The Hills Estate | April 2023

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Photo Credit: Reintje van Dijk
CONTENTS Disclaimer: This e-Magazine is produced especially for residents/owners of The Hills Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by K-Studio on behalf of The Hills Estate HOA. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, The Hills Estate HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not Publisher K-Studio (Pty) Ltd on behalf of The Hills Estate Advertising Sales Calvin Tobia Editor Tobia von Zwietring Copywriter / proofreader Chantel Venter Design & Layout K-Studio (Pty) Ltd e t 082 962 8255 f KreatiefStudio ISSUE 2 | APRIL 2023 05 09 11 12 14 16 18 21 23 26 30 36 42 44 49 56 IMPORTANT CONTACTS FROM THE ESTATE MANAGER A PLATFORM PRIORITISING YOUR HEALTH PHOTOS OF THE ESTATE ANIMAL OF THE MONTH:BLUE WILDEBEEST THE GOOD BUGS 5 WAYS TO TURN YOUR DREAM JOB INTO REALITY PULLING TOGETHER SECURITY UPDATE HOW TO BOOK A COST EFFECTIVE EASTER BREAK EXPERIENCE THE BEST OF DULLSTROOM MIND YOUR POSTURE HAPPY PEOPLE, HAPPY PLANET RECIPE OF THE MONTH WHY AM I ALWAYS TIRED? SMALLS



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ESTATE NEWS | 4 +27 (12) 002 1836 +27 (12) 002 1744 Gateway Industrial Park, 21 Adriana Crescent, Centurion, 0157
W W W . E N E R G Y G U R U S . C O . Z A
important Maryke Botes 012 941 3703 Stefan van der Merwe +27 79 066 0881 Markus Welthagen 066 176 3331 / Murray Retief 066 474 0494 | ESTATE MANAGER OFFICE ASSISTANT GYM MANAGER SECURITY MANAGER Contacts MAIN GATE 082 826 3761 GATE COMMANDER (GARSFONTEIN) 082 826 3761 LEVY ENQUIRIES Clarice Heyneke 011 214 5200 NETCARE Pretoria East Hospital 012 422 2300 (Antivenom) GYM MANAGER Stefan van der Merwe +27 79 066 0881 CARLITA’S RESTAURANT 062 808 0015 Clarice Pretorius OPERATIONAL MANAGER AESTHETIC OFFICER
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from the Estate Manager’s Desk

Warm greetings to everyone from all of us at the estate office once again. It is that time of year when we get to enjoy those mild and sunny autumn days as the season is turning in anticipation of the winter months lying ahead of us.

We hope that you’ll be thoroughly enjoying the Aprilholidays and that you will have the opportunity to spend some much-needed quality time with your families and loved ones.

Considering the protracted water shortages we experienced at the estate earlier this year, it is quite understandable that residents will be seeking alternative sources of sustainable water supply, one of which is the drilling of boreholes.

It therefore came as no surprise when we started seeing a recent upsurge in the number of drilling trucks visiting the estate (on some days you could even notice the tell-tale clouds of dust from the drilling rising above the rooftops in different parts of the estate all at once).

While property owners may proceed with borehole drilling at their premises without obtaining prior permission from the Home Owners Association or the local authorities (except when the borehole is to be drilled in a dolomitic area in which case a geotechnical investigation is required beforehand), we thought it wise to bring the following regulations relating to the drilling of such boreholes to everyone’s attention:

In terms of Section 39 of the National Water Act, the following applies to the registration of boreholes:

Boreholes delivering less than 50 kilolitres of water per day are not required to be registered. Boreholes delivering between 50 and 100 kilolitres per day are to be registered with the National Department of Water and Sanitation.

Boreholes delivering more than 100 kilolitres per day require a water use licence from the National Department of Water and Sanitation.

Further to the above, water from a borehole may only be used on the property at which the borehole is situated and it may not be sold to other consumers in any way whatsoever. Also, the internal borehole water supply network may not be connected to the municipal water reticulation. It is further important to note that drilling may only take place inside the property boundaries and that the owner will be responsible for the testing of the water quality to ensure that the borehole water is safe to use for domestic and drinking purposes. Lastly, also please ensure that the appropriate signage is installed at the property indicating that a borehole exists and that it is being used at the premises.

While you do not require prior approval for drilling from the estate office as mentioned above, we kindly request that you notify us of your intention to drill so that we can keep a proper record of all boreholes situated at The Hills (Maryke will be supplying you with the relevant documentation for completion that she will then keep on file for future reference). As with the appointment of any service provider, it is always a good idea to do proper research and to make sure that you employ the services of a reputable contractor. We then also ask that you inform your immediate neighbours of the planned date on which the drilling is to take place out of courtesy as it will be associated with a fair amount of noise and dust. Where required, please ensure that you take the necessary steps in cleaning up afterwards in the interest of keeping good neighbourly relations. You are of course most welcome to contact us with any other questions you may have or for any further assistance that you need.

Wishing you the very best until next time!

Best wishes.

APRIL 2023
Murray Retief
APRIL 2023 ESTATE NEWS | 12 Submit your photo to
Reintje van Dijk Paul Stedall Reintje van Dijk Reintje van Dijk Reintje van Dijk Evert von Zwietring
Mienke van Zyl
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Connochaetes taurinus

We have recently been notified of concerns that some residents have with regards to the behaviour of the blue wildebeest in the game reserve. It has been reported that at times, they apparently seem to be behaving in a hostile manner towards pedestrians making use of the walkways in the reserve, especially those walking their dogs. We thought it best to approach our wildlife experts to get their opinion on this and to share with you the following in the interest of everyone’s safety and wellbeing, including that of the game.

We would like to bring to everyone’s attention that while blue wildebeest are not normally aggressive animals by nature, they do react according to their wild instinct and that they may display aggression when they feel threatened. This is especially the case during this time of year when many of the cows have calves and

they may particularly behave in such a manner when confronted by dogs which they could regard as predatory animals posing a danger to their young. We therefore kindly request that you take special care to stay well clear of these animals when walking in the game reserve with your dogs to avoid any possible situation of confrontation. Should you unexpectedly come across them while walking your dog, rather slowly retreat and give them a chance to run off.

While we will always encourage our residents to make use of and enjoy the game reserve and its natural surroundings, it is important to note that this is done at your own risk as you will be moving among wild animals with unpredictable behaviour at times. Also please remember that children should always be accompanied by adult supervision whenever they enter the reserve. Blue Wildebeest or Common or


White-bearded Wildebeest are sociable, territorial animals. Females and their young form small herds, their territories frequently overlapping. After about a year, males will leave their herd and enter into a bachelor herd. At 4 or 5 years old, males will become highly territorial and depart from the bachelor herd.

Physical characteristics

The dark silver-grey body is marked with dark vertical bands on the front quarters. Blue wildebeest are characterised by a long black mane and a beard of hair hanging from the throat and neck. Both sexes grow short curved horns.

In adult bulls the horns are heavily bossed. Bulls weigh 250 kg and measures 1.5 m at the shoulders. Cows are slightly smaller, measuring 1.4 m at the shoulder and with a mass of 180 kg.



The Blue Wildebeest distribution is concentrated to the north-eastern regions of South Africa. Not regarded as endangered, but mostly found in conservation areas.

Also widely distributed in countries north of South Africa. Population numbers are drastically reduced due to fencing, which restricts traditional and instinctive migration.


Blue Wildebeest are seasonal breeders. Births of single calves per cow occur during summer after a gestation period of nine months. Calves can run with the herd within minutes after birth. We have one Male, 8 Females and 4 unidentified Wildebeest in our Estate



In a garden you find an assortment of insects and only 10% will cause damage to plants.

The majority of all insects are either beneficial or completely harmless.

They can be divided in the following categories:

Flowers of indigenous species are often specialized for pollination by long-proboscid flies. Definitely not your ordinary house fly.

