1 minute read
From the Estate Manager’s Desk
Warm greetings to you once again and I trust that this message finds everyone well.
There has been quite a number of requests from residents in recent months for us to look into the possibility of upgrading our existing biometric readers at the gates to a contactless system in addition to the Bluetooth functionality that we already have through the use of the ClickOn mobile app.

We are therefore very pleased to announce that we will shortly be proceeding with the installation of new state-of-the-art MorphoWave readers at all entry and exit lanes that will enable residents to open the boom gates with a simple wave of their hand instead of placing their finger. Not only will this do away with the necessity of physical contact, but it will also enable residents to open the booms in a shorter amount of time.
These readers represent the very latest in advanced biometric access control technology and we are really excited about the ways in which this will improve your experience in having access to and from the estate. The implementation of this new technology will, however, require us to re-register all resident biometrics but we will be in contact with all of you in due course to explain the process that this will entail.
The picture on the right gives you an idea of what the new integrated readers will look like:
Then we are also quite excited to let you know that our next Fun Walk is planned for Saturday, 26 August 2023. This is a very popular event on our estate’s calendar and we hope to see even more of you enjoying our beautiful surroundings this time around. As previously, we will gather at the clubhouse in the morning and proceed into the game reserve from there. Our landscaping service provider, The Garden Group, will once again be providing participants with something to eat and drink and they will also be assisting us with the logistical arrangements on the day. Further communication with more details on the walk will be shared with all our residents closer to the time. We look forward to seeing you there!
Be sure to keep warm during the last bits of winter and take care.
“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire. It is the time for home.” - Edith Sitwell -
Murray Retief