Blue Hills Equestrian Estate | April 2022

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P u b l i sh e r K-S t udio (P t y ) Ltd o n beh alf of B lue H ill s Eq u est r i a n E sta te A d ve rti si n g S al es Tobia tobia@k-st udio . co . za sales2@ k-st udio . co . za C alv in sales3@ k-st udio . co . za Ed i to r Tobia von Zwietr i n g Copy w ri te r / p ro o f r eader C hantel Venter De si g n & La y o u t K-S t udio (P t y ) Ltd e tobia@ k-st udio . co . za t 082 962 82 5 5 f Kreat iefS t u d i o

contents ISSUE 2 | APRIL 2022













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INTIMATE ADULT-ONLY Disclaimer: This e-Magazine is produced especially F-CATERING GEM for residents/owners of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced STLED WITHIN THE by K-Studio on behalf of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate HOA. Although every effort is taken to ensure NOKENG GAME RESERVE accuracy of content, Blue Hills Equestrian Estate HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.



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4 ISSUE 2 2 022


IMPORTANT INFORMATION & CONTACTS BLUE HILLS EQUESTRIAN ESTATE MANAGEMENT BODY The Blue Hills Equestrian Estate management body has been developed to ensure that should you have a query or wish to address anything on the Estate, we have a team of individuals you can refer your concerns to. This Committee goes beyond our monthly Directors’ Meetings, and is instead aimed at ensuring that the running of this Estate is handled with all due care.

THE BOARD IS MADE UP OF: • Andile Mtetwa • Jessica Hofmeyr • Joe Mahlangu • Nick Crow • Obakeng Mathibe • Ugesparan Govender • Tracy Fry THE COMMITTEE IS SUPPORTED BY TRAFALGAR WHO ARE REPRESENTED BY: • Michael Schaefer / Director of Trafalgar • Shahiem Carr / Director of Trafalgar • Carlos Pinto / Estate Portfolio Manager • Rashni Andhee-Shah / Estate Manager • Head office support Birdhaven

ESTATE MANAGER Rashni Andhee-Shah 083 703 9436 SALES MANAGER Musi Motsuenyane 082 806 1735 / SECURITY SITE MANAGER 076 771 9082/ 061 704 0111 CONTROL ROOM Primary contact for Security 010 109 0935 079 539 4499 EMERGENCY Eskom 086 0037 566 JHB Water 0860 562 874 Police 10111 Ambulance 10177 SPCA 011 265 9935 SNAKE CATCHER Mike 083 448 8854 2022 ISSUE 2 5


We will never leave you in the dark RYOBI Inverter Generators backup your power needs. Connected to the home or office powering your key appliances, lights and of course WiFi




Tel: +27 (0) 11 357-9600 604, 16th Road, Randjespark, Midrand 6 ISSUE 2 2 022




083 687 6607 | 082 460 6367 2022 ISSUE 2 7


letter from the

Estate Manager

Greetings Homeowners and Residents! I am happy to report that construction has improved at the Estate. Many stands are starting to build at the Estate while a number of homes are being completed as well. It is lovely to see our beautiful community growing.

Speeding within the Estate is still a huge concern despite the installation of the speed signage around the Estate. Residents are reminded that this is a community and that we need to be mindful of those around us. Speeding puts those around us at great risk. The speed limit within the Estate is strictly 40km per hour. Homeowners are also reminded that they are responsible for their visitors, employees, and contractors. Offenders will be penalised in accordance with the Estate penalty schedule. Continued transgression of the Estate guidelines has resulted in the responsible parties being escorted out of the Estate and in some instances access even being denied in the interest of the safety at the Estate. 8 ISSUE 2 2 022

Our landscaping company have been hard at work trying to maintain the flower beds around the Estate and revamping old ones to welcome the new season. The excessive rainfall has made it difficult to stay on schedule however they are trying. Tree pruning and grass cutting on the vacant stands are ongoing currently. One of the challenges highlighted with the recent rains is the surface water and drainage at the Estate. This is adding to the current challenges experienced at the Estate. We are working on finding solutions currently. As the seasons change, this is an ideal time for pruning of trees and plants. This is also a good time to change annual plants and colors in your gardens. Remember the plant specifications for the Estate is indigenous plants. Gardens needs to have at least 80-90% of indigenous plants. Homeowners are requested to ensure that your contractors familiarize themselves with the rules and guidelines of the Estate. They are being enforced stringently and homeowners are responsible for their contractors. Several contractors have been found to be disregarding the Estates guidelines. Some contractors’ guidelines and rules are highlighted at the contractors’ gate 2022 ISSUE 1 8


and the contractor’s agreement. You are welcome to contact the Estate office should you require any further information.

In the case of minors, parents, guardians, or helpers / employees who accompany the child to school will need to be registered on the system.

Security is an integral part of the Estate and requires a holistic approach. Unfortunately, our guards are being abused for performing their duties which is unacceptable. Security works under certain protocols and any requests or arrangements that deviate from these protocols needs to be made via the appropriate channels timeously. Homeowners are requested to follow these channels to avoid any frustration by contacting the Estate office.

Kindly note, pedestrians who use the main entrance are required to use the turnstiles and not the booms, even if you are a resident.

There are an increasing number of pets that have been found either roaming the Estate or escaping their stands unaccompanied by owners. Owners must ensure that fencing is adequate to secure your pets within your properties and to take the necessary precautions when entering and exiting your property. Stands are reminded that pets need to have identification tags on their collars.