Butterflies are primary pollinators for lettuce, lavender, beans and tomatoes.

The flowers of some plants open in the evening and become more fragrant at night and they are pollinated by moths. In a recent study it was found that in areas with artificial illumination at night this pollination is reduced by 62%. Artificial light disorient moths and we should try to keep light pollution as low as possible.


Without these there will be no fruit and very little vegetables on our tables. Bees, butterflies, flies, and moths pollinate the world’s edible crops and garden plants.

Depending on the weather bees will be most active in the early afternoon and pesticides, if needed should be applied late afternoon at dusk. This will cause the least damage to the bee population.

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They feed on other insects, and if you spray pesticides to kill insects, predators will die as well.

Ladybugs, praying mantis and green lacewing larvae are ferocious predators. Ladybug larvae are oblong bugs less than 1cm large and can consume 40 aphids in one hour. The mature ladybug will include mites, whiteflies and scale in their diet.

Praying mantis feast on the big ones like beetles, grasshoppers and flies. They are cannibals and will even eat each other.

The adult lacewing feeds on pollen but the larvae eat caterpillars and aphids. Plant “composite” flowers, such as Yarrow, Goldenrod, Black-eyed Susan and Daisies to provide food.

Spiders are not insects but excellent predators. They prefer live flying insects which are caught in their webs.

The yellow garden spider lives in a flower. When an insect lands, the spider will bite it, wrap it in silk, and wait for it to die before eating it.

Dragonfly nymphs will eat most living things that are smaller than they are.

The beautiful sight of an early morning sky filled with dainty dragonflies on the hunt,

are a good indication that your garden has a healthy ecosystem.


It is an insect whose larvae live as a parasite on other insects.

They lay their eggs on or in the host. The eggs hatch and the larvae feed on their host insect. This results in the death of the host. Parasitic wasps and beetles are used as biological control agents by organic farmers, and there is at least one company in South Africa that can provide small quantities of these insects for garden use. It stands to reason that no insecticide can be used on your garden plants if you want the biocontrol methods to be successful.

Although this idea sounds far-fetched, we will in future have to reduce or even eliminate our use of insecticides. Maybe then the good bugs will get the appreciation they deserve.



Ways To Turn Your DREAM JOB Into A Reality 5

As South Africa’s top mentalist, Larry Soffer knows a thing or two about successfully pursuing an unusual career

The average person will completely change their careers between five and seven times during their lifetime. There is nothing wrong with wanting a fresh new start but what happens when you decide to pack up your normal nineto five and opt for an utterly unique career that not many have heard of.

As a magician, illusionist and mystery-conjuring extraordinaire, Larry Soffer knows a thing or two about choosing a career that is completely off the beaten path.

Daring to believe in both the possible and impossible is the very essence of who Larry is; to inspire audiences of all ages and backgrounds to follow their dreams and be, and do, better so they can create a beautiful future.

He shares his five top tips on how to choose the career you have been dreaming about and make a success of it – even when others around you may think otherwise.

1. Prepare for pushback

This is especially important if you are a youngster, about to embark on your first job. In this case, grandparents, parents, friends, and teachers will usually be the ones putting the most limitations on you, purely because they want you to be safe and secure in your job.

It might also be that they failed at pursuing their dreams and now want to unfairly put that on you. They may suggest that you have a plan B to fall back on if things don’t work out, but that is already setting you up for failure as you’re already thinking negatively.

Pursuing a career other than in magic was not an option for me, and I started experimenting with the fascinating realm of mystery when I was five. Even though I have been reading minds and bending metal for over 27 years, people still get very confused or surprised when I tell them what I do for a living. They often ask if this is something I do on the side of an ordinary job. They just cannot believe that I make a successful living from being a mentalist. If I had given up the moment someone had questioned my career choice back then, I would never have accomplished what I have, nor been as happy or as successful as I am now.

2. Have realistic but high expectations

Starting a new career in an unknown field is not going to be easy. You won’t necessarily be able to rely on a stable income for a few months and you may fail at many things, many times. It is important to remain persistent though, and not let small setbacks hinder your growth and success.


As with anything in life, including your career, you must keep fighting for what you want to achieve. Honesty is so important here; be candid and objective about what is working and what is not, and then be willing to improve on that. Some things will also be completely out of your control, so you will need to be prepared to get creative and find ways to tap into your resources when things are not going your way.

The pandemic was an especially harsh kick in the guts for performers, but rather than wallowing in self Pity, I did some brainstorming and was able to put on a world class, fully interactive virtual show. Within four to eight weeks I was struggling to keep up with bookings. I was doing more shows, albeit virtually, and performing in more countries during the lockdowns, than I had in my entire career.

3. Turn negativity into positivity

Developing a thick skin is crucial if you don’t want to let comments from others affect you and deter you from reaching your goals, no matter how weird and wacky they are.

I have always tried to use the negative comments as fuel to fire my positivity and drive. My grandparents used to hate it when I told them that I was going to be a magician. They would get upset and tell me I must become a lawyer or something similar. I was quite cheeky as a child, and it became my life’s mission to tell them at every opportunity I had that I was going to be the world’s greatest magician like David Copperfield. All the negative comments just made me want it more.

4. Don’t be afraid to take the leap

While I have never had any other job other than being a magician and mentalist (I started performing kids shows when I was just 13 years old) I do know other performers who transitioned from a so-called ‘normal’ career to their dream one.

Usually, the transition is gradual, with people doing part time work in their spare time to build their reputation and client base and only taking the plunge once they make enough money. However, I think it is much more beneficial to

completely switch over in one big brave go as a bit of fear is a good motivator to push us towards what we want.

5. Put in the work

We all know the famous saying of do what you love, and you’ll never work a day but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put in any work whatsoever. Ever since I graduated from The College of Magic in Cape Town at the age of 17, I have never thought of myself as a struggling artist hoping to get gigs here and there. I have always actively worked as if I am running a business, completing courses, and further reading as well as learning about things like sales, pitching marketing and branding.

Putting in the hard graft now will ensure you consistently grow and are able to adapt and change with the times. When I started performing professionally, there was still dial up internet and Facebook didn’t even exist so you can only imagine how his business has evolved over time.

The most important thing is to remain steadfast and committed. Keep learning about your chosen field, the competition, the economy and your clients or customers. Don’t also be afraid to promote and keep putting your business and brand out there. After all, you are your best advocate.

Larry inspires his audiences to believe in the impossible so that they can achieve their dreams.

Follow @LarrySoffer or visit his website for more information at

Office nr: 086 12 REMAX (73629) Y o u r p r o p e r t y s p e c i a l i s t s W E O F F E R F R E E P R O P E R T Y V A L U A T I O N S Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Registered with the PPRA C H A R L O T T E , W E R N E R , Z A C H & H E N R I C O SCAN HERE TO VIEW OUR LISTINGS I n T h e H i l l s E s t a t e 0 8 2 8 5 4 7 2 4 2

PULLING TOGETHER Message from the Garden Group


The nature reserve inside the Hills estate is a truly beautiful natural environment, however invasive weeds is threating the balance. To address this issue, the Garden Group launched a fantastic initiative called “Pulling Together.” On the 18th of March, the residents and the Garden Group joined forces to remove invasive plants from the reserve, enhancing its beauty and restoring its ecological health.

The event was a resounding success, with the residents working together, chatting and joking as they cleared the reserve of invasive plants like Mexican ageratum, Pom-Pom Weed and Verbena Purple top, just to name a few. By removing these species, the residents have helped to restore the natural balance of the ecosystem, allowing native plants and animals to thrive.

It’s worth noting that this event also gave participants a chance to win a month off on their levy, but it’s clear that the residents’

primary motivation was their commitment to preserving the environment.

