Blue Hills Equestrian Estate | June 2022

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P u b l i sh e r K-S t udio (P t y ) Ltd o n beh alf of B lue H ill s Eq u est r i a n E sta te A d ve rti si n g S al es Tobia tobia@k-st udio . co . za sales2@ k-st udio . co . za C alv in sales3@ k-st udio . co . za Ed i to r Tobia von Zwietr i n g Copy w ri te r / p ro o f r eader C hantel Venter De si g n & La y o u t K-S t udio (P t y ) Ltd e tobia@ k-st udio . co . za t 082 962 82 5 5 f Kreat iefS t u d i o

contents ISSUE 3 | JUNE 2022







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Disclaimer: This e-Magazine is produced especially for residents/owners of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by K-Studio on behalf of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate HOA. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, Blue Hills Equestrian Estate HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.


Next level living


Lifta Home Lifts are the epitome of style, function and comfort - the perfect addition to your double storey home.

BARRIER FREE LIVING Lifta Home Lifts are stylish domestic lifts that can be installed almost anywhere in your home. Our shaftless, plug and play installations are simple, neat and can be fitted with minimal alterations to your new or existing home. There is no need for three phase power or extensive and costly construction work and our units can be installed within 2 days. Take your home to the next level today. Contact Lifta for a free on site assessment on 0807 37 37 37. 4 ISSUE 3 2 022


IMPORTANT INFORMATION & CONTACTS BLUE HILLS EQUESTRIAN ESTATE MANAGEMENT BODY The Blue Hills Equestrian Estate management body has been developed to ensure that should you have a query or wish to address anything on the Estate, we have a team of individuals you can refer your concerns to. This Committee goes beyond our monthly Directors’ Meetings, and is instead aimed at ensuring that the running of this Estate is handled with all due care.

THE BOARD IS MADE UP OF: • Andile Mtetwa • Jessica Hofmeyr • Joe Mahlangu • Nick Crow • Obakeng Mathibe • Ugesparan Govender • Tracy Fry THE COMMITTEE IS SUPPORTED BY TRAFALGAR WHO ARE REPRESENTED BY: • Michael Schaefer / Director of Trafalgar • Shahiem Carr / Director of Trafalgar • Carlos Pinto / Estate Portfolio Manager • Rashni Andhee-Shah / Estate Manager • Head office support Birdhaven

ESTATE MANAGER Rashni Andhee-Shah 083 703 9436 SALES MANAGER Musi Motsuenyane 082 806 1735 / SECURITY SITE MANAGER 076 771 9082/ 061 704 0111 CONTROL ROOM Primary contact for Security 010 109 0935 079 539 4499 EMERGENCY Eskom 086 0037 566 JHB Water 0860 562 874 Police 10111 Ambulance 10177 SPCA 011 265 9935 SNAKE CATCHER Mike 083 448 8854 2022 ISSUE 3 5



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letter from the

Estate Manager Greetings Homeowners and Residents! With winter fast making its approach, I do hope that you are keeping warm and healthy! I am happy to report that we have not seen any major incidents or matters of major concern at the Estate of late. Speeding remains a concern despite the installation of the speed signage around the Estate. Management is looking at options to address the issue however they are costly solutions. These solutions will be discussed in the upcoming annual general meeting for the Estate. Residents are reminded that this is a community and that we need to be mindful of those around us. Speeding puts those around us at great risk. The speed limit within the Estate is strictly 40km per hour. Homeowners are also reminded that they are responsible for their visitors, employees, and contractors. We have noticed that many homes have been making changes to their landscaping which is not in line with the landscaping specifications of the 8 ISSUE 3 2 022

Estates. Remember the plant specifications for the Estate is indigenous plants. Gardens needs to have at least 80-90% of indigenous plants. The Estate has an approved plant list should homeowner’s wish for clarification. Following the concerns raised at the last annual general meeting, the Estate is finalizing a plan on how to manage and monitor the process to landscaping going forward including that of the Estate appointed company. Homeowners are requested to ensure that your contractors familiarize themselves with the rules and guidelines of the Estate. They are being enforced stringently and homeowners are responsible for their contractors. Several contractors have been found to be disregarding the Estates guidelines. Some contractors’ guidelines and rules are highlighted at the contractors’ gate and the contractor’s agreement. You are welcome to contact the Estate office should you require any further information. Security is an integral part of the Estate and requires a holistic approach. Unfortunately, our guards are being abused for performing their duties which is unacceptable. Security works under certain protocols and any requests or arrangements that 2022 ISSUE 1 8


deviate from these protocols needs to be made via their phones for the automated booms. The manual the appropriate channels timeously. Homeowners boom is not permitted to be used. are requested to follow these channels to avoid any frustration by contacting the Estate office. As a reminder, there are a number of stands who have completed their construction but have With more homeowners moving into the Estate, we not arranged for their Completion Certificates. have noticed an increasing number of pets that have Homeowners can contact Studios Architects to been found either roaming the Estate or escaping arrange for a final inspection of their property their stands unaccompanied by owners. Owners and to arrange for their Completion Certificate. must ensure that fencing is adequate to secure your pets within your properties and to take the necessary precautions when entering and exiting your property. A friendly note, if you are not Stands are reminded that pets need to have identification tags on their collars. Let your pet not be a bone of contention between you, your neighbours and other owners, residents, or visitors. Homeowners are also to ensure that you clean up your pet’s excrement when in common area. We have received multiple complaints and seen homeowners walking their pets without cleaning up after their pets in the common area. Going forward, homeowners who do not clean up after their pets in the common area will be address in accordance with Estate’s guidelines. Homeowners are reminded that the biometric system is fully operational. Kindly contact the Estate manager for an appointment to be enrolled on the system. For those residents whose child(ren) go to the school next door, their children and /or helpers will also need to be re-registered at the office since the system has changed. As of 01 February 2022, the school gate is no longer left opened as previous arranged, users will need to be registered on the system for access. In the case of minors, parents, guardians, or helpers / employees who accompany the child to school will need to be registered on the system.

in possession of a Completion Certificate your stand is considered a construction stand in terms of the Estate and will still be liable for a late building penalty. This still applies if you are living in your home and are in possession of an Occupation Certificate from council. The grace period for the late building penalty had ended. Stands who have not been issued with a Completion Certificate will be issued will a late building penalty as per the Estate’s MOI.

