Lombardy Estate _ Feb 2024

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the insider FEBRUARY ISSUE 2024

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Disclaimer: This e-Magazine is produced especially for residents/owners of Lombardy Estate & Health spa to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by K-Studio on behalf of Lombardy Estate & Health spa HOA. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, The Lombardy Estate & Health spa HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.



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G ET IN T UCH Here is a compilation of contact information for your reference. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us; we encourage you to get in touch.

HOA OFFICE HOA Office 012 809 0903 General Manager Carli Steenberg EXT 2002 gm@lombardyestate.co.za

Supervisor 082 462 2977 Security Manager Christo Venter 066 479 8510 security@lombardyestate.co.za


Reception & General Queries Marichen Booysen EXT 2000 office@lombardyestate.co.za

Operational Manager Christo Smit: 066 479 6874 ops@lombardyestate.co.za

Building plans & Compliance Sue Anne Van den Berg EXT 2003 admin@lombardyestate.co.za

Maintenance Manager Martin Locke 067 355 4491 maintenance@lombardyestate.co.za



Control Room 087 654 4822

Levy Queries: MidCity (012) 426 3400 Ext: 3495 / angelique.botha@midcity.co.za / Heintjie.serfontein@midcity.co.za

FE B R U A RY 2024



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Letter from the

MANAGER As we embark on a new year, my heartfelt wish is for each resident to experience a year filled with prosperity and joy. The year 2023 has left an indelible mark with its challenges, some successfully navigated and others persisting behind the scenes with unwavering dedication and meticulous care. Gratitude fills me for the robust team in the office and a collaborative board of directors, united in steering Lombardy toward its full potential. Anticipating the estate’s continued growth and my increased involvement with the dedicated ground teams, I am optimistic about the journey ahead.

A few developments from my side: Infrastructure Enhancements: We have made great progress in our irrigation project this past year, with the main gate and Fountains now being fully irrigated via our borehole located close to the guard house. Our clubhouse and surrounding lakes are also being fed via additional boreholes thanks to some serious planning and digging under the watchful eye of our newly appointed maintenance manager, Martin Locke and I’d like to thank one of our residents, Mr Higgo Du Toit for his help and involvement with the mammoth task. Lakes is a challenge although we are making good progress every day and working around an extensive irrigation system which has seen

better days whilst planning and implementing solutions for the future. We understand that our members long for the lush greenery which once was, and I can assure our members that we are working toward getting our gardens back to tip top shape with as much gusto as we can muster. Many upgrades to where we have managed to get borehole water have been made by our gardening team spear headed by our Christo Venter and director, Mrs Erica Du Toit. We have made some extensive upgrades to our perimeter security and we are hoping to finish the last phase of our fibre and power upgrades this year. Christo Smit, our compliance and operational manager has been very successful in ensuring not only the architectural and aesthetic value of the estate is upheld, but that the common property is also developed and maintained to a high standard. Home Upgrades Advisory: As the new year unfolds, residents contemplating upgrades or renovations to their homes are encouraged to seek approval from the HOA beforehand. Unapproved changes may result in penalties. Feel free to reach out to us for assistance with queries related to additions, upgrades, painting, generators, or solar—our team is here to help.

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Mid-City Take On: The transition to Mid City for financial administration signals a pivotal step in Lombardy’s evolution. We appreciate members’ patience as we navigate the intricacies of integrating a 13-year internally managed estate into their system. Moving forward, Mid-City will handle all levy statements and utilities (Lakes & Fountains). Queries can be directed to MidCity at (012) 426 3400 Ext: 3495 / angelique.botha@midcity. co.za / Heintjie.serfontein@midcity.co.za. Speeding on the Estate: Addressing a persistent concern, speeding on the estate remains a problem that some residents perceive as a trivial transgression. Given the abundance of parks and numerous walking trails, our streets are frequented by children and pedestrians throughout the week. As a gated community, our aim is to provide a safe space for all residents, and it’s disheartening to note that some individuals within our community drive recklessly, disregarding the presence of children, pets, pedestrians, and wildlife. The potential consequences of speeding are severe, ranging from serious injuries to fatal incidents. We implore both residents and their guests to adhere strictly to the posted speed limit of 30km on the estate at all times. Your cooperation is vital in ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone within our community. AGM: We would like to inform you of the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Lombardy Home Owners Association scheduled to take place at the Lombardy Hotel on Saturday, 14 February 2024. Please note that this meeting is a follow-up to the SGM that was held on 28 October 2023. Additionally, a second AGM will be scheduled later this year.

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The registration desk will be open from 08h30, and all Lombardy property owners are invited to attend the meeting. Members would have received the AGM pack on Friday, 2 Feb 2024 via email. Kudos to Our Social Committee: A special acknowledgment goes to Mrs. Liezel Britz and the social committee, whose efforts infused the past year with fun and camaraderie. We eagerly anticipate another year brimming with exciting events and social gatherings. Here’s to a spectacular 2024!

Carli Steenberg


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Pressure increases In answer to many letters, Liz Norman writes: “Grade 8 is a difficult year for many boys and girls. It is very important for parents to spend time continuously communicating with their children to find out the potential sources of their anxieties. This can be an exhausting process as this is the age where adolescents tend to withdraw from their parents and speak to them less and less, so parents need to be very creative in ways of communicating and not just give in to shouting.” “This is also the stage when hormone development and physical growth reach a peak, whilst at school a vast number of new pressures and demands are placed on them. They’re expected to take on more responsibility for managing their time, extra mural activities, friendships, increased work load and, if they’ve changed schools, coping with being the youngest in a new High school.”

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Friends change, bullying amplifies, peer groups develop “Many have great hopes and dreams about this important year, only to find that the reality is not what they expected. Friends change, bigger kids can isolate and torment them, and the peer group becomes a powerful source of affirmation and pressure. There is a deep subconscious fear of being alone in this phase and a very real attraction for testing where one fits in the pecking order of peer relationships. And if the ‘group’ chooses to isolate a child, it can be very hard for even ‘good kids’ to find the courage to resist.” “As a result boys and girls often gang together and pick on some unfortunate child who may be different to them in some way. Differences can be minor (not having the right lunch box or pen), or more major in terms of religion, moral beliefs, or TV viewing habits. Life can be hard if a child with strong values refuses to acknowledge the power of the group and chooses to remain on his/her own.”


