Blue Hills Equetrian Estate | April 2021

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living IS S U E 2 | A PRI L 2 0 2 1

Credit: Anton van Niekerk took this beautiful photo of a Butterfly in the Estate.

contents Roasted Butternut & Red On

Roasted Butternut & Red Onion

P u b l i sh e r K-S t udio (P t y ) Ltd o n beh alf of B lue H ill s Eq u est r i a n E sta te

ISSUE 2 | APRIL 2021


tobia@k-st udio . co . za sales2@ k-st udio . co . za



gera Safari Lodge, 11 C alv in sales3@ k-st udio . co . za Ed i to r Tobia von Zwietr i n g

avango Delta, Botswana Copy w ri te r / p ro o f r eader C hantel Venter De si g n & La y o u t K-S t udio (P t y ) Ltd e tobia@ k-st udio . co . za t 082 962 82 5 5 f Kreat iefS t u d i o

15 19 24 28


Serves 4


*1 large butternut (about 1 kg), peeled and slice seeds discarded HOM E SELLER M ISTAKES TO AVOID *2 medium-size red onions, peeled and quartere *45 ml (3 TBSP) extra virgin olive oil HOW TO CREATE THE ULTIM ATE PAJAM A *Salt and freshly ground black pepper *15 - 20 ml (3 - 4 tsp) za’atar spice (or a blend o LOUNGE thyme, cumin, coriander, sumac, sesame seeds a ROASTED BUTTERNUT & of wild rocket, rinsed *A bunch RED ONION *80 ml (1/3 cup) whole almonds, toasted and ch ml/2 TBSP roasted pine nuts) FROM THE SALES *A handful of fresh parsley or coriander leaves, r OFFICE chopped

TAHINI SAUCE *60 ml (1/4 cup) tahini (sesame paste) *30 ml (2 TBSP) freshly squeezed lemon juice *60 ml (1/4 cup) water THE newest, most extravagant kid on the block! *1 small clove garlic, finely grated Be one of the 1st to experience this exclusive new Lodge, which only opened in late *Salt2020. and freshly ground black pepper

a Safari Lodge is nestled beneath an impressive canopy of ancient jackalberry, mangosteen and M E T H O views D d trees. All 12 air-conditioned suites have been carefully sited to give endless floodplain and 1. Preheat the oven to 220 °C. the chance to watch passing wildlife.

2. Arrange the cut butternut and onions in a larg baking tray, preferably in a single layer. 3. Drizzle with oil on both sides and season with pepper. Disclaimer: This e-Magazine is produced especially 4. Roast until tender and starting to brown (abou for residents/owners of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced 5. Remove from the oven, sprinkle with za’atar, a by K-Studio on behalf of Blue Hills Equestrian the oven for 5 – 7 minutes more, taking care not Estate HOA. Although every effort is taken to ensure sesame seeds in the spice mix. accuracy of content, Blue Hills Equestrian Estate 6. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for 7. For the sauce, place the tahini, lemon juice, w any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all in a jar and season generously. Shake well until s 26 \\ W W W. W E L L NinE this S S WA R E H O U S E . CO M opinions expressed publication. creamy. 8. To serve, arrange the rocket on a serving platt 5 EXERCISES TO TRY with the roasted vegetables, nuts, parsley/corian WW_2020_summer_88pgs.indd 26 2019/12/03 21:50:38 SPEND 2 NIGHTS AT THIS IN STRESSFUL generous drizzle of tahini sauce. Enjoy atSITUAT room t SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse INCREDIBLE LODGE

offers everything you need to live life wellValid: until 17 Dec 2021 Tapping - Tapping on the m under one roof. Visit one of their 37 stores (and chest is said to stimulate en from Excerpted growing) nationwide or shop online to stock help boostfrom the Cape immune sys pps Mediterranean Ilse van up on quality health supplements, organic andR47,265 stress. This isby known as the der Merwe, Freedom published by natural beauty products, real foods, eco home Emotional Techn What's included: Penguin Random House products and natural baby care, all offered with Return flights from Johannesburg to Maun, Nasal breathing - While and available for R360 at br personal service and a 360° approach to health. including airline levy Return airport lodgethe mouth signals panic, br leading bookstores. transfers 2 nights accommodation at the 5-star the nose is more relaxing. B

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

2021 • I SSUE 2 4

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

From The

Estate Manager

Hello and welcome to our new homeowners. It is hard to imagine a year ago we had entered lockdown. We said goodbye to the “normal” life as we knew it, held our breaths, and embraced the “new normal” life, with great apprehension however a year later we have learnt to embrace our new normal. What have you grown to appreciate the most during this year? I am happy to report that our signage has arrived and has been installed around the estate. I do hope that residents have noticed them. Speeding within the estate is still a huge concern. Residents are reminded that this is a community and that we need to be mindful of those around us. Speeding puts those around us at great risk. The speed limit in the estate is strictly 40km per hour. Stand owners are reminded that the verges of your property are your responsibility to maintain once you have completed developing your property, this includes the stormwater channels within those verges. We also request that the roads in front of your stands are swept regularly as there is lots of debris visible on the roads, especially after the rains. Constructions stands need to ensure regular sweeping of the roads as the roads are in need of much attention currently. Homeowners are requested to ensure that your contractors familiarize themselves with the rules and guidelines of the estate. They are being enforced stringently and homeowners are responsible for their contractors. Several contractors have been found to be disregarding the estates guidelines. Some contractors guidelines and rules are highlighted at the contractors gate and the contractors agreement. You are welcome to contact the Estate office should you require any further information. Security is an integral part of the estate and requires a holistic approach. Unfortunately, our guards are being abused for performing their

duties which is unacceptable. Security works under certain protocols and any requests or arrangements that deviate from these protocols needs to be made via the appropriate channels timeously. Homeowners are requested to follow these channels to avoid any frustration. Thank you to those homeowners who responded to the Project Loan Voting request. According to the responses received, 95% of the homeowners who responded voted in favor of the loan. The CCTV project is proceeding as briefed in the SGM and details of the implementation will follow shortly. There are an increasing number of pets that have been found either roaming the estate or escaping their stands unaccompanied by owners. Owners must ensure that fencing is adequate to secure your pets within your properties and to take the necessary precautions when entering and exiting your property. Stands are reminded that pets need to have identification tags on their collars. Let your pet not be a bone of contention between you, your neighbours and other owners, residents or visitors. General consideration by all residents for each other will greatly assist in achieving a happy community and a pleasant environment. Harmonious community living is only achieved when residents can use and enjoy their private property as well as the public areas of the estate while not negatively impacting fellow residents. Please be vigilant at all times and report any suspicions to the office or to security. Remember to sanitise, mask up and most importantly stay safe!!! Kind regards

