Blue Hills Equestrian Estate | October 2021

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ISS U E 5 | OC TOB E R 2021

P u b l i sh e r K-S t udio (P t y ) Ltd o n beh alf of B lue H ill s Eq u est r i a n E sta te A d ve rti si n g S al es Tobia tobia@k-st udio . co . za sales2@ k-st udio . co . za C alv in sales3@ k-st udio . co . za Ed i to r Tobia von Zwietr i n g Copy w ri te r / p ro o f r eader C hantel Venter De si g n & La y o u t K-S t udio (P t y ) Ltd e tobia@ k-st udio . co . za t 082 962 82 5 5 f Kreat iefS t u d i o

Disclaimer: This e-Magazine is produced especially for residents/owners of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by K-Studio on behalf of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate HOA. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, Blue Hills Equestrian Estate HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.

contents ISSUE 5 | O CTOBER 2021



Salmon, Quinoa a 12 SWEET POTAT 18 10










ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

2021 • I SSUE 5 4

Meet me halfway BY FLIGHT CENTRE

WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT ONE DAY WE WOULD BE EXPERIENCING SO MANY SPECIAL MOMENTS THROUGH SCREENS? Graduations, game nights, saying hello to new additions to the family for the first time, saying goodbye to old friends and even simply saying ‘I love you’ to our children and grandchildren. We know that although virtual connections have been a lifeline for many, there’s nothing quite like seeing the smiles on our family’s faces or hearing the sound of their laughter in the same room.

That’s why we’re committed to bringing loved ones across the globe together again, safely. With Flight Centre’s Meet Me Halfway packages, you and your loved ones can come together and experience the joy of travel and connection once again. Why not meet each other halfway to reunite and create new memories once again through the wonder of travel.


087 740 5000 5 ISSU E 5 • 20 21 Terms and conditions apply.

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate



BOOK YOUR EXPERIENCE Combining short charging with long range and the performance Jaguar is renowned for, the all-electric I-PACE has the power to change your life. Contact us to book your test drive and we’ll customise and extraordinary finance offer for you.

2021 • I SSUE 5 6

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

From The

Estate Manager


ello and happy warmer seasons to all our homeowners and residents.

It has been a bitter winter this year and I’m sure many homeowners are more than happy to welcome the change in season. Many stands have started work on their gardens and we would like to encourage you to do the same if you haven’t already started. This is the time to spread topsoil on your lawns, plant new seedlings in your gardens for the new season and perhaps give your landscaping a facelift. The landscaping specification for the Estate is indigenous so while you are having fun in your gardens, we kindly request that you keep to the specifications as set out by the guidelines of the Estate.

Bee-friendly gardens are a great idea that many homeowners seem to be trending toward which is in keeping with the specifications of the guidelines.

Our landscaping company has been hard at work maintaining the flower beds around the Estate and revamping old ones to welcome the new season. Trees have been pruned and the grass on the vacant stand has been cut. We have highlighted some concerns with Servest regarding the maintenance of the common area around the Estate. We are hoping to see a major difference in the next few months. As construction continues in the Estate, homeowners are requested to ensure that their contractors are aware of the rules of the Estate. Speeding within the Estate is still a huge concern despite the installation of the speed signage around the Estate. Residents are reminded that this is a community and that we need to be mindful of those around us. Speeding puts those around us at great risk. The speed limit within the Estate is strictly 40km per hour. Homeowners are also reminded that they are responsible for their visitors, employees, and contractors. Offenders will be penalised in accordance with the Estate penalty schedule. Continued transgression of the Estate guidelines has resulted in the responsible parties being escorted out of the Estate and in some instances access even being denied in the interest of the safety at the Estate. 7 ISSU E 5 • 20 21

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Current Stats Stands Sold Available Stands Total Stands Percentage sold

their pets in the common area. 149 17 166 90%

Building Stats Completed Stands 33 Under Construction 32

Stands are reminded that pets need to have identification tags on their collars. As a final note, we would like to remind residents that harmonious community living is only achieved when residents can use and enjoy their private property as well as the public areas of the estate amicably. General consideration and mutual respect by all residents for each other and their surroundings will greatly assist in achieving a happy community and a pleasant environment.

Several stands have completed their construction but have not arranged for their Completion Certificates. Homeowners can contact Studios Architects to arrange for a final inspection of their property and to Please be vigilant at all times and report any arrange for their Completion Certificate. suspicions to the office or security. A friendly note, if you do not have a Completion Kind regards Certificate your stand is considered a construction stand in terms of the Estate and will still be liable for a late building penalty. This still applies if you Estate Manager are living in your home and have an Occupation Certificate from the council.

Rashni Andhee-Shah

Security is an integral part of the Estate and requires a holistic approach. Unfortunately, our guards are being abused for performing their duties which is unacceptable. Security works under certain protocols and any requests or arrangements that deviate from these protocols need to be made via the appropriate channels. We appeal to homeowners to not vent their frustrations onto the guards and to please be mindful that the guards are acting upon instruction. You may contact the Estate manager or the onsite control room to make the relevant arrangements timeously. Homeowners are requested to contact the control room as per the numbers provided should you wish to contact security for prompt assistance. There is an increasing number of pets that have been found either roaming the Estate or escaping their stands unaccompanied by owners. Owners must ensure that fencing is adequate to secure your pets within your properties and to take the necessary precautions when entering and exiting your property. It is the responsibility of pet owners to clean up after 2021 • I SSUE 5 8

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

AnnualGeneral Meeting(AGM) The Estate held it’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 22 September 2021 virtually.

Some of the highlights from the AGM are: The appointment of a new director. Tracy Fry was appointed as a new board member for the Estate. Welcome on board Tracy we are looking forward to working with you.

common area at the Estate. The chairperson had advised that the board had also raised concerns over the landscaping but agreed to go out to tender when Century’s new launched stands (phase2) is released to the Estate. The estimated timeframe for this is by the end of 2021.