“Sadly, many children do not have a strong moral compass in their own lives and, sadder still, many do not have parents who are able to help them develop one. It’s easier for some parents just to give in to the demands made by the group (to go to the clubs/mall etc), than to spend time with their child teaching them why being different is ‘okay’, that rules and laws are there for a reason and that parents should be the ones saying ‘no’ to many adolescent demands.”

Active Listening:

Let’s start talking about the challenges

Be aware of the changes in friendships and peer dynamics. Discuss the importance of individuality and the value of true friendships.

“For parents whose children are struggling, encourage them to discuss the reasons and brainstorm potential ways they can manage the situation, including the option of approaching a teacher, counselor or principal. If they feel they can’t do this, parents need to discuss the options of them meeting with staff. Leaving the school is a drastic move and while it might solve a short term problem, it does not teach the child problem solving skills and dealing with peer pressure. I would also suggest seeing a professional counselor or psychologist who can help establish what really is happening and help the child (and the parents) find ways of coping.” Article From https://lifetalk.co.za/why-grade8-is-tough-for-all-children/

Here are a few key points to help your child navigate challenges: Open Communication: Foster an open line of communication with your child. Encourage them to share their thoughts, concerns, and experiences. Create a non-judgmental space where they feel comfortable discussing both positive and challenging aspects of their school life.

Practice active listening when your child shares their experiences. This helps them feel understood and supported. Avoid immediate judgment or offering solutions right away; sometimes, they just need someone to listen. Understanding Peer Dynamics:

Help your child understand that it’s okay to be different and that real friends accept and appreciate them for who they are. Promote Self-Confidence: Reinforce your child’s self-confidence by highlighting their strengths and achievements. Encourage them to be proud of their individuality and not succumb to peer pressure that goes against their values. Encourage Problem-Solving: Teach problem-solving skills. Help your child identify possible solutions to challenges they face, whether it’s academic, social, or personal. Emphasize the importance of resilience and learning from difficult situations. Establish a Support System: Ensure your child knows they have a support system in you. Offer guidance on when and how to seek help from teachers, counselors, or other trusted adults at school.

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Promote a Positive School Environment: Encourage involvement in positive extracurricular activities that align with their interests. Reinforce the idea that school is not just about academic achievements but also personal growth, friendships, and enjoyable experiences. Model Resilience: Be a role model for resilience and effective problem-solving. Share stories from your own experiences, demonstrating how you handled challenges and learned from them. Explore School Resources: Familiarize yourself with school resources, such as counseling services or support programs. If needed, consider scheduling meetings with teachers or school staff to discuss any concerns you or your child may have. Reinforce Core Values: Continuously reinforce your family’s core values. Help your child understand the importance of staying true to their beliefs, even in the face of peer pressure. Remember, every child is unique, and it’s essential to tailor your approach based on your child’s personality and needs. By maintaining open communication and providing consistent support, you can help your Grade 8 child navigate this transitional period successfully.

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Heat waves the new normal Article by Elize Malan

The vast majority of garden plants thrive in a temperature range of 18-28 °C. The extreme hot conditions that seem to occur more often due to global warming encourage gardeners to change their garden designs and plant only succulents. They have deep spreading roots and the capacity to store water e.g. Cacti. A hot dry garden is created, where the plants have very limited transpiration and cannot cool the environment. A more user friendly option is doing as much as possible; to keep your garden plants thriving under difficult conditions. The following could make a difference: Leafy climbing plants, Whether ornamental or edible, cover fences and walls in greenery – which can cool the garden as the plants transpire. Ivy can cool surface temperatures by as much as 7°C.

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They will also provide a habitat suitable for small gecko and insects.

GARDENING Limiting hard surfaces

and do not have this benefit.

Concrete driveways, tarred roads, tiled patios and open soil create a scorching microclimate. Replace with permeable materials that will retain less heat such as a growing grid.

South Africa is a semi-arid country and large lawn areas that require irrigation are no longer encouraged.

Tilt the driveway towards the lawn to keep runoff water useful. Space pavers 100mm apart and fill gaps with pebbles or ground cover plants. Mulch will block direct sunlight from contacting the soil and thereby reduces heat absorption. Correct watering During heat wave conditions, scalding is a real problem with overhead watering. The beads of water remain on the leaves acting like a magnifier, causing white or yellow blotches. Once leaves are damaged, all that can be done is to support the plant until it manages to grow new leaves. Drip hoses or soaker hoses would be a better option.

But keep in mind; Lawns mitigate the heatisland effect through transpiration and evaporation and provide cooler microclimates. Their role in cooling down a garden should not be underestimated. Resources: https://www.gardenandhome.co.za/gardening/ how-to-protect-your-plants-during-extremeheat https://parkseed.com/gardening-in-heatwave/a/gardening-in-heat-wave/ https://studymind.co.uk/notes/introduction-toxerophytes/ https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plantproblems/environmental/leaf-scald-in-plants.ht https://www.mdpi.com/2073-445X/9/3/73

Leaf sunscald is very obvious this summer season. Clivia plant leaves in dappled shade turn yellow and well- irrigated Agapanthus plants have leaves that turned white. If your plants are in pots, move them indoors or to an area with shade. Place temporary shading, such as shade cloth, over plants to keep them cool and block out the sun’s rays. Vegetable garden boxes will benefit from the same treatment. Increasing transpiration Trees provide shade and release water vapour that will cool their canopy area. Light coloured foliage or silver and grey leaves, have the added benefit of reflecting sun radiation. Wild grass and meadow planting are mesophytes and not adapted to dry or wet conditions. The transpiration of the plants is high and they send water into the atmosphere, cooling their surroundings. Succulents are xerophytes, adapted to survive dry conditions

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Update Post-Festive Season Analysis: Unveiling Key Security Concerns in Our Area •

Spiking on the N4 (Donkerhoek Plaza and Simon Vermooten Turnoffs) and Old Bronkhorstspruit Roads are always of concern, operation with SAPS and security role players over the past few months has combatted this problem to some extent, but we do urge members to drive cautiously at night and above all, DO NOT STOP DRIVING, keep driving until you get to a well-lit area amongst other people. A rim can be replaced. A life cannot. Pick Pocketing – Criminals are especially targeting elderly and female individuals by pick pocketing their car keys and taking off with their vehicles. Be sure to keep car keys out of sight and safely tucked away (those back jean pockets are not a good idea, and ladies make sure your handbag is well secured and zipped up at all times especially when shopping at the Woolies, Spar, Pick n Pay, Makro and Checkers in our immediate area.

