2010 Virginia's Northern Neck Visitor's Guide

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elcome to our Byways and Waterways in this Great Land of Pleasant Living. While you are here, you will experience our quiet, and relaxing way of life. Use this Guide to find your ideal place to spend your nights, charter your fishing expedition, enjoy our excellent restaurants, shop for priceless antiques or other treasures in our many shops. Enjoy our beautiful nature trails and watch for the many varieties of birds, including the bald eagle. Tour our vineyards, visit our craft shops, and drive our country roads for some of the quietest natural beauty. Visit our excellent museums, historical landmarks and colonial homes. Many of our picturesque towns are located on the Rivers and the Bay as the main mode

of transportation was originally the water. This makes for interesting vistas and you will see some of the best Colonial and Victorian architecture in Virginia. These homes are often open in the spring during Virginia’s Garden Week and also during the Christmas season. When I came to this area to publish the first Northern Neck Visitor’s Guide twenty-one years ago, it was apparent this special place needed a booklet to guide the visitors so they could fully enjoy the many activities and attractions. The Northern Neck Visitor’s Guide was started in 1990 and this is its 21st edition. I have also become a part-time “Northern Necker”, maintaining a home and office here. Every visit becomes more special to me and I am sure you will feel the same way as you get to know us. —Callie R. Martin, Publisher



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Table of Contents

Historical Sites ......................................8-10 Nearby, Fun, Interesting and Fun......29-31 By Kathryn Murray We are Kilmarnock of Northern Neck........12-13 Virginia’s Northern Neck…Slow down, By Steve Bonner relax and hurry back! ........................32-33 Places To Stay ......................................14-15 By Captain Billy Pipkin Bed & Breakfasts/Inns • Hotels/Motels Outdoor Recreation ............................34-35 • Vacation Rentals Boat Sales • Cruises • Fishing Charters A Step Back in Time............................16-17 • Marinas By Betty Musso Marina Guide ....................................................36 Shopping Guide ..................................18-19 Stay For A Lifetime ............................37-41 Antiques • Artists & Galleries • Clothing Appraisals • Attorneys • Banks • Builders • Fabrics/Quilting • Gifts • Farms • Jewelry • Developers • Equipment Sales & Rentals • Wineries/Wine Retails • Lawn Maintenance • Mortgages • Pet Care Persian Rugs ..............................................20 • Real Estate Agents By Roy Page How Warsaw Got Its Name & Other Places to Dine ......................................22-23 Interesting Historical Tidbits about Richmond County ....................................42 Map ......................................................26-27 By Barbara Jean LeFon Things to Do ........................................24-25 Northern Neck ..........................................44 Golf Courses By Jack McEwen Nature Trails..............................................28 Calendar of Events ..............................46-50 The Northern Neck Visitor’s Guide is published annually and distributed monthly by Virginia Real Estate Reviews, Inc., 228 Oxford Drive, Martinsville, VA 24112 804-462-0099 • 800-632-7689 • nnrer@comcast.net Front Cover: Kathryn Murray Graphic Design: Kirkpatrick Advertising, Inc. Photographers: Jim Blankenship, Steve Bonner, Barbara Jean LeFon, Callie R. Martin, Kathyrn Murray, John H. Whitehead III, Captain Billy Pipkin ©2010 by Virginia Real Estate Reviews, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of photographs, artwork, or copy is prohibited without prior written permission of the publisher.


River Meadows An Unsurpassed Senior Living Community We believe your retirement years are some of the most priceless years of your life. Now is the time to let your aspirations lead and eliminate the hassles of everyday chores and house maintenance. Let us take the obligations out of your life so you can live with ease, comfort and security. Embrace worry free living and come home to River Meadows. ‡6WXGLR $SDUWPHQWV ZLWK .LWFKHQHWWHV ‡6KRUW 7HUP DQG /RQJ 7HUP ‡'LQLQJ 5RRP ZLWK 0HDO 3ODQ 2SWLRQ ‡)LWQHVV 0HGLD DQG &UDIW 5RRP ‡:HHNO\ +RXVHNHHSLQJ ‡0RQWK WR 0RQWK /HDVH 12 (QWUDQFH )HHV ‡3ODQQHG 6RFLDO (YHQWV ‡6DIH (DV\ $FFHVV ZLWK +RXU (PHUJHQF\ &DOO 6\VWHP ‡8WLOLWLHV ,QFOXGHG H[FHSW WHOHSKRQHV



Historical Sites


associated with George Washington. The park contains the heart of Augustine Washington’s plantation, the 17th century homesite of the immigrant John Washington, and the Washington Family Burial Ground. The archaeological structures, the commemorative edifices and the cultural landscape are conserved and employed to preserve the memory of George Washington – America’s first and greatest hero whose actions were crucial in the establishment of the United States as an independent nation founded on the principles of personal liberty. Located on Popes Creek off the George Washington Birthplace Potomac River 38 National Monument miles east of Fredericksburg, Virginia and is accessible over Virginia Route 3 and Route 204. The park is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily (except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day) with an individual admission fee of $4.00 for all visitors 16 years or older. Call 804-224-1732. Ferry Farm National Historic Landmark. Lying across the Rappahannock River from the old town of Fredericksburg, Virginia, on State Route 3 in Stafford County, Ferry Farm was George Washington’s home from age six until he reached young manhood. Open daily February 19th thru December, except for Thanksgiving Day and December 24, 25, & 26. Call 540-3700732. George Washington’s mother was born in Lancaster County at Epping Forest.

he seeds of American independence first took root in the fertile soil of Virginia’s Northern Neck. George Washington, Richard Henry Lee, Francis Lightfoot Lee and Robert E. Lee, as well as the nation’s fourth and fifth presidents, James Madison and James Monroe, were born here. Historic Christ Church was built in 1735 by the efforts of Robert “King” Carter, one of the wealthiest and most influential citizens in colonial A m e r i c a . To d a y, Christ Church is recognized as the finest colonial church in North America. Virtually Aerial shot of the Historic Christ Church unchanged, its splendid architecture includes a threelevel pulpit that towers over individually enclosed, high-backed pews. The reception center, museum, and gift shop are open AprilNovember with guided tours taking place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon.-Sat. and 2 to 5 p.m., The Font at Historic Sunday. The church Christ Church is open year round. Located at 420 Christ Church Road (Route 646) near Irvington. Call 804-438-6855. The George Washington Birthplace National Monument. The mission of the National Park Service at George Washington Birthplace is to preserve and interpret the history and resources 8

Historical Sites The Mary Ball Washington Museum & Library, located in the Lancaster Courthouse Historic District, was named in her honor. Take a tour of the historic buildings, view exhibits on the region’s history. The complex includes the Old Clerk’s Office (circa 1797), the Jail (circa 1820), Lancaster House (circa 1800) and the genealogical and historical library is available for people wishing to trace their Virginia roots. Museum open Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Library open Wednesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Located at 8346 Mary Ball Road in Lancaster. Call 804-462-7280. Reedville Fishermen’s Museum is where visitors can learn about the Northern Neck’s menhaden fishing and watermen’s heritage. The Walker House, a restored waterman’s home (circa 1875), provides a glimpse of daily life in those early years when in 1867, Elijah Reed, a New England sea captain, followed schools of menhaden fish into the Chesapeake Bay and founded the thriving fishing community of Reedville on Cockrell’s Creek. The museum is also the starting point for a walking tour of Reedville’s Historic Main Street, where stately Victorian mansions reflect the town’s golden age of prosperity. The museum is open daily 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from MayOctober, open Saturday-Sunday from March-April and Friday-Monday from November to mid December. Call 804-453-6529. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, a National Historic Landmark (circa 1795) is known as one of the best and oldest surviving examples of a colonial courthouse tavern. This tavern has been

Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern

restored and features a restaurant and gift shop.

Stratford Hall

Stratford Hall Plantation, built by Thomas Lee (circa 1738) was the boyhood home of Richard Henry and Francis Lightfoot Lee, the brothers who signed the Declaration of Independence. In 1807, it also became the birthplace of General Robert E. Lee. In addition to its history, the magnificent architecture of Stratford Hall makes it one of the great houses in America. Open daily except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Located off Route 3. Call 804-493-8030. One of the many historical sites in Westmoreland County is the former “One room school house” the Elba School. Built around the turn of the 19th Century, the school provided teaching for first through sixth grades to as few as six to twenty-four students in the immediate vicinity. 9

Historical Sites Open every Friday and One of the many Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. historical sites in From May 1st to October Westmoreland County is and open Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. the former “One room Also open by appointment. school house” the Elba Kinsale, 804-472-3001. School. Built around the Menokin: Home of turn of the 19th Century, Declaration of Independence the school provided Elba Schoolhouse signer Francis Lightfoot Lee. teaching for first through sixth grades to as few as six to twenty- Now a ruin, the house sits on 500 acres at Cat Point Creek. Open Monday-Friday 10 four students in the immediate vicinity. The school house sits just off Oldhams a.m. to 4 p.m. Weekends by appointment Road in a field which is frequently only. Warsaw, 804-333-1776. Museum at Colonial Beach: This planted in corn, soybeans or wheat. Travelers on Oldhams Road are able to museum traces the town’s history from Captain John Smith in 1608 to the present see the back of the school building. A.T. Johnson High School Museum: and is operated by Colonial Beach One of the first African-American High Historical Society. Open SundaySchools in the Northern Neck, which Saturday 1 – 4 p.m. Colonial Beach, serves as a depository of historical 804-224-3379. Richmond County Museum: This artifacts and memorabilia. Montross, museum portrays the story of rural 804-493-7070. Ball Memorial Museum: Historic Richmond County through exhibits, foundation and library, with an extensive events, school programs and activities. genealogical and historical records and Located in old jail (circa 1972). Warsaw, 804-333-3607. museum, Heathsville. 804-580-8581. St. Mary’s White Chapel: Established Kilmarnock Museum: Exhibits of business and commerce of Kilmarnock. in 1669 has a Historic graveyard. Oldest Recalls the early days of the bustling known altar tablets in the Commonwealth town, first known as Steptoe’s of Virginia. Lancaster, 804-462-5908. Steamboat Era Museum: Honoring Ordinary, settled in 1719. Kilmarnock, the golden age of steamboats. Irvington, 804-436-9100. King George Museum: Named for 804-438-6888. Hours: ThursdayKing George I. The County was split off Saturday 10-4; Sunday 1-4. Westmoreland County Museum: from Richmond County and formed in 1721. Museum and research center Oldest museum in the Northern Neck. is located in an old jail. King George, Established as a permanent home for Charles Wilson Peale’s portrait of 540-775-9477. Kinsale Museum: Housed in an 18th William Pitt (circa 1768) and home to the century pub, features exhibits and Northern Neck of Virginia Historical artifacts of the life in a seaport Society. Montross, 804-493-8440. community. Steamboat era exhibits. 10

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We are Kilmarnock of Northern Neck By Steve Bonner

My Boyhood Home on Waverly Ave

gain I have been given the opportunity to write something about growing up in Kilmarnock, VA. To be honest, I am still growing and have never gotten tired of our little town. Each day is a new page in a long chapter of happiness. Little did I realize when I was growing up what a wonderful gift my parents gave me when they realized living in a small town could offer so much. We don’t have factories or large companies that one can go to work for like the city does, but we have the “time off” life that everyone seeks in today’s hectic lifestyle. While the kids of today will tell stories about Computers, IPods, Harry Potter and having a cell phone at 10, I still remember the dirt piles, LP records, The Wizard of Oz and two juice cans connected with a string. Each year our area brings more things available to enjoy yet keeps the little town life alive. Whether it’s a new Entertainment Center with bowling lanes and a fun room for the kids or the chain fast food stores, it keeps on giving.


