Heritage Hill oct 17

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OCT 2017



contents OCTOBER

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As we are marching onto year-end, building activities are almost complete. I am certain this will make our lives more pleasant as we will not have extreme building activities and contractors, who sometimes could be a source of concern to our residents. Although we live in a very secure environment, we would like to urge residents to always keep their homes and garages locked. There is always a risk of petty crime. We would also like to urge all residents to remain vigilant and alert, especially when entering and exiting the Estate after hours. This brings me to a much talked about topic in most estates namely problems with dogs. We at the HOA office almost receive daily complaints about dogs. This varies from excessive barking to dogs roaming our Estate streets and the odd case where other residents legally walking their pets are attacked by loose running dogs.


From the


Estate Manager Dear Heritage Hill Residents, We are now well into spring and we are hoping for early rains which will bring our Estate gardens into full glory.

I would like to bring some very important legislation to your attention pertaining to the keeping of dogs. Dog owners are subject to the action known as “actio de pauperie.” What this means is that if a dog attacks and injures you, the owner may be held liable for paying you compensation – without you having to prove that the owner was negligent or that the dog was under the owner’s control when you were bitten. This is assuming that you acted in a reasonable manner and were entitled to be in the area where you were attacked. Presiding judge C. J. Innes in the 1927 case of O‘Callaghan vs. Chaplin, “By our law, the owner of a dog that attacks a person who was lawfully at the place where he was injured, and who neither provoked the attack nor by his negligence contributed to his own injury, is liable, as owner, to make good the resulting damage.”

• • • • • • • • •

Must be a domestic animal; Defendant must be the owner of the animal at the time damage caused; Animal must have acted “contra naturam sui generis” when causing the damage; The plaintiff must be lawfully present at the place where and when the damage is caused. A claim against a dog owner may be rejected if the owner can verify that: the dog was provoked to attack, for example by someone hurting the animal the victim wasn’t entitled to be on the property where the attack occurred the victim was warned of the inherent danger but chose to interact with the animal anyway the animal didn’t behave in a way “contrary to its nature”, meaning that the attack should reasonably have been expected and avoided by the victim.

Excessive barking: Barking behaviour is completely normal dog behaviour and stopping nuisance barking will not mean your dog won’t bark at all. They will still let you know if there is an intruder, the aim is just to get the barking to a more manageable level.

Dogs bark for a number of reasons, so it is important to sit back and try to determine why your dog is barking. Some dogs bark for attention, out of boredom, at people or birds and some bark because they are stressed or anxious. A dog barking due to anxiety needs a different approach to a dog that is bored. For this reason bark collars are considered by veterinary behaviourists to be a costly investment for something that most likely will not work long-term and may even be harmful. More exercise, chewing, company and stimulation can assist. If you have a problem barker make an appointment with your veterinarian. Many vets have additional qualifications or a special interest in behaviour, so it is worth asking whether one of the vets has a special interest in behaviour. Often there are health conditions that could be exacerbating the problem, such as dementia, pain, vision or hearing problems. Dogs also bark if they are anxious, so medication can be used in the short-term to help your dog learn some coping skills. They need not be permanent. While there are some excellent dog trainers, there is little regulation in the industry, so skills and methods can vary. Ask your veterinarian to recommend someone if they can’t help

Responsible owners: • Clean up after their pets and dispose of the waste in a sanitary manner; • Keep their dogs on leashes at all times when not at home; • Ensure that their animals are identified – the spca recommends microchipping; • Obey local by-laws pertaining to animals; • Spay or neuter their pets not only to improve the health and behaviour of the pets but also to prevent their animals adding to the tragic problem of pet over-population; • Maintain an active tick and flea programme so these pests won’t spread; • Ensure their pets are vaccinated; and • Provide sufficient attention and adequate activities or items (toys, chews etc.) To provide for the animal’s behavioural needs. Thank you for your co-operation. Kind regards