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Remote Jamming – Make double sure your car is locked before walking away – never assume. Take extra care at In Shere shopping centre and Makro High Jackings – always be vigilant of your surroundings, take special care when at the robot by Van Bockstroom and Solomon Mahlangu and Simon Vermooten and Furrow Road and under the Watermeyer bridge just off the N4 Smash and grabs – always be vigilant of your surroundings and ensure any valuables are kept out of sight especially at robots at night Cyclists – Ride in groups of 4 or more cyclists more often than not, cyclists are targeted when by themselves or in smaller groups for their bicycles and valuables. This goes for all public and mountain biking routes. Vehicle theft – It goes without saying, Hiluxes and Rangers are always at the top of the list of stolen vehicles. This goes for smaller hatch back type vehicles as well. Park your car in well-lit areas and within sight if possible, Take out any valuable items and for a bit of extra security, Have a look here: https://www.ghostsouthafrica. co.za/



In the dynamic landscape of law, finding a legal partner who understands your unique needs and delivers tailored solutions is paramount. Marike Snyman Attorneys Inc. is your trusted ally in navigating the intricate realms of conveyancing matters, notarial matters, and contracts. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for delivering results, we stand ready to assist you at every step of your legal journey.

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Conveyancing in South Africa is a meticulous legal process governing property transfers. It commences with a sale agreement outlining terms between buyer and seller. Attorneys meticulously examine property titles for ownership verification and existing encumbrances. Transfer duties, based on property value, are determined and settled. Buyers secure financing while sellers discharge any outstanding bonds. Attorneys then draft and execute transfer documents, including deeds and mortgage bonds. The final step involves registration at the Deeds Office, officially transferring ownership. Navigating South Africa's conveyancing demands attention to detail, adherence to regulations, and expert legal guidance for seamless property transactions.

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1 8 FEB RUA RY 2024

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Whispers of Love on a Wednesday

this valentine’s day

Ignite Surprise and Spark Creativity This Valentine’s Day! “A Wednesday Love Affair” sets the stage for a unique Valentine’s Day celebration that defies the midweek norm. As cupid’s arrow strikes on this special day, don’t get caught off guard—craft a memorable experience with our creative tips. Let the whispers of love unfold on a Wednesday as you embark on a journey to ignite surprise and spark creativity. The Origin of Valentine’s Day: Valentine’s Day, a celebration of love and affection, traces its roots back to ancient Rome. While the exact origin is shrouded in mystery and multiple legends surround the day, one prevailing narrative points to a Christian martyr named St. Valentine. The story unfolds during the reign of the Roman Emperor Claudius II in the 3rd century. According to popular belief, Emperor Claudius II

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prohibited young men from marrying, believing that single men made more formidable soldiers. St. Valentine, a Christian priest, defied this decree and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. St. Valentine’s clandestine actions were eventually discovered, leading to his imprisonment. Legend has it that during his time in jail, St. Valentine forged a connection with the jailer’s daughter. Before his execution on February 14th, he is said to have sent her a note signed with the words “From your Valentine.” The phrase “From your Valentine” persists as a symbol of enduring love, and St. Valentine became a martyr for the cause of love and commitment. While historical accuracy may blur the details, the essence of St. Valentine’s story continues to echo through the centuries, shaping the way we celebrate love on February 14th. Whether it’s through handwritten notes, exchanged tokens of affection, or clandestine gestures, the legacy of St. Valentine lives on, inspiring lovers to express their deepest emotions on this special day.


Craft a Valentine’s Day Surprise with these Creative Tips!” Personalized Surprises: Begin the day with a text message that sets the tone for an extraordinary Wednesday love affair. Drop virtual love notes throughout the day, making your partner feel cherished and adored. Create Meaningful Traditions: Make reservations at a local restaurant with a cozy ambiance. Share a midweek dinner, creating a tradition that infuses the evening with warmth and love. Quality Time: Escape to a nearby coffee shop or dessert café for a sweet midweek treat. Savor the moment, enjoy each other’s company, and relish the simplicity of a Wednesday rendezvous. DIY Gifts: Craft a digital photo album or a video montage leading up to Valentine’s Day. Surprise your partner with a heartfelt creation that captures the essence of your unique connection.

Love Feast: Indulge in a convenient and delectable Valentine’s Day dinner option with Kouks Kitchen. Celebrate love with homestyle, ready-to-heat frozen meals, meticulously crafted from scratch to treasured family recipes. Kouks Kitchen effortlessly removes the stress from the kitchen, delivering generous and wholesome options straight to your doorstep. As Valentine’s Day approaches, Kouks Kitchen adds a touch of romance to your celebration. With a deep-rooted passion for cooking and sharing, Kouks Kitchen values the tradition of slow cooking, where pots gently simmer, and aromas linger. In the fast-paced life we lead, finding time to cook a nourishing meal may seem impossible, but Kouks Kitchen offers meals prepared with time, tradition, and pure ingredients. Elevate your Valentine’s Day with the convenience and love poured into every dish from Kouks Kitchen, where the heart of the family is in every bite. Express Gratitude: Share a midweek dinner at home, expressing gratitude for the positives of the day. Reflect on your journey together and the joyous moments that make your relationship special. Workday Lunch Surprise: Arrange a surprise lunch delivery at your partner’s workplace. A special midweek break with a delicious meal and a sweet note will add a touch of enchantment to their day. This year’s February has 29 days, marking it as a leap year. This unique occurrence also brings a special tradition – ladies, you now have the honor to take the initiative and ask your special someone on a date. Embrace the extra day with an added touch of spontaneity and create memorable moments together!