This event highlights the residents’ passion for preserving the environment and showcases how small actions can have a significant impact. By removing invasive plants, the residents have helped to promote the reserve’s ecological health and enhance its beauty. The success of this event is a great example of how communities can come together to protect our planet and preserve its beauty for future generations.

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APRIL 2023

As Security, we would like to remind all residents of the importance of upholding the code of conduct that was accepted upon moving into the estate. This code was put in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents, as well as to maintain a peaceful and respectful community. By adhering to this code, we can all work together to create a secure and harmonious living environment. Below just a reminder of the rules.


It must be remembered that there are many persons, other than residents who, of necessity, have to be on the estate - gardening workers, building contractors’ staff, delivery people, repair servicemen and others. It is therefore obvious that security consciousness should still be maintained at all times.

Security is a shared responsibility and starts at home. This is your estate. If you wish security to be maintained to the highest level possible, then the cooperation of every resident is absolutely essential via strict individual compliance with requirements and via sensible awareness at all times.

Members must report to security any suspicious or unlawful occurrence immediately it is seen or suspected. For security measures concerning domestic staff see paragraph 7.5. Members/ residents are strongly discouraged from employing unknown casuals, gardeners and/or other categories of casual workers in the estate, but should they occasionally be required they must be recorded in and out at security, given temporary access and

Security struggle daily with domestic workers who do not have a valid workers permit. When security deny access the resident would come and fetch the domestic at the gate and bring her in with their vehicle as a visitor. Then another problems is made due to the fact in the afternoons the domestic needs to exit the estate, but do not have a access/aggress code.

The site security management team should also be approached to assist in having persons screened prior to their employment. When homeowners are away from their homes for more than 48 hours, as an added precaution they should notify security of the departure and return dates so that their property may be put under surveillance.

The security supervisor should be advised in advance whenever possible of the pending arrival of visitors to a particular member/resident including vehicle registration numbers if known, especially if a function is to be held. Where visitors arrive unannounced, the guard is under instruction to telephone the resident being visited in order to seek permission to allow the visitors access to the estate. In the event of members/ residents not being connected to this system or if no contact can be made, visitors will, of necessity, have to be declined entrance to the estate.

No resident will be allowed to have a “night watchman” on the premises before, during or after building has been completed. A resident may make use of an accredited security company, as approved by The Hills HOA to post a security officer on the

escorted by the homeowner from and to the gate.

premises at the homeowner’s expense. We have found on numerous occasions where the contractor leave someone on the construction site for the night. Security then have to remove them from the estate.

Security is of paramount importance in the lives of residents. Hence The Hills HOA goes to great lengths to ensure maximum possible protection on the estate. Every time security protocol is not followed and regulations broken, it makes it easier for criminals and others to do the same.

The member/resident will have no recourse against either the developer or The Hills HOA and shall take the necessary precautions to ensure the security of his/her home. The gatehouse will be manned 24 hours per day and the estate will be regularly patrolled by security guards. Security personnel have a difficult and unenviable task. Everyone’s support and co-operation is expected. Members/residents should display a positive and supportive attitude towards the security staff whose loyalty and attitude toward the people they are employed to protect, will in turn be enhanced. Every member/resident must also request visitors to adhere to the security protocol and treat security personnel in a co-operative and courteous manner.

We have 2 patrolling vehicles. Every time the vehicle goes out to catch dogs, the security resources are taken away from areas where it is needed. When responding to noise complaints the residents would be under the influence of alcohol and would start to swear and be rude towards the security officers.

Every member/resident must also ensure that contractors, domestic staff and others in his casual employ adhere specifically to the security stipulations contained in the builder’s code of conduct and the community participation manual. Anyone not adhering to the security regulations will be denied access to the estate. Domestic staff, gardeners and others must enter in accordance with the designated security provisions in force at the times of entry. Contractors, sub-contractors, deliveries and service personnel must enter through the service entrance of the estate

(contractors gate).

All contractors, sub-contractors and delivery personnel must have valid identification documents. Security stop and deny many delivery people and contractors from entering the estate because no valid identification can be provided.

All or any attempted burglaries, any boundary wall or fence climbing and indeed any act of a suspicious nature must be reported immediately to the manager, security supervisor or the security director. Every erf must have the correct erf number displayed so as to be visible from the road by day and night. This is a strict requirement of The Hills HOA who can and will enforce same. Also, it facilitates the speed with which security reaction staff responds to alarm calls (the provisions hereof shall also be applicable to units).

The Hills HOA directors strongly recommend that all members/residents as a further security measure install an alarm system and/or panic button as soon as possible after completing or taking occupation of their homes or units. Although residing in the estate is, relatively speaking, more secure than suburbs without security infrastructure, we should not offset this advantage by being lax about security measures as they affect our homes (including units) and living environment.

Domestic Workers

Every domestic worker prior to being engaged to work in the estate, must be registered by the homeowner with security via The Hills HOA’s office. When a domestic employee is discharged the homeowner must immediately inform The Hills HOA’s office to allow cancellation of the access.

General Rules & Regulations

Homeowners are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that all of their invitees, guests, family members and employees comply with all the rules.

A maximum speed limit within the estate is 30 km per hour. This rule is broken daily. Most residents with sport motors think the roads inside the estate is


a racetrack. Please consider the children and animals moving inside the estate. Please ensure that all children know that they are not allowed to drive inside the estate.

No parking is allowed on sidewalks or in no parking zones, with the only exception being when the property homeowner is hosting a social event with a large number of guests, provided that no foliage is damaged when parking on the sidewalk.

It is understood that each homeowner will be responsible (financially and otherwise) for the conduct of his/her/its visitors and workers on his/ her/its property at all times.

Domestic animals shall be limited to 2 (two) dogs and 2 (two) cats per stand or unit which must wear a collar with a tag indicating the name, telephone number and address of its owner. Dogs must be kept in a suitable enclosure to prevent the dogs from straying off the member’s property. Stray pets will be apprehended and handed to the local SPCA. Pets must be on a leash at all times in the common areas and must under no circumstances be allowed to swim in the dams. Owners of pets must ensure that cyclists, walkers, joggers, pedestrians, wild game, as well as other pets are not attacked or harassed and that no nuisance or disturbance is caused to fellow residents at any time of the day or night. Pit Bull Terriers are specifically excluded. Should any domestic animal proof to be a continual nuisance to other members/residents, The Hills HOA may call on the owner of the domestic animal to remove it and if the owner fails or refuses to do so, The Hills HOA may impose penalties or procure its removal from the estate and recover any costs from the member concerned without The Hills Handbook for Residents & Conduct Rules Page 14 prejudice to its rights to recover any penalty thus imposed and as contemplated herein

Please ensure your property is properly secured and that no domestic animal can escape the property. All dogs must have collars with the address around their necks. Security chase and catch at least 2 dogs per day roaming the estate. Security struggle to identify the address where the dog is coming from and then security must look after the dog until the owner can fetch the dog. This is not the work of the security officers.

The use of petrol lawnmowers is prohibited on:

• Saturdays before 7:00 and after 16:00;

• Sundays; and public holidays.

Recreation: Use of the estate amenities and recreational facilities is at the sole risk of the user. Access to the estate’s amenities and roadways including any future facilities will be limited to homeowners, their families, guests and approved users over the age of 14 (fourteen) years. Children under the age of 14 (fourteen) years must be accompanied by an adult. The approved users and the responsible homeowner must be current on The Hills HOA, levy payments and any other applicable fees.

Nuisances: No homeowner may permit unreasonable noise, odours or disturbances on their property at any time. All vehicles must have designated garages/carports on each property. No vehicles are to be left parked in other areas on a regular/permanent basis. No vehicles may be repaired or maintained on the property other than normal cleaning.