Fred Botes




IMPORTANT Control Room: 076 936 5249 Main Gate: 012 657 2350 (or extension 11111) Thorburn Security: Security Manager - Moses Sehoma: 071 670 1016 / msehoma@thorburn.co.za


PRETOR Group: Levy Enquiries Portfolio Manager - Tina van Zyl Switchboard: 012 001 9000 / tinaV@pretor.co.za SAPS 012 654 2121/3131 011 316 3010 SAPS Flying Squad:10111 Fire Brigade, Lyttelton: 082 612 0509 MUNICIPALITY Water & Electrical supply problems: 012 358 6690


Midpharm Pharmacy – Midstream: 012 940 9000/1 NHC Pharmacy: 012 762 6333

NETWORK & DSTV SERVICE PROVIDER Smart Village 0861 845 5243 / 012 679 3400

Bees; Snakes and Pest Control: Nico: 071 640 5543 Snake Bite Assist Arno: 083 739 9303

AMBULANCE Emer-G-Med: 0861 007 911 Netcare: 082 911/086 133 2332 ER 24: 084 124

HHHOA Estate Manager - Fred Botes 012-657 2329 (or extension 2495) / 079 989 6353 / fred@heritage-hill.co.za

EMERGENCY CARE Midstream Medi Clinic: 012 652 9102

PR & Admin - Elsa van Schalkwyk 082 877 4175 / elsavs@heritage-hill.

Medical Centres Midstream: 087 805 5222 NHC (Brakfontein Road): 012 762 6300

6 Disclaimer: This Newsletter is produced especially for residents/owners of Heritage Hill Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by K-Studio on behalf of Heritage Hill Estate HOA. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, Heritage Hill Estate HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.

October: Any sweet treat

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MONTHLY DONATIONS TO HANNA CHARITY & EMPOWERMENT FOUNDATION let us make a difference throughout the year by supporting this foundation! Containers are placed at the entrance and exit booms.


Budget-wise tips to get your


Financially, 2017 has not done anyone any favours.


Which is perhaps why many households might not be going on the usual Christmas breakaway at the end of the year. Perhaps if you’ve planned better and saved more, the 11 months leading up to December might have been enough time to save up – but it is too late now. Or is it? With these budget tips even the late sleeper could get to go on a breakaway. But you have to act now!

holiday on in December

Tip 1: Consult the budget & cut where you can

Where is the road less travelled you might ask… How about camping in Baviaanskloof or Bonneyvale? The Richtersvels, Vanrhynsdorp or Napier? Websites such as Airbnb, Lekkerslaap or Budget-Getaways can help you find great accommodation anywhere in SA within your budget.

Tip 2: Sell things you don’t use anymore

Alternatively, book an affordable house or apartment a little drive away from where the action is. This way you can have the best of both worlds.

That bicycle your son is too big for. The gym equipment you never use. That set of golf clubs that is gathering dust. Sell it all. These days it is effortless to sell the things you don’t use anymore for a decent price on OLX or Gumtree etc.

Tip 3: Opt for the road less travelled

Come December most of the holiday-goers board planes or take to the road with the most popular holiday spots in SA as their destination. The coast. The bush. The Garden Route. But what if you took the road less travelled and chose a different location? You’ll save, that’s for sure. On the price of accommodation, entertainment, food etc.

Tip 4: Cash in on your rewards

Your bank and/or your supermarket’s reward systems are there for a reason. Capitalise on them by using your rewards for your holiday. Rewards can fund some of your fuel and/or groceries, so make sure you know what you have. Some reward systems can even help you save on your local travel bookings.

Tip 5: Book now

The earlier you book the better.


You still have two to three months’ salaries to bend and stretch. Consult your budget to see where you can make cost cuts. For e.g. for the next two months don’t spend any money on luxuries such as clothing, entertainment, takeaways, restaurant dinners etc. Plan your grocery shopping resourcefully (i.e. buy bulk and freeze).