Rashni Andhee-Shah Estate Manager

5 ISSU E 2 • 20 21

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate


2021 • I SSUE 2 6

7 ISSU E 2 • 20 21

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

IMPORTANT INFORMATION & CONTACTS BLUE HILLS EQUESTRIAN ESTATE MANAGEMENT BODY The Blue Hills Equestrian Estate management body has been developed to ensure that should you have a query or wish to address anything on the Estate, we have a team of individuals you can refer your concerns to. This Committee goes beyond our monthly Directors’ Meetings, and is instead aimed at ensuring that the running of this Estate is handled with all due care.

ESTATE MANAGER Rashni Andhee-Shah 010 109 0935 083 703 9436 SALES MANAGER Musi Motsuenyane 082 806 1735 / SECURITY SITE MANAGER 076 771 9082/ 061 704 0111 EMERGENCY Eskom 086 0037 566 JHB Water 0860 562 874 Police 10111 Ambulance 10177 SPCA 011 265 9935 SNAKE CATCHER Mike 083 448 8854 2021 • I SSUE 2 8

THE BOARD IS MADE UP OF: • Andile Mtetwa • Jessica Hofmeyr • Matete Matete • Joe Mahlangu • Nick Crow • Obakeng Mathibe • Ugesparan Govender THE COMMITTEE IS SUPPORTED BY TRAFALGAR WHO ARE REPRESENTED BY: • Michael Schaefer / Director of Trafalgar • Shahiem Carr / Director of Trafalgar • Jillian Hendricks / Estate Portfolio Manager • Rashni Andhee-Shah / Estate Manager • Head office support Birdhaven

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

9 ISSU E 2 • 20 21

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate


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no more mud or mess

GARDENING BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

When planning your water-wise garden. Credit: article written by Plantland

Plantland says the main objective is to create a space that is both attractive yet thrives with minimal water. You can achieve this by planting mainly indigenous plants, although a few water-wise exotics work, too. It is also important to identify which plants are waterwise plants. Plantland compiled a guide to help you identify water-efficient plants for you to make an informed decision when planning and creating your water-wise garden. 11 ISSU E 2 • 2021

GARDENING BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Choosing the right grass for your rainfall –In our summer-rainfall areas, kikuyu is your best choice. Cynodon dactylon (quick grass, kweek) is indigenous to South Africa and is known to be Small or needle-like leaves: The smaller the drought resistant. surface area of the leaf, the less water is lost through evaporation. Deep soakings of water – this encourages roots to Examples: rosemary, origanum, thyme utilise moisture deep in the ground. It’s essential that you irrigate your lawn less frequently but Reduced number of leaves/closing leaves: deeply for this reason. If you don’t water deeply, Some plants dispense their leaves or have leaves the roots will be concentrated closer to the soil that fold closed when water-stressed to reduce surface and they’ll dry out faster. the surface area exposed to direct sunlight. Examples: Karee, acacias. Feed organically for long-term results – Organic fertilisers require less water to break down. They Grey foliage: The colour grey reflects the sun’s also lessen the chance of burning. rays away from the plant to keep it cooler, which then reduces water loss through the leaves. Mow often – Grass is weakened when it grows Examples: Lavender, artemesias. too long between mowing’s.

Some of the Characteristics Plantland identified are:

Hairy leaves: Hairs on leaves slow down air movement past the stomata, therefore reducing water loss. Examples: Silver tree (Leucadendron argenteum), lamb’s ear, beach salvia (Salviaa Africana-lutea). Succulents with fleshy leaves: Water is stored in these fleshy leaves to be used by the plant when required. Examples: Crassulas, aloes, echeverias, vygies. Waxy leaves: A waxy characteristic prevents moisture loss. Examples: Euonymus, kalanchoe, Indian hawthorn Apart from a water-wise garden, you can also have a water-wise lawn, by just changing some factors of treating your lawn, says Plantland. Plantland suggests the following hints for cutting back water usages for your lawn: Harvesting rainwater through your lawn– Shape the lawn area to have a slight hollow in the centre. This ensures minimum use of frequent watering. Plan a simple shape – Reduce the area covered by the lawn by opting for a simple shape (e.g. a square or rectangle) and avoiding a curvy shape. Avoid using lawns on steep slopes, along fences, and for narrow walkways, as these are difficult to maintain. 2021 • I SSUE 2 1 2

Another way you can achieve a water wise garden, is with mulching. Mulch is a layer of material that is placed on the surface around plants to enrich and insulate the soil. Why would mulching help save water usage in the garden? Plantland’s answer was simple; Mulching Helps soil retain moisture, which encourages good root growth and this means less-frequent watering is required. By using mulch it lowers the soil temperature, meaning less surface evaporation by the sun.