We can’t fight our importance to the big store world because it helps those that visit here or come for the summer to have a place they can buy things they need to have an enjoyable time. With things changing we will have to go out of town to buy a new car, but there are memories of Saturday nights when the town was open until at least 9:00 because the sidewalks were full of people going from car dealership to dealership while their wives shopped for groceries. Fish boat Captains and crew, plus people of all walks of life came to Kilmarnock to do their shopping. That has not changed as we still are the hub that keeps the wheel turning and provides what “time” changes. You don’t see many kids on bikes like there used to be, but instead you have grownups on bikes or Harley’s enjoying the fresh country air and less traveled roads to explore the area. Welcome to the Northern Neck of Virginia and to Kilmarnock. The streets are paved with memories and nice people willing to give you directions or help with a purchase. You won’t get route numbers to your


My dog “Buzz” and I logged a lot of miles and never left downtown

destination so when someone says “go down two stop lights, make a right, go by a ball field, golf course and when you see a Convenience store, turn there, that’s how it’s done. “Thank Ya” and “ya’ll come back” is pretty much the standard. Don’t be surprised if a store owner can tell you the complete history of the building he or she is in and where you have to shop to get an item they don’t carry. Our news comes out once a week in our local paper but most people can tell you what’s going on! We are Kilmarnock and we are rich with History. I have a new book entitled “Kilmarnock” “A Boy, A Dog, A Town” full of all my memories of this town. I owe a lot to those that shaped my life and took time to pay attention to me as a kid. Children are our future as you know, so don’t be afraid to raise yours here. We 13

have good schools, churches, waterfront or town front land. We have people that will remember you by name and appreciate your patronage. I always like to tell a little story when I write for the Visitor’s Guide and I want to share with you about the time there was a Drug Store on the corner of Waverly and Main Streets. When things were slow (getting into trouble) we would sneak in there and at that time there were many wind up alarm clocks. We would go in, wind them up and set the alarms to go off at the same time. We could go outside and peek in the window waiting for the magic time. Sure enough it came and we could see one or two people headed for them mumbling something as we laughed. During the day right outside of that same corner drug store we would point up to the sky and exclaim “what’s that” and one by one people would start to stare with us. We would ease our way to the other corner and when they saw us, laugh at them! They didn’t get mad, they just shook their head knowing we had played a joke on them. Enjoy the Northern Neck experience but watch out for any kid on a bike with a dog!

Places to Stay BED & BREAKFASTS/INNS Fleeton Fields B & B. Located at Fleeton Point on the Chesapeake Bay near historic Reedville. Elegant waterfront property in a parklike setting with beautiful gardens. Three water view suites furnished with period antiques, private baths and all modern amenities. Kayak and canoe available. Children & pets with prior arrangement. Minutes to Tangier or Smith Island cruises. www.fleetonfields.com 2783 Fleeton Road Reedville. . . . . . . . . . 800-497-8215 or 804-453-5014

General’s Ridge Vineyard-Vineyard Views. Spend a day or a week in the new 2 BR/2 BA elevated home. Sit on the deck and enjoy the peace of a quiet night where you can actually see the stars or take a simple stroll through the secluded vineyard. www.generalsridgevineyard.com Hague Area . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-313-9742 (M-Th.) 804-493-0226 (F-Sun.) (see ad page 17)

The Jett House. Overnite and extended accommodations. Sleeps 10, huge, fully stocked Greenwood B&B. Georgian-style home built in kitchen, 1 & 1/2 baths, fireplace, florida room, deck. 1882 furnished with antiques. Country Breakfast Located next to Jett’s Hardware & Jett’s Marine in Served. In Warsaw, take Hwy 360 east. Turn right on historic Reedville, Va. Call for more information & SR 1021. First home on right. 99 Maple Street availability. Visit www.vacationhomerentals.com to Warsaw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-333-4353 view property & furnishings. Reedville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (804) 453-4201 The Gables Victorian Mansion B&B. Historic Schooner’s Mast in ballroom. Boat slips, antiques, gourmet breakfast, Luxury waterside suites. Hawthorn Cottage. Beautifully decorated, fully furnished, down to the linens and utensils, 1 block Coffee/ice cream parlor. from the Beach. www.thegablesbb.com. www.perfectplaces.com/26023 email: info@thegablesbb.com Reedville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-453-5209 Colonial Beach . . . . 202-997-9235 (c) or 202-299-0410

HOTELS/MOTELS Holiday Inn Express. 68 rooms and luxury suites, swimming pool, continental breakfast, in-room coffee. Special golf & fishing packages. (800) 844-0124-Group sales. 599 North Main Street. Kilmarnock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-436-1500 (see ad page 15)

VACATION RENTALS Bayshore Point. Magnificent best describes “Bayshore Point” directly on the Chesapeake Bay in Reedville/ Fleeton. Sand beach, upscale accommodations and unbeatable view. Weekend/weekly rental. www.bayshorenorthernneck.com Reedville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-453-5900 General’s Ridge Vineyard-Manor House. Step back in time to live special moments in this 3 BR/2 BA home with several sitting rooms and porches to enjoy a cup of coffee as the sun rises or sip a glass of wine as the sun sets on the vines that produce it. www.generalsridgevineyard.com Hague Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-313-9742 (M-Th.) 804-493-0226 (F-Sun.) (see ad page 17)

Ingram Bay Marina. - NEW! Cottages. View the Chesapeake Bay from your porch. Beach, Horseshoes,Volleyball and more…Free Canoe and Bicycle rentals. Vacation packages available plus Fishing Charters, Cruises, Boat Rentals www.ingrambaymarina.com Wicomico Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-580-7292 Vacation Waterfront Rental Farmhouse cottage, 3 BR, 2 BA, screened porch, heated pool, sail/power dockage and more. $890 per week. Discount for bi-wk/month. Limit 8 people. Yeocomico River. marina@olversonsmarina.com Callao . . . . . . . . . 800-529-5071 or 804-529-6868 (see ad page 15)


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A Step Back in Time…


estled in the quaint countryside of Virginia’s historic Westmoreland County, located in the heart of the Northern Neck, you will find General’s Ridge Vineyard.

General’s Ridge Vineyard There to give you a warm and gracious welcome to the 100 acre estate, are owners Richard L. (Rick) Phillips, Major General USMC (Ret) and wife, Linda. It has been the Phillips’ dream and passion to explore viticulture, the science, practice and study of vineyard production. Their vineyard is characterized by its terrior, a French term loosely translated as “a sense of place” which is imparted in their grapes.

The Manor House Take a step back in time and stay in the plantation’s Manor House which has graced the property for 150 years or stay in the modern Vineyard Views Cottage. Recently, Vineyard Views was mentioned in Coastal Living Magazine as well as on CNN.com as one of 10 great wine getaways. Live special moments in the charming Manor House while you have a cup of coffee on the front porch as the sun rises 16

over the vineyard or take a simple stroll through the secluded grounds. Laugh, as you sojourn into the comfortable sitting rooms to read, play board games, listen to music or socialize with family or friends. Love the quiet evening when you can hear a symphony of night sounds or see the magical lights of fire flies as twilight nears. Snuggle into one of the Manor House’s cozy bedrooms for a peaceful night’s sleep.

Vineyard Views Vineyard Views is a charming two bedroom elevated cottage overlooking the vineyard. Enjoy the peace of a quiet night where you can actually see the stars. As the evening approaches, sip a glass of wine on the deck as you gaze on the vines that produced the grapes from which it was made. Few vineyards embody the seductive flavor of the grapes grown on this plantation. Come; spend a night or a week. The Manor House, Vineyard Views and The Carriage House of General’s Ridge Vineyard are proud to offer lodging and elegant facilities for those special events in your life. General’s Ridge Vineyard sets the perfect stage for a romantic wedding. A wedding is a special time that you and your family will remember for the rest of your lives. So why not choose a location as memorable as the moment. The Carriage House is a unique location to hold receptions or off site business meetings.

It offers a distinctively relaxing environment to help motivate a team of employees. The Carriage House Conference Center is 1,000 sq. ft. with additional areas on top floor available for small breakout meetings, receptions, and catered luncheons and dinners.

the attractions in this, the cradle of our nation, and enjoy the timeless appeal and rural charm of the Northern Neck and its people. Visitors from spring to early fall can see the Phillips’ and their staff hard at work in the care and feeding of the all important 24 acres of grapevines - 13 varieties in all. At any time of year with the different seasons and the variety of wildlife, General’s Ridge Vineyard will be an interesting destination “for a step back in time”.