Going away in December? Plan ahead! Although there is still some time before the December holidays arrive, it is best to plan the care of your pets, home and garden well in advance. When you are gone your pets will become extremely lonely and depressed. You have to make provision for them either through a livein pet sitter or by taking them to a kennel. Your pets deserve the best, which is why it is essential to book their place early on, as pet sitters and kennels fill up quickly leading up to the holidays.


Although you and your gardener deserve the break, your garden will be on its post the whole holiday; growing thirsty and growing wild. Make sure to organise someone to tend to your garden while you are away.




Events September to December ESTATE EVENTS


Our Village in the City has a sense of community, a sense of place – a true sense of belonging and contributing to all of this, are our social events where you have the opportunity to become a part of, and passionate about, our unique “Village in the City” and that the heartbeat of it will inspire you to live in it with gratefulness. In October Heritage Hill will be hosting its first Food & Wine pairing in the Village, in conjunction with Petite Eats and Beyerskloof Wines, in the Rose Garden on Friday evening, 13 October. The price per person is R 220.00. click here

Our Kid’s Sports Day is a fun afternoon for the kids where they can get down and dirty during our annual tug-of-war (“toutrek”); three-legged race; egg & spoon races; sack races, to name a few. This event is filled with laughter and fun and will take place on Saturday afternoon, 14 October in the Rose Garden. click here A Ladies Event is taking place on Saturday, 21 October in the Rose Garden (14:00 – 17:00). With Barefoot in Burgundy (Guest speaker Melinda Aucamp), Petite Eats, Pretty Pictures, Leza Liversage and Purple BELL Events Planning collaborating with us, it is sure to be a real treat! Good food, good wine, good company and a treat for all ladies! CARA - Connect. Create. Serve. click here

in the Rose Garden. The idea behind the Kids Christmas market is to give our kids (all ages) the opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial skills. (Younger ones can be assisted by their parents). Children can make the products themselves or buy and resell. It is R 50.00 per stand (±2.5m x 2.5 m), which will be used to purchase stationery for underprivileged children. Exhibitors are welcome to bring a table, chair and gazebo.The profit is theirs! We’ll ensure that there will be kids selling “real food” for the adults too. We end the year with our Gift of Giving – Christmas Carols in the Village. Please save the date – Saturday 2 December (15:30 -16:30). More info to follow. click here

Our next Blood Drive is on Monday, 23 October in the Rose Garden (15:30 – 19:00) for your convenience. Your donation can save three lives. click here

The last Blood Drive of the year will be on Monday, 18 December in the Rose Garden (15:30 – 19:00) for your convenience. Your donation can save three lives. click here

Join us for a family night out under the stars. Movie in the Park is scheduled for Friday 27 October in the Rose Garden @ 19:00 click here

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” Mae West

Our second Heritage Hill Kids Christmas Market is scheduled for Friday 1 December (4 pm – 7 pm)

Wishing you the same abundance, fragrance and colour in life, that spring delights us with.



Market in the Village has its origins in 2011, with the aim of placing Heritage Hill Estate on the map and creating awareness by hosting festivals twice a year. The idea was to promote and enhance creativity with our residents within our Estate.


Spring Market in the Village

From the first “intimate love affair” market during November 2011 to a market that has outgrown our Estate in 2016, we had to move the much-loved market to Trinityhouse Heritage Hill. This has proven to be very successful and due to the additional space we had the opportunity to grow the market. Looking back today we are extremely excited as to how it has established and grown and look forward to many more offerings in the future. The Spring Market that took place 1 September 2017 was very well attended and everybody relished the change of season and spent a lovely Friday evening outdoors. Visitors were spoilt for choice at the offerings at the various stands as there was a variety of arts and crafts available for both young and old alike as well as activities for children to keep them busy. The selection of food ensured that everybody’s taste buds were satisfied, not to mention the delicious cocktails and drinks. To top it off, everybody enjoyed the sounds of Bianca Blanc, Die Rooibos and Rick Jansen. A big thanks to all of our residents who supported our creative and passionate exhibitors. Well done to the exhibitors from Heritage Hill for your wonderful stands. We hereby confirm that “Market in the Village” has now been handed over to the personnel at Trinityhouse Heritage Hill who will be managing the markets moving forward. They’ll keep us posted on upcoming markets. May this “rich legacy” linger on and may we as residents continue to support them.


