With the warmer weather upon us, it is a pleasure to see residents out and about in the Estate.
The Estate held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 24 August 2022.
Some highlights from the AGM are:
The appointment of a new director.
• Abel Mudau was appointed as a new board member for the Estate. Welcome on-board Abel we are looking forward to working with you.
• The Resignation of Ugen Govender, the Financial Director. It was a pleasure to have Ugen on board. He served as a member of the board since Century had handed over the Estate to the HOA and has made a significant contribution.
The members present agreed to a rounded levy of R5000 per month. In addition to this and based on the chairperson’s report, it was further agreed that a special levy of R6000 per stand be implemented.
The budget pack was distributed to all homeowners prior to the meeting. The current income cannot sustain
the expenses of the Estate, the statutory increments from suppliers as well as the pertinent projects for the Estate. The proposed increase in levies was voted for and past by the members present.
At the last AGM, there were numerous concerns raised by homeowners over the landscaping of the common area at the Estate. The proposed new concept design was discussed with the members and a way forward was advised upon.
Members were also advised that there is a new company that approves the landscaping designs at the Estate. Previous to this, it was Studious; now, it has become Injabulo Landscaping.
Members were advised that one of the Homeowners had reported the Estate and the board to the CRL Commission. They had accused the board of not allowing them to practice their religion at the Estate. A compromise was reached at the hearing where only small fireworks such as pop-pops and sparklers will be allowed on the Estate. This will be permitted for all religious holidays going forward. No other fireworks will be permitted.
Century agreed to settle the historical lease agreement with the Estate less the interest mount which amounted to the region of R 309 000. Then honor the lease going forward.
Now that Spring is upon us, many stands have begun work on their gardens. All stands are reminded that the landscaping specification for the Estate is indigenous. Therefore, all alterations or new landscaping projects are required to abide by the guidelines of the Estate. Periodic inspections are being done on complete homes to ensure compliance and construction stands are required to comply as per the plan submission process listed in guidelines.
As construction continues in the Estate, homeowners are requested to ensure that their contractors are aware of the rules of the Estate.
We have seen more stands transgressing the rules of the Estate and this is unacceptable.
Speeding within the Estate is still a huge concern despite the installation of speed signage around the Estate. The speed limit within the Estate is strictly 40km per hour. Residents are reminded that this is a community and that we need to be mindful of those around us. Speeding puts those around us at great risk.
There are a number of stands who have completed their construction but have not arranged for their Completion Certificates. Homeowners can make contact with Studios Architects to arrange for a final inspection of their property and to arrange for their Completion Certificate.
A friendly note, if you are not in possession of a Completion Certificate your stand is considered a construction stand in terms of the Estate. This means that you will still be liable for a late building penalty. This still applies if you are living in your home and are in possession of an Occupation Certificate from council.
Security is an integral part of the Estate and requires a holistic approach. Unfortunately, our guards are being abused for performing their duties which is unacceptable. Security works under certain protocols and any requests or arrangements that deviate from these protocols needs to be made via the appropriate channels. We appeal to homeowners to not vent your frustrations onto the guards and to please be mindful that the guards are acting upon instruction. You may contact the Estate manager or the onsite control room to make the relevant arrangements timeously.
Homeowners are requested to contact the controlroom as per the numbers provided should you wish to contact security for promote assistance.
Homeowners are reminded that we do offer a “follow-me-
home” service. You only need to contact the controlroom and arrange atleast 10mins prior for the security bakkie to follow you from an agreed location with reason.
With more homeowners moving into the Estate, we have noticed an increasing number of pets that have been found either roaming the Estate or escaping their stands unaccompanied by owners. Owners must ensure that fencing is adequate to secure your pets within your properties and to take the necessary precautions when entering and exiting your property.
Stands are reminded that pets need to have identification tags on their collars.
Let your pet not be a bone of contention between you, your neighbours and other owners, residents, or visitors.
Homeowners are also to ensure that you clean up your pet’s excrement when in the common area. We have received multiple complaints and seen homeowners walking their pets without cleaning up after their pets in the common area.
Going forward, homeowners who do not clean up after their pets in the common area will be addressed in accordance with the Estate’s guidelines.
The biometric system has been installed to provide access only to the person with that biometric. Homeowners have been identified in abusing the system. They have used their access to open for the contractors and or their guests which is totally unacceptable and goes against the rules of the Estate. it also puts the security of the Estate at greater risk. Any homeowner identified in doing so will be penalised in accordance with the with penalty scheduled.
