Blue Hills Equetrian Estate | December 2020 e-Magazine

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IS S UE 6 | D E C E M BE R 2 0 2 0

P u b l i sh e r K-S t udio (P t y ) Ltd o n beh alf of B lue H ill s Eq u est r i a n E sta te A d ve rti si n g S al es Tobia tobia@k-st udio . co . za sales2@ k-st udio . co . za

Companion planting has a long tradition in organic gardening practices. The principle behind companion C planting alv in is that certain plants either enhance each other’s sales3@ k-st udiogrowth . co . zaor help control pests when planted close together. There are also plants that enrich the soil. In addition, i to r increases bio-diversity in our companion Ed planting gardens, encouraging Tobiabyvon Zwietr i bees n g and butterflies. Chamomile (known as the plant doctor) Lovage,

Copy w ri teParsley, r / p roAmaranth o f r eader Marjoram, (morogo), Pennyroyal, oats Venter and legumes (beans/peas) all C hantel enhance the growth of nearby plants. De si g n & La y o u t Basil is a good companion for tomatoes, K-S t udio (Pand t y ) spinach. Ltd cucumber, lettuce Borage sweetens strawberries e tobia@ k-st udio . co . za and tomatoes Celery benefits leeks, tomatoes and beans. t 082 962 82 5 5 Plant Dill close to lettuce, mealie, cucumber, Kreat iefS t u d i o carrotf and tomatoes.

Flax (Linseed) improves the flavour and size of carrots and potatoes. Nasturtiums improve the flavour of most vegetables, and also act as an aphid trap. Chervil complements radishes and carrots. Chives are best with carrots, parsley, apples, melon, beans, cucumbers, beetroot, lettuce and gooseberries. Mint is an excellent companion to cabbage and peas.



05 08 11 17 22 29 46

L ET T ER FROM T HE ESTAT E MANAG ER N a sturtiums a r e a mus t ha ve fo r every

fo o d g a rden! OINFORMAT t her t ha n t hION e d eli& ght o f IMPORTANT ed ible fSlo wers, lea ves a nd s eeds. CONTACT

N a sturtiums a ls o a c t a s a t r a p c r op fo r A phidROWN s. K eepinVEG g t hGosIES e p e sk y b u g s HOMEG a wa y fr om y o ur c a bbages a nd t o matoes.


Some must beSPICED picked regularly to WIT Hvegetables MOROCCAN keep the harvests coming. Beans, baby marrows CHICKPEAS. . . and tomatoes are just a few examples where picking will encourage even more pods and fruits toMERCEDES-BENZ follow. GLB Similarly, removing old blooms from ornamental REINVENT S T HE COMPACT flowers – called ‘deadheading’ – encourages SUVto follow, extending the display a little more longer.

IS YOUR CORPORAT E T RAVEL PROG RAMME READY OR 2021? Good gardeners make lots of mistakes but they

learn from them! By keeping track of when, where and what you grew and noting any pests, diseases or failures, you can build up a personal record of what works best for you and your garden.


Disclaimer: This e-Magazine is produced especially for residents/owners of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by K-Studio on behalf of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate HOA. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, Blue Hills Equestrian Estate HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.


It’s never too early to start thinking about Chr had, what’s better than dreaming up ways to table this festive season. As you may know, th Classic Blue. This colour had a significant inf now it has on Christmas décor too.The beauty variety of colours, including white and/or silve even red. It’s calming, yet strong and invok celebration. This year, probably because we a mind however also wanders to the good Remember the days of red and green tinsel cinnamon and nutmeg and the taste of granny


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From The

Estate Manager A warm Hello to all our Homeowners. It’s hard to believe that we’ll be greeting 2021 as soon! All the best to those writing exams and busy finalizing plans for the year. 2020 certainly has been a year of surprises. COVID has had a huge impact on all our lives. I hope that we can all take the positives from 2020 into the new year and grow from strength to strength. There has been lots of activity around the estate, a number of construction stands have made significant progress with their building, we are looking forward to seeing more completed homes and residents moving into the estate in the new year. There has also been an increase in building activity on the equestrian side of the estate. Our landscaping company has been hard at work revamping the main entrance landscaping. We hope that you have noticed and like the changes made. The much-awaited rains have arrived, and our gardens are loving it! We request for stands to clean the roads in front of their stands regularly as there is lots of debris visible on the roads. Homeowners are reminded that you are responsible for the verges around your property. As construction continues in the estate, homeowners are requested to ensure that your contractors are aware of the rules of the estate and that they comply with them. There are numerous contractors who are speeding within the estate and who have also caused damage to estate property of late.

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

We are finalising details for signage around the estate and hope to have them installed early in the new year. There was a delay as we had to source an alternate service provider. The paving at the four way intersection on Egret Road will also be repaired shortly. As you prepare for the holiday season, you are encouraged to be vigilant and take the necessary precautionary measures for your home, well-being and your possessions. Should you wish to entrust your home in the care of a third party during the holiday period, we encourage you to vet the person(s) worthiness with great care. General consideration by all residents for each other will greatly assist in achieving a happy community and a pleasant environment. Harmonious community living is only achieved when residents can use and enjoy their private property as well as the public areas of the estate while not negatively impacting fellow residents. Please be vigilant at all times and report any suspicions to the office or to security. The Board and I would like to wish everyone an incredibly happy and safe festive season and all the best for 2021. Warm regards,

Rashni Andhee-Shah 5 ISSU E 6 • 20 20

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

2020 • I SSUE 6 6

LIFESTYLE BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e


Geberit operates with a strong local presence in most European countries, providing unique added value when it comes to sanitary technology and bathroom ceramics. We use our passion for design and technology to inspire and excite people all over the world. By applying our vast know-how and almost 150 years of experience, we ensure our products are not just beautiful to look at, but truly make life easier and more comfortable. Responsibly made from fine and durable materials, Geberit products are a perfect balance of elegant design and outstanding function. They are easy to clean, easy to use and increase comfort. Design Meets Function is the name given to this fusion of outstanding functionality with aesthetic design for the entire bathroom. For more information visit or call us at 0861 FLUSH (35874) 1 to book a showroom visit.