The Carriage House During your stay at the General’s Ridge Vineyard, visit Ingleside Plantation Winery for a wine tasting and tour where our grapes are processed into wine or visit all wineries on the Northern Neck Wine Trail. Go to George Washington’s and Robert E. Lee’s Birthplaces and Menokin, home of Francis Lightfoot Lee (signer of the Declaration of Independence). Take a short drive to nearby restaurants in historic Port Kinsale on the Potomac River. Just have fun visiting all

Reservations & Hosts: Rick & Linda Phillips 1618 Weldons Drive Hague, VA 22469 M-Th: 703.313.9742 F - Su: 804.493.0226 info@generalsridgevineyard.com www.generalsridgevineyard.com Specials Events: Bettie & Trevor Musso Tel: 804.493.0767 Cell: 804.761.0101 Fax: 804.493.0267 tamusso@hughes.net

General’s Ridge Vineyard a step back in time The perfect retreat . . . √ √ √ √ √ √ √

for a quiet, weekend get-a-way for a vacation for an off site business/banquet meeting for a wedding for an anniversary for a family reunion for any special occasion

The Manor House A world of peace and beauty hidden among the grapevines of General’s Ridge Vineyard. Serenity and relaxation greet you at The Manor House or Vineyard Views on this one hundred acre retreat. Spend a day or a week at our facilities in Virginia’s historic Northern Neck. Info & Reservations: Hosts: Rick & Linda Phillips Tel: 703.313.9742 (M-Th) Tel: 804.493.0226 (F-Su) Website: www.generalsridgevineyard.com email: info@generalsridgevineyard.com Vineyard Views 17

Shopping Guide f a unique shopping experience is what you enjoy you have found it. There are no malls here, only the simple life. However, you will certainly find items here that you will not be able to find elsewhere, handcrafted art, homemade goodies and books about the area. Northern Neck is famous for a number of artists who have their paintings displayed and for sale in a number of shops and galleries. Shopping here is unique in many ways. There are antique shops everywhere and if you are a serious antique shopper you are sure to go home with something. Most of the village shops are owned and managed by area


residents. The items on display reflect their personal tastes, talents and interests. You may be a little surprised at the outstanding quality and wide range of selections to be found. While traveling through the area, you will want to stop at one of our farmer’s and seafood markets to sample fresh produce and seafood. On the first Saturday of each month the Irvington Farmer’s Market, second Saturday of each month the Urbanna Farmer’s Market and the third Saturday of each month, the Heathsville Farmer’s Market (May thru October) are among the favorites.



Elderly Treasures. Featuring country antiques, furniture, glassware, tools, toys, etc. Open Thurs.-Sun. 10 am-5 pm. Located at 7424 Kings Highway, on route 3 between G.W Birthplace and Stratford Hall. Montross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-224-8895

Material Girl Quilt Shop. Fabric, notions for quilting. Classes. Punchneedle & hand dyed wool. Tues-Sat. 10-5. 16658 Northumberland Hwy Reedville, VA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-453-6003


Kilmarnock Antique Gallery. The Northern Neck’s largest Antique Mall, open 7 days a week, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 100 plus dealers featuring Oyster Plates, Primitive to Fine Traditional Furniture, Majolica & Staffordshire, Silver, China, Grandfather Clocks, Art, Persian Rugs, Flow Blue, Jewelry, Collectibles, Coins, Unique gifts, Consignment and much more! We conduct Estate Sales & WE BUY ANTIQUES!! Kilmarnock Visitor Information Center. www.virginia-antiques.com. (across from the school) 144 School Street. Kilmarnock 800-497-0083 or 804-435-1207 (see ad page 19)

Ross’s Rings & Things. Fine jewelry & gifts since 1974. “Where the heirlooms of tomorrow are handcrafted today!” Find us at 200 Irvington Road (Route 200). Kilmarnock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-435-3529 (see ad page 19)

FARMS Westmoreland Berry Farm. Oak Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-224-9171 (see ad page 27)

JEWELRY Ross’s Rings & Things. Fine jewelry & gifts since 1974. “Where the heirlooms of tomorrow are handcrafted today!” Find us at 200 Irvington Road (Route 200). Kilmarnock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-435-3529 (see ad page 19)

ARTISTS & GALLERIES A-lbañez Museum (AIM) & Sunrise Studio Gallery. Monthly Art Shows, Poetry & Music activities. www.a-ibanez.org 199 Whitaker Lane, Kilmarnock, Va. 22482 . . . . . . . . . . . .804-435-2880



Belle Mount Vineyards. Handcrafted, premium wines from our vineyards overlooking scenic Cat Point Creek. Vineyard weddings & receptions in our Great Hall. Cottages & picnic area. Tours & Tastings. March 15-Dec. 15, Wed.-Sat. 11am-5pm, Sun. Noon-5pm. www.bellemount.com 2570 Newland Road Warsaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-333-4700

Foxy In Kilmarnock. Country Club Casual, Dressy, Resort, Jeans & Tees. Jewelry and accessories Petite, Missy & Plus. Open 6 days/week. 24 West Church Street. Kilmarnock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-435-2200


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200 Irvington Road, Kilmarnock, VA 22482


Persian Rugs By Roy Page


hen you are buying an Oriental rug for the first time, it is normal to be a little nervous and intimidated. You may have seen Oriental rugs in magazines, museums or in friend’s homes and like the look. Some people like to invest in these rugs as they are simply “Works of Art” and worthy of being “Collected”. It is usually confusing when first considering an Oriental rug purchase because of the many colors, patterns and sizes of the rugs offered. Do you want an “old” rug or a “new” rug? Many of the old rugs are of somewhat finer knotting than the new rugs. Most rugs today are made for “foreign” markets like the United States and the sizes, colors and patterns have evolved to be what the makers perceive as what the foreign markets like. The finest rugs still usually come from Iran (Persian), Turkey, Pakistan or some portions of Russia. Rugs are now being made for the mass markets in other countries such as India and China that many times are “copies” of the Persian rugs that you still see in some merchants stores. Traditional Oriental rugs are “knotted” not “woven”. Each knot is hand tied to the warp threads which run from end to end of the rug” with weft threads that run “cross ways” to lock the knots in place. Large rugs contain millions of hand tied knots! It is a very labor intensive work and in Iran since women have been allowed to attend school, fewer new rugs are showing up on the foreign markets from the cities. The women of today are running businesses and hold other jobs that traditionally were held by men in the Tribal areas. The young women still do not attend school and their creations are an important

part of the family’s income. Many of the Tribal rugs are made entirely from the wool from the sheep that the family raises wool to thread. Thread and dyed wool are used to create their rugs using relatively the same patterns that their mothers and grandmothers have made throughout the years. When buying an Oriental rug, it is important to know the dealer from whom you are buying. Many poor quality rugs are offered in two or three day “SALES” where the sellers are in and out in a matter of days and anything you purchase has no guarantee of being a hand knotted rug or whether it has been cleaned or of the quality and origin of the rugs. Always go to an established dealer. Many times the rugs are negotiable in price unless there is a real sale going on. Ask questions, if not sure of colors, ask to take the rug on approval so that you can look at the rug on your own floor. Do not be shy in questioning the seller about anything that you need to know. They are there to help you select a rug that you will love and which will enhance the beauty of your home.

(partial rug display at Kilmarnock Antique Gallery)



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Places to Dine hatever your taste, you will surely find it here. Whether it is fresh seafood, fine cuts of beef, pasta or fine dishes, you will be pleasantly surprised with the variety of gourmet or casual dining in our area. Most of the restaurants are family owned and operated and are sure to make your dining experience a pleasant one. There are a number of restaurants on the water where you can dine and watch a picturesque sunset while feasting on a fresh seafood dinner. Also, for those of you with a sweet tooth, save room for dessert, as you will not be disappointed!


Buenos Nachos Mexican Grill. Home of the Chesapeake Quesadilla. 45 S. Main St. Kilmarnock ...........................................804-435-6262 Crazy Crab Restaurant overlooking Cockrell’s Creek. Chefs specialize in seafood, beef and chicken. Located at the end of 360 East. www.reedvillemarina.com Reedville ...............................................804-453-6789 Lancaster Tavern. A historic Northern Neck Tavern of delicious meals at an affordable price. Serving Breakfast, Lunch. Open 7 days a week. Serves dinner Fri., Sat., & Sun.. 8373 Mary Ball Road Lancaster ............................................804-462-0080 Lowery’s Seafood Restaurant. Family restaurant serving seafood, steaks, chicken and much more. Great kid’s menu. Now serving weekend breakfast 8 am-10:30 am. Open for lunch and dinner starting at 11:00 am. A Tappahannock landmark since 1938. www.lowerysrestaurant.com Tappahannock.......................................804-443-4314 (see ad page 23) Nate’s Trick Dog Cafe`. The New York Times and the New York Post call it hip and fabulous and, ultimately, delicious. You will too. www.natestrickdogcafe.com Irvington................................................804-438-6363 (see ad page 23)

Riverboat on the Potomac. Off track betting, Reno, Maryland and Virginia Lottery. All dining areas including banquet room are Potomac waterfront. Banquet room will seat up to 400 guests. See our website for upcoming events. www.theriverboat.net 301 Beach Terrace Colonial Beach .................................804-224-7055 Sandpiper Restaurant. Est. 1982, we specialize in fresh seafood, hand cut meats, nightly specials and fine spirits, all within a casual atmosphere. 850 Rappahannock Drive White Stone ......................................804-435-6176 Tommy’s – Seafood & Steaks. A Northern Neck Icon – on Cockrell’s Creek – Open Year Round, Wednesday – Sunday for dinner. 729 Main Street. www.tommysrestaurant.net Reedville ...........................................804-453-4666 Warsaw Roma’s. Always fresh food, open 7 days a week. Dine in or carry out. Reservations welcome! Lunch & Dinner specials everyday! Monday - Sub Special; Tuesday - Pizza Special; Wednesday - Pasta Special, these specials are all day long! Full menu Italian & American food. Gift certificates always available. Warsaw Roma’s - Voted the Best Italian Restaurant in Town! Come inside or call us! 5061 Richmond Rd. .............................804-333-1932

Nino’s Pizza, Inc. Family owned and operated since 1978 - specializing in Pizza, Pasta and Italian Dinners. Full sized menu & daily $5.99 all you can eat lunch buffet with pizza, pasta & Italian food 11:30 a.m.2:30p.m. Route 360 Callao ....................................................804-529-7548



“It’s easy to believe you’re in Soho,

“Formerly CONRAD’S”

not the Northern Neck.”

1947 Rocky Neck Road Lancaster, VA 22503 (Town of Mollusk)

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the Trick Dog’s for 100 miles.”

Thur. 4pm-8pm • Friday: 5pm-10pm Sat. 12pm-10pm • Sun. 11am-3pm Call for Sundayʼs Summer Hours

“If you’re a foodie, or just want a

Direction: From Rt. 3, go to Lively turn onto Rt 201 west, go 3 miles, turn left on to Rt. 354, go 1 mile turn right onto Rocky Neck Road, go to the end of road.

hip and sophisticated atmosphere, you’re in luck.”

