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ECHO I S S U E 4 | AUG U ST 2 0 1 9








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P u b l i sh e r K- S t udio (P t y ) Ltd o n beh alf of H ert itag e H i l l Ad ve rti si n g S a l e s Tobia to bia@ k-st udio. co . za


s ales2@k-st udio. co . za C alv in s ales3@k-st udio. co . za Ed i to r To bia von Zwiet r i n g Copy wri te r / p ro o f r eader C hantel Venter D e si g n & La yo ut K- S t udio (P t y ) Ltd e to bia@k-st udio. co . za t 082 962 8255 f Kreat iefS t udio

Disclaimer: This e-Magazine is produced especially for residents/owners of The Hills Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by K-Studio on behalf of The Hills Estate HOA. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, The Hills Estate HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.

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IT’S OUR 4th BIRTHDAY 7 SEP | SAT | 10 AM - 5 PM






t 0 1 1 7 9 2 0 0 9 3 | e m arket i ng @chcki w w w w. c h ck itchens .c o. z a | a 1 R ocky street, Fernd al e, R and b u rg THE HI LLS E STATE | 2 0 1 9 | I SSUE 4 | 5


South Africa’s first and only comfort adjustable mattress

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Sloom is a South African Mattress brand established in 2016 with the main goal of simplifying the mattress buying experience. The products are designed to eliminate the confusion and frustration of commission driven, high markup beds in the market. Being an online company, Sloom sells directly to consumers with products being delivered to your door in an easy-to-handle sized box.

Simple, quick and in a box The Sloom mattress is compressed, shipped in a box and delivered to your door - Testament to the excellent quality of our foams, the mattress fully recovers after taking it out of it’s packaging.

Sloom offers the first and only comfort customisable mattress in South Africa, eliminating the need to test multiple mattresses before you buy. And with a risk free 100-night trial Sloom ensures a good night’s rest or your money back.


Soft Medium Firm





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150 kg







Visit for more info 6 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E





Contacts Estate Manager

Office Assistant

Security Manager

Johan van Schalkwyk

Maryke Botes

Oppies Opperman

066 474 0494

012 941 3703

076 821 7567

MAIN GATE 082 826 3761 GATE COMMANDER (GARSFONTEIN) 082 826 3761 LEVY ENQUIRIES Janine Tarr 011 214 5200 NETCARE Pretoria East Hospital 012 422 2300 (Antivenom) GYM MANAGER Tanya Dannhauser 079 974 2210



CARLITA’S RESTAURANT 062 808 0015 THE HI LLS E STATE | 2 0 1 9 | I SSUE 4 | 7


from the Estate

MANAGER Dear The Hills Homeowners, We are in the middle of winter 2019, where hot chocolate, cosy fires and time with friends and family are top of the agenda. Yes, we are halfway through the year and with the last holiday still fresh in our memories it is time to start planning the December holiday. On the Estate things are also taking place at a fast pace, with 409 houses completed and 147 under construction and quite a bit of contractor movement and deliveries taking place on a daily basis, all adding to very busy roads and gates. The first phase of the pathways are almost completely done and the team is busy finishing up the final aspects. Many of our residents are already making good use of these pathways and there is a noticeable decrease in pedestrians on the roads adjacent to the pathways. However, we still experience youngsters with skateboards and bicycles criss-crossing the busy roads irrespective. Parents, please assist in ensuring that your children are well educated on road safety. The next phase in expanding the pathway network is already in an advanced stage and will commence shortly, with the focus areas around phase 3 and 4 leading towards the school. 8 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E

With the introduction of the speed monitoring equipment a noticeable decrease in speeding and poor driver behaviour were experienced and we would like to thank everyone who are adhering to the 30 Km/h speed limit. Some interesting statistics obtained showed that we still have, on average, 102 incidents per 24 hours where speeds in excess of 40 Km/h were recorded. The top speed on record is a whopping 71 Km/h. Please advise and inform all family members, guests, friends, contractors and or service deliveries of the speed limit of 30 Km/h as the safe adherence thereto is in the best interest of all. We kindly refer all owners to the latest penalty schedule circulated as the owners will start receiving road use infringement notices as captured via the equipment. In order to familiarise yourselves on the legality in this regard please visit the office for the Appeal court ruling. We will shortly relocate the equipment to different locations and keep on moving them around the Estate without prior notice. Driver behaviour will determine locations as we need to address speeding in the best possible manner


across the Estate. In the Eco area the animals are doing well despite the weather. We are happy to inform everybody of our newest additions namely two waterbuck calves, a Nyala faun, and one Zebra baby. They are joined by the recently introduced impalas. We are working toward the goal of a healthy tame herd of animals that can be visible to all without jeopardising nature, a permit condition we need to maintain.

Jacques Enslin

Architectural Compliance Inspector

Of concern though is the amount of feeding incidents we experience. We call on all residents to NOT feed the animals at all. The HOA in conjunction with Nature Conservation is Paul Londt aiding the animals in a controlled manner with Operational Manager supplement feeding. Detailed information will 066 474 0495 | be distributed shortly, and we urge all residents residing in the Eco area and those making use of the trails to report any observation of feeding to Last, but not least I would like to thank Maryke, the HOA. Oppies, Kobus and Barbara for their efforts and assistance over the past few months. Without We would also like to welcome to the team Mr their assistance and commitment to the task at Paul Londt and Mr Jacques Enslin, they recently hand it would just not be possible. joined the HOA team in serving the needs of the rapidly growing estate. With the AGM around the corner and a year of hard work completed, a special word of thanks to Paul is the appointed operations manager and will our current board of directors, hats off to you all be actively involved with the entire management and thank you for your time and effort in building of the Estate. the Estate step by step to be the destination of choice for all our residents and tenants. Jacques is specifically appointed on the aesthetics and architectural side and you can expect to see Until Next time, Jacques on all building sites. Johan van Schalkwyk THE HI LLS E STATE | 2 0 1 9 | I SSUE 4 | 9



In May the security complement was increased, which allowed us to focus on crime prevention. In the past our main goal was to comply with instructions and set requirements.

keeping you and your family safe

We identified certain high risk areas and Police was informed and both the two men were reviewed complaints we received, so as to arrested. target those areas. Crime Prevention Special operations at the Garsfontein entrance to the Estate. The open area across the entrance where all the Wattles are growing presents a problem. We received reports of criminals attacking domestic workers as they leave the Estate, after which they would then just disappear into this area. On two occasions during special operations we cleared the area and removed all makeshift houses between the Wattles. Areas behind the large advertising boards and surrounding areas was searched. We need to address this area on an ongoing basis.