7 ISSU E 6 • 20 20

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate


BLUE HILLS EQUESTRIAN ESTATE MANAGEMENT BODY The Blue Hills Equestrian Estate management body has been developed to ensure that should you have a query or wish to address anything on the Estate, we have a team of individuals you can refer your concerns to. This Committee goes beyond our monthly Directors’ Meetings, and is instead aimed at ensuring that the running of this Estate is handled with all due care.

ESTATE MANAGER Rashni Andhee-Shah 010 109 0935 083 703 9436 SALES MANAGER Musi Motsuenyane 082 806 1735 / SECURITY SITE MANAGER 076 771 9082/ 061 704 0111 EMERGENCY Eskom 086 0037 566 JHB Water 0860 562 874 Police 10111 Ambulance 10177 SPCA 011 265 9935 SNAKE CATCHER Mike 083 448 8854 2020 • I SSUE 6 8

THE BOARD IS MADE UP OF: • • • • • •

Andile Mtetwa Jessica Hofmeyr John Frayne Nick Crow Obakeng Mathibe Ugesparan Govender


Michael Schaefer / Director of Trafalgar Shahiem Carr / Director of Trafalgar Jillian Hendricks / Estate Portfolio Manager Rashni Andhee-Shah / Estate Manager Head office support Birdhaven

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

THE DIFFERENCE YOU NEED! Cape Umbrellas supplies the highest quality umbrellas to both the domestic and international markets. Our umbrellas are state of the art and designed specifically to our customers’ needs. Based in Cape Town and proudly South African, you can’t go wrong when choosing a Cape Umbrella. We ensure the highest quality as one of the industry leaders and continually push the boundaries with our innovation, such as our patented Automatic Lifting System (ALS).









9 ISSU E 6 • 20 20

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

2020 • I SSUE 6 1 0

ESTATE GARDENING NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

SOURCE: ISTOCK The CoronaVirus pandemic has set off a global gardening boom. In the early days of the lockdown, seed suppliers were depleted of inventory and reported unprecedented demand. Within the US, the trend has been compared to World War II victory gardening, when Americans grew food at home to support the war effort and feed their families..” Most gardeners seem to be community-minded, sharing their produce with family and friends and, especially during the lockdown, donating generously to food kitchens. Gardeners who grow surplus produce also help to meet a growing desire among many people to buy locally grown and naturally produced food sourced from people in their own community, thus nurturing community connectedness and a sense of camaraderie and belonging.

Often referred to as –

“horticultural t her apy” It makes sense, right? Just as taking care of a pet can inspire feelings of value and purpose, acting as a caretaker to plants can improve mood, quicken recovery time for patients receiving medical care, and can reduce stress.

An d o n t o p o f a l l t h a t y o u ’ l l h a v e fr eshly g r ow n v eg etables! Why grow veggies, you ask? If you’ve never tasted garden-fresh vegetables you will be amazed by the sweet, juicy flavours and vibrant textures. There’s absolutely nothing quite like fresh veggies, bursting with flavour and nutrients, straight from your garden!

Gardeners have many reasons for doing what they do. The health benefits – physical, mental and emotional – emerge as a primary reason, but for many, gardening also touches their lives in deeply personal ways. Gardening has been proven to boost both mental and physical well-being and create a sense of belonging and connection - the act of gardening is therapeutic.

Centurion 012 6645777 - Germiston 011 8932033

11 ISSU E 6 • 2020

Plant in a sunny location. Most vegetables need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.  Plant in moist, well-drained soil. If you have poorly drained soil, plant veggies in a raised bed. Plant in a stable environment. Avoid places that receive strong winds that could knock over your young plants or keep pollinators from doing their job. Nor do you want to plant in a location that receives too much foot traffic or floods easily.

Soil Preparation is key when it comes to successful gardening! Vegetable garden soil needs to be rich in organic matter, and contain tons of nutrients in order for vegetables to grow. Using organic material for gardening helps sandy soil to retain moisture while it allows clay soil to drain more efficiently. It breaks down to feed organisms, such as earthworms, as well as feeding the plants around it.

You want soil that is dark, crumbly, and literally full of life. Fortunately, no matter what the texture may be, all soil can be improved over time by incorporating organic matter into it. Compost or kraal manure are considered perfect organic matter for veggie gardens. Give your patch a good digging over to break up the soil and get rid of any weeds. Dig down to at least one spade depth - and a bit further if you can! Remove any bits of weed root or stem to stop them re-growing and take out as many stones as you can.

You can start by either planting seeds, which will often need thinning and replanting as they get bigger, or seedlings, which have been started off for you and can go directly into your veggie patch. If you’d like to keep things simple, it usually makes sense to go for seedlings. There are vegetables such as peas, beans, rocket and radish, which are incredibly easy to grow from seed. The seeds for these can be placed in the ground where you’d like them to grow, then watered and left to get on with it. Stagger plantings. You don’t want to plant all your lettuce seeds at the same time or all that lettuce needs to be harvested around the same time! Stagger plantings by a few weeks to ‘keep ‘em coming’ 2020 • I SSUE 6 1 2

B y p l a n t in g v i n i n g c r o p s l i k e g r e e n be ans and p e as , y o u m a k e u s e o f v e r t i ca l s p a c e i n t h e g ar den.  Choose what you (and your family) like to eat. If no one likes Brussels sprouts, don’t plant them!  Be realistic about how many vegetables your family will eat. Be careful not to overplant. Of course, you could always share your veggies with your neighbours, family and friends. Choose The Right Vegetables  Consider the amount of space you have when choosing vegetables to plant. Beginners should consider planting easy-togrow crops like peppers, cucumbers, carrots, beans, lettuce, Swiss chard (spinach), cabbage, tomatoes, squashes and radishes.

Watering wisely is key to garden success, especially in warm, dry regions, like Gauteng. During the first few weeks after seeds germinate or seedlings are transplanted, frequent watering keeps plants strong. Once your plants are established, it's a better idea to give your garden a long drink every few days rather than a little sprinkle every day. Then the water will move deeper into the soil, which encourages roots to grow deeper, where they’re better protected and better able to access nutrients, they need to stay healthy.

N o m at t er how m uch you hat e t o w e e d , m a k e i t a p r i or i t y . W e e d s com pete w it h v eg etables for w at er , nut r ients, and lig ht. K eep t hem in check, esp ecially ear ly in t he season.

