The Loop - Summer 2012

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Director’s Note

As I write this greeting, we in “Manhappiness” are just coming off the longest streak of ridiculous summer high temperatures ever (she says…hoping!). I hope wherever you are, you are finding ways to stay cool and enjoy all that a summer break (whatever that looks like in your world) offers… opportunities to visit with friends and family, travel perhaps, or simply a change of pace. At the School of Leadership Studies we are preparing for a new academic year. Our Introduction to Leadership Concepts class (LEAD 212) will welcome about 1 in 4 of K-State’s incoming class. We welcome, too, three new instructional faculty members: Leigh Fine, Chance Lee, and Kerry Priest. A hearty welcome is also extended to Steven P. Dandaneau, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies – a brand new role at K-State – who joins us to advance the university’s goals for an outstanding undergraduate educational experience -- one of the ways we’ll become a top 50 public research university by 2025. We are a community in transition, as you can see! We welcome new colleagues and new opportunities for growth. We also take this opportunity to honor and celebrate our roots, our foundation…and the architects of the vision that started it all! You will see in the pages that follow – in addition to stories of how students and alumni are committed to learn, serve, and lead, on our campus and in our communities – an invitation to SAVE THE DATE – September 7, 2012, to be precise. If you make it back to campus for only one event this year, please join us for the Spirit of Leadership on Friday, September 7, 2012. Help us make this evening one of absolute celebration for founders Bob Shoop and Susan Scott. You know well that we would not be here, readywilling-and-able to grow and meet new and emerging challenges and opportunities, if not for the vision, hard work, and leadership of these two extraordinary people. Make plans now to join us and help us celebrate…in true LSP, and now SLS style!

School of Leadership Studies Director

What’s in this issue...

Director’s Note.............................................................................................................. 2 Spirit of Leadership ...................................................................................................... 3 Going for Gold: Academic Mentors Achieve Gold Star Status.................................. 4 Taking on Leadership Challenge.................................................................................. 6 Alternative Breaks........................................................................................................ 8 Alumni Spotlights ....................................................................................................... 10 Thank You Candi......................................................................................................... 15 Impact Conference..................................................................................................... 16 Wildcats Leadership for Life........................................................................................ 18

in classroom settings, tutoring centers and the Boys and Girls Club of Manhattan. This year, Courtney Weerts and Amy Gasser, Academic Mentors achieve Program Coordinators for Academic Gold Star Certification Mentoring at K-State, were given “By meeting status. Most students an exciting new opportunity that arriving on a college campus various criteria, opened many new doors for the the program is are met with what seems program. to be an endless amount of able to receive all kinds of benefits Lynda Bachelor encouraged Gasser options and opportunities. There are all kinds of to help us grow and Weerts to apply for the Kansas Gold Star Program in organizations and groups and make our Mentor’s August of 2011, and they accepted to get involved with, and program even the challenge. narrowing down the list better.” doesn’t seem possible. “Gold Star certification is such a There is one group of great accomplishment for Academic students, however, that has identified Mentoring,” Gasser said. “By meeting the importance of education and has various criteria, the program is able to joined in with a program that helps kids all receive all kinds of benefits to help us across Manhattan: Academic Mentoring, a grow and make our program even better.” program through the School of Leadership Gold Star programs are committed to Studies. upholding the highest level of quality Academic Mentors are first and foremost, standards as outlined by MENTOR/ committed to students; they help children The National Mentoring Partnership’s Elements of Effective Practice. Achieving certification was a big goal that Gasser and What is Academic Mentoring? Weerts wanted The Academic Mentoring program to reach during is a part of the School of Leadership their time Studies and HandsOn Kansas State, as Program which was created in order to Coordinators, support volunteer and service efforts however, on campus and in the Manhattan when they community. Academic Mentors are first found out K-State students that are selected, about the award, trained and placed in various schools they had no and organizations to support family idea how easy literacy efforts in addition to youthit would be to related programming. accomplish.