Officer James Mothiba and Officer Andries Twago

Special operations at the contractors gate was very Winter means veld fire awareness in the Estate. successful. Four separate incidents were recorded We ask all residents and tenants to kindly take care where building equipment that was stolen where when it comes to open fires and to take all necessary recovered – from door hinges to bags of cement. precautions to prevent fires. Please let us all work together and prevent fire at all costs. Theft Officer James Mothiba and Officer Andries Twago noticed two men, who were registered to a stand, entering the Estate with a vehicle at 07:00. They Contact number for security: didn’t enter with the vehicle they normally used and Security control room: 0828263761 they weren’t with the main contractor. At 09:30 these Land line: 012 996 1610 two men tried to exit through the contractor’s gate. Security manager: 0768217567 26 bags of cement was recovered and building tools. 10 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E


Appreciation On behalf of the HOA and the Estate Residents, we would like to extend our appreciation for the amazing work done by all of you to keep our Estate and community safe. The time and effort that you have shown has impressed us all. Your diligence, self-motivation as well as dedication have been a source of inspiration for the rest of your team.

Senior Inspector James Mothiba

Officer Michael Mxutu

He was officer of the month for June. His second Officer did exceptional work at the school after they certificate if the best arrest or the biggest . He arrested called for help. two suspects. He is responsible for the contractors gate and for all the enrolment of contractors.

Section leader Nico Choeu Assisted with a situation at the school.

Supervisor Edwin Hamese Assisted with a situation at the school. THE HI LLS E STATE | 2 0 1 9 | I SSUE 4 | 11


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FROM STUDIOUS ARCHITECTS Written by: Francois van Wyk

PrArch 24751027 | MProf(Arch)(Cum Laude) UP


Dear The Hills Resident

It is difficult to believe that we are already in August of 2019. The nights are getting shorter and the days longer as we approach spring. As usual, Studious Aesthetics and the HOA work hard to ensure that your investment in the Hills is upheld and protected. In July, 2019 we appointed Jacques Enslin as dedicated building inspector in The Hills. Having a dedicated man on the ground is essential to ensure that the houses being built are in line with the quality expected during the plan evaluation process. He will also monitor any illegal building activity and deviations from the approved plan. We would again like to elaborate on some basic guidelines pertaining to building guidelines that you may or may not be familiar with. Building lines: Building lines are an imaginary lines parallel to the boundary line that demarcates the building restriction area and is at a fixed distance from any boundary of the property. It is important to remember that Municipal building lines will always apply to all the properties in The Hills except for stands that that are situated in the Eco Village (stand 840-901). These municipal building lines are specified in the City of Tshwane Town Planning Scheme.

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For Erven between 501 m2 to 700m2: 2m for rear and side boundaries 3m for Southern boundaries (single story dwellings) 4m for Southern boundaries (double story dwellings) 2m for street boundaries

Further to this, the conditions in your title deed state the following:

An erf shall be subject to a servitude 3m wide for municipal services (water, sewer, electricity and storm water) in favour of the local authority, along any two For Erven 700 m2 and Larger: boundaries, except a street boundary and in the case of 2m for rear and side boundaries a panhandle erf, an additional servitude for municipal 3m for Southern boundaries (single story dwellings) purposes, 2m wide over the entrance position of the erf. 4m for Southern boundaries (double story dwellings) No buildings or other structures may be erected within 5m for street boundaries the aforesaid servitude area and no trees with large roots may be planted within the area of such servitude or The Architectural guidelines of the Estate within a distance of 2m from it. stipulate the Estate’s building lines as follows: Min 2m for Side boundaries. As you can see, building lines and servitudes can often Min 2m for a Midblock (rear) boundaries. (single story be complicated. Please make sure that your architect has dwellings) a clear understanding of all these regulations. Min 3m for a Midblock (rear) boundaries. (double story dwellings) Consider using and architect and builder that has prior Min 2m for street boundaries (for garages) experience in the same municipal region on possibly Min 3m for the street (for the house) even in the same estate. This will limit the amount of unforeseen challenges during the building process. As you can see, in some cases the Estate does allow you to relax the prescribed municipal building line to the min Until next time prescribed estate building line, provided that it does not Francois van Wyk encroach on the Estate’s specified minimum building lines. However, a building line relaxation process will still have to be conducted at the local municipality after approval has been given by the aesthetics committee. This usually involves obtaining consent from the affected neighbours. Take note that no minimum prescribed building line by the Estate may be relaxed. Pergolas and built boma areas must also comply to building line restrictions. A pool may not be built closer than 2 m from any shared boundary.

For any other clarity on questions, please visit our website: 14 | ISSUE 1 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E


For all your gardening needs

Visit us at any of our Pretoria branches

THE HI LLS E STATE | 2 0 1 9 | I SSUE 4 | 15




Our promise of saving customers time and money is made real with m=Educ8. And, our goal is to make a difference in helping people fulfill their potential and realise their aspirations.

We are calling this programme: How it works Each parent simply needs to download the Makro mCard app on their mobile phones, and then, in an instant, sign up to the m=Educ8 programme. Once they sign up, parents are ready to earn rewards for their school, while also earning all their usual mRewards. For every R1000 spent by the parents, the educational institution will earn R5 (earnings applicable from R1). This means that in a school with say, 1 500 pupils, and a spend of R1 000 per parent per month (assuming only one of the parents spends per family), the school can earn a very healthy R90 000 per annum. Cs 4apply. 16Ts|and ISSUE | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E


Earn mRewards on the mCard app!