General consideration by all residents for each other will greatly assist in achieving a happy community and a pleasant environment. Harmonious community living is only achieved when residents can use and enjoy their private property as well as the public areas of the Estate while not negatively impacting fellow residents. Please be always vigilant and report any suspicions to the office or to security.

Kindly note, pedestrians who use the main entrance are required to use the turnstiles and Kind regards not the booms, even if you are a resident. You will still require a code for entry, one code for one person. Those residents who use the contractors gate for access are required to use the biometric readers or

Rashni Andhee-Shah 2022 ISSUE 3 9


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From humble beginnings to a now flourishing tree nursery In 2015 it was decided to start an indigenous tree nursey on a farm situated on the banks of the Wilge river in the Zusterstroom area of Bronkhorstspruit. These Trees has chosen to specialize in the production of indigenous trees. Out trees are cultivated from seeds and go through stages of replanting until they are “hardened” to the elements on an extensive basis.Our trees are only marketed after spending a full season or more exposed to the natural environment. The ranges in temperature we experience at our nursery ensure that the trees are hardy enough to endure the climatic conditions prevalent in South Africa. The nursery has over 50 species currently growing in the nursery and in excess of 65 000 trees in stock.

Joe our resident horticulturist studied Horticulture at the Tshwane University of Technology. After graduating, Joe started working as an Environmental Rehabilitation Specialist in the construction industry. After successful projects in Mpumalanga, Gauteng & Kwa-Zulu Natal, he decided to specialize in the growing and production of indigenous trees.

Our aim is to provide affordable, quality, water wise trees which enhance the natural environment. By planting indigenous trees, we create optimal environments for birds and insects to enhance our natural world. We also have some Shrubs, and Aloes on offer. We deliver and offer planting services. In addition, we offer luxury self-catering accommodations on our farm for the individual who wants to take a break from the demands of modern life. For more information, please visit our Facebook pages. Burkei Guest Cottages @thesetreesSA @thesetreesS

These Trees (Farm) - to view trees Plot B09 Zusterstroom, Bronkhorstspruit, Pretoria 1020 (074) 900-8148 Visit: Burkei Guest Cottages

12 ISSUE 3 2022


S AB S Standard Approved


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021 556 9229 14 ISSUE 3 2022

Luxurious Accommodation

The Ultimate Experience

BIRD Watching

Choose between spacious six sleeper or romantic two sleeper chalets. All surrounded by beautiful bushveld, a convenient 45km north of Pretoria in the malaria free Dinokeng Game Reserve.

Dinokeng Game Reserve is home to the big five, including the white and black rhino. Cheetah, spotted and brown hyena also roam freely, among a remarkable variety of plains game. Enjoy a insightful Guided Game Drive or Busht Walk. End your day with a romantic bush picnic or treat yourself with a Bushveld Spa, while embracing your surroundings.

Dinokeng Game Reserve is one of South Africa's prime bird watching areas, making this a twitcher's paradise! The close proximity of water, grassland and bushveld habitats attract a wide variety of birds in a relatively small area with more than 360 species recorded.

2 022 ISSUE 3 15


Stop Sleeping Like A Baby By Wellness Warehouse

Sleep hygiene for the restless sleeper. Have you ever had a baby? Would you characterise your bundle of joy as a particularly sound sleeper? The phrase “sleep like a baby” is commonly misused to refer to someone who enjoys deep and uninterrupted sleep, whereas in truth we all know that few blessed parents experience this to be the case with their little ones!

Where once we were able to pull all-nighters, there are some sleepless souls amongst us who can’t even pull off all-dayers. Hopefully, this article will have the power to lull you into the sweet dreams you’ve been missing - not because it’s boring (fingers crossed), but by empowering you with a few simple tweaks that can make a big difference. By paying attention to sleep hygiene, we can tailor our sleep patterns to suit our unique needs.

factor signalling to this biological countdown that it’s time to get sleepy.

This, in turn, builds healthy habits and restful routines that culminate in peaceful sleep. The importance of these quiet hours cannot be understated as a time for the body to rest and heal both mentally and physically. From children to adults, our productivity and overall quality of life hinge on our ability to get a successful night’s sleep.

In response to darkness, our physical processes are triggered to start preparing the body for sleep. For example, as the lights dim, the pineal gland begins to produce the ‘sleepy’ hormone, melatonin. When we are subjected to light before or during sleep, the exposure blocks these natural processes - resulting in a disrupted sleep-wake cycle.

Sleep Tight, Not Light

Eat, Breathe, Sleep

Before humans confused their sleep patterns with electronics and light pollution, we used to rise and set with the sun. Our internal clocks referred to as our circadian rhythms, control our natural sleepwake cycles, and light is the most important external

The nutrients in our food provide our brains with the chemical environment in which to facilitate sleep. While research into the effects that various nutrients have on our sleep is still in its infancy, the fact that they play a vital role is virtually undisputed. Our diets help to regulate our 24-hour sleep-

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wake cycles which, in turn, are responsible for keeping our bodily functions in check, including when and how deeply we fall asleep. Similarly, in a vicious cycle, a link has been made between the adverse effects of poor sleep and bad food choices. Psychological fatigue leads us to make poor dietary choices, leading to higher rates of obesity and metabolic diseases.

disrupted, effectively putting sleep back on the cards.

