Global Service-Learning Pre-Conference

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Global Service-­‐Learning integrating student learning and community-­‐driven development

Eric Hartman | Richard Kiely IARSLCE | New Orleans, Louisiana | September 29, 2014

Global Engagement & CiMzenship Community Development & Service

Intercultural Understanding

Content to explore through GSL InternaMonal Development

Disciplinary Content

Power and Privilege

Global Service-­‐Learning

•  a community-­‐driven service experience that employs structured, cri6cal reflec6ve prac6ce to be9er understand self, culture, posi6onality, social and environmental issues, and social responsibility in a manner that highlights the impact of global structures in local context.

Global Service-­‐Learning •  Beginning with partnership – fair trade learning

Fair Trade Learning



Fair Trade Learning •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Dual Purposes: Community & Student Outcomes Community Voice and Direction Commitment and Sustainability Transparency Environmental Sustainability, Footprint Reduction Economic Sustainability Deliberate Diversity, Intercultural Contact, and ReElection Global Community Building

Global Service-­‐Learning •  Powerful Pedagogy: Understanding by Design •  •  •  •

Learning goals, instrucMonal strategies, assessment Pre, during, post: reflecMon framework Developmental Aligned

ReElection: best practices •  •  •  •  •

Centered on student Connected ConMnuous Challenging Contextualized (Eyler & Giles, 1999)

DEAL Model •  Describe •  Examine •  ArMculate Learning (Clayton)

•  Combine DEAL with the ConMnuous, Connected, Challenging, Contextualized advice above. Engage the whole study abroad cycle.

Rank order: what most (1) and least (10) Embodies GOOD GLOBAL CIVIC ENGAGEMENT •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Biking everyday instead of commuMng by car AdopMng an 8-­‐year old foster child Serving in the armed forces Buying only fair trade products, when available Spending 2 weeks building a school in HaiM Researching how to meet needs of migrant workers Organizing advocacy group to increase global equity Choosing a public-­‐serving career Chaining yourself to a threatened old growth tree VoMng •  See the whole “What is Global Service?” acMvity here.

Global engagement re-lection through DEAL


Complete “What is Global Civic Engagement?”



Why did you rank your top scores as you did?

Ar:culate Learning

How would you define global civic engagement?




Complete “What is Global Civic Engagement?”

Indicate how community issues here do or do not relate to our global civic engagement discussion.


Why did you rank your top scores as you did?

How have your peers’ perspecMves, community experiences, or class discussions shifed your thoughts on what consMtutes good GCE?

How would you define global civic engagement?

What inspires you or discourages you about current efforts to build a more just and sustainable world?



Ar:culate Learning

Global engagement re-lection through DEAL


Development of global citizenship •  Academic integraMon •  Intercultural learning •  Lens of common human dignity •  Structured ReflecMon •  Opportunity for global civic engagement

Global engagement re-lection through DEAL



Complete “What is Global Civic Engagement?”

Indicate how community issues here do or do not relate to our global civic engagement discussion.

What are the differences between your list at the beginning of the course and your list now?


Eric Hartman, Dartmouth, Feb. 2013


How have your peers’ How has your community-­‐ perspecMves, community based experience deepened Why did you rank your experiences, or class discussions your theoreMcal top scores as you did? shifed your thoughts on what understanding of global consMtutes good GCE? ciMzenship?

Ar:culate Learning


What inspires you or discourages In what ways are you able to How would you define you about current efforts to build contribute to a more just global civic a more just and sustainable and sustainable world? Be engagement? world? realisMc and bold.

ReElection & Critical ReElection

Community of Practice •  Website resources •  Tools •  Research •  Blogs

•  •  •  •

Online conversaMons? Ithaca – November Duke – March Let us know…|

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