Let your shopping spree fund your future PURCHASES with the CASH you earned in your mWallet.

THE HI LLS E STATE | 2 0 1 9 | I SSUE 4 | 17


Classifieds Would you like to know if you may add your product to this list? Contact *terms and conditions apply GARDENING


Dumisani is available on Saturdays for gardening services. Please contact Luise at 083 277 4427 for references and details.

Looking for something? now you can ask here contact

DOMESTIC HELPERS Looking for a sterling domestic worker? Rosie is looking for fulltime employment, as current employer is emigrating. Please contact Luise at 083 277 4427 for references and details SELLING Selling Buttermilk & Bran Rusks, 500g for R55 contact Tobia on 082 962 8255 Selling Annique skincare products for more info contact Ulandi Weyers on BABYSITTING Know of a babysitter in the Estate PETSITTING Looking for a petsitter contact Ilke Lambrechts on 079 359 5995.

18 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E

SERVICES OFFERED Art Classes for Kids and Adults contact Stef 082 804 3508 Home Personal Training For Ladies Of All Ages! Want to train in the comfort of your own home? I come to you. All you need is a set of weights and a mat. Contact Amelisha for more information: 060 997 4946

The Classifieds section is only available to The Hills residents and there is no charge for residents or homeowners to advertise here. Please include your stand number and contact details for references.This Classifieds section is not for the use of businesses. If you would like to advertise your business in the Estate Magazine, please email Tobia von Zwietring at All Classified advertisements will be removed monthly. Please inform us by email before the 18th of every month if you would like to repeat your previous advert.


CREATE A MORNING ROUTINE By Wellness Warehouse If the thought of waking up with the birds makes you yawn, taking advice from the ancients can help you burst into the day with energy and joy. With today’s always-on culture, it’s not that easy to be in touch with yourself, never mind with nature’s rhythms. Artificial lighting, endless entertainment and electronic disruptors make it harder for humans to perceive and understand environmental cues. Sleeping and rising with the sun isn’t even deemed feasible anymore. But that doesn’t mean we need to give up. For thousands of years, Ayurvedic wisdom has given humans a way to connect with themselves and the planet, no matter what the time of day. Dinacharya is an Ayurvedic principle that refers to a daily routine for maintaining physical health by allowing the body to be in tune with the cycles of nature. It helps create balance during the changes that naturally occur throughout the day.

THE POWER OF HABIT “We are what we repeatedly do,” is a quote attributed to Aristotle by American writer, historian, and philosopher Will Durant. Twenty-one days is the generally agreed-upon number when it comes to forming a habit. However, science reveals that this may only be the case if it’s a simple habit, like drinking a glass of water upon waking. If there are more steps to the formation of a habit, it may take longer. But it’s not all about automation – being mindful in your morning practice is also important. That means there will always be an element of discipline that relates to self-nurture.

Brooklyn Mall • The Grove Mall Menlyn Maine • Woodlands Boulevard

If you are more of a night owl, this practice will take some getting used to, but it’s not meant to induce stress at bedtime. Sleep experts agree that if you want to change your wake-up time, don’t stress about your going to bed time – rather focus on getting up at the same time each day. As you awake earlier and earlier, you will naturally begin to fall asleep at the best time for your personal requirements.

HOW TO PRACTISE THE AYURVEDIC MORNING ROUTINE 1. Wake early in the morning - preferably before sunrise. 2. Drink a large glass of warm water. A little lemon will up the benefit. Warm water gently flushes out your whole system and also stimulates peristalsis (a series of wave-like muscle contractions that moves food to different processing stations in the digestive tract). The water purifies the stomach and liver, which stimulates the lymphatic system and gall bladder. 3. Wash your face and use a tongue scraper to stimulate digestion and elimination. Use cool water or spritz your eyes with rosewater. 4. Brush your teeth with natural paste or powder. 5. Evacuate your bowels and bladder, if possible within the first hour of waking (this will become habitual after a while). 6. Exercise for 10 to 15 minutes (yogic sun salutations are recommended). The body is at its strongest physically between 6 am and 10 am, so morning exercise is optimal. 7. Practise conscious breathing for 5 to 10 minutes. 8. Meditate for 5 to 15 minutes. 9. Shower or bath and rinse your mouth with coconut or sesame oil for 10 to 15 minutes. 10. Perform a self-massage. This is called abhyanga, and has numerous benefits - from softening the skin and nourishing the body to increasing circulation and strengthening the immune system. Use warming sesame oil for cool body types, and coconut oil for warmer bodies. 11. Eat a small amount of breakfast (enough to get you to lunch without needing a snack).

From invigorating natural shower essentials and fluoride-free toothpaste to yoga mats and healthy breakfast ingredients, you’ll find everything you need for your morning routine at Wellness Warehouse. THE HI LLS E STATE | 2 0 1 9 | I SSUE 4 | 19 Shop in store or at


The MyRun events and Pop-up classes we have been undertaking have been such a success and we would like to thank each and everyone for your participation.

from the

Gym Manager

Gym Essentials: Remember the following • Always bring a towel • Dress comfortably and appropriately • Leave the gym in the same condition you received it

Summer bodies are created in winter, and by the looks of our busy gym, this is something The Hills residents share with us. When you eat well We are thrilled to announce that we will be offering and exercise regularly, winter takes Hotpod Yoga sessions. A Hotpod Yoga session on a different glow. It helps to build a is yoga in a truly immersive environment for a supercharged yoga experience. stronger body and mind. We hope you experience all of the benefits an active WHEN: 24 August 2019 @ 10:30AM WHERE: THE HILLS FITNESS STUDIO lifestyle during the “slower” months of COST: R120 pp the year can unlock for you.

coming soon!