Move Well to Sleep Well

Lay off the booze. It’ll have you drowsy and dreaming in no time, but then your body spends more time in the deep sleep stage earlier than it otherwise might. Drink in moderation long before bedtime. Avoid heavy spicy or fatty foods at night. They take longer for the stomach to digest, making it difficult for your body to relax. Eat smaller portions at night so that your body doesn’t have to work as hard.

Regular exercise has proven to facilitate better sleep. Moderate • aerobic physical activity increases the amount of slow-wave (deep) sleep we get, allowing us to heal and refresh physically and • mentally. It can also aid the transition to sleep, as it acts as an opportunity to shed the day’s hardships and stabilise our moods. The best news is that people who Our bodies all work differently, engage in 30 minutes of moderate allowing some to consume large • As a stimulant, caffeine will aerobic physical activity may amounts of caffeine, while others keep you wired even when experience an elevated standard dare not reach for more than you want your body to start of sleep that very night! their morning coffee. But for slowing down, so experiment most people, caffeine fuels our with limiting your intake to adrenaline levels and blocks the earlier in the day. processes that ease our bodies • Limit the amount of overall into sleep. If you’re looking to caffeine you consume. improve your beauty sleep, keep • Consuming cuppa after cuppa in mind that caffeine can stay in of caffeine due to a lack of sleep your bloodstream for up to six is a less than ideal solution, hours, making the time at which as it will only perpetuate the you crack that Coca-Cola a factor • Consider blackout curtains if problem. to consider! your curtains/blinds are not doing the trick. • Turn off your hallway lights or roll up a towel and push it There are few things more against the gap between your frustrating than when you’re door and the floor. • While physical exercise can finally drifting off to sleep and • Wear an eye mask. certainly help sleep, don’t raise you’re confronted with the need • Put all electronics away 30 your adrenaline levels close to to use the bathroom or drink a minutes before you’d like to bedtime. glass of water. You just know that fall asleep. • Exercising outside in nature if you get up now, falling asleep • Switch to dim ambient lighting may work its magic to calm again is going to be a nightmare! in your house leading up to your mind. A simple and effective solution sleep time. is to install motion-sensor night • Install motion-sensor night Being a sleepy person in this lights. These dim lights limit lights. busy life can be very hard… But the glaring brightness while still in the end, that blissful night of safely illuminating your pathway. undisturbed sleep is worth the By limiting the amount of light measures you may need to take. you’re exposed to when getting As Benjamin Franklin said, “Early up to grab that glass of water or to bed and early to rise makes a run to the loo, you ensure that man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” • Stop skipping and shifting your physiological process isn’t meals.

Stop Losing Sleep Over Caffeine Intake

Cap The Caffeine


Get Movin’ To Get Snoozin’

Nighttime Needs

Sustenance To Sleep

2 022 ISSUE 3 17

Furnishing Your Home With Only The Best We at Casa Italia Interiors pride ourselves in providing the finest exclusive high quality furniture, décor items and so much more for every home. All our items have been handpicked from both Local and Foreign suppliers and we strive for perfection when it comes to quality and design of all of our products We have a proud team of interior decorators available in store that will provide guidance and advice on how to convert your house into a home.

We offer a wide range of beds, furniture and decor items as well as accessories and carpets to complete any home. We are also stockists of high end outdoor furniture perfect for any patio or outdoor area. We strive to give you the best in the most efficient and effective way. wa

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We are partners with many fabric and leather houses and will go above and beyond to ensure your vision for your home is met. Various samples of leather and fabric options can be viewed in any of our showrooms. Our ranges are ever changing with the latest trends and designs of the global market can always be viewed in our showrooms situated in Pretoria and Johannesburg.


We also offer exclusive ranges from Italy and carry various imported ranges from other regions to help a client make a statement in their homes. Our local products are made by the finest suppliers in the country who are always innovating and collaborating with us to bring on-board high-end designer products. Room settings as you see it on our showrooms can be done in your home spaces and our team is happy to help our clientele achieve their dream home.

Luxury made simple.

Contact us

MENLYN PARK SHOPPING CENTRE Shop U64 / U65 012 362 2879

KRAMERVILLE CORNER Building 3, Kramerville Corner, Desmond Street Johnnesburg 012 262 0089

2 022 ISSUE 3 19


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Click here

to learn more

Ultimate comfort For every type of sleeper

2 022 ISSUE 3 21

Casa Italia Interiors is a Pretoria Based Premium Furniture and Decor store. We have a wide range of furniture products from Trendy Contemporary to Timeless Classical designed to suit every home and varying taste. We furnish all Living Rooms, Bedrooms, Pyjama Lounges, Entrance Areas Bed and Dining Rooms to your design needs.

Nova Corner Sofa

Top Billing Suite


MENLYN PARK SHOPPING CENTRE Shop U64 / U65 012 362 2879 22 ISSUE 3 2022

KRAMERVILLE CORNER Building 3, Kramerville Corner, Desmond Street Johnnesburg 012 262 0089

2 022 ISSUE 3 23


Vibrant Veggies & Magnificent Microgreens By Juliet Almendro

A step-by-step guide to growing at home Although planting, nurturing, and harvesting your own produce can be rewarding and filled with fun, it can also be a quite daunting experience for those of us who don’t know how or where to start. Here are some of our top tips on creating a thriving veggie garden in your own space: 1. Build a raised plant bed The soil in a raised bed is often less compacted, and will drain better than soil in the ground. Additionally, having raised beds will make it much easier for you to spot any pest issues, as your crops will be higher off the ground. And that’s not to mention how much your back will thank you! 2. Place your plant bed in a prime position Be sure to choose a spot that receives full sun for most of the day so that your crop can photosynthesize optimally. 3. Add high-quality soil, compost, and some fertiliser This combination will ensure a healthy environment for your seeds to prosper, as it will stimulate plant growth and aid water retention. 4. Plant your crop in a triangular formation By planting in this way, you’ll create an extra bit of room for your veggies to grow. This, in turn, will reduce their risk of stress, disease, and insect invasion. Alternatively, you can encourage vining crops to climb upwards by adding trellises on the sides of your raised bed. By doing this, you’ll allow the vining crops to enjoy improved air circulation, which can reduce the potential of them experiencing fungal diseases. Simply secure your trellises to 24 ISSUE 3 2022