35 Mentors | 14 Sites Gasser and Weerts did not waste any time in assembling a notebook documenting each of the criteria that needed to be met and soon came to realize that the K-State Academic Mentoring program already qualified for certification. “We imagined that it would be a difficult task to acquire certification, but we were wrong,” Gasser said. “Everything that Academic Mentoring already does fit the criteria.” After receiving certification on March 20th, Academic Mentors have already had the opportunity to reach out to two additional schools. The Gold Star Certification not only allows Academic Mentors to expand and further enhance their “It is so fun program, but they will working at one also be able to launch more K-State students of the pre-school into the community as sites because of mentors. how much you “Another great thing can see the kids that the certification learn and grow.” provides is free background checks for the fall, which is going to save us a lot of money,” Weerts said. “We are excited to be able to utilize the money we are saving to send out even more mentors.” Despite all the hard work of Gasser and Weerts, they accredit most of the program’s success to the students that work as mentors. Dedicating about 10 hours a week in addition to mentor/planning meetings, the mentors learn, serve and lead children toward academic success. “Without the mentors, this accomplishment would not have happened,” Amy Gasser said. “They do all the hard work every day.” Want to find out more about Academic Mentors? Check out our website:

“Leadership Challenge is a high profile, intense leadership development opportunity that the school is able to offer students outside of the minor. It helps us achieve our mission in the broadest possible sense to benefit the entire K-State community.” Mary Tolar, Leadership Studies Director

about themselves and others, “Right Here, Right Now,” which was the theme of the four day, three night retreat. “Participants were challenged to examine their identity and the diversity of others and how this can be used to enhance their leadership at K-State as part of a caring community to give back to the university,” said J.R. Love, Leadership Challenge Coordinator. Similar to the structure of the LEAD 212: Introduction to Leadership Concepts class, students were divided into small groups (learning communities) for the entire retreat. Each learning community 2004 Leadership Challenge was facilitated about topics such as diversity, inclusion, by a group leader and students were leadership styles, service learning, continually encouraged to dive deeper StrengthsQuest and adaptive leadership. into discussions. Students were encouraged to tackle In addition to the learning communities, controversial topics and learn more there were multiple guest speakers who A beloved retreat makes an incredible comeback After six years on hiatus, Leadership Challenge returned bigger and better than ever before. Leadership Challenge is a residential, leadership development retreat held in the spring at the Rock Springs 4-H Center in Junction City, KS. This year, 27 students participated in the high impact retreat during the beginning of March, learning

shared life experiences with the students and inspired them to The goals of Leadership discover their own leadership styles. Guest speakers this year Challenge include: included: Dr. Gayle Spencer (Associate Dean of Student Life, KSU), Dr. • To understand the many facets of leadership David Griffin (Assistant Dean of Diversity, College of Education, KSU), Tamara Bauer (Instructor, School of Leadership Studies, KSU), Laura Tietjen (Adjunct • To enhance the knowledge of self Instructor, School of Leadership Studies, KSU), Mike Finnegan (Instructor, • To increase the understanding of others School of Leadership Studies, KSU), Mitchell Loeb (Student, KSU), John and how that impacts the Hatfield (Assistant Director, Kansas Campus practice of leadership “It was great seeing Compact) and Shalee Lehning (Assistant • To understand the value students come of diversity and the Women’s Basketball Coach, KSU). importance of inclusion together to discuss “Small group discussions after • To identify opportunities avenues of change at and challenges for K-State and take the the guest speakers shared were improving the K-State first initiative to make incredibly powerful for the community students,” Love said. “Students were • To strategize collaborative those changes. ” really looking to be pushed and approaches to implement change at K-State challenged which is exactly what the guest speakers did during • To have fun and develop Leadership Challenge.” new relationships Due to the great success of Leadership Challenge this year, it will once again be an annual retreat for students. Leadership Studies faculty and staff are already preparing for another great retreat as they look forward to Leadership Challenge 2013. Interested in learning more about Leadership Challenge 2013 or in supporting this program? Visit: Or contact J.R. Love at or 785532-6085.

2003 Leadership Challenge

Alternative Breaks

Cities Served:

in an intense service While most students were experience during their counting down the days spring/winter breaks and to skiing, attempting to even on a few find the perfect “As a student I weekends swimsuit for often hear about throughout the sandy beaches, community year. Students or just trying to challenges in the are given survive midterms news, but through the chance in hopes of getting AB I was able to some muchreally understand to travel to needed sleep, the complexity of communities around the there was one how to address country and group of students these issues.” work with that decided to local residents as they help utilize spring “break” in a complete various service different way. projects and address social Alternative Breaks is a issues in each respective program through the city. School of Leadership “Alternative Breaks Studies that provides provides students with students with an opportunities to meet opportunity to take part other students interested in service,” said Bethany Miles, Mesa, AZ New Orleans, LA Alternative Little Rock, AR Kansas City, MO Boulder, CO Denver, CO Cedar Falls, IA Waterloo, IA Chicago, IL Greensburg, KS Hesston, KS Kansas City, KS Ottawa, KS Reading, KS Salina, KS Topeka, KS