GARDENING BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

What plants can be classified as water wise and how do you get a beautiful water wise garden? Plantland suggests to visit one of their 4 branches, where they have lovely water wise displays of exactly how you can mix different plants and hardware to create a fantasy water wise garden. Plantland has a great variety of water wise plants available. Most of your grass-like groundcover plants are water wise for example your carex series as well as the liriope’s, then gazania, Agapanthus and vygies are also considered water wise. A quick summary of water wise gardening according to Plantland Garden Centre: When is the best time to water? As a general rule, early to mid-morning is the best time to water the garden, as it allows plants sufficient water to get through the heat of the day. Factors such as the temperature, soil and time of day will influence this. And thus the best test is always the finger test – feel the soil to a

depth of a few centimetres. Sometimes the soil surface looks dry, but it may still be moist enough further down. You can also use recycled bath and washing water on lawns and gardens. Mulch to retain moisture: A thick layer of mulch over all bare soil and around plants (including trees) will retain soil moisture. Apply mulch while soil is moist (for example, after heavy rain or watering). Cover beds and borders with a rich organic mulch, at least 10cm thick. Size of the lawn: Reduce the size of your lawn – replace it with hardy ground covers or hard landscaping (brick paving, cobbles, pavers or gravel chips). Alternatively, Let the lawn look after itself. In times of drought mow your lawn with the mover blades set high, or do not mow it at all. The more grass left on the lawn, the longer it will take to turn yellow. The grass will quickly go green again after the first rains. 13 ISSU E 2 • 2021

2021 • I SSUE 2 1 4

LIFESTYLE BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

Home Seller Mistakes

To avoid when Choosing a real estate agent -Part 2 Written by Xavier De Buck Luxury Homes in Johannesburg

When it’s time to sell your property, how do you go about choosing a real estate agent? Mistake 1: Choosing a Real Estate Estate Agent Who Offers The Lowest Commission Mistake 2: Choosing a Real Estate Agent Who Gives You The Highest Listing Price Now that you’ve decided to go on the market with your (overpriced) property, odds are quite high that you will eventually sell your home at a price below the going market price. One can truly not emphasize enough the importance of starting one’s marketing process with the correct asking price! The first 3-to-4 weeks of marketing are crucial and if the asking price is too high, unfortunately, potential home buyers will simply not even consider your listing. Never mind taking the time to go view it! And, to

be honest, why would they? The property is out of their price range anyway! Or worse, a lot of real estate agents might even use your overpriced property to bounce their educated home buyers off to more correctly priced properties. “Now that we’ve seen what $500,000 gets you here, wait until I show you the next home which is marketed at exactly the same price. You’ll be blown away by the high finishes and many extra features!” Is that how you want agents and buyers to do when they’re viewing your home? I didn’t think so either! Regardless how you look at it, the end result will be that the overpriced property will sit on the market for a much longer time. And it will eventually sell at a much lower price than would have been achieved if only it was priced correctly from the start! Now, let’s assume there’s actually this one buyer who decides to put in an offer! Another unfortunate risk you’ll run with selling an overpriced property is that the banks will have trouble finding value during their appraisal; thereby limiting the finance amount for the buyer. And, unless there is a bigger deposit to make up the difference, the deal is likely to fall through. All this effort, time, stress and living in hope, just to see it all go to waste! Being a home seller, you only 15 ISSU E 2 • 2021

LIFESTYLE BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

have one chance to make a first impression! And, sure, while one might be tempted to be choosing the real estate agent who suggested marketing your property at a higher price, please make sure to ask for proof of how that price was determined by means of a Comparable Market Analysis. Check with the agent what is currently on the market with similar features as your property. Having a look at the recent sales of similar homes in your area will give you, as the homeowner, a more realistic expectation regarding the likely sale price of your property. Plus, it will immediately set the agent straight regarding the listing price he put forward.

Mistake 3: Choosing a Real Estate Agent Who Sold The Most Properties I admit that this one might be somewhat counterintuitive! One might be tempted to use the total number of properties sold as the sole measuring stick in choosing a real estate agent. While the agent who only manages to sell a couple of properties last year, might not be your direct choice, the agent selling 50 properties in a given year should not immediately be the first choice either. “Why?” you ask. Bear with me: per Mistake 2 above, we now realize that the real estate agent who gives the highest listing price is probably going to get a lot of the listings. Yet, it will become very evident that those overpriced properties aren’t selling (no kidding!) and will likely remain on the agent’s books for longer periods of time. In other words, the number of properties that agent eventually sells versus renting the properties that he still has on the books will be quite low. In real estate terms, they refer to it as the salesto-listing ratio. Who do you think to be the better agent: the real estate agent who sells 13 out of 15 listings or the agent who sells 20 out of 50 listings?! Do yourself a favor and don’t go looking for the real estate agent who sold the most properties! Rather have a look at how well the agent priced the property, how he suggested going about the marketing strategy, how his reactions were when you attempted to reduce his commission (ie test his negotiation skills) and of course, how his overall presentation and communication report was. These skills will be very important when it comes 2021 • I SSUE 2 1 6

to buyer negotiations! Is the real estate agent’s overall service equivalent to the high sales figures?

Mistake 4: Choosing a Real Estate Agent Because He’s Family

Selling your house is very serious business. Most real estate agents will agree that there’s no one sales contract the same! Every client has his/her specific requirements, needs, wants & wishes and all of this needs to be properly documented by both buyer and seller agents. Therefore, it is very important that not only during negotiation but also at the time of closing, that legally, everything is correctly worded. You might be uncle Jack or cousin Marie’s favorite, but when it’s time to dive into some intense negotiation sessions, and subsequent legal paperwork, if things were not to work out with the buyer(s), it might be tough to split the personal from the business angle of the property sale! Will you or your relative be able to look past whatever may have gone wrong during the home selling process if the experience wasn’t the greatest? By all means, I’m not claiming you should never be choosing a real estate agent just because they’re family! But one’s decision to choose the relative should perhaps not be automatically assumed! Whoever will eventually be marketing your home should be going through a fair interview process together with other interested agents, all vying for the listing agent job! Let the best (wo)man win!