sturdy end posts with string or nylon mesh and tie your vines to the trellis. 5. Border your veggies with natural security Plant some parsley or marigold around the edges of your plant bed to keep pests away. 6. Water generously once a week Water your veggies heavily once a week, instead of a little bit every now and then. This will force the roots to reach further down into the soil to get moisture, thus improving self-sufficiency. 7. Harvest regularly and remove old blooms This will encourage new growth. As an alternative, you can also plant your crops in succession to allow you to grow more than one type of vegetable per season. For example, you could follow an early crop of lettuce with a fast-maturing corn, followed by more greens. Just be sure to replenish the soil each time you replant.

The best veggies to grow in a raised plant bed: • Root vegetables • Leafy greens • Onions • Tomatoes • Potatoes

Microgreens… 1. May help prevent chronic disease 2. Are high in vitamins (especially vitamins A, C, E and K), minerals, and antioxidants 3. May assist in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure 4. Contain 40 times more nutrients than their mature plant counterparts 5. May aid in weight management as part of a balanced, healthy diet 6. Are considered a probiotic, as they feed good gut bacteria

What you need to grow microgreens: • Sprouting seeds • A glass or ceramic container with a lid • A growing mat or pad (hemp, coconut, jute, or natural fibre) • Water • Light (natural or artificial) • A mist spray bottle for watering • Scissors to harvest

How to grow microgreens: 1. Soak your seeds for six to eight hours, or according to package specifications. 2. Soak the growing mat and place it in a container or baking dish. 3. Spread the seeds out as evenly as possible and ensure that they remain moist until they sprout. 4. Cover the container with a lid and place it near a light source during this same stage. 5. Remove the lid once most of the seeds have sprouted. 6. Water daily with a mist spray bottle, aiming at the roots. 7. Once there are about four or more leaves present on the plant, harvest by cutting the shoots just above ground level with a pair of scissors.

The best types of seeds to grow on a mat: • Broccoli • Kale • Rocket • Radish • Chia • Beetroot • Spinach • Cabbage • Coriander • Fenugreek • Basil

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 48 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health. 2 022 ISSUE 3 25









The RYOBI 18V ONE+ gives you the ultimate in versatility and selection to get the job done. With cordless lithium-ion technology, RYOBI powers through almost anything from drilling, driving, cutting and fastening to lighting plumbing, cooling and rocking to trimming, edging, mowing and clearing, etc. Advanced Design. Premium Components. Lithium-ion Technology. These are what make each RYOBI 18V ONE+ battery extremely durable and able to deliver full power until the end of their charge, again and again.

26 ISSUE 3 2022

Pair our High Performance Lithium Batteries with 18V ONE+ HP Brushless tools to maximize performance in all applications. This pairing allows full communication between tool and battery, providing the power you need to push through demanding applications while unleashing unparalleled runtime. We proudly design, develop, and manufacture all batteries with premium components and high quality lithium cells to ensure our batteries consistently deliver. The ONE+ Battery is powerful and unleashes over 260 cordless tools, from the jobsite to the home to the yard – everything you need to get the job done.

We stock a variety of over 50 species of South African Indigenous trees

Our mission is, to provide for our customers the highest level of quality indigenous trees at competitive wholesale prices These Trees (Farm) - to view trees Plot B09 Zusterstroom Bronkhorstspruit Pretoria 1020 (074) 900-8148 Visit: Burkei Guest Cottages

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Your immune system is your first line of defense when you’re battling a common cold, flu or other cold-weather illness. Your immune system helps you heal and stay well. To work well your immune system needs healthful foods, exercise and low stress. But, be careful because too much of an inflammatory response can lead to chronic (long term) illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. So how can you support your immune system and balance its response so you get and stay healthy? Here are six healthy living strategies you can use to boost your immune system: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Drink plenty of fluids Exercise regularly Limit stress Get plenty of sleep Include probiotics from foods or supplements Eat a colorful, well-balanced diet.

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1. Water is essential for immune health Water is still the best thing you can drink. Each person varies, but aim to drink eight, 8-ounce glasses of water a day. That can be hard to do. Your body get dehydrated after hours of sleep, so drink a glass of water right away when you wake up. If you struggle with drinking enough water, set reminders throughout the day or drink a glass of water before each meal. Caffeine-free hot tea can count as part of your daily water tally. 2. Exercise regularly to strengthen immunity Exercise is essential to preventing chronic illnesses such as heart disease and high blood pressure, and to keep your weight in control. Exercise also contributes to a healthy immune system. It promotes good blood circulation, which helps your immune system do its job more efficiently. 3. Reduce stress for increased immune function Daily stress can overwork your immune system and drain your ability to stay healthy. Big and little daily stressors can constantly push your immune system. That’s why it’s important to take time for self-care. Make time each day to do things to “refill your tank.” Self-care varies from person to person. It can include setting aside time to read, meditate, talk a walk, do a hobby or get a massage. 4. Sleep, a natural immunity booster Sleep is essential for the health of your body and brain. When you don’t get enough sleep your natural immune cells go down, and inflammation cells go up. Good sleep helps strengthen your immune system. Adults should try for at seven to eight hours of sleep a day. Children and teens need more sleep.

Baltic fermented beverage made from rye bread) unpasteurized sauerkraut and kimchi yogurt, kefir (a thick, creamy and drinkable yogurt), lassi (a drink made from a yogurt or buttermilk) and leban (a liquid or semisolid food made from curdled milk tofu, miso, natto (fermented soybeans), shoyu or tamari (types of Japanese soy sauce) and tempeh (an Indonesian dish made from fermented soybeans) If you want to explore taking a probiotic supplement, talk to your health care provider. A variety of options are available in the vitamin section of grocery and natural food stores.