Explore Together: Take a short evening stroll in a nearby park or botanical garden. Embrace the midweek calmness and enjoy a quiet moment amidst nature’s beauty.

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Access Control Upgrade Thank you to the residents that have submitted their registration forms for the Biometric Wave Access. We would like to urge the owners and tenants that have not yet submitted their documentation, to do so urgently. The fingerprint and tag access system will expire on 31 March 2024. Please remember the following: Access control biometric forms can be obtained from the office in hard copy or from: office@lombardyesate.co.za or downloaded from the GloVent App. • • • • •

Owners should complete all pages of the document, including pages 5-7. Tenants should complete pages 1-4, plus page 7. A copy of the owners’ ID should be attached. Forms should be forwarded to Marichen at office@lombardyestate.co.za After the data has been captured/updated, you will be notified by email that all is in order and you and your household can go to Paula at the Security Control Room to register your palms for biometric access.

Paula is available for biometric registrations between 08h00-16h00, Mondays to Fridays. No scanning will be done during lunch hour of 12h00-13h00.

Members can now also book a time slot for enrolment and download the forms via the GloVent app by following a few easy steps: 1. Open your GloVent App 2. Click on Facilities bookings 3. Click on Biometric Wave Registration 4. Click on Time slots on the top right hand corner of your screen 5. Book an available slot 6. Fill in the amount of members to attend the enrolment appointment 7. Under Notes add in your stand number and anything you need us to know Your slot will only be approved if fully completed forms and ID’s have been submitted to the HOA office – office@ lombardyestate.co.za or handed in at the HOA office prior to booking.

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To tree or not to tree? Good neighbourliness and Neighbour Law

A few years ago your neighbour planted a row of trees against your separation wall. Now the trees are fully grown and the branches and leaves regularly fall into your pool as well as blocking your stormwater drainage. Furthermore, the roots are not only beginning to lift your separation wall but also the pavement around your pool. What to do? Should you get to work and remove the roots yourself before your pool is also damaged? It is a general principle in our law that a landowner (or lawful occupier of the land) is entitled to the use and enjoyment of the property provided that such use and enjoyment should not cause undue or unreasonable damage or inconvenience to your neighbour.

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A land owner may thus plant trees on his property, but as a general rule, those trees may not interfere with the neighbour’s use and enjoyment of his property or cause him damage. When a property owner plants trees near a separation wall there is accordingly a duty on him to ensure that the trees are maintained so that it does not become a nuisance or cause damage to his neighbour.

When it comes to trees and the damage that can be caused by them, there are three main groups to consider: 1. The first of these will be where branches hang over from the neighbouring property. In this case, the neighbour who is prejudiced is entitled to request the owner to remove the branches. Should the owner not respond to his request within a reasonable time, the prejudiced neighbour will be entitled to apply for a removal order or remove the branches himself and recover the costs from the owner. The prejudiced neighbour is not entitled to keep these branches for himself except with the consent of the owner or where the owner fails to remove the branches himself. The prejudiced neighbour may further apply for an order to remove any future overhanging branches. 2. The second will be in the case of leaves or fruit falling from trees on the adjoining property which land up in the waste and drainage systems or swimming pool of the neighbouring owner. In such a case, a property owner is usually not entitled to expect that his neighbour should come and remove such fruit or leaves. The reason being that the planting of trees and their fruit and leave waste is seen as the normal use of property and damage caused by the blockage of drains and pumps cannot be claimed because, according to our courts, this type of damage can be avoided by regular cleaning by a property owner.

3. The third group is where the roots of a neighbouring property’s trees cause damage to a separation wall, pavement or even the adjacent property’s foundation. In the case of roots, the owner can cut off the roots himself, and if this step is not successful, he can approach a court and ask that his neighbour remove the tree and request a compensation order for damages suffered. Our courts are in agreement that the test to be applied to determine whether trees are a nuisance and cause damage, is the objective reasonable test. The test requires the weighing up of the interests of both parties in the light of the surrounding circumstances. Consideration will always be given to a party’s duty to bear the burden to a reasonable extent and the other party’s right to the reasonable use and enjoyment of his property. It is true that when it comes to your neighbour one does not want to step on toes, but it is important to keep in mind that an owner is entitled to the use and enjoyment of his property without having to constantly feel obliged to pay for damage caused by a neighbour’s actions. The best advice is always to try and solve such neighbourly problems amicably, but if no solution can be found, it is important to know that you have rights that can be protected and enforced.

In the event that a tree on common property belonging to the HOA is causing any type of nuisance, members are encouraged to reach out to the HOA prior to taking any action as penalties are applicable in certain instances if trees on common property are damaged.

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Pruritus: Itching, also known as pruritus, is the unpleasant feeling within the skin caused by inflammation in the skin (dermatitis) that elicits the desire to scratch. Unfortunately, itching is not a specific disease, it is just a symptom pointing to the existence of an underlying disease or condition. This article will just scratch (pun intended) the surface of this common symptom experienced by cats and dogs worldwide.

Common causes: 1. External parasites (fleas, mites) can cause severe itching. Animals who are allergic to the saliva of fleas, develop a well-known condition called flea allergy dermatitis (FAD). Nonallergic animals usually exhibit occasional scratching due to the irritation caused by flea bites but animals that are allergic will typically have a severe dermatitis leading to an intense itching sensation. Sarcoptic mange infestation, also known as canine scabies, causes intense itching in dogs. These mites are also very contagious to humans and cause owners to experience the same intense itching. In both cats and dogs, otodectic mange, or ear mites, cause severe itching that is limited to the ears. 2. Food allergy is an immune system response to a specific protein in your pet’s diet. Common allergens include beef, chicken, dairy, and gluten. Symptoms of a food allergy can include itching, red and inflamed skin as well as gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhoea or even just appearing to be a picky eater.FEB RUA RY 2024


3. Environmental allergies (a.k.a. Atopy) and contact allergies. Atopy and contact allergy is an immune system response to a specific allergen in your pet’s environment. These allergens include mold, pollen, dust, contact with grass, plastic bowls, fabric softeners, and tile cleaners. These allergies are usually challenging to treat because you can’t always identify the specific allergens and it is usually impossible to remove allergens like pollen, dust, mould, grass, etc from your pet’s immediate environment. 4. Secondary bacterial and/or yeast infections. When animals develop dermatitis for whatever reason, the microenvironment of their skin changes and disrupts the skin’s healthy barrier. This leads to the skin being more susceptible to bacterial and yeast infections. Bacteria and yeast are normal residents of the skin but in a healthy balance. When the skin’s microenvironment changes in such a way that the healthy barrier is damaged, it leads to what we call secondary or opportunistic, bacterial and/or yeast infection. These infections increase the intensity of itching.