St Louis, MO Omaha, NE Santa FE, NM Taos, NM Tahlequah, OK Soddy Daist, TN Dallas, TX Ft. Worth, TX Galveston, TX Houston, TX Memphis, TN

Breaks Student Coordinator. “Volunteers not only get the chance to learn about pressing social issues in our country, but they also have the chance to learn how nonprofits operate in different areas.” “I initially got involved with Alternative Breaks after doing a six month service learning trip abroad where

I realized how much I wanted to continue similar work

when I got back to the states,” Miles said. “I just love when students come back after a trip and are excited about the social issues and various nonprofit organizations that they didn’t really know too much about prior to serving.” Alternative Breaks are not limited to undergraduate students; graduate and

international students are welcome to participate in the service opportunity which focuses on humbly serving

community members outside of Manhattan. The experiences that they have and the insight that they gain serve as an inspiration for many students as they learn what it truly means to embody the principles of servant leadership. “In the future, the Alternative Breaks team is hoping to deepen our connections with nonprofits that we have already established relationships with and make our projects even more sustainable,” said Miles. “We hope to cater to students even better this year by offering even more opportunities for shorter trips if they can’t take off the entire week for winter and spring break.” If you are interested in learning more or would like to make contact with

a team when they are in your area, contact the Alternative Break student coordinators at altbreak@ or visit http:// programs/altbreaks/ to see

the service opportunities available. “Whether it is a weekend trip or a full week, I think every student should experience an Alternative Break at least once,” Miles said. “The things that students will learn and take away will truly change their outlook on serving others.” Some of the organizations that Alternative Break students served during spring break this year (March 18-23, 2012): Shared Table and Stray Hearts (Taos, NM), Boys and Girls Club (Chicago, IL), Arkansas Foodbank Network (Little Rock, AR), Day Resource Center (Ft. Worth, TX), AIDS Service of Dallas (Dallas, TX) and Project A—at risk youth (Tahlequah, OK).

Molly Hamm ‘10

Major: English-Secondary Education and International Studies

In 2010, I moved to New York City to attend graduate school at Columbia University, where I received an M.A. in International Educational Development with a specialization in Latin American and Latino Education. I gained work experience through internships and consulting projects with UNESCO, UNICEF, and the International Rescue Committee, and spent a year working on new teacher evaluation systems with the NYC Department of Education. My main research and professional interests revolve around literacy development and teacher education and training—areas in which I gained foundational skills at K-State. Professionally, I am an active member of the Comparative and International Education Society, International Reading Association, and American Evaluation Association. I currently live in the Dominican Republic where I work as the Planning and Research Coordinator for an educational NGO called The DREAM Project. I am involved with grant writing and reporting, strategic planning, program evaluation and general project coordination. Each summer, our organization seeks undergraduate students to serve as summer camp volunteers; I would love to see some Leadership Studies student volunteers in the future! The Leadership Studies program’s intentional focus on preparing caring, ethical, and inclusive leaders who appreciate and celebrate diversity has enabled me to succeed living and working abroad. I’m particularly grateful for the nonprofit leadership focus. It gave me an academic background and professional experience in a world to which many are not exposed to as undergraduates!

Ben Fenwick ‘05 Major: Political Science

Since graduating from K-State in 2005, I was given the opportunity to attend graduate school at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, where I received a Master’s of Public Administration focusing on Government, Policy and Politics in 2008. After graduating, I moved to Washington D.C. and took a position as a Senior Consultant for Booz Allen Hamilton working with multiple Department of Defense agencies on policy and strategic planning issues. In 2010 I left Booz Allen Hamilton to take a position as a Program Analyst for an agency within the Department of Defense. One of the most obvious impacts Leadership Studies has had on my educational and professional career was the program’s ability to lay much of the ground work in helping me understand the ins and outs of teamwork and diversity. During, and since, my time at K-State, I have always encouraged the teams I am a part of to get a task or project done. These teams have included people from around the world and each individual brought a diverse background of knowledge, experience and expertise that continually opened my eyes to how the world continues to become even more interconnected. The ability for individuals of diverse backgrounds to come together has become even more important in the seven years since I left K-State. Seven years from NOW, the world will be even more interconnected, and I am thankful for the lessons learned at Leadership Studies that created the foundation for me to flourish in my career.