5 until Closing 4357 Irvington Rd. Irvington, VA. 804.438.6363 www.natestrickdogcafe.com


Things To Do


elaxing doesn’t have to mean boring on the Northern Neck. If your interests include hiking, fishing, boating, golfing, nature, art, history or antiques, you’re sure to find it here! While you are here, spend some time touring the countryside by bike or car. The major routes and several scenic byways are marked on the center spread map. Anyone who spends much time in the Girl on the Beach Northern Neck quickly discovers that the quickest route between two points is not fishing villages and see how the hardy always by car. Water is still very much a part descendants of early British colonists still of our transportation system! make their living from the Bay. Be sure to make reservations in advance. The tour boats fill up fast. The beach is on the top of the list for children of all ages and after a day at the beach you can always have some family fun. The Westmoreland Berry Farm and Orchard, home of great fruit, ice cream, and the infamous “goat walk”, is something you will not want to miss. If golfing is your favorite past time, we Merry Point Ferry have several courses that I am sure you will You will find the only two remaining free enjoy. Just call ahead to find the tee times car ferries in Virginia on the Northern Neck. and green fees. Both ferries operate Monday-Saturday from Westmoreland State Park is one of the 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., weather permitting. The Sunnybank Ferry is a two-car ferry on Route 644 that crosses the Little Wicomico River near Reedville. The Merry Point Ferry is a two-car ferry on Route 604 that crosses the western branch of the Corrotoman River in Lancaster County. No trip to the Northern Neck is complete without a cruise on the Chesapeake Bay. Take the Tangier Cruise to Tangier Island or Children enjoying fresh fruit sundaes from the Smith Island Cruise to Smith Island. Westmoreland Berry Farm. There is also a Rappahannock River Cruise that will take you to Ingleside Vineyards. oldest parks in the United States, offering Along the way view bald eagles as they sour sweeping views of the cliffs of the Potomac overhead. River. Wander the quaint streets of these remote 24

Things To Do If you prefer more leisurely activities, try exploring the many museums and historic sites located throughout the Northern Neck area You’ll also want to check the calendar of events in this book, local paper, or websites, as there is always something going on here.

Or, if you prefer, spend the afternoon shopping. Visit the local art studios, galleries, and antique shops. Afterwards, enjoy a delicious meal at one of our fine restaurants or taverns.

Piankatank River Golf Club and Steamboat Grill. Off Route 3/33 between Urbanna and Deltaville. Championship course and full service restaurant open to the public. Route 707 to 629. Hartfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-776-6516

GOLF COURSES Golf at the Tides Inn. The Golden Eagle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-438-5501 The Par Three . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-438-4454 King Carter Golf Course at Hills Quarter. Beautifully landscaped 18 hole, par 71 course, totaling 6,820 yards is located in Virginia’s newest golf community Hills Quarter. Accommodating all levels of golfers. www.HillsQuarter.com Irvington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-435-7842

Quinton Oaks Golf Course & Grill. 18 holes. Driving range. Practice green. Lessons available. Light lunch and dinner available. Located off Highway 360, Callao. www.quintonoaks.com Grill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-529-9200 ProShop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-429-5367

Millers Glen Golf Course. Player friendly, 9-hole golf course in a beautiful country setting. Fun place to play with family & friends. Buckner Creek Road. Mt. Holly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-472-2602

Tartan Golf Course. Rolling 18 hole layout. Accessible to the public. Membership available. Weems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-438-6200

Westmoreland Westmoreland Berry Berry Farm Farm Visit the Northern Neck’s Favorite Family Fun Farm Goat Walk • Petting Zoo Fresh Berries! Open April to December 1235 Berry Farm Lane Oak Grove, VA

(804) 224-9171 www.westmorelandberryfarm.com 25




Machodac Creek


Colonial Beach



To Interstate 95, Richmond


Oak Grove 634

204 638



Leedstown 17

Carters Wharf (cliffs)

Lower Machodoc River





Mt. Holly


Coles Point


Sandy Point





WESTMORELAND COUNTY Kinsale 3 Lyells 203 202

RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE ▲ BELLE MOUNT Naylor’s VINEYARDS Beach MENOKIN 637 624 17 Warsaw 360 Cat Point Village Creek RICHMOND Rappahannock River RICHMOND COUNTY Cruise COUNTY MUSEUM Tappahannock 630 607



Piscataway Creek







646 NORTHUMBERLAND Great Wicomico River COUNTY 201 Wicomico Fair Port Church



354 Lagrange Creek



611 Merry Point Ferry



KILMARNOCK MUSEUM CHRIST Indian Creek CHURCH Dymer Creek Irvington Tabbs Creek Corrotoman White Stone



To Interstate 64, Williamsburg

17 To Gloucester, Hampton Roads

Antipoison Creek


Windmill Point





©2010 by Virginia Real Estate Reviews. Reproduction of photographs, artwork, or copy is prohibited without prior written permission of the publisher. All Rights Reserved




Tangier Island






657 ngier Island Fleeton Cruise to Ta Cockrell Creek Ingram Bay Mill Creek 605 DAMERON MARCH NATURAL AREA


LANCASTER COUNTY 622 Lancaster Lively





R A P PA H A N N O C K RIVER Deltaville 33


To Mathews


Stingray Point

Piankatank River



Center Cross

Little Wicomico River Sunnybank Ferry

Smith Point



Farnham 647 Creek



Smith Island





Hull Creek 636


Totuskey Creek

Wrights Cove Coan River






3 Wellford TOTUSKEY


To Richmond

Yeocomico River


Isl an d

To 3 Interstate 95, Washington, DC, Fredericksburg


Including Essex and Middlesex Counties

Rosier Creek Potomac Beach


Cr uis et oS mi th

King George



Virginia’s Northern Neck


Nature Trails



Barnesfield Park, Highway 301 at Potomac Gateway Welcome Center, King George; 540-663-3205. 175-acre county park on Potomac River with nature trails, picnic areas and playground. Nature trails and beach fishing along Potomac River Shore. Belle Isle State Park, off Route 354, Lancaster County; 804-462-5030. Open year round for hiking, picnicking, guided canoe trips, bridle trails. Boat ramp. Trails follow old farm roads through fields and marshes to Rappahannock River.


5 miles

Bethel Beach Natural Area Preserve, Mathews; 804-684-7577. No facilities. Contains constantly changing sandy beach, low dunes, and salt marsh inhabitants. Open year round, but access to lower portion of the property is restricted seasonally from May 1 through September 15 to protect a globally rare coastal insect and beach plant. Bushmill Stream Natural Area, Route 642 off Route 202, west of Heathsville; 804-684-7577. Nature preserve at headwaters of the Great Wicomico River. No facilities. Trail through woods down to stream and marshes. Observation deck overlooks heron feeding area.

Difficulty Level

Easy to Moderate


1.5 miles

George Washington Birthplace National Monument, Route 204, near Oak Grove; 804-224-1732. Monument, colonial farm, visitor center, natural area, picnic area on Pope’s Creek. Walking trails through colonial farm area, woodlands and marshes.



Hickory Hollow Trail, Route 604, off Route 3 in Lancaster County; 804-435-6092. County-owned natural area. Picnic tables. Woodsy nature trail through pines and hardwoods down to Cabin Swamp.

2 miles

Easy to Moderate

Hughlett Point Nature Preserve, Route 605, off Route 200 north of Kilmarnock; 804-684-7577. Long sandy beach on Chesapeake Bay and Dividing Creek. No facilities. Trail through woods and along farm road leads to salt marsh, dunes and beach.

2 miles


Lands End Wildlife Management Area, 757-253-4180. Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries' Lands End Way is situated along the north shore of the Rappahannock River. Eagles and many waterfowl. Large number of neotropical land birds. Rappahannock River National Wildlife Refuge, Route 634, off Route 360 near Warsaw; 804-333-1470. 1,100-acre wildlife refuge along Cat Point Creek. Limited facilities and schedule. Several miles of trails along farm roads through woods and marshes.


Ruritan Nature Trail, Rappahannock Community College, Warsaw; 804-3336700. Labeled nature trail adjacent to college campus. Trail winds through forest lands and along creeks.

1 mile


Stratford Hall Plantation, Route 214, off Route 3, west of Montross; 804-4938038. Ancestral home of the historic Lee family. Tours. Dining room. Several nature trails through wooded areas of 1,670-acre plantation on Potomac River.

3 miles

Easy to Difficult

Vorhees Nature Preserve, Route 637 at Westmoreland Berry Farm near Oak Grove; 804-224-9171. Nature Conservancy preserve located along Rappahannock River. Several miles of woodland trails with observation points overlooking river and marshes.

6 miles


Westmoreland State Park, State Park Road (off Route 3), west of Montross; 804493-8821. Full-service park. Several miles of woodland trails with observation points overlooking river and marshes, including camping, swimming, fishing, boat rentals, picnicking. Trails wind through marshlands, woods, meadows and along Potomac River.

6 miles

Easy to Moderate

Totuskey Creek Park, Route 3, east of Warsaw in Richmond County. County park with roadside picnic area, boat ramp, fishing. Limited facilities. Roadside park overlooks marshes along Totuskey Creek.


Nearby, Fun, Interesting and Fun By Kathryn Murray ince 1608 when Capt. John Smith first sailed up the Rappahannock, to this day, those who are curious and adventurous among us find some very interesting destinations await visitors to the Northern Neck. The trick, now as then, is to find them. Rather than dwelling on obvious choices, such as the many historical treasures that abound on the Northern Neck and easily come to mind, let’s talk about doing a little “gallivanting” to some locally known spots that you may find interesting, fun and free. Certainly this is not an all-inclusive list and you will find others as you travel our highways and byways toward some of the following choices. When you do, by all means, if it strikes your fancy stop or turn off and follow that road. You’ll never know what you’ll find! Right down the road from Warsaw, located on Route 3 by Nomini Grove Grainery, is Garner’s Produce. The large operation is overseen by Edward Meade Garner and Cut flowers for farmer’s his daughter Dayna, markets throughout with her husband the area Bernard Boyle. Dayna and Bernard keep supplies delivered to the farm stand and manage wholesaling and the nursery. Lora Garner manages the farm stand and staff, as well as participates in numerous farmers markets.



While at the stand you’ll notice a lot of activity and diversity. In addition to such basics as their vibrant spinach and beautiful beans, there’s specialty produce such as heirloom tomatoes and purple cauliflower. A considerable sideline is the extensive nursery of annuals and perennials and well-priced pottery. You just don’t know what you’ll find. And the service is warm and friendly. All this is a far cry from when I first became a “come here” 18 years ago. There were hardly any farm stands then, and when the sweet corn crop “came in” it was available perhaps for a couple of weeks and that was it. Now we have great corn for weeks and weeks and it all has to do with planning and planting. Local farmers are keeping our needs in mind and we are the beneficiaries. Just outside Warsaw is the Wilna

Canoe, kayak or walk the trails around Wilna Pond at the Refuge

headquarters of the Rappahannock River Wildlife Refuge. Tucked away down Newland Road, off Sandy Road, is its’ large expanse of acres including

Kinsale day features many events and vendors, but the Duckie Derby is always “something different.”