As a final note, we would like to remind residents that harmonious community living is only achieved when residents are able to use and enjoy their private property as well as the public areas of the Estate amicably. General consideration and mutual respect by all residents for each other and their surroundings will greatly assist in achieving a happy community and a pleasant environment.
Please be vigilant at all times and report any suspicions to the office or to security.
Redford School held their annual spring walk at the Estate. It was quite refreshing to see the little cutie pies and their parents enjoying our Estate and having so much of fun just enjoying the fresh air.
Realising that there was a rapid decline in owl numbers and that owls had become one of the most common wildlife casualties brought into veterinary practices, Brendan Murray and his wife, Danelle, decided ten years ago to focus all their efforts on conserving them. The organisation they founded, Owl Rescue Centre, is based at Hartbeespoort in the North West Province, and now takes in more than a thousand owls every year through their rescue efforts. The owls are rehabilitated and when they can survive on their own in the wild, are released in the sanctuary – a farm which is located within a 12,000-hectare conservancy.
Owl Rescue Centre is a registered Non-profit company and permitted rehabilitation facility concerned with the well-being of all owl species and wildlife in Southern Africa.
Owl Rescue Centre is dedicated to protect owls, rescue owls that are in danger and rehabilitate and care for owls that have been injured, are sick, poisoned or orphaned and then release them back into their natural environment using
specifically researched release methods. We are also involved in several conservation projects to decrease the high mortality rate of owl species.
Owl Rescue Centre’s vision is that through increased understanding of the owl’s true character, the fears and misgivings that often surround peoples’ perceptions of owls will be replaced by tolerance and respect for these unique birds.
We follow a philosophy of minimal human interference to nature’s natural means. We nurture owls when they need us, but we allow them to stay wild and return to their natural habitat when they no longer require our assistance.
Most owl species hunt and are active at night and are seldom observed by humans. Because of this nocturnal (night-time) existence, they are little known and often misunderstood, even though some owls live their entire lives in close proximity to man.
Owl Rescue Centre creates awareness among communities helping them to understand that owls share our natural habitat and play an important role in the ecological system. The education is aimed to give insight to the misperceptions people have about owls and to inform them that owls pose no threat to human beings. Owl Rescue Centre’s education is based on the principle of respect for all living creatures, no matter how big or small, they each serve a purpose in our interconnected and interdependent existence.
When Brendan and Danelle aquired the farm now known as the Owl Sanctuary, their dream was to secure a place for the owls where they would be protected and looked after, a piece of habitat that would always belong to them.
The Sanctuary is the only one of its kind in the world. Owls can be observed visiting the various feeding platforms around the Sanctuary every single night. Many have taken up residency in the Owl Houses erected on the farm, where they breed year after year.
Brendan and Danelle, following a life-long passion for the protection of wildlife, are committed to the conservation of vulnerable species and have dedicated their lives to the cause.
Brendan Patrick Murray spent most of his young life observing and studying birds. He came to the realization many years ago that owls specifically need help to protect them from becoming endangered, and so Owl Rescue Centre was born. Brendan has been involved in wildlife conservation for more than 30 years. He started his initial field studies in the Okavango Delta in Northern Botswana where he researched several species of birds of prey, studying their hunting and breeding behaviour, their habitat and possible threats to their conservation. Since then, Brendan has succesfully rescued, rehabilitated and released thousands of different species of wildlife and is internationally renowned as a specialist in his field and one of the most knowlegable persons on owl conservation in the world.
The Spekboom Project was started by 8-yearold Rebecca Murray, daughter of the founders of the organisation, Brendan and Danelle Murray. Rebecca is a passionate young conservationist who have been growing Spekboom plants for the past year, ever since she found out how it could benefit the planet. She then suggested that other people start planting them too and that the plants are sold to raise funds for the owls.
• Spekboom absorbs up to 10 times more pollution than any other plant.
• Spekboom is edible? It is delicious in salads, makes great smoothies and is a favourite among animals.
• Spekboom is indigenous to South Africa
• Spekboom is water-wise & easy to grow.
We recommend planting Spekboom in gardens, building complexes, urban areas, corporate estates and school grounds. Spekboom should never replace other indigenous plants or be planted in natural areas where it may hinder or disturb area specific flora.
Everything starts out small, but has the potential to grow into something big.
Approximately 120 Spekboom plants completely offset your personal carbon footprint.