Becky Sullivan ‘11

Major: Agricultural Communications and Journalism

Since graduation, I joined the Ag Marketing, Advocacy and Outreach team at the Kansas Department of Agriculture in Topeka. I started off as the Education and Events Coordinator and have received my first promotion this summer as the State Trademark Director. My role with the department has had me acting as the liaison between the Kansas Agriculture industry and educational groups such as FFA, 4-H, Ag in the Classroom, inner-city gardens for students and providing educational workshops about Kansas agriculture across the state to all different ages. Also, I have been the lead for planning all Agriculture events in the state that involve the Governor, Secretary of Ag and Department-wide events in general. This summer I will be promoted to the state trademark director position. My new role has me as the lead government official who works with Kansas food, agriculture and agritourism companies who are incorporated in Kansas (approx. 400 companies I work with), to assist with marketing domestic and international products. This past March, I led my first international trade mission with three Kansas food companies to India, and this month I will be doing my second trade mission with five Kansas companies to Germany and Switzerland. My role is to be a spokesperson for Kansas companies and food products all across the state, nation and world. My leadership minor has provided me with the global perspective and respect of different cultures and a better understanding of the importance of building relationships when it comes to the personal and career world. The School of Leadership Studies also stressed the importance of being an ethical leader - especially working for the government, it has been crucial for me to be a role model in doing everything the right way, ethically always. When building trust with international business partners, it is so important for them to know that you will be fair with your trade and help them succeed in any way possible.

Rachel Pettit-Scott ‘05 Major: Secondary Education- Math

Since graduation, I’ve been busy spending time in the classroom, starting a family and running a small business. I moved to Boston after graduating and marrying my college sweetheart (fellow Leadership Studies grad, Sol Pettit-Scott). I spent three years teaching math to middle schoolers in inner city Boston and working on earning my Masters in Math for Teaching from Harvard. We then moved to Fairfax County, a suburb of DC, where I spent another three years teaching middle school math. I took the past year off to stay home with my two boys and have kept busy running a small design business with another fellow grad, Victoria Luhrs. I’m excited to get back in the schools next year as a Mentor Resource Teacher. I’ll be working part time with beginning teachers--helping them establish themselves in the classroom and navigate their first year. The Leadership Studies minor has been an asset to my various ventures since graduation. Whether it’s leading a class of middle schoolers, two ornery boys or running a small business, the skills learned in the School of Leadership Studies are invaluable.

Abdul Rasak Yahaya ‘08 Major: Civil Engineering

Since graduation, I have been working for the Missouri Department of Transportation as a Highway Designer in the Kansas City area. My occupation in itself has embodied the teachings of the School of Leadership Studies in being a civil servant by meeting the transportation and safety needs of the KC metro community. I married my wife Alicia in 2009 and we have a daughter named Avery who will be 2 years old in July of this year. The School of Leadership Studies developed my ethical and caring leadership qualities which has guided me as the Youth Minister at Pleasant Green Baptist Church in Kansas City, KS. My youth group has already visited the campus of K-State at Open House and plans to return for even more events. The Yahaya family has also been blessed to be part of a yearlong financial makeover sponsored by Community America Credit Union, which started January of this year. We are competing for $10,000 with three other families in the KC metro area. Apart from the chance to win the money, we are role models to the KC area on how to be financially responsible. Follow our progress at to read our weekly blogs on how we apply the lessons that our financial coaches teach us. I am so thankful for the School of Leadership Studies and I can’t wait to visit the Leadership Studies Building again and be in the presence of aspiring leaders.