Please consider all your neighbours. There are children that needs to sleep and go to school the following day. There are people with babies and your loud music keeps them and the parents awake the entire night. When security attend these noise complaints, they are being sweared at, threatened and being rude.

Thank you for respecting our hard-working security officers.

066 176 3331

The Hills Control Room: 012 996 1610 (landline)

The Hills Control Room: 082 826 3761 (cellphone)


How to book a cost-effective


The next big holiday is right around the corner, and if you are yet to lock in your muchneeded Easter break, you’d better get cracking!

The Easter weekend falls on 7 – 10 April this year, and accommodation in South Africa’s most popular destinations is filling up fast with just a few weeks to go. Luckily, there’s still time to put all your eggs into one basket and find that cost-effective Easter break.

Some questions you may be asking include:

“Is it cheaper to fly or drive?”

“Should we drive so that we have our own transport to get around?”

“What does a self-drive holiday include?”

“Airfares are usually really expensive over Easter. How do I get the best fares?”

The experts at Flight Centre share their tips for booking a cost-effective Easter escape, and how best to get to your chosen location: by car or by plane. Plus, they’ve shared some bestselling local Easter destination ideas.

To fly or drive?

The cheapest travel option depends on many

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factors. The most important? The number of people joining you on holiday.

Heading off on a solo adventure to a key city or hub? It’s definitely cheaper to fly.

Planning a couples’ retreat? It could go either way, depending on the fuel economy of your car and the distance you’re travelling.

Travelling with kids in tow? A road trip is certainly in order.

This time last year, Top Auto conducted an experiment on the flying versus driving question. The experiment focused on two popular routes: Johannesburg to Durban and Johannesburg to Cape Town.

Three cars, each with varying levels of fuel economy, were used:

• Ford Ranger 3.2TDCi Double Cab 4×4 XLT Auto: 8.8l/100km

• Toyota Corolla Cross 1.8 Xs: 6.8l/100km

• VW Polo 1.0TSI 70kW Life: 5.4l/100km

For reference, any vehicle that consumes 6l/100km or less is considered ‘fuel efficient.’

When calculating the total travel cost, Top Auto examined the cost of fuel, e-tolls, and toll gates. At the time, fuel costs were R19.55 per litre for Diesel 50ppm and R21.60 per litre for Petrol 95. They’re now R 21.72 per litre for Diesel 50ppm and R 22.95 per litre for Petrol 95. While more expensive, these values are unlikely to change the outcome of the experiment unless you’re driving a vehicle that consumes an exceptionally high amount of fuel.

The expenditure driving from Joburg to Durban looked like this for a round trip:

• Ford Ranger 3.2TDCi Double Cab 4×4

XLT Auto: R2,668

• Toyota Corolla Cross 1.8 Xs: R2,364

• VW Polo 1.0TSI 70kW Life: R1,998

And like this for a round trip from Joburg to Cape Town:

• Ford Ranger 3.2TDCi Double Cab 4×4

XLT Auto: R5,316

• Toyota Corolla Cross 1.8 Xs: R4,602

• VW Polo 1.0TSI 70kW Life: R3,744

Flight prices have fluctuated quite a lot since the experiment was conducted, and it’s important to remember that the cost of a round trip flight will differ from airline to airline. Plus, if booking now, the cost will be slightly elevated since Easter is only a few weeks away – hence why it’s always best to book in advance! That said, if booking via Flight Centre, flight prices per person for a round trip from Joburg to Durban, departing on Thursday, 6 April and returning on Tuesday, 11 April, are currently as follows*:

• Airlink: R2,628

• FlySafair: R2,253

• Lift: R3,636

• CemAir: R4,008

For the same dates, flight prices per person for a round trip from Joburg to Cape Town currently look like this:

• Airlink: R6,585

• FlySafair: R4,848

• Lift: R6,140

• CemAir: R7,060

Ultimately, the cost of fuel won’t increase significantly based on the number of passengers inside the vehicle, but you’ll obviously be paying for more flight tickets when flying as a family of three, four, or five.

Furthermore, while flying can be infinitely more convenient, self-drive holidays offer benefits like flexibility and more control over your itinerary. Plus, everyone loves a fun-filled family road trip!

However, if you’re determined to fly – after all, time is money – then it might be best to be more flexible with your dates to reduce flight costs.

TRAVEL | 27 APRIL 2023

For example, if you departed from Joburg to Cape Town just one week later, on Thursday, 13 April (to return on Tuesday, 18 April), you’re looking at R3,497 per adult return ticket (via FlySafair) as the cheapest option, and just R1,674 from Joburg to Durban (also via FlySafair) for the same dates.

Save on accommodation

Keep a lookout for all-inclusive holiday packages and special combo flight and accommodation deals on websites such as Flight Centre.

“The savings offered in these instances could certainly tip the scales regarding cost-effectiveness and your mode of travel, especially if the deal involves accommodation where kids under 12 years old stay for free,” advises Antoinette Turner, General Manager Flight Centre South Africa.

Many hotels and resorts offer interleading, larger or adjoining family rooms which can save you money.

Other cost-saving tips for Easter

• If flying, buy extra baggage online and ahead of time. It’s cheaper than doing so at the airport.

• Always check in online.

• Pack your own snacks and entertainment.

• Consider self-catering accommodation or go all-inclusive.

The best destinations for the Easter long weekend

The bush or the beach? The mountains or the Winelands? Our beautiful country has so much to offer. Here are a few enchanting holiday hotspots to consider moving to the top of your wish list this year:

The Kruger Park

If peace, quiet, and safari sophistication are on the agenda, you can’t go wrong with a Kruger Park retreat. April is a fantastic time for both game viewing and bird watching as it straddles the colourful ‘Green Season’ and the primetime dry season.

Cape Town

South Africa’s Mother City is a long-standing Easter go-to. World-class restaurants, sprawling shopping centres, luxurious accommodation, and some of the country’s best-loved sights and landmarks – what more could you need?

The Pilanesberg

Big 5 safari adventures abound, the Pilanesberg is a dream for all nature lovers.

“It’s also right on Sun City’s doorstep, which is a huge selling point for those looking for a wellbalanced vacation and keen to get their money’s worth,” says Turner. “Depending on your route, the Pilanesberg National Park and Sun City are approximately 20 kilometres apart.”

The Wild Coast

The Wild Coast in the Eastern Cape is another family-friendly location and a top choice amongst sun-seekers. If you’re not quite ready to welcome in the cooler weather, this is your chance to stretch your summer further. The average daytime temperature at the Wild Coast during April is 24°C.

Wherever you choose to Easter this year and however you get there, the best tip from the experts? Book as soon as possible! You won’t find better deals than those available now.

*at the time of writing this article

For more information about Flight Centre, or to interview Flight Centre South Africa GM Antoinette Turner, call Kim Taylor on 076 825 5508 or

TRAVEL | 28 APRIL 2023

Elegance. Style. Safety.

Economically Covered

Many South Africans are inundated with the constantly rising cost of living. In our current economic climate, with rising food, transportation and other costs, we are all looking for ways to effectively save money. Since covid and the need to save money, our social habits have changed, spending more time at home. This includes home entertainment, which ultimately means enjoying our pools a little more in the summer months.

Did you know that having a pool cover, not only offers pool safety, but comes with several economic benefits as well?

Keeping your pool covered, when not in use, has various economic benefits for you and the environment:

• It ensures that the water evaporation is reduced to a minimum, estimated by 80%

• Your pool water heating cost is lowered considerably as a pool cover retains heat

• You save on chemicals, estimated by 70%

• Maintenance and upkeep time is reduced

• The pool is ready to swim in at any time as the cover keeps dirt, leaves and debris out of the pool.

Are you looking for a pool cover that offers opulence, elegance and style?