5. Food and drink to boost your immune system A healthful diet is important to a healthy immune system. An eating plan that focuses on plants, fiber, protein and healthful fats can help you feel better and heal faster. Protein colorful foods that also is essential to a body that is healing. 6. Eat boost your immune system Eating a healthy, balanced diet can help keep you Some of the best foods to boost immunity contain well. Eat a rainbow of vegetables and fruits daily to probiotics, live bacteria and yeasts that are ensure you’re getting a variety of nutrients. Lean good for your gut health, and digestive system. proteins and complex carbohydrates, like brown Probiotics can be found in fermented and cultured rice and quinoa, are also part of a healthy diet. foods. Look on the food label for “live active Reduce how much you consume of processed cultures”. Some foods that contain probiotics are foods, sugar and beverages that have few kombucha (fermented, lightly sweetened black or nutrients such as soda and alcoholic drinks. green tea drink) and kvass (traditional Slavic and 2 022 ISSUE 3 29


Creating a Healthy Winter Bedroom by

30 ISSUE 3 2022


Since we spend so much time indoors, and maybe even extra time in our bedrooms through the cold season, it’s a good idea to make a few tweaks to your bedroom so that it’s warm, cozy and also healthy. Healthy spaces are important for our overall wellbeing. To me, that means looking holistically at every aspect of our environment. In a bedroom, that would include the air quality, the materials that we surround ourselves with in bed, and the atmosphere and whether it’s calming or stressful.

is much healthier to sleep in. Invest in organic cotton or hemp pillow protectors and mattress protector and opt for 100% cotton, linen or hemp sheets and duvet cover. And here’s a guide to making up your bed so it’s beautiful and inviting. 3. Declutter your space. Remove all things not related to the bedroom, including papers, work, electronics, kids’ toys and stuff from pockets that should be put away. Get in the habit of putting all of your clothes away in your closets and drawers, instead of laying on benches, chairs and floors in your bedroom. Have a laundry basket in your bedroom for dirty clothes, and hang lots of hooks on walls and backs of doors so that it’s easy to hang up jeans and sweaters.

4. Create a spot for everything. Make sure to have a drawer or a pretty basket on a dresser First of all, you want good air quality and good quality in which you can store stuff from when you materials in your bedroom where you’re sucking in air empty your pockets, your jewelry, and things and your body is rejuvenating for eight hours a day. like your handcream. I also like to keep a little Toxins come from furniture, paint, synthetic bedding bowl on my nightstand to corral my reading and rugs, as well as cleaners can be breathed in and glasses and lipbalm in one neat spot. Keeping absorbed through our skin. things neat and having homes for them is the best way to keep daily clutter under control. In addition, you want to make sure that your bedroom is calm, cozy and restful. Don’t have work in the bedroom, or any phones or electronics. You’ll 5. Decorate for calm and rest. Consider painting your room an off-white or other light, soothing also want to make sure to keep clothing put away in colour. Take down any decor or wall hangings that closets and drawers so it’s not visually cluttered and are not soothing or make you happy. Keep your stressful (even subconsciously). decor minimal but use artwork in muted colours and maybe paint out dark old wood furniture to a soothing light shade. Add a soft comfy rugs to your bedroom and add a soft throw to the end of the bed. All of these things will help you slow down and relax at the end of the day.

Here are 5 Steps to Creating a Healthy Bedroom

1. Clean the air. Having an essential oil misting diffuser in your bedroom purifies the air and also adds a bid of humidity, which we often need in our heated-dry-air-winter-homes. If you use lavender it’s also calming to your nervous system before bed. I also like to have plants in the bedroom - I find they help me connect visually with nature and are calming, plus they also clean the air (here are my top 10 favourite houseplants that are easy to care for and air purifying). 2. Make an organic, cozy bed. You may not be able to switch out your whole mattress or pillows for organic ones, but you can change out what you put on top of them so that your bed

Image source: superbalist rugs


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A WHOLE L A T TÉ LOVE By Jackie Foot (Wellness Warehouse Product Technologist) & Clarice Gomes (Wellness Warehouse Own Brand Coordinator)

Have you tried our freshly-roasted Wellness Coffee? We’ve bean buzzy tasting the best brews at only the finest coffee roasteries, and are thrilled to have found the perfect cuppa! Our range of Arabica grounds and beans is 100% organic, and words cannot espresso how delicious it is. We spill the beans on everything you need to know about our fabrewlous Wellness Coffee… What is organic coffee? Sip with a smile knowing our organic coffee is not treated with chemically steeped fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides or fungicides during the growing or production process, ensuring cleaner beans, air, land, and water. Where does our coffee come from? Our coffee is a blend of 100% Arabica beans that have been organically grown on African soil.

Arabica beans come rom the flowering Coffea arabica tree, one of the two main types of coffee trees. The other tree is called Coffea canephora, more commonly known as Robusta. Did you know that Arabica beans are grown at a high altitude? The height is an indicator of the quality of the bean, and therefore also the coffee. Arabica beans are known to produce a richer and smoother cup of coffee than Robusta. What is the difference between a medium and a dark roast? Some people think that dark roasted coffee has more caffeine than a medium roast because of its bitter taste, while others believe that a medium roast contains more caffeine as the caffeine is ‘burnt off’ during the roasting process. The truth is that caffeine is extremely stable during the roasting process, and both medium and dark roasts have virtually the same levels. The difference lies in the taste: darker roasts tend to have an elevated level of bitter attributes, with richer and smokier notes, and medium roasts have a balance of flavour and a slightly sweet taste.

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 48 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health.