Please make payment to Owl Rescue Centre
NPC, Nedbank Current Account 103 081 9580 Branch Code 198 765 Reference: SB & your full name. Then, send your proof of payment along with your delivery address and contact number to info@owlrescuecentre.org.za
Collection Address: Owl Sanctuary, Farm 448 Bokfontein Hartbeespoort 0250. Please contact 082 719 5463 for access.
Monday to Friday - 8am to 5pm. Weekends until 3pm.
Delivery in Johannesburg & Pretoria is offered free of charge to orders over 50 plants. R100 delivery fee apply to all other orders.
If you are located outside of these areas, please send us an email to info@owlrescuecentre.org. za for a quotation on courier fees.
*Please note: There is a waiting period on all deliveries. We work on a turn-around time of 10 - 15 working days. If you cannot wait for a delivery, please feel free to collect at our Centre.
Parenting during recent years
has been especially difficult, with many parents reporting symptoms of burnout but feeling too guilty to talk about it.
McKinsey reports that the stress of working from home added to the seemingly unrelenting responsibilities of caring for children and families has been overwhelming for many working parents, some of whom describe feeling as if they are ‘losing it’ or ‘going crazy’ under all the pressure.
A more recently studied phenomenon, parental burnout is a specific syndrome resulting from enduring exposure to chronic parenting stress, and characterised by emotional, physical and mental exhaustion; lowered feelings of fulfilment, and detachment from loved ones, especially children.
Over the years, we have learned to cope with, and prevent, workplace or vocational burnout. Usually, a time of leave, psychotherapy, selfcare or a change in the work environment can help. However we have yet to develop coping mechanisms for the equally widely experienced yet less addressed burnout related to parenting.
The Covid pandemic amplified the stress and strain of everyday parenting in several unique ways:
• Suddenly, millions of parents had to become home-school teachers.
Many parents ill-equipped to manage this responsibility were left feeling inadequate and overwhelmed.
• Parents were left caring for children full-time while trying to do their day jobs.
This double demand has been distressing, especially for working mothers and single parents who carry significant family care responsibilities.
• Parents were stuck at home.
Marital and family tensions were amplified during this time, leading to increased irritation, annoyance, and sometimes even aggression at home.
• Many parents had to deal with traumatic loss and grief.
Many households experienced loss through death in their immediate or extended families or social circles. Grieving was often also incomplete and delayed, due to Covid restrictions and family separations.
While the world has returned to a closer semblance of ‘normal’ since the months of lockdown, many parents have yet to address and overcome the symptoms of the heightened burnout they may have experienced during this time.
• Social isolation and withdrawing from others
• Losing interest in activities once enjoyed
• Feelings of exhaustion or lethargy
• Feeling hopeless and as if ‘trapped’
• Feeling excessive sadness, irritability, or anxiety
• Sleep problems and changes in appetite
• Noticing you have a shorter temper
• Feeling as though any new or additional task could put you over the edge
• Not wanting to be touched or needing to be alone
• Feeling resentful (toward children, your partner, or the world)
• Feeling guilty about taking time out
Don’t be afraid to talk about it Parenting stress and burnout are real experiences, and needn’t be accompanied by
guilt or shame. Reach out to trusted friends, your partner, your family or a mental health professional for support.
Understand that parenting can be hard, and that you are doing your best. Release the word ‘should’ from your self-talk. No one will ever feel as if they are doing enough or getting things ‘just right’.
Find creative ways to incorporate moments of reprieve into your daily, weekly and monthly routine. This can be as simple as enjoying a quiet cup of tea in the afternoon sun, or as exciting as taking a holiday with just your partner or friends.
Are you stuck in catastrophising mode or negative thought spirals that are making the situation at hand feel even worse? Becoming aware of and verbalising or writing down your thoughts in a way that helps you to examine whether they are true, useful or necessary can be the first step in helping you to manage ongoing stressors.
This is particularly important if you are feeling depressed, anxious or experiencing suicidal ideation.
Spirituality or a sense of something greater than oneself and one’s daily life can bring perspective to our suffering and loss of control. Meditation and contemplative practices can be particularly grounding, and are readily available online.
Dr Stanley Arumugam is a psychologist, coach and pastor. Email dr.stanley.arumugam@gmail. com to get in touch.
The COBB is a compact, portable, versatile, energy efficient cooker that perfectly complements the lifestyle of an outdoor enthusiast or a home entertainer.
The multiple award winning patented COBB cooking system grills, fries, bakes, smokes and boils. This unique light-weight cooking system is
The COBB’s unique design allows fat and grease to drain away from the food that is cooking and into the moat for healthier cooking.