Late Building penalty

Many homeowners voiced their unhappiness over the implementation of the penalty and the timing 7% increase in levies. of the implementation due to the current economic climate. It was proposed that the penalty be delayed The budget pack was distributed to all homeowners for a certain period of time and homeowners may prior to the meeting. The current income cannot vote on the proposal electronically. Century advised sustain the expenses of the Estate and the statutory that they will recuse themselves from the voting. increments from suppliers hence the proposed increase in levies. Proposed new projects for Estate

Concerns over landscaping There were numerous concerns raised from homeowners over the current landscaping of the

Several proposed projects were presented by the chairperson. This was to revamp areas of concern at the Estate as well as improve other areas and offerings at the Estate.

9 ISSU E 5 • 20 21

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

IMPORTANT INFORMATION & CONTACTS BLUE HILLS EQUESTRIAN ESTATE MANAGEMENT BODY The Blue Hills Equestrian Estate management body has been developed to ensure that should you have a query or wish to address anything on the Estate, we have a team of individuals you can refer your concerns to. This Committee goes beyond our monthly Directors’ Meetings, and is instead aimed at ensuring that the running of this Estate is handled with all due care.

ESTATE MANAGER Rashni Andhee-Shah 083 703 9436 SALES MANAGER Musi Motsuenyane 082 806 1735 / SECURITY SITE MANAGER 076 771 9082/ 061 704 0111 CONTROL ROOM Primary contact for Security 010 109 0935 079 539 4499 EMERGENCY Eskom 086 0037 566 JHB Water 0860 562 874 Police 10111 Ambulance 10177 SPCA 011 265 9935 SNAKE CATCHER Mike 083 448 8854 2021 • I SSUE 5 1 0

THE BOARD IS MADE UP OF: • Andile Mtetwa • Jessica Hofmeyr • Joe Mahlangu • Nick Crow • Obakeng Mathibe • Ugesparan Govender • Tracy Fry THE COMMITTEE IS SUPPORTED BY TRAFALGAR WHO ARE REPRESENTED BY: • Michael Schaefer / Director of Trafalgar • Shahiem Carr / Director of Trafalgar • Carlos Pinto / Estate Portfolio Manager • Rashni Andhee-Shah / Estate Manager • Head office support Birdhaven

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

11 ISSU E 5 • 2021



BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate



pring has finally sprung in South Africa after an extremely moody Winter season. The weather is quickly improving, bringing with it a less morbid looking turf with the plants full of life once more! It’s the perfect time to start up your vegetable patch again. Don’t have one? You should really get one going, the benefits are endless! For starters, it’s a great activity for the kids to take part in, the flavour of fresh produce is better and some even say fresh vegetables are healthier than the veggies you get at the stores. As estate landscape maintenance specialists, the garden group knows how to make plants flourish all year round, thanks to our 35years of experience. In This piece, the garden group will guide you through the process of creating a rewarding vegetable garden and advise you on which vegetables will be best for growing in October and November. You might be asking what vegetables we recommend, or which vegetables are best to grow during this beautiful time of year. 2021 • I SSUE 5 1 2

GARDENING BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

In this piece, The Garden Group will give you some useful insights that will guide you through the process of starting and maintaining a rewarding vegetable garden and we’ll also be advising you on the best vegetables to grow in the months of October and November. You might be wondering what vegetables we recommend, or which vegetables are best to grow during this beautiful time of year. Well… There are a few things to take into consideration when growing vegetables; just like security estate gardens have completely different care requirements than a residential garden, for instance, your vegetable garden will also have completely different care requirements than the rest of your garden. No one vegetable patch is similar to another, and yours will vary vastly from your neighbors’ depending on your unique taste and needs. You’ve got to consider factors such as sun direction and the amount of sunlight exposure, the size of the garden and what gets used the most in your household, these factors will mostly impact what you ultimately choose to grow in your vegetable patch. When deciding what to grow in our temperamental South African weather, remember that shade can be cleverly used as a way to help plants that don’t thrive in the heat. On the flip side you can take advantage of the heat with “vegetables” like tomatoes who enjoy a good sunbath - just ensure that they get between 8 to 12 hours of sunlight per day. Deciding what to plant can be difficult in the beginning, and “Googling” it is bound to throw you off by bombarding you with conflicting information, that’s why we’ve taken the liberty to compiled a list of some plants to choose from, these can all either be grown from seedlings or through directly purchasing some small plants to start the journey (just remember, seedlings can be sensitive to hot weather and heavy rain.)

A few of the popular choices: Spinach (especially ‘Bright Lights’) beetroot, lettuce, bush beans, eggplant, chillies and leeks,

all of these are compact growing vegetables. You can also plant most of these vegetables in pots, the rule of thumb is, the size of the pot will determine the size of the sprout.

Do you like making fresh salads? Tomatoes – good varieties are; Heinz 1370, Moneymaker, Oxheart and Floridade, cucumber is also a great option if you have the space, it’s a vigorous creeper that can quickly overgrow in smaller gardens, Lettuce is also a great option, especially those that don’t form a head, like Lollo Rossa and Lollo Biondo with these varieties individual leaves can be harvested for up to three months! Radishes to add some flavour – Sparkler and CherryBelle are amazing varieties, but certainly not least; Sprouts are an excellent choice for the less patient ones, they present the easiest way to get fresh salad greens in less than a month and are incredibly healthy too. 13 ISSU E 5 • 2021

GARDENING BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Some extra Green Hacks: • For lettuce, try to use a spot that shade or dappled sunlight exposure to the harsh summer in the lettuce quickly spiking

gets afternoon because full sun will result and seeding.

• Provide as much sun as possible to fruit bearing plants such as tomatoes to ensure that the plants produce more! • “Healthy soil = Healthy plants” add some organic fertilizers and compost to your soil and consider mulching to ensure your plants have healthy soil to grow in, this will not only improve growth but will also make your plants more pest resistant. • Control pests by using companion plants such as Marigolds, wild garlic and other plants that either keep pests away or attract them to ensure that they stay away from your vegetables. • When using pesticides, ensure that they are not dangerous to humans and pets, organic pesticides such as Diatomaceous earth and Neem oil are great options. • Don’t kill the good guys! Beneficial insects such as ladybugs help to control pests by eating them - the innocent looking ladybug eats up to sixty aphids per day! There are hundreds, if not thousands of insects that will help keep your plants healthy and safe, so do your homework before killing off the good guys!