Mistake 5: Choosing To Interview Only One Real Estate Agent It might be highly recommended to interview real estate agents from different agencies, as each agency will have its own strengths in marketing and servicing. The respective agents will have their own tools and skills to bring to the table when proposing their marketing plan of your property. If you only interview one agent, you would be not exposed to any of that. As in a lot of other businesses, the 80/20 rule applies in real estate. (If anything, it’s skewed even more dramatic as numbers of near 90/10 in certain real estate markets are more common). In other words, the remaining 80-90% of agents

LIFESTYLE BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

will do whatever it takes to gain those relatively few remaining listings; even if it means exaggerating ‘a bit’ when it comes to the listing price. As a nonreal estate agent, this might hard to comprehend but believe me, it’s extremely frustrating to see that happening right before your eyes by the competing agents! A lot of the time, the home sellers will have no idea what exactly is taking place there! Let’s put it in context: Say you’re only interviewing one real estate agent to list your property, you should then know that there’s an 80-90% probability that you will get one of the latter ones! To get the listing mandate, these agents will tell you whatever you want to hear in order to get your business. Is that the type of risk you want to run by interviewing just one real estate agent?

Mistake 7: Choosing a Real Estate Agent Who’s Working Part-Time Why do you think there’s such a high turnover of real estate agents? Any 3rd party might look at their local real estate agent and believe he’s got a cushy life, driving around town all day with these buyers, doing a couple of seller presentations and signing the big sales contracts. Selling real estate really can’t be that difficult, now can it?

Well, the question needs to be asked whether the real estate agent is doing this part-time or is fulltime involved in the real estate business. Let’s be serious: how could a part-time real estate agent Mistake 6: Choosing a Real Estate Agent possibly be flexible enough doing all these buyer viewings? And if he’s doing it part-time, how long will Without Checking His References it take before clients get a response back to their It always amazes me to see how little research home inquiries? Or worse, how quickly will the agent be sellers do prior to choosing a real estate agent. A lot able to show those clients the property? What will of times, it seems that people spend way more time be the timing of the marketing of the property? After reading up on the latest reviews before buying that hours? Weekends? newest UHD TV than actually researching the real Finally, where do you as the home seller fit into this estate agent’s history, before hiring him! schedule? And yet, the financial impact is easily 100 times bigger and will impact you for the next 20 years! When Overall, the work that is involved in managing the choosing a real estate agent, besides looking at his listing, marketing it, giving it the much-needed listings, have you ever Googled his details, and tried exposure, writing offers, and finally, selling it & finding him on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter? And bringing it to a successful close, demands the did the social activity on those platforms coincide attention of a full-time real estate agent! with the professionalism and service you expected? Closing thoughts Every real estate agent should be able to provide you, as the home seller, with a list of references. Obviously, the trick will be to bypass the ones that were hand selected and made it on that list!

You did perhaps not realize how many mistakes a home seller can make when choosing a real estate agent, and how easily it can sometimes be to be making them!

Why not ask the real estate agent details of the If there’s one thing I would like you to take away current listings he’s working on and ask him whether from this article, it definitely should be to avoid THE biggest home seller mistake of overpricing your you can call or email a few of those clients? property. You will very quickly find out how these recent clients rate the real estate agent’s professionalism and As you may slip through the cracks with the other services throughout the property selling process. home seller mistakes when choosing a real estate Another somewhat sneaky way to find out how an agent and not necessarily experience a professional agent behaves when he’s not around his sellers is to home selling service, in the end, at the right price, at least your property will be sold! go ‘mystery shopping’. Call him at his office, or stop by one of his showhouses or even have someone call for you, and enquire about a certain property where sensitive questions get asked (eg “What’s the lowest offer the owners will take for this home?“). Will the agent divulge crucial information he should not have revealed?

Please apply the above information to avoid home seller mistakes when choosing a real estate agent! Who knows, it might result in, not only in saving you thousands, but also avoid unnecessary emotional drama! 17 ISSU E 2 • 2021

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

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DECOR BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

DECOR BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

How to create the ultimate PYJAMA LOUNGE Pyjama lounges are so versatile. Not only can they provide a space where mom can escape to with a great book, but it is also the ideal area for the family to get together and watch a movie. The space can also be used to let the kids do their own thing while the grownups are hosting a dinner party, or where your kids can host sleepovers while you keep a watchful eye on them. Because pyjama lounges are so versatile, it is important to design and decorate them with flexibility in mind. Let us take a look at some design and décor elements that could help you to create everyone’s favourite room in the house. New or existing It is a good idea to make the most of an existing room in the house by filling it with a generously proportioned couch as your starting point. Starting from scratch affords you the opportunity to consider enough electrical points and good natural light, and your architect can be briefed to this end. Lighting As the space will mainly be used at night, it is more important to consider what it might look like after dark. Accent lighting with a warm tone will

enhance the overall ambience. Think indirect cove lighting as well as oversized low hanging pendants. Lastly a good quality floor standing reading light will make life easier. 19 ISSU E 2 • 2021

DECOR BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Wall plugs

Window dressing

Remember that your pyjama lounge is a place where several devices will be used. Make sure there are enough wall plugs for charging phones and tablets, for your big screen TV and decoders, and don’t forget the PlayStation. Ample provision of easily accessible wall plugs will make life easier, especially when it is time to tidy up.

Part of the fun of watching a movie, is the all-immersive experience of losing track of time. To recreate this in your pyjama lounge, it is a good idea to use block out curtains or blinds. A room flooded with natural light, will be great during the day and will certainly make all reading activities easier. Introducing high level windows is a great way to achieve this goal.

Furniture Once you have decided on where your TV stand will go, the next step is the correct positioning of your sofa. Take unobstructed sightlines into consideration and provide the most comfortable couch you can afford, both in size and finish. Choose furniture pieces that can be used for more than one purpose. Side tables with tray tops are also great for serving drinks. Low ottomans used as either seats or footrests are another great idea. Colour and décor Make sure your colour scheme of the room blends in, but still has a fun and relaxing twist to it. A great way to add family photos, is to commission a photographer to produce stylized photos that can double up as art pieces. The pyjama lounge should be a reflection of your family’s personality, don’t be afraid to show it.

2021 • I SSUE 2 2 0

Kitchen corner Convenience will be high on your priority list as you recline with your favourite book. Consider adding a small kitchen corner, complete with a coffee machine, bar fridge and snack storage. This will limit trips to the kitchen downstairs. Keep it simple and stylish so that it fits in with the rest of the décor or hide everything inside a cupboard so that it is out of sight when not in use. Snuggles and cuddles Make space for things like books, blankets and even a fireplace if your space allows for it. Do not forget about a spot for your four-legged family members. Snuggles and cuddles are part of family life and a pyjama lounge gives you the luxury to create a safe and comfortable space for your family.