Designer Pool Covers have an array of options to fit your needs. From elegant, luxurious automatic pool covers to pet and child safety pool covers, we have you covered. Our covers provide luxury and style, while offering numerous economic benefits and safety. Fitting most shapes, designs and pool sizes, with various colours to choose from. All our covers meet international standards.

We are nation wide!

APRIL 2023 JHB (Head Office) +27 (10) 824 8631 CPT +27 (82) 461 8330 EASTERN CAPE +27 (82) 461 8330 KZN +27 (72) 103 9875

At Walkersons Hotel & Spa in the rolling hills of the Mpumalanga Highlands on an expansive 800-hectare private estate just beyond the picturesque hamlet of Dullstroom - considered one of the highest towns in South Africa - you’ll find a place of mist and magic with endless vistas and a soul-soothing serenity.

Built in 1993, the Walkersons hotel was designed in a style to evoke an olde-world country atmosphere reminiscent of a Scottish Country Manor. Today, Walkersons Hotel & Spa is an exclusive 5-star country house - a flawless blend of elegance and charm with spacious rooms, luxury lakeside suites, a perfect-forfamilies Manor suite, a Honeymoon suite, two self-catering family cottages, elegant dining rooms, terraces, a cosy bar and expansive lawns leading to a hidden swimming pool - the ideal country getaway.

One of Walkersons biggest attractions is its gourmet country fare. At The Flying Scotsman with high thatched ceilings, floor-to-ceiling curtains, eye-catching artwork adorning the exposed brick wall, Persian carpets, tables set with crisp white linen and a cosy fire creating an opulent ambience, dining and wining is an elegant affair. The Terrace on the

Experience the best of DULLSTROOM

other hand, with views over landscaped gardens and rolling hills, is more laidback. An easy, relaxed restaurant, open for breakfast, lunch and dinner with an a la carte menu that offers an array of tantalising dishes,The Misty Trout is a great choice for families with children as a delicious kids menu is available. Just a note that kids can be accommodated in the self catering cottages and the one family room only at the hotel.

And for relaxed afternoon ‘drinkypoos’, a sundowner or two and pre/post-dinner drinks, there’s Peggy’s Bar

Walkersons has a wealth of outdoor delights - whether you want to relax and unwind or to roam and explore, there is - believe me, something for everyone.

TRAVEL | 30 APRIL 2023

On a recent visit to Walkersons, walking was at the top of my to-do list. It’s the best way to explore the estate. Meander (or stride out like I did) along the footpaths - paved pathways that take you past flyfishing lakes and dams, rolling hills, winding rivers and waterfalls, all the while breathing in the clear country air and feasting your eyes (and soul) on the surrounding scenic beauty and glorious views. It worked for me. For those who prefer to go the more energetic route, there are mountain bikes and more strenuous hiking trails over the hills where the views are amazing and where you can get close to the estate’s wildlife.

APRIL 2023

If you’re keen to learn (or hone) fly-fishing skills you’ve come to the right place. Walkersons’ 14 lakes and dams are stocked with rainbow trout and both novice and experienced fly fishermen can try their hand at the art of fly fishing. Another popular activity is taking in the views on horseback - the Dullstroom Riding Centre, situated on the estate, next to the Spa, offers horse riding for riders of all levels at affordable rates. For golfers, the Highland Gate Golf and Trout Estate with its magnificent Ernie Els signature golf course (rated as one of the best in South Africa) is just 30 kms away.

Don’t, like I did, forget your swimmers...there’s the sparkling pool hidden in a dip below the lawns that is just the thing for a soothing, cooling dip in the heat of the day. For the seekers of ultimate relaxation there’s the luxurious spa situated in a moss-covered stone cottage close to the main reception that offers a range of treatments. Yes, there’s much to do at Walkersons... but, Walkersons also provides the most wonderful opportunity to embrace a slower pace and make your break at Walkersons something to relish, soak up, cherish and delight in.


Book a 2-night weekend stay at Walkersons Hotel & Spa and enjoy a 25% discount. Valid FOR Friday and Saturday nights, hotel suites only and subject to availability.

For more information, please visit

Reservations: +27(0)13 253 7000 or

Facebook/Instagram: Walkersons Hotel & Spa

APRIL 2023

Come set the tone for your week ahead with deep stretching and mindful breathing.




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W I N N E R : B E S T E N G L I S H P R I M A R Y S C H O O L

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 50 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health.

Mind Your Posture

As you read this article, take note of your posture. Are you sitting up straight or slouching like I am while writing it? Slouching is defined as sitting, standing, or walking with your shoulders hunched. This position puts extra strain on our muscles, and can lead to tension, fatigue, and lasting poor posture.

Everyone is susceptible to poor posture and its effects. Mobile phones and computers have become such an integral part of our lives that our postures have adapted to using them. Other causes are wearing thin high heels, carrying heavy bags, or standing or sitting for long periods. Bad posture is both the cause and effect of imbalanced distribution of weight across the body’s musculoskeletal system, which can be damaged over time. Back, neck, and shoulder pain are commonly associated with poor posture, whichwhen not corrected - can develop into additional serious health issues…


Organ function

Each of our organs has its specific location with enough space to function properly. Compression from bad posture can restrict this, potentially leading to decreased effectiveness and health problems. Sitting in the same position for hours can take a toll on your circulatory system and heart health. I experienced this first hand when, after repeated slouching and minimal movement, I had palpitations and tingling sensations in areas of my body from nerve compression.

Good posture is key for proper digestion and nutrient absorption. The vagus nerve, responsible for digestion and heart rate, can be put under pressure and malfunction when posture is misaligned. How we stand, sit, lie down, and move can have a big impact on stomach and intestine function. Malnutrition can occur even when someone is well fed, due to poor posture and the consequent malabsorption of vitamins and minerals. Other digestive issues related to poor posture include acid reflux, constipation, and hernias.

Poor posture can also cause insufficient lung expansion, triggering respiratory issues such as breathlessness and inadequate transportation of oxygen to the rest of the body.

Most posture-related problems are reversible through basic lifestyle changes and exercises. If necessary, consult a physiotherapist or an

orthopaedic specialist for specific interventions for your body.

Here are some tips for daily activities:

At your desk

• Keep your back straight and neutral, not leaning forward or back

• Ensure that your feet are flat on the floor, with your eyes level with the computer screen

• Position your buttocks to touch the back of the chair

• Relax your shoulders down - don’t tense up or pull back too far

• Get up and move frequently

• Invest in ergonomic furniture or lumbar support for your back

When walking

• Stand tall and do not lean backward

• Look straight ahead, rather than down at your feet (which can stress your upper back and neck)

• Hold your shoulders down, back, and relaxed

• Step lightly to reduce impact on your joints

• Invest in the right shoes for your foot type

Behind the wheel

• Support your back by sliding back as close as possible to the seat, and using lumbar support or a cushion if necessary

• Lift your hips by adjusting your seat to support your thighs and increase circulation to your back

• Adjust the mirror to your eye level for neck comfort

General tips for…

Improving posture

• Stretch regularly for muscle flexibility

• Exercise to boost muscle strength

• Stretch your neck muscles by turning your head from one side to another

• Always cross your legs at the ankle, rather than at the knee

Maintaining posture

• Avoid soft, spongy chairs

• Always support your back

• Choose a mattress that will keep your spine straight when lying on your side

• Sleep on an ergonomic pillow that supports your neck

• Use your thigh muscles to maintain a straight back when lifting heavy weights

Improving your posture is an ongoing journey that will leave you feeling refreshed in body and mind.


Mpho Masenya is a passionate writer, communicator, and advocate for basic nutrition education.

082 322 3407

Happy People, Happy Planet

The one thing that transcends nationality, job description, interests, and beliefs is the fact that we are all part of the natural world. Nature gives rise to all life, and forms an often overlooked part of our happiness and wellbeing.