2021 • I SSUE 5 1 4

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

Landscape | Design | Installation | Maintenance

Our Main Expertise: Golf, Wildlife and Residential Estates Academic Institutions and Recreational Facilities Commercial and Industrial Facilities Office Parks and Security Complexes Lodges, Hotels and Resorts Retail Centres and Shopping Malls

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15 ISSU E 5 • 2021

Celebrating 20 years of educating Grade 0000 - Matric with heart. At HeronBridge College we focus on a relational and intentional approach to schooling that lays a solid foundation for the growth and development of happy, well-rounded and confident human beings.

Grade 0000 - Matric Book a tour for a glimpse into what we mean 2022 Enrolments when we say "educating with heart." now open

HeronBridge College is a Private, IEB, Christian school that focuses on growing and nurturing children to reach their full potential in all spheres of life. Our aim is to encourage our learners to grow into well-rounded, happy, and confident human beings that excel in the areas in which God has gifted them. From our Pre-Prep through to the College, our intention is to lay a solid foundation to equip children with the developmental, educational and social skills needed to navigate life. Our excellent curriculum is formulated to facilitate all aspects of learning in a way that makes sense to each child, which is often seen happening outside of a typical classroom environment. Long-term athletic development is the cornerstone of our sports programmes, and we are proud to have professional sportsmen and women on our coaching staff. We offer a dynamic array of on and off-stage arts and culture activities, as well as solid outreach and ministry programmes that encourage our children to do everything with heart. This year marks our 20th year of successfully providing high-quality education that is focused on shaping the heart and feeding the mind of each, individual child. If you would like to learn more about our intentional and heart-led approach to schooling, contact us on: Email: Phone: 011 (540) 4800 WhatsApp: (079) 508 7436

visit 2021 • I SSUE 5 1 6

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

Did you know... The early bird really does catch the worm.

Help your children “learn how to learn” The benefits of pre-school education •

85 percent of a child’s brain development has already taken place by the age of six.

Children who participate in quality pre-school education reach higher levels of education, are less likely to drop out of school, and have lower chances of needing learner support later on in their school careers.

Children aged three to five are in the crucial stages of developing self-regulation; learning how to focus, wait, and control their impulses.

During the early years of life, children have a natural curiosity to explore the world around them. Through play, they participate in nature’s way of learning, picking up on cues and experiences in their everyday. While children will continue to learn naturally, introducing young children to organised instruction outside of their family context supports their ability to learn both soft and hard skills. In a loving, creative and intentional environment, children are given more opportunities to develop their cognitive, physical, social and emotional skills which lays a solid foundation for future learning and school readiness.

Enrolling your child into pre-school can be a big decision, but starting early helps your child to “learn how to learn” as they spend time in the classroom and on the playground, learning from their peers, their teachers, and their own experiences. At HeronBridge Pre-Preparatory, we provide a happy, safe and encouraging space for children aged two to six, to grow and develop. All of our teachers are specialists in Early Childhood Development which means that while children spend the day “playing” their activities are specifically designed to facilitate learning in a way that is relevant and age-appropriate to each child. To find out more about HeronBridge, and our heart-led and intentional approach to teaching, visit our website or book a tour on 079 508 7436.

17 ISSU E 5 • 2021


Our 4 Best wellness retreats for self-care holidays

BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Feel like waking up in a luxury hotel and enjoying a leisurely breakfast, including freshly plucked wild oysters served with sparkling wine, whilst absorbing the panoramic sea views before heading off to the spa for a day of rejuvenation and relaxation? How about spending a few days at a 5-star luxury wilderness reserve discovering wide-open plains and wildlife? Or perhaps you’d rather prefer adventurous hikes with sundowner picnics accompanied with spectacular views of the mountains and ocean. wellness and revitalization while looking out across the ocean. What better way to enjoy your treatment than outside under one of their Mountainside Spa Gazebos, breathing in the fresh ocean air.

The Twelve Apostles Hotel & Spa

The Twelve Apostles Hotel & Spa is set on the slopes of the Table Mountain National Park, just metres from the Atlantic Ocean. It offers all the serenity and privacy of a country hotel, just minutes from the vibrant heart of Cape Town. You can stroll straight from your room onto the mountainside with marked paths leading through the gardens to a handful of amazing picnic spots. At the end of an adventure-filled day out in the mother city, return to The Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa to toast some of the best sunset views the city has to offer. Their award-winning Spa offers a cocoon of 2021 • I SSUE 5 1 8

087 094 0011

Bushmans Kloof Resting in the rugged Cederberg Mountains, Bushmans Kloof offers an utterly unique wilderness escape in South Africa. This gorgeous ecological oasis is set within a 7500-hectare private reserve. Bushmans Kloof combines fivestar luxury and inspired South African cuisine with unforgettable days spent exploring incredible

TRAVEL BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

wildlife and pristine mountain landscapes. At Bushmans Kloof your dining experiences will be extraordinary to say the least. Much of the fresh produce served comes from their extensive on-site kitchen gardens, and the menus evolve daily with the change of the seasons. Embracing wellness is a pillar of the Bushmans Kloof experience. Within the serene surrounds of their intimate spa, experience one-of-a-kind treatments and a truly tranquil escape. The secluded Riverside Gazebo is ideal for couples seeking an al fresco, side-by-side treatment.

The Oyster Box With its dramatic location on the KwaZulu-Natal coastline, just metres from the golden sands of Umhlanga beach, lies one of South Africa’s finest seaside hotels, The Oyster Box. Guests can be sitting out on the terrace within 15 minutes of leaving the airport, gazing out over the ocean and feeling the warm sea breeze on their skin. This iconic hotel is located just opposite the historic red-and-white lighthouse, with direct access to the rolling waves. Executive Chef Kevin Joseph creates an incredible curry buffet regarded as the best in SA, with a delicious range of KwaZulu-Natal-inspired dishes on their Ocean Terrace. This is also a

Going on holiday can keep the doctor away. Taking that well deserved break is actually good for the health. Scientific research has shown that going on holidays boosts our well-being, relieves stress and help us live fuller lives.

spectacular spot for indulgent oysters plucked from their own oyster beds and champagne with views of the waves. The Spa at The Oyster Box offers a serene space for you to walk your own journey to wellness. You can enjoy a little healthy indulgence with their wellness-focused spa menu. Grootbos Private Nature Reserve

Grootbos Private Nature Reserve sits on the vibrant, fynbos-clad hills overlooking Walker Bay in South Africa’s Western Cape. It is an exceptional destination and once you’ve visited this amazing eco-reserve, you will be back. This is the place you want to travel to if you are looking at breaking away from the busy city life and to just enjoy the tranquilly this reserve has to offer. It’s all about nature while experiencing Grootbos warm hospitality. After experiencing all the activities Grootbos has to offer it is highly recommended to go for one of their special beauty treatments. The location for these treatments are amidst the serenity of a Milkwood forest or near lush landscaped gardens, providing sanctuaries where tension disappears and stress melts away. Healing hands and natural, locally-sourced products all add to the tranquil experience, ensuring you leave stronger and more centred.