DECOR BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

If you require assistance with your interiors the design team at Copperkite Design would love to guide you on your journey to create the ultimate haven for rest and relaxation. Contact Copperkite Design at or on 010 786 2083. Follow #copperkitedesign on social media for inspiration. 21 ISSU E 2 • 2021

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

2021 • I SSUE 2 2 2

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

23 ISSU E 2 • 2021

oasted Butternut & Red Onion FOOD

BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Roasted & Red Onion W I T H ZButternut A’ATAR AH W I T&HT Z AI ’NAI TS AAURC E& T A H I N I S A U C E Serves 4 INGREDIENTS *1 large butternut (about 1 kg), peeled and sliced 1 cm thick, seeds discarded *2 medium-size red onions, peeled and quartered *45 ml (3 TBSP) extra virgin olive oil *Salt and freshly ground black pepper *15 - 20 ml (3 - 4 tsp) za’atar spice (or a blend of oregano, thyme, cumin, coriander, sumac, sesame seeds and salt) *A bunch of wild rocket, rinsed *80 ml (1/3 cup) whole almonds, toasted and chopped (or 30 ml/2 TBSP roasted pine nuts) *A handful of fresh parsley or coriander leaves, roughly chopped TAHINI SAUCE *60 ml (1/4 cup) tahini (sesame paste) *30 ml (2 TBSP) freshly squeezed lemon juice *60 ml (1/4 cup) water *1 small clove garlic, finely grated *Salt and freshly ground black pepper



SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 37 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health. 2021 • I SSUE 2 2 4

METHOD 1. Preheat the oven to 220 °C. 2. Arrange the cut butternut and onions in a large roasting or baking tray, preferably in a single layer. 3. Drizzle with oil on both sides and season with salt and pepper. 4. Roast until tender and starting to brown (about 25 minutes). 5. Remove from the oven, sprinkle with za’atar, and return to the oven for 5 – 7 minutes more, taking care not to burn the sesame seeds in the spice mix. 6. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. 7. For the sauce, place the tahini, lemon juice, water and garlic in a jar and season generously. Shake well until smooth and creamy. 8. To serve, arrange the rocket on a serving platter, then top with the roasted vegetables, nuts, parsley/coriander and a 2019/12/03 21:50:38 generous drizzle of tahini sauce. Enjoy at room temperature.

Excerpted from Cape Mediterranean by Ilse van der Merwe, published by Penguin Random House and available for R360 at leading bookstores.

ESTATE WELLNESS NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e


Solutions By Bridget Edwards

Every human and non-human animal experiences stress as a basic functional or survival requirement and instinct. It’s a natural and normal part of life, and can’t be avoided. Stress expert Bridget Edwards shares the typical effects of and responses to daily stressors, and offers some of her top tips for combatting the widespread challenge in daily life. WHAT IS STRESS? Essentially, stress is the body’s way of responding to any kind of demand that exceeds one’s (perceived) ability to cope. This could be either detrimental or beneficial, depending on the circumstance and our perception of the situation. It’s perhaps surprising to note that not all stress is negative. Positive stress - known as eustress - is when our stress motivates and inspires us to make appropriate changes. Stress can be a catalyst for change, a teacher, a character builder, and an opportunity for reflection and re-evaluation. Continual, excessive or chronic stress, however, should be regarded as an early warning signal, with appropriate and swift stress management being of vital importance. Stress can really interfere with - and even wreak havoc in our lives, whether at home, at work, in our relationships, or in our health and wellbeing.

We often erroneously think that complex problems require equally complex solutions or interventions. The reason we make this mistake is because our stress, worry, anxiety and fears often feel overwhelming, so we perceive the problem to be highly complex. Ironically, our problems often require simple solutions. This is why engaging an independent and objective third party like a coach, mentor or therapist can be helpful for assessing the situation quickly, cutting to the chase, and helping us draw our own (sane) conclusions. WHAT CAN CAUSE STRESS? For most people, the stress response is triggered multiple times a day, and often below our awareness. Everyone responds to stress in his or her own unique way, which can make it difficult to detect. What’s more, what stresses you today may not affect you tomorrow. There are an infinite number of factors that can contribute to stress. Stressors may be emotional, mental or physical. Even a change in one’s environment at home or work can be stress-inducing. Positive events such as a job promotion, getting married or buying a house can be stressful too. Although stress is usually seen as being caused by external factors, it can also be internal and 25 ISSU E 2 • 2021

WELLNESS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

self-generated. Examples of this include excessive worry, pessimism, negative self-talk, perfectionism, rigid thinking, unrealistic expectations and a lack of flexibility, to name a few...

Secondly, in preparation to either fight to protect ourselves (either physically or verbally) or flee from a dangerous situation, our digestive system immediately shuts down, which in turn impairs and compromises the immune system. The digestive process requires enormous energy to break down food, and during times of stress this energy is reserved exclusively for the fight or flight response. This is precisely why stressed people often suffer from digestive problems and frequent malaise.