Fertilizing your vegetables helps to maximize yields. Using a good organic fertiliser will keep your veggies healthy and give you an excellent crop. Organic gardeners often find that adding high-quality compost at planting time is all their vegetables need. Blended kitchen scraps Start by pouring a cup of water into a blender. As the day progresses and kitchen scraps accumulate, add them to the blender; only use vegetable scraps. Add some egg shells or chalk for a higher calcium level. Blend it all up and feed your plants by mixing it into the soil around the plant’s base.

GARDENING BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

Companion planting has a long tradition in organic gardening practices. The principle behind companion planting is that certain plants either enhance each other’s growth or help control pests when planted close together. There are also plants that enrich the soil. In addition, companion planting increases bio-diversity in our gardens, by encouraging bees and butterflies. Chamomile (known as the plant doctor) Lovage, Marjoram, Parsley, Amaranth (morogo), Pennyroyal, oats and legumes (beans/peas) all enhance the growth of nearby plants. Basil is a good companion for tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce and spinach. Borage sweetens strawberries and tomatoes Celery benefits leeks, tomatoes and beans. Plant Dill close to lettuce, mealie, cucumber, carrot and tomatoes. Flax (Linseed) improves the flavour and size of carrots and potatoes. Nasturtiums improve the flavour of most vegetables, and also act as an aphid trap. Chervil complements radishes and carrots. Chives are best with carrots, parsley, apples, melon, beans, cucumbers, beetroot, lettuce and gooseberries. Mint is an excellent companion to cabbage and peas.

N a sturtiums a r e a mus t ha ve fo r every fo o d g a rden! O t her t ha n t he d elight o f ed ible flo wers, lea ves a nd s eeds. N a sturtiums a ls o a ct a s a t r a p cr op fo r A phids. K eeping t hose pesky b ugs a wa y fr om y o ur ca bbages a nd t o matoes.

Some vegetables must be picked regularly to keep the harvests coming. Beans, baby marrows and tomatoes are just a few examples where picking will encourage even more pods and fruits to follow. Similarly, removing old blooms from ornamental flowers – called ‘deadheading’ – encourages more to follow, extending the display a little longer.

Good gardeners make lots of mistakes but they learn from them! By keeping track of when, where and what you grew and noting any pests, diseases or failures, you can build up a personal record of what works best for you and your garden.



13 ISSU E 6 • 2020

2020 • I SSUE 6 1 4

ESTATE WELLNESS NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

15 ISSU E 6 • 2020

2020 • I SSUE 6 1 6

DECOR BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

Christmas Inspiration

It’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas! And after the year everyone has had, what’s better than dreaming up ways to decorate your home and your Christmas table this festive season. As you may know, the Pantone colour for 2020 is an elegant Classic Blue. This colour had a significant influence on the home décor industry and now it has on Christmas décor too.The beauty of navy is that it pairs beautifully with a variety of colours, including white and/or silver, gold, platinum/champagne, blush, and even red. It’s calming, yet strong and invokes a sense of royal festivities into any celebration. This year, probably because we all need some “feel good” right now, my mind however also wanders to the good old traditional colours of Christmas. Remember the days of red and green tinsel, baubles and ornaments? The smell of cinnamon and nutmeg and the taste of granny’s fruit cake with those bits of ginger and cherry… I’m drawing inspiration from all those little elements this year and adding a modern twist on it. So, if you’re keen to do a modern twist on the classic we go!

17 ISSU E 6 • 2020

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

YOUR TABLE f you think of the elements I mentioned above, you can see where I drew inspiration and created a colour palette of mustard, blue, red, green, gold and black (to modernise it a bit more) for the table design. Table setting staples include an underplate or charger as some know it, napkin, plate, side plate, cutlery set depending on what you're serving) and glassware (again depending on what you're serving).Play around with your colours here. If you're bold with your napkin, tone down your plate design and glassware and vice versa. It's an easy way of keeping things clean and simple yet beautiful. But don't be afraid to explore with textures and patterns and colours that compliment each other! Bring your unique stamp to your table!

2020 • I SSUE 6 1 8

FLORAL DESIGN It's visually pleasing to include your accent colours in your vase choice. You can use one colour and size, or be adventurous and mix and match the sizes and colours. Just be careful to not go overboard in terms of texture and colour as this could leave your table design looking a little busy and confused. However, dare to explore with berries, fruit, vines, olive branches and the like. Being bold and courageous with your floral centrepieces can lead to a spectacular table showcase. It really does tie the table together to have something striking as your centrepiece.

DECOR BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

FINER DETAILS When creating a special experience, it's always the tiny details that can have the most impact. I am a big fan of making my guests feel special. Think about doing customised stationery that include items such as invitations to the lunch / dinner with RSVP cards, name tags, a menu and a Christmas Card for each person. How about even creating a personalised Christmas Cracker with your guest name on it? *swoon* A professional designer can match your stationery to your set styling theme for your Christmas celebration!

Another wonderful tradition for me is putting up my Christmas Wreath on my front door. Read here what Ace Collins, author of Stories Behind the Great Traditions of Christmas says about it:"Together, the circular shape and the evergreen material make the wreath a representation of eternal life. It is also a representation of faith, as Christians in Europe often placed a candle on the wreath during Advent to symbolize the light that Jesus brought into the world. A German Lutheran pastor named Johann Hinrich Wichern is often given credit for turning the wreath into a symbol of the Advent, and lighting candles of various sizes and colours in a circle as Christmas approached." You can read his full article in The Times here:

19 ISSU E 6 • 2020

CHRISTMAS BOXES BY MODE This year, I have put together Christmas Boxes in various themes to make your table styling easy and beautiful! These boxes come in three themes but you can custom your very own box if you wish! The themes are: The Warm and Wonderful (images shown above) The Traditional One (modern take on green and red styling) The Merry Minimalist (grey & white/beige minimalist) They will include the following items: (additional items are available) Linen napkins Napkin Rings Pillar Candles Bud Vases Floral arrangement Christmas Cards Christmas Crackers Enquire by emailing for more information. Delivery in Pretoria and Jhb available at small extra fee. Collection in Centurion, Pretoria. Wishing you and your family a very blessed Christmas Season!