Get in touch with us today to plan your next wellness getaway or check out our packages at 19 ISSU E 5 • 2021



Valid until 17 Dec ‘21

Valid until 16 Dec ‘21





PACKAGE INCLUDES: 2 nights in a Classic Garden Room Breakfast daily with freshly harvested oysters! BONUS: 1 Child under 12 years stays free One cocktail or mocktail per stay UShaka Marine World ticket and more!

PACKAGE INCLUDES: 3 nights accommodation in a milkwood room Breakfast daily including freshly harvested oysters and sparkling wine! BONUS: A three-course dinner Tea by the sea for two R500 hotel credit



Valid until 10 Dec ‘21

Valid until 19 Dec ‘21



per person sharing


per person sharing



per person sharing

per person sharing

PACKAGE INCLUDES: 2 nights in freestanding luxury suites Welcome drink served upon arrival Non alcoholic drinks All meals daily Horse riding Guided walks and more!

PACKAGE INCLUDES: 2 nights accommodation Breakfast, lunch & dinner daily A variety of enriching and exhilarating lodge activities! BONUS: Dinner for two in a surprise location Afternoon high tea

Offers above are a guide only and will vary depending on departure date, our guide price is based on the cheapest departure within the stipulated season and availability is correct at time of loading. Visas may be necessary and insurance is essential. Pentravel and Tour Operator terms and conditions apply, and may be found on our website. Offer can be removed at any time. Rates are subject to availability, rate of exchange. Grootbos: Excludes conservation levy of R75 per adult per night. Whale watching especially during July – mid of December; please note that we cannot guarantee the sightings of whales. Horse Riding: please note that the weight limit is 90kg/198lbs per person/ children under the age of 12 are only allowed on guided pony rides COVID-19 / FORCE MAJEURE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Should guests not be able to travel due to COVID-19 or any other situation caused by force majeure, we will waiver the cancellation fees as stated above up to 7 days prior to arrival of guests. Any deposit or full payments made will be refunded. Oyster Box: uShaka Tickets - Block out dates apply over school holidays & public holidays. Bushmans: No kids under 08 years are allowed at the lodge. These packages are based on CASH price. E&OE.

Contact us at any of our Joburg or Pretoria stores: Bedford (011) 607 9460 Clearwater (011) 675 7597 Cresta (011) 380 3700 East Rand Mall (011) 345 1860 Rosebank (011) 2021778 • I 1100 SSUE 5 2 0

Brooklyn (012) 346 8439 Centurion (012) 643 5340 Menlyn (012) 368 1202 Jo'burg Online (010) 880 0754

087 095 0555



BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e


UP TO 3%

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Join our new tiered Live Life Well Rewards community to enjoy... • Up to 3% in points to redeem in store and online • Triple rewards points for pensioners on Wednesdays • Our popular Wellness Magazine at half price • Exclusive partner offers • Automatic entry into our monthly lucky draw • Automatic digital receipting when shopping in store SCAN THE QR CODE TO LEARN MORE & SIGN UP NOW

If you already have a rewards card, you’ll be automatically upgraded to the new programme. If you’re ready to join the family, simply sign up in store or online at! 21 ISSU E 5 • 2021

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

2021 • I SSUE 5 2 2

LIFESTYLE BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e



An orientation light can be worth its weight in gold when it comes to guiding the way everyone knows the feeling of being woken up from a deep sleep in the middle of the night by a full bladder. A trip to the toilet is unavoidable – weak light sources can help you find the way in the dark. Geberit is on hand to offer some tips here.

No more stubbed toes: an orientation light can be worth its weight in gold when it comes to guiding the way at night.


good night’s sleep is absolutely priceless. Anyone not getting enough sleep will suffer the next day, which means disturbances at night are particularly annoying. However, despite this the body is still half asleep when visiting the toilet at night. This is primarily due to the release of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleepwake cycle and is responsible for putting our body in “sleep mode” during the night. In order to prevent your body clock from coming out of its natural rhythm when visiting the toilet and ensure you can get back to your well-earned rest, you should take note of the following: • Bright light can confuse the body clock and restrict the production of melatonin. Therefore, don’t turn the light on when going to the toilet if possible, or use night lights with a dimmer function. • Avoid light with a high blue content. This affects the production of melatonin, which is needed to fall back asleep again. Instead, blue light indicates to the body that the night is over.

• Use orientation lights with motion sensors in the bathroom to show the path to the toilet when entering the room. Light sources such as this are usually weak, thus ensuring that only the most important area – namely the toilet – is minimally lit. For further information, please contact: Geberit Southern Africa 0861-FLUSH 1 (358741) 23 ISSU E 5 • 2021


IN A SHARED SPACE In any home, it’s important that everyone has a purpose and be given a place in which to happily fulfil that purpose. The beliefs that dictate how we use the space in our homes are deeply entrenched and inseparable in the western world from the roles we were expected to play. However, with the rise of millennial couples, attitudes towards who is responsible for what types of tasks in the home are changing. Understand your relationship dynamics

Truly excellent interior design has the power to make our homes inclusive spaces that empower us to fulfil the kinds of domestic roles we choose. Building spaces to enable confidence where you live & work, that pays attention to the division of domestic responsibilities, can create healthier happier relations.

Our ideas of masculinity and femininity and how culture influences our home lives is ever-evolving and complex. Both our cultural dynamics and relationship dynamics profoundly impacts the design process of shares spaces because they link to how we function in a space and therefore what we will need from it to thrive.