Life in the Village Bronwen Crew


“As we meander through the slumbering homes, past parks and water features, alongside the immaculate gardens, we feel assured of safety, beauty and privacy. It truly feels like a Village in the City for us.”


Dwelling in effortless quality, on a safe and secure familyorientated estate, means the world to me. Our choice to move into Heritage Hill estate almost 4 years ago, is one that we will never regret. We replaced monotonous daily traffic and chaotic bustling routines for peace, tranquility and nature. Our days now incorporate awakening to the sound of the many beautiful birds, grabbing a cup of coffee and heading off for a gentle dawn stroll. As a parent, I am always comforted in the knowledge that my children are free to traverse the estate, cycling to friend’s houses, visiting the ducks at the dam or enjoying an informal game of football in the park. For me and my family, Heritage Hill offers a unique lifestyle centered

around community and family and it feels great to be a part of something so unique and special. The careful attention to detail ensures relaxed, comfortable living. There is a noticeable commitment to the preservation of our environment and various conservation initiatives, has resulted in an abundance of wild critters remaining around the estate. It is such a privilege to spot an elusive Barn Owl glaring across the orchard or a Yellow House Bat flittering overhead, a Meerkat foraging in the shrubs or to hear the beautiful call of the Wild Egyptian Geese and Guinea Fowl. It is the concern-free community lifestyle that our estate offers us and the abundance of idyllic recreational environs that we have come to love, where we can walk our dogs and our children are free to be children. We have neighbours from around the world which gives our entire community a vibrancy which myself and my British husband, find very appealing. The strong sense of respect for family, community and nature is apparent in the way the estate is administrated and I welcome the rich heritage that it boasts. The effort that the management team makes to ensure that the interest of all residents is catered for is something to be admired and appreciated. There are few estates that boast a wealth of fabulous social events, fostering authentic community spirit and active healthy living. Movies in the Park, Zest for Life Lemon Festival, Winter Warmer Blanket Drive, Father and Child Camp Out, Spring Fun Run, Family Sports Day, Kids Christmas Market, Christmas Carols, Easter and Spring Markets are just a few of the many social opportunities we are afforded and this year there is an introduction of something a little more exclusive - the Le’ Village Wine Tasting. But more than that,

we are also spoilt with the door-step convenience of regular SANBS blood drives, Recycling management and many projects and initiatives that allow our family to care for and give back to the community and those in need. Within all of this, there is still a deep respect for privacy and we can relax in the comfort of our own space. Life in the Village is wonderful! Friends and family often remark that they envy our lifestyle and relish an occasional invitation to be a part of our community. In our busy and erratic lives, the various social events and activities hosted by our estate, create an opportunity for much needed reflection and celebration. I encourage you to take a little time to appreciate the lifestyle we are so privileged to have, enjoy the pleasures around you and find your place within our community. Take a walk on a dusky Sunday afternoon, feel the crisp morning breeze as you jog through streets and pathways, picnic in a park with your children and support the various events and activities that are hosted especially for us – the residents. Your support and participation will ensure that our village continues to flourish and will encourage others to uphold the values and fundamentals of village life. Our Village in the City has a sense of community, a sense of place – a true sense of belonging and it is the heartbeat of our estate that inspires my family and I, to live with gratitude and humility. Our home environment is now steeped in the finest traditions of community and we are proud to be residents in this village.


Although South Africa is the 30th driest country in the world, and even though we are in the midst of a drought season, these are not the biggest problems we are facing. The infrastructure needs to be upgraded and that alone will cost millions. The rainfall we had these past couple of days should not tempt you to sit back and use excessive water again. We can all help to reduce the risks by saving water.