A widely experienced challenge today is a perceived disconnect with the natural world. It’s as if we have forgotten that we are all part of nature, and that returning to it is essential for experiencing the simple joy of living.

Mindfulness of the natural world is also an essential part of addressing the destruction we are inflicting upon our planet. As we develop a genuine love for the natUral world, we are more likely to take the proactive steps necessary to protect it.

Connecting with nature starts with things like stopping to appreciate awe-inspiring views or landscapes; feeling the rush of getting active outdoors; or retreating to a garden, forest, or park for quiet contemplation. Whether you love the feeling of soft sand beneath your toes; jumping into a crystalclear lake; or simply sitting beneath a tree, fostering a relationship with nature is simple, easy, and free.

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 50 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health.



Separate your rubbish

Almost everything picked up by your local municipality ends up in a landfill, where it will still be leaching chemicals into the environment for generations to come. Minimising your contribution to the problem is as simple as separating your rubbish into recyclable and non-recyclable waste. You can even call your local recycler to find out if they will collect your sorted rubbish. Every trash can makes a difference!

Use organic personal and home care products

Make sure that you aren’t greenwashed by words like ‘natural’ and images of nature on packaging. Buy your essentials from specialist outlets that include environmental care as a central tenet of their business…and make sure that there is official organic certification on the product.

Use CFL light bulbs, and dispose of them properly

If you haven’t yet changed your incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescents, now’s the time to do so! It’s also important to dispose of them properly due to things like the small amounts of mercury they contain. The good news is that most shopping centres or supermarkets have CFL recycling/disposal boxes to make it as easy as possible for you to do the responsible thing with your old bulbs.

Drip-dry your clothes

South Africa is one of the sunniest places on the planet, so let’s make the most of it! One of the simplest ways to use solar power is to just use the sunlight directly. Your tumble dryer is one of the most power-intensive appliances in your home, so your electricity bill will thank you, too.


your electronic devices each night

Even when things like your laptop are switched off, they can still draw power. Taking a moment to unplug things at night can also protect you against power surges, and saves a noticeable amount of power over time.

Put a brick in your cistern to save water

An oldie but a goodie! It’s simple, really – the brick takes up space, so you save that amount of water every time you flush the loo. Genius!

The step that will naturally follow on from spending time in nature is wanting to nurture it as an extension of yourself and all that you love. Here are some simple ways to start doing just this, in all areas of your life…

Airfryer Milktart

Louisa Holst’s

Here’s the air-fryer version of South Africa’s favourite tea-time treat.

(Serves 6-8)

Preparation time: 30 minutes, plus refrigeration time

Air-fryer temperature: 160°C

Cooking time: approximately

60 minutes


1 roll ready-made shortcrust



600 ml full-cream milk

2 cinnamon sticks

6 cardamom pods

90 g (100 ml) castor sugar

35 g (65 ml) cake flour

20 ml cornflour

Pinch of salt

40 g (45 ml) butter

3 large eggs

5 ml vanilla essence

Ground cinnamon or cinnamon sugar, to serve


Grease a 15-cm pie tin. Unroll the pastry onto a lightly floured surface and roll out lightly so it is a little thinner. Cut out a circle to line the pie tin, and large enough to allow a little excess pastry to hang over the sides slightly. Place the pastry into the pie dish and prick the base a few times with a fork. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Preheat the air fryer to 160°C. Put the pie tin into the basket and cook for 15-20 minutes or until the pastry is firm and a light golden colour. Remove from the air fryer and cool. Use a sharp serrated knife to trim off the excess pastry to leave a neat edge.

Filling: Heat the milk with the cinnamon sticks and cardamom pods. In a bowl, stir the sugar, flour, cornflour and a pinch of salt together and set aside. Bring the milk to the boil, then reduce the heat and add the sugar and flour mixture, whisking well to prevent lumps. Cook, stirring, for 10 minutes until thickened. Remove the cinnamon sticks and cardamom pods. Add the butter.

Whisk in the eggs and vanilla.

Pour the filling into the prepared crust and cook in the preheated air fryer at 160°C for 25-30 minutes or until the filling is set, but still slightly wobbly. Set aside to cool.

Refrigerate until ready to serve. Serve sprinkled with cinnamon or cinnamon sugar.

APRIL 2023
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Why am I always tired

Simple Steps to Reduce Fatigue

Always tired?

Struggling to get out of bed in the morning?

Often feel flat and unmotivated?

You’re not alone.

Feeling fatigued is a common problem. When you lack energy, getting through the day and staying motivated can be a real struggle.

Tiredness affects how we function –physically, emotionally and mentally. It can prevent us from doing everyday tasks such as exercising and concentrating at work.

Learn what causes fatigue and how to boost your energy naturally through diet and lifestyle. Discover what foods and herbs help combat tiredness so you can stop feeling exhausted and start the day with a spring in your step.

TRAVEL | 49 APRIL 2023

What causes fatigue?

There are many causes of fatigue and levels of tiredness vary from person to person.

Quite often, fatigue is due to dietary and lifestyle factors; however, it can also be caused by an underlying illness or medical condition.

Some of main causes of tiredness include:

• Sleep deprivation. Not getting enough good quality sleep at night will affect your energy levels, making you feel tired and sluggish.

• Stress. Due to work, finances or family issues can cause worry and anxiety. Long-term stress results in your adrenal glands going into overdrive, and can leave you feeling burnt out and exhausted.

• Poor diet. Not eating the right foods can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiency. Eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates (such as bread, cakes, pizza, pastries, cereals) triggers your blood sugar levels to spike rapidly. Even though this gives you a quick energy boost, your blood sugars soon come crashing down, leaving you feeling tired again. Other dietary habits that deplete energy include highly processed foods, fried food, junk foods and snacks with empty calories (cereal bars, biscuits, chocolate, crisps).

• Not drinking sufficient water. When your cells are dehydrated, they aren’t able to work efficiently. As 70% of the body is made up of water, fluids need to be constantly replaced throughout the day.

Ways to reduce fatigue

• Adopt a good sleep routine to allow your body and brain to wind down at night. Eat dinner early (something light is better

than a heavy meal), avoid excessive screen time and do something relaxing before bed such as having a bath or reading a book.

• Avoid coffee, stimulants and alcohol. Instead opt for herbal teas and non-caffeinated drinks.

• Up your intake of magnesium, B vitamins and CoQ10. These are key nutrients that cells need to make cellular energy to help your body function efficiently.

• Move your body through daily exercise as it’s a great way to reduce stress and aid relaxation. Go for a walk, take a fitness class or do some skipping in your garden. Regular walks in the evening helps relax the body and wind down the mind after a busy day. When walking, try to consciously look at things that are close by and far away, alternating between the two. Doing this while walking takes your mind away from problems and stress.

• Drink water with fresh lemon or apple cider vinegar to keep hydrated and your cells energised. Lemon and apple cider vinegar stimulates your digestive system which improves nutrient absorption.

• Find suitable ways to manage stress and life challenges. A good way to do this is to make a list of all your current problems or challenges; the things that are causing undue stress or preventing you from moving forward with ease. It could be related to anything in your life (health, work, family life, finances) –jot down anything that comes to mind. Beside each problem, write down potential ways you could solve that problem e.g., reduce weekly expenses by a quarter so you can save money towards the holiday you want to go on, or replace your morning toast with a healthier option so your waist band doesn’t feel so tight. Start with the smaller (more manageable) problems first, before tackling the bigger challenges. Big problems can take time to resolve and are best addressed by breaking them down and working through each component step by step. Talking to a friend or an expert such as a Health Coach can be beneficial when trying to find solutions to problems.

TRAVEL | 50 APRIL 2023


Introducing the even more striking and eye-catching Lexus UX range. Its elegant, yet bold appearance, incorporates colours that are hard to miss in the hustle and bustle. The all-new bi-tone* options effortlessly combine the contrast and style of an urbanite, while design tweaks have been made to the aero stabilising rear light and the Auto High-Beam Headlights** Experience where the edge can take you in the new Lexus UX.