Kim Williams, creative behavioral strategist focused on designing interior spaces, knows that when you pay attention to how people naturally gravitate in the space and design around it, excellent design is born. Here are Kim’s top thoughts on how to balance femininity in your shared space.

Find fulfilling roles Our spaces should enhance our functioning as human beings regardless of our gender and the domestic roles we choose. Ultimately roles and the structure they bring to our lives are the cornerstones of a successful family unit.

2021 • I SSUE 5 2 4

In one home I just finished, the husband was the primary decision-maker and deeply involved in how the space felt. However, the wife was often involved in the final decisionmaker resulting in the whole project being completely codesigned.

DECOR BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

Our family units work like teams where we all have different roles usually because they play to our strengths. All successful design dynamics respect that everyone has a contribution to make but also have a clear primary decision-maker. Traditionally that has been the masculine figure but ultimately gender doesn’t matter.

The behavioural aspect of the design is more important now than ever as we move beyond the basic functions of our homes and transform them into lifestyle hubs. Some families may be sporty and want a communal lounge to centre around a games area and TV. Others may not watch TV at all which is becoming more common as we move to use our devices more.

Acknowledge individual needs How a space is used and by whom makes an enormous difference to how you zone the space. You want to acknowledge idiosyncrasies whilst preserving the allimportant connectivity and flow between different spaces. Connecting people through spaces that allow them to embrace the various facets of themselves is after all the greater purpose of design. Passive and active personalities, different ages and cultures all impact the design of a shared space. The different ages that children are at, the different stages of your own life and the phases of a relationship are all primary drivers that functionally dictate what you need from a space.

Find your balance My clients often prove that the balance of femininity and masculinity is unique to every couple. When it comes to their home design, there is no overarching gender dominance - more of a give and take in the collaborative design process. Individuals tend to be accountable at different points, such as women being involved in planning and men being involved in the sign-off phase. Availability also plays a significant role and if one person is more available than the other they tend to play a larger part. The most successful interiors are composites of feminine and masculine elements unique to the inhabitants of the home. A balance between light and dark, a balance of colour and neutral, a balanced understanding of how to use a dark space versus a light space to create a mood. From a design perspective playing with beautiful feminine energy and powerful masculine energy is a dynamic I simply adore. 25 ISSU E 5 • 2021

2021 • I SSUE 5 2 6

FOOD BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

Salmon, Quinoa and Salmon, Quinoa and SWEET POTATO FISHCAKES


• • • • • • • • • • •

Olive oil, to fry 300 g hake fillet INGREDIENTS Salt and pepper, to taste 200 g smoked salmon 350 g sweet potato, peeled and cooked • Olive oil, to fry 2 eggs *1 onion, finely chopped • 300 g hake fille 1 cup desiccated coconut 1 cup quinoa, cooked • Salt and peppe Juice of ½ lemon • 200 g smoked s 30 g coriander, chopped Low fat cottage cheese, to serve • 350 g sweet po

• 2 eggs *1 onion METHOD: • 1 cup desiccate 1pan cup quinoa, c 1. Heat 1 tablespoon oil• in over medium heat. Season• the hake of with½ lemo Juice salt and pepper and cook it. • 30 g coriander, 2. Place the cooked hake fish in fat a large • Low cottage bowl and use a fork to break it into flakes. Add the salmon and mix.

3. Mash the cooked sweet potato.


4. Add all ingredients, except the cottage cheese, to the fish. Season with salt 1. Heat 1 tablesp and pepper.

medium heat. 5. Chill the mixture in the fridge for salt and peppe at least 1 hour – this will prevent the SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 40 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health.

fishcakes from falling apart when you fry them. 2. Place the

cook and use 6. Use your hands to shapebowl the mixture into 8 small patties. flakes. Add th 7. Fry in hot oil until golden brown on both sides. 3. Mash the


8. Serve topped with cottage cheese and 4. Add all ingred lemon slices.

cheese, to the

27 ISSU E 5 • 2021

WELLNESS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate


An estimate of close to one billion people, including children, are affected by some form of mood disorder. The figures are staggering, and a sad reality for the times we are living in. Depression is the most common of mental illnesses, and the third most diagnosed in South Africa. Many suffer in silence out of fear of being stigmatised, and a great deal of sensitivity and empathy are required when addressing the challenge of depression in many sectors of society. The aim of this article is to shed some light on what constitutes depression, as well as to offer hope and a holistic approach for dealing with the illness. The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone, and that depression can be managed. Depression can take on various forms, and present with different sets of symptoms in each sufferer. Your doctor will diagnose you according to your symptoms to determine which type of depression you have. 2021 • I SSUE 5 2 8

TYPES OF DEPRESSION 1. Depressive episode 2. Major depression 3. Dysthymia 4. Bipolar mood disorder 5. Post-partum depression

SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION • Depressed mood • Sadness and pessimism • Low motivation and lack of energy • Little to no experience of joy • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, apathy and hypersensitivity • Loss of appetite/overeating • Weight loss/gain • Sleeplessness/excessive sleeping • Constipation • Low libido • Tiredness • Headaches and body pains • Continuous negative thoughts • Suicidal ideation • Slow thinking • Poor concentration


• Poor judgement and decision-making • Memory loss • Limited initiative and interest • Withdrawal from people • Lack of interest in things you previously enjoyed • Lack of interest in work or daily tasks • Poor communication abilities • Poor use of life skills • Low personal worth, self-confidence and self-image CAUSES OF DEPRESSION 1. Genetic factors, temperament and personality 2. Alcohol, nicotine and drug abuse 3. Stress caused by childhood difficulties or trauma 4. Ongoing exposure to stress 5. Low self-image 6. Medical conditions such as hormonal imbalance, under-active thyroid, blood sugar challenges and prolonged illness 7. Side effects of certain medications 8. Nutritional deficiencies (including low levels of folic acid, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin D, zinc and essential fatty acids) 9. Chemical imbalances in the brain. The main neurotransmitters involved in depression are: • Serotonin – regulates mood, appetite and sleep • Dopamine – regulates motivation and the reward system • Norepinephrine – regulates mood, arousal, vigilance, memory and stress

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• Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) 2. Psychotherapy

Commonly known as talk therapy, the aim of psychotherapy is to uncover and address the root cause(s) of depression, as well as to help manage the resulting symptoms. 3. Occupational therapy This form of therapy aims to empower patients with the skills and healthy lifestyle options necessary for functioning optimally in all areas of life. 4. Support groups A group of individuals experiencing the same challenges are often best equipped to offer each other comfort, community and support. 5. Nutrition A clinical nutritionist can check for any biochemical imbalances and devise a nutritional programme to improve your mood.