This is yoga reinvented. Breathe deeper. Stretch further. Sweat harder. Melt into

20 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E


Home Design Showcases

Century Property Developments have become the place to live. With all the amenities ideally located close-by or on the Estate itself, aspiring home-owners have found it to be a very attractive investment in value and lifestyle. With the expansion of the Estate on the horizon, many new stands have the opportunity to be occupied by you! Century Properties found that JK Designs plays an integral part in helping aspiring home-owners to make informed decisions

for purchasing stands based on their needs. It is for this reason that Century Properties have requested them to host over 20 Design Showcases, combining Property Consulting and Architectural Design. JK Designs have recently played host to multiple Home Design Showcases at The Hills Estate, Blue Hills Estate and Waterfall Estate, which greatly aided buyers in designing their dream homes. With the latest technology, they demonstrate what your future home could look

like with the help of their creative designers and professional team. JK Designs specialise in Architectural & Interior Design, Project Management, Property Consulting and they also have countless insights into the building industry. The Home Design Showcases display various designs proposals for the various Century Properties’ estates, displaying different design solutions for different stand sizes on both plans and 3D. All your uncertainties can then be put to

rest as you ask all the questions you ever had regarding your new dream home. The JK Designs-team have become familiar faces around Century Properties, both in support to aspiring buyers, and in the construction of their dream homes. They have designed over 30 residences spread over The Hills Estate, Blue Hills Estate and Waterfall Estate over the past five years. They offer peace of mind and a fun experience on your journey to building your new home.

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your work health

On average, a third of our lifetime is spent at work or working. The demands of work can spike our stress levels. All those tenders, presentations, deadlines, brainstorming sessions, meetings etc. need us to function optimally with sustained levels of energy and brain power throughout the day. Work health is more than just a healthy immune system but encompasses mental and physical wellness too. THE HI LLS E STATE | 2 0 1 9 | I SSUE 4 | 23


Here are some tips to improve your health so you can function at your best at work: Manage your time better Some stress caused by day-to-day demands can be good for you. It can help you stay motivated and challenged, leading to enhance productivity. But there is a line. Manage both your and your manager’s expectations. Start everyday with a clear plan and stay away from social media or any other distractions that deviate from this plan. Stay motivated Learning new skills or gaining knowledge on a topic that could benefit you at work is always a “Yes”. It is good for your mind and soul. Put away 10-15 minutes daily to watch a motivational video or read up on new developments in your industry. Eat (and hydrate) well This is perhaps the most important tip for work (and general) health as it affects more than just nutrition but also your mental and physical health. If you constantly feel lethargic, bloated or uncomfortable at work it is impossible to perform optimally. Did you know that some forms of depression and anxiety have been linked to unhealthy eating? Also, keep in mind that serotonin (the “feel good” hormone) is made in your gut and requires probiotics (yoghurt, kefir, kimchi) and prebiotics (onions, leeks, asparagus, oats, apples bananas) in order to flourish. • Breakfast - Set the tone for the day by eating something healthy such as an omelette with a veggie and cheese filling or loaded oats with flaxseeds, berries, yoghurt and bananas. 24 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E

• Snacks - A light and healthy mid-morning and late afternoon snack consisting of nuts, biltong, fruits, veggie sticks, raisins or plain yoghurt can help boost energy levels naturally. • Lunch - A low carb light lunch such as a chicken salad can prevent that afternoon energy crash. • H20 - Stay hydrated. Limit your coffee intake to 2 cups a day and up your water intake. Dehydration is often behind headaches, migraines and a lack of energy. Supplement We can get all the vitamins and nutrients we need from a healthy, balanced diet. However, it isn’t always possible to get enough of the right stuff. Vegetarians, for example need to take a vitamin B12 supplement because only animal products contain this vitamin. A few other supplements are also good to help boost your work health like: • An immune booster - extra defense against colds and flu • Probiotics - healthy immune and healthy gut support • Omega 3s - lowers blood pressure and it is good for your heart health • Folic Acid - helps the body create new red blood cells Get moving According to most people (especially those with desk-bound job roles) sit for an average of 7.7 hours per day. This amount of sitting has been linked to heart disease, depression, weight issues, diabetes and poor blood circulation. Sitting can also lead to neck tension and back pain. So get moving! • Take the stairs. • Set an alarm to move every half an hour - make a trip to the loo, take a walk to fill your glass of water or simply get up and do some stretches/ a few star jumps at your desk. • Consider investing in a standing desk and alternate between sitting and standing. • Go for a lunchtime walk around the office block. Sterilise Studies have shown that there could be 5 000 germs on your hands at any given point in time. This is also true of your laptop, mouse and phone. Sterilise your office equipment regularly as well as your hands. Keep antibacterial wipes or waterless hand cleanser on your desk for easy access.


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Residential and Commercial Audio, Video, and Lighting Solutions

We at Automation Authority offer the ultimate smart home solutions by making the electronic components and systems you already use on a daily basis work together, seamlessly. Integration using a reliable wired and wireless infrastructure forms the “backbone� of your home; and allows all of these devices to connect and communicate with each other. The result is an intelligent and personalised experience that enhances your life for added comfort, savings, convenience and peace of mind. Our Home Cinema Installations offer a complete solution including cinema seating, home cinema designs and layout, acoustic design and consultation, 3D design renderings, installation and programming, and the calibration of the audio-visual equipment to ensure the highest levels of performance.

Contact us to arrange a consultation to assess your automation requirements. Juan 082 308 0809 Johan 076 540 0393

Gauteng, Fourway. Design Quarter, Shop 58 Tel: 011 465 2390

26 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E

@Automation_Authority @AutomationAuthorityAfrica


Automation Authority was founded in 2006 by owners Johan Weideman and Juan van Staden. Johan and Juan gained experience in the Home Automation industry whilst working in London. After living in London for five years they decided to bring their knowledge and skills back to South Africa. In 2012, the business moved into the Dunkeld Bakos Brothers building and since then the partnership with Bakos Brothers has grown stronger. Automation Authority currently has showrooms in Bakos Brothers Menlyn, Fourways (Design Quarter), Cape Town and soon to be Nelspruit.

systems for both existing properties and new developments. We understand that a home is an emotional and financial investment. Therefore, we work closely with our clients, their architects and interior designers to design a custom automated solution to turn your vision into a reality. We offer the following residential solutions and so much more: Home automation/ smart home systems for large and small homes and multi-dwelling units. Multi-room audio/HD Video distribution and lighting controls.