All my love,

Lee xoxo

Image credits: Photographer: Salt & Earth Photography Stationery: Salt & Earth Design Venue: Campagne Living 2020 • I SSUE 6 2 0 Styling, florals & dÊcor : MODE

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

21 ISSU E 6 • 2020

FOOD WELLNESS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Braaied Avocado


Serves: 6 INGREDIENTS * * * * * * *

1 can (400 g) chickpeas, drained and rinsed Extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp ras el hanout (recipe below) 6 avocados, halved and pips removed ½ cup tahini 1 cup chopped fresh coriander Sea salt flakes and pepper to taste

FOR THE RAS EL HANOUT * 5 tsp ground cumin * 5 tsp turmeric * 1 TBSP ground cardamom * 2 tsp ground cloves * 2 tsp ground black pepper * 1 TBSP ground cinnamon * 2 tsp sea salt flakes * 1 TBSP ground ginger * 5 tsp ground nutmeg * 2 tsp cayenne pepper METHOD 1. For the ras el hanout, mix all the spices together and place in an airtight container or spice jar. 2. Preheat the oven to 180°C. 3. Place the chickpeas on a baking tray and cover with extra virgin olive oil. Sprinkle with ras el hanout and give the tray a good shake to cover all the chickpeas. Place in the oven and bake for 10 – 15 minutes until crunchy. 4. Brush the tops of the avocados with olive oil. Make sure the braai grid is clean and sprayed with a non-stick spray. Place the avocados, cut side down, on the braai grid and braai for three minutes. 5. Using your hands, press the avocados down for 15 – 20 seconds to make sure they get black char lines. Remove after four minutes. 6. Add the tahini, chopped coriander, and sea salt and pepper to a blender and mix well. If the consistency is not that of a dressing, add a dash of water or some of the aquafaba (drained from the can of chickpeas). 7. Place the avocado on a serving tray, scatter with crunchy chickpeas and drizzle with coriander tahini.

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 36 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health. 2020 • I SSUE 6 2 2


Excerpted from My Vegetarian Braai by Adele Maartens, published by Penguin Random House

ESTATE WELLNESS NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

a new you Tips to help your New Year’s Resolutions stick

New Year’s Resolutions tend to fail due to unrealistic goals (35%), neglecting to keep track (33%) and merely forgetfulness (23%).

As the New Year rolls in, many of us attempt creating and sticking to New Year’s Resolutions, but where does this practice even come from? The tradition of setting goals or changing bad habits at the start of the year isn’t a modern, Western concept, but can be traced back as far as Babylonian times. Babylonians made promises to their gods to return borrowed items and pay off debts at the start of the year. The Romans also began the year by making promises to Janus, the Roman god for endings and beginnings. January is also named after this god.

Here are some tips to make this year’s goals stick:

Some of the most popular New Year Resolutions include: • Quitting smoking • Losing weight • Exercising more • Drinking less • Taking on a new hobby • Eating healthier • Thinking positively • Stressing less • Praying more, etc. According to a study compiled by blogger, author and translator Michele Hutchison,

Keep it simple: When it comes to goals, less is more. Having too many goals can be too overwhelming all at once, which could be hard to follow. Be realistic: “Never eat chocolate again,” and any other drastic and unrealistic goal, has a very poor success rate. While going “cold turkey” might work for some, others need to face the facts in order to make a goal last. Take baby steps: Set smaller achievable goals, for e.g. smoke 1 cigarette less a day in Week 1, 2 less in Week 2 etc. Achievable goals make it easier to stay motivated throughout the year. Plan for change: In order for change to take place there is often some pre-planning that has to occur first. For example, if you want to eat healthier, make sure you have healthy food in the cupboard or pre-prepped meals at the ready. Read up on your goal: Knowledge is power. By reading up on the goal you want to achieve you gain extra insights that could help you pull through on a tough day. 23 ISSU E 6 • 2020 2 020

WELLNESS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

THE 7 TYPES OF REST Top up your reserves to experience ultimate wellbeing By Kate Aitken

T H E S E V E N T Y P E S O F R E ST: * Physical – the need for cellular repair and the slowing down of accumulated thought momentum


e’re becoming more and more aware of just how important high-quality sleep really is. That feeling you enjoy after a luxurious eight-hour slumber is pretty hard to beat. Even better is the way the ensuing day can seem to just fall into place. Interactions are fluid and the world feels like a gentler, brighter place. The wide-reaching effects of proper sleep on our relationships, work and overall emotional disposition cannot be underestimated. Is there more to the rest solution than just sleep? According to Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith, a boardcertified internal medicine physician, work-life integration researcher, speaker and best-selling author, there most certainly is. Dr Dalton-Smith talks about the seven types of rest, which we, as human beings, need to various degrees at different stages of our lives. Our ability to function optimally and ‘show up’ in the world is directly 2020 SSUE 6 2 4in these areas. impacted by our• Ideficits

* Mental – the need to disconnect from the busyness of everyday life, and to connect to ‘presence’ and stillness * Emotional - the need to be ‘seen’ and to express our authentic selves * Spiritual - the need to connect to something greater than ourselves to provide us with comfort and a ‘reason for being’ * Social - the need to declutter our social schedule and factor in some quiet time * Sensory – the need to monitor the quality of our sensory intake * Creative - the need to allow ourselves the freedom to access true beauty and inspiration though nature and creativity

WELLNESS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e


P H YS I C A L R E ST Sleep mostly falls under the physical and mental rest categories. It offers the vital time we need for our bodies to repair and replenish as well as for our minds to slow down and reboot. It’s important to make sure that we maintain good sleep hygiene - which includes a regular bedtime routine - in order to maximise the benefits of sleep and physical rest.

Given our busy lives and the huge volume of information that comes at us on a daily basis, it’s no surprise that we’re hungry for this form of rest. In addition to sleep, we get access to mental rest through presence and meditation. When we become highly attuned and focused on ‘living in the now’ as far as possible, we limit the onslaught of the general day-to-day anxieties that take over when we become too future-focused. When we find our minds running away with us, it can be useful for us to come back to the breath, or to a single word or mantra on which we hone our focus. Repeating “I am here now”, for example, is a simple and powerful way to bring you back into the present moment. Meditation is a hugely beneficial practice that supports mental rest. A 20-minute meditation is said to be equivalent to two hours of sleep in terms of mental rest. You may be surprised to hear that rock climbing, yoga, martial arts and even long-distance running are all examples of ‘moving meditation’. In fact, many forms of physical activity are, as they require presence. This is often why they leave us feeling so rejuvenated.