32 ISSUE 3 2022

How do you determine the intensity of coffee? The intensity of a coffee is the character of the blend, and depends on the consistency of the body and the aromatic richness of the drink. Our Medium Roast has an intensity of 6/10. The intensity scale describes this brew as a balanced coffee, with a round body and rich flavour. Our Dark Roast has an intensity of 8/10. The intensity scale describes this cup as a coffee with a consistent body and rich aroma.





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Introducing the Aston Martin DBX707: The world’s most powerful luxury SUV

DBX707 heralds a new definition of performance and driving pleasure

Segment defining DBX707 elevates Aston Martin to the pinnacle of SUV performance

Unique Aston Martin developed 4.0-litre V8 generates increased power to 707PS/520kW and 900Nm

Features comprehensive suite of engine, transmission, suspension and brake upgrades

Hardware highlights include new 9-speed wet clutch gearbox and 420mm carbon brakes

Upgraded performance matched by commanding styling

Deliveries scheduled to begin Q2 2022

The new DBX707 is an SUV like no other. One which elevates Aston Martin to the pinnacle of the segment with a unique combination of blistering performance, supreme dynamics, unmistakable style and absolute luxury. Engineered with an abundance of character and compelling capability DBX707 is the ultimate SUV in every respect. 34 ISSUE 3 2022

Fastest. Most powerful. Best handling. Three accolades for which the DBX707 was conceived to claim. Not by blindly chasing benchmarks but achieved on its own terms and in its own inimitable way. For Aston Martin this meant ensuring there is nuance behind the numbers - that’s to say world-beating power and pace matched by exceptional precision, dynamic flair and genuine engagement for an addictive and uniquely impressive driving experience.

Taking the V8 DBX’s widely acclaimed design, dynamics and driver-pleasing character as its starting point, DBX707 builds brilliantly on those authentic sporting attributes. Every area of the car has been enhanced to boost performance, intensify driving pleasure and amplify its on-road presence.

Starting with the powertrain, Aston Martin’s engineering team set about realizing the full potential of the DBX’s 4.0-litre twin-turbocharged V8. Led by Aston Martin’s Head of Powertrain Engineering, Ralph Illenberger, the DBX707’s engine now features ball bearing turbochargers and a bespoke engine calibration to

liberate more power and torque. Also new to Aston Martin’s flagship high performance SUV is a 9-speed ‘wet clutch’ automatic transmission. Capable of managing much increased torque loadings compared with a regular torque converter automatic, this highperformance transmission allows output of the 4.0-litre V8 to be lifted to an immense 707PS/520kW and 900Nm, increases of 157PS/115kW and 200Nm over the DBX (V8).

The adoption of the new wet clutch transmission brings further benefits. Most noticeably much faster gear changes compared to the torque converter transmission. The feel of the shift is more immediate and direct, which gives the driver an increased sense of control and responsiveness, and a dramatic character change from the DBX (V8). Launch capability is also improved, which contributes towards the DBX707’s 0-100km/p time of 3.3 seconds.

Integral to the DBX707’s suite of performance enhancements is the standard fitment of Carbon Ceramic Brakes. Measuring 420mm front and 390mm rear, these CCB discs are gripped by 6-piston calipers and result in a 40.5kg reduction in unsprung weight. Revisions to the braking system’s hydraulic sizing and booster tune improve pedal feel and braking response for greater precision and driver confidence. Improved brake cooling has been achieved by taking air from both the main cooling intake and the underfloor, with high performance brake pads delivering excellent friction consistency across a wide temperature range.

Wheels and tires are 22” as standard (in a choice of Sport and Ribbon designs), with an optional 23” alloy wheel offered in a choice of textured black or satin black with diamond turned highlights. The adoption of a 23” wheel also brings dynamic benefits, with the larger diameter tyre offering improved steering response, better primary body control and improved lap times.

DBX707 also features a new version of the electronic limited slip rear differential (e-diff). Strengthened to handle the full 900Nm of torque, it features a revised (shorter) final drive ratio of 3.27 compared to 3.07 for the DBX V8. This aids the DBX707’s sprinting ability through the lower gears and enhances in-gear response, while retaining the efficiency and cruising refinement offered by the 9-speed transmission.

Torque distribution front-to-rear remains fully automatic, with the ability to send up to 100% of the torque to the rear axle on demand. Careful calibration of the e-diff ensures the DBX707 has the cornering agility, sporting feel and dynamic character of a true sports car. One that integrates chassis and powertrain technology to find the sweetest handling balance and seek to maintain the optimum combination of traction and agility at all times.

Key to the DBX707’s exceptional handling is its air suspension system. Retaining the basic architecture and triple volume air chambers of the DBX V8 - already regarded as the best-handling SUV in the market DBX707 features a dedicated chassis tune optimized to its uncompromising demands and objectives.

Starting with the suspension, DBX707 features new damper valving and recalibration of dynamic spring volume switching to improve body control and steering response. The electronic power steering system has also been adjusted to improve steering feel, with greater effort build-up off center to help the driver build a clearer picture of increasing cornering loads and available grip.

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braking or squats under acceleration) and body roll, DBX707 gives the driver easier ability to adjust the yaw of the car with natural pedal or steering inputs. Further detail changes have been made to the eARC (Electronic Active Roll Control) system, with revised parameters that heighten the sense of agility and improve the dynamic balance of the car.

To underline the DBX707’s driver-focused credentials there have also been some changes and enhancements to the Dynamic Drive modes. “Race Start” is available in GT Sport and Sport+ modes to maximize off-theline acceleration and truly showcase the enhanced performance. Revised active logic in the all-wheel drive system transfer case achieves greater harmony and precise control between the driveline and the ESP system, for a more natural, sports car-like driving experience.

Aston Martin’s Head of Vehicle Engineering and Procurement, Drummond Jacoy, adds: “Creating the ultimate SUV presented formidable challenges for our engineering team. Too often this class of car is characterized by a thuggish obsession with brute force. With DBX707 our objective was to match immense performance with impeccable control and precision, combined with an authentic sporting character essential in every Aston Martin model. To this end we applied an uncompromising approach to every area of the vehicle. Engine, transmission, suspension, brakes, electronic systems and aerodynamics have all been subject to extensive enhancement and meticulous tuning. The result is a car which sets new standards and further distinguishes the DBX from its class rivals.”

