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Avoiding cellulite can be challenging and it can feel like it is never going to go away. Cellulite is a disorder and is the result of fat depositing underneath your skin. These fat deposits can become inflamed which results in visible bumps or dimples on the skin. ± 85% of women 20 years and older have cellulite to some degree and this is a physiological response that a woman’s body has in preparation for pregnancy and lactation. This disorder should not be confused with obesity as slim individuals can still have this disorder, however being overweight does worsen the condition. Men can also struggle with cellulite, but it is then usually due to obesity or other medical conditions that result in an androgen deficiency.
There are many treatments available to reduce the appearance of cellulite by repairing and strengthening the dermis. Treatments to get rid of cellulite vary from topical creams, massages, extracorporeal shock wave therapy, radiofrequency, laser therapy, liposuction, and collagenase clostridium histolyticum. However, most of these treatments do not have lasting effects, especially if it does not focus on collagen remodeling within the affected area.
Another way to get rid of cellulite is through a healthy diet, exercise, and intermittent vacuum therapy. Following a healthy diet will help you to maintain your weight or to lose some additional weight. Eating more vegetables will also help to improve natural collagen production.
Dehydration can cause cellulite to be more visible. It is important to get in at least 2l of water per day and this will assist with toxin removal which will further improve the appearance of cellulite. Exercise will aid in fat removal and combined with infrared light therapy will have a major impact on further removing cellulite. Light therapy, especially during training will help to rejuvenate the skin, promote tissue regeneration, increase collagen production, provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, improve microcirculation, and increase lymphatic drainage.
NuHuman Transformation Gym provides all these non-invasive treatments. So, if you are struggling with this condition, visit your nearest NuHuman branch and remember cellulite is not body size or shape or even age specific.