Diagnosis: 1. Rule out external parasites: The first step to take is to ensure that external parasites are not the cause of the itching. If a patient is behind on their external parasite treatments, veterinarians will advise they be treated with an appropriate ectoparasiticide.

W ELLNESS It is important to remember that not all shampoos 2. Rule out food allergy. To determine whether are equal. The shampoos we recommend are firstly your pet has a food allergy, they need to go on a strict, 6-week diet trial where they only consume antiseptic shampoos containing either a specifically formulated an-allergenic diet. These chlorhexidine or benzoyl peroxide and shampoos that are formulated specifically to build and diets undergo processes that break down maintain a healthy skin barrier and pH. proteins in such a way that the body can’t recognise them as allergens anymore. When your 3. Prescription diets and/or supplements. There pet’s allergy symptoms stop during this 6-week are two types of prescription diets for animals that trial, then they can be diagnosed with having a suffer from skin conditions. The first is for animals food allergy. This however does not tell us to with food allergies. These diets aim to eliminate what specific ingredients your pet is allergic to. food allergens that might cause an allergic To determine specific food allergens, it is necessary to do blood tests but these are usually reaction. The second diet is to strengthen the skin so that it is less affected by environmental very expensive and most owners just stick to allergens. This helps to reduce inflammation, feeding the hydrolysed protein diet. promote hair growth, and heal the skin when it is severely traumatised due to licking, scratching, 3. A diagnosis of environmental or contact allergies is made by the process of elimination. If and biting. external parasites have been treated and a food 4. Medication. Veterinarians use prescription trial has been performed and your pet is still medication to treat dermatitis and if present, suffering from allergic dermatitis, then it is most probably something in their environment causing secondary infections. it. 4. Diagnosing secondary bacterial and yeast infections can be done by making impression smears of the affected skin and evaluating it under the microscope. Although it is possible to identify bacteria and yeast on an impression smear, to diagnose the specific organism and determine to which antimicrobial they are sensitive, it is necessary to send a sample into a laboratory for culture and sensitivity testing.

Treatment: There is no magic wand or single treatment that will cure an animal with a pruritic skin condition. Treating these patients requires long-term commitment and management protocols that usually involve a combination, and in some cases all, of the following treatments:

Conclusion In conclusion, pruritis or itching is a frustrating symptom for both pets and their owners. As a veterinarian, it can sometimes be one of the most frustrating and challenging symptoms to treat because the underlying cause of this symptom could potentially be a complex condition that demands careful attention and lifelong management. While there may not be a once off cure, a combination of routine care, diet changes and symptomatic treatment can help improve the quality of life for both you and your furry companion. Pet owners should work closely with their veterinarians to develop a comprehensive plan tailored to their dog or cat’s specific needs.

1. External Parasite Control. There are multiple veterinary-registered products available that are safe and convenient to use. 2. Medicated shampoo. Animals with pruritic skin conditions benefit from regular shampooing to wash away allergens that accumulate on the skin and promote a healthy skin barrier.

FE B R U A RY 2024



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2 8 FEB RUA RY 2024

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Insects over Pronutro

Written by: Carlyn Kim Berry Hattingh:

This information was disseminated by the South African Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, prompting us to share valuable insights on why feeding birds pronutro is not advisable. In the midst of our current rainy season, characterized by strong winds and storms, there is a heightened likelihood of discovering baby birds that have fallen from their nests.

Despite efforts to share knowledge and experiences on the importance of taking animals to wildlife rehabilitation centers, Carlyn often encounters resistance. She highlights the illegality of withholding treatment or possessing wildlife without permits. Carlyn urges people to hand wild birds over to qualified rehabbers to ensure proper care, socialization with their own kind, and release into the wild. She emphasizes the importance of Carlyn shared a post concerning the use of contacting licensed rehabbers and discourages PRONUTRO for birds. A Southern black flycatcher relying on individuals with limited experience, was fed pronutro for 2 days, and Carlyn was stating that kindness can inadvertently harm contacted by the lady’s daughter to take the animals. Below is a photo that was taken by Carlyn. bird from her mom. The bird, being an insect eater, experienced internal bruising and severe diarrhea, indicating an inability to digest the food. Carlyn initiated a slow system flush to remove the pronutro before introducing the correct diet, resulting in significant improvement, as evident in the last picture. PRONUTRO, a dehydrated genetically modified maize with high sugar and iron content leading to fatty liver disease, poses a threat to birds. Improper nutrition can cause long-term issues such as liver damage, metabolic bone disease, and organ failure, potentially resulting in the bird’s death within a year. Carlyn emphasizes that each bird species has unique dietary needs and should not be fed breakfast cereals like pronutro, weetbix, futurelife, pap, oats, bread, milk, and hand-rearing foods designed for parrots. FE B R U A RY 2024



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3 0 FEB RUA RY 2024

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FE B R U A RY 2024



The newly designed GENESIS is the biggest grilling innovation in decades, combining the perfect heat, with award winning technology, and an outdoor kitchen collection that creates the ultimate culinary experience.