HELPFUL HOLISTIC LIFESTYLE PRACTICES • Regular exercise Naturally elevate your mood through endorphins – the feel-good hormones released during exercise • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Learn to recognise and ‘re-route’ negative thinking patterns


• Laughter

1. Pharmacological intervention

Enjoy a good dose of one of the easiest ways to release mood-enhancing endorphins!

Classes of antidepressant medications include: • Tricyclic antidepressants • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)

• Reduction of known stressors Know and avoid the triggers that exacerbate the symptoms of your depression 29 ISSU E 5 • 2021

• Pursue a hobby Immerse yourself in something you really enjoy, and you’ll no doubt feel the resultant sense of presence and flow. • Keep a gratitude journal Make a practice of reminding yourself of all the good in your life on a daily basis • Cultivate connection Never underestimate the positive power of spending quality time with loved ones

• Avoid all hydrogenated fats and processed foods, which are loaded with harmful additives and colourants and can lead to sluggishness, slow thinking and fatigue. • Eat oily fish such as sardines, salmon, trout and mackerel, which are good sources of omega 3 fatty acids, are vital for brain health, and can assist with the reduction of inflammation. • Check for food intolerances (wheat, gluten and dairy are the most common)

• Look within Meditating, reading inspirational literature and walking in nature are all great ways of connecting to yourself and what you value most. • Explore aromatherapy Pure essential oils of bergamot, grapefruit, lavender, sweet orange and rose geranium are all said to have moodelevating properties.

DIETARY INTERVENTIONS • Eat a diet that includes plenty of raw fruit and vegetables, as well as non-GMO soya products, whole grains, seeds, nuts, brown rice, millet and legumes. A diet low in complex carbohydrates can cause serotonin depletion and depression. • Eat foods high in the amino acid tryptophan, which is the precursor to serotonin. These include turkey, fish, chicken, cheese, beans, tofu, oats and eggs. • Avoid all forms of sugar and refined carbohydrates, which can lead to fluctuating blood sugar levels and trigger imbalances of certain neurotransmitters. • Avoid alcohol, which is very high in sugar and acts as a nervous system depressant. 2021 • I SSUE 5 3 0

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 40 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health. 30 ISSU E 3 • 2021

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

“Everything about you is unique, we believe that your furniture should also be like you — one of a kind”

T: +27 (10) 213-0028 | +27 (79) 841-7605 | E: | 3 1 | ISSUE2021 4 | •2021 I SSUE 4 3 1

31 ISSU E 5 • 2021

ESTATE NEWS DECOR BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

That’s why custom design is our only custom. You dream it. We make it. You live it. We customise premium furniture that doesn’t just fit your lifestyle, but you and only you. We tease wood, marble, and steel into the shapes and forms of your dreams. Each cut, each build, each bind, each pour, each weld, is done with you and what you need in mind.

Décor that speaks to you. We draw our inspiration from the Swahili language. Because to us, it’s not just a language. It’s a celebration of our continent’s dynamism. A fusion of both cultures and languages that come together to create something beautiful. Just like our Décor. It is a celebration of you. A fusion of who you are and where you come from; who you want to be and where you are going. Our décor is our love language to you. We design furniture that takes heed of where your artistic side meets your functional needs to create décor that speaks to you and only you. Décor that looks and makes you feel more like you every day.

2021 • I SSUE 5 3 2

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

Our trees are old, but the designs are modern. We carry the history of each tree we use into the future to create pieces of furniture that are instant classics. Each tree, each cut and each make is unique and tailored. Each work is one of a kind and made just for you.

Make your home, office, or commercial space truly yours. Every piece we create is unique to you and your vision. It is a representation of your design and an extension of you. We make sure every finished product expresses your vision and our creativity through the natural beauty of every hand-crafted piece of wood and its design. Every masterpiece we create is truly individual and signed off with your unique signature or initials. Although our journey with each client is tailored and unique, one thing never changes – we always deliver work of the highest quality and the best service possible. Because we never want to deliver just furniture to our clients, we always want to deliver joy in the shapes of dining tables, chairs, office desks, plasma stands, light


fixtures, mirrors, beds, and shelves, for homes, offices, and commercial spaces.

T: +27 (10) 213-0028 | +27 (79) 841-7605 | E: | 33 ISSU E 5 • 2021

DECOR MOTORING BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate


• Directed by the award-winning Italian director Luca Guadagnino • Starring golden globe winner and Emmy award nominee British actor Josh O’Connor • Art directed by legendary British designer Peter Saville • Musical direction by British songwriter and producer Devonté Hynes

2021 • I SSUE 5 3 4

MOTORING BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

18 August 2021, Gaydon, Warwickshire, UK: Aston Martin is proud to present the cinematic debut of the brand’s first SUV, DBX. The company’s first short film has been directed by the Oscarnominated, Italian director Luca Guadagnino, and stars the golden globe winner and Emmy award nominee British actor Josh O’Connor.


ston Martin is proud to unveil its new film, directed by Luca Guadagnino, working alongside an impressive creative support team. With art direction by Peter Saville, the film features O’Connor, most recently seen starring as Prince Charles in ‘The Crown.’ Filmed on location in Sicily, the film shows O’Connor undertaking a dream-like excursion at the wheel of the Aston Martin DBX. DBX gives the brand a commanding role in a new sector, the Sports Utility Vehicle. Designed at Aston Martin’s studio in Gaydon, Warwickshire, and built in the company’s state-of-the-art production facility in St Athan, South Wales, DBX shares its DNA with its sports and GT siblings, combining effortless performance, superior dynamics, ultra-luxurious hand-crafted interiors and a truly bespoke customer experience. ‘We have created this movie in which we focus on a man and his mind, as well as his command of a car through a great landscape. It was wonderful how once Josh started to drive the Aston Martin DBX, the car somehow became this unique, beautiful sculptural object,’ said Luca Guadagnino, ‘His figure and line perfectly blend into the line of the car.’