In the spirit of placing the driver in control DBX707 introduces a revised lower console containing new drive mode selection switches. Now, rather than having to enter a sub-menu within the infotainment system, the driver has immediate fingertip control of key dynamic modes and setting. These include dedicated buttons for suspension mode, ESP, manual gear selection mode which now holds manual like a sports car, rather than defaulting back to auto - and active exhaust switch, which opens the valves of new quad tailpipe sports exhaust system without needing to be in Sport drive mode.

In keeping with its extensive engineering upgrades 36 ISSUE 3 2022

the exterior and interior of the DBX707 have received an equally thorough design makeover. The result is spectacular - overtly sporting but with the style and attention to detail for which Aston Martin is rightly celebrated.

New front-end treatment sees the DBX receive a larger front grille and all-new design of DRL complete with new air intakes and brake cooling ducts, plus a new front splitter profile. The satin chrome grille - enlarged to significantly increase cooling airflow to both the ultrahigh performance V8 and new 9-speed transmission - features double vanes, the six horizontal bars now split to create more visual interest and make this rangetopping model immediately identifiable.

Dark satin chrome window surrounds and new louvred bonnet blades co-ordinate perfectly with the front grille and gloss black splitter, continuing along the flanks with


gloss black side sills, which now feature a deeper and more heavily sculpted profile to give the DBX707 a ground-hugging stance. DBX707 also welcomes the addition of softclose doors, further enhancing the SUV’s luxury credentials.

Rear-end treatment is just as dramatic. Enhancing both aesthetic form and aerodynamic function a new lip spoiler has been added to the roof wing to reduce lift and increase high speed stability, with a significantly enlarged twin rear diffuser rising to meet the new large diameter quad exhaust system. Finished in satin black to compliment the gloss black treatment of the diffuser this new exhaust has been tuned to deliver a unique sound signature. Completing the rear-end changes a new rear bumper complete with integrated quarter panel vents accentuate the

DBX707’s muscular physique.

Aston Martin’s Chief Creative Officer, Marek Reichman, adds: “The key to DBX707’s design DNA is capturing the confidence that comes from its dynamic supremacy. When you are the alpha SUV you don’t have to try too hard, therefore, we concentrated on those areas of the design that would make the DBX707 instantly recognizable as the highest performing model. Naturally, function is the driver for some of the changes - most notably the larger grille aperture, rear spoiler and optional 23in wheels - but elsewhere - such as the side sills and rear bumper - we expressed the DBX707’s immense performance in ways that create a more aggressive stance and greater muscularity. The result is a design that exudes potency while retaining our commitment to pure lines and

perfect proportions. DBX707 is a true performance beast, yet retains the beauty and elegance you expect from Aston Martin’s DNA”

The sporting theme continues inside with Sport seats fitted as standard (Comfort seats are available as a no-cost option). All seat options come with 16-way electric adjustment plus heating in front and rear as standard. There are three choices of interior environments - standard-fit Accelerate, which features a mix of leather and Alcantara®, as well as the optional Inspire – Comfort and Inspire Sport, which features full Semi-Aniline leather complete with embroidered Aston Martin wings on the headrest, a contrast stripe down the center of the seat and perforation pattern in the seat back and base cushion.

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interior features a dark chrome finish to switchgear as standard. Bright chrome and carbon fiber can be specified as an option. Piano Black veneer is standard with carbon fiber or bronze metal mesh veneer finishes available as an option.

For customers looking to further enhance the exclusive nature of DBX707 and create something truly unique, Q by Aston Martin, the brands bespoke service delivers the ultimate in personalization. Offering an extensive palette of options, from unique graphics through to tinted carbons and bespoke materials on both the interior and exterior, each ‘Q by Aston Martin – Commission’ car can push the boundaries of desire and is completely tailored to the customer.

As the flagship model in the DBX range, the DBX707 is poised to continue the multi-awardwinning achievements of Aston Martin’s first SUV, which has achieved more than 3000 sales in its first year of production and scooped a host of accolades. These include ‘Best Luxury SUV’ at the GQ Car Awards, Top Gear’s ‘Super SUV of the Year’ award and back-to-back wins in PR Arabia National Auto Award ‘Best Super Luxury SUV’ category.

DBX707 production is due to commence in Q1 of 2022, with first deliveries scheduled to begin during early Q2 2022.

Aston Martin Johannesburg & Aston Martin Cape Town: Colleen Vilela PR & Marketing Manager E-Mail: 38 ISSUE 3 2022


A NEW SEAT OFPOWER POWER A NEW SEAT OF Aston Martin Johannesburg, 1 Whiteley Rd, Birnam, Johannesburg, 2196 | Contact Jashwin or Gerhard on 011 301 7000 Official government fuel consumption figures in litres/100km (mpg) for the Aston Martin DBX707: WLTP Low 22.0 (12.8); WLTP Medium 13.9 (20.2); WLTP High 12.0 (23.4); WLTP Extra High 13.3 (21.2); WLTP Combined 14.2 (19.9). WLTP CO2 Emissions 323 g/km (NEDC Combined CO2 - Awaiting certification). Urban RDE trip NOx 85.8 mg/km, PN 9e11; Complete RDE trip NOx 85.8 mg/km, PN 9e11. PEMS ID: 09-SCF-0025-0; TA Number: Awaiting certification.

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Previously known as the grey loerie, this rather dull looking, average sized bird is part of the Turaco family. Unlike the rest of the forest dwelling, colourful Turaco members, the grey go-away bird or kwêvoël (as it is now known), is found on the open African savanna, often near water.