S E N S O RY R E ST Our senses are bombarded on a daily basis. For those of us who are introverts and highly sensory, a day spent under poor fluorescent light in a noisy open-plan office can be draining and energydepleting. Like junk food, other junk sensory inputs have just as big - or even bigger - effects on our overall wellbeing. Big crowds, noisy venues with poor acoustics, and over-demanding children (or co-workers!) can all leave us feeling exhausted. A useful hack is to practise sensory deprivation wherever possible. Use a sleep mask and earplugs at night, wear glasses that block harmful blue light while working on your computer, and try a sensory deprivation or floatation tank for a good dose of much-needed ‘nothingness’. Switching off your phone notifications and spending a weekend away in the mountains without the sound of traffic can also go a long way in supporting this type of rest.

C R E AT I V E R E ST This is an area of rest we underestimate. It is the type that comes from walking in nature, browsing inspiring art galleries, or watching a ballet or theatre production. Being in these spaces allows us to transport ourselves to another world - to be inspired. It is energising and invigorating. If we’re designers, writers or anyone in a particularly creative field, we need the creative surge that comes from these types of inputs even more, if we are to access and express our creativity. 25 ISSU E 6 • 2020

E M OT I O N A L R E ST We all walk around wearing masks to some degree. Life is one big stage, and we play multiple roles: a daughter, a husband, a colleague, a friend. This requires a huge amount of energy and resources. The more time we spend with our masks on, the more tired we feel. When we truly allow ourselves to be who we are, we have access to an unlimited amount of energy. It’s so important to have people in our lives with whom we truly resonate - people who ‘see us’, and with whom we feel completely at ease to be ourselves. It’s not surprising that many of us are deficient in this type of rest, particularity with the pervasive presence of social media and feeling the need to showcase perfection. The fast-paced, highly competitive workplace is another area where mask wearing has become the norm as we hide our vulnerabilities and cover up any traces of weakness. Particularly in leadership positions, we underestimate the energy required to ‘hold the fort’ and guide others. In order to top up, we need to connect with our tribe - those who understand us – and just be who we are. Another option is to speak to a coach or therapist, which can also be a great way of facilitating the letting go of emotional inhibition.

S P I R I T UA L R E ST Spirituality is a belief that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. It’s a connection to source energy, nature, the divine or God. We might term it differently and follow various faiths and practices, but in essence it carries the same value. Many of us can start feeling lonely, disconnected and finite – particularly in challenging times such as these. We may feel alone even though we have loved ones in our lives. A connection to some form of spirituality that allows us to align with universal energy, creation, God, or whatever we want to call it, could support us in feeling comforted, expansive and part of something more…

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kate is the marketing manager at Wellness Warehouse, as well as an internationallyaccredited health coach, and a passionate wellness advocate who believes that the key to living life well is in supporting innate wellbeing through food and lifestyle choices.

S O C I A L R E ST We all feel a degree of obligation around social commitments. Although we tend to wear our busy social schedules like badges of honour, racing from one thing to the next can be exhausting. One of the positives of COVID-19 has been the relaxation around these pressures we’ve felt for so long. We’re all finally allowing ourselves to just ‘be’, and to take the time off to engage in other activities that add value, like spending more time outdoors or in quiet reflection. This will likely be a change that sticks, as we’re coming to realise what’s truly important. On reflection, it makes sense that so many of us feel fatigued or lackluster even when we are getting ‘enough’ sleep. It can be powerful to reconnect with the different areas of rest, and to get the right balance that will allow for inspiration, creativity, love and abundance to flow. We could all be happier, healthier human beings - and that’s the difference that makes the difference. To find out more and take the ‘rest quiz’, visit

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 36 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health. 2020 • I SSUE 6 2 6






There’s more luxury and style in the KIA Sorento, for a lot less than you’d expect. Add to that KIA’s Unlimited Kilometre, 5-year warranty and an unrivalled reputation for quality*, and you’ll understand why the KIA Sorento makes sense, for all the right reasons. Find out more at *Ranked #1 for quality for 6 consecutive years, J.D. Power Initial Quality Survey

27 ISSU E 6 • 2020

KIA Sorento

offers Award Winning Comfort, Performance & Value IA’s popular Sorento SUV is easily distinguished by its confident stance and sleek exterior design. Since its initial launch in SA, the Sorento has become the SUV of choice for buyers requiring space, versatility, and a SUV that is equally comfortable doing the school run as it is off the beaten track. “The Sorento SUV has been a proud flagbearer for KIA’s design and quality credentials since the first-generation model debuted in 2002,” says Gary Scott, CEO of KIA Motors South Africa. “It has not only won Red Dot and iF Design Awards but is also a consistent segment leader in the annual J.D. Power Initial Quality Study.” All Sorento model derivatives offer seating for up to seven passengers, with leather upholstery as standard across the board. Featuring 40/20/40 second row split folding seats and a folding centre armrest, the Sorento’s seatbacks can be ‘remotely’ folded by conveniently located levers in the side of the cargo bay. The third-row seats fold away flat in the luggage compartment, ensuring that luggage space is not compromised when the seats are not in use. When the seats are folded flat, the Sorento offers 605 litres of luggage space, and also features an underfloor tonneau cover storage compartment and integrated cargo net to secure loose items.



All derivatives feature an 8-inch colour touchscreen with embedded Satellite Navigation, from which occupants can also control audio, whether it is a favourite radio station, via the USB/Aux jacks, or through their mobile device via Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. The Sorento is powered by KIA’s popular 2,2-litre ‘R’ turbodiesel engine, which is renowned for its excellent mid- and lowrange torque. Loved for smoothness and efficiency, the engine produces 147 kW of power at 3 800 r/min, with maximum torque of 440 Nm available between 1 750 and 2 750 r/min. Featuring KIA’s fourth-generation fuel-injection system, the engine delivers excellent fuel economy, performance and engine response while reducing engine noise.