TYPICAL STRESS RESPONSES The body’s stress (survival) response is controlled by the amygdala, a tiny set of neurons in the brain located at the end of the hippocampus, deep within the temporal lobe. The function of the amygdala is to protect the body from any threat picked up by our senses, emotions and thoughts – be it big, small, real or perceived. Instantaneously, the body is flooded with stress chemicals (adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol), and goes into fight or flight mode. This sets other simultaneous actions in motion within the brain and body – all of which are designed to protect us. Firstly, we quite simply ‘lose it’. Yes, the brain ‘flips a switch’ from the logical, rational and linear frontal lobe (control centre) to the animalic (primal) hindbrain, where we act instinctively. This phenomenon is known as the ‘amygdala hijack’ - a phrase coined by Emotional Intelligence (Bantam Books, 1995) author Daniel Goleman. As a result, we not only react irrationally, but destructively too. This is when we suddenly catch ourselves ‘in the heat of the moment’ - doing or saying something inappropriate, embarrassing or regrettable. We then ask ourselves, “What was I thinking?” Well, you weren’t really thinking – the amygdala hijack caused your brain to ‘flip a switch’ to the hindbrain, which acts purely on survival instinct, not thought. Only the forebrain thinks. 2021 • I SSUE 2 2 6

The typical stress warning signs are usually a combination of cognitive, emotional, physical and behavioural symptoms. Selfawareness and self-understanding are key components of successfully managing stress. American Psychologist Connie Lillas uses a driving analogy to describe the three most common ways people respond when they’re overwhelmed by stress: • Foot on the gas – An angry, agitated or ‘fight’ stress response. You’re heated, keyed up, overly emotional and unable to sit still. • Foot on the brake – A withdrawn, depressed or ‘flight’ stress response. You shut down, pull away, space out and show very little energy or emotion. • Foot on both – A tense or ‘freeze’ stress response. You become frozen under pressure and can’t do anything.


Tapping - Tapping on the middle of your chest is said to stimulate energies that may help boost the immune system and reduce stress. This is known as the ‘thymus tap’ in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Nasal breathing - While breathing through the mouth signals panic, breathing through the nose is more relaxing. Breathe in and out through your nose a few times to calm your body and mind.

EFFECTS OF STRESS Since stress triggers the ‘fight’ response, it directly influences our ability to manage anger, especially road rage. It also has a detrimental impact on other mental health challenges, including anxiety, panic attacks, depression, fears and phobias. Together with unresolved trauma, it can influence and exacerbate addictive behavioural tendencies and compulsive disorders too. Individuals with compulsive disorders such as alcoholism, gambling, overeating or smoking often increase negative behaviour or undergo a relapse after they have been through a stressful period. Anger resulting from stressful situations also plays a part in some addictive disorders. Those who don’t express anger outwardly often turn it inward. When this occurs, it may lead to depression. To relieve the discomfort they feel because they have not expressed their anger, these individuals may also begin to overeat or engage in other addictive behaviours. The addictive behaviour then increases the anxiety and stress, perpetuating a vicious circle. What’s more, the effects of stress on our physical health – while less immediately discernable – can have devastating consequences. Medical practitioners worldwide confirm that 95% of all illness and disease is stress-related.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Bridget Edwards is a stress consultant therapist and author of Stress Gone! How to Identify and Reduce Stress Easily (Bridget Edwards, 2014). Take her stress quiz and download her free e-course at

Hoku point - To locate the Hoku point, gently open and stretch all five fingers. This will expose a flap of skin between your thumb and index finger. The hoku point is found on the central mound between the thumb and index finger, just above the skin flap. Use the thumb of the opposite hand to gently massage, press or squeeze this area. You may notice a tenderness, so be gentle. Hold or massage this point for 30 seconds while breathing slowly and deeply in and out the nose. Switch hands, and repeat a few times until you feel relaxed. Note: do not try this one if you’re pregnant. Walk away - Walking away from a potentially acrimonious stressful situation asserts selfcontrol, and is empowering. It also gives you time to clear your head and gather yourself together. You can resume discussions when you feel calm and have a solution in mind. Pericardium 8 point - Firmly press and rub the thumb of one hand into the centre of your palm on the other. Hold this pose for a few minutes while breathing deeply in and out a couple of times. Repeat by swopping hands.

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 37 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health. 27 ISSU E 2 • 2021

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

From The

Sales Office

Blue Hills Equestrian Estate has been heralded as the epitome of luxury country living in Johannesburg. Home to the pinnacle of the South African business professionals and A-list socialites alike, Blue Hills rates amongst the top choices of prestigious living. We thought it appropriate to update you on the development of the estate, so that you can see for yourself how this development is performing – especially considering the fact that a final phase of stands were released this year. Want to experience Blue Hills Equestrian Estate for yourself? Blue Hills provides the opportunity to build your dream family home in a secure estate away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Living at Blue Hills you can expect a unique duality between country living and cosmopolitan suburban lifestyle. An ideal environment for opulent, luxury living! Blue Hills Equestrian Estate boasts an array of 166 stands ranging from 5 000 square meters to 15 000 square meters and selling from R3.1 Million. “Century Property Developments prides itself on creating viable and successful investment opportunities for our clients, with us one can always be sure their investment will grow” says Mmusi Motsuenyane, Sales manager at Blue Hills Estate. The perfect example is the Waterfall Equestrian Estate where stands originally sold for R2 million only five years ago, the last exact same stand just sold recently for R15 million, giving the investors great ROI. The estate features comprehensive, high quality infrastructure and a number of integrated lifestyle elements, including Reddford House private school. Several kilometres of walking trails winding through indigenous parklands with a fishing dam along the way. Picnic areas and playgrounds with park benches are incorporated 2021 • I SSUE 2 2 8

into the urban design elements. A mountain bike track cuts through the scenic greenbelts with rest areas and bird hides along the way. The estate boasts dressage arenas with paddocks for warm-ups and other equestrian activities along with children’s playgrounds and tennis courts that provide a platform for healthy lifestyle activities. Century’s Blue Hills Equestrian Estate is On Show daily from 9am-5pm. Should you require any further information or if you would like an appointment to view the estates, please do not hesitate to get in touch. CURRENT STATS Stands Sold 144 Available Stands 22 Total Stands 166 Percentage sold 87% BUILDING STATS Completed Stands 26 Under Construction 32 Till next time, Mmusi Motsuenyane 082 806 1735 |

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

29 ISSU E 2 • 2021

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31 ISSU E 2 • 2021

MOTORING BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate



this model through our expertise, but also by garnering invaluable experience and knowledge from external counsel, including our Female Advisory Board. This is a real landmark for this great British brand and I promise that DBX will reward all who experience it in their everyday lives.” Set to be built in Aston Martin’s purpose-built manufacturing facility in St Athan, Wales, the foundation of DBX is a new dedicated SUV platform, something rarely seen across the sector. More than ever before, this clean sheet of paper has allowed all departments within Aston Martin to innovate and push the boundaries of what British design and engineering can create, resulting in a truly remarkable product.