These noisy birds make a rather unusual call once described, a nasal “kweh” or “go-away” sound, which gives rise to the old story of the birds warning call when danger was approaching. They are generally very gregarious birds and will often form groups of up to 40 ISSUE 3 2022

20 birds that hop around the tops of trees in search of berries and insects. The grey goaway bird is much more vocal during the breeding season, which starts with the onset of the rainy summer months. It is definitely worth listening out for


this repetitive call when out in the bush because most of the time, these grey little feathery friends have spotted something we may have not! We’ve recently seen and heard these “kwêvoëls” in the Eco area, this is another reminder that we live in such a beautiful and peaceful Estate. May you too enjoy the “kweh” sound. It eats mainly plant products, such as fruit, flowers, leaves and buds, supplemented with small invertebrates. It often forages in tree canopies, sometimes descending to the ground to feed on invertebrates and low-lying plants. The nest is a flat, flimsy platform of interlaced twigs. It is typically placed 3-10 metres above ground in a thorny tree. In a survey of of 128 different nests, 95 were in thorny trees, 18 were in non-thorny trees, 12 were in clumps of mistletoe and 3 were in matted creepers. Egg-laying season is year-round, peaking from September-October. It lays 1-4, usually 2-3 eggs which are incubated by both sexes for 26-29 days. The incubating bird is very difficult to scare out of its position. In one situation, the nest was covered in smoke from a grass fire at the base of the tree, but the incubating bird did not fly off! The chicks stay in the nest for 18-21 days, leaving before they can fly. At roughly 33 days old the chicks can feed themselves, learning to fly a few days later and becoming fully independent at about 41 days old.

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How to Water Orchids to Encourage Beautiful Blooms and Healthy Growth By Deb Wiley and Viveka Neveln

The kinds of orchids commonly grown as indoor plants need to be watered differently than most other houseplants. Here’s what you need to know to do it right.


atering orchids is more of an art than a science, a task that becomes easier as you get to know these beautiful blooming plants. You’ll notice potted orchids are usually grown in bark chips or moss instead of potting soil like most other houseplants, which is your first clue that orchids have some special hydration needs. But like caring for any plant, it’s important to avoid giving your orchids too much or too little moisture if you’d like a long-term relationship with them. These tips will help you avoid common watering mistakes so you can keep your orchids happy and thriving.

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How Much Water Do Indoor Orchids Need?

The Best Way to Water Orchids Grown in Bark

In general, the types of orchids most commonly grown as houseplants come from tropical regions of the world, but that doesn’t mean they like constant dampness. And rather than growing on the ground in soil, these tropical orchid species are actually epiphytes (plants that grow on other plants). That means their roots work a little differently than the roots of your other indoor plants, which is why orchids won’t appreciate growing in regular potting soil. Orchid roots need more air (they can even photosynthesize like leaves do in sunlight) and the chance to dry out between waterings. So if you’re wondering how much water to give your orchids, it’s better to give them too little water than too much.

The goal is to saturate the bark pieces, which takes more than a little sprinkle from a watering can. The best way to water orchids potted in bark is to place the entire pot into a bowl that’s at least as deep as the bark line. Then, pour water over the bark so it fills the bowl to just below the lip of the pot. If you put water in the bowl first, you’re likely to push the bark out of the pot when you sink it into the water. Let the bark soak for 10-15 minutes. Then, lift the pot out of the water, let the excess water drain out, and return your orchid to its regular spot.

When to Water Orchids How often to water your orchids depends on a number of factors, including how warm it is in your house, how much light the plants get, and the potting medium and even the type of container your plants are growing in. Rather than watering on a schedule (every Saturday, for example), it’s best to look for certain clues to figure out when your orchid needs more water. All orchid mixes should be moistened thoroughly each time you water, then allowed to dry out almost completely before rehydrating. Before watering, poke your finger into the moss or bark up to the first knuckle to make sure it feels completely dry. If you’d prefer not to get too touchy-feely, use the tip of a sharpened pencil, chopstick, or wooden skewer instead to perform this poke test. If you see any moisture darkening the wood, hold off on watering. It’s also best to water orchids in the morning, so that any splashes on leaves will evaporate faster in the warmer day temperatures. If any water gets inside the places where leaves meet the stems of an orchid, this could cause rot, so make sure to wipe any droplets away with a soft cloth or blot with a paper towel.

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The Best Way to Water Orchids Grown in Moss For orchids growing in sphagnum moss, you can water these from the top, the way you water other plants. However, you may find it easier to soak your orchids in the sink or a basin to give the moss enough time to rehydrate. Sphagnum moss, which holds on to moisture longer than bark chips, can feel dry on the surface but still be damp inside the pot so make sure to do a poke test with your finger or wooden stake. Overwatering your orchids growing in moss is even easier to do if they’re in a plastic, glazed ceramic, or glass pot that retains water longer than a terracotta pot. If you start seeing an brown or squishy roots, you should definitely hold off on watering.

Room temperature water is best, but you can also water your orchid with ice cubes without harming the plant. About once a week, place up to three ice cubes on top of the potting medium, preferably where they don’t touch the leaves. As the ice melts, it provides enough moisture to keep your orchid thriving.

Should You Mist Orchids? Most indoor orchids appreciate higher humidity levels, but misting by hand doesn’t need to be part of your orchid care. Instead, try placing orchid pots on a humidity tray, which is simply a shallow saucer or basin containing a layer of pebbles. Set your orchids on top of the pebbles and fill the tray with water, making sure it doesn’t touch the bottom of the pots. As the water evaporates, it will humidify the air right around the plant. Running a humidifier in the room where your orchids are also works.

The Best Water to Use for Orchids You may have heard that rainwater (or melted snow) is best for orchids. Yes, this water can be beneficial because it contains a little nitrogen (an essential nutrient all plants need to grow) and is free of chemicals used to treat tap water. However, it isn’t necessary; regular tap water is fine as long as it isn’t softened with salts.

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