Have you ever thought about how many times you open the tap and use water? Have you ever counted how many times in a day you use water for normal every day activities or have you ever wondered what it would be like if there is no more water supply in our country? THINK ABOUT IT!


Below are a couple of tips on how you can help. Remember: Every drop counts!


1. Turn-off the tap while brushing teeth, shaving or soaping hands. 2. Sweep outside areas instead of hosing with water. 3. Insulate hot water pipes to reduce time waiting for water to heat up. 4. Wash your car with a bucket and sponge only. 5. Shower instead of bath and/or use less water in the bath. 6. Install a geyser blanket for insulation. 7. Only turn the dishwasher on when it’s full. 8. Use the water you used to rinse fruit and veggies to water plants. 9. Learn about water-wise gardening. 10. Adjust sprinklers to water plants and not the pavement.


Use your water meter to check for hidden water leaks. Read the water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water has been used. To check for toilet tank leaks, add food colouring to the tank. If the toilet leaks, the toilet bowl will have changed colour within 30 minutes. Repair dripping taps by replacing the washer. If a tap is dripping at a rate of 1 drop per second, you could be

The Oupa & Ouma Project There is a good reason why there are so many projects and programmes in aid of those in need in South Africa. However, unfortunately it is still not enough as the demand far outweighs the support offered. Some demographics, such as the elderly, are often overlooked in the process. But anyone can make a difference in the lives of others, which is exactly what drove Tobia Von Zwietring to start the Oupa & Ouma project two years ago.

“Initially I only adopted a grandfather and grandmother and gave each of them a box filled with goodies for Christmas. But as I spent more time with them I realised how many of the other residents needed company, love and generally just somebody to care about them. That is when I decided to start the Oupa & Ouma project so I could call on others to help fill boxes for these grandmothers and fathers.”

How does it work?

It almost works like the annual Santa Shoebox where you pledge to fill a box. With the

Oupa & Ouma projeject you pledge to fill a box for a grandpa or a grandmother, and you can also pledge for more than one box if you are able to. Boxes must be gift-wrapped and contain a letter from the donor explaining who the box is from. Pledges must be made before the end of October 2017 to make sure that enough donations are gained before the boxes will be handed out in the second week of December. To make your pledge email Tobia on tobia@kstudio.co.za indicating the amount of boxes you would like to pledge, and whether you are pledging for a grandmother or father.

How big can the box be? No bigger than a shoe box.

What’s in the box? A washcloth Bar of soap Disposable razors Toothbrush Toothpaste


“I had this sudden feeling in my heart to do something for the elderly, so I started researching retirement homes that weren’t receiving the support it needed,”Tobia says. Her searches led her to SAVF Susan Strijdom Retirement Home in Queenswood, Pretoria. Susan Strijdom is an old age home that cares for both weak and self-sufficient elderly people. The home offers complete social care, which involves the spiritual and emotional aspects of its 89 residents, as well as a 24hour nursing service. In addition to this the old age home also offers care to residents with Alzheimer and Dementia.


Deoderant Body lotion Shaving cream (for the men) A pack of biscuits or rusks Sucking sweets A magazine or book (can be second-hand) Anything else a donor feels they would like to add, just nothing valuable. Each box works out between R100 -R150.

Where to take your box/es?


Boxes can be delivered to Elsa and will be collected from her as and when they arrive. We need the boxes before 11 of December.


Join the Christmas party (non-compulsary) The boxes will be handed out during a special Christmas party the old age home will be hosting. All donars (and their families) are invited to attend and help out at the event. Although the grandmothers and fathers value the boxes they receive, it is the love and hugs given on the day that they appreciate even more. “This project is defintely as a result of God’s mercy and every single person who has a heart to give,” Tobia adds. If you want to help Tobia in this worthy cause make your pledge today!

CRC Dreamweek 4 until 6 October 2017

CRC Auditorium, Silver Lakes, 9:00, R250 – R350 A 3-day spiritual event that will empower, educate and equip leaders, entrepreneurs and students to inspire a brighter future for South Africa.