• Aston Martin launches fourth car of transformational Second Century Plan. • First SUV for 106-year-old luxury British marque. • Delivers broadest design brief of any Aston Martin in history. Utilising bonded aluminium, a construction • Broad range of capability from sportscar method Aston Martin has refined through the dynamics to off-road versatility. development of its sports cars, the body structure is both very light and incredibly stiff, assisting in 20 November 2019, Beijing, China: A bold the delivery of an overall kerbweight of 2,245kg. new chapter and a landmark moment in Aston Right from its genesis, it was designed to allow Martin’s illustrious 106-year history, Aston Martin maximum room in the cabin, putting a premium has today unveiled its first SUV and a model that on refinement and class leading spaciousness will propel the brand to new heights worldwide. for both front and rear occupants. Meanwhile, the That model, is DBX. exceptional stiffness inherent in the design of the new platform has also enabled DBX to achieve The culmination of an extensive development exceptional dynamics both on and off-road. programme that began with physical testing in Wales last year and virtual development Adaptive triple volume air suspension has been stretching back to 2015, DBX signals a new era combined with the latest 48v electric anti-roll in Aston Martin’s pursuit to deliver exceptional control system (eARC) and electronic adaptive performance, style and usability in a segment dampers to provide the new SUV with a huge previously unexplored by the world-famous breadth of ability. With its capacity to raise the manufacturer. Bringing both the versatility and ride height by 45mm or lower it by 50mm the indulgence expected of a luxury SUV with sports air suspension gives any driver the confidence car levels of dynamic performance, DBX sets a to tackle a wide range of terrain. While this of bold new standard in this sector. course provides benefits while on the move, the system can be further programmed to aid with Aston Martin Lagonda President & Group CEO, ingress, egress and loading requirements, aiding Dr. Andy Palmer said: “I can’t emphasise enough on a practical level. how incredibly exciting and significant DBX is for Aston Martin. Through its development The adaptive triple chamber air springs enable alone, this beautiful SUV has already taken the variable spring stiffness, giving both luxurious company into new territories and in inspiring comfort and dynamic prowess. Extraordinarily directions. DBX also marks a key moment in the the eARC – capable of 1,400Nm of anti-roll force delivery of the third and final phase of our Second per axle – can limit DBX’s body roll for handling Century Plan, not only representing the promised that is much more akin to that of a sports car than expansion of our portfolio but also signaling the an SUV. This sophisticated system of adaptive start of production at Aston Martin’s second air suspension, dampers and eARC allows for manufacturing plant. We have both delivered maximum ride comfort when transporting 2021 • I SSUE 2 3 2

MOTORING BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

that offers 64 different colours in two zones. DBX’s exterior works as hard as the interior at bringing the elegance of Aston Martin’s sports cars into the world of the SUV. From the signature ‘DB’ grille at the front, through the sculptured sides and design feature line, to the tailgate with a flip that draws inspiration from Vantage, this is an Aston Martin from first glance to detailed inspection. Beautiful details like the hidden side glass seals on the frameless doors and glass B-pillar finishers add an elegant sleekness and confidence to the stance. Cutaway sills also assist in narrowing the stepover required to enter the sumptuous cabin, while reducing the risk of ruining a fine dress or suit on arrival to a dinner engagement. Aerodynamics were an important consideration within the design process and this included the novel experience for the team of running computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tests with a DBX towing a trailer with a DB6 on it. At the car’s front, the daytime running lights (DRLs) have an integrated aerodynamic duct, which channels air through the front wheel arches and along the side, helping to reduce both drag and lift while also cooling the brakes. Air flows cleanly over the roof, through the rear wing, over the rear window and on to the rear flip. This unique approach and design detail allows the rear screen to selfclear on the move. Aerodynamic design has also played a key part in passenger comfort because as one of only a few companies using computational aeroacoustics technology, Aston Martin’s engineers have been able to keep cabin noise to a minimum at speed. Aston Martin is incredibly proud that DBX, an SUV intended to expand the sales reach of the brand worldwide, will be built in Britain at the new manufacturing plant in St Athan, Wales. With its all-wheel drive system, DBX is a car that will allow the company to increase its presence in markets where perhaps the weather or terrain is less than conducive to rear-wheel drive sports cars. The clear emphasis on a spacious and luxurious cabin – whether seated in the front or back – will also allow Aston Martin to better reach customers who prefer to be driven rather than drive. Further adding to the desirability of DBX, the first 500 owners of this landmark model will benefit from an exclusive ‘1913 Package’. Fitted with a unique fender badge, sill plaques and an inspection plaque detailing its limited build-run,

each of these first examples will be personally endorsed and inspected by Andy Palmer. In addition, each customer will also receive a unique build-book signed by both Aston Martin’s CEO and Chief Creative Officer Marek Reichman and an invitation to a regionally hosted Waldorf Astoria celebration cocktail party, hosted by a member of the Aston Martin Lagonda executive team. Dr Andy Palmer said: “DBX is a car that will give many people their first experience of Aston Martin ownership. As such it needed to be true to the core values established in our sports cars, while also providing the lifestyle versatility expected of a luxury SUV. To have produced such a beautiful, hand built, yet technologically advanced car is a proud moment for Aston Martin.” Recommended Retail Price from £158,000* in the UK, €193,500 in Germany and $189,900 in USA. DBX is on sale now, with first deliveries scheduled to begin Q2 2020. *Includes 3 year’s servicing

For more info and high res images click on the link: Media Contact Aston Martin PR and Marketing Manager: Colleen Vilela +27 (0)11 301 7000 or Aston Martin PR and Marketing Assistant Tyron Barbe +27 (0)11 301 7000 or 33 ISSU E 2 • 2021


ls l e M Sp O n M Dow de i W s p O U W

Go all out this

Mother’s Day

Much like Valentine’s Day and other “commercial” days of the year, Mother’s Day is often something we attack with a robot-like approach. A Sunday lunch with mom, a gift of flowers, a hamper of wonderful bath products or silk pajamas. And of course she’ll love these gifts and she adores having all of her loved ones over for a meal. But every now and again it is time to shake things up and surprise mom with something different. So go the extra mile and plan something memorable for your mom, mamma, moekie, moo - because she deserves the best! 2021 • I SSUE 12 3 4