To make driving even more pleasant, the Sorento offers four driving modes: Eco, Comfort, Sport and Smart. Drivers can select their preferred mode with the Sorento’s electronic Drive Mode Select system. Each mode enables the driver to customise the powertrain’s responses to driver inputs, enhancing fuel economy or acceleration characteristics depending on driver preference. All Sorento models ship as standard with KIA’s industry-leading unlimited kilometre, five-year warranty, as well as a standard 5-year/100,000km service plan and 3-years of roadside assistance.

2020 • I SSUE 6 2 8

The all new GLB. The most versatile compact SUV.

29 ISSU E 6 • 2020

WELLNESS MOTORING BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Mercedes-Benz GLB reinvents the compact SUV

The new Mercedes-Benz GLB has arrived in South Africa – and it’s about to redefine the versatile compact SUV market. The new GLB is the first Mercedes-Benz in the compact segment that is optionally available as a seven-seater, and is powered by completely updated four-cylinder petrol and diesel engines that offer a combination of fuel economy and performance.

over seven million vehicles of this segment have already been delivered worldwide. “There is a growing interest for SUVs, while compact cars are also seeing an increase in sales. So a compact SUV such as the GLB blends all the success factors of our two segments,” says Johannes Fritz, Co-CEO Mercedes-Benz South Africa and Executive Director Mercedes-Benz Cars South Africa. “The GLB also boasts some special features which we have not previously offered our customers in this segment, like seven seats.” Powerful proportions with short overhangs and off-road-oriented design, standard LED headlights, as well as 4MATIC allwheel drive in the GLB 220d make the GLB a versatile SUV and a spacious family car.

The new GLB joins the Mercedes-Benz compact car family of the A-Class Hatch, A-Class Sedan, B-Class, CLA and the GLA. Since the first A-Class was launched in 1997,

“Its iconic exterior and trendy interior lends the Mercedes-Benz GLB an unmistakable SUV character. The GLB will allow Mercedes-Benz to speak to a new audience,” says Selvin Govender,

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Marketing Director for Mercedes-Benz Cars South Africa. With powerful and efficient four-cylinder engines, the latest driving assistance systems and the intuitively operated infotainment system MBUX, the new family member has all the strengths of the current compact-class generation from MercedesBenz. These include the completely modernised four-cylinder petrol and diesel engines, with increased power and torque and reduced emissions. South Africans will be able to choose from the GLB 250 and the GLB 220 d 4MATIC at launch. The GLB 250 offers a combined fuel consumption 7.4-7.1 l/100 km, with combined CO2 emissions of 168 g/km. The two-litre diesel engine in the GLB 220d 4MATIC offers a combined fuel consumption of 5.4-5.1 l/100 km, and combined CO2 emissions of 144 g/km. With a wheelbase of 2829 millimetres, the GLB is 10cm longer than the new B-Class. The car is 4634 millimetres long, 1834 millimetres wide and 1658 millimetres high. As a result, headroom in the first seat row is 1069 millimetres – an optimum in this segment. At 967 millimetres the effective legroom in the rear of the five-seater is at an especially comfortable level. The two optional additional individual seats can seat people up to 1.68m tall in comfort. The boot compartment capacity of 570 to 1805 litres boasts the qualities of an estate car. The second row can be moved fore and aft, enabling the boot to be enlarged by up to 190 litres. Comfort details in the third row include two drinks holders between the seats as well as two stowage compartments with rubberised insert on the left and right in the load compartment trim, each housing a USB port. The seats can be lowered so that they are flush with the load compartment floor to extend the load compartment.

Driving assistance systems are drawn from the S-Class, with improved camera and radar systems that allow the GLB to see up to 500 metres ahead and drive in semiautomated mode in certain situations. The MBUX infotainment system (Mercedes-Benz User Experience) offers powerful computer, brilliant screens and graphics, customisable presentation, full-colour head-up display, with optional navigation and augmented reality, learning software, and voice control activated with the prompt “Hey Mercedes”. Off-road orientation: the exterior design The powerful proportions of the GLB underscore the off-road focus of the design, with an upright front section, striking headlamps and short overhangs at the front and rear. The muscular vehicle shoulder dominates the side view at the height of the C-pillar, an effect reinforced by the rising waistline. The doors reach over the side bar, improving ease of access, and keep the door apertures free of soiling as well as increasing protection in a side impact. All-round protective claddings divide the overall proportions and emphasise the vehicle’s off-road character, as does the stylised skid plate at the front and rear. Off-road orientation: the exterior design The powerful proportions of the GLB underscore the off-road focus of the design, with an upright front section, striking headlamps and short overhangs at the front and rear. The muscular vehicle shoulder dominates the side view at the height of the C-pillar, an effect reinforced by the rising waistline. The doors reach over the side bar, improving ease of access, and keep the door apertures free of soiling as well as increasing protection in a side impact. All-round protective claddings divide the overall proportions and emphasise the vehicle’s off-road character, as does the stylised skid plate at 31 ISSU E 6 • 2020

MOTORING BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

at the front and rear. Useful in easy off-road terrain The GLB 220d 4M is equipped with the permanent all-wheel system 4MATIC, with fully variable torque distribution. The Off-Road Engineering Package is standard on the GLB 220d 4M and includes an additional drive mode that adapts the power delivery of the engine for off-road driving in easy terrain. This is not available in the GLB 250. To learn more about the new MercedesBenz GLB, visit https://www.mercedes-benz.

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All-Inclusive HOLIDAYS


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2020 • I SSUE 6 3 8

ARCHITECTURE ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

• 2020 Issue 6 | 239 0 2ISSU 0 | E V6illa ge Cri er 39

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CALL US TODAY! Fibaro Distributor in South Africa Dealers Welcome (011) 678 0329 • I SSUE 6 4 0 Email: 2020


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41 ISSU E 6 • 2020 Call:+27(0)11 678 0329 |

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ARCHITECTURE • INTERIOR DESIGN • PROJECT MANAGEMENT JOHANNESBURG: 010 005 2291 / 9th Floor / Atrium on 5th Building/ 5th Street / Sandton 2020 • I SSUE 6 42 PRETORIA: 012 809 1517 / Block 4 / Tijger Valley Office Park / 76 Pony Street / Silver Lakes

DESIGNS 012 809 1517

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of architectural designs. This is incredibly important for clients to understand the architect’s imagination and to confidently approve a design before construction starts. It is quite common practice for architects to limit the 3ds and revisions to the design, expecting the clients to pay for additional views and changes if they wish to tweak or better understand the design. This often results in clients accepting the design and saying “it is close enough” or they are “happy enough”. At JK Designs we believe that that is not good enough. When accepting the responsibility of creating a family’s home we want them never to feel pressured to settle for a design instead of being 100% happy. We offer unlimited changes to the design, unlimited 3ds and unlimited videos at no additional cost. This gives our clients full peace of mind that the design is exactly what they envisioned.