‘The thing that appealed to me first was that Aston Martin is a true British institution, a company that has been ever-present throughout my upbringing,’ O’Connor said, ‘I think the combination of the luxury of the brand, and the luxury of Luca’s vision is perfect and comes through in this very special film. There is a true sense of speed and there are no two ways about it, when you are in the DBX it feels like a true sports car.’ Aston Martin’s Executive Vice President and Chief Creative Officer, Marek Reichman said: ‘Josh O’Connor is an exceptional actor working at a time of a golden age for drama, while Peter Saville is a true creator of brands. He can turn his talent from creating a stunning logotype, to shaping an iconic image, being a brand ambassador for a city or even re-shaping a whole corporate identity. Together with Luca and Josh, we have three very different but definitive creative characters.’

35 ISSU E 5 • 2021

MOTORING BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

O’Connor is filmed behind the wheel of a Minotaur Green Aston Martin DBX with a light ivory interior, a contemporary update of a classic colour combination. The camera follows his journey through the island’s vineyards and dirt roads, culminating in a visit to a mysterious but elegant villa. The Aston Martin team joined the production team on set in Sicily to help craft the subtly framed hero shots of the car. The rich cinematography incorporates overlaid memories and vivid imagery to convey a subtle hint of motivation. As with all his films, Guadagnino demands that the viewer bring their own interpretation to the narrative. In addition to the Oscar-nominated Call Me by Your Name, Guadagnino’s recent films include A Bigger Splash and Suspiria. The director is currently working on his first American production, Bones & All. In parallel to his film career, Guadagnino is also a successful interior designer, working on projects for the wellness brand Aesop, among others. ’My films are always a beautiful interaction between me and the talented people I work with,’ said Guadagnino. ‘We shot the film in May, and the DBX’s beautiful Minotaur Green finish created depth and shade against the Sicilian landscape, which I know so well. The DBX was almost like an Anish Kapoor sculpture, where reflections became very important.’ 2021 • I SSUE 5 3 6


‘Luca really shared our understanding of the essence of beauty. As a director, he has extraordinary abilities - the way he plays with light is like a dream,’ said Marek Reichman. ‘He also has a fantastic sensibility for materials and form. We wanted to ensure that you could see the sun on the aluminium vanes of the grille, for example, and convey the reflections of sunlight and shadow as they move across the surfaces of the car.’ The experienced director brings a designer’s attention to detail to every frame, visually crafting a powerful and mysterious narrative. With a soundtrack supervised by the celebrated British musician, producer and composer Devonté Hynes, the production was a true collaboration of excellence. ‘We are a 108-year-old ultra-luxury brand. This new film conveys what it feels like to be part of Aston

BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

Martin and be truly engaged with the spirit and ethos of the company,’ said Marek Reichman. ‘Luca Guadagnino doesn’t follow trends. He is a true future thinker and we gave him complete creative freedom.’ Aston Martin is proud to be a creative catalyst, bringing experts in their respective fields together to cross-pollinate and push design and culture in new directions. An elegant meditation on desire, dreams and emotions, Luca Guadagnino’s film encapsulates the beauty and strength of the Aston Martin DBX. Aston martin DBX is available from Aston Martin Johannesburg & Aston Martin Cape Town today 011-301-7000 or 021-425-2007

37 ISSU E 5 • 2021



U N M I SUTNA BALB Y ASST OTNOMNA R TM M IK S TA AK LY A I N.A R T I N TIK HSAI SB ILI S SY D B XB U N MT I SH TA AD ST ON X M A R T I N. THIS IS DBX Aston Martin Johannesburg, 1 Whiteley Rd, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg, 2196. Jashwin Chotu 084 527 4946, Nicolas Naylor 082 497 3299 or Gerhard Botha 072 808 0764 Official WLTP fuel consumption figures in litres/100km (mpg) for the 2020 Aston Martin DBX: Low 23.2 (12.2); Medium 13.6 (20.8); High 12 (23.5); Extra High 13.4 (21.1); Combined 14.3 (19.8). CO2 emissions 323g/ km. The mpg/fuel economy figures quoted are sourced from official regulated test results through laboratory testing. They are for comparability purposes only and may not reflect your real driving experience, 2021 • I SSUE 5 3 obtained 8 which may vary depending on factors including road conditions, weather, vehicle load and driving style.


INDEPENDENCE - Managed As A Non Profit Company Kyalami Schools (NPC)

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Beaulieu Nursery School ADMISSIONS OPEN FOR 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 010 591 39 ISSU5004 E 5 • 2021

2021 • I SSUE 5 4 0

ESTATE MOTORING NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

Redford School held their annual spring walk at the Estate.

It was quite refreshing to see the little cutie pies enjoying our estate and having so much fun just enjoying the fresh air and of course FREEDOM

41 ISSU E 5 • 2021

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

2021 • I SSUE 5 4 2

‘The client’s brief and aspirations are the core of our design ideas. This, together with our design experience and input sets up a harmonious working relationship with the client throughout the design process. This is all capped with the excitement one sees on the client’s face as their dream becomes a reality on the building site’ - Paul Sduduzo Mtwa



Inquiries: +27 72 252 6369 18 Riverbend lane Beverly ext 64 Johannesburg

43 ISSU E 5 • 2021


Garden Gems Written by Tim Jackson

As birds go, sunbirds must be among gardeners’ favourites. Why? Well, apart from being seriously attractive, they go for gaudy flowers, particularly in the red spectrum. And that, explains science editor Tim Jackson, gives gardeners the perfect reason to grow brightly coloured flowering plants that will attract these little 2021 • I SSUE 5 4 4

ENVIRONMENT BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e


herever you may be in sub-Saharan Africa, there’s a good chance you’ll have sunbirds in the garden. In nature, these diminutive birds occur in a wide range of habitats. There is, for example, the dry-country dusky sunbird of the semi-arid coastal plains, dry savanna and Karoo scrub of south-western Africa, or the orange-breasted sunbird, a fynbos specialist restricted to South Africa’s southern and southwestern regions. At the other extreme is a species like the northern double-collared, a forest sunbird that frequents densely vegetated areas such as Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Uganda and the montane forests of East Africa, or the red-chested, which occurs near rivers, marshes and lakes in Uganda. And whereas species such as these may have relatively specific habitat preferences, others are much more cosmopolitan. The amethyst sunbird occurs in the miombo and baikiaea woodlands of Malawi and Zambia but is equally at home on hills covered in flowering aloes and proteas in the Eastern and Western Cape provinces of South Africa respectively. Of course, all these species also thrive in gardens. In Harare, Zimbabwe, variable sunbirds have found the suburban set-up so much to their liking that they have become the most common sunbird in the city.

