Word 2010
Customizable Training Materials
Quick Reference Card
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The Word 2010 Screen
Keyboard Shortcuts
Quick Access Toolbar
Minimize Ribbon
Title bar
Close button
File tab
Ribbon Ruler
Open a Document
<Ctrl> + <O>
Create New
<Ctrl> + <N>
Save a Document
<Ctrl> + <S>
Print a Document
<Ctrl> + <P>
Close a Document
<Ctrl> + <W>
Insertion point
Up One Screen
<Page Up>
Down One Screen <Page Down> Vertical scroll bar
Document window
Horizontal scroll bar
Beginning of Line
End of Line
Beginning of
<Ctrl> + <Home>
View buttons
Status bar
Zoom slider
Open the Go To
The File tab menu and Backstage view contain commands for working with a program’s files, such as Open, Save, Close, New, and Print.
• To Create a New Document: Click the
File tab, click the New tab, and click the Create button. Or, press <Ctrl> + <N>.
• To Move Text with the Mouse: Select
the text you want to move, drag the text to a new location, and release the mouse button.
• To Replace Text: Click the Replace
button in the Editing group on the Home tab. Or, press <Ctrl> + <H>.
and click the Open button, or press <Ctrl> + <O>.
• To Save a Document: Click the
Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar, or press <Ctrl> + <S>.
• To Save a Document with a Different
Name: Click the File tab, click the Save As button, and enter a new name for the document. To Preview a Document: Click the File tab and click the Print tab, or press <Ctrl> + <P>. To Print a Document: Click the File tab and click the Print tab, or press <Ctrl> + <P>. To View Advanced Printing Options: Click the File tab and click the Print tab. Select from the options under Settings. Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar, or press <Ctrl> + <Z>.
<Ctrl> + <X>
<Ctrl> + <C>
<Ctrl> + <V>
<Ctrl> + <Z>
Redo or Repeat
<Ctrl> + <Y>
• To Open a Document: Click the File tab • To Close a Document: Click the
Close button, or press <Ctrl> + <W>.
• To Correct a Spelling Error: Right-click
the error and select a correction from the contextual menu. Or, press <F7> to run the Spell Checker.
• To Use the Thesaurus: Right-click the word you want to look up and select Synonyms from the contextual menu. Select a word or select Thesaurus to search the Thesaurus.
<Ctrl> + <B>
<Ctrl> + <I>
<Ctrl> + <U>
Align Left
<Ctrl> + <L>
<Ctrl> + <E>
Align Right
<Ctrl> + <R>
<Ctrl> + <J>
Text Selection
• To Minimize the Ribbon: Click the
Minimize Ribbon button on the Ribbon. Or, press <Ctrl> + <F1>. Or, double-click a tab. Or, right-click a tab and select Minimize the Ribbon from the contextual menu.
To Select: A Word
Do This: Double-click the word
A Sentence
Press and hold <Ctrl> and click anywhere in the sentence
• To Change Program Settings: Click the
A Line
Click in the selection bar next to the line
• To Get Help: Press <F1> to open the
A Paragraph
Triple-click the paragraph
<Ctrl> + <A>
File tab and click the Options button.
Help window. Type your question and press <Enter>.
Customizable Computer Training 9 Courseware
<Ctrl> + <End>
dialog box
The Fundamentals
• To Undo: Click the
End of Document
9 Online Learning 9 Skills Assessments
Word Quick Reference © 2011 CustomGuide | Phone 888.903.2432