Let your pet not be a bone of contention between you, your neighbours and other owners, residents, or visitors. Homeowners are reminded that the biometric system is fully operational. Kindly contact the Estate Manager for an appointment to enrol on the system. For those residents whose child(ren) go to the school next door, their children and /or helpers will also need to be re-registered at the office since the system has changed. As of 01 February 2022, the school gate is no longer left opened as previous arranged, users will need to be registered on the system for access.

Those residents who use the contractors gate for access are required to use the biometric readers or their phones for the automated booms. The manual boom is not permitted to be used. As a reminder, there are a number of stands who have completed their construction but have not arranged for their Completion Certificates. Homeowners can contact Studios Architects to arrange for a final inspection of their property and to arrange for their Completion Certificate. A friendly note, if you are not in possession of a Completion Certificate your stand is considered a construction stand in terms of the Estate and will still be liable for a late building penalty. This still applies if you are living in your home and are in possession of an Occupation Certificate from council. The grace period for the late building penalty had ended. Stands who have not been issued with a Completion Certificate will be issued will a late building penalty as per the Estate’s MOI. General consideration by all residents for each other will greatly assist in achieving a happy community and a pleasant environment. Harmonious community living is only achieved when residents can use and enjoy their private property as well as the public areas of the Estate while not negatively impacting fellow residents. As most of you maybe traveling for the Easter Holidays, I wish you a Happy Easter a Safe Travels! Please be always vigilant and report any suspicions to the office or to security. Kind regards

Rashni Andhee-Shah 2022 ISSUE 2 9


Kyalami Schools (NPC)

Kyalami Schools (NPC) consists of five high-performing independent (private) schools, namely Beaulieu Preparatory, Kyalami Preparatory and Beaulieu College – all located in the north of Johannesburg in Kyalami, Midrand. Our two Preparatory Schools also each have their own Nursery School. Our learners, the future leaders, are at the heart of every decision. Our profession and calling is to nurture and support children to develop and assist them to become the best they can be. Collectively, we are committed to the development of inquiring, lifelong learners. The fast change of pace in the world today, coupled with the doubling of the growth rate of knowledge every few years, means that our children will experience a very different world than the one we know. As such, we offer holistic learning programmes to support the most important capacities that young people now need, in order to make their way in the increasingly demanding world of the 21st century: the powers of creative thinking and problem-solving, moral and values-based education, and a strong academic base so they can become global achievers in whatever field they choose to work.



Nursery School

Grade 000 - 0

Preparatory School

Grade 000 - 0

Grade 1 - 7

Grade 1 - 7

Grade 8 - 12

5 CAMPUSES INVESTED IN ITS LEARNERS BY OFFERING: State of the art classrooms and sporting facilities. Nurturing the development of global achievers across all fields. Outstanding academic results | 010 591 5004 10 ISSUE 2 2022



Kyalami Schools (NPC)

Kyalami Schools Group (NPC), led by the Group Head of Academics and Innovation - Mark Naidoo, along with his dedicated team of deputies across the campuses of Beaulieu College, Beaulieu Preparatory and Kyalami Preparatory, have worked to modify the academic offering to our community of schools.

M ark N




EVERY HOME NEEDS A REFURB! OUR TEACHING AND LEARNING APPROACH The Kyalami Schools Group has a holistic approach to education; in addition to academic prowess, the emotional, social and physical well-being of our pupils and staff are of paramount importance. While we have modified our programmes to strive toward holistic development, living with the pandemic compels us to be innovative. The research points to the notion that teaching and learning is fundamentally a social activity. Social interaction and play, especially for younger children in the pre-primary and primary phases, are a necessary part of their development. Teachers also depend on social cues to guide their pedagogy. Subsequently, questioning techniques, facilitating a meaningful discussion, debating opinions and giving effective feedback all form part of the everyday educational experience. In this context, the value of an inquiry-based learning and experiential learning approaches can never be underestimated. Through the pandemic, we have observed an accelerated development of resilient pupils. Better time management, active self-discipline, an increase in independent thinking and the use of multiple technologies have become a norm in the current approach to learning. Teachers have found new ways to engage their learners, pupils experience a greater level of personal attention through one-to-one interactions. Teacher creativity, peer collaboration, critical thinking and the ability to communicate effectively via online mediums have strengthened our approach to teaching and learning. Leveraging these competencies allows us to present a dynamic approach to learning. NEW CHALLENGES Access to quality education remains an obstacle in South Africa; parents need to be wholly cognisant of the variation in the rigour of academic offering and must interrogate the academic profile of the school, before making any long-term commitment. Over the last two years, we saw a plethora of online schools mushroom and the home-schooling alternative became an attractive option for parents and children who needed flexibility. More recently, our Admissions department reported an unusual spike of applications from parents who wish to return to the conventional model of in-person schooling. Our internal assessment processes regularly show a deficit in development markers, especially in the junior primary phase (age 7-10 year olds). It is our view that we will see a surge of this occurrence, the impact of which will remain for a while. The challenge will be for schools to negotiate this dynamic and rapidly respond to address the developmental lag in learning. Covid-19 has confirmed that providing access to education through multiple technologies is possible. The large majority of pupils do not have access to devices, data and reliable connectivity. For South Africa to speedily address this, the private and public sector have to collaborate. Kyalami Schools Group is actively seeking partnerships with private entities to make this a reality, and we have begun to explore an offering in niche subjects. We maintain the view that technology remains an enabler – great teachers know how to leverage technology. It is