Tshwane Picnic & Cocktail Experience Saturday 7 October 2017

Liquid Zone, Soshanguve, 12:00, R150 – R300 This year, in the fourth experience of its kind, the beach will be coming to Pretoria. Cocktails, beach volleyball, music and more all in a picnic setting.

Hashtag Meat Café, Ga-Rankuwa, 17:30, R150 A girls’ night out where women’s beauty issues such as hair, nail and skin care, fitness, make-up etc. will be discussed. Enjoy some wine tasting in the process and grab a bite with your favourite gals.

Biltong & Pinotage Festival Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 October 2017

Leriba Hotel, Centurion, 11:00, R220 Apart from tasting interesting pairings of biltong and red pinotages and pinotage-alternatives such as rosés, champagnes and white pinotages, this is an event suited for the whole family with live music, food stalls and a purple and white dress code.

A Wildlife & Wine Affair Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 October 2017

Leriba Hotel, Centurion, 10:00, R80 – R100 When 20 game and eco-tourism reserves and 20 award-winning wine farms come together you get a day of venison and wine tasting, eco-tourism product shopping and hunting education, wine shopping at cellar prices and more. Brought to you in partnership with Wild en Jag, SANParks Honorary Rangers and AgriSA.



Fairy Butterfly Saturday 7 October 2017





Would you like to know if you may add your product to this list? Contact tobia@kstudio.co.za *terms and conditions apply


Daniel – 076 1744 432 (Mon) Lucky – 060 8783 898 (Tue, Fri & Sat) Richard – 082 763 7108 (Wed & Sat)

Domestic Helpers:

Abegail - 0782601651 (Tue, Wed & Thu) Aulgar – 071 744 1646 (Fri & Sat) Betty – 076 687 2292 (Tue, Wed, Thu) Caroline – 076 829 2210 (Wed) Dorcas – 061 217 2525 (Thu & Sat) Elizabeth – 076 094 7998 (Tue,Wed, Thu, Fri & Sat) Esther – 076 602 8107 (Tue & Thu) Florence – 082 539 0108 (Sat) Francinah – 079 973 0400 (Tue & Thu) Gladys – 083 536 7044 (Tue, Thu & Sat) Lebo – 063 740 2272 (Mon - Wed 13:30 – 17:00) Lorraine – 061 203 8455 (Mon, Tue & Wed) Lizzie – 071 591 6035 (Tue & Thu) Martha – 073 2434 638 (Mon & Thu) Mavis – 071 736 1458 (Tue & Thu) Mesiah – 076 454 2886 (Mon, Wed & Sat) Mnisi – 073 966 7487 (Tue, Wed & Sat) Ndlovo – 076 086 8352 (Mon - Thu & Sat) Nthabiseng – 083 5367 044 (Tue & Thu) Ntebo – 078 040 9524 / 071 405 2716 (Tue & Thu) Patricia – 073 748 7481 (Mon – Fri) Rim – 082 0534 666 (Mon; Wed & Fri) Sabina – 073 041 7516 (Mon – Fri) Sarah – 079 979 5073 (Mon, Wed & Fri) Sarah – 079 4404 541 (Tue) Senzini - 078 535 8884 (Sat)

Shylet – (Mon – Fri / Part time or Full Time) please contact Peter for reference (079 899 6110) Sikhululiwe – 073 445 6302 (Mon, Wed & Thu) Simangani – 0788153023 (Tue) Sophy – (Mon, Fri & every 2nd Thu) please contact Amanda (073 187 8514) Sylvia – 084 705 1168 (Wed) Queenie – 071 495 7716 (Tue) Jennifer: 082 858 7508 (Mon, Thu & Fri) 082 858 7508 (talk to Chane)

Maintenance: Painting; Swimming Pool Renovations; Damp Proofing and Tiling Lukas – 072 147 7102 Malawian Houseman Misheck - 078 124 7295 – part time/full time work