At JK Designs we strive to achieve the goal of producing the perfect design for our clients and then managing the build to the very end to ensure that the original dream becomes a reality. This might seem like the typical process that every other high-end architectural firm offers, however, JK Designs has identified a few key shortcomings and has evolved to fulfill the clients’ requirements a little differently from others.


When JK Designs is appointed as the Principal Agent it results in a very intensely managed project. The principal agent is involved from the very beginning of the design process to fully understand the process and intricacy of the design and priorities. Once it gets closer to construction JK Designs manages the tender process and appointment of all professionals, contractors and sub-contractors. During construction, the principal agent has full authority over the build and no contractor decision or change can be executed without their approval, additionally, all payments are scrutinized and authorised. This management and scrutiny minimizes costly errors and makes the construction process as stress-free as possible for the clients so that they can fully enjoy the project.


JK Designs prides itself on being able to let the client’s personality, character and requirements be the guide to the design of a home. The first few meetings are often held at client’s homes with the full design team present to ask countless questions about lifestyle, priorities, likes and dislikes, how evenings are spent and how the ideal holiday party will be celebrated. This series of key questions gives the design team invaluable insight into creating a design that works for the family, this is incredibly important as, unfortunately, architects tend to forget that it’s the client and their family that will live in these homes, not the designer.


The design process is both emotional and exciting, with clients investing many millions into their project they often experience some hesitance in being confident in their decisions. Modern technology and software have opened a wonderful world of 3d visualization for the presentation 43 ISSU E 6 • 2020



A psychologist shares what brave South African moms and dads have reported about their experience of parenthood in the time of COVID-19 “Having the family together and my teens, without friends, for an extended period has been unique. We sit down for dinner every night with the intention of hearing everyone’s point of view. We have talked about so many things and debated issues. It gave my eldest a newfound confidence. This has been great to experience,” one mother of four told me. Another parent confided: “I’m hated right now. I’m either nagging or losing it. We are in each other’s space all the time, and I can’t stand watching my kids lazing around or glued to screens all the time. It’s so frustrating.” It has been a tough time for parents, and especially mothers - who have carried the load of creating a stable home as nurturers, cleaners, cooks, workers and teachers. Like the goddess Durga, mothers have had to grow eight arms, or develop the fury of the goddess Kali - who won’t hesitate to cut off a few heads. Many dads, too, are much more hands-on than ever, encouraging exercise, games and ‘getting stuff done’. “Parents are meant to keep their kids safe, and I fear I can’t control all the uncertainties,” said one dad. 2020 • I SSUE 6 4 4

Homes have become hardworking multi-purpose arenas, stretching to accommodate workspaces, gyms, cookouts, schoolrooms and entertainment hives as well as being zones of safety and at least some semblance of peace. Families are trying to negotiate their overtaxed relationships, repackaged work lives, and uncertain health conditions while remaining solution-focused to keep the whole boat afloat. It’s by working as a team, sprinkling magic into the mundane, and talking things through that you can survive. Engaging, embracing and connecting in a raw and real way are key. Since the start of the lockdown, I’ve spoken to almost 100 parents via my online parenting courses, email or Zoom therapy sessions. Many stories are similar, including ups and downs, juggling children’s fears, teenage grief, new safety rules, online schooling, and too much screen time. Mostly, I’ve had to help parents assuage guilt or anticipatory grief (the fear of ‘what if’, followed by imagined negative outcomes). What we can control is our attitude, and where and how we focus our attention. Bring your attention to the important things. What are the values and qualities you love? These may include kindness, fun, sharing, caring or respect. Find one way to express this daily. Be responsible for your own de-stressing, and the family will follow suit. An attitude is caught, not taught! Give up guilt, and practise self-compassion instead. We are still in the throes of a global pandemic!


The toughest and saddest stories I’ve heard are from those who have been sick, lost loved ones, face financial ruin, are experiencing abuse in the home, or have children with disorders or disabilities. The pandemic has shone a spotlight on a wide range of issues and inequalities, many of which are socio-economic. I need to name this, as it’s an important reminder for us to readjust our perspective, be grateful for the goodness we have, and contribute where we can. The human spirit is immense. I’ve witnessed heartwarming acts of kids making masks for underprivileged schools; donations of blankets and food to animal shelters; data collection for needy teachers; and huge food drives. Another good practice is random acts of kindness, as well as asking your kids daily: “What is going well, what isn’t, and what is inspiring you today?” Now is as opportune a time as ever to explore the concept of ‘antifragility’ - tough times grow character and better attitudes. Digging deep can grow new skills and creative solutions. There are always new insights to be gained, like these…

“My son has stepped up - he’s tackling his schoolwork on his own, and is working out on his own - I’m proud of him.” “My teen daughter locked herself in her room and got increasingly depressed. I had no choice but to approach her gently, and together we came up with a solution. We have never managed that before.” “My kid’s stress is showing up at sleep time. I think I’m lucky because it’s given me time to nurture my young teen, who normally pushes me away.” “For all of us, small things make a big difference. We have become more grateful for the basic essentials.”

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This requires some tough love and good old-fashioned boundary setting. Another issue a number of parents have raised is the mythical ‘FOMO’ (fear of missing out) experienced by teens. They crave their sports teams or parties, and they can’t believe that nothing is happening. “It’s got to be out there and I just don’t know about it,” said one frustrated teen. Teenagers who have been overindulged or are used to engaging in too many hedonistic pursuits are battling. Only seeking pleasure is showing up as a poor skill right now.