the teacher who demonstrates a spirit of imagination, creativity and innovation that will lead the way. WHY CONSIDER THE KYALAMI SCHOOLS GROUP? At the heart of every formidable school, is a strong teaching faculty. In a recent pupil poll, over 90% of pupils reported that the ongoing academic support offered by the staff was a pivotal factor in their progress. As a community of schools, our ability to work closely as a team and use our collective expertise has aided staff and pupils to feel secure during these challenging times. Each child is nurtured and feels part of the greater community. There is an innate generosity that our teachers express - we understand that learning thrives when there is a healthy relationship between pupil and teacher. An inclusive education model is high on our agenda as we seek to ensure that every child develops to their full potential. The Group has made significant investments in upskilling staff in the Google workspace and we have developed a reliable ecosystem, using Chromebooks as our device of choice from Grade 5 into high school. Online, hybrid and in-person teaching demand a range of teaching modalities; our staff continue to explore these modalities, refine their skills and determine to remain adaptable. Expanding our offerings to address the needs of our community is regularly reviewed. To this end, we have added Sesotho to our First Additional language offering from Grade 0 and Grade 1 and French (Second additional language) at Grade 8. Grade 1, 2 and 3 classes will begin learning Computational Thinking skills this year, in order to better equip our children with essential problem-solving tools. Unemployment is a massive issue and continues to affect our economy. Taking an aggressive approach to addressing this within the school’s curriculum has to be a starting point if we wish to see incremental, systemic change. As a result, we have reworked our Economic Management and Sciences curriculum to focus sharply on Entrepreneurial Skills Development, from Grade 7, culminating in the Stallions Den competition in high school, where business mentors and pupils meet. Access to the Kyalami Schools staff and management is seamless, which is important for constructive engagement. As a Group, it has always been our values of Integrity, Consistency, Accountability, Respect and Excellence (ICARE) which have driven our commitment to our pupils and parents. Our values will determine who we really are and we strive to inculcate the same spirit in our pupils. LOOKING AHEAD As an established educational institution, our confidence is based on tried and tested strategies, however, the last two years (2020 and 2021) have highlighted that there is no place for the ordinary, business-as-usual sentiment. Adaptability and agility have become common behaviours. Mark Naidoo Group head of Academics and Innovation 2 022 ISSUE 2 11


12 ISSUE 2 2022


LEFT: Paul with his chair designs. | RIGHT: Paul doing deliveries

Where it began:

The Lighouse Story

by Linki Labuschagne

Looking out the window on the factory floor, remembering my childhood, the smell of sawdust and freshly cut wood, the mechanical humming of machines and at men work I am still in disbelief that these distant memories have become my career. My Father, Paul Labuschagne, started his love of engineering at a young age, disassembling his father’s tools to see how they function all to his parents’ dismay. In his school years, mathematics and other subjects did not seem to prompt his curiosity, woodworking did. After graduating from Tshwane University of Technology in Engineering (1989) his childhood hobby and passion refused to let go. With immense help from his wife Tersia, they set out to create ‘Die Stoel’, a furniture manufacturer dedicated to building strong and reliable chairs. Die Stoel later expanded to all types of furniture. This early endeavor would spark a lifelong passion for woodworking and ultimately his discovery of the word of God. Patrick Leepile Patrick has been with us through it all and has become a big part of our Lighouse Family

In 2013, my mother and father packed their bags and moved to Taiwan, opening a small furniture manufacturing company whilst teaching as a missionaries. They ended up staying for four years. After their return, I was working for a small IT company, but as I quickly learned this was not meant to be. I quit my job a month after my parents returned and started working as a sales representative at their first show under their new company LIGHOUSE (Pty) LTD with our eyes always first on Jesus Christ our Lord. From our first show at the Decorex Expo in 2016 we went full throttle with a focus on designing and manufacturing our client’s custom furniture ideas. With my father’s extensive knowledge of woodworking, manufacturing and factory management combined with my mother’s natural talent for sales and networking, we quickly grew into the small powerhouse we are today.

Lighouse has faced many challenges throughout the years yet we prevailed and had a steadfast attitude with an eye on the future. We hope to continue creating our client’s dream furniture and expand our brand even more.

Enquire on your dream furniture by contacting us at 071 431 6342 or by emailing us at Visit our online shop with our standard products on 2 022 ISSUE 2




indigenous trees Written by: Danie van Eeden from Wild Route Nursery

Trees are not only a nice addition to your yard, but in fact crucial for our survival. Trees (and other green plants) are the only organisms able to catch the energy from the sun and storing it as usable energy (glucose). During this process (photosynthesis), they also convert carbon dioxide into oxygen for us to breath. They are thus literally the lungs of the planet and without them we cannot breathe.

Forests are the lungs of the world

soil erosion by absorbing thousands of litres of stormwater. Trees don’t only benefit people, they also maintain the local ecosystem by providing food and shelter for many animals. And if that is not enough reason to start planting trees, they are scientifically proven to boost wellbeing, with research showing that those who are exposed to trees daily are less likely to become depressed than those that aren’t. Having established trees in your garden also significantly improve the value of your property But don’t just plant any tree! Make sure that you plant a tree that is indigenous to your area. By planting indigenous species, you are making a big contribution towards protecting the biodiversity (the variety of life) where you live. Trees that are adapted to your specific climate and environment will also have a bigger chance of survival and will grow faster and healthier. Although exotic trees (trees introduced to an area where they do not occur naturally) will have some of the benefits mentioned above, they generally use more water, displaces indigenous vegetation and lowers the biodiversity of an area. Some can even become invasive and lead to the collapse of the ecosystem.