Ella Casey ‘08 Major: Marketing

Currently, I am the Marketing/Development Officer for Sunset Zoo. Due to the fact that I grew up in Manhattan, my connection with the Zoo began at an early age – in fact, my first employer was the Zoo’s concession stand and gift shop. From there, I worked my way up to serve as the Zoo’s Marketing Assistant from 2005-2008 while pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Marketing from Kansas State University. While at K-State, I also pursued a minor in Leadership Studies and was named a 2007 Udall Scholar for my commitment to global conservation efforts. After graduating Magna Cum Laude, I served as the Director of Kansas Mentors – a statewide effort to bolster local youth mentoring organizations. My work led to over 5,000 new mentors recruited statewide and the development of sustainable infrastructure for the program within state government. In 2010, I followed my love for Kansas State University to serve as a Development Officer for the KSU Foundation. Throughout my career, I have had a dedication to public service and the opportunity to promote our great state. My husband, Matt, and I reside in Wamego with our Rat Terrier, Roxy. The lessons and experiences that I received through my Leadership Studies minor have been a crucial asset. Understanding the importance of an inclusive attitude, caring approach, ethical character, appreciation for diversity and acceptance of the lifelong learning process are concepts that I encounter daily. Furthermore, my commitment to continually developing my ability to exercise leadership led to my recent selection as a participant in the Kansas Leadership Center’s Art & Practice of Civic Leadership Development for Kansas in their 20s & 30s.

Aubrey Abbott Patterson ‘98 Major: Political Science

I grew up in Larned and Phillipsburg; studied at K-State and Indiana University and now serve as the President of the Hutchinson Community Foundation in my new home of Hutchinson, KS. While in graduate school at the Indiana University Center on Philanthropy, I worked at the Central Indiana Community Foundation where I learned the value and importance of community foundations. Prior to my graduate studies, I served as the Assistant Director of Leadership Studies and Programs at Kansas State University. Since moving to Hutchinson in 2004, I have become involved in the community by participating in Leadership Reno County, joining the Chamber of Commerce board of directors, and co-founding YP Reno County, a group that connects and involves young professionals. I also serve on the K-State Alumni Association board of directors, the School of Leadership Studies Advancement Council and the board of the Kansas Association of Community Foundations. I follow politics and college sports, and golf and gliding are new favorite past times. My husband, Lance Patterson, is the Director of Operations for the Boys and Girls Club of Hutchinson. In our free time, we continue to be endlessly fascinated and entertained by our three kids, Sadye age 8, Lydia age 5 and Blake age 2.

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Jonas Stewart ‘01 Major: Political Science

Immediately after graduation, I joined the Leadership & Programs team where I worked as an assistant director. During my time at Leadership Studies I co-taught the Introduction to Leadership Concepts course and the Senior Seminar class as well. I also assisted the Leadership Ambassadors and worked on other department projects. One year later, I joined the American Foreign Service where I have since served as a diplomat focusing on our country’s efforts to inform foreign audiences about U.S. policy and culture. I have served in Washington DC, Yerevan, Armenia and Nagoya, Japan. My family and I are now preparing to travel to Baku, Azerbaijan where I will serve as the American Embassy’s spokesperson. I regularly apply the lessons learned through the School of Leadership Studies on the job. For example, while serving as the principal officer at the American Consulate in Nagoya, Japan, I utilized skills learned on crisis leadership during the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. I speak Russian, Japanese and Azerbaijani. I am married to 2002 KSU Interior Architecture graduate Angela (Reese) Stewart and we have two daughters: Olivia and Eleanor.

Jamie Regehr ‘02

Major: Business Administration

Since graduating from K-State, I have spent most of my career as a Business Consultant working initially for a global management and technology consulting firm and for the last several years at Agility Solutions, a Denver-based consulting firm. I have had the opportunity to work with several large corporations and solve their most challenging issues. The Leadership Studies Minor gave me an advantage when first starting my career mostly because I was confident and could immediately demonstrate my leadership capabilities. Leadership Studies has continued to be a passion for me and I have continued to learn and refine my leadership skills. The application and lessons learned through Leadership Studies are applied every day from leading teams, making strategic leadership decisions for my company and clients, to navigating with integrity through tough situations.