Wilna Pond and walking trails. This is a prime destination to go birding, take photographs, or take a canoe or kayak and explore. Just recently the Refuge opened to the public another significant location, the Hutchinson tract, north of Tappahannock. Water and walking trails afford opportunities to view birds and plants in an unspoiled habitat. And at both Wilna and Hutchinson there’s a location to launch a canoe or kayak. Call for more information at 804–333–1470...or check for more information on their Web site www.fws.gov/northeast/rappahannock (Not widely known is the fact that this Northern Neck/Middle Peninsula area is designated a National Audubon Society Important Birding Area (IBA), based on the vast population of bald eagles. This is a special designation and is world-wide recognition of a significant bird concentration.) The Kinsale Foundation, which formed in 1977, opened its’ Museum in 1994. The goal of the museum is to showcase “the sense of community both past and present” in the town of Kinsale. In its heyday the town had 57 businesses and was a prime destination for steamboats and the “Floating Theatre.” Today it is a small quiet

town, with an historic district designation, and lovely old homes. The museum’s newsletter chronicles the area with in-depth interesting articles and most recently they have put together a book of ten years of compilations. A gift shop, located in the old “Ice Cream Parlor” which was purchased by the foundation, has opened recently. In the Heathsville area there are a couple of places that are quite enjoyable when looking for something special at a reasonable price. You never know what you might find at the St. Stephen’s Thrift Shop. There is a wide selection of lightly worn clothing for men, women and children as well as books, linens, glassware and kitchenware. New contributions come in every day, and the real treat can be an unexpected find that proves irresistible. Just across the street is Great Stuff, a small shop filled with “antiques, gifts and thrift” as Gayle Marston, the proprietress would say. Depending on the time of year you will see great displays of various flowering plants overflowing the fences that enclose the front yard. Gayle has a very green thumb as well as a creative way to see the world and its objects. The shop displays her talent with unique arrangements and interesting juxtaposition of objects to provide elegant vignettes suggesting how one might Inside the two small buildings compose a table, are a host of interesting items a corner, or a in thought-provoking settings. 30

An ongoing project to assure that the history of farming in the Northern Neck is remembered and that children can learn of this great heritage.

Creative use of windows combines recycled architectural elements with water-related critters such as fish for fun decorating.

room. And not only can you find great items to augment your current possessions, but you might also enlist Gayle to help you arrange a room by reviewing your furniture and objects and then arranging them in a whole new way. She loves to do this and can create an exciting and interesting space with your favorite items. The Northern Neck Farmer’s Museum, located just north of Burgess is a significant project dedicated to preserving the history and heritage of Northern Neck farming. While at the museum, visitors learn about farming and specifically how Northern Neck farmers have made and continue to make a large contribution to our special part of the world. The museum opens in April on Saturdays, 10-2 and Sundays 1-4. For more information contact the museum at 804-761-5952. The farmers markets in both Heathsville and Irvington have been a great success.

Taking place on the first and second Saturdays of the month through the summer and early fall, they bring vendors from near and far with a wide range of products. You may find local fruit and vegetables, nursery items, crafts to fine art and jewelry. There’s information about local associations and interests. This is a place to stock up, find a gift or get more connected to the community. Take advantage of the special places that are just outside your door as you travel the Northern Neck. You may very well be surprised at what awaits you! Kathryn Murray is principal broker with River & Rural Realty based in the Warsaw area. She is also a avid photographer who carries her camera with her everywhere. Photos in this article are by the author.

Spring or fall there is always something to find or do on the ‘Neck.


Virginia’s Northern Neck… Slow down, relax and hurry back!

By Captain Billy Pipkin


warm gentle breeze fills the air, the sky begins to lighten and a symphony of songbirds welcome a new day. As the sun breaks over the horizon, silhouettes of gulls can be seen gliding above the calm waters. This is how a day in ‘our world’ begins. Virginia’s Northern Neck is surrounded by water. You’ll find over 1,100 miles of shoreline offering access to some of the best fishing and boating on the east coast. There are bald eagles, ospreys, ducks and otters, oysters, clams and crabs. But don’t forget our world renowned fishing that has made this region famous for over two centuries. There are numerous species of fish and other seafood available in our waters. The upper rivers offer an array of fresh water fish including catfish, perch, and even large mouth bass. Within the tidal areas of our rivers we find a greater variety

including croaker, spot, flounder, trout, bluefish and striped bass. The protected calm waters of the river and inlets offer small boat owners the opportunity to enjoy the rich yields of our waters without worries of rough water and wave action. Kayaking has grown in popularity among naturalists, birdwatchers, and now anglers. There is nothing like the feeling of hooking a five pound fish and having it pull your kayak. The mouths of rivers in this region are large. They offer many of the same fish found upriver as well as species located in the open waters of the Chesapeake Bay. In the big water, additional fish on the menu include, larger striped bass (up to 50 pounds), Bluefish in the 5-10 pound class, cobia, and lesser known species such as triple fin, pompano, porgy, tautog, and sheepshead. Part of the joy of


fishing the open waters of the bay is the wonder of what’s going to be found at the end of the line next. Although the bay is not suitable for tiny boats, we have several U.S. Coast Guard approved charter boats available that can take you to the fish. Whether you spent the day exploring or fishing, the rich golden hue of our sunsets is a reminder of the many natural treasures here in Virginia’s Northern Neck. Whether you’re exploring our waters like Huck Finn, wetting lines from your small skiff or chartering one of our sport fishing charter boats, you are sure to find a piece of ‘our world’ left in your heart. Come for a visit, slow down, relax and hurry back!


Outdoor Recreation


ruise the waterways—Surrounded by natural waterways and laced with creeks and inlets, the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula is a boating and fishing paradise. Wherever you go you’re never too far from a marina or boat landing. Sail the Chesapeake Bay and the Rivers, paddle your canoe on a quiet pond, creek or engage one of our friendly and experienced charter boat Captains for a day of saltwater excitement. ruise the Chesapeake Bay—Just want to laze around and leave the driving to someone else? An all day cruise to either Smith Island in Maryland or Tangier Island in Virginia may be what you need. These

quaint island communities out in the middle of the Bay are straight out of the past. Visit these largely unspoiled fishing villages and see how the watermen earn their living from the Bay. We have charter cruises that leave daily, from May 15th to October 15th. To end a perfectly wonderful day, call any one of our many charter boat Captains and have them take you out for a romantic sunset cruise. Water life is an essential part of the Northern Neck, Middle Peninsula and its people. Enjoy the waterways while you visit us, regardless of the style of boating or fishing you like, you will experience it here. There are a number of public and private beaches for your enjoyment.

BOAT SALES Boat Sales Inc. Brokerage boats, power and sail. Open 7 days a week. Located at Olverson’s Lodge Creek Marina, 1161 Melrose Road. www.boatsales@olversonsmarina.com Callao.....................800-529-5071 or 804-529-6868

FISHING CHARTERS Capt. Billy’s Charters. Fish with a tournament winner! Join fishing columnist and radio personality Billy Pipkin on his 46 ft. Custom Sportfish “Liquid Assets II”. Fishing Charters/Private Cruises on the Chesapeake Bay and Virginia Beach. USCG licensed (Up to 41 passengers) You deserve quality! www.captbillyscharters.com Wicomico Church………………...804-580-7292


Bobby’s Marine Service. New & used boat sales/service. Dealer for Boston Whaler, Nisson and Mercury motors. Open Mon.-Sat. On Hwy 200. Burgess...............................................804-453-7541

CRABBE’S CHARTER FISHING. Fish aboard the 43' KIT II on the Chesapeake Bay, Potomac and Atlantic Ocean. USCG licensed for 26. All types of fishing with full time resident guide. Cruises available. www.CrabbesCharterFishing.com Smith Point......................................804-761-0908

CRUISES Capt. Billy’s Charters. Fish with a tournament winner! Join fishing columnist and radio personality Billy Pipkin on his 46 ft. Custom Sportfish “Liquid Assets II”. Fishing Charters / Private Cruises on the Chesapeake Bay and Virginia Beach. USCG licensed (Up to 41 passengers) You deserve quality! www.captbillyscharters.com Wicomico Church............................804-580-7292

MARINAS Carter’s Cove Marina. A well protected deepwater marina with full length finger piers. New bathhouse, pump out and 30/50 amp power at each slip. Located at 347 Carter’s Cove Drive Weems .............................................804-438-5273

Schooner Serenity of Urbanna.....800-979-3370 (see ad page 35)

Cruise All Day for $25

Chesapeake Boat Basin. Full service marina. Yearly slips, boat ramp, fuel, service, ship’s store, transient lounge, climate-controlled restrooms, new boat sales, brokerage sales, & more! www.chesapeakeboatbasin.com Kilmarnock ............804-435-3110 or 877-482-4287

Rappahannock River Cruise Depart from Tappahannock that will take you to Ingleside Vineyards. Once at the vineyard, enjoy an optional lunch & wine tasting.

Tangier Island Cruise Cruise across the Chesapeake Bay aboard our luxurious “Chesapeake Breeze” and discover the tiny island of Tangier.