But that is not the only benefits of planting trees. Planting a tree is one of the easiest ways to improve the environment and beautify your surroundings. Trees help to combat global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide, removing and storing carbon while releasing oxygen back into the air. They also reduce wind speeds and cool the air as they lose moisture and reflect heat from their leaves. It has been proven that trees can reduce the temperature in a city by up to 7°C. They also help to prevent flooding and

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When deciding on a tree to plant, consider things like whether the tree will lose its leaves in the winter or not, the size the tree will eventually become and if it has aggressive roots or not. The best place to start is to have a look at the trees growing naturally in your area. When planning to plant a tree, it is thus important to plant your tree in the right area, preferably plant indigenous and buy local to ensure that your tree is adapted to the climate.


2 022 ISSUE 2 15

Stuffed Crescent

Roll Carrots These carrot crescents are filled with a flavorful herbed cream cheese for the perfect Easter side dish.

16 ISSUE 2 2022


INGREDIENTS • • • • • • • •

8 (30x10cm) sheets of foil 1 puff pastry roll 250ml cream cheese, softened 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley 1/4 cup chopped fresh chives 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel 1/4 teaspoon salt 16 small sprigs fresh parsley


• • •

Heat oven to 200°C. Roll sheets of foil from shorter ends into cone-shaped molds. Unroll dough on work surface; Use pizza cutter or knife to cut dough lengthwise into 8 strips. Wrap 1 strip around each foil mold to create carrot shape. Place apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 7 to 9 minutes or until golden brown. Transfer to cooling rack; cool completely before removing foil molds. In medium bowl, beat cream cheese, parsley, chives, lemon peel and salt with electric mixer on medium speed until smooth and combined. Pipe or spoon cream cheese mixture into cavity of each crescent. Top with 2 sprigs parsley for carrot top.

Enjoy! 2 022 ISSUE 2 17


WE MAKE CUSTOM INDUSTRIAL FURNITURE At Industrial Collection we strive to create unique industrial furniture pieces with our own unique design touches. We design, manufacture and install custom projects ranging from the smallest of furniture to bespoke pieces, including home, office and corporate makeovers. No matter the size of your vision, Industrial Collection will transform it into greatness.

OUR STORY Our two founders have a combined background of manufacturing quality furniture and accessories for over 30 years. With a passion for wood, steel and creating furniture with distinctive style and characteristics, the creation of Industrial Collection was bound to happen. At Industrial Collection quality is an essential. We combine wood with steel to create long lasting products. Quality through experience and design with passion.

083 687 6607 | 082 460 6367 18 ISSUE 2 2022




Trading Waves is a South African company that provides a range of services in financial market trading. The financial market includes instruments in Forex, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies, Stocks among other instruments. Our services are: Full course: This is a 10-day course which provides an in-depth training. After the training one should be able to analyze any financial instrument and accurately predict the direction and magnitude of the instrument into the future. Daily Live Trading Room Sessions: These sessions provide live analysis of the market as and when the market moves, including generation of signals or trade setups live in the market. Regular charts updates: These updates are done at least twice daily (trading/market open days), to keep upto-date any market changes that may occur during the day. Weekly outlook: This is an overview of the whole market that we do on each Sunday for major cryptocurrencies as well as other instruments, to prepare for the week ahead and recap on the previous week market moves. One on one sessions: A session with our seasoned technical analysts on request. Signal services: We send out at least 3 buy/sell signals per day. Lifetime Plan: This plan includes all services that we render, and has no expiry date or renewal requirements. Some of our free services include: Short videos (Every Monday and Thursday) Elliottwave ultimate guide PDF document Content calendar We provide many more services which can be accessed at our website address: We are reachable on social media platforms via the following handles: @tradingwaves7 (Twitter), Facebook, Stocktwits, telegram and Youtube

+27 63 727 5744 / +27 76 755 8620

2 022 ISSUE 2 19



Romantic Holidays A

re you dreaming of the ultimate, picture-postcard perfect holiday with your better half this year? If swaying palm trees and dreamy overwater villas are on your wishlist, there’s never been a better time to grab the proverbial bull by the horns and make it happen. With travel resuming, South Africans with itchy feet are realising that the bucket list holiday is today’s make-it-happen-now break. But, if you’re looking for an incredible yet realistic, romantic holiday to enjoy just you two, at the snap of your fingers, we’ve got you covered. No doubt you’ve had to postpone celebrating an anniversary over the last two years. With many travellers still opting to travel in ‘quieter’ periods, many travel suppliers, hotels, and restaurants extend their Valentine’s Day specials for much longer. 20 ISSUE 2 2022

And if you’re not in a relationship, don’t think you can’t love yourself with an incredible solo trip for one or a memorable getaway with friends or family. “Rather than focusing on your relationship status this year, do something meaningful for yourself,” says Sue Garrett, General Manager Supply, Pricing and Marketing at Flight Centre Travel Group South Africa. “There is no need to feel left out when there’s the whole world to explore. There’s never been a better time to book that trip you’ve always wanted!” Here are our top picks for incredible (and realistic!) love-inspired breaks this year: A deluxe houseboat river safari – How does a blissful river safari cruising the Chobe River sound? Game watch from your bed or a plunge pool on deck while basking in the African sunshine. Relax on board a deluxe houseboat in the stunning Zambezi Queen Collection or at the intimate Ichingo Chobe River Lodge nestled on the secluded Impalila Island in Namibia, a quiet spot on the Chobe River. Save up to 45% on the all-inclusive packages including accommodation, transfers, meals, drinks, expert guides and safari activities. The new hotel kid on the block – Check into Joburg’s trendiest new hotel, the 131-room voco The Bank


Johannesburg Rosebank in the trendy walk-workplay suburb of Rosebank. Enjoy a romantic staycation for two, treat yourself to a solo city break or dinner and drinks at the Proud Mary Modern Eatery and Wine Bar. Save up to 20% when you enrol as an IHG® Rewards member (it’s free!). Jetsetting island breaks - Zanzibar and Mauritius are two South African bestsellers for a good reason. Zanzibar has remained open and welcome to South Africans throughout the pandemic and offers one of the best value for money island breaks. Mauritius recently opened to South Africans and has a wide variety of experiences to suit every type of traveller. For couples, consider splurging on an adults-only resort or booking accommodation in an adults-only wing of a resort.