3 2 FEB RUA RY 2024




The GLE’s lineage began with the M-Class. With it, MercedesBenz established the premium SUV segment in 1997. The global success continued with the GLE launched in 2015. The current model series followed in 2018. The GLE and GLE Coupé are produced at the Tuscaloosa MercedesBenz plant (USA). Mercedes-Benz has now updated the exterior, interior, technology and equipment of the model generation launched in 2018. The engine range is now electrified throughout. It includes mild hybrids with a 48-volt system

and Integrated Starter Generator (ISG). Most models now have more power than the previous versions. A number of detailed changes to the exterior give the GLE SUV and GLE Coupé a distinctly more modern. appearance. The new front bumper provides more visual presence. Two horizontal louvres with chrome inserts run through the radiator grille of the GLE. The grille of the outer air intakes has been given a horizontal chrome finish. The so-called light flare in the headlamps is characteristic of Mercedes-Benz. With the standard LED HighPerformance headlamps, two light points complement the distinctive daytime running light signet, while with the FE B R U A RY 2024



optional MULTIBEAM LED there are four light points. The AMG Line exterior is now standard on the GLE Coupé. Elements of this line include the diamond grille with Mercedes-Benz pattern in chrome, the AMG front apron with chrome trim, AMG side sill panels and wheel arch cladding in the vehicle colour, as well as the AMG rear apron with diffuser-look insert.

The premium audio system Burmester® surround sound system which now also features the personal sound setup as well as the Dolby Atmos immersive audio experience. Thirteen speakers, 13 separates amplifier channels and a system output of 590 watts are further features of the Burmester® surround sound system.

New on board the GLE and GLE Coupé is the latest-generation steering wheel with sensor surfaces on the horizontal spokes. With these touch elements on the right and left, the driver can operate the driver and central displays from the steering wheel.

With the second generation of the MBUX (Mercedes-Benz User Experience) infotainment system, the GLE and GLE Coupé are now also up to date. The vehicle interior becomes even more digital and intelligent, as both the hardware and software have made great strides: numerous vehicle and comfort functions can be controlled on the LCD screens in brilliant display views. The sizes of the driver and central displays, each measuring 12.3 inches, have been retained. The central display can be operated directly and conveniently as a touchscreen. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are now available wirelessly.

A special eye-catching feature in the interior is the chrome look of the centre and side air vents. Previously they were edged in black, but now the slats are galvanised in real metal, as in the Mercedes-Maybach GLS.

Thanks to mild hybrids with 48-volt technology and the Integrated Starter Generator, the GLE SUV and GLE Coupé are now electrified throughout. Most models now have more power than the previous versions.

Fresh additions to the colour palette of these two SUVs are sodalite blue metallic and MANUFAKTUR alpine grey solid. The ambient lighting with animated projection of the Mercedes-Benz pattern is available as a new optional extra.

3 4 FEB RUA RY 2024


PRICING AT TIME OF CIRCULATION GLE 300 d 4MATIC R1,964,600.00 GLE 300 d 4MATIC 7 seater R1,984,000.00 GLE 450 4MATIC R2,075,400.00 GLE 450 4MATIC 7 seater R2,094,800.00 GLE 450 d 4MATIC R2,041,500.00 GLE 450 d 4MATIC 7 seater R2,060,900.00

FE B R U A RY 2024



Decoding Bat Myths:

Unveiling the Truths Behind Common Misconceptions Greetings! I’m a petite bat, and I want to assure you that I don’t feed on your blood, nor do I have any desire to end up entangled in your hair—that’s rather unpleasant. If, by chance, I find my way into your home, please refrain from using cricket bats and brooms to shoo me away. It’s genuinely painful, and I assure you, I’m just as frightened as you are. It’s all unintentional; I didn’t mean to startle you. In these situations, it’s a bit of an unfair match—I’m fighting for my life, and you’re understandably scared. Should I happen to land on the floor, I won’t be able to take flight again without a bit of assistance. In those moments, a gentle approach with a towel to guide me outside is all I need. I promise to soar away immediately, offering you a swift exit from our unexpected encounter. Beyond the occasional mishap, I play a crucial role in maintaining a balanced ecosystem. I feast on mosquitoes and various pests that could pose a threat to your garden. Our habitats are diminishing as more buildings replace our homes, leaving us with limited places to go. So, if I unintentionally find my way into your space, a small favor—dim the lights, leave the outside light on, and open the door. With your help, I’ll make a swift exit, ensuring a brief interruption to your day. Appreciate your understanding and kindness. Best regards, Your tiny, harmless bat.

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Myth 1: Bats are Blind False

Myth 6: Vampire Bats are a Myth False

Contrary to belief, bats are not blind. Some species, like the fruit bats of Africa and Asia, boast excellent eyesight. Others rely on echolocation, a sophisticated method of using sound to navigate in the dark.

Three species of vampire bats exist, mainly found in Central and South America. They feed on the blood of animals, rarely turning to humans.

Myth 2: Bats Get Tangled in Hair False Scientific experiments have shown that bats don’t willingly stay in anyone’s hair. Dispelling the myth of hair entanglements is crucial for understanding and appreciating these creatures.

Myth 3: Bats are Aggressive and Attack Humans False Bats are naturally gentle and shy, tending to avoid humans. While they may bite in selfdefense when cornered, aggressive behavior is not their norm.

Myth 7: Bats Carry Diseases, Like Rabies True While bats may carry diseases, the prevalence rate is lower than commonly believed. The odds of contracting a bat-borne disease are less than other common risks.

Myth 8: Bat Droppings Cause Histoplasmosis True Bat droppings can carry Histoplasmosis, but the risk is minimal outside specific conditions like moist caves.

Myth 4: Bats are Related to Myth 9: Bats Carry Parasites True Mice and Rats False Bats may host parasites, but their load is not Bats, though mammals, belong to their own family, Chiroptera, and are not rodents.

Myth 5: Bats Reproduce Profusely False Unlike rodents, most bats give birth to one pup a year, resulting in a slower population growth.

more significant than that of other animals.

Myth 10: Bats Provide No Real Benefits False Bats play a vital role as major predators of nightflying insects worldwide, contributing to the balance of ecosystems. Next time a bat graces your presence, remember the truth and the valuable role these creatures play in our ecosystem. Dispelling myths allows us to appreciate and protect these winged wonders of the night.

