass Louvers 04. Etched-Glass Graphics

05 04 07


NOR F O L K The modular units alternate between solid and transparent rings. The Solid Rings act as the main structural and stiffening elements. Glass walls and ceilings allow for views of the harbor and avoid the clostraphobic effect of being in a long narrow corridor. The south facing glass walls are sheilded from the sun by a panel of translucent glass panels, passively cooling the interior space. Graphics are incorporated into the louver system making the ferry terminal a welcome sign to guest arriving in Norlfolk, Va.

Swiss Pearl Cladding Unitized Floor Planel Diagonal Bracing Glass Roof Panel



05. 06. 07. 08.



Chicago Dwellings Chicago, IL 2004 - 2005 [5th Year Thesis]

Chicago Avenue

Sedgwick Street SITE: Chicago Avenue is a primary automotive route for traveling across the north side of the city of Chicago. Between its intersections with the river and the elevated CTA train, this route creates a dividing line of two demographics. To the North are the few remaining low income apartments of the Cabrini Green Projects. The South is currently in the process of being redeveloped and provides a mix of businesses as well as housing to accommodate people of middle and high incomes.The four corners of the Chicago Ave. & Sedgewick Ave. intersection are currently undeveloped lots: the two southern corners provide space for parking, the northeast corner is a completly vacant lot, and the northwest corner is a fenced-in grass lawn belonging to a residential building to the north of the block.


Proposal An infill of the four undeveloped corners at the intersection of Chicago Avenue and Sedgewick Avenue, which will integrated into both existing and future conditions of the area.South Corner: Courtyard apartment complexes [geared towards young professionals and artisans working in the surrounding area] with retail space at street level. Northeast Corner: Live/ work space for a film-maker, with the ground floor severing as video rental store. Northwest Corner: Redesigned outdoor space defined by a outdoor projection screen and a new facade added to the existing apartment building. Investigations City intersection as a place or center of Activity How can an intersection of two city streets be developed and defined as a place or center of activities. With the four corners separated by intersecting streets, how can the buildings become an unified whole. Scales of Dwelling: How to create various scales of dwelling that have a relationship to the intersection as a whole. [A] dwellings at the scale of an apartment. [B] dwellings at the scale for a single individual. [C] dwellings at the scale for a group of people Relationship of groups and individuals How can the architecture of a building both define and blur the boundaries between the activities of groups and individuals. More specifically, how voyeurism allows a person to involve himself or herself in activities outside of a personal dwelling.

Landscape: The sidewalks at the intersection are paved with inlaid stone to create a noticeable change in color and texture for the pedestrian coming off the typical concrete sidewalks of the city. Lines in the landscape are drawn across Chicago Avenue in order to weave together the buildings’ ground floors, which are separated by the intersecting streets, as well as the apartments’ courtyards. These lines also act to regulate the arrangements of landscape features that are designed to add greenery within the city and provide seating for outdoor film events. A. Multi-Unit Housing [Large] B. Multi-Unit Housing [Medium] C. Single Family Housing D. Projection Screen 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06.


Public Plaza w/ Grass Berns Stone Paved Road Linear Stone Paving Pattern Exterior Grand Stair Apartment Courtyard Asphalt Paving




01 06


02 04









Chicago Avenue South Elevation


Chicago Avenue North Elevation



Sedgwick Stret East Elevation


Sedgwick Stret West Elevation



Puplic Movie Theater: A new facade is added to the existing complex, increasing the width of the building’s footprint to create exterior spaces accessible from each apartment. The new facade is clad in honeycomb acrylic panels which allow residents to project images outward. Extending out to the sidewalk is a new building entry which also creates a projection screen for annual outdoor film events in the city. The landscaping provides four grass mounds angled towards the screen for movie viewing. The redesigned open space provides an activity and a place for the members of the community to come together and acts as the unifying element of the four corners of the intersection.

Northeast Corner: [Live/Work Residence] The ground floor of the residence is designed to be occupied by a video rental store run by the tenant. The first and second floors provide space for a filmmaker’s studio. The forth and fifth floor is the living space [with occupiable roof terrace] for a filmmaker. The studio and living spaces are oriented around an interior courtyard, which divides each floor into smaller rooms, while at the same time allowing for views crossing between different rooms and floors. By opening the living space to the studio, the space of the courtyard creates a blurred boundary between the various interior activities.

1st Floor

2nd Floor

3rd Floor

4th Floor


North/South Section

East/West Section

5th Floor

32.33 Northeast Corner: [Movie Rental Store] At street level, incorporated into the wall of the rental store are three movie rental booths that allow customers to pick up and return movies without entering the store. Within the booths pedestrians are given the opportunity to occupy within and beyond the exterior wall of the building and provides a window, opening views into the store. A condition from the street is created that responds to the scale of the individual while blurring the distinctions between interior and exterior.


04 05


01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06.

Residential Entry Retail Entry Retail Display Privacy Screen Residential Stair Retail Kiosk



Apartment Complex: The massing of the building is organized around a public courtyard. Two voids through the building allow the landscape of the street to connect into the inner courtyard while stairs up to the courtyard act as a transition from street activities. The undulating height of the building’s elevation mimics the inconsistencies of the existing street elevations along Chicago Avenue as well as provides a series of roof gardens accessible to residents. At the street corner, the building forms to the proportion of a tower to establish a visible destination and marker of the intersection.




06 07




Apartment Floor: B B


A 06 07


Apartment Floor: A



Program: 01. Courtyard 02. Comercial Space 03. Apartment Entry 04. Parking 05. MEP/Storage 06. Apartment Unit 07. Exterior Corridor 08. Landscape Roof




Design Elements: A. Sidewalk/Landscape B. Apartment Units C. Unifing Plane


Ground Floor

Glass Dwellings for an Individual: An array of glass volumes extend out from each apartment serving to break up the flat surface of the building. The undersides of the volumes are clad in a variety of colors that break up facade and provide a device to identify individual apartments. From the inside of the apartments, the volumes provide a space of dwelling for an individual. As the space of the apartment pushes out beyond the building footprint the resident is slightly removed from the living space and becomes an occupant of the street. The resident can become visually involved in the activities of the street as both performer and audience.


Building Facade: The Skin of the apartments is an assembly of horizontal steel members on vertical supports running the height of the building. Their non-uniform arrangement is primarily a function of the uses in the apartment and their relation to the exterior. In a space such as a bedroom where more privacy is desired the density of the steel members is increased to provided more visual obstruction from the outside. By the living room the density of the screen is decreased allowing for clearer visual connection between interior and exterior activities.

Plan Detail


Pattern Study


Section: Unit Option: 2

Exterior Corridor

Bathroom Kitchen



First Floor Plan: Unit Option: 2

Gallery Corridor

Option: 3

Option: 2 Option: 1


Living & Dining Room


web.me.com/jkzacherle the online portfolio of John K. Zacherle

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