As the fat does not land on the coals, the COBB cooking system is virtually smokeless and can be used in small well ventilated areas such as balconies without causing a smokey environment.
Ventilation through the holes of the Dome allows for even distribution of heat, allowing food to cook to perfection.
Made from the highest quality durable materials, the COBB has no moving parts allowing a safe and easy cooking experience, allowing you to cook on boats and in other such places without concern due to the secure and sturdy design. Added to this the COBB can be easily dismantled and placed into a dishwasher for cleaning convenience.
You can use the same recipe for wings if you prefer!!!
• 140g Raw Chicken Breast
• 20g Cake/Oat Flour
• 25ml Almond Milk
• 1 Egg White
• 1/2 Tsp Paprika
1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
• Salt & Pepper
• 20g Trigs Chips (Chutney or Sweet Chilli Flavour)
• 45ml Garlic, sesame & ginger soya sauce (Vital)
• 2 Tsp Honey
• Spring onion (garnish)
1. In a mixing bowl, combine oat flour, almond milk, egg white and spices -whisk until combined
2. Add raw cubbed chicken breast and coat in the mix - set aside (or in the fridge for 1 hour if possible)
3. Pop the trigs chips into a bag and smash into crumbs
4. Place the crumbs into a bowl
5. Add the chicken pieces and coat them with the chips
6. Spray your air fryer or oven tray with nonstick spray
7. Add the chicken pieces - before baking for 8 minutes on 200 degrees
8. After 8 minutes, turn over the pieces and bake for a further 4 minutes until the pieces are crisp - remove from the air fryer
9. In a small pan, add the soya sauce and honey and heat gently
10. Add the chicken pieces and coat them in the sauce - serve while hot!
The latest model to receive the GR treatment in Toyota’s line-up is the ever-popular Corolla Cross. This locally-built crossover was brought to market in the final quarter of 2021 and became an instant success story, frequently topping the passenger-vehicle sales charts, while also being crowned as South African Car of the Year (SA COTY).
As part of the continued expansion of the Gazoo Racing (aka GR) brand, the Corolla Cross is the latest model to be adorned with the GR badge.
The Corolla Cross GR-S features a bespoke exterior package with a revised front grille, finished in gloss black, which now extends towards the headlamp assembly. The lower apron too is finished in gloss black along with the signature ‘GR Mesh’. A further differentiator versus the ‘normal’ Corolla Cross, are the vertical air ducts which incorporate compact fog lamp units. A strong horizontal cross bar and large Toyota insignia complete the bold façade.
Black exterior mirrors are paired with a black roof (creating a bi-tone design) and black roof rails to create a side profile with attitude. The rear calls upon a black roof spoiler, black tailgate trim and blacked-out rear bumper diffuser to echo the GR theme. The package is completed by a GR badge affixed to the rear.
Three exterior colours are offered, which match the GR brand colours: Arizona Red Bi-Tone, Chromium Silver Bi-Tone and Glacier White Bi-Tone.
The elegant simplicity and superb ergonomics of the Corolla Cross cabin is retained while adding a dose of flair. The interior features stylish black leather trim throughout - replete with GR embossing on the headrest - which plays perfectly to the GR theme with the addition of red contrast stitching and red perforation. These details are complemented by a red accent stripe on the instrument panel and piano black surface detailing. A chunky 3-spoke steering wheel with red stitching and piano black inserts, falls easily to the driver’s hands.
Under the skin, new shock absorbers and revised coil springs provide amp up the handling performance without detracting from ride comfort. This is supplemented by a recalibrated power steering module (EPS) - to deliver more responsive handling, steering wheel feedback and cornering prowess. The rolling stock comprise unique 18” black alloy wheels shod with 225/50/R18 tyres.
The Corolla Cross GR-S employs the existing 1.8-litre 2ZR-FE petrol engine, coupled to a CVT transmission with seven pre-programmed ‘steps’ to simulate a close-ratio transmission in manual shifting mode. It delivers 103 kW and 172 Nm while sipping just 6.8 l/100 km on the combined cycle.
Using the Xr grade as a base, the standard specification is substantial. Keyless entry, poweradjustable and auto-retractable exterior mirrors, all-round one-touch power windows, LED lighting units, Cruise Control, TFT Multi-Information Display (MID), dual-zone climate control, reverse camera, Park Distance Control (PDC), rain-sensing wipers and LED interior Illumination are all on-board. The infotainment system is of the touchscreen variety while supporting smartphone connectivity and offering multiple USB inputs.