Hop over the border to Mozambique – Fantastic news for South Africans who love Mozambique and are eager to hop over the border for their beach fix. Mozambique’s beaches officially reopened on 19 January. “Did you know that you can go on safari, view magnificent elephants and then end up at a beach for a wonderful swim before settling down to sunset cocktails all in the same day? All this and more is possible in our beautiful Mozambique,” says Stephanie Von Allmen, General Manager Dana Tours. A cruise for two – or solo! For an “unpack-once-only” break in any part of the world, cruising is making its comeback. Cruising will be better than ever with stunning new vessels soon to be launched.

Cruiselines also cater to solo travellers, removing Flight Centre recommends Zanzibar Bay Resort and the extra cost of those pesky single supplements. Uroa Bay Beach Resort for a quick and easy romantic For example, Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) was break in Zanzibar. For Mauritius, Radisson Blu Poste the first cruise company to introduce solo cruises Lafayette Resort & Spa is an adults-only resort on - stylish studio cabins designed especially for solo the island’s east coast. If you’re on a honeymoon, travellers (without any single supplements), as well enquire about one of Beachcomber’s honeymoon as exclusive use areas for solo travellers. packages such as Beachcomber Canonnier or Beachcomber Trou aux Biches resort. With these realistic romantic breaks, you’ll be posting the ultimate envy-inducing travel snaps in no time – whether you’re jet setting as a duo or solo!

2 022 ISSUE 2 21


FEATURES Private bomas High-quality kitchen equipment


Luxurious finishes

Situated within the only Big Five game reserve in Gauteng, iKhaya Lamadube is the ultimate adult-only luxury getaway. All 8 adequately spaced, self-catering units are inspired by modern comforts, while rooted in the authenticity of the African Bush.

22 ISSUE @ikhayalamadube 2 2022


Outdoor showers Private splash pools World-class service



Life in self-catering luxury Located in the heart of the Dinokeng Game Reserve in Gauteng, iKhaya LamDube offers a truly unique getaway for the outdoor enthusiast as well as the city folk who have come to love their modern luxuries. We take great pride in our service offering. Commitment to excellent guest experiences is a core value at iKhaya LamaDube. Management and staff alike are always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that each and every one of our guests experience the utmost comfort during their stay

The ultimate escape from modern-day distractions only 30 minutes out of Pretoria The units The intentional layout of the units at iKhaya LamaDube creates a sense of extreme seclusion as if you're the only people in the entire lodge.

An adult-centric tranquil getaway





Our offering at iKhaya LamaDube caters to those seeking refuge, comfort, luxury and, above all, tranquil accommodation. Our accommodation is therefore restricted to adults only in an effort to preserve and uphold this promise to our guests. Adult-centric accommodation allows us to treat youLOG to the COTTAGE finer things in life that are generally not commonplace in safari-style. Enjoy self-catering kitchens equipped with modern appliances and functional luxury touches, private bomas, outdoor showers, extended high-speed WiFi and selected units with private splash pools. POOLSIDE COTTAGE





WHAT EVERY HOUSEHOLD NEEDS! Whether you’re in an area that’s often hit by power outages or you want to prepare for the future, invest in a RYOBI Inverter Generator. RYOBI Inverter Generators are powerful, lightweight, convenient and compact which can produce enough power to keep gadgets and appliances running for hours. These generators provide clean energy whilst maintaining a consistent current for some periods of time. In this issue we showcase two of our popular Inverter Generators the RG-3200i and RG-9000i

RG-3200I A closed frame inverter generator, the RG-3200i is quieter than normal, it can be operated in areas where high levels of noise are not permitted like offices; complexes; camping grounds etc. This generator has a pull and battery key start (including a 50m remote control). The RG-3200i is on wheels with a handle for easy manoeuvring and transport. The unit is fitted with a A.V.R. (automatic voltage regulator) which keeps the power output stable protecting appliances.

24 ISSUE 2 2022

RG-9000i An easy to operate push or pull button petrol driven 8000W inverter generator which is much quieter than a normal open frame generator. The RG-9000i allows one to connect a second generator (RG-9000i) in parallel to produce 16000W making it possible to run more appliances. This generator has a 12V outlet enabling products to operate safely. Easy to manoeuver, the unit is fitted with a A.V.R. which keeps the power output stable, protecting appliances (suitable for sensitive appliances).

2 022 ISSUE 2 25

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Laurel Tree

by Diana Olvera

28 ISSUE 2 2022


Color has significant influence on how we feel. It can evoke specific reactions in our mindset and mood, carrying into our daily activities and affecting our approach to life. Green is one of those familiar colors that naturally paints our world. It represents everything from tranquility to abundance in the form of green grass, healthy foods and the color of currency. With its restorative, herbal vibe it speaks to both wellness and outdoor influences. The promise of new life along with versatile appeal make Laurel Tree a must have for any room refresh. On living room walls and molding Laurel Tree creates a relaxing atmosphere ideal for unwinding with a good book, catching up with friends or streaming your favorite show. In the bedroom Laurel Tree imparts a restful mood that’s perfect for recharging and getting a good night’s sleep. It also feels uniquely inspiring and uplifting in the morning when sunlight shines in, making it a wonderful color to kick-off the day.