Fresh from the farm Eggs delivered to your door – 2½ dozen @ R40.00 Please What’sApp/Sms to Leonore – 084 665 4158 Variety of homemade rusks – contact Linzi 082 501 2458 Do you want Tupperware? Please contact Desiré for any Tupperware orders or enquiries - 071 269 7875

An incentive for our SECURITY GUARDS

Account Holder: Pretor Estates (Pty) Ltd, Account number: 514 242 794 08 Bank: First National Bank, Pretoria


We would like to acknowledge the incredible work that the security guards have been doing to keep us safe in 2017. We feel this good record should receive a small incentive to motivate the guards for next year. As such, we would like to give the guards a small incentive to thank them for keeping us safe over the past year, and invite you, the residents to contribute towards this. If you feel they did well, please show your gratitude by way of a small donation, no matter how small. (Kindly do so before/on Friday 8 December). All contributions will be shared between the guards and are absolutely voluntary. Should you feel you would like to contribute; payments can be made into the levy account/account details below, with reference “SHTH44065X� on the payment.





this spring!

The bee’s knees. A bee in your bonnet. As busy as a bee. Buzz. For such a small insect the bee has inspired quite a number of popular sayings. And rightly so. Irrespective of the painful or (for those with an allergy) deadly sting, the bee is an important facet of food security ensuring the pollination of 70% of the world’s crops.

How to create a bee-friendly garden: Step 1: Remove invasive plants from your garden. Step 2: Plant a variety of colourful indigenous plants. Bees like diversity, and prefer plants with blue, yellow and purple flowers that carry a floral scent. Plant several of each type together. Step 3: Choose plants that bloom at different times of the year. Step 4: Only use natural pesticides. Step 5: Create a drinking bath for bees by using a shallow container, dropping in a few stones and adding enough water that would evaporate by the end of the day. Fill daily with fresh water. Types of trees, plants and herbs to plant Trees:

• Karee • Sweet thorn • Bush willow • Tree fuchsia • Weeping wattle Plants: • Aloes • Clivia • Felicia • Euryops daisy • Cape violets • Agapanthus • Gazania • Asparagus fern • Lavender If you don’t have a lot of space your herb garden can still attract bees. Plant: • Thyme • Rosemary • Mint • Chives • Fennel • Oregano Click here for an extensive list of plants that are an excellent food source for honeybees.

Did you know? • In South Africa we have two subspecies of ho eybees namely the African bee and the Cape bee. As its name suggest the Cape bee keeps to the more southern parts of the country, whereas you’ll find the African bee more to the north, like here in Gauteng. • The African bee is a brighter yellow and produces larger crops of honey than the Cape bee.

• South Africa normally produces an average of 2000t of honey annually. This number has dropped drastically this year. • The country imports a further 1000t of honey per year. • Bees help pollinate a R20-billion food crop industry in SA, which consists of deciduous fruit, oilseed harvests, vegetables and fodder plants. • Creating a bee-friendly garden won’t only benefit honeybees but also other native bee species, such as the South African Carpenter bee, and other pollinators including butterflies and beetles.

Got stung by a bee? Home remedies Nobody likes to get stung by a bee but did you know there are some common household grocery items you can apply to lessen the pain? • • •

Honey – Apply honey to the area and cover with a plaster. Baking soda – Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply. Apple cider vinegar – Add vinegar to a large enough container/dish so as to soak the affected area.


Over the past decade, bee colonies across the world have dropped between 30 and 70% due to industrialisation, pesticides, climate change and disease. In the Western Cape alone the drought and wildfires have caused the Province to lose 40% of its honeybees. Each and every one of us can help protect and promote bee colonies by simply creating a bee-friendly garden.



Oh so Fabulous Holiday Fruitcake! To avoid disappointment order your fruitcake for Christmas now 1kg rectangle moist & matured cake

ONLY R200 * image is for illustration purpose only * includes delivery to Pretoria

Contact Mientel 079 093 3104




LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE! Book now for our November publication to avoid disappointment 29

For more info Contact Jandrie van Jaarsveld t 074 111 2068 e sales@k-studio.co.za

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