We also have a large and ever-growing range of products and solutions catering for the commercialand hospitality industry; ranging from offices, The company’s mission for the future is to continue boardrooms, restaurants, houses of worship, delivering world-class service to clients both locally educational institutions, digital signage, staging and and internationally. Automation Authority’s clients other commercial applications. include some of the most prestigious properties and businesses in Southern Africa, with numerous awards The products we source are of the highest quality at for Cinema design and automation systems. Their each price point. We can also future-proof a home goal of a happy end-user remains constant no matter or building. We do this by integrating features that the client. are locally sourced and designed in such a way to easily allow for future upgrades. We also ensure that replacements are kept to a minimum with simplistic Residential And Commercial upgradeability. Our aim is to create a new level of Audio, Video And Lighting Solutions smart living, according to the client’s budget and Automation Authority is a leading smart home needs, we can create a flexible, modular system company based in Johannesburg and Cape Town, which can be installed to their convenience. South Africa. We design, sell, upgrade and integrate THE HI LLS E STATE | 2 0 1 9 | I SSUE 4 | 27


What equipment will I need in my home? You don’t have to worry about specific equipment. Our trained technical/sales representatives will visit your home or site to assess your needs and advise you on what system specifications will suit your home.

Can you provide us with a full solution for our cinema needs? Indeed we can! Our Home Cinema installations offer a complete solution including cinema seating, home cinema designs and layout, acoustic panel design and a consultation. We also do 3D design renderings, installation and programming as well as the calibration of the audio-visual equipment to ensure the highest levels of performance and cutting edge cinema technology.

To Arrange a consultation Contact Johan Tel: + 27 (0) 76 540 0393 Email: Juan Tel: + 27 (0) 82 308 0809 Email: 28 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E




hile container gardens are still a major trend, indoor gardens that are reminiscent of the 1970s-style indoor jungles are also gaining popularity once again.

As with most trends that make a comeback, this one has been streamlined to accommodate our modern lifestyles. Instead of dedicating an entire room to creating an indoor garden, fellow green fingers have indoor plants throughout and are using them as a creative and inexpensive way to decorate. Below are some tips to get you started on creating your own indoor garden: Get good houseplants All plants need light, water and fertiliser to grow and flourish. But some need more than others, and are often harder to care for. A good houseplant is one that is low-maintenance and durable enough to withstand a range of indoor temperatures and doesn’t need too much watering. Before starting your garden do some research on houseplants that are easier to take care of. For instance, the Peace Lily is one of the most popular houseplants, because it’s one of the easiest to keep alive ­– it only needs to be watered weekly, and continuously blooms.

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Have a plan After doing your research, be sure to plan and prepare. Once you have selected the plants you want, calculate how much space you will need for them to grow well. For example, if you have limited space, you might want to get some suspended houseplants. The right spot Placing houseplants in the most used room in your home is a great way to enjoy them, but regardless of the type of plants you source, they will require sunlight for optimal growth. Find sunny spots in your favourite rooms where they can catch those vital rays. But like mentioned, do some research and find out how much sunlight the plants need. Plants are usually divided into three categories: full sun (4-6 hours direct sun), medium light (2-3 hours of direct sun or 6-8 hours of bright indirect light) and lastly low light (no direct sunlight but some indirect light). Keep in mind that plants need consistent temperatures and don’t like air conditioners and heaters blowing on them. Start with tall plants If you want to have an instant jungle feel, but don’t have much space, time or a big budget, consider getting one or two tall plants. The fiddle leaf fig tree, ferns and the spider plant are popular tall plants. Stay away from flowering plants until you get used to having an indoor garden. They can be a bit more complicated to grow. Accessorise Have fun and style your plants like they did in the 1970s. The easiest way to do this is by putting them in some beautiful pots and placing some of them on small tables of various sizes. If you’re going for some hanging plants try placing them up at different heights to add interest and get some vintage plant hangers to frame them.

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DIARY Saturdays & Sundays, Cowhouse Market, Saturday 31 August, Proe’toria Festival, The Hazeldean Valley Pretoria National Botanical Garden Hazeldean Valley, an old farm East of Pretoria is home to The Cowhouse Market, The Hazeldeal Brewing Co. and many great mountain bike trails. The pet-friendly market is open from 10am to 4pm and offers visitors a selection of gourmet food stalls and crafts to browse through. A large children’s play area makes it the ideal weekend destination for families too.

The fourth of its kind, Proe’toria has become an annual favourite with its exceptional food, wine, gin, craft beers and of course, great music. Watch Georgetown, Karlien van Jaarsveld, Dewald Wasserfall, Demi Lee Moore, Roan Ash and more live. It promises to be a glorious spring day out in nature!

Monday 9 August, Parklife Gourmet Food & Music Festival, Emmarentia Botanical Gardens

Spend this Women’s Day in the outdoors listening to great artists such as aKing, Janie Bay, Lady Zamar, Ross Saturday & Sunday 21 & 22 September, Fijnwyn Learmonth (from Prime Circle) while sampling some of Innie Lente, Shokran Events Venue SA’s best gourmet street food. Don’t miss The Fijnwyn Food & Wine Festival at Shokran in Tierpoort hosted late September. This popular event is an old favourite and offers great wine, exceptional deli food stalls, kids entertainment and live music. A day out for the whole family!