Coan River Marina. Full-service marina: slips, ship’s store, ramp, fuel, travel lift, yard, storage. Deep water. Open 7 days. On Route 614. www.coanrivermarina.com Lottsburg ............................................804-529-6767

For more information & reservations call us at: 804.453.BOAT (2628) or visit www.TangierCruise.com


Ingram Bay Marina. Closest marina to Chesapeake Bay! Newly rebuilt First Class Facility. Covered boathouse slips to 50 feet, Outside slips to 60 feet, Deep ramp. Land Storage for boats/trailers, Bait/Tackle Shop, Private Lounge, New! Cottage Rentals. www.ingrambaymarina.com End of Route 609 Wicomico Church............................804 580-7292 Olverson’s Lodge Creek Marina, Inc. Open & covered slips, covered boat bays & land storage, fuel & ice, pump-out, laundry, heated pool, boat brokerage & real estate brokerage. Open 7 days a week. Located at 1161 Melrose Road. marina@olversonsmarina.com Callao ....................800-529-5071 or 804-529-5071 Reedville Marina & Crazy Crab Restaurant on Cockrell’s Creek. Fuel, pump out, showers, restaurant and gift shop. www.reedvillemarina.com Reedville ............................................804-453-6789


(804) 462-7018 Yankee Point Marina. Full service marina. 37 deg 41.636’ N by 76 deg 29.402’ W. 1303 Oak Hill Road. www.YankeePointMarina.com Lancaster .........................................804-462-7018 (see ad this page)


Marina Guide p Ram g hin Fisarters Ch ry t/ D WeSlips tals Ren airs Repales S t& Bai kle Tac l iese s/D Ga t ran tau y Res cer Gro l/ Poowers Sho ight ern Ov Slips ter Wapth De

Carters Cove Marina Weems 804-438-5273



Chesapeake Bay Smith Island Marina Little Wicomico River Reedville, 804-453-3430


Chesapeake Boat Basin www.chesapeakeboatbasin.com Chesapeake Bay/Indian Creek Kilmarnock, 804-435-3110



Coan River Marina Potomac River/Coan River Lottsburg, 804-529-6767




Colonial Beach Yacht Center www.colonialbeachyachtcenter.com Potomac River/Monroe Creek 804-224-723




Ingram Bay Marina Gt. Wicomico R./Towles Cr. Wicomico Church, 804-580-7292


Krentz Marine Railway & Marina Callao, 804-529-6851 or 804-529-5826


Olverson’s Lodge Creek Marina Potomac R./Yeocomico R./Lodge Cr., Lottsburg, 804-529-6868; 800-529-5071






Port Kinsale Marina W. Branch, Yeocomico River Kinsale, 804-472-2044


Reedville Marina Wicomico Creek 804-453-6789




Yankee Point Sailboat Marina Corrotoman River Lancaster, 804-462-7018



Coles Point Plantation Marina Potomac River 25 Ton Travel Lift Coles Point, 804-472-3955





Stay for a Lifetime


or many visitors, their first visit to the Northern Neck is love at first sight. You will find yourself coming back time and again to this land that seems so out of pace with the urban communities of the East Coast. Its relaxed, rural lifestyle makes the Northern Neck a perfect retreat from the noise and congestion of the city. Despite its rural character, the Northern Neck offers many of the amenities found in much larger communities, including full service medical care at Rappahannock General Hospital in Kilmarnock; continuing education and degree programs at Rappahannock Community College in Warsaw; a wide variety of cultural events and activities; and a broad range of retails shops and services. If you’re longing for a simpler, quieter lifestyle and have enjoyed your stay, call one of the real estate agents on the following pages. They’ll be glad to help you plan your stay for a lifetime!

APPRAISALS Douglas Residential Appraisal Services. Providing accurate, reliable appraisals in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula. Certified, Residential Appraiser; FHA approved. nbdouglas@ymail.com www.northernneckappraisals.com Wicomico Church ......................................804-580-1624

EVB Community Banking Since 1910 (804) 443-4333, Toll Free: 1-888-464-BANK (2265) www.bankevb.com Visit us at any of our 22 locations throughout the Eastern Virginia area.

Northern Neck State Bank. Main Office, Warsaw, 804-333-4066; Montross, 804-493-9301; Tappahannock, 804-443-4361; Burgess, 804-453ATTORNEYS Hubbard, Terry & Britt. Professional law office 4181; Kilmarnock, 804-435-2681; Reedville, with over 80 years of experience in real estate. 293 804-453-4151; White Stone, 804-435-1626. ATM locations: Time Square, Warsaw; Montross; Steamboat Road. Irvington ......................................................804-438-5522 WalMart, Tappahannock, Burgess and Kilmarnock. www.nnsbva.com (see ad page 19) Toll-free ......................................................866-593-2200

BANKS Bank of Lancaster. Your complete Financial services Provider. Offices in Kilmarnock – Main, 804-4351171, Northside, 804-435-2208; Heathsville, 804-580-2211; Callao, 804-529-6161; Warsaw, 804333-3691; Montross, 804-493-8071; and White Stone, 804-435-0593. Toll-free, 800-435-1140. Visit our website: www.bankoflancaster.com Serving the Northern Neck for 15 Years

“Chesapeake Bank’s roots stretch deep into Virginia’s Northern Neck back to April 13, 1900 in Irvington, VA. Our community is our focus. The bank’s first clients were watermen, farmers and small business owners. Innovative programs, such as MoneyTracker, an online personal financial management tool, have fueled our growth over the past 110 years. Visit us at www.chesbank.com to learn more. Member FDIC” 97 North Main Street. Kilmarnock..................................................804-435-1181

Residential & Commercial New Homes • Renovations • Additions Complete Designs


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Ingram Bay Contracting, Inc. Custom residential building, remodeling and renovation. Class A General Contractor, NAHB Graduate Master Builder Earth Craft Certified. Visit our website at: www.ingrambaycontracting.com Reedville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-453-3076

BANKS continued… Peoples Community Bank. Basic Banking for Busy People. Member FDIC. Offices and ATMs in Ferry Farm, 540-371-6889; King George, 540-7752914; Oak Grove, 804-224-6125; Montross, 804-493-8031; and Warsaw, 804-333-3500 www.peoplescommunitybank.biz

Mitchell Homes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-261-0287 (see ad page 2) Salty Dog Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-580-2052 (see ad page 3)

DEVELOPERS Bragg & Company. Developers of fine waterfront communities throughout Lancaster County. For information on spectacular building sites call 1-800579-9112 or visit us at www.braggco.com. 400 S. Main Street Kilmarnock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-435-2299 Merry Point Development Company. . . . .800-795-2464 (see ad back cover)


BUILDERS Chesapeake Cedar Homes ................877-CCH-Cedar (see ad this page) Chesapeake Homes. Custom homes are our specialty. Models open daily. Visit us at 5563 Mary Ball Road. Lively…………..804-462-7706 or 877-785-7706 Darrin N. Smith Builder, Inc. General A Contractor. Custom & Modular homes. DSmithbuilderinc@aol.com . . . . . . . .804-453-4338 (see ad page 11)


Clegg’s Diesel & Marine. Kubota Distributor & Equipment rental. 5366 Jessie DuPont Memorial Highway. www.cleggdieselandmarine.com Wicomico Church............................804-580-7101

LAWN & TREE MAINTENANCE Crockett’s Tree & Handyman Service, LLC. Providing Property Maintenance to the Northern Neck at reasonable rates for 9 years. Our services include Lawn & Limb Maintenance, Tree Removal, Stump Grinding, Bush hogging, Land Clearing, Firewood Delivery, Landscaping, Hauling, Fill Dirt and Handyman Services. For immediate response call Alfred Crockett’s cell (757) 710-0748. 113 Maple Lane. Heathsville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-453-6055

IsaBell K. Horsley Real Estate, Ltd. Family owned Company, Since 1975 www.HorsleyRealEstate.com

4 Office Locations 30 Plus Agents We Know the Area…It’s Our Backyard!



Nelson B. Horsley, Jr. 804.435.0773 David & Katie Horsley Dew 804.436.3106

www.joeselfrealty.com Email: joeself@joeselfrealty.com

800-296-6393 804-529-6393

Neena Rodgers 804.436.2326 Consistent Consecutive Platinum Producer Agent of the Year 2008 www.NeenasRealEstate.com Please visit for Free access to MLS

580 Northumberland Hwy. Callao, Va 22435

I’M HERE TO ASSIST WITH ALL YOUR MORTGAGE NEEDS At Northern Neck State Bank, our purpose is to help people find financial solutions. We offer a variety of mortgage loans including residential lot loans and construction loans. For assistance with your mortgage lending needs, please contact Mark Curran by phone at (804) 435-4302 (office), (804) 580-4204 (home) or (804) 338-3525 (cell) or by e-mail at mark.curran@ubsh.com.

101 years of mortgage lending experience


MARK A. CURRAN U.S. Navy Ret. Mortgage Loan Officer

Member FDIC


Kilmarnock ◆ Burgess ◆ Reedville ◆ Montross Tappahannock ◆ Warsaw ◆ Time Square ◆ White Stone




EVB Mortgage. Place Your Financial Needs In Capable Hands. Contact Robert Fleet at (804) 7583994. rfleet@evbmortgage.com or Carla Hamilton at (804) 453-6404 chamilton@evbmortgage.com. Toll Free 1-866-271-9987. www.evbmortgage.com.

Pet B&B, LLC. Christian Doggy Daycare & Pet Boarding. We are not a traditional kennel… We have cat condos in our home and a large Air Conditioned and Heated Pet B&B with private dog runs and 5 Social Doggy Play Yards (no aggressive dogs allowed) at our humble Heathsville Farmhouse. Visit www.PetBandB.com for rates, reservations and to see why “Your pet won’t miss you while you are gone”. 2097 Folly Road. Heathsville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-453-7111

Farm Credit Country Mortgages. Financing for homes, estates, acreage, construction, remodeling and more. www.colonialfarmcredit.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-777-8908 (see ad page 51) Northern Neck State Bank & Union Mortgage Group. Are here to assist with all your mortgage needs. Contact Mark Curran at 804-580-4204 (home) 804-435-4302 (office) or 804-338-3525 (cell) (see ad page 39)



800-225-8298 804-435-6161 Cell: 804-436-6109

Experienced professionals partnering with you to achieve your best real estate result. Kathryn Murray, Broker 804-333-3311


Artwork of the Northern Neck Kathryn Murray, photography www.kathrynmurrayphotography. mosaicglobe.com

Bonnie Murray

♦ collagraphs ♦ oil paintings ♦ monoprints www.bonniemurray.com http://bonniemurrayart.etsy.com

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REAL ESTATE AGENTS Bay Meadows Real Estate. Serving the Northern Neck Area in Waterfront and Inland Properties. www.baymeadowsrealestate.com Kilmarnock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-436-1287

Jane Brothers Ludwig “Serving all your real estate needs.” 2008 Realtor of the Year 2009 Board President www.janeludwig.com • jane@janeludwig.com

(804) 436-6341 or 435-0140 98 N. Main St. Suite 100 Kilmarnock, VA 22482

Coldwell Banker VA Bay Properties, LLC, Tom Kimmitt. for an immediate reply, text or call me on my cell (804) 761-7326. Buyers and Sellers please consider my services, which include waterfront & Inland homes, land & commercial property sales. Community information, free maps and access to the Northern Neck Association of REALTORS’ MLS database are at: www.NorthernNeckRealEstate.com Heathsville Home Office . . . . . . . .804-453-9081 (see ad page 43) Dailey Realty, Inc. Specializing in all waterfront and inland properties. Over 35 years experience. For professional and courteous service call Helen Fridenstine, Doris Harcum or Michael Mahanes. Email: daileyre@rivnet.net. www.daileyre.com. Callao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-529-6900 Irving D. Packett Real Estate. For all your real estate needs, see us first! 205 St. Johns Street. www.idpre.com Warsaw . . . . . . . . . . .877-933-3411 or 804-333-3411 Jim & Pat Carter Real Estate, Inc. Inland and waterfront brokers. Marketing distinctive waterfront properties since 1957. www.carter-realestate.com White Stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-435-3131 Irvington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-438-6575 Kilmarnock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-435-9888