*UX 250h F SPORT Bi-Tone. **UX 250h SE, UX 250h F SPORT and UX 250h F SPORT Bi-Tone.


Why home office design matters?

There’s plenty of research to support that a thoughtful approach to home office design can increase productivity and happiness. Investing in your home office space is therefore an investment in yourself—and your business.

Clever space-saving storage solutions, layouts that maximize productivity and improve flow, and office décor choices that improve air quality and happiness can vastly improve the efficiency of your space.

From minimalist to eclectic, there are plenty of ideas to suit your aesthetic as well as creative solutions for even the trickiest spaces. And, you don’t need specialized skills or big budgets to make it happen. Let’s dive into some home office design ideas for entrepreneurs and remote workers.

1. Assess your needs, budget, and space constraints

Before you start dreaming of accent wall colors and built-in bookcases, take stock of the facts. You only have so much space, time, money, and other resources to make this dream happen.

Ask yourself:

• What is my space availability and what are the constraints (architectural details, etc.)?

• How much money do I have to spend on this project?

• What are the specific needs or musthaves? What’s essential to run my business (versus what’s just nice to have)?

• What skills do I possess? Can I DIY my home office design or will I need professional help?

APRIL 2023

Where will your home office live?

Choose a room in your home that can accommodate every aspect of your business, allowing all tech, supplies, and equipment to be close at hand.

Professional designers generally work with minimum dimensions of 60 inches (150 centimeters) by 84 inches (210 centimeters) when designing a workspace. Your desired location may not meet these minimums, but it’s important that you consider how you’ll move in the space: Is there enough space to slide out the chair? Can you comfortably complete your daily tasks?

If you’re a maker and your home office is also your production space, you may need even more room. Consider alternate spaces in and around the home: heated garages, finished basements, hobby sheds, coach houses, or an underused formal dining room. Can you take over the guest bedroom and add a Murphy bed to make it a multifunctional space?

When determining placement in the home, ask if you’ll be using the space for meetings or greeting customers. In this case choose an area on the main floor, close to the entrance.

Lastly, your home office location should be optimized to eliminate distractions. The kitchen is a typical hub of activity and can be convenient for parents who work from home, but can also hamper productivity. Conversely the workspace can distract from family time once you’ve “clocked out.” If possible, carve out a dedicated space to provide distinction between life and work.

There are many smart ways to stretch a design budget, from shopping thrift or DIYing, it’s important to understand what you’re working with upfront. When determining your home office design budget, consider:

• Paint, paint supplies, and other construction materials

• Professional costs, if applicable (e.g.,

electrician to add outlets or move fixtures)

• Furniture, storage, and décor accessories

• Tech and ergonomic supports

Remember: Improvements to your home office space are legitimate business expenses and could be tax deductible. “Be sure to keep copies of receipts for all material purchases,” says tax expert Will Hillock. And be sure you can back them up, too. “As tempting as it may be, don’t try to claim a kitchen renovation or swimming pool installation.”

2. Get design inspiration and create a mood board

If you’re not a designer or if home décor doesn’t come easy to you, there’s no shortage of inspiration across the web. Search décor publications like to find and clip inspiration for a new gallery wall or get tested desk chair recommendations. Or keep tabs on your favorite independent interior design creators on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.

3. Create a layout of the space before you even touch a hammer

An interior designer can work with you to establish a layout that meets your needs. But with modern technology—or simply a pen, paper, and a measuring tape—you can easily create a DIY home office layout at little to no cost. There are plenty of online tools and

DECOR | 53 APRIL 2023

paper, and a measuring tape—you can easily create a DIY home office layout at little to no cost. There are plenty of online tools and apps that can help plan the space in either 2D or 3D:

• SketchUp

• Room Sketcher

• Home Design 3D (Android/iOS)

• Stanley Floor Plan (iOS or Android)

If your work is tedious or physical, colors like orange and red can be energizing. Yellow is a great color for design types, as it stimulates creativity. Beware of each color’s negative attributes too—yellow, for example, can cause eye strain.

Furnishings and décor accents

Furniture and décor can be expensive if you don’t know where to look. You also don’t want to sacrifice quality on items that will be seeing lots of daily wear.

Some online furniture brands offer higher end pieces such as accent chairs for a lower cost than some of the designer brands, as they have less overhead. If you splurge on a focal item for your room, you can accent it with a mix of lower cost pieces.

Also consider finding unique secondhand or vintage pieces by browsing your local thrift or antique shops. You can get a rundown desk for a steal then give it a new life with a fresh coat of paint and upcycled hardware.

4. Decide on the details—everything from color scheme to air quality

Now, the fun part.

Deciding on the details involves bringing your mood board to life. An easy way to start is to anchor the design around one special piece (say a glam light fixture or a sleek Scandinavian-style desk) or focal point and coordinate everything else around it.

On choosing a color scheme

Maybe you’re partial to monochrome schemes, bold black and white, or soft pastels. It’s important to stick to what you love versus what’s trendy. But picking the right colors for your home office should extend beyond personal preference, too. Color can impact productivity and energy levels (blue and green are good choices here, respectively).

Air quality is also a concern that should be addressed at the planning and building stages, from choosing healthy paints (low/no VOCs) to ensuring the space has adequate ventilation. “Green conditions” can improve cognitive performance and positively impact strategy and information usage, according to one study.

DECOR | 54 APRIL 2023

5. Inject happiness and inspiration

Design your office with things that inspire you. What keeps you going? Is it your kids, your favorite motivational quote, or the drive toward your goal? Maybe it’s a prototype of your first product design. Represent that motivation visually in the space.

Motivational art prints are an inexpensive way to achieve this. Pair a print from your favorite designer with a basic frame or update an ornate vintage frame with colorful spray paint.

Investing in yourself through thoughtful spaces

As an entrepreneur, you’re likely logging plenty of hours at your desk, and you’ve worked hard to build your business. There are clear benefits to improving your home office design—from mental health boost to improvements to productivity and workflow. Treat yourself with a space that inspires you to do what you do best.


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• For all your Graphic Design and printing, E-mail for a competitive quote.


• My domestic worker Lizzy, is looking for employment for one or two days a week. She has been with me for nearly 15 years and is very reliable, honest, hardworking and loyal.

She also works for another family in the Hills. My name is Jacques and I can be contacted on 0827117466 for a reference. My stand number is 402.


• IKI KIDS sells STEAM educational products including Robotics and Coding Kits. 081 517 9589 or http://www.ikikids.

• Learn to Swim, contact Annette 072 128 2689 from Jolly Waters Swim School Situated in Grootfontein.

• English and Science Tutor available in Pretoria East. Complete IEB NSC Bachelor’s Degree Pass in 2020. Yearround achievements at Reddford House The Hills. Currently studying BSc Biological and Agricultural Sciences (2nd Year in 2022). Tutoring and Pick-up from school can be arranged. Tutoring at R120 per hour. Contact details 0834158235/ for full CV.

• I am a qualified teacher with 30 years of experience. I offer Afrikaans First Additional Language extra classes to learners from Gr.3 - 12 and would also like to be of service to learners in the Hills. Lida Cronje 082 558 3631


• Ikigai engineering: We do solar water heating and backup and hybrid solar solutions for homes. http://www. or 081 517 9589

• Contact Marius on 082 559 8859. Doing


Electrician work in the Estate. Satisfaction guaranteed!

• Electrician Contact Basie on 082 699 9107


• I am selling raw honey at R80 a bottle or Honey and Rusks at R140 Contact Gladiola 0721915097 Free delivery for the hills residents and R80 courier anywhere else in Gauteng.