The Corolla Cross GR-S is equipped with Toyota Safety Sense (TSS), which offers a full suite of active safety aids including Adaptive Cruise Control, Blind Spot Monitoring (BSM), Lane Trace Assist (LTA) and Pre-Collision System (PCS). These are joined by the obligatory ABS, VSC, EBD, Hill Assist Control (HAC) and Brake Assist systems, as well as passive safety aids such as ISOFIX and a full airbag array.
Corolla Cross 1.8i GR-S - R 453,200
All Corolla Cross models are sold with a 6-services/90 000 km service plan (intervals set at 15 000 km) and 3-year/100 000km warranty. Service and warranty plan extensions can also be purchased from any Toyota dealer (220 outlets).
All Toyota models come equipped with Toyota Connect, including a complimentary 15 Gb in car WiFi allocation, vehicle telematics and enhanced user features via the MyToyota app.
Celebrate legendary durability, capability and mastery with the all-new Land Cruiser 300.
Built to traverse any terrain with ease and with relentless off-road ability, it’s no surprise that it’s titled The Master of Africa. Fitting for any legendary driver looking for legendary adventures.
Book your test drive today at toyota.co.za
Lifta Home Lifts are the epitome of style, function and comfort - the perfect addition to your double storey home.
Lifta Home Lifts are stylish domestic lifts that can be installed almost anywhere in your home. Our shaftless, plug and play installations are simple, neat and can be fitted with minimal alterations to your new or existing home. There is no need for three phase power or extensive and costly construction work and our units can be installed within 2 days.
Take your home to the next level today.
You know summer’s in swing when the dragonflies come out to play! These glorious goggas are in fact not dangerous at all and are actually superb pest controllers with a most captivating twist. Watching these elegant insects dance around the pool is such a lovely sight indeed! Let’s discover more about this curious creature.
By life is a garden
According to Romanian folklore, St. George went to battle and wounded a dragon while fighting on his horse. His horse was then cursed and turned into a giant flying insect, which is why ‘dragonfly’ translates to ‘devil’s horse’ in Romanian. Cursed horse or not, all we know is that the dragonfly is far from doomed and only adds value to gardens everywhere. They live on every continent but Antarctica and are welcomed for their helpfulness and grace.
These superb hunters help to keep the fly and mozzie population in check by grabbing them with their feet and then munching away during flight. Dragonflies are excellent fliers – they can fly up and down or hover like a helicopter. Most other flying goggas don’t stand a chance against this agile hunter. A single dragonfly can eat between 30 to 100 mosquitoes in a day! There’s certainly no need for bug spray with these guys around.
Dragonflies need a fresh water source for the female to lay her eggs. She does this by dipping her abdomen into water immediately after mating. If you don’t have a swimming pool, they would appreciate a little water feature or birdbath too. Dragonflies are harmless to human’s and they do not bite or sting. Besides being excellent insect hunters, they are also a very important food source for other predators such as birds and fish. Just like the frog, the appearance of dragonflies in the garden is an excellent indicator of the overall health and balance of your ecosystem.
There really is no need to sho away these gorgeous goggas! They bring such lovely summer vibes to the backyard and are only there to help us out. All they ask in return is for a little fresh water and perhaps some more admiration from us all. They are a valuable part of the food chain and reward us with less mozzies and more pool party amazement!
For anyone new to composting, or those who simply want to improve their existing compost heaps, we’ve prepared a round-up of top tips and great stuff that will help you get on top of your compost.
1. Buy a decent compost bin
If you don’t fancy building a compost heap like the large ones we have at Eden, try a compost bin. They’re compact, so they’re perfect for smaller gardens and yards.
2. Pick the perfect spot for your compost heap or bin
It’s best to site it on a level, well-drained spot, which will ensure that any excess water drains away easily. This also helps worms to get in and get on with the job of breaking down the content.
3. Let the worms do the hard work
Nature has provided us with the perfect waste disposal unit in the humble worm. They can live their whole lives in the dark and love the moist atmosphere of a wormery or compost heap, eating the waste material you put in and converting it into liquid feed and compost. The brilliant tiger worm (Eisenia fetida) is the most efficient little worm we know, and loves nothing more than eating its way through organic waste. We post them out from our shop in worm-friendly pouches so they get to your compost heap ready for action.