FE B R U A RY 2024



injury or illness. It may also be a disoriented When you find a bat juvenile, or it may be dehydrated or starved from being trapped indoors. indoors follow these steps to help your bat find If this is the case, keep the bat in a closed box or container with a towel (never a jar) and put its way outdoors: it in a safe place that is free of children, pets, • • • • •

Close any doors you can to contain the bat in a single room or space. Open all the doors and windows as wide as you can in that room or area. Turn any outside lights on, e.g. the porch lights. Turn the lights in the room off or down. Stay in the room, sit down, be quiet, relax, and watch the bat. If you don’t, you will not know if it actually left or has landed and is resting somewhere. Do not try to guide the bat with a broom, tennis racket, etc. You do not need to cover your head, it does not want to get in your hair.

The bat, if allowed to, will navigate its way out using the light outside and the draft created by the open window/door. This may take 20 minutes or so. Often, despite its superior navigation skills, the bat is too stressed to think clearly and may fly around in circles for some time until it calms down and finds its way out. If it has landed somewhere, it may be captured and released outside after sunset. It might be found behind curtains/drapes, pictures or upholstered furniture, to name a few places. Approach your visitor very slowly and quietly. Avoid touching the bat with your bare hands, since it does not know that you are trying to help and may bite. Gently place a small can or box over the bat, slide cardboard underneath, and release your visitor out of doors at dusk, placing it on a high surface where it will be able to take off. Alternatively, use gloves or a towel to gently grab the bat. If the bat does not fly away, or attempts to fly but seems unable to, it is likely that it has an

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ants and other hazards.

Then contact Friends of Free Wildlife for further advice at: Email: info@freewildlife.co.za Marion Heaney (General & Northern Suburbs): 082 327 8531 Karin Squirrel (West Rand): 082 701 8318 Margi Brocklehurst (General & Northern Suburbs): 082 561 3681 Wendy Brodie (General & Northern Suburbs): 083 302 2181

A grounded and/or injured bat Avoid touching the bat with your bare hands, since it does not know that you are trying to help and may bite. Gently place a small can or box over the bat, slide cardboard underneath, and release your visitor out of doors at dusk, placing it on a high surface where it will be able to take off. Alternatively, use gloves or a towel to gently grab the bat. If the bat does not fly away, or attempts to fly but seems unable to, it is likely that it has an injury or illness. It may also show obvious signs of injury.


In either case, keep the bat in a closed box or container with a towel (never a jar) and put it in a safe place that is free of children, pets, ants and other hazards. Then advice from a rehabilitation centre should be sought (see contact detailson previous page). http://batsgauteng.org.za/wp/about-gnor-big/

FE B R U A RY 2024



Love Your Liver: Prioritizing Liver Health with this checklist As we navigate through daily life, filled with various activities and routines, it’s crucial to direct our attention to a key player in our well-being – the liver. The liver performs essential functions in detoxifying the body, processing nutrients, and maintaining overall health. Let’s prioritize liver health by adopting a checklist of habits that promote wellbeing. 1. Hydrate with Purpose: Instead of merely drinking water, infuse your hydration routine with purpose. Sip on herbal teas, such as dandelion tea, known for supporting the liver’s natural detox processes.

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2. Sleep as a Healing: Consider sleep not just as restful downtime but as a profound healing ritual for your liver. Aim for an early bedtime to provide ample time for the liver’s nightly ‘digest and detox’ performance. 3. Emotional Liberation: Acknowledge the intricate link between emotional well-being and liver health. Establish practices that allow for the full expression and release of emotions. Whether through talk therapy or the ancient qigong technique of ‘beating the pillow,’ prioritize emotional liberation. 4. Verdant Nutrition: Elevate your nutritional choices by incorporating a spectrum of dark, leafy greens. Dive into the goodness of cruciferous

vegetables, dandelion greens, and cilantro, harnessing the livercleansing power of these nutrient-rich options. 5. Embrace the Tang: Invite the tangy notes of sour foods into your diet, a gesture appreciated by Traditional Chinese Medicine. A daily glass of room temperature lemon water can act as a refreshing tonic for your liver, offering a zesty twist to your routine. 6. Fiber Fortification: Enrich your diet with fiber, a steadfast ally in supporting your liver’s detox efforts. Two tablespoons of ground flax daily can promote regular bowel movements, aiding in the efficient cleansing of a potentially toxic liver.


7. Minimize Toxins: Pledge to minimize your exposure to artificial chemicals by opting for organic alternatives in your food, personal care products, and household solutions. This proactive step is integral to facilitating your liver’s toxin-processing capabilities. 8. Artful Moderation: When indulging in life’s pleasures, including caffeine and alcohol, choose organic options and practice moderation. This mindful approach prevents unnecessary strain on the liver, ensuring it functions optimally. 9. Perspire for Wellness: Activate your lymphatic system by encouraging

perspiration through activities like sauna sessions, hot yoga, or invigorating cardio workouts. Sweating is not just a physical release but a detoxifying embrace for your liver. 10. Brushing for Renewal: Integrate the therapeutic ritual of dry brushing into your self-care routine. Gently glide a naturalbristle brush over your skin before showering, stimulating the lymphatic system and promoting holistic detoxification. 11. Mindful Breathing Exercises: Incorporate mindful breathing exercises into your daily routine. Practices like deep diaphragmatic breathing or pranayama can enhance oxygen flow

to the liver, promoting a sense of calm and aiding in detoxification. 12. Liver-Friendly Herbs and Supplements: Explore natural herbs and supplements known for their liver-supporting properties. Milk thistle, turmeric, and artichoke extract are examples of supplements that can assist in liver detoxification.

However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your routine.

FE B R U A RY 2024



SET AGAINST THE BACKDROP OF THE MAGNIFICENT WATERBERG MOUNTAIN RANGE IN THE LIMPOPO PROVINCE, A MERE TWO HOURS’ DRIVE FROM JOHANNESBURG. THE EXQUISITE BEAUTY OF ITS WIDE-OPEN SAVANNAHS, BIG 5 AND SPECTACULAR VISTAS IS AN IDYLLIC MELTING POT FOR A MAJESTIC WILDERNESS DESTINATION. Each tented suite is located along winding sand pathways, and commands a stunning space within the natural, indigenous bushveld. These safaristyle tents offer the utmost comfort and an opulent ambience with private timber wrap-around decks. Safari Plains redefines luxury in the bush, with a magnificent high–ceiling dining room, elegant lounge, impressive bar, and relaxing spa. Explore the surrounding bushveld on open vehicle safaris, bush walks or horseback safaris. An outstanding big five safari experience awaits on the twelve thousand hectares private game reserve that is home to Safari Plains.