21 -24 September, Comic Con Africa, Gallagher Convention Centre This comic and fan convention celebrates the second of its kind after the huge success last year. This convention covers everything pop culture and related entertainment. From comic books to movies, series, games, books, animation, toys, gadgets, collectibles. This means if you or any of your children are a huge fan of anything from Lord of the Rings to Avengers – this is the place to be! 32 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E


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minutes for Mandela

Nelson Mandela day is about giving back by giving 67 minutes of your time to help others and not yourself. The act of giving your time to others and seeing how it is appreciated and valued by others made me too happy to be making such a difference. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the people that were grateful for something like a simple peanut butter sandwich made me feel as though I was actually making a difference In the world. I cannot wait to do it again. ~Thembile Khumalo Grade 11~


Our Mandela Day project began on Thursday 18 July when the junior students spent their 67 minutes preparing the sandwiches. We had asked all the children to bring bread, margarine, jam, peanut butter, coffee, sugar and milk or money, and the donations rolled in from Tuesday when school opened after the winter holidays. We set up production lines in our cafeteria The Red Deli who also joined in by donating bread and lending us cutlery and urns. The High School joined forces with our Early Learning School where each little pre-schooler also made a sandwich for someone less fortunate. Early on Friday morning, the teachers loaded up their cars with all the food, urns, cups etc. and met up with the senior students at the gate where we set up our coffee stand with the help of The Hills security staff who helped with fetching water and plugging in extension cords for the urns. The students stood ready for the first ‘customers’, not quite sure of what to expect. When the gates opened at 7:00, the people streamed in and the students were kept busy serving coffee, sandwiches, oranges and smiles to about 600 people. It was heart-warming to watch the interaction between the young people and construction workers. There was an amazing atmosphere throughout the morning and as the children walked back to school at 8:00, there was a great deal of excited chatter and a wonderful spirit of the joy of giving. At Reddford House, ‘Giving Back’ is one of the pillars on which our educational philosophy is built. Our goal is to mould our children into caring, compassionate citizens and what better place to start than in the 38 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E

very community in which our school operates – the beautiful The Hills Estate. We would like to thank Mr Opperman and his team for support of the project and assistance on the day. We hope to team up with The Hills Estate again for future projects.

“it is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it” ~Nelson Mandela~


What’s new? Spring storage ideas for the home

Did you know that decluttering and getting organised are not only good for your mental and physical well-being but it also enhances productivity? A study by Princeton University found that clutter could make it difficult for the visual cortex to focus on the task at hand. Clutter also creates a constant level of low-grade stress and anxiety. Being organised, on the other hand, helps you to destress and empower yourself! THE HI LLS E STATE | 2 0 1 9 | I SSUE 4 | 39


So, get organised this spring with smart storage solutions like these: The Kitchen

We love these ideas:

A storage bench with multiple compartments underneath. This is a great concept that can be applied to other areas of the home as well, like the foyer for example! A hanging shoe organiser is a clever way to store dolls, toy cars and figurines while using unused space.

Deep cupboards and drawers are ruling kitchens everywhere, but it is a bit of a nightmare getting to that pan at the bottom. While you might stack everything back neatly, the next person might not. Organise cupboards with multi-tier stainless steel holders for pans, lids, tupperware, baking trays etc. Shelf risers can help you optimise the horizontal shelving space in your pantry or anywhere else in the kitchen. Shelf dividers can help you keep shelves neat and organised vertically.

Closets & drawers

Gain back control of your make-up, jewellery, socks and underwear drawers with divisioned drawer organisers. Have an incredible shoe collection? Create more space at the bottom of your closet with multi-tier shoe racks. Use vacuum bags for thick winter jackets and special occasion dresses. Not only do they condense the actual space needed by 50% but they also protect your clothing from clothing moths etc. Vacuum bags are also an ideal way to store winter blankets.


Storage for toys must be practical and convenient to use. As all parents know there is never time to sort out toys before stowing them away. It should also be easy enough so that your kids can do it themselves. 40 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E

Shelves, shelves, shelves!

From the bathroom to the garage, a shelf is the answer to utilising unused space in every room! Baskets, boxes or plastic containers can allow you to add even more on this space, plus it is aesthetically pleasing too.

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HAPPINESS COMES IN Sodwana Bay is part of the iSimangaliso Wetland World Heritage site. This was the first World Heritage Site declared in South Africa. Sodwana means “little one on its own” in Zulu, which refers to the small river running into the ocean. iSimangaliso means “miracle” or “wonder” in Zulu when one of King Shaka’s generals first saw this place.

Sodwana Bay sits in the centre of 160kms of pristine beaches. There are no buildings on the dunes to spoil this. Sodwana Bay is within 100kms of 6 different Ezemvelo game reserves of which 4 are Big 5 reserves (this does not include the many private game reserves in the area). For the more adventurous (with 4X4s) day trips to Lake Sibaya, 9 Mile, Mabibi and Black Rock are easily accessible. Quad bike tours, microlight flights, deep sea fishing, scuba diving, snorkelling and boat trips can all be arranged. Whale watching takes place from June to November when Humpback whales can be seen with their calves. 42 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E

Turtle tours are undertaken from November to March to see the female Leatherback & Loggerhead turtles laying eggs on the beach. The tiny hatchlings escape from the nest about 6 weeks after being laid.


Why we are different WE LOVE DIVING! Reefteach is driven by two passions. The first is a love for the natural environment and more specifically, the marine environment. The second is a drive for personalised customer service. In combining these two passions our mission is the following: To increase the understanding of the marine environment for each of our customers in a personalised relationship. Reefteach was established at Sodwana Bay in 2000. Reefteach has an intimate knowledge of the reefs at Sodwana Bay and is the operator of choice for divers wishing to know more about the underwater environment. All Reefteach staff members have completed thousands of dives at Sodwana Bay and because we personally dive daily, we are in a position to show you the best Sodwana has to offer.