45 ISSU E 5 • 2021

ENIRONMENT BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Sunbirds may be as noticeable by their absence as by their presence – in other words, they can be seasonal. In Gauteng, South Africa, gardens well stocked with flowering plants teem with these busy little birds in winter and spring, but come summer the sunbirds have mostly gone. Similarly, in Knysna in the southern Cape, southern double-collareds suddenly appear in June as the aloes begin to flower. In Uganda, bronze sunbirds are found in Kampala gardens from December to April and then disappear. Such movements can be attributed largely to the fact that sunbirds are great travellers in their search for the best areas to feed in at any given time of the year. And some are greater travellers than others: a malachite sunbird has been logged flying more than 500 kilometres in its quest for food, whereas collared sunbirds have been recorded moving no more than a few kilometres. The greater double-collared sunbird is the largest of Africa’s nine ‘double-collareds’, which are distributed from Sudan to South Africa and Nigeria to Tanzania.Some species are altitudinal migrants, like the amethysts that, depending on the season, fly some 26 kilometres from the suburbs of Lydenburg in Mpumalanga, South Africa, into the nearby mountains – and back again. East Africa’s golden-winged sunbirds are also climbers, shifting up and down mountains in accordance with flowering times. Response to rainfall is another factor underlying movement. On Zimbabwe’s central plateau, scarletchested sunbirds are seen in suburban gardens during the dry season, having arrived probably from northern Botswana. There are similar influxes in Kenya when it’s dry, whereas in Namibia scarletchesteds tend to move in during the wet season.

The prize for aggression must go to the malachite sunbird, which has been known to attack birds as large as an Egyptian goose 2021 • I SSUE 5 4 6

Sunbirds’ breeding behaviour can be quite entertaining and is worth watching if you’re lucky enough to have them nesting in your garden. The males are energetic about guarding their territories (and their mates), and often sing from a prominent perch in their patch. Scarlet-chesteds, for example, are well known for proclaiming their space from a conspicuous branch. They readily chase other birds away, be they rival males or members of other species. Tacazze sunbird males defend their territories against malachite males where both species occur in East Africa, while bronze sunbird males chase away all-comers in the sunbird world, and even other species such as African paradise flycatchers and village weavers. Copper sunbirds can be extremely territorial too, attacking other garden birds such as Kurrichane thrushes, common fiscals, dark-capped bulbuls and house sparrows.

ENVIRONMENT BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

The prize for aggression must, however, go to the malachite sunbird – he has been known to attack birds as large as an Egyptian goose!

a clothes line (amethyst) and from an iron bar (scarlet-chested). Thorny bougainvillea shrubs make attractive nest sites for garden sunbirds.

Posturing and display are an important part of the aggression, and in many species the flashing of yellow pectoral tufts is part of the show. Greater double-collared males perch about 30 centimetres apart and sing at each other, swaying from side to side. The display of an adult male amethyst faced by a juvenile is particularly bizarre: he advances upon the younger bird with a butterfly-like flight, wings flapping slowly and body moving at an angle down towards the upstart.

One of the most acrobatic displays is that of the miombo double-collared sunbird: the male swings upside down on a perch while singing to a female with nest material. Malachite and southern double-collared sunbirds can take up to 30 days to build a nest, whereas the olive and scarlet-chested are much faster, completing the task in as little as two days and three to six days, respectively. The structure’s outer decor often reflects its suburban location, with scraps of paper, silver confectionery wrappings and bits of plastic added to the mix.

In some instances threat displays may escalate into fights. Amethyst males are sometimes seen flying at one another, interlocking their claws and ‘fencing’ with their bills as they tumble towards the ground. Having built their nests on their own, female sunbirds also incubate their eggs without help from the males. This stage in the breeding cycle lasts for two to two-and-a-half weeks, depending on the species. A crooked tail seen on a female orange-breasted sunbird is a giveaway that she is incubating, as her tail is twisted to one side while she is in the confines of her nest.

Most sunbirds perch when foraging on flowers but some, like amethysts and miombo doublecollareds, sometimes hover in front of the flower as they access the nectar. White-bellieds are even noted for being able to fly backwards as they hover.

When it comes to nest-building, it’s mainly the female that collects material and fashions it into a structure, although she is almost always accompanied by her mate. He makes no attempt to assist her, but is more likely ensuring that no clandestine mating takes place. Only variable sunbird males participate in constructing the nest. The structures generally comprise grass and other fine material like rootlets and lichens, are held together with spider web and have a soft lining on the inside and some form of decoration on the outside. In the main,they are pear-shaped and enclosed, and in many species the entrance hole is protected by a porch. Nests tend to be suspended, and in suburban environments they have been found hanging from a rope in a disused room (collared sunbird), from an electric flex and

But nectar isn’t the only bounty for sunbirds. Greenheadeds feed on the sap from oil palms, while both southern and greater double-collareds are partial to the fluid that oozes out of figs where fig wasps have tunnelled out of the fruits. Greater double-collareds also feed on the juices of fruits such as figs and grapes. Although sunbirds are accustomed to bathing in the dew or raindrops that collect on leaves, they will make good use of a birdbath in the garden. And while some birds may be fazed by irrigation systems and garden sprayers, malachite and southern double-collared sunbirds happily bathe by flying through the jets of water. Not only are sunbirds both attractive and interesting, but they have adapted well to living around humans – and there seem to be 101 ways in which you can lure them into your garden. 47 ISSU E 5 • 2021

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate








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49 ISSU E 5 • 2021

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