Yet all teens have an evolutionary impulse to separate from the family, discover independence and socialise. Parents tell me that there is a lot of grief around the loss of this. It’s no use criticising. Rather be patient, listen and empathise. This too shall pass. My best advice is to give up being perfect, and rather be present. Relinquish control in favour of connection. Try not to lecture – rather ask questions. Your loved ones need compassionate connection, emotional support and a sense that they belong. Do your best with this no matter what your circumstances. Keep yourself calm and lead by example by getting your wellness practices firmly in place. Eat right, sleep well, exercise, spend time in nature, connect with friends and have alcohol fasts. Get the whole family to create a self-care toolkit they can draw on daily. Keep yourself buoyant so that you can lift your kids’ spirits. By adopting a positive attitude and giving them your kind attention, they will be mostly fine.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Megan is a psychologist, online educator and author of How to Raise a Man: The Modern Mother’s Guide to Parenting Her Teenage Son (published by Penguin Random House South Africa and available at all leading book stores and online). For more information or to get in touch, visit or follow her at @howtoraiseaman on Facebook.

“Lockdown gave us the time to get off the treadmill, hear and feel our breathing again and reset the overscheduling.”

Then there are the less magical moments, like clashing with teens about not going out, or about indulging in too much online gaming. “He feels micromanaged, like he’s being put in a straitjacket. He cycles back and forth between acceptance and fury,” an exasperated parent confided.

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 36 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health. 45 ISSU E 6 • 2020

ESTATE NEWS TRAVEL BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Is your corporate travel programme ready or 2021?

Bonnie Smith, General Manager FCM

FCM Travel Solutions today launched a travel policy benchmarking tool to help travel managers see how their policy compares to other businesses in their industry. The tool will also give them an indication of how to evolve their current travel policy to a new COVID-19 travel landscape. Bonnie Smith, General Manager FCM, says: “This year many businesses have implemented an interim travel policy to cope with the disruption of COVID, however as things start to stabilise, now is a good time to review your travel policy program for 2021.” Smith shares five ways you can adapt your corporate travel programmes to the ‘new normal’. 2020 • I SSUE 6 4 6

1. Know how to prioritise travel There are several motivations for corporate travel—from closing deals and networking to attending conferences and meetings with colleagues, clients, and suppliers. But not all corporate travel is created equal. Withh the global switch to video calls and virtual engagement along with decreased travel budgets, many are examining the prioritisation of travel within their business. The question to be asked is what meetings can continue to be conducted effectively online vs what meetings are truly enhanced or reliant on face-to-face. 2. Lean into consumerisation Self-service technology and mobile-friendly applications have typically dominated the leisure travel space, leaving corporate travellers restricted by rigid platforms and tedious company processes. But that is now changing at a rapid pace due to traveller demand and advancements in technology. An additional outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic is also that travellers across the board are seeking intuitive, instantaneous, and autonomous tools to help


them feel in control and free of travel friction. Solutions like FCM’s Sam (Smart Assistant for Mobile) ensure that travellers have access to accurate information on changing travel regulations across countries.

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3. Keep duty of care a top priority Even before COVID-19, duty of care was one of the most important considerations for a corporate travel programme, and the delivery of information pertaining to safety and travel alerts a top priority for travellers. The pandemic has made many businesses reassess and adapt their duty of care policies to keep travellers safe, reassured, and informed of changing travel regulations on the ground, all in real-time. Firm up your duty of care policies by first drafting a risk management strategy. Understanding the fears and anxieties around travel, coupled with communicating the existing risk protocols and support services, is essential to building a successful risk management programme. And through technology and automation, such as realtime risk reports and GPS tracking systems, your customers can pre-empt and mitigate risks at every step of the journey. 4. Enable personalisation for changing needs Everyone’s behaviour has changed in times of COVID. People have become more risk-averse: they are afraid and in need of more support. To be successful, business travel policies must identify and address the varying needs of corporate travellers accordingly. Fortunately, smarter technology can present individual travellers with personalised, relevant results and insights, while remaining within the boundaries of the company policy. 5. Get the best of both worlds with blended technology

corporate travellers’ needs. Today’s most forward-thinking corporate travel booking solutions provide a healthy balance of both in what is referred to as a blended technology approach. Implementing a seamless, blended technology approach requires evaluating the various components within a corporate travel programme—from its internal, back-end office to its customerfacing services. “It’s important to question whether your Travel Management Company is helping you achieve the goals you have set out for your travel programme,” says Smith. “The right TMC has the insight and knowledge to guide you to make the right choices because they have a holistic view of your company, as well as the market at large. If you’re not getting this value from your TMC, it may be time to move on.” Smith explains that during these difficult times, speed and flexibility are critical. If you’re making the switch from your current TMC provider, FCM has launched a simple and smooth implementation process that will support you and takes the pain out of change management. For more info visit us at

Technology, on its own, can only do so much. Even the smartest machines will always be lacking that very human-specific trait: empathy. A human end-to-end support strategy is required to answer for all 47 ISSU E 6 • 2020

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

GET 30% OFF 3 MEAL KIT BOXES UCOOK is here to change dinner time for good. They’re committed to making cooking easy again, with free-range and ethically sourced ingredients – plus simple recipe cards – delivered to your door. As a resident of The Hills, Heritage Hill or Blue Hills, you qualify for 30% off your first three UCOOK Meal Kit boxes. Visit, sign up using the code #HILLS30OFF3, and look forward to the easiest, most delicious, weeknight dinners – on us.


TERMS & CONDITIONS To redeem the 30% off 3 orders promotion/offer, enter the promo code #HILLS30OFF3 in your Order Details tab when checking out. If the code is not added to your Order Receipt during sign-up, the promotion has not been successfully applied to your first order. The promotion and/or offer is not valid for existing customers with prior purchases. This promotion is valid for first-time customers only, ordering any meal-kit box on When applied, the customer will receive 30% off their first three orders. This offer must be redeemed by placing an order by 30/06/2021 at 10am and will expire at 30/06/2021 at 10am Offer limited to The Hills, Blue Hills and Heritage Hill residents only. Offer may not be combined with any other sale, promotion, discount, code, credit, coupon, and/or offer. Promotions and/or offers have no cash value. Offer cannot be sold or otherwise bartered. UCOOK reserves the right to alter the conditions of this offer.

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