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All of our dives are led by divemasters who have an extensive knowledge of the reefs, marine life and the ecology. Dive briefings are done using books in our marine reference library on the beach. In this way the divers know what marine life they can expect to see and to look out for. After the dive the reference books are used again to facilitate identification. Reefteach has a number of special routes that are not well known by other operators. In this way we dive pristine areas that are away from the crowds. Furthermore, even on the well-known dive sites the Reefteach staff knows where the rare fish and critters can be found. are available. There is secure parking with a night watchman. There is a dive kit washing and drying area available. Reef House has 6 bedrooms of which 2 can accommodate an extra bed. All bedrooms are airconditioned and have en-suite bathrooms with s howers. Two bathrooms also have a bath. Reef House has a large lounge with satellite television (DStv). There is also a fully equipped kitchen and dining room. Reef House has a large covered deck both upstairs and downstairs.

ACCOMMODATION Reefteach has luxurious upmarket accommodation. The accommodation is secluded and situated in beautiful gardens. The accommodation is 200 metres off the main road and less than 5 kilometres from the Parks Board gate. There are 13 double rooms available. The accommodation consists of Reef House (12 sleeper), Starfish Cottage (8 sleeper) and Coral Annexe (2 sleeper units). The accommodation is available as one entity, either Reef House or Starfish Cottage as an entity or as individual rooms. Each room has two single beds, which can be changed to a Kingsize bed upon request. Some rooms are big enough to accommodate an extra bed if required. All our accommodation is fully equipped for self-catering. A swimming pool and braai facilities 44 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E

Starfish Cottage has 4 bedrooms of which 2 can accommodate an extra bed. Two sleeper couches are also available in an upstairs lounge. All bedrooms are air-conditioned and have en-suite bathrooms with showers. Two bathrooms also have a bath. Starfish Cottage has a large lounge with satellite television (DStv). There is also a fully equipped kitchen and dining room. Starfish Cottage has a private deck with braai facilities. Coral Annexe consists of 3 self-catering units. These en-suite, air-conditioned units are fully self-contained with a kitchenette, breakfast nook and lounge area. The units have 2 single beds (with the option of a King-size bed) and a sleeper couch. They are ideal for 2 adults with 2 small children or 3 adults. These units have satellite television (DStv). The units also have access to the outside braai facility as well as the swimming pool.

CONTACT Phone: (082) 339-6920 Mail: Web: Facebook:\reefteachsa\


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Large statement headboards

If a home were a novel, its foyer or entryway would be the book’s synopsis. A foyer welcomes guests. It sets the mood and offers a teaser to the tone and style visitors could expect throughout the house. Here, guests often linger before exiting, and neighbours catch up on the week’s highlights. It is an incredibly important part of the house, yet it is often underrated. Tell a gripping story this spring with some of this year’s trends:

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Floors The choice of flooring used in the foyer should be heavy duty and easy to clean but it should by no means be a safe option. Tiles in faux wood, geometric porcelain, concrete, vintage black and white or faux marble are creating quite a statement and they are incredibly diverse in their application. Adding a unique carpet is also a great idea or opting for stenciled or painted floors can create a wonderful wow-factor. Practical & Personal While it is important for this part of the house to stay true to the narrative of the home decoratively, it should be practical too. It makes sense to keep keys, umbrellas, dog leashes, sun hats, scarves, coats or any other items the family might need before heading out in this space. Incorporating clever storage space in a creative and eyecatching manner is therefore ideal. Foyers are becoming more personal too. Use this

space to showcase family photographs, travel mementos, inspirational quotes or any other personification of the people that live there. Benches, chairs or entryway tables are particularly popular in this area. Art Where you choose to hang or place a piece of art impacts its effectiveness. Art lovers can use the foyer to highlight their most loved pieces so much more successfully. Beautiful paintings, dramatic sculptures and artistic collectables can dominate the space uncontested. Strategic placements will ensure that no visitor would dream of missing your art. And because it is a place you frequent too, you will be able to admire them regularly as well. Statement lighting Light up the way into the home with statement lighting fixtures. Retro lights, lights with soft gold finishes and vintage style bulbs are trending at the moment. Use it creatively in this space (in keeping with the style of


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your home of course). Own the space. The larger the foyer, the larger your fixture. Create a welcoming soft glow by using yellow light. Don’t have a foyer? Modern home layouts often don’t have a large entryway into the home. In that case, make the most of your doorway by painting your door a great complementary colour – dove grey, matt black, hunter green and pastels are some of the most trendiest door colours at the moment. The use of hanging flower baskets or pot plants on the doorstep, a striking wreath or a cleverly chosen welcome mat can also help create a sense of warmth as guests enter your home.

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through the eyes of an artist

The artist, Glendine, lives in De Rust in the Klein Karoo, in a typical Karoo house, similar to the ones that often feature in her paintings. She was born in Namibia and went to school in Windhoek. From early childhood all Glendine wanted to do was draw and that’s why she went on to study art at the Pretoria Technikon, with fine arts as her main subject. During her fine arts classes, it felt like she was “coming home”. She knew that this was what she wanted to do more than anything else; she knew she wanted to practice art as a “real” job.

on. The beautiful Karoo, with its plains of peace, edged a place into her heart, and it felt as if she could experience some of Namibia’s charm here.

After her studies, she painted and taught art classes. While staying in Hartbeespoort and later De Rust she sketched out a life for herself and her two sons. Her move to De Rust was the result of a love affair she established with the area early

During her forties, while living in De Rust, she made some of her happiest memories, but also her worst. Her eldest son died at the age of 19 in a car accident. After these events, the focus of her art shifted. The Karoo houses are still there, but there is an addition of personal introspection. Through her honest account of her own sorrow and exposure of her deepest emotions, people are able to experience their own stories on canvas depicted in rich dark colours. THE HI LLS E STATE | 2 0 1 9 | I SSUE 4 | 49