• Artisan Air-roasted coffee beans/ground by Airabica Roasters! Free delivery in The Hills. Priced from R110-R330. Contact Duncan 082 440 9174 or


• R40 per 30kg bag of Manure. Delivery on Saturdays. Boost your garden, grass and veggies with our Manure. Contact 0794964525 to order.

• Top soil or compost delivered to your doorstep. 2m³ at only R1,680 delivery included. Bigger quantities are also available. Pieter 082 551 6670


• Frank collects and supply gas cylinders in the Estate, contact him on 082 557 1550

• Contact Gerrie Marnewick for all your gas needs on 071 602 9349.


• Affordable & reliable Brooklyn Plumbers 012 942 5907

• Jonathan 0784697506 for all your Aluminum doors and windows and also do repairs.

• Patrick for tiling (078) 858-1160

• Thys Oelofse for all your painting jobs. Had great service from him. 0833212939

• Dawn Appliances

All repairs to all make of appliances. Cold rooms, Aircon, Freezer, Ice machines, Ice

cream machines, chip fryers, tumble dryers, dishwashers. Very affordable and experienced

Contact 0797896746/0788125592

Reference: Guido 0823238163


• Mobile Pet Grooming and Doggy Hotel, Contact 061 365 8031

• Mooikloof Ultimate Pet Care, we come to you, no traveling, no waiting in cages. Contact 010 021 0222 / www.

• Paws & Claws Pet sitting, Providing Pet Sitting Services in the Estate. I come to your home and take care of your pets’ needs. Contact Mienke on 081 553 9406

• Aupair Pets and kids: I will take care of both, it is a passion and it is a pleasure. Can’t wait to hear from you!! Klarissa van der Linden 069 415 9649

• Pets, Kids And Homework

Assistance: Baby- / kids sitting, homework assistance (Gr 1-4), pet feeding, pet sitting and dog walking. Please contact Lihandi van der Linden 083 643 0865

• If you would like to advertise in the Echo’s Classifieds section, please email Tobia at by the 15th of every month. The Classifieds section is only available to The Hills residents and there is no charge for residents to advertise here in the Classifieds section. Please include your stand number and contact details for references.

• Classified advertisements are not sales promotion adverts, They are not inserted to attract buyers in the usual sense of the term. They act as a means of bringing together two parties that need each other.

• If you would like to advertise your service in the e-Magazine, please email Tobia at All Classified advertisements will be removed monthly. Please inform us by email before the 15th of every month if you would like to repeat your previous advert



• New multimedia system with greater functionality and enlarged display

• New bi-tone paint option F Sport

• Adaptive Variable Suspension made a standard feature of the UX F Sport

• Lexus Safety System+ gains new capabilities

Lexus has strengthened the appeal of its UX compact urban SUV, one of its best-selling models in SA, with upgrades for the full self-charging hybrid UX 250h range.

Available in three model grades and exclusive in hybrid,---, all derivatives adopt a new multimedia system that provides improved connectivity, faster performance and easier operation. New features include user-friendly 12,3-inch touchscreens, an improved navigation system and the introduction of wireless Apple Carplay and Android Auto (cable).

Other changes include enhanced and additional Lexus Safety System+ functions, as well as a new F Sport bi-tone paintwork option for the UX 250h F Sport.


The new UX 250h comes in EX grade (entry level), SE grade as well as F Sport – which are all available for purchase – guarantee that the UX model range is bound to be a good sell.

Sales Success

The UX is one of Lexus’ best-selling models in South Africa and closely competes with the mid-size NX model. Deemed as a true urban explorers’ car, the UX has won the hearts of many younger customers and first-time buyers in the luxury segment. The UX is also the best New Energy Vehicle (NEV) seller in the premium vehicle market with an average of 26% share of Lexus’ SUV line-up since its launch.

The key decision factors for UX buyers are the electrified powertrains, which was one of the motivating reasons to market the UX as an all-hybrid range since 2021.

Interior and Exterior Revisions

In the cabin, there is one new colour trim being introduced, namely Hazel Brown - an upholstery option that’s available in in synthetic (EX grade) and genuine leather (SE). The F Sport also boasts three standard trims which comprise white, F Black and Flare Red. The perforated leather upholstery has a fresh look with a new kagome stitchwork pattern, inspired by a traditional Japanese basket weave. The synthetic leather upholstery has a new sashiko pleating effect.

The UX is available with new exterior paintwork option, Sonic Iridium and Poseidon Blue now becomes a standard option for the F Sport models. The revised range also provides a wider choice of bi-tone finishes, with six colours available in combination with contrasting black roof and black roof rails on the F Sport models. The new bi-tone colours include White Nova, Sonic Iridium, Sonic Chrome, Madder Red, Blazing Carnelian and Poseidon Blue.

Lexus Safety System+

Revisions to the UX‘s Lexus Safety System+ bring improved performance in the Pre-Collision System, equipping the car with Intersection Turning Assist for safer left and right turns across traffic at intersections and Emergency Steering Assist, which helps the driver to steer to avoid obstacles without departing from their traffic lane. The all-speed dynamic cruise control adopts Curve Speed Reduction, which automatically adjusts the vehicle’s speed to suit the radius of a bend in the road.

Last, but not least, there are cosmetic enhancements which include some stylistic fettling of the front headlamps, rear combination lamps and darker outer mirrors (with electrochromatic memory for the higher-end specs) which come standard in black.

APRIL 2023 ESTATE NEWS | 60 Woodhill & Mooikloof ULTIMATE PET CARE Mobile Pet Grooming WE COME TO YOU 010 021 0222


Visitor Features

> Secure login, with only residents having access

> Switch between profiles (for example, one owner

> Request pre-clearance codes

> Add Home location

> Forward via WhatsApp, SMS, or email

> Receive visitor arrival and departure notifications

> Change ClickOn Dial sequence

> Draw visitor access reports

Resident Features

> Secure pin and biometric login

> View stand profile information

> Receive resident arrival and departure notifications

> Draw resident access logs

> Estate communication messages

> Estate news letters and documents

> Incident reporting including location and photo

> Touchless resident access control utilzing secure Bluetooth

192-bit AES Encryption with 3-way handshake

Contact Us:

(012) 803 6783

Email: Web:

Flat rate billing/unlimited visits

Stand number dialling

Surname search

Telephone number dialling

Automatic Hang-up on voice mail

Automatic Hang-up on call rejection

App Code requests

SMS Code requests

Code cancellations

Resident arrival and departure notifications

Visitor arrival and departure notifications

Incident reporting

Access control reports

Dial rotation selection

Resident Bluetooth access

Facility bookings

The V2 business model offers a flat rate charge per stand and unlimited visits

Should voice mail be detected the system will automatically dial the next contact number of the stand

Should the call be rejected by the resident the system will automatically dial the next contact number of the stand

Instant app code requests, include your location and forward to visitors via WhatsApp, Wechat, Messenger, sms or email

Cancel visitor codes via the app

App receives instant push notifications when residents access and egress the estate not applicable to biometric sites

App receives instant push notifications when visitors access and egress the estate

App offers incident reporting with photo, GPS location and description

In app access control reports of visitor and resident movements

In app dial rotation control

Touchless resident access control utilizing secure Bluetooth (Only available via smart-phone)

Facilities offered by the Estate can be reserved via an in app booking facility


Instructions for the new contactless Bluetooth access control.

Install / Update the ClickOn Connect App from App or Play store

Ensure that the Bluetooth function on your phone is enabled

The location services on your phone should be switched on

Open the ClickOn Connect App

Arriving at the BT keypad, click on the blue open button, in the middle of your screen

The button will turn green with "Granted" displayed

Gate/ boom will open after you hear a double "beep"

Should your phone not be working after following all these steps, please contact the estate o ce to assist you. Or for alternative access methods.

Contact Us: Phone: (012) 803 6783 | Email: | Web:

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