Vy T. Bui ‘04 Major: Business Administration

After K-State, I moved to Atlanta, GA and joined Accenture, a global management consulting firm, where I spent six years as a consultant in the Health & Public Service practice. I worked mostly with National and Regional Payer (Health Insurance) clients and have focused mostly on managed care process design, program implementation, change management, communications, and training initiatives. I was able to use my Leadership Studies skills to not only “manage” but to also effectively lead my clients to realize their potential gains and opportunities. What helped me the most in my career was the invaluable experiences I gained from being a part of the Leadership Studies Program (i.e. Class Leader, Leadership Coordinator, Leadership Challenge Leader/ Participant). Since November 2011, I have transitioned my career over to the client-side, and have taken a position with Coventry Health Care as their Senior Project Consultant. Even though I traveled every week for work when I was with Accenture, I still enjoy traveling and exploring new places, so most of my free time is spent on the road. My favorite places so far have been Paris and Italy. Next up on my to do list: to make a trip back to Manhattan so I can visit the new Leadership Studies Building and see all the beloved familiar faces from Leadership Studies! Miss you all!

A note from Candi upon her retirement... Little did I know what an exhilarating adventure was in store for me when I joined Leadership Studies the summer of 2000. Susan Scott and Bob Shoop placed their faith and confidence in me to bring me on board as the Associate Director. Who knew that a former kindergarten teacher would find her heart and home with Leadership Studies! From day one, I was immersed in a program that truly walked the talk of developing knowledgeable, ethical, caring and inclusive leaders for a diverse and changing world. Our student numbers were much smaller in the early 2000’s, but the passions and visions of the students were as significant and bold as the current students engaged with the school. It has been my utmost privilege and honor to have served side by side with some of the most incredible and talented faculty, staff and students I have ever met in my career, spanning five states and institutions of higher learning. As I reflect back on my career with the School of Leadership Studies (we were Leadership Studies and Programs when I first joined), I am reminded of all the learning, love and laughter that has transpired and inspired me along the way. I will teach an online class this fall semester for Culture and Context in Leadership and plan to stay very much a part of the Leadership Studies family. I will also dust off my golf game and try to hone my skills out on the links. Children’s literacy is something I feel strongly about so I also hope to get involved with the public library in my new community – Meridian, Idaho. Leadership is about relationships and the ones I have forged over the years will continue to sustain me in my retirement years. These important connections are what bring me immense joy and contentment when I think of all I have gained from a foundation that holds such a special place in my heart. I am a better person because of the people I have met and walked side by side with during my career with the School of Leadership Studies—I am forever and deeply grateful to have served. Send Candi a note at:

Making an IMPACT How are you going to make an impact? This is a question that three K-State students and one faculty member attempted to answer during the IMPACT Conference which took place earlier this year. The IMPACT Conference is the largest annual conference focused on civic engagement of college students through community service, service-learning, community-based research, advocacy and other forms of social action. This past year, almost 500 students, campus staff, year-of-service members and nonprofit professionals came

together from across the country for a weekend filled with resourcesharing, training and words of inspiration at Stetson University in DeLand, FL. As participants gathered together, they had the opportunity to help one another learn

Shawna Peters (KSU graduate, ‘12) and Lynda Bachelor (Project Coordinator, HandsOn Kansas State) represented K-State at the conference this past February. Peters and Long were both presenters at the conference and Peters

effective practices and improve personal skills as they were challenged to think outside of the box and discover new strategies for sustainable efforts. Alex Anderson (student), Kaitlin Long (student),

was even a part of the planning committee for the weekend event. Kaitlin Long shared, “Our workshop focused around identifying personal values and discussing how they impact the decisions we make and the way we live of lives. The rich learning happened when we all began discussing how it would look to

return to our campus and give voice to our values.” Workshops were held throughout the weekend that focused on the following themes: Building and

Sustaining Campus-based Community Service Programs, Issuing Change, Career Development and Professional Skills and Administrators Track. The conference allowed students the chance to build on one another’s work and an opportunity for campus administrators to learn ways that they could help support

students in their endeavors. In addition, the nonprofit professionals were given suggestions about how to get students involved directly with their work. “One of the keynote speakers, Dr. Adolph Brown, was incredible,” Anderson said. “He not

that not only care about helping, but are also excited about it,” Anderson said. “Anyone that has the opportunity to take part in this conference will come away feeling incredibly inspired.” “My take away from the conference was how essential networking is and the importance of the aligning with people who

only talked about his tough childhood and how he became successful, but he also interacted with the audience and allowed us to be a part of what he was teaching.” Overall it was an incredibly informative weekend that helped to prepare all of the participants for success. “I love helping others and being around people

share similar passions,” Long said, “I hope to serve on the planning board for next year.” Leadership Studies has had students and faculty members on the planning board beginning in 2009 with Molly Hamm (‘10 graduate).

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