With the vital link that green has to health and wellness, Laurel Tree is ideal as a bathroom accent. It pairs perfectly with the element of water and establishes a space that feels peaceful and comfortable.

Green is an excellent color to help with focus, making it a terrific wall color for office spaces. With its visual richness Laurel Tree evokes an air of success without pretense and provides a backdrop for inspiration, productivity, and accomplishment. A lush green is the perfect color for the room where family and friends like to gather – the kitchen. With its strong connections to freshness and good cooking, Laurel Tree is ripe for use in the kitchen. It is the perfect green to accompany a variety of tastes and flavors. Weather allowing, who doesn’t love to dine outside? In our busy lives we may pass up that chance, but color can give the impression of another world. In this scene Laurel Tree evokes a sense of being in the garden. It elevates the appeal of a simple breakfast nook with its natural light and views beyond the window.


2022 |2 022 I SSUE 2 |2 229 9 ISSUE

Supporting a Loved One Through Mental Illness By Samantha Reynolds

When a loved one is dealing with a mental illness, you may be at a loss for what to say. We want to offer comfort and support, but often don’t know what that looks like. Not all mental health challenges or mental illnesses look the same, but the key thing to understand when supporting a loved one through mental illness is that it’s not about changing the individual, but rather about changing how you view mental illness. 30 ISSUE 2 2022

Educate Yourself About Symptoms Related to Their Illness This will help you to see certain situations from their point of view, which in turn will help you to understand what they are feeling during difficult moments. The more you understand, the more you can be there for them without questioning, belittling or judging. Listen One of the best things you can do to help your loved one is to simply offer your presence. Let them know you are there to listen to them. Show empathy, and avoid trying to solve the problem or offering unsolicited advice. While it’s natural to want to find a solution to your loved one’s pain, doing so may minimise their


feelings and discourage them from opening up again. Instead, validate and remind them that it’s okay to have these feelings. Offer reassurance and hope, and don’t criticise or blame them for their behaviour. Instead of offering advice or misguided ‘tough love’, ask what you can do to help and what they need from you. Encourage Them to Seek Professional Help As much as you may want to, you cannot help your loved one all on your own. While you can provide some emotional support, mental health experts can help on a deeper level. Your loved one may lack the motivation or energy to take this step, so offer to assist them by finding a therapist or therapy that resonates with them, booking an appointment and perhaps going together. Be Patient Recovering from a mental illness is not a linear path. It takes time, and may require trying more than one approach. The last thing your loved one needs is pressure to ‘get better’ or ‘feel better’. This pressure can be a huge additional burden to carry on top of their feelings of guilt, blame, shame and frustration. There is no magic wand. This is a marathon, and your loved one needs you to be present and patient. Do Practical Things for Them Mental illness makes everything feel exhausting and overwhelming. Acknowledge this by doing practical things for your loved one like grocery shopping, cooking meals or household chores. Alleviating the mundane and seemingly simple everyday tasks can be hugely helpful. Don’t Get Discouraged You may feel helpless when you’re supporting a loved one who is struggling, and you might not see them making progress. Just because you feel helpless doesn’t mean you can’t be helpful. Your loved one doesn’t expect you to find them the magic solution or to be perfect. Instead, they just need you to be present.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Samantha Reynolds is the owner of My Bliss Co, and passionate about helping people to live happy and fulfilling lives. Follower her on Instagram at @my_bliss_co.

What to Say to Show Your Support - “I’m here for you.” - “What is the best way I can support you?” - “I love you.” - “You will never be a burden.” - “Your feelings are valid.” - “I value and appreciate you just as you are.” - “I may not understand how you’re feeling, but you’re not alone.” - “That sounds so hard. I’m sorry you’re going through this.” What NOT To Say - “Snap out of it.” - “Think positive.” - “I know exactly how you feel.” - “It could be worse.” - “What’s your problem?” - “It’s just in your head.” - “It’s your fault.” - “If you really wanted to feel better, you would.”

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 48 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health. 2 022 ISSUE 2 31


Artistic functionality:

the inside story on the McLaren GT’s unique and high-tech interior materials

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McLaren design philosophy of ‘everything for a reason’ accelerates innovation in interior design, with introduction of cashmere, SuperFabric® and different types of leather McLaren GT follows Speedtail in offering new generation of technical, lightweight and sophisticated interior materials New McLaren Tech Club film that explores GT interior now live - join the conversation online using #McLarenTechClub or view at: tech-club-6-gt-materials

32 ISSUE 2 2022


Innovation in supercar interiors is explored in a new McLaren Tech Club film that looks at the materials selected for the McLaren GT, a car that sees the traditional Grand Touring philosophy delivered in a new and uniquely McLaren way. Blending greater comfort, space and usability with the levels of driver engagement, dynamic ability and performance for which McLaren is renowned, the GT has its own unique identity – inside and out. New interior materials are a key aspect of the GT’s credentials and appeal. The McLaren design team explored alternatives to traditional coverings in areas such as luggage spaces, as well as on seats and other trim. The appearance and tactile attraction of driver controls are also an important part of the interior design, with machined and knurled aluminium that looks and feels both beautiful and technical while delivering precise functionality. McLaren is committed to pursuing lightweight solutions across all aspects of design and engineering and the interior of the GT is no exception. A new material called SuperFabric®, originally designed for military and aerospace applications, is available as a covering for the floor of the luggage bay. This innovative woven fabric is infused with a layer of tiny armoured guard plates, providing increased resistance to stains, cuts, nicks and abrasions. Breathable, easy to clean and quick to dry, the surface of the SuperFabric® is embossed with a hexagonal pattern to provide optimal protection. This single-minded approach to lightweighting extends to more traditional cabin materials with McLaren adopting a contemporary approach to achieve the brand’s design philosophy of ‘everything for a reason’, bringing fashion and lifestyle inspirations to the finest materials and developing new exclusive colourways. The supple Nappa leather offered as standard in the GT can be upgraded to softgrain luxury leather or Alcantara® but regardless of owner preference all of the fine leathers used in the GT are sourced from Scotland’s Bridge of Weir company. Alternatively, cashmere is available in either Dove Grey or Jet Black as one of the most exclusive options from McLaren Special Operations (MSO), the chic fabric featuring on the seats and key ‘touchpoints’ in the cabin. McLaren is the first car manufacturer to offer the softest and most luxurious of wools in a production version supercar.