Here are ideas to trigger your creativity… 1. A treatment for two Book a treatment for the two of you. It doesn’t matter whether it is a mani or a pedi or both, a full body massage or mud bath – make sure it is something your mom will love and that the two of you can spend time together in the process. Use the time to bond and catch up on what’s going on in her life. And yes, this applies to men too. 2. Mom’s night out Moms are different. While one mom would love a night out at the theatre, another would prefer to paint the town red. You know her, so plan an evening out for just the two of you. Ideas: • A 7-course meal at a fancy restaurant • Classy cocktails • A ballet or theatre show • Dinner and a movie Make it a surprise and ask her to dress up and be ready at a specific time.

LIFESTYLE BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

3. “Save her time” Simple things in life are often worth more. Remember the Dial Direct ad where the son does his mother’s chores to save her time? So why not save your mom time by doing one or more of her chores like cleaning the house, doing the laundry, making dinner etc. Her list of daily to dos is endless so you’ll have plenty of things to choose from. 4. Take her on a mini break Have you and your mother ever gone away together alone? There is always a first for everything. It doesn’t need to be an entire weekend away, and it need not be far or cost you an arm and a leg. Scoot her off to Ingaadi Spa for 24-hours of spoils, or book a quaint B&B in Dullstroom or Parys. 5. Make her something from the heart Everyone has a talent. Maybe you are great with crafts, words, art or music. Whatever your talent set aside some time over the coming days to create your mother something from the heart. Make her a painting or write her a song. She’ll adore it.

Download this beautiful Mother’s day Card & print it at home

35 ISSU E 12 • 2021 2 021

TR AVEL BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Xigera Safari Lodge

a love-letter to the magic of the African Bush


ituated in Botswana’s unspoilt wilderness on the western side of the Moremi Game Reserve, Xigera (“Kee-jera”) is a boutique safari lodge whose inspired hospitality and design reinvent what it means to experience the African bush. Heralding a new design direction for Red Carnation Hotels, Xigera is the first purposebuilt safari lodge developed by the Tollman family, renowned South African born hoteliers. Guided by their deep love of the Delta and its wildlife, Xigera will offer just 24 guests an extraordinary opportunity to explore the richness of this UNESCO World Heritage Site to the tune of their own individual imagining.

artisans from Botswana, South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Mali and Eswatini, including Andile Dyalvane, Peter Mabeo, Cheick Diallo, Dokter and Misses, Dylan Lewis, Porky Hefer, Ardmore Ceramics and others.

Touching the earth lightly, the lodge’s 12 individually designed air-conditioned suites, including one twobedroom family suite, extend over two islands. Architect Anton de Kock designed the buildings in complete synergy with their surroundings, using torched timber cladding and softly undulating rooves inspired by the wingspan of the region’s rare Pel’s Fishing Owl. The lodge’s interiors have been conceptualised by Toni Tollman and Philip Fourie, who collaborated with Southern Guild gallery in a groundbreaking project that spanned over two years. They commissioned work from more than 80 artists and

Every object and surface that guests encounter will be a celebration of African craftsmanship, featuring bespoke items made exclusively for the property. Surprising touches will be everywhere, from woven jacquard bedspreads and handblown glassware, to wooden seats carved on site by Cape Town sculptor Adam Birch and Porky Hefer’s famed human-sized nests to lounge in. Standout features include an outdoor pavilion with an extraordinary bronze lily sculpture and a boma with a difference centred around a monumental firepit sculpture by Cape Town blacksmith Conrad Hicks.

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igera Safari Lodge will offer guests a truly restorative experience, where nature provides both the setting and the therapy, taking guests on a journey of wellness in the heart of the African bush. The tranquil spa, overlooking expansive floodplains, will offer treatments and therapies by Tata Harper, exclusively in Africa. Those seeking an even closer encounter with nature can experience a life-changing sleep-out under the stars in a three-story steel baobab tree located 1km from the camp.

37 ISSU E 2 • 2021

Xigera Safari Lodge,


BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Okavango Delta, Botswana

THE newest, most extravagant kid on the block! Be one of the 1st to experience this exclusive new Lodge, which only opened in late 2020. Xigera Safari Lodge is nestled beneath an impressive canopy of ancient jackalberry, mangosteen and leadwood trees. All 12 air-conditioned suites have been carefully sited to give endless floodplain views and the chance to watch passing wildlife.


from pps R47,265 What's included: Return flights from Johannesburg to Maun, including airline levy Return airport lodge transfers 2 nights accommodation at the 5-star Xigera Safari Lodge in a suite Breakfast, lunch, dinner & all non-alcoholic & alcoholic beverages daily All activities, including game drives, boating, seasonal catch-and-release fishing, mekoro excursions, walking, scheduled yoga classes, use of the gym, pool & library; and in-suite Wi-Fi! Contact us at any of our Joburg or Pretoria stores: Bedford (011) 607 9460 Clearwater (011) 675 7597 Cresta (011) 380 3700 East Rand 2021 Mall (011) 345 1860 • I SSUE 2 38 Rosebank (011) 778 1100

Brooklyn (012) 346 8439 Centurion (012) 643 5340 Menlyn (012) 368 1202 Jo'burg Online (010) 880 0754

087 095 0555

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e


Caring To all keen photographers out there… why not forward your contributions for placement in the e-magazine?

We live in such a beautiful Estate, let’s share with one another what life offers in such abundance. We eagerly await your contributions! Feel free to include a caption, who knows you might just see your photo on the Cover of our next issue. P.s You don’t have to be a professional to take part submit your photo to

39 ISSU E 2 • 2021

Go out, find your own path. The new GLA. Move ahead with the character of a G-Class and the attitude of an A-Class.

2021 • I SSUE 2 4 0

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