Long & Foster REALTORS. Your guide to waterfront living on the Northern Neck & Middle Peninsula. When you are on the move, we’ll make sure you are headed in the right direction. www.ChesapeakeBay-River.com. 2 Locations: Rappahannock Dr., White Stone, VA . .877-435-2673 Gen. Puller Hwy, Deltaville, VA . . . . .800-650-2879 (see ad page 5) Joe Self Realty . . . . . .804-529-6393, 800-296-6393 (see ad page 39) Middle Bay Realty – Joe Emerson. Kilmarnock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-436-1150 (see ad page 4) Port & Starboard Real Estate, Inc. Free info on hundreds of MLS properties for sale. Specializing in Waterfront Lots and Homes—plus Farms, Land & Fine Inland Homes. Property shown by Land & Sea Located at Olverson’s Marina, 1161 Melrose Road. realestate@port-starboard.com Callao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-529-5555 Realty with Relda/Century 21 Battlefield. “Real heart plus real hard work equal realty success.” Waterfront and water access community expertise in Westmoreland County and Colonial Beach. Visit www.realtywithrelda.com. 31 James Monroe Hwy., Suite 100 Colonial Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-761-1230 Rivah Realty, LLC. Specializing in the best real estate service in the Northern Neck. Online at www.rivahrealty.com. Barbara Jean LeFon – BrokerOwner. 16501 Kings Highway Montross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-493-8772 Warsaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .804-333-8772 (see ad page 21) Robbie Booth – Shore Realty, Inc. Northern Neck knowledge. Waterfront / inland specialist. Free brochures of properties for sale. Free market value analysis of your property or land – ref this ad. www.ShoreRealtyInc.com Callao……………………………..804-339-1504 Sunbelt Realty. Jack McEwen is both a Business Broker and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the Northern Neck. He specializes in commercial properties, land and businesses. Montross . . . . . .804-493-1400 or 804-493-7200 (see ad page 46)


How Warsaw Got Its Name & Other Interesting Historical Tidbits about Richmond County By Barbara Jean LeFon


istoric Warsaw, located between the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers in the Northern Neck, has been the county seat for Richmond County since 1730. Warsaw was originally called Richmond County Courthouse until 1831 when it was renamed in sympathy for the Polish struggle for liberty. It is interesting to note that other towns in the United States changed their names, such as Warsaw, Kentucky, for the same reason. In the heart of Warsaw is historic St. John’s Episcopal Church built in 1835 to replace the earlier Lunenburg Parish lower church which was erected in 1732 and abandoned after the Revolution. The Reverend George Nelson, whose gravestone is visible at St. John’s, “restarted” Lunenburg, North Farnham and Cople parishes. Special items of interest at St. John’s are the original 1732 Baptismal fount found in the ruins of the first church (holding a goose nest!) and a Holy Bible purchased for the reestablishment of the church in 1835. Descendants of two Richmond County families who were founding members in 1732 still maintain active membership and travel to church from their homes built around the same time. Landon Carter, builder of historical Sabine Hall which is close by was the first senior warden. St. John’s is the site of the William Atkinson Jones Memorial monument, a gift from the people of the Philippines. Jones was a congressman who sponsored the bill for Philippine independence in 1916. This monument is situated adjacent to the cemetery. Today Lunenburg Parish of the Episcopal

Church consists of St. John’s and North Farnham churches. In 1737, the present N. Farnham church was erected. Over the years the parish faced many traumatic events which led to its being abandoned for a number of years. The church building still holds bullet holes from a skirmish between British invasion forces and the local militia in 1814! A village fire in 1888 destroyed much of the interior of the church, and while funds were being raised for its restoration, Emmanuel Church was erected in Emmerton, a short distance away. At this time, only the cemetery remains at that site, which is maintained by N. Farnham church. The restoration was completed in 1921. Today, North Farnham church has been designated a national historic landmark and, as its sister church, St. John’s, has an active congregation with a rich history of community involvement. For further information on the many historical features of Richmond County, a visit to the county museum located on Routes 360/3 near the courthouse is a must!

St. John’s Church in Warsaw.


TOM KIMMITT Heathsville (804) 453-9081 Each Office Is Independently Owned and Operated

Offices in Northumberland & Lancaster Counties

“Doggy Daycare Available”

“Your online resource for Northern Neck real estate information including aerial photos, free detail maps, Bay Act info, community events and real estate listings”


Tax credits may have expired, but some of my sellers are extending the courtesy via a seller contribution to closing costs visit www.NorthernNeckRealEstate.com for more info on this, free maps and top community news stories like these… Chesapeake Bay Foundation says Blue Crab population is up 60%…March new home sale up 27%…Omega Protein takes steps to reduce pollution. R ER FO 0 LL N 1/1 SE IO 7/0 T 00 U Y ,0 IB B $8 TR NG N SI O O C L C

Heathsville 2.44 acre lot across the street from the river only 99K (driveway installed) 100 yards from Vir-Mar Public Beach wonʼt last. $99,000.

Heathsville Outstanding custom built brick rancher with attached garage on the Great Wicomico River, a few minutes from the Bay with deeded deep water slip on a protected harbor. Wide views, bulkhead installed, sand bottom. Priced to sell at $858,000.


R ER FO 0 LL N 1/1 SE IO 7/0 T 0 U 0 Y ,0 IB B $8 TR NG N SI CO LO C

Heathsville Waterfront 2BR home in Bay Quarter Shores with open floor plan, large deck and retractable awning. $199,000

Heathsville Secluded Potomac Riverfront getaway or full time contemporary 3 BR home on 1.5 wooded acres with in-ground pool, armour stone riprap, gourmet kitchen, open floor plan with lots of glass overlooking the Bay and River $675,000 - Heathsville R ER FO 0 LL N 1/1 SE IO 7/0 T 0 0 U Y ,0 IB B $8 TR NG N SI CO LO C

Potomac River Cottage in Heathsville Rustic recently renovated 2 BR with good elevation, landscaped grounds, large bonus room and spectacular views of the River and Bay - only $399,000.

R ER FO 0 LL N 1/1 SE IO 7/0 T 0 0 U Y ,0 IB B $8 TR NG N SI O O C L C

Irvington Horse Farm 3500 s.f solid brick rancher on 25 potentially subdividable, fenced pastural acres with pond, numerous barns (barns convey in "As is-Where is" condition) attached Tack room, - only $474,900 R ER FO 0 LL N 1/1 SE IO 7/0 T 00 U Y ,0 IB B $8 TR NG N SI O C LO C

R ER FO 0 LL N 1/1 SE IO 7/0 T 00 U Y ,0 IB B $8 TR NG N SI O C LO C

Little Wicomico River 3885 s.f. brick custom home with sand beach, deep water pier with boathouse, tennis court, garage with apartment upstairs, walkout basement, river room & wide views on 2.59 manicured acres - $860K.

Reedville Charming rancher with basement, spectacular gardens and river views, 2 river rooms & many upgrades on a small pond with pier overlooking an ithmus (slender strip of land between 2 larger bodies of water) on the Little Wicomico River - $418K.

• Owner Financing possible on 8 acre waterfront lot in Farnham • 3 Water access homesites at 25K • Water view lot in White Sand Harbor - 42K




elcome to the Northern Neck. Possibly you’re here for the fresh air, sunshine, fishing, sight-seeing, or whatever. You certainly noticed the casual life style and lower housing prices. Maybe you noticed something else: the morning traffic to the cities and the evening traffic coming back. Those folks are going where the jobs are, long commutes, lots of traffic, higher pay. Maybe some of them work for your company? Let’s consider an alternative. What if your business, be it one person or five hundred, were located in the Northern Neck? Could you still meet your company’s objectives? With the maturation of the internet, e-mail, mobile phones and all the other trappings of telecommuting, I suspect that much, if not all, of your business could just as easily be conducted here as in its current higher priced location. Which means that most, if not all, of your employees could just as easily be located in the Northern Neck. For some this may not be attractive, but for many this would be a dream come true. But how would your company benefit? First, there is an active interest in

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attracting compatible businesses to the Northern Neck. Each of the four county governments has programs to this end. These programs include tax incentives, industrial parks with favorable pricing, and assistance in finding and training employees. These county programs are supplemented and assisted by locally staffed state and federal offices and programs. As an added incentive for those who bid on Federal contracts, all four counties are still designated as HUB Zone areas by the Small Business Administration. Next, your cost of business should be lower, considering facility costs, employee costs, and all of the comparable expenses associated with an urban environment. Finally, depending on your business, you may benefit from the location. Instead of being close to only one metropolitan center, you are reasonably close to four: Washington, D.C., Richmond, Tidewater, and Fredericksburg. During your visit or vacation to our area, take a minute and reflect on the business opportunities that may be present for you or your company. Why just visit? Think how great it would be to have your business here, whether that business is a small privately owned company or a division of a large corporation. During your commute tomorrow, think about it again. We’ll be pleased to work with you to make it happen. Jack McEwen is both a Business Broker and a licensed Real Estate Broker in the Northern Neck. He specializes in commercial properties, land, and businesses. 44





Calendar of Events The Calendar of Events is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Dates and times are subject to change. Contact event organizations to confirm dates, times and activities. $ indicates admission fee. MAY 23

28 31

JUNE 4 5

6Sept. 5 12 19

25 26


Art Open House. 11-5, Poetry and Music Open Mike 3-5 p.m. A-Ibanez Museum (AIM) & Sunrise Studio Gallery. Map & location at www.a-ibanez.org. 804-435-2880 Kilmarnock Farmer’s Market. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Lancaster by the Bay Chamber. 804-435-6092. Memorial Day Service. Sponsored by the Retired Military Officers Association of America and the American Legion. 11:00 a.m. Historic Christ Church 804-438-6855.