“Introducing innovative new interior materials for any McLaren is a huge challenge. With the GT we were creating beauty and luxury but with the additional layers of functionality and advanced technology that are inherent in every car we design – and all delivered in a very modern way. Everything in a McLaren is there for a reason, not simply to look good; the materials need to be authentic not only in appearance and to the touch, but also in meeting our requirements for minimising weight and performance in use”. Jo Lewis, Colour and Materials Design Manager, McLaren Automotive Ltd. In line with McLaren’s pursuit of innovation while retaining authenticity, machined and knurled aluminium driver controls engage the senses both through touch and by visually ‘guiding’ the driver around the cabin. Designed to harmoniously bring together the full concept of the interior design, the finishers, bezels, paddles and switches create a sophisticated and inviting ambiance that reinforce McLaren’s technical precision. The GT also features the first application of ‘hidden until lit’ interior illumination; appearing at first as a solid metallic finish, this pioneering light design reveals a calming, 2 022 ISSUE 2 33


ambient glow once the ignition is turned on. For design continuity, the ambient lighting pattern also links visually to the speaker grills of the recently awarded* Bowers & Wilkins audio system. Detailed around the doors and passenger-side dash, the lit hues can be changed to suit interior colours or mood. More information about the McLaren GT – and an online configurator that allows you to choose your own perfect specification for the car – is available at To see McLaren Colour and Materials Design Manager, Jo Lewis, discussing the GT interior, watch the latest episode of McLaren Tech Club episode at https:// and join the social media conversation use #McLarenTechClub.

34 ISSUE 2 2022


ENQUIRE NOW McLaren Johannesburg 011 301 7000 Official fuel consumption figures in UK L/100km for the McLaren GT 4.0L (3,994cc) petrol, 7-speed Seamless Shift Dual Clutch Gearbox (SSG): Low: 22.2, Medium: 11.9, High: 9.3, Extra-High: 10.2, Combined: 11.9. CO2 Emissions, Combined: 270 g/km. The efficiency figures quoted are derived from official WLTP test results, are provided for comparability purposes only, and might not reflect actual driving experience.

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Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow

So tradition has it that on Easter Sunday, the Easter Bunny will come hopping through gardens hiding chocolate eggs for children to find and gobble up. Whatever you choose to believe regarding this overly-generous bunny, we’re going to discuss the real situation of the rabbits and hares that are found across South Africa, and why the numbers of the Riverine Rabbit, especially, are dwindling. First, a little scientific info: rabbits and hares belong to the family Leporidae (lepus, in Latin, means ‘hare’). An apt name, considering how they leap about the place. Three genera of Leporidae are indigenous in South Africa: Bunolagus (Riverine Rabbits); Pronolagus

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(Natal Red Rock Hare, Jameson’s Red Rock Hare and Smith’s Red Rock Hare and Hewitt’s Red Rock Hare); and Lepus (Cape Hare, African Savannah Hare and Scrub Hare). Ecologically speaking, the Pronolagus and


Lepus genera are doing just fine and continuing breeding like, well… bunnies, so they’re okay. The Riverine Rabbit (Bunolagus monticularis), however, is not, with estimates of their population dwindling into the hundreds. So rare are these rabbits that they are listed as the most endangered animals in South Africa (more in Endangered Animals in Africa - Where to See these Rare Animals & How to Help).

nonetheless very difficult to actually see as they simply sit very still and as they blend in so well, one can easily walk right past one sitting under a bush and not see it. They tend to be solitary, rather than hanging out in groups.

Why are Riverine Rabbits so Scarce? One word – humans. The gross destruction of the habitat of the Riverine Rabbit, due to agricultural development, is the main reason for these creatures facing extinction. Ploughing of the deep alluvial soil for crops, soil erosion in these sensitive areas, dam construction, wood collection and bush clearing, and overgrazing add to the threat. And then there’s hunting. And as if that is not enough, more recently, proposals to frack, and mine uranium in the Karoo pose very serious threats to not only the rabbits’ existence, but the future of the vast and beautiful Karoo as we know it today.

It’s hard to get a prettier rabbit than the Riverine Rabbit, with its distinctive white ‘eyeliner’ and black ‘matinee moustache’. That’s if you get to see one – they’re incredibly shy, mostly nocturnal and, as mentioned above, rare.

On top of that, Riverine Rabbits have a short lifespan of two to three years, and the female rabbit produces only an average of four young in her lifetime. In comparison, the Cape Hare produces one to three babies per litter, four times a year, during her lifespan (one to two years).

They’re about 50 cm in length, and weigh around 1.5 kg on average.

