K-State Theatre Guild
Members of the K-State Theatre Guild are theatre supporters who donate funds to assist the program with various financial needs. These funds aid the Theatre Program in purchasing new equipment, improving facilities and, most importantly, in supporting outstanding theatre students through scholarships.
A gift of any size earns you a membership in the guild as well as: -Your name in the program throughout the year. -Your name on the Nichols Lobby Display. -Invitations to special backstage tours. -Invitations to special events, dinners and receptions.
Levels of Support
Stagehand $25 to $49 Curtain Raisers $50 to $99 Center Stage Supporters $100 to $249 Rising Stars $250-$499 Play Producers $500-$999 Angels $1,000 and up
How to Join
Join online at k-state.edu/theatre/membership.html or contact Marci Maullar at (785) 532-6878 or marcima@k-state.edu.
“We are pleased to support the K-State theatre program. The productions are always outstanding and contributions through the Theatre Guild help make that happen. We hope you will join us in supporting the arts at K-State through your gifts.” - Barb and Dick Hayter, K-State Theatre Guild members
Letter From the K-State Theatre Guild President
“Let’s put on a play!” is the starting point for many classic novels, movies, and yes, plays. But a professional play, one people will pay to see, requires training and skills. The 120 Theatre majors at Kansas State University, in addition to acting and singing, are training in other areas of theatre as well: playwriting, marketing, stage design, costuming, stage management, lighting and sound effects. A great season requires practice and training on small stages and large, traditional and experimental. Our students will be on the stage and behind it, practicing their craft. A liberal arts program seeks to teach students how to speak, write, think and influence those around them. The performance arts hold an important place in the university’s plan to become a top 50 public university by 2025. K-State’s smallest stage, The Purple Masque, is in line to be rebuilt from the ground up within the next few years. The new theatre will feature updated technology. Students will be able to concentrate on their own work in a lab designed for trial and error and in a space where the seating, stage and technology varies with the piece. The stage upgrade indicates a commitment by the university to student creativity, writing and the nurturing of the art behind theatre. The Theatre Program is looking at a bright future – one we’re happy to share with you. Take time to look at the Membership and Levels of Support sections in this brochure and consider joining the Theatre Guild, the public support group of the K-State Theatre Program. Membership is available for much less than you think. Karen Hawes President, K-State Theatre Guild
“I see little more importance to the future of our country and of civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist.”
- John F. Kennedy
Buy-A-Seat Campaign
We’re offering our patrons the opportunity to have their names etched on brass plaques attached permanently to the arms of the seats in Nichols Theatre. These 1-by-4-inch plaques allow for three lines of inscription. You can recognize a special event, such as an anniversary or a graduation date; honor someone special; or simply provide your name and the date of your gift as a show of your support to the program. Funding received for the “Buy-A-Seat” campaign will go toward permanently endowed theatre scholarships. Thank you for your support of the theatre arts!
K-State Theatre Guild Board of Directors: Officers: Karen Hawes, president; Thomas Bell, vice president; Lelah Dushkin, secretary/treasurer. Members: Pat Kershner, Karen McCulloh, Clay Myers-Bowman, Carol Oukrop, Linda Richter, William Richter, Joan Shull, Rae Stamey, William Stamey and Evan Tuttle. Ex Officio Members: Charlie Griffin, Marci Maullar and Tracy Robinson. 129 Nichols Hall Manhattan, KS 66506 Main office: 785-532-6875 Marketing office: 785-532-6878 k-state.edu/theatre
College of Arts & Sciences