Kilmarnock First Friday Walkabout. 5:00-8:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Lancaster by the Bay Chamber. 804-435-6092. Spring on the Plantation. George Washington was a product of plantations. To understand Washington, we must understand plantation life. 18th century activities and demonstrations such as sheep shearing, tobacco planting, fishing and hunting demonstrations, blacksmithing and open hearth cooking will be offered at Popes Creek Plantation. 9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. George Washington Birthplace. 804-224-1732. Summer Services in Historic Christ Church. Sundays 8:00 a.m. Offered by Grace Episcopal Church, Kilmarnock. Urbanna Farmers Market. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 804-758-2000. Rock “N” Roll Oldies. Join us in the courtyard for a summer celebration! Live entertainment by King Edward and the B.D.’s Band! Tours, tastings and gift specials included! $15 per person, for music only. $35 per person, for dinner and music. Reservations required and limited seating. 6:00-9:00 p.m. Ingleside Vineyards. 804-224-8687. Kilmarnock Farmer’s Market. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Lancaster by the Bay Chamber. 804-435-6092. Chesapeake Bay Wine Trail Festival. 3rd Annual Chesapeake Bay Wine Festival, Brought to you by the Chesapeake Bay Wine Trail. Rain or shine. Arts and crafts, delicious food and live music. 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Featuring 9 Wineries: Athena Vineyards * Belle Mount Vineyards *Hague Winery * Ingleside Vineyards* New Kent Winery * Oak Crest Winery *Potomac Point Winery * Vault Field www.chesapeakebaywinefestival.com $15 in advance $20 at the gate Art Open House. 11-5, Poetry and Music Open Mike 3-5 p.m. A-Ibanez Museum (AIM) & Sunrise Studio Gallery. Map & location at www.a-ibanez.org. 804-435-2880. 46

JULY 2 3 4




23 25


Kilmarnock First Friday Walkabout. 5:00-8:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Lancaster by the Bay Chamber. 804-435-6092. 4th of July Celebration. Starting at dusk there will be fireworks at the Urbanna Town Marina. Town of Urbanna 804-758-2000. Independence Day. Be like young George Washington and practice taking up arms to defend…Great Britain! Militia drills and outdoor games will be on tap for everyone to celebrate our freedom. Free admission. 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. George Washington Birthplace. 804-224-1832. Colonial Fun & Games with our 4-H Club. Play games, dance, dress up and act like a colonial child with the George Washington Birthplace National Monument 4-H Club. 9:00 a.m-5:00 p.m. 804-224-1732. Urbanna Farmers Market. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 804-758-2000. Ice Cream Social on “Second Saturday” at Historic Christ Church. Family fun with tasty ice cream treats in a historic setting. Colonial games and crafts. Church tours and museum exhibitions. Children of all ages welcome. 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Red, White and Blue Crab Party and Sale 12 – 4 PM. Come spend a lovely summer day relaxing and sipping wine in our courtyard while listening to live music. Stock up on all your Blue Crab wines for an unbelievable discount! No charge for admission. 12:00-4:00 p.m. Ingleside Vineyards. 804-224-8687. “Hands-On History Day” at Historic Christ Church. Explore the history of colonial Virginia through hands-on activities with archaeology, 18th-century brickmaking, grave rubbings, and other exciting lessons. 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Ages 6-12. Free event with lunch provided for all participants. Registration required. Contact 804-438-6855 or rteagle@christchurch1735.org. Kilmarnock Farmer’s Market. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Lancaster by the Bay Chamber. 804-435-6092. Art Open House. 11-5, Poetry and Music Open Mike 3-5 p.m. A-Ibanez Museum (AIM) & Sunrise Studio Gallery. Map & location at www.a-ibanez.org. 804-435-2880. World Ranger Day. Activities for children and screenings of The Thin Green Line are on tap for the commemoration of rangers throughout the world. 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. George Washington Birthplace. 804-224-1732.

AUGUST 6 Kilmarnock First Friday Walkabout. 5:00-8:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Lancaster by the Bay Chamber. 804-435-6092. 14 Summer Beach Bash. Enjoy the end of the summer with a Beach Bash and Luau! Live beach music, Hawaiian leis, tastings, souvenir wine glass and light food included. Food available to purchase as well. $20 per person. Reservations recommended. 1:00-4:00 p.m. Ingleside Vineyards. 804-224-8687. 47


27 29

Urbanna Farmers Market. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 804-758-2000. “Second Saturday” at Historic Christ Church. Family fun with colonial games and crafts. Lemonade and cookies. Church tours and museum exhibitions. Children of all ages welcome. 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Kilmarnock Farmer’s Market. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Lancaster by the Bay Chamber. 804-435-6092 Art Open House. 11-5, Poetry and Music Open Mike 3-5 p.m. A-Ibanez Museum (AIM) & Sunrise Studio Gallery. Map & location at www.a-ibanez.org. 804-435-2880.

SEPTEMBER 5 Kilmarnock First Friday Walkabout. 5:00-8:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Lancaster by the Bay Chamber. 804-435-6092. 6 Urbanna Family Fun Day. A family fun day for all ages, games, food and lots of fun. This event will be held rain or shine at the Urbanna Fire House. 3-7 p.m. 6 Most of the Plantation: Slavery and Labor at Popes Creek. Park Ranger and Labor Historian Dick Lahey talks about and commemorates the 24 men, women and children who worked to establish and make prosperous the land where George Washington was born. Admission to the lecture is free. George Washington Birthplace. 804-224-1732. 11 Jazz in the Courtyard. Relax in our elegant European-style courtyard while sipping wine and enjoying the sounds of live jazz music. Music, tours, tastings and souvenir wine glass are included. Reservations required and dinner space fills up quickly! Reserve your spot today! $15 per person for music and tastings $35 per person for music, dinner and tastings. 5:00-8:00 p.m. Ingleside Vineyards. 804-224-8687. Urbanna Farmers Market. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 804-758-2000. Constitution Commemoration. As the presiding officer of the Constitutional Convention, George Washington played a crucial role in determining the shape of our government. A lecture by a noted scholar will be presented. Admission to the lecture is free. 2:00 p.m. George Washington Birthplace. 804-224-1732. 24 Kilmarnock Farmer’s Market. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Lancaster by the Bay Chamber. 804-435-6092. 26 Art Open House. 11-5, Poetry and Music Open Mike 3-5 p.m. A-Ibanez Museum (AIM) & Sunrise Studio Gallery. Map & location at www.a-ibanez.org. 804-435-2880. OCTOBER 1 Kilmarnock First Friday Walkabout. 5:00-8:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Lancaster by the Bay Chamber. 804-435-6092. 48

6th Biennial Quilt Show & Auction. Members’ Quilt Show; Hoffman Challenge Quilts Exhibit and vendors will be Friday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Silent auction will be Saturday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. Reception will be Saturday 12:00-1:00 p.m. Live auction will be Saturday 1:00-5:00 p.m. Auction quilts will be on exhibit all day Friday and on Saturday before the auction. Tickets will be available at the door. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. 2 Fall Concert & Reception. Concert in church featuring traditional 18th century music. Tickets available from Foundation office. More information on performers and tickets TBA. Historic Christ Church 804-438-6855. 5,12,19 Rappahannock Institute for Lifelong Learning Course at Historic Christ Church. “Church, State and Religious Freedom in Colonial Virginia”. 1:00-3:00 p.m. each day. For more information contact the ARILL office at 804-333-6707. 16 Harvest Celebration Festival. We have a wonderful celebration in store for you! There is something for everyone. Come help us celebrate our 30th harvest! See winemaking demonstrations, take a tour of Ingleside's vineyards and winery, enjoy artwork, crafts, exhibits and delicious food. Sit in the courtyard and relax (or dance) while listening to live music and sipping wine. Includes music, tours, tastings and a souvenir glass. Food concessions available or bring a picnic. $15 per person. 1:00-4:00 p.m. Ingleside Vineyards. 804-224-8687. 22 Kilmarnock Farmer’s Market. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Lancaster by the Bay Chamber. 804-435-6092. George Washington Birthplace 4-H Heritage Club Event. Our own 4-H members and leaders share their fun with our visitors. Costumed interpretation of Colonial crafts like blacksmithing, spinning and cooking will be presented. George Washington Birthplace. 804-224-1732. 24 Art Open House. 11-5, Poetry and Music Open Mike 3-5 p.m. A-Ibanez Museum (AIM) & Sunrise Studio Gallery. Map & location at www.a-ibanez.org. 804-435-2880. 1&2

NOVEMBER 5&6 Urbanna Oyster Festival. Vendors, crafters, performers, artisans, civic groups and clubs. Oysters are offered any way you like em..raw, roasted, steamed, stewed, fried or frittered and many other vendors. There will be a fireman and rescue parade held on Friday evening at 7 p.m. 12

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle..and Render your Refuse. In recognition of America Recycles Day, Westmoreland County Extension Agent (and former compost technician at Rodale Institute) Wendy Herdman leads a workshop on home composting. Admission to the workshop is free. 2:00 p.m. George Washington Birthplace 804-224-1732. 49




Fall Barrel Tasting. Sample wines direct from the French and American oak barrels and see how our wines are maturing. Live music, tours, tastings, souvenir glass, and holiday wine and gift specials included. Reservations Recommended $15 per person. 1:00-4:00 p.m. Ingleside Vineyards. 804-224-8687. Art Open House. 11-5, Poetry and Music Open Mike 3-5 p.m. A-Ibanez Museum (AIM) & Sunrise Studio Gallery. Map & location at www.a-ibanez.org. 804-435-2880. Winter closing at Historic Christ Church. Carter Museum and Reception Center. 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Guided Tours of 1735 church. Museum Exhibitions. Gift Shop Favorites.

DECEMBER 3 Christmas Parade. 7:00 p.m. Town of Urbanna 804-758-2000. 4 Christmas House Tour. Come join the Christmas House Tour and see the many beautiful decorated homes, some which are historic in nature. 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Town of Urbanna 804-758-2000. 5 George Washington Wine Society Christmas Party. Invitation Only Event. If you are a member of our Wine Clubs, this GWWS Christmas Party is our gift to you. Come relax and enjoy fine wine, Christmas music, hors d’oeuvres, and good company. 5:00-8:00 p.m. To find out how to become a member contact info@inglesidevineyards.com or (804) 224-8687. Ingleside Vineyards. 6 “The Holly & The Ivy”. Celebrate the season at Historic Christ Church with traditional songs, carols, and music. Join in this seasonal songfest in the beautifully “greened” church 3:00 p.m. 804-438-6855. 11, 12, Holiday Open House. Sample our award-winning wines and enjoy holiday 18, 19 refreshments while shopping for that perfect gift for your favorite wine lover. Tasting fees includes a souvenir wine glass; no charge for admission. 12:00-5:00 p.m. Ingleside Vineyards. 804-224-8687. 19 Art Open House. 11-5, Poetry and Music Open Mike 3-5 p.m. A-Ibanez Museum (AIM) & Sunrise Studio Gallery. Map & location at www.a-ibanez.org. 804-435-2880. 26 A Washington Christmas. George Washington loved music, dance and festive occasions. Like other colonials, the Washington family celebrated the 12 days of Christmas which begins on Christmas Day. The Memorial House will be decorated for the holidays and filled with colonial music. All day the plantation will be busy with demonstrations and activities per formed by costumed interpreters. Free admission. 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. George Washington Birthplace 804-224-1732.



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