Her art is therapeutic for herself and others and it represents loss, love, longing, joy of life and the beauty of life. With raw talent she captures bunnies, pigeons and the moon on canvas, and in this there is a symbolism of her own personal world. The people in her art are mostly women because she knows, understands and embraces womanhood. Apart from having her own space in De Rust and being able to enjoy the town’s tranquility, Glendine is surrounded by precious people. Here she has been able to forge uncomplicated friendships. She does not take her talent for granted, but considers it a precious gift she received from God. It is a talent that sustains her livelihood, plus through her art she is also able to help others. It is a way for her to say “Thank you”. To believe in God, love, life and beautiful things, give meaning to her life and through her art she is able to give back some of the grace she experiences every day. Glendine does not take anything for granted, but believes that one must live in divine dependence and make complete use of the talents assigned to you. Thank you that we can share in the beauty of your paintings against our walls.

if you would like to own a piece of the Karoo get in touch with Glendine 50 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E


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news from


CARLITA’S RESTAURANT Excitement is definitely in the air at Carlita’s. We have made the restaurant our second home and we are proud to have made new friends and family over the past four months. Thank you for all the support and also thank you for the suggestions we have received. The excitement has a couple of components to it and we would like to share these with you. 1. Our new menu will be launched on the 1st of September 2019... Follow our Facebook page for more information.

LAMB AND PORK SPIT Sunday 4 August 2019

2. Even though we did not win the World Cup cricket, it would seem that no-one really did. 3. Winter is coming to an end and to celebrate the last bit of winter we will have a spit braai on the 4th of August 2019. Please book via telephone or email. Our letter this time around is short, but we wanted to keep it to the point. If you want to spend more time with us, you know where to find us. Regards, Team Carlita’s Please visit us on Facebook or our web page for more info and weekly specials.

Fresh meat Merino Lamb and Roasted pork on a spit with a special paptart (layers of pap, tomato, cheese, bacon,cream etc). Baby potatoes prepared on the spit with the lamb and pork and a green salad. Dessert will be ice cream with chocolate sauce. Only R250 per adult and R120 for children under 12.

Join As At 12h00. Food Will Be Served From 13h00 Bookings Essential On 062 808 0015 Or 012 996 1437

*Limited space available so please book asap

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Photos of our Estate

Whats App your Estate photos to 082 962 8255

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There are several steps you can take to keep your pets safe and reduce the likelihood that they’ll become lost or stolen. Your pet should wear a collar and ID tags at all times. Include an up-to-date phone number where you can be reached. ID tags are available at Pet shops & veterinary clinics. Have your pet microchipped. Microchips are an implanted form of identification equipped to access your contact information when scanned at a veterinary clinic or shelter. Spay/neuter your pet. Studies have shown that sterilized animals are less likely to roam.

Keep them safe when you’re out and about. Animals love the outdoors but it is our responsibility to protect them. Always leash your animals when outside. Keep them close to home and away from traffic, unfamiliar animals and those who may not concern themselves with your pet’s best interests. Leave them comfortable at home. Never leave your dog leashed outside a store or unattended in the car, even if it’s locked or the windows are rolled down.


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are you ready?

Article written by Janette Vermaak, Professional Accountant (SA)


nce again tax season has opened and with the new Commissioner for SARS, Mr Edward Kieswetter, some changes, enhancements and promises were made for the 2019 tax returns for individuals. This includes the updated digital channels, eFiling and SARS MobiApp and allows you to file your income tax returns from 1 July until 4 December 2019. If you choose to file your income tax returns at a SARS branch, you may do so from 1 August until 31 October 2019, (a much shorter period) and if you are a provisional taxpayer, you have until 31 January 2020 to file via SARS eFiling.

for five years, in case SARS asks for it. This year SARS promised to improve the communication to taxpayers in the letter requesting additional supporting documents and will now specify whether it is a retirement annuity or medical aid tax certificate for example. In the past it has been vague resulting in taxpayers uploading all their supporting documents However, if you are going to do your return at a SARS branch, then bring all your documentation and your I.D. with you.

Before you submit your return, make sure to Documentation you will need is … gather all your supporting documentation. • Your IRP5. If you changed jobs during This is important as not getting your tax 100% the year, you will have at least one other correct can lead to queries and audits from IRP5. If you get any retirement funding, SARS, which is clearly something to avoid. the relevant institution will send you an Although you won’t have to submit this with IRP3(a). your tax return, you need to keep it available, 56 | ISSUE 4 | 2 0 1 9 | T H E H I L L S E STAT E


• IRP3(b) for any investment income received. • Medical certificates from your medical aid plus any medical expenses incurred not covered by medical aid. • A logbook if you want to claim any travel expenses. • Any retirement funding certificates received. • Any other documentation that will affect your return e.g. if you had a capital gain or loss during the tax year. Check that the tax certificates you receive are correct and if you find an error, go back to whoever sent you the documentation and get them to issue a corrected certificate. SARS populates your tax return with information received from third parties (IRP5, IRP3 etc) and the only way to change the populated data on your tax return is to get the tax certificates re-issued.

• You have no additional allowable tax related deductions to claim (e.g. medical expenses, retirement annuity contributions and travel expenses) Warnings: While SARS has taken steps to make it easy to comply, they warn taxpayers that steps will be taken to correct behaviour, which includes the following to name a few: • Outstanding returns and late returns remain a concern and SARS will step up its enforcement of penalties in this regard. Many taxpayers still do not declare rental income from properties and they promise to improve their data matching in this regard by collaborating with the Deeds Office. This matching will also allow them to better enforce non-compliance in the declaration of Capital Gains Tax • They will also renew their focus in monitoring income and expenses from Commission earners • They are concerned about the accuracy of declarations of Distributions to and from trusts to the beneficial recipients • Another area of focus will be declarations of distributions from trusts and estates to beneficiaries.

Do you have to submit a tax return? Tax return exemption increased to R500 000. This exemption only applies if you meet ALL the following criteria: • Your total employment income for the year before tax is not more than R500 000 • You receive employment income from only one employer for the full tax year • You have no other form of income (e.g. Now that you’re ready, have a smooth, car allowance, business or rental income, frustration-free 2019 tax season! taxable interest or income from another job) Feel free to contact Janette Vermaak for any assistance on your tax and/or accounting needs. e t 082 320 2880

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