How to Help Riverine Rabbits

These li’l hoppers are found only in the Karoo region of South Africa. As their name suggests, they are typically associated with the seasonal river systems in the Nama Karoo, burrowing in the deep, silty soil found on the floodplains, and enjoying the tasty titbits that stay green for longer than the bush away from any water source. However, the Rabbits living in the Succulent Karoo love to spend time on old lands and they do not, like their Nama Karoo counterparts, necessarily restrict their movements to the vegetation along the river courses. They were long thought to be nocturnal, but by using camera traps to record rabbit activity patterns, the Endangered Wildlife Trust has shown that the rabbits are actually quite active in the early mornings and later afternoons as well. They are

The protection of Riverine Rabbits is a complex thing, mostly because they’re elusive and already so rare, making studying their habitats and movements extremely hard. Fieldworkers from the Endangered Wildlife Trust’s Drylands Conservation Programme, based in Loxton, are working tirelessly, hand-in-hand with landowners and provincial conservation authorities, to protect their habitat, in order to save these beautiful creatures from being wiped out completely. They encourage people who’ve been lucky enough to have spotted one, to let them know exact details of the sighting, in order to track populations, and are always very grateful for donations. So go on, forego some of those chocolate Easter eggs and donate the money to saving the Easter Bunny’s second-cousin-twice-removed-by-habitat. 2 022 ISSUE 2 37

Bunny Ears gift box This Mini Bunny Ears hexagon favour box is the perfect solution for gift giving this Easter! You can easily fill them up with little gifts or mini chocolate eggs


Print on cardstock, the colour of your choice Cut template Score fold lines with a blunt object to fold easier, I use a dried-up ballpoint pen Fold Glue Fill with goodies Hold 2 ears together in each hand and place over the centre Tie with ribbon or string Decorate if you like

Add gift tag which is a bonus on the printable

This treat boxes would look adorable on a table setting for each Easter party guest or the perfect size for small gifts for the kid’s school friends, teacher or work colleagues. Also an easy craft project for school activities at Easter time. Print on any colour cardstock or print one on plain paper and use as a template to trace around on your cardboard or printed scrapbooking paper stuck to the cardboard. Let’s be honest this rabbit shape will look super cute whichever colour or print you choose!

Print A4 size for a cute mini box, as pictured or print A3 if you would like a bigger Bunny Ear Favor box.

FREE PRINTABLE Bunny Gift Box * -*(



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ON BEING WELL By Kate Aitken

We live in an uncertain, ever-changing world. We always have, and we always will. Instead of allowing the fear of this reality to consume us, we can reframe it as an opportunity to equip ourselves with the tools we need to best support us, and even to help us thrive. To be well requires intention, and it requires us to make better choices - daily. We need to build a toolkit filled with the best techniques so that even when there is chaos, we’re able to maintain our centre or, at worst, to recalibrate quickly. Here are 10 tools you can look at adding to your personal toolkit. Try them out, take some out, and add some more back in. Make it your own and, most importantly, use a combination of tools daily to be well.

1. PRACTISE GRATITUDE We’ll continue beating the drum on this one, as it’s that effective. Energy flows where attention goes. Spend a moment, daily, writing down what you’re grateful for. 2. AFFIRM Affirming what is, or what you’d like to see unfold in your life, is a powerful creative process. It’s very important that affirmations are stated in the present tense, and that they are succinct enough for easy repetition. Start with something simple, like “I’m radiantly healthy”, or “I’m loved”. Choose statements that work for you, repeat them like ‘mantras’, and watch what unfolds. 3. GET PRESENT Only now is real. When we take a moment to get present, we realise that - in this moment - all is well. Conscious breathwork and a dedicated daily meditation practice are some of the most effective ways to cultivate presence. Don’t have time? The beautiful thing about a meditation practice is that it actually gives you time: life becomes more fluid and joyful as you start to make better ‘time-saving’ decisions.

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4. MOVE YOUR BODY We need to be moving our bodies every day if we want to be well. Movement releases endorphins and results in a happy physiology. Find movement you love and do it daily. 5. NOURISH YOURSELF Drink pure water and eat clean food. We wouldn’t put dirty fuel in our cars, as they would then not operate optimally. The same logic applies when it comes to what we are putting into our bodies.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kate is the Marketing Manager at Wellness Warehouse, as well as an internationally-accredited health coach, and a passionate wellness advocate who believes that the key to living life well is in supporting innate wellbeing through food and lifestyle choices.

6. CONNECT Cultivate deep relationships. To truly connect to be seen and to be heard - is a basic human need. Food nourishes us on a physical level, and connection nourishes us on an emotional and spiritual level. Make time to top yourself up by spending time with the people you love. If you need outside support, prioritise this. 7. BE IN NATURE Nature is fuel for our spirits. If you want perspective, spend some time in nature. Many worries can fade away when we get outside and connect with the elements. 8. SET BOUNDARIES Maintaining healthy boundaries in your work and personal life is conducive to a happier life. Establish what your boundaries are, and communicate these (where relevant). The more you respect your boundaries, the more others will, too. 9. CHANGE STATE We are always in a state of mind: open, closed, positive, weak, adventurous, etc. Ask yourself what state of mind you are in right now, and know that you have the power to change it. It often requires acting ‘as if’ to shift headspace. If you’re having a bad day, shift focus and do something completely different (like going for a walk) rather than trying to force a solution. 10. TRUST THAT THE UNIVERSE WORKS Every day the sun rises, the trees grow, and the waves crash on the shores. Things just work. The universe is mysterious and magical. There are cycles and circles in life, with highs and lows. This is the nature of life. With hindsight, we see the gifts in the challenges, allowing us to ultimately value all experiences. 40 ISSUE 2 2022

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 48 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health.

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