Good things to compost include vegetable peelings, fruit waste, teabags, plant prunings and grass cuttings. These are fast to break down and provide important nitrogen as well as moisture. It’s also good to include things such as cardboard egg boxes, scrunched up paper and fallen leaves. These are slower to rot but provide vital fibre and carbon and also allow important air pockets to form in the mixture. Crushed eggshells can be included to add useful minerals.
Certain things should never be placed in your bin. No meat or dairy products unless you’ve opted for a digester. No diseased plants, and definitely no dog poo or cat litter, or babies’ nappies. Putting any of these in your compost will lead to unwanted pests and smells.
Also avoid composting perennial weeds (such as dandelions and thistle) or weeds with seed heads. Remember that plastics, glass and metals are not suitable for composting and should be recycled separately.
The key to good compost lies in getting the mix right. You need to keep your ‘greens’ and ‘browns’ properly balanced. If your compost is too wet, add more ‘browns’. If it’s too dry, add some ‘greens’. Making sure there is enough air in the mixture is also important. Adding scrunched up bits of cardboard is a simple way to create air pockets that will help keep your compost healthy. Air can also be added by mixing the contents.
A well-cared-for compost heap requires regular turning, which can be a tricky job without the right tools. Turning your compost helps to aerate and mix up the waste and cuttings, which leads to faster composting.
You can encourage the correct enzymes in your compost by using a compost activator. It helps to turn your grass, leaves and garden waste into dark, rich, crumbly compost in less than half the time. You mix a small amount into water, pour it onto your compost and after 10 weeks of rotting your compost is ready to use. It can also be used to revive partially composted or dead heaps.
As autumn seems to have come early to many of us you can use fallen leaves as a good source of compost. It’s fine to add these to your compost bin but if you have large amounts of leaves, you might prefer to place them in a large biodegradable leaf bag. Once you’ve gathered up your fallen leaves they can be left to turn into a brilliant source of moisture-rich soil improver that’s great to use for potting mixes as an alternative to peat. The leaves will be kept neatly in one place and the sack will biodegrade, leaving you with a rich pile of wonderful compost.
When your compost is ready you’ll have a dark brown, almost black soil-like layer at the bottom of your bin. It should have a spongy texture and will be rich in nutrients. Spreading the finished compost into your flowerbeds greatly improves soil quality by helping it retain moisture and suppressing weeds. It also reduces the need to use chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
Think about the last time you decided to make an essential change in your life. Maybe you decided to start a new eating plan or train for a specific sporting event. Was it easy to change your habits and routine to accommodate the change? Were there days when you just wanted to give up? Were there aspects of the ‘old you’ or your ‘old life’ that you missed?
When we want to make changes in our lives, we are very quickly reminded of the gap between where we are and where we want to be. Some days that gap feels bigger than others, which can be overwhelming. Why Change is Hard
For most of us, change can be tough. You remain a prisoner to your embedded daily behaviours, otherwise known as habits. Often, your day-today life is not more than a series of repetitive habits or learnt behaviours which provide structure and familiarity.
Good or bad, we all have habits, some very much in our conscious awareness whilst others are hidden in our blind spots, acted out on autopilot. Irrespective, the reality is that your daily habits are either taking you towards or away from your goals. Over a lifetime it determines the difference between the life you desired and the life you lived. We are what we repeatedly do.
Therefore, learning to break bad habits and replace them with new habits is a crucial success factor to change and long-term success and thus an important focus area in health coaching.
The challenge is that habits’ automatic, unconscious nature makes it difficult for you to notice when you are doing
something habitually. For this reason, the first step to changing your habits is becoming aware of them and then consciously choosing to do something else. How to Break Bad Habits
Identifying bad habits you want to break and new ones you want to create is one thing; releasing their grip on you is another. All habits serve you in some way, even the bad ones, which is why you repeat them. To change a pattern, you must first understand what you are getting from the habit and what need it serves.
This is where health coaching can help – a health coach will help you:
• understand how habits form,
• uncover your blind spots and
• set goals to replace old habits with new ones
A health coach will also
assist you in gaining a deeper understanding of your habitual behaviours and triggers. This understanding can help you learn how to interrupt the pattern with a new chosen behaviour until it becomes second nature.
Before change can happen, a moment of brutal self honestly is required regarding your habits and the resulting cost to your health and wellbeing. To assist you in breaking bad habits, a health coach will help you realise any positive connection you may have associated with them and reinforce the negatives of keeping that habit, to assist you in moving away from it.
Change takes time, as does breaking a bad habit and learning a new one. Reach out to a health coach to help make it easier for you.