CONSERVATION INITIATIVES Safari Plains is located within the Mabula Private Game Reserve. Mabula Private Game Reserve is a 12,000ha (120 square-kilometre) wilderness area dedicated to conservation. As part of our ongoing species conservation projects this reserve has three separate areas including two areas that do not have lion. Some of these projects include the EWT cheetah metapopulation growth initiative, a world-renowned ground hornbill project and several other important initiatives. Mabula Private Game Reserve has been the home of the award-winning Mabula Ground Hornbill Project since 1999. This non-profit conservation project is working to save these iconic but endangered species by harvesting and assisting the hand-rearing of secondhatched chicks that would otherwise die of starvation in wild nests. Re-wilding of the handreared chicks by established groups in bush training schools. Provision of artificial nests for wild groups with no or inadequate nests. Mabula Private Game Reserve is part of a project coordinated by the Endangered Wildlife Trust that seeks to reintroduce cheetah to areas where they have been driven out by conflict from farmers as well as one of the biggest wildlife challenges today, habitat loss. The project is called the cheetah metapopulation management project and is based on the principle that the cheetah occurring in different areas of southern Africa is seen as one big population, with nine game reserves working together in this initiative and offspring are moved around to prevent inbreeding. Working closely with the Waterberg Wild Dog Initiative (WWDI), Mabula Private Game Reserve is proud to have a successful introduction of African wild dog call the reserve home. Welcoming the first litter of pups in 2022. The WWDI is a community-based, non-profit initiative seeking to conserve the wild dogs that occur naturally in the Waterberg biosphere. FE B R U A RY 2024




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FE B R U A RY 2024



When you are ready to break free, feel the breeze against your skin and the sun smiling down on you, you know it’s time for an unforgettable Shayamanzi Cruise. Shayamanzi, Captained by an experienced and qualified Skipper and his Crew of five, cruises across 16 000 ha of open inland water and moors in a different bay each evening of the Cruise The Houseboat is accompanied by three Skippered Tender Boats; used for game, bird viewing and fishing throughout the Cruise. Lake Jozini, built in 1973 on the western side of the Lebombo

4 6 FEB RUA RY 2024

Mountains is home to Shayamanzi, the ferocious Tiger Fish, 26 other species of fish, over 500 bird species and of course all the wildlife that our guests enjoy watching from right up close. The elephant herds are of particular interest and offer endless entertainment. Shayamanzi was built in 2007 and accommodates up to twenty guests in ten en-suite and air-conditioned cabins. The Deluxe Cabins offer full panel glass doors to capture the majesty of the surroundings. The entertainment area and accommodation of the Houseboat is spread over three levels of stylish space. The aft Jacuzzi Deck being one of the favourite spaces! The ideal destination for Celebrations, Safaris, Conferencing and Tiger Fishing. Our Annual Dad’s, Lad’s and Daughter’s Tiger Fishing Competition is held in October every year and not to be missed! The Tiger Fishing is particularly good this year and while we catch throughout


BOOK NOW visit our website www.shayamanzi.co.za

Such a unique and privilege to experience. the year, we have great expectations of the new season opening in August. We have had the pleasure of hosting many wonderful family and corporate celebrations and our milestone Birthday Celebrations are legendary. Shayamanzi is moored at Jozini Tiger Lodge and guests board at 2 pm, after a Pool Terrace Luncheon at the Lodge. All guest vehicles are parked safely in the grounds of the Jozini Tiger Lodge. Our Cruises are offered from two to five nights disembark on the final morning of the Cruise at 10am.

We look forward to welcoming you on-board soon! FE B R U A RY 2024




YOUR SPACE The Ultimate Guide to Nurturing Your Artificial Oasis

In the era of low-maintenance decor, artificial plants have emerged as the perfect solution to infuse life and texture into homes and offices. Offering the luxury of greenery without the demands of watering or sunlight, these faux wonders cater to those with a penchant for simplicity or a bustling schedule. Yet, even in their artificial splendor, these plants require a bit of TLC to maintain their everlasting charm. Dive into our curated tips on caring for your beloved artificial green companions. Dusting Dance: Unveiling Radiance Over time, a subtle layer of dust can dim the radiance of your artificial plants. Embrace the art of regular dusting to keep them perpetually vibrant. Arm yourself with a soft-bristled brush or a feather duster to delicately whisk away dust from both leaves and stems. Sun Shield: Protecting Against Fading Guard your faux foliage against the ravages of direct sunlight, especially if they lack UV protection. Strategically position them away from harsh sun rays, or employ the elegance of curtains and blinds to filter the light if they must reside near a window.

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Refreshing Rinse: Lukewarm Water Magic When your artificial greenery demands a little more than a gentle touch, indulge them with a revitalizing rinse. A soft cloth, a gentle brush, and lukewarm water become your allies. Ensure a thorough drying session before they resume their pride of place.


Chemical Caution: Gentle Treatment Say no to aggressive chemicals and abrasive cleaners in your quest to maintain artificial allure. Stick to the simplicity of lukewarm water, even during more thorough cleaning sessions. Harsh chemicals can mar the beauty of leaves and stems, leaving behind irreparable damage. Storage Sanctuary: Preserve with Care When it’s time to tuck away your artificial oasis, approach storage with a delicate touch. Rid them of any accumulated dust or dirt before securing them in a clean, dry haven. Avoid storage in direct sunlight or highhumidity areas, preventing the unwelcome growth of mold or mildew. Cultivating your artificial plants to maintain everlasting vibrancy is a breeze with these simple yet effective tips. Because, in the world of (faux) plant parenting, a little care goes a long way to ensure your green companions stand the test of time, always ready to elevate your space.

FE B R U A RY 2024



5